Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 26, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    u. . .,
r A Young Man
..Twntiva and ritleat examination of clothing In a
' Qf ahopa, iimi t US and said:. "I must compllmsnt you for
"M7no bM ltlan af slothing In th, lty." ,
'ry tothlng IS the "boat aoloot Ion," not only In respsct to distinct
,,., but florid-
' Suits 10 to 0.
Retailers of the Pamoue
ooloty Brand
tohlooa roe. Clothse.
8 lioonlHirn. of Eldorado,
rnn-H-n City Sunday.
aa.. a Mnffl ' .It'a .
.! family, of Weaver
.. in Jron City' Monday.
. M.irv wtimt Hour, ll a aac,
. Kiniiiirtt. of Oswego, was In
-w. rinH' '"reemery Butter la Fall
Jliad; M Harris' Uroc.ry.
u, and Mrs. Han Graves and Mr.
of N'!ldl. waa In town
Cuadsy. '
,4 iMfiiflw. a wall-known farmoa
4aW.!"''iB Ore,on n,y Mn"
C oa bulni-a Monday and Tuesday.
Mr RultV llliro Will Tvm low dj
pilot" ' ,n" M r" "
noar prlc-H liava advanced. Oct a
JTof or lioyU Ann this week at
itm iinrria :rocory.
I Ur B V Zimmerman, wlfo of Rev
'innmrrmi'n, Ih reported bettor. Mra.
Ifi-mermH.. hna not boon recovering
I- .ulckly as frU-nda had hoped alnca
Oration at a Portland hospital.
mud Tli"l"n. or rortiano, naa
Lnd I" "' c nd "?",,,"d
l!oilt!mi with W. A. Holmee atore.
Mr Tnom'n naa -
nMnVnr - window dresaer and aa
cirri .
L&mrgo Si who naa oeen
Tillamook. On-KOll. on lnu
vu njturni-d to or;on v 117. r.
gmaw. ' Tillamook, purchaaod
1 tract of litnd. wnicn win 00
Kr 1 oocl oriro m ino nnr nut"
Tba Udl Tru Dluo Ix)yai oranno
Lodw will m.'cl in Shannon nam rer
moil o AUina and Ninth atroeta.
oa Wnlnrmlny evonlna:. AH tnmhora
... :..4 1., i, nrfwnt aa mr
tailaM of Iriiportanc to coma bcfor
tkt Wo. " .
nnal full to hear Mra. Ruby Hurfl
H -Tba-Hk I'llot." by Raipn vonnwr
- .v. u p hnrrh. WAdnelday even
.. ah. 1. aald to bo very flno. You
" - . .
n I, wfi.ft rKH in near nvr
Liinn n rnta. CDiiaron za
Ml ...
tt,iropoad nebekah lodge, to bo
toon) In Olaaa'ono i """"
-..ft. a-Aiiowa lodao there,
Ig t organlaed aome time noif
tar a very nrooperoua lodae. aa
pMowa nronor have a very
na orianttatlon.
Ik Odd rellowa of Oladatone have
.-a .v. invitation nf Oreaon City
pcvpiru i no - '
044 fallowa to attend the annlveraary
Mlabratloii to be held in wu
i 1 . nvnlnf. It la to commera-
mit the 92nd annlveraary of the in-
Mltotlon of the order in inie coun7,
ul the Bffalr proralaea to be a very
fteuant orraalon.
ui.. Virginia tncram. dauchter of
I a lnur,..n la Vr 111 BHffOling fTOnt
u Mgravau'd-'caae of appendlcltla.
Mr. T. Slatet, of 8n Franclaco, waa
la this rliy on Monday on hla way to
Portland. h-re he itoea on bualnea-.
Mra. H-iiry Cromer and little dauab
tor, of sprliiKwater, ware In thla city
till week visiting; with the former'e
prcnta, Mr and Mra. John Lewelllng.
Mr. Earl Walker, a atudent of the
rilnraiiv ,.r nroa-nn. haa returned to
tuitne, hre he wilt reaume hla
Kodln at ihe Unlveralty or Oregon.
Mr. Chnrlrs iiolllnger, of thla city,
Im riiirnt'ii (o Oregon City after a
vWt with hU slater, Mla Allen, who
k a attHtf-hr Paelfle- Unlveralty
M Foreit lirove.,
Mrs, U r. siniona, of Portland, waa
tn thla pltv on Mnnilav vlaltlnv with
hmm imnlhlip Mra Tnprn.a "t Unt.n.
tain View. Mra. glmona waa formerly
ohm iurriiR, auu ane waa uni
ted In marriage laat wi-k to U R.
minima. , r
Mr.. Jim rirbr. an amnlnvlntr nrlnt.
er In Portluml. apnt Hunday in thla
city with frleuda. It waa Joe'a birth
day and hla frlenda joined In making
ma attaining or nia majority a roe
morahl ncraalnn fa him. inH tha mnai
of th day was devoted to citlebratma
ine event.
Mra It 11 T11 nr vhA mlth riAr niia.
hand will pnndurt their hotl at Can-
linn llia-h thn rfiinlna- auminnr.' haa
arrived In thla city, and la visiting
with iirr uaiiithirr Mra. li on Miner.
Mra. Tabor baa come to thla city for
the purpom) of seeing her niece, who
recently arrived from the Kaat, and
will nnrrhaaa a laraa amount of furni
ture for their hotel before returning.
Mr. and Mra. Frank gchoetiborn, of
Oregon City, apent 8uuday at Eldo
8ALRM. Or.. Anril r. ...
8lat Printer Dunlway tbreatena that
if an attempt la made to remove him
from hla present auartera In tha State
bouae he will fight. He wanta to atay
rag ardleea of the fact that more room
Is needed for other departments and
his la the one that tan be moved with
the least detriment to the aervlce.
Tha Lauilln. ........ t ... . V. A
v ui vv, nia fvii ), Kll, Ul WIIUUIU
hm miltaafl II tl thla lltna Uanw
...... Hu u i.iuvi ... ..
hoMa and wishes will be realized and
HI II II V lIliahcH tn tilnraa aa thn raanlta
of careful and careleaa matlnga.
Llttls Things Which Mian Much In
Mattara of Draai.
The Often tul buck lea of IhiIh ur
aiut'l. aim 1 tliiMtf of clolauniiw and ham
mered metal, are uiurb uad on pretty
ueits. uitrn a oiicaie rurui is i-overed
wltu tha einbroldereU nil k to uatcb
It Is authoritative! alnted that tha.
topai and sapphire are the latest
Rotas Twelve Months of Year, Straw
berrlea Eight Months and Ore
gon Applea Last From'Flf
tasn to Sixteen.
j '
nim ooaas aaiaT.
POKTLANDjOr, April 12 (Spe
cial,) Oregon can go aome when It
cornea to rafalng fruita and regetablee
i ramarkahln - aiza. ' inveaugation
aeema to show that the fertile eon. 01
k. unrihaait imn hatter and lancer
aarriMiitural nroducta than any other
tmrtlon of the country. If not the
Florence boaata a turnip that meae
ured IS Inchea one way and 11 the
other. '
Sunny aide, near Milton, produced
atrawberriea ror 00m mriawnaa "
New Year. . . .
Denton county grain Helda looiteo
green and promising aa early aa Jan-
A crop of oata aown near Sheridan
In September waa harvested December
28. . -
Jacksonville had "cactee In bloom
during th winter montha, certainly an
evidence of a warm climate.
A woman picked ripe atrawberriea
In her garden In Lafayette on January
4 Corvallla bellevea it could hold ' a
mid-winter rose ahow, ao numeroua
were the blooms on out-of-door bushes
during the laat, few montha.
v,...n. lava claim to having had
second-crop new potatoes for Chrlat-
mas day. with grapea ana raapocrrma,
ripe and lucloua, atlll on the bushes at
that aeason, and roses blooming and
lawns aa green aa In aummer.
a t tv.atar. of M-arahfleld. haa a
hen' that makee a apeclalty of laying
large eggs. Last year ahe produced
40 double-yolked egga. One egg la d
Li. . . . haa threat volka and la alx
l II 1 3 rat " . , I
and three-quartere mcnea m wtm
a ..fl wtalaha fmie nunCOa.
Mrs. B. BlalBdell. of Portland, will
have to be conaldered when It cornea
nock of hena. Her
nine full-blooded Butt Orplngtona laid
12fl epgt between March and March
20, or an average 01 wm
nttba eggs a aay.
I 1
aniine rani. The reaaon for thla be
ing that golden brown and klng'a blue
are to be among tbe leading aprlng
Maranlaette. batiste. French linen.
floe tnuallo and even coarse net are
naed for tbe new Bailor collars which
are ao much In demand this spring.
Very attractive bate are offered, in
aportlng aha pee. There la a charming
model with a broud brim and round
fraiD niared In natural Java straw
and covered smoothly wltn rrencn
linen In old blue, white, brown and
lavender. Tbe bat la absolutely plain
with onlv a tin roll for tne nana.
Nothing could be smarter ror out 01
door wear than inlenidel.
Tha nlna cored skirt la alwaya popu
lar because It gives a slender effect to
the fl.rare and long llnea that are requi-
alte to grace. Thla one la made with a
hleh waist line, but cau be cut on ana
Joined to a belt If preferred. r
vviai u. uanim natt am la cut In alaaa
mim valat maasure. Bend 10 centa
to thla omoa. gtvlna numher. tan, and It
will be promptly rorwaroaa io j u
nil U la baste aeod an addltlonai two
Mt atamn for letter postue. which In-
auras more prompt delivery.
Mis VeU Loulae Kelly, whose mar
riage tu Mr. Loula Harry will take
place Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock
at St. John'a Catholic church, was
tendered a kitchen shower last night
liv her vounv laity friends. Tha affair
Waa aivan at tha hflmaof Mlaa Kellv'a
purenta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kel
ly, at Oreenpolnt, and many useful
srttcles were received by the bride
elect. - -
(lames and music were the features
of the evening, and a most enjoyable
evening waa apem. iteireanmenis
were served during tbe evening, and
th following guesta were preaent:
Mlaa Pannte O. Porter, Mlaa Kate I.
Porter, Mlaa Emma T. Qulnn, Mlaa
Julia E. Ilaker, Miss Charlotte Daker,
Miss Margaret Hanlnn, Mlaa Alice
Blnnott, Vlss Nora C. Haninn, MUs
Kate Msttbles, Miss liertba Barry,
Miss Oenevleve Kelly, Mrs. U Oj Ice,
Mrs. manes w. -f-enj.
The nrolherhood of tha M. E
Ahiirrh hold a - moat intereatlna ban
qtiet In the cnurcU pnrlora Tueaday
evening. The ladies had prepared a
mat en lovable anread for the occa-
altm, to which a company of three
score hungry, healthy men did most
nariia tiiattra DurlnK the banauet
Mlaa Kathleen Harrison rendered aev
oral plana numbera that were greatly
appreciated. Bert Blossom performed
aiitrht nr hand tricks to aid In diges
tion and tbe Minnehaha quartet as
tbe boya call it sang several selec
tions Intended to Increase the good
fellowship. .
Judge J. V, Campbell and Judge u
n rumlcV ira th advertlaed apeak
or. fnr the occasion. They both
talked along thel ine or oetier living,
.! . tarn Interesting and instruc
iiiu nMnuM noth were well re
ceived and the addressee called forth
nr. iittta nrataa. 1 One man remarked:
"Young men of town who mlsa two
arlraaaaa ir mlaslne ITltlCh." -
Other speakera who were called for
on the spur or tne moment, were
Messrs. C. A. Miller, R. K. garrison
nainh Miller. It waa nronounced
one of tbe best meetings the Brother
hood haa ever held.
tinnja. avanlnr. Ma 1. tha regular
business meeting of the organliatlon
will be held at the same piace. ai
.v.. iin. ihor. win he the election
of offlcera and conederable other bust-
neu of Importance win oe np ior con
alderatlon. A full attendance of mem
bera la desired.
WiRHmnTOM Anrtl is Senator
Chamberlain haa been aaalgned an Im
portant duty aa a member or tne com
mission to Inquire Into the conditions
affecting employment of laborers and
mechanics, and to report not later
than January 1. 1(12, what lawa should
be enacted to solve the problems
which have grown out of the employ'
era' liability and worklngmen'a com
pensation issue.
Two New Suit Filed.
L. 8. Parker haa. filed ault against
I i. Rond to foreclose a mortgage
on Ave acrea ol land. Tbe mortgage
waa given to eecure the payment oi
a nrflmlaaorr note for 1500 made In
favor of E. E. Young and aaalgned to
H. P. H. Loy haa filed ault against
John Tbomaa to recover $760, which
waa loaned by Loy to Thomaa on
promissory notes.
Twelve root Hoadway at Oak Grove.
Rrl Harrington haa been DUt In
charge of the road work af Oak Grove.
The. county road tbrougn ine viyag
la being put Into good condition. The
road la 80 feet wide but a roadway of
SO feet la all that la being maoe ana
atone la being put on 12 feet wide.
If Oak Grove cltizena want me roaa
way finished wider the village will be"
forced to meet the expense. '
? V . .
Professor Kirk Is III.
oiieu fir Anrll 25. Professor
R. L. Kirk," pf the Salem High school,
la seriously Ul at hla home In thla city
with a complaint which he contracted
.v.n I- tha Phlllnnlnea during the
Spanish-Amercittn War. He waa taken
down last Friday, ana nia conumou
yesterday waa not Improved.
When In Oregon City at
Farmer's Feed Yard
308 Main 8trt
Best of Care Given All Animate or
Stock Left With Ua.
w. o. boyr
1 '
TpHIS is not he only store
that sells crockefy and glassware
in this state, but His the one that sells
reliable crockery and glassware.
It may be news to you that a cup and saucer
made of the same material, and finished in
the sAme way, may have two grades firsts
and second's. This is caused in the making
: firingnd handling of the cup and saucer.
The cups and saucers that come out of the
process-best are "firsts" and the next are
"seconds." It is the same with glassware.
Most stores carry "seconds" only. We
carry both.
j3ut when we offer you the best crockery and glass
ware at this store, it is the best. Inspect
our stock, compare our prices with
tjhose of any other store then
look at the quality
Whe cupe and aaucers ..10c
White Dinner Platea ..10c each
Fancy Glaseware, your choice
. 10c
8ee our Window Display.
Wants, For. Sale, Etc
Notlera under theae claaatflad haaillnat
will ba Inae'ied at on crnt a word, flrai
Inaertlon. half a cant additional Infer
tlona. One Inch card, t par month; hail
1. I A Hnaak 11 M, mntlth.
Caah must accompany order unleea on
haa an open account with tha paper. Nc
flaanclal reaponalblllty for errora; where
errors occur i tr ogrmjian , -
printed lor pal ron. Minimum ciw
WANTED To rent, traction engine,
12 to 20 horse nower. Address Box
163, Oregon City, Oregon.
Something About Baits, Color Combi
nations and Other Interesting Things.
A belt that la only eultabi ror a gin
of slender llnea la made of velvet In
delicate tonea. embroidered In a con
ventional design of big Oowera or
wreathe of flowers and foliage. Tbe
stitching Is done in gold tnreaa. m
Oregon City Wood and Feel Company
Your wants .uppll.d with any quantity of 4 foot or 16 Inch wood do
IMrad to any part of City. Prlcee, reasonable. ,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone your erder
MomsB-no ' Cor. 6th and Center,
F.e.fioM.lnSM2 ' ' ' " Oregon City.
i - s
Sunset Magailne For May.
. i.xtn n th. ivt." hv Rlen An-
a.. illuatrated In four
colors. "The Spell." a western novel
by the Wllllamsona. -uuesia oi
Greater Chinatown," by Charlea K.
Field. Automobile aectlon. Now on
eale, 15 centa. .
April 29, 1911.
The above dat haa been aet apart
by the people of California in which
all are asked to Join by eating rala
Ina in the form of "Raisin Bread," or
i k. att'or form la dealred.
The object of thla apeclal day I
to create a wide-spread raisin uu
ment that will result In a greater de-
n a n ikii fmlt and to direct
IliailU l"l VM a---,
the attention to all good housewives
to the excellence of tfle raisin as an
aplUI. nf fond
The good people of the Northwest
are Invited by their nelghbora to
participate in the pleasant cuatom
and "break" raisin nreaa gn af "
wanted-A wide-awake young man
n wnrv in a nrocerv store. - unr
who Is not afraid of work and knowa
aomethlna- of the business, uooo
waeea. Address Box. 352, Oregon
City, Or.
WANTED-You to know that we buy
all klnda of Curioa, tnai we are m
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We also have a
good assortment of second hand
Furniture and Toola on hand for
aale to thoae In need, come ana
aee; perhapa we have Just what you
want Indian Curioa and trinkets
for sale cheap; some that are very
unique and also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street.
During the months of May, June, July
August and September, on dates
ahown below, the
will aell round trip tickets from
Oregon City Via Portland
as follows:
It Wouldn't Kay to Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor . proposition of doubtful merit er hons.ty-for
"owsd.ys, .re DISCRIMINATING. They know valuee-thsy know
GENUINE things, genuine opportunltlea.
Any .rtlole which can be aold by advertising la, by that test, a
0O0D article. V0U are aafe In buying a thlrtfl which haa -stood
tha flrt of publlolty." ' '
' Jh. maker of a widely advertlaed article, or commodity, la
ys on trial for hla bu.lneaa life. He cannot ahlrk, nor cheapen his
produet-and thla la the beat possible protection for th. consumer.
You are 8AFI In buyln8 advertlaed thlnge-lfa the logic of
Bwidyt business oondltlona.
a a eat
oinc'a Bitriaa drisb.
Various filling atltchea, with different
toned "Jewels" to heighten the effect
Med and blue, violet and blue, laven
a. . ..h nintr and srsv and yellow are
comblnatlooe aeeu In many aprlng
not the French type, but
they are decVledly blh. On allppert
and aboea they are Immense helpa to
the woman who would looa tan. .
Tha iiturl eeillnira BOW show shad
ow patterns that form bold designs
better to look at man to ioob inrouu.
nor I ni, the lomtntt aeason tbe empire
dresses are to be mncb worn by little
girla. This one la made or aoneo cpi
lia with a border, yet tbe dress la
equally pretty when made of plain ma
terlal and, finished wtb a hem only.
This May Manton pattern la cut In alaaa
f alrls of eight, ten and year, of
i' X.d 10 centa to thla ofnee. alvlna
;rmh.riTl and t wUI h. IJhjrj
arriMl to you by mall. If In hee eana
:'o11..on.t WO cnt
"r. which Ineur- nvr. prompt d.-
Iivwy. .
Chicago 1
Council Bluffs
(toia ha
Kansae City
St. Joseph
St. Paul
St. Paul, via Council Bluffs ....
Minneapolis, direct 1
Mlnnespol a. v a Counc I Bluffs
New York
8t Louis
Washlpgton, D. C.
6a 50
Msy 16, 17, 1S, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25. 27, 28
and 29.
June S, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
and 30.
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, J9, 20, 26 27 and
August 3, 4. 6, 14 16, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 a d 7.
8top-overa within llmlta In either di
rection, nnal return nuni.
October Jlat. '
For farea one way through California
Inquire ,of any soumern racmo
agent, or write to
- . ..
General Passenger Agent
J. ... PorttandOr.goiw
Percheron Stallion
Oregon Cit y i in Far met s' Feed Bam
D1ifir(0. Sired by Polly; first dam, Queen; Second dam Bt
rtUlgl tt gjjjjj color, dapple bay. Weight 1800 pounds.
TrtPYK. To insure mare with foal $12, Single service $8. Sea
I CI 1113a un j10 j0 jnaure colt to stand and suck $15. Care
will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur. If mare is removed, sold or traded,, money be
comes due at once.
VACUUM CLEANING tor 60 -kj - v
cetfn6tfnrTaf-r bossee aj Vj. W. DOyef. VJWOKr tUO AVtCtCptCr
; Pat Sullivan waa out hunting some
of his sheep.
Mr. Bottemlller la planting hla pota
Mr. Marquardt went to town on
There waa a party last Saturday
nl.Kt rn ITIphlaflri
Mrs. Willie Marshall la visiting her
mil. a, nraaanr.
Eugeivs Cuming la all right again.
Sam Elmer and family were in town
on Booster Day. He got the second
place on hla last year colt.
jack Wallace, from Highland, got
the first place on hfa laat year colt
on Booster Day.
' Mr. Sullivan, our road supervisor,
la .Trading and cutting down a bill
near Mr. Haag'a.
Mr. Bergman, from Boring, movea
onto the Lund place which he bought.
New Contracting Firm,
vfnfratr A Parker, who have been
In the street contracting business In
this city for some time, have formed
a company, known aa tbe Oregon isn
glneerlng k. Constructing Co, The of
ficers are: J. W. Moffatt, president:
Charlea T. Parker, vlce-prealdent and
manager; C. A. Schram. secretary,
and R. C. Parker, treasurer.
FOR SALE White Brahmin eggs, for
hatching purpoaes. . imppeuoeuu
er, Main 80.
TWO CORNER LOTS 14th and Center
Btreeta, one block from car uue,
good aeven room house, all modern
ImnmvamAnll! barn and chioken
Dri... ttKftn- terms. Clyde A
M c Ra ej, 1 003M al n Street.
FOUND Music holder for horn solid
silver. Fay nouco uu rmi'
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cneei muj
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walk, and reinforced
concrete.. Res. pnone mbiu m.
O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, ahatracta rurnisnoa, in
tjtlea examined, estatea settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank ol
Oregon City. ,
U'REN ft SCHUEBEU. Attorneya-at
Law, Deutacber Aavosai, win prac
tice in all courta. make collections
and aettlemenu. Offloe In Baiter
prise Bldg.. Oreaon City. Oregon.
Dealers, nave cnoico okjwui
farm lands, city and auburban
homea, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. See ua for good buya.
Near 8. P. depot. e
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land tltlee Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public. -
Room T. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City
B H. COOPER, Ftor Fire Insuraner
and Real Eatate. Let na handle
your propertlea we buy,' aell and
exchange. Office in Enterprlae
. Bldg Oregon City. Oregon. . .
Fffee! Fsteel
Will be given away to all our customer trading at'our atore'
and paying cash. With every 10o purchase we glvejane purple
trading etamp.Buch atamps eo obtained are to be faud In
the blank aquaree on the pagea of a book. When ail re eov
red, bring the book to eur store and aslect from our assortment
of premiums the article you Uk best, it becomes youre abac- ,
lutely free of charge. Thla Rocker exactly (Ike picture le worth
v six dollars and will be g'von away for two booka. Thl. Is only
, one of the valuee we are giving away, and you are invited to
fnspect them all. ' . . '
Fisrnittfre and Hatdwatc'
. .