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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1911)
MORNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1911. HORNING ENTERPRISE OKEG05 CITY, OREGON ft. ft. ROOIC. tlte end Publisher. tare aa na'-elaaa matter Ju- Um post oflm at Othm adae the Act Marcb oarr S. IB11. at rttw tf twerm Om Tmt, kr ! Mm I ha. kr mall Pmir Moaiha. by mall Pmr week, by carrier.. First Pa. :::::: uvciTunw lira par tnea first tnavrttoa .MM . 1 . IBS . .If t fret Par, per Inch add taaarttoaa err4 Boattlon any .Its .la pa, par inch . with (bat P. par ie would tak k0( cbtMal to Mt TW dollar. If tb Time building u destroyed by aa explosion that came through carslassBsas It la Dot a oiim of commluloa bat oa ralhsr of lax- neae. But th maa guilty of laxneaa I may b a maa who, to sav hlauelf, will gladly ait by and ae aa Innocent maa punished. When the politician cornea at th Democratic Congressman with the charge that the reductions In tb tar JS will mean tb reduction In th re re- nue to th extent of f 10.000,000 year thla nam Democrat counter President Taffs Outintf on The Links at Autfusta, Go. 11 VlKll lm Waintawl rA Ikat lMi. 7 : . : ach ne intends to reduce tb coat Of gov- r Prerei flrat rnavrttam Preferred poaltkm sny rm mmt ttkan'M;"; Y"?!rnmnt to meet It. Reduction In firs insertion........ lie i revenues, mean reduction In tb coat as SB bu Maw sat kae flrat saaM in I - adVd biMrtiona io , ' Hving, and if extravagance can be. Iorala I o por line; to recular sdvr 1 curtailed that Will save ten millions Users to llns. I .. . . . . Want j. K.r Rale. To Rant ate . oaa ,h'n "U the DmOCr,t,C PrtT dt eaac a woid first tnaartktn; oae-.half seat , Ing th country ten millions In rood. Rat, for .drertiah, . the wwm, j M remarked, thai It ia ' Cntfrpriaa wiu a th same aa la the i not what we earn that make u rich daJrr. for advartlarments art especially I . , j for the weakly Whr the advartlarmrnt I but wn" T- a transferred from the dally to th work ry. without rfcaag. the rata will be So i aa bach for toa at the paper, an las aa ' tor In mtr m I Malilm ' Caah should accompany ordrr whore i Btatietlca "7 that but two per party to unknown in biutneee office of ; cent of the young women attending the Enterprise. I Lal adv.rtl.lnr at leral sdr.rtlatag I ,ne 1 "'"TWiy oil nica-o contemplate marriage, perhaps, but let thoae prei a-VaSa-wV.'." 'SrZ'SSl l'SX"?1 ty llttl maiden, meet aom nice in to spepial condition (orernln th young lad whose personality appeal "r. Sal - and Banrunt Hal." i " 'nm how quick they Can tlaamenta Mc ln-h first Inaertion: addl- make plans for a weddinar day. Some on who I given to gathering Insertions aani mattar Se Inch. I News firms snd writ si1tti rHMrm , ""it with tntamt to local readers, j The Jack son Democratic club of r7.r7rturSM un.iom: ! Portland w.nU Woodrow Wilson to ia by siamoa to prepay poatas. j attend their banquet on May 1J. Tb make rirv nrrirni uiuimbcb , drawing card Governor would certainly HOW WAS TIMES BUILDING DE- STROYEOT EARTHQUAKE UPSETS MOUNTAIN It'a a dangerous precedent when a man can be spirited out of a Stat ASHV7LLK. N. C. April IS Belat ed reports from tb mountainous sec tions of Transylvania Count r kv a without being consulted as to whether 1 portion of "Caesar's Head,- a famous or not he wishes to nvht .Ttr.Hi.i . Pak. bad been overturned by .an ' ; earthquake shock, said to have been ne news seems to indicate that this felt in western North Carolina Friday wa don In the'easa-of th men ac- Disbt- ! cuaed of dynamiting the lit Angele. , " ,!,rld ofhl,h moun,l P Times t fall w"b a crash which wai heard for ' miles. If IfcXamara did blow up, or assist ! in blowing up. the Los Angeles Time ; h ahould-be put on trial for the deed. ' Rllf' afi aalwA at at . a I ' w fmw ,nouja ;t,on dwnMdin , inTMtlgatlon Into not re committed in his punishment, the arrest of John J. McNsmara n4 even if be Is guilty; while If be la not Indianapolis was introduced . In the guilty the commission of crime arainat ' Hons today by Representative ictor CONGRESS TO INVESTIGATE. Berger. the Mllwankl Socialist Berger's resolution recite tbe -Hth amendment to the constitution, sets forth the facts In the arrest of Mo Samara, and provides for committees of both houses of Congress to invent! gate the arrest and extraditiotiandto report their findings. INVITES GOV. WILSON.. him. makes of his persecutors crimin al without the semblance of right mo tive. It la well for the public to under stand that the man who owned the Los Angeles Times waa man who cared little for law unless the law wa intended for the other fellow. Then he waa a great stickler for law. And h is a man to whom little in the ! . PORTLAND. Or. April 25 -The ..w , ... . . Jackson Democratic Club today wired ay of what is generally known ax to Governor Woodrow Wilson, at Tren humanitarian is due. So ther is no' ton, X. J.. asking him to speak at a sympathy due to the owner of the! Public meeting in Portland under the Time in any event; but to tbe inno'club, au"P'c". lh nllt of May 19 rent , ,.,, : The club s executive committee wlH ' ,u i met this week and arrange details plosion there Is another consideration . it is regarded as a foregone con- ue, ana u is because of them that elusion that Wilson wljl agree to the maa who committed the crime Pak The meeting probably will be shotUd b punished. ' hId ln tn Armoo'. v " I 1 l IOrRf't BOURNE PROVIDES WEST M0NEYT ui. uns rusnes into print, that there la a story of carelessness aboui SALEM. Or.. April 15. (Special.) th Times building that led to th ex- The charge is being made that Sena- fwawn. a ui mat no man set off tor Jonathan Bourn furnished the bomb. If this It true Col. Otla would money needed for the Gov. West cam- n ior mousann of dollars In palgn. and not a few believe it. OH damagea, and wall be knows it Here- cott. the man who is said to Rave spent 'n on may see the Colonel's anxietv it tnat aimniv tanhi .Kin ik. rm. I I aV. - -.- m mm . s -. M I i J - j 5 U II I ECOXIIES ft'EEDED VILL CE INSTITUTED DEMOCRATS DCTIRMINED TO CURTAIL THE COST 0" TH1 POOR MAN'S LIVING. WASHINGTON, April 15 Th fr list bill waa taken up la th Hous today, and for several days It will hold th renter of tb legislative stag. Chairman I'nderwood, of lb waya and means rummltte. In explaining th proposed meaaure, acknowledged that it would mean a reduction In govern ment revenue by at least $10,000,000 a year, but declared that thla would be more than met by government economic. Mr. I'nderwoiMl announced that thla was only the beginning of th Demo cratlo revision of th tariff. "W pur- poe to revla th tariff schedul by schedule." he said. - Th minority reNrt onJh free list bill, signed by all of th Hepubllrana on tb way and means committee, declares that th mcasur rvpreaenta a "transparent attempt at th manu facture of political capital." Small Dcposltt Wanted Wa ncaurag 0m bus w,y ,000un. . war. ' Stain . j,, Th amall dsnoaltsr f Uday b0m th . Mors p.opl would aa bank a.posltor If IsW h.lp In bulldlna their srsdlt and th.l, kw HZh 0pnlr.9 a haaklng acunt hr I th f)r ' The Bant of Oreson City O C. LATOURBTTl Prwaldm r j. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK n URLwn UTY, OREGON CAPITAL, ftL000.0a, Tra t a Weal lanhtni wt4aea. 'a'aaaM.a.l I "-sbbbbbw aaa- A Nsw Kind of U Craam. Small boys and peopl of poor di gestion need no longer curb their ap petite for c cream, for tba mora larto tbey eat tb healthier they will be come. Lacto I a new froien dairy product In vented by tb Iowa Ex periment Station. . Jt Is mad of lop pered whole or aklm milk, with th ad dltloa of eggs, sugar, lemon a. and flav oring material,, It has 'artery pleasant flavor, and It aupllea th body with lactic acid bacteria, which mlnent scientists say la h mean of Improving 4 health and prolonging llf. Copies of R. W.&R.S.Wrd MACHINISTS W d nral rpalrlri wrkfl maehlaary mad to wwrfc a iw. Sxpart with aalln nolns. Phonasi Main t(H Ha my, ' , tOt FOURTH STRICT OREGON CITY. 49 4 waa woo by WJ. Wilson. Thla prig la secured he ll n , bs in. a.-, ws. wo. by IW. M. C Strickland. h& , If a f.w uk cho" . t, has a very handsome driver and la situation in rf an Justly entitled to nrst place and all have them f.r i.-iuh trZTS th honor, that are due th winner. I her pay the oMisid..VS S". hard work to -u lZL P rhoto Copyright by Aaaartcsui riss Association, mi. B ESI DENT TAITb brief vacation la Aoguau. Oa, va sa enjoyable on, and h returned to th caplul th twneflrbfry of a much needed rest. B was left to hi "own sweet will" la Oeorgla an! passed much of th Um oa th ttnka and la motoring. Urs. Tsft sud kllsa Helen Taft war with th president most of the, time and returned with him to Washington. Tb anapahot of th president waa mad a be was leaving An fwata to Uka th train that carried htm and hi Dartv to tb nations! ratiltaL The. president was absent from hi duties about ten day, baring left Waab tngtoa aooa after th adjournment of congress, Mart h a. Second Psrfsrmane By Drsmatl Co, Th second performanc on th naw stag at TwUta-bt will be a two-aet Bulletin 11S, describing lacto and tall- comedy ntltlwdfTh American Ha. Ing how to mak It. will be aent free rem." Thla play will be given oa Hat- chancei ire . tha- by the end of th week th fruit will be much more In ! evidence. The California crop this year, however. I both lat and small, the result of unfavorable weather. One of thj local fruit brokers yester day declared that the crop In tb- Flor, In district would be at least 30 per cent short of that of laat year, while the yield In tb Penryn and New castle sections would be llttl If at all more than half a crop. Lot Angele ! not expected to get out anything like its average output thla season. NEGRO TROOPS PLENTY. ATLANTA. Ga., April 25 There ar more negro troop available her than ther ar place for them In tb I'nlt ed States Army.. Recently th local recruiting station received orders from the War Department to obtain negro recruits for the Twenty fourth Infantry, which waa under orders to sail for the Philippines. Tb response waa Instantaneous and In a abort time more men bad applied than could be taken. on application to tha Iowa Experiment Station at Ames, Iowa. a- a! Spring Flood In Russia. ALEXANDROV8K. Government of Archangel. Kuaala. April 23. (De layed In transmission.) Reports from Western Russia and Siberia tell of tha sudden arrival of Spring. Th Ice baa broken up In th rivers and, with the melting snows, haa caused abnor mal high watera, which are doing great damage. . - urday njiht. May 6. In connection with tha play will b given also a baa. ket supper. Th las play given by tb Twilight peopl wa a bla success and waa well received by tb audi' enc. Pared en Booster Day, tin of the main attractions In tha parade on orated rig Pleasant. wer decorated with Oregon ever greens and made a very attractive ap pearanr.. Thla rig waa awarded th first prize for the best decorated rig. This entry waa overlooked when th awards wer published. REAL ESTATE. Clara McCoy to Maud Peppln. lot 6 and I. block 17. Robertson Rock Island park ; Soo. - A. N. Johnson to Otto and Ktlsa beth TMelke 10 acre, aectlon t, township S south, range 4 east; 110 William Miller to Malr Miller. Booster Dav waa tha dec- nortlWMf-Quarter of southeast quar- Till rtow?fro 1st ,' . The carriage and horae, "" l.1'," "r" l- a rated with Oreenn Hood U4 .Ox to George 8. Strlekland'a. Horse Won P(,rst Priie. When the award of the priie for the Horse Show, held In this city on Saturday, wer published, It waa stat ed that the first prtxr for alngl driver Read th Morning Enterprise. McVey. northeast quarter of southeast quarter, section 13. township S eouih, range 6 east, and northeast quarter tf southeaat quarter, section 10. town, ship : south, range S east; fio. N. J. and Noah P. Barnhart to Hal- mor and Altba N. Rmmona, east two third of south half, lot 16. Jennings iMjge; io. - - . A. r. and M. J. Shulti to C How, lot II. block . Kslacada: 1120O C. P. and Ma B. How to Sarah t.roany, kt . block J. Estacada; 10 rreu ana ranny O. Hnyder to 7. H. Ihincanaon. Tract I). Boot s Addl- lion, io Boring Junction; 1700, J. A. and L K. Thayer to James wara. part of block M, Oregon City; James and Eva Ward k te A, P, Schneider and Klara Schneider, part ui Bititi s, urrgon city; i " " wcusen men escape pun- ichment for in their punishment, whether guilty or r.ot, will come his afety from prosper ion for the ex plosion, and the payment for his own rarelessnesa. It Is hard to think that men would blow up innocent men and women for uplte' sake, which Is the accusation; on the other band it has been seen many times that men who were greedy port was shown him. The chickens we have had housed in open front houses have been healthy, happy and content; whilst ln on or two of the tight houses we have encountered frozen combs. Berries Coming Mor Freely. Further shipments from the Los Ancfles and Florin districts consider ably Increanfd the supply of strawber ries la Portland yesterday and the America's Dan ger Not In War, But In High Cost of Living A Bjr Gorcrnor T. R.. MARSHALL of Indiana A 14 The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY i DANGER TO THIS COUNTRY IS NOT IN WAR NOR im FOREIGN ENEMIES. IT IS IN THE SITUATION THAT CftM. FRONTS THE PEOPLE AT HOME. IN THE ' LAST Pirrv :-r. t Arte THE STANDARD OF LIVING HAS BEEN RAI8ED JVIRX HIGH, AND THE HORIZON OF THE PEOPLE IS CORRE PONOINOLY WIDENED. THEY CAN SEE FURTHER THAN THEY USED TO. THEIR NEEDS ARE GREATER, THEIR INTELLIGENCE IB KEENER THEIR AMBITIONS ARE LIVELIER. Now, when you attempt to pinch the many for the-benefit of the few there will bo trouble. The GAP between the very rich and the very poor is TOO VVIE in this country. The rich man, going 'rom Pltil home in his automobile to hia office tnd home again, doea not rub elbows with the man reared in a pine cradle, who works for a pittance, with nnthintr tn lnnlr - it . w wut vuiw iu m uiuw Anffin ,Tkm-l. VrvriTTX'-n TXT nMfirny i ' . ., . i'wiini.njr jjmjo.jix oeiwoon in em. in ,' CDite of thn pourinf? into this country, the STANDARD OF AMERICANS IS STEADILY IMPROVING, and the poor man wants to know why he doesn't get a arjuare deal. He will get a better deal for his children or JsXQ'.V TILE REASON WIIY. - . ; Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In 'the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE .PRINTING -BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAF SYSTEMS . LATEST MARKETS Or0n City Mark. Ther I an uncertainty Id tb mar acta today. Thos who obJct to th chanslna of the tariff by tba Demo crats biare u uncertainty on tba prospcis or a enang and say that tb chaos Id prices ar aloof tb line or mings mat ar likely to b cbaoicod In tb schedule la th case a railinc off la Id nroenoct. Wber there ar oearly abautd stneka the teodencv Is tin want a Where th new products of tb aea- son ar soon to show up tb prle Is dowoward axaln. Tbr la no reneral protest (Ion that I Influencloa roar aiia unless on count tb tariff tink ering aa In that class. t APPLES Local stork la command Ins; from fl to $2 bushel, with Tef few la th country of any kind and fewer yet that will get th hlgHer price. Hood River stock Is bringing $2.60 for good and a llttl more for fancy. -r POTATOES Prlcea for tubers are still climbing and have goae over 11.60 and $1.75, with aom fancy stock bringing $J.25. Eatra fancy will bring almost anything one csn isk In small lots, on dealer aaya be will pay $1 i"r wnoie car Kma. and If tb car wooie. Bast ,-oui,, t tk bav bn cunsutin-d. , VEGfn'AMii-ijtiwitJL,-.; laat report j onion. trt ,Z!,J?; but oih,.r vsgwabk rua about tb me. ooloMIHe.ti! aad carrot 75c 1.1 ft uck. strarta! IO $1 14 sack, rabbag Jc aowT sf vgtablea ax rininf la. aMaita la sandlaa- nmv iki.. .rTv" prlrw. Local ledur salli a Z j radlabaa sc. onltms lc; CallforakTS ! lac 10c bead, asparagus 10 la ttu. Mslcan tomatoei io potac, rix)im ANt rEBo-uw, A.,. In flour; aelllng dnw i n wnTiag ' niB loom fa 1,9, SOSMailatD II SO. In f4 ih toodeacy b ward. , Dran commaais $9 a 121. shorts $: to niM ivk $30, process bsrlrjr !Jv WsOla m t. eracked corn uo..." WHRAT-Ths local aurM ar wheat la a trin baiter an (to pte advancing a Utile from tan rtpon. In fact prices are oa ta efiak M with llttl outward mnlNtiiioai I boa who bav it ar boMiaf m new price are rnale tt'i I ttnej baada who won't let go. Blot sta Sc. club lie l HKc. !IAT--Thr j a baUar sMfiasS In bay and -prices art a tlttX km. Plenty f bay etrffjt ajtslla, 1st a getting scarcer and higher. Ttasoj III to HI. clover $10 to til May tit. mled tU to $11, altallaMlls; OATB Uealrr buying (Br sfclaasj to meat tb demand la th dust fsv log gray $25. whit $14 M tot if that tba market la wk aat asdi factory. BUTTER Prices very k rtt loo and 16c fair for ordinary muOj. fancy dairy will bring lit laj IK creamery commands Ite isi K There It plenty In the eooitrr aa the demand la well iuppflet EOflH The price has slid Im another peg with 17o tha baa oat k being paid .unless one has 1 skaa pat tb product, gnlpplof sal tnr brisk but no trouble ta supply kxJ mand. POITLTRT fiot so stroofMI"' wka ago; IllUe stock cfferel that of not th best hens " IHn and t Ac nlil rtmaters 108. krtkS 22c to 24e. duck 17c to l$t feringa of larger fowla . uinnlmn Kx naafld. laHan B, dry bides lie to 14c, tbt t& to tlfl each. "... WOOLr-Away ilows sow. W lie; some say In ympathyrtt that Congress will tamper tiai" tariff on It; little demsad a no one seems to wani band; Eastern and Central Wa reported at to to 11c. w ftn A m T. krlak ta Ull fl nvUAin i '' - ( u th prlcea offered. Quotations " to 12c and priced goln sp " 9 time. i unci; rn L. k.i till going, no one dsras to W hold, now quoted at )2o to W" Io to Ma for prunes sna w - to sell at that. . 4- m a C.rv in 111 ur m 10 lb, sack, half gnnino tw - 100 lb. sacks. Ill xtik? 1'mriTrn n ninrn anrr t, III O ''"8wrlioclauriilahlbaa. OuraanUevarjrliriai 111! VI ui, "IJZZsIZr' mmm ra thla fair. w.iltihi Villi aiereLa MaVa .. i'.'l'T' '""""'v w..-tiii '"'"",; mm i iinf mmrm sulbmS zz.' i " as wr mmrmm mmttmr votirwar- puie-s t f n n SI ,wl"'efallkiaaaaiaeri'2 fl HWee,tj" Pc:tre-Procf IHIIJ Self-heilineTirci- SSSSTr JO atOMaty ItlQUIaJtfo nnul you reori.e Snd mHVZ .nuTj-m. n ampioanjronaanrwh'-rein ,hP "'iSiaiaurlal t-tfiiH. and allow TIN OAra' umioa mar ride Uia Mcreleand put li'nrfT''.ik, '? '.rf hn PerfacUf aatURed i.r di n iTL a,I,i.,'L''',, ,on" atOurespenasSnd 'lJZm FACTCll tllttl W fomlah Uia hlhc,t SSffJaW fltnal trtnr-m r vJZZZ .,j.n'a orollU nI - I I Ml'LJ . UH BSTf IV wU4t H 1 1 I' 1 1 - . l i!i?.lfii-tCl 2."'1ihra msnntaotnr-r a nrntca M antll fun renalv otir caUkwiina and lcrn our Biiaeant -I , . . - r'rwysBBjafw m .n....m.,'. IV'' -.-- w. im moc TVn .iirz'.'"r'"' DLSOniPTIOMi '.' in s.i . ridlne. . a m. A'W'i and sss ear. Shk: entnas .-..laiioirnDiM.r. which nevsr be. r".?JL h o small n sa.l.l..U h.veT.ndrd; VCK V, 5JJ eiespe. B I I ajilMtMeSrse-- hs'a "hI, naTTJ1!rtA,tfhlp D- on approral, on do not pa a 0 'w.-mi.TlL'1.?-" """d them stjVUy renraantl. wr"11 lorl a ouT.T?.. . "r1',' rua aa n.S Is awiinf hmi; - RrWVW-iMsrfB V- lr4a.Mi r. -aa"ra'72r,tr.ISIlM l-J i.jf L-LJ i --.ia-0. r awTwesa saswyw tZ : i