MORNING KNTEltPltlttRt TUESDAY, APRIL ?5, 1911. Woman's World The Bryane Yeanaer DawfMar Eapeetad t ) a Jwna eVM. , . t . -w 1 -i--. X. " - ! - f .V v---ii .. VIA i I A Hero and a " " C wald not bar to rely oa hla Imax- , tuadoa for hla prlmlpal cbaracti I . it that kind of work waa liable to II JUL-- A couple of week passed. Th leavea dad doreojHJ: tba flowere war ut; bow and tbea thora would com ware day. Spill (Moaa atory did not seem to develop a lib tbe aeaeoa. II arrota Narrows that h eipected ta suake a great succeaa with hla heroin. Heroine Haw aa AssnW WmI tare th Caaaag aa Write aad Taaatd a b MARY P. HUNTINGTON Cofiyrlaht by AaMrtoaa rrwa Am- Cemlna'ta M. E. ChwraK Dr. Baajamla Tounc, paator of tha Taylor atrial M. B church. Portland. will dallvr4ila famoua lactura, "lal lowatona Park,". 1 tha M. K. church la thla city In tha Dear futura, Tha Portor romaa highly tvcoinrandl aa a lirturar aad to all MalhoiUat pa pl ha la aotad aa nrrlMr and paa tor. i NOVELTT NOTES. La Oulifiaaa aa Thlat A Naw Uaa far lha Saidarlika Vailing. Whola sulmraa In laia ara aat-n. prob ably to ba a faaiura of aprln draaaaa Oulmpaa ha?a baaa tnuail of rwttjr whit a nata, point d'aaprlt or fold uJ black tlaaua all win tar. Now It la oa albla that a cbana will takf placa. Mr. and Mra. Jouaa and ot Ila had aa yt aot dona minb writing I Katacada. wara In thla city on 8atur- U ara a In (ulntpaa. maa annex RT4a. When June come around with Its toaea there will be another wed dine In ' tha family of tbe crvat commoner, and Lincoln. Neb., la delighted, alnc It neana the. keeping uf tha younger of tha popular Hryaa girls with them. Smlthaon received an order for aom literary work aad concluded tharo could do U better In tha country than in tna city. When ha reached hU doa tlnatlon, a farmhouse, aprlna waa cow iug on. id duos wera aweiiius. and tba air waa tempered by a balmy warmtn. Smltbaon'a job waa a atory for a macatlna. Tba editor bad a plan of hla own and thought Smlthaon a toad man to work It out. Tba char acters and Incidents were left to tbe author. Smlthaoa needed a model for hla herolue. He sient the Brat week in tha country tr?tac to coojura up onv la his Imaaiitation. The result waa a failure. SU-b heroines compared, with uoae taken from life ara alwaya fail ure. Tbe former are composite, with out any Individuality, while tha latter ara real persona. una morning wnen tba aun waa brightly shining Smithson waa sitting Perhaps tbe Bryans are delighted, too. t by a window trying to get bis Ideaa for Miss Grace.' the roundest child. U 10,0 hap. They refuW to take teBum.imir i.mi . v..n.. U"P hf ateam man, wtm h .iw.r. h-n t.. .i.-m I wbo nK,Tod ntomatically: bis heroine . . . " . , , was a pbynx. who declined to open and whooej-arenta hare hmg 1 ! th bar haart or bar character ' The ur ineoua. uKiuru iwis uar- author threw down his pen. picked aTearea is 10a prospective onaegToom. i ap nte hat and stick and sallied forth Tba young man la only a few years to gathrr Inspiration older than tba bride to be. who la I On the road to the village ba met a about nlneleeu. ' rouna woman who aa ah nlk.1 Presumably be wedding will take placa at Kalrview. the ntullj borne on tba outskirts of Unculn. or else io one of the local churches. Miss Grace Rry aa resemblea her mother la appearance aad baa tbe same charm of face and read a letter. lie Inferred that she came (pom the postofflce. tie liked her appearance. She waa dren.ed mora tastefully than most countrv girts who do not have city shops and manufacture to supply them, and aa Banner. That she Is clever goes with j aha approached Smitbsnb. bearing his aut saying, for the children of su.b parents could be nothing else. Her pedal talent Is musk', as that of ber alder sister is literature. Tba Bryan gitia hare alwaya been great favorite with tbe American peo- pie Like their mother, they ara aim pie and democratic and put cn no un due airs, although their father' great . position in tbe world would excuse than for so doing. When Misa Butb Bryan waa married to W. II. Leavltt In ' ' 1903 the marriage could scarcely have j been a matter of more public Interest aad her father been president. Every aaa felt sorry for her. and particularly j for ber parent, wbea tbe marriage1 tamed out so unhappily. Certainly the younger daughter will have tbe best I wlabea of tba American people In ber i BwwUfe. Although so prominent, the Bryans hare always insisted on keeping tbe partJculara of their private life from tba public That their daughter are ' food looking, healthy and wholesome ! atep, she looked up Though at him.' nit tv i . "rar was a ktu raica or lorva. American girls is obvious. Tbey are wall educated without being represent- " aflves of tba modern higher education for women. Miss Crace attended a oraool for gfria la Virginia and after ward atodied la Germany. She la fond en dogs and horses, a lover of tbe oot or Ufa and la most respects a thor aagtty typical American girt She is. tna last ef tba three Bryan chiklrv t marry, ber brother. vTilJUm J.. Jr.. bavlag married Miaa Helen Berger. oaagaterof a wealthy Milwaukee bosi ana maa. about two year ago. Oa their recent return from Europe tbe Bryans brought many band noma (Mags for their daughter's trousaeaa. GARDEN SHRUBS. They Should B Arrnj6 For Artisti Effsct. Never plant shrub or flower or any thing else la tbe center of tna lawn. It dwarfs tba place and a polls all artis tic effect "bera tha house foundation meets tsa laws 1 a harsh fine. Plant shrub around the bouse close to tbe focada Uon to bide It Tba view under the front porch la not pleasing, ao plant aometblng to hide that. Tba weekly waab and other thing occasionally aen In tbe back yard are not beauti ful, ao plant a screen of tall shrubs from tbe back of the bouse to tbe fence on either aide. Tbe division fencea are not handsome, ao shrubs taay ae-ptantM Wtaileenjrat-leiit partly. Square corner are not pleas ing, so plant shrub la the corners to round them off. If there is anything unsightly about which can be hidden by plautations of ahrubbery plant I: out. Use shrubbery for all these purpose, because, while flower planta are dead seven months ta the year, ahrubbery partly conceala and baa pleasing forma even In winter. Do not make a circle In tba lawn around every shrub you plant Plant tha abruba in border and plant them fairly thick, since If you get them too far apart they will Buffer from drought and winter wloda. Tucked Piltawaasss. Hun a row of stitching about three jnrter of an Inch from the closed dp of -" t . . -, -.i., lunnina; a son 01 " look wall on tbe pillow, ,,l,,n to bold to when allp it ou and off tba pillow and la a grant convenience when turning the caaa la tba laundry. - The earner are fen mediately adjusted without tba cna- one unmeoiaie.-y lowered ber eyea tnere wa something in that look whkh caught Smithsoa. I Bre a a character. ba said to hime!f. -if written In her face. Turning, he called to tbe yocng lady. "Beg pardon, but am I on the right road to tha postotrWr "Too are." the eastern mail In?" --It ls - "Wbat time does it arrlver "At 9 in tbe morning." TTiank you very tnnxh. Pardon me for having disturbed you." "I am pleased to bare been of serr lea you." The next morning at 9 he was at tba postofflce. So wa the girl. jbe fare him a nod. with s bit of a smile. Tbi emboldened blci to join her. Neither of them received any letters. Neither expected any. They bad gone to tbe postofflce to meet each other. We know the man' reason: the girl's we are ignorant of. We shall learn It later on. Smlh,a spoke of the spring, tbe green rra. the blue sky; tbe girl re marked upon , tbe difference between April and Iieember. She could work ta December but not In April, and yet April was tbe month when tbe world was awakening from It winter torpor. In April abe preferred to alt in tbe sunshine. Tbey compared note and each found that the other waa from tbe city. But each waa too well bred to ak the other a reaoq fofterr4g"7n the country before the opening of that yfn in wblcb the dry beglra begin. mlthvn saw bet to her borne, i By this time they dis covers! that they were congenial. The girl axked Smlthaon to come up on to tba pon-h. He accepted, and both sat down on tbe top atep. 8prlng 1 a lazy season, and both Smlthson and tba girl were lazy- They talked about their present surround Inga how green the gras waa, bow blue tha ky, bow white the clouds. Then Smlthaon directed her attention to a hawk soaring far up In tba ether and remarked that It was doubtlesa watching a barnyard. And tha girl pointed to a hen gathering her chick tinder ber with every show of trepida tion. Tha morning passed with such idle chat, and when noon came and Smlth aon, arising, sauntered away he had received permission to call aa often aa be liked. Ha did soma work on his atory during tha afternoon, and la tha evening wrote Barrows, tba msga dna editor, that ba bad found a modal for hi heroine and thought ha should fat oa vary well. Barrow replied that ba was glad ta bear that Smltksoa for tba reaaoa that ba whtlted hla eon captions to become perfectly formed. ramluding tba editor tbat If aa author cooceptiooa of hla character ara vague tha characters tbenutelvea will ba vague. Ha wa studying Cbauipllo be had learned her aad was dally discovering new traits la aer. Ha had discovered soma Dieting feminine Idloaynrrarlea tbat would make a unique character, Smlthnoa threw out several hint ta Mlaa Champlla to Ml him what aba wa doing la tha country, bat bo satisfactory response. Ha thaoght aer reason ror not explaining bar poet tlon might arise from the fact of hla not baring told her anything about blmaelf. He preferred not to do so, for. If ho admitted thnt ha waa writ ing a atory. sha would with a natural feminine curiosity, wWtrto know all about It. and ha feared ha would "let tba cat out of tha bag" that ba waa ualng her for a model. i Rea'dee Bar rows bad advlaed blm that If ha found a satisfactory model to 'keep hla pur pose a secret Jane came. and with It a letter from tha editor saying tbat ba moat have tha story by tha end of the month. He had reserved apace for It In tha October and November Issuea. Smlth aon wrote back that It would ba Im possible for him to finish tha work by that time, whereupon Harrows wrote ask tag bow mucb be bad dooe. and be wa obliged to reply that ha bad merely formed hi conceptions. Ha could now work briskly, but could not have tha story ready before tha first of July. He received a reply fating that be might have till tha first of July, but no longer, ale advised tba author to five up studying his modal and go to work. Smlthaon reddened slightly at what ba considered an imputation aad ro olred T3 dp Tetter. But by thla time every hour ha spent away from bflaa Champlla-aoemed an hour tost. Be sides, when be began to work. bJa model, what she had taat said to blm. whether It was to be Interpreted aa encouragement or ithe reverse ta short, her personality would insist oa thrusting lte!f between him and -tba paper lefore him and Interfered with bis writing. The conseoueoca waa that the middle of June came and tba story had not taken any ahape what ever. One serious trouble wa that. hla model waa constantly showing dif ferrnt traits, ne tried to get bold of them, to group them, but they wera like a handful of Are flies, constantly crawling out between his finger. On the, yh of Juna be wrote Bar rows that ha muit have at least an other month or give up the Job. Bar rowa replied (hat ha could not have a day. II said be believed it was case of a character gefTing away with an author instead of an author put Ung hla character la limbo. Barrowa waxed facetious also la saying tbat tba heroine of tba story wa douhUesa ao misty being, but real flesh and blood. Smlthaoo saw nothing for It but to return to tha city, no concluded to go and announced hla Intention to Miss Champlin. Ha found ber getting ready to depart also, ne concluded tbey. might-aa. welt-take tha eamo train. During that evening they oat on tha top atep of tba porch where tbey bad spent their first morning to- fetner. a half moon looking down oa them from tba soothers sky. Smith- son told ber "his storr" not tha ana ba had Intended to write, but a true love atory and they sat tin near mid night talking It over. Tbe next day tbey returned to tha city. Smlthson called oa Barrowa refar tantly: ne was very shamefaced aboot hla failure to write a atory, eapadaQy as tbe editor had shown a knowledge of why h had failed. Barrowa kept him waiting half sn hour, then ba waa admitted to tba sanctum. Smlthson at'od astonished. There waa Champlin. Barrowa smiled. "I have put up a lob oa too two." be said. "I sent you, Smlthaoo. to tba country to write a story. I 'sent Mlaa Champlin to the same placa to write another one." I contrived that you snouia take Misa Champlin aa a model for your heroine and that she should use yon for her bero. I wished to sea what kind of work such a ecbeme would prod see. It baa convinced ma that character drawing la not a mat ter of feeling, but of art. There baa evidently been a love story, but neither yours nor ber got on to paper. Neither of you. ao far a I caa learn, baa writ ten tbe first chapter." Do you mean.' snapped Mlaa Cham plin. addressing Smlthson, "that yon were studying ma as a pnppetT What were yoo studying ma for?' ba asked. For the same pornoae." Barrowa butted In. Mlaa Champlin acowled at Smlthaon for a few momenta, then turned noon Barrows. "That was a meaa trick of your." she said. "What? A meaa trick to kindle lore la two hearts! Ton two will thank ma for tba balance of your Uvea.' "I won't r cried Mlaa Champlla. "I will," aald Smlthson triumphantly. "That will do." said Barrows. "I'm busy day and registered at lha Klectrlc. n mantle dreae. aa It Is railed, has i.n.k K ik. nun fsahlonabla Attorney V. A. Heylman, of Eataca rT"" ' V.. .... ,.., da, wM m thla city on legal .7.7 oT oa Saturday. 1"' LL"" " "VT L'ZZI makere' parlance. It Juat "misses lha figure." -The apldsrllka -veiling wblchaf aaad for face rails la tha winter la M'FARLANDJS CLASSYFIGHTER HscenlBatflesProveCfilcagoBoy Has No Superior as Baxer. WANTS THE LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE Steekyarde Tserse bay. H Will Make IU Peune'a "Unsaid Fse Wslaaat. In Twenty Sound Bsut He Shauld - Outpoint tha Chasnaisn. r TOMMY CI AM K. Packy McFarland. the Chicago whirlwind, -has ronvlti lugly demon strated la recent matches that be Is tba . claim! est boxer doing buslueaa among tha a mailer men. In fact. there la not one boy lit the world to day who baa (ho remote! chance of outpointing him In n limited round battle at 133 pound tlireo buura he- fore a battle. If given - aa epport unity there la mora than a chance tbat tbe Windy City glove wlelder would I able to tack tba handle of -world's, champion lightweight after hla nnuie on his vis iting cards provided -he t an do 133 pounda,nd retain his ntamlua. In fact. If McKarland were matched with Ad Wolgast. tba prem-uf champion, at the. above weight, for a 'twenty round fight tha, chancre are M. l srland would -fee at least au even money choice in the batting If not an odd on favorite to relleva Wolpiot f hU tHle. It would be different if tho men were to battle aver tha full derby or forty five round. McFarland la a wonderful boier. Attell la really aboot the only man in lha ring who Is hi eoual when It cornea to eleven tnw U Pur land to day I faster thsn Attell in all proba bility, but Attell has four years mora of experience as a filthier lhan Me Karland. tha bom of the featherweight division. : There la no sauce witicb glvea a mora decided pliiuamy to a dish tbaa well made bullandalae. Torre ara several wars of prviMring It. but 10 make nol landals aa It should ba tba process la aot a vary easy una. Tba following la a good reclie: II educe two ajlaoon fule of vinegar In a saucepan wltb a pinch of salt aud rIHr until noly raa teaspoonful remain: draw tba paa ta tha side of lb stove, where lha beat h only varv moderate, and poor ta two tableapoonfule of cold water and tbe yolka of two egga (taking ear that ao portion of tha while adhere to tbemi and stir wltb a wooden spoon, watching lb egg cloeely, and direct y Ibey show sign of thickening taka the paa si once from tha siova aad stir in quickly one oonra of fresh hut tar. When It baa quite waited placa tba paa again the stove, but only for a few seconds, to reheat the utlilure, I hen take It off and add auotber ounce of butter, and when II la worked la re heat aa lief ore and couilnue la lha eatue way uutll four ouucee of butter bava bean swalgauiaied with tba yolka of tba egg. After adding tun second and third minIub of butter pour la a deaaertapoouful of rotd water, anil whan tba last mi oca of butter baa bava stirred In add another 4rtapooiaful of water. Ho doing will make the sauce lea liable to curdle. When ready tba eeuce should ba vf tba aama consistency a a thick mayonnaise. townehlp 4 jona Ks, ' '"la I ... 01 ii. Trio. e Msrr.: 11 raa I souih L A"BIVALi alt and if - ? Alln. i1l air. ana ta" iai ys..-i.s..: A. N.I' T-K .' W. It. Hhl..BI,:0NvaL: Hsrt. Col.ita.lo, i WAHIIlNllTov . ll"n haa reached w.Vi.. llwAe diplomatic ahiL.: ling to aaaum rT,1,i lha Io..,, urrr ' l&mni 1 wnar n,rein IniwrWS k lf the Inaumw-n T caa bo ahn ttant rJ.5 H a loblatn. ThalnaaSli! i.:v."i,w?i,ta --. IB.lNIO.nOO, -aa i.ihk).oo(). aZ7a Intaraat bring th total Jjjjp remand Boy Olsaa , WA8IIIN,iTr.V AKS Cabe. of iLrtis,,,!, hL Jilb . aiaO ruarrao paaaa, being jiaed over white chiffon, as wall as colore for trimming bats. ' Simple frocks that can 'easily 'be laundered ara those tbat are moat sought at thla seaeou of tha year. Tba body portion of thla one la cut la one. and tha waist and skirt sra Joined by mean of a belt. Tba pretty plaid and check ginghams ara moat attractive made la thla manner. JLDIC CnOLLET. Malts iue. To make, melted butler sauce put Into a saut-epaii two uncee of butter. aud when It baa melted add by ds nominee for West poiit greea one ounce or nur ana our wun a wooden srnu until a smooth past la formed, taking rats that lha roui acquire uo color ivur In by degree half s plut of warm milk or milk and water, working. tbe miliar quickly all lha tlnia wltb tba spoon. Place the pan on a hot iiart of the stove, o tba tin sauce umy boll up. and continue to atlr until It la ihlk aud rraamyi tbea add salt and wpr and let It at miner for ten minute. IVur it through a hue strainer Into a hot aauca boat and Just before serrlug add a small place of frewh butter, stlrting It lightly lulo lha sauce. In the event of the sawa tiring miulred for flh. Osh broih which has leen 0 stored with reyrt shies and hcrtM may be aaed wltb advantage In placa of the milk, but In I his t an a lablepionfut or two of rreaui should lm addtil lha last thing. STYLES cywv Mead ie . r.ah .a, Tka a-, ', n. feitiJV llM-liHbit m wthituh The while .i,.H.n ,N w blMk.liln Mn. ,., wM " worn Uiinnu i n.. , r'g tmm A plain tuii.f. bhmvii serte Is reii,.i i,r a.u nfT In color do it ii.,. fjMm MtJ, Follow Ini; iv nth, t-rt,t, j fashion for t.. f.Hw4 fa7as Thjs experlenc makes It olble for Attell to stand np with hard puncher and slip or bi k their leads. Neither Wolgast nor Nelson I clever, Ilka McFarland. WoIsaf Is as strong a a young bull, and when he gets In close and starta working awnr It Is almost ImposMltile for a man to tiroiet f himself. But would M Tartand M Wolgast get In close in a twenlv round flght? McFarland"" stntti;lit.Jcf-J;i,i. whh h be sometimes Vfirl.-. It n short left book to the Jsw. hm ,i to It. His right hand n-d to btve knockout power snd prnlwMr h yet. but hardly ssalnst a man of Wott' strength. - ! a twenty iwtml lii He Farlaod woqid t-e the ly who can deliver tha roods. ' McFarland has been hankering after a battle wltb Wolaast ever alnce tha Thla Mar Man to a sattrra aa out ta stass for atria of sight, tsa aad Iwslv yssrs of aa- asnd 10 ceota to this omes, gtvlag nambsr, SK and M wUI ba aroaialr for. warded to you by mall. If la bum sand aa addlUooal twa esnt stamp for lettsr Boatags, which Insures mors prompt 4s-Uvary. READ HERE OF FASHIONS. laek Velvet Sliasare Liked See Cven- log Wear, Alsa With Street Gewn. -Just now black velvet at lptere ara very smart for eveolug wear and ex ceedingly modish for wear wltb dark colored street frocks. And sometimes there la a waa aatla rosette, or per haps a fluffy bow of tulle or ma lines la used for adornment. And not Infre quently thee rosette bava a spark ling rblnestone neat I lug down In tha heart of tba rosette. Puffs and carta ara aaea on many evening colfforea. though they are ar ranged la a loose and becoming man ner. The cluster of puff a Is usually placed high at tba back of tbo bead, showing tba pretty Una at tba back and eldea. while nothing but tba merest Up la seen of tba ear. !. nnue tnere are many tunica ex ploited with shawl or pointed outllna. Bsamaiss baosa.- Besmals sauce, whkh la usually much aiiprectated wbep aarved with a filet da boauf. or veal cutlets. Is merely bollandalae wltb a teaspoooful of finely chopped tarragon, a small quantity of cbervll and a few drop of tarragon vinegar added lb last thing before being aarved. If la well to note that a delicate sauce of- tba above uWrlpt Ion. would ba likely to curdle If poured Into a luraen which haa beew mad vary hot. - i in i - - Gherkin suae. 0 berk la sauce, which Is fte ; f erred, wbea as oca of thla deacrlp- tlon hi required, to caper aauca. may ba made by adding some chopped gher kins to soma good white aauca which baa been abarpened wltb a few drops of the pick la Io wblcb tba gherklna war preservrd and a small quantity of tarragon vinegar. AnsKavy tsus. For a rich anchovy sauce make half a pint of melted butter and add half aa ounce of fresh butler wblcb ba been worked ap with I wo teaspoooful of eaeeor of anchovy snd stir lu three or four drops of rarmltie to Improve tba color, or. If preferred, fish stock may be need Instead of milk . Maitr a-Hstl Sa tea. Malt re d'botel aauca" can ba quickly maoe in tna aame way as anchovy aauca by snttliutlng ote ounce of ma It re d' hoi el butter for rba ancbovy butter, but for this milk all bout wa ter should ba used for tb white aauca aartaa sioarocaa Inn rmadtJnt)!a BjanserlaliB. son. A smart dettlroat I b twiaa oa of lha "Blinky" gowsi to.ika fin silk Jersey with a ruffle at as DlsJts adced with s ktog. owf msm rringas of all kind are ttssms favor. TbesaarasorslBsatfaaam enenllls and silk i"or children a decided prtfWsrt" tb peasant aty le seem b bt lb) 1 rial IITATI. log fancy. Th nlrhlaown tbat frsa sn C. E. and Usrv A. Dubois at si tit I u mmrm rn.hionabt is4 is John Stormer, u acres of section 19.1 that rtri. like eiclally wat T iuw,..,..p , aouin, rang t aaat; . u dalnfr and rbartning. 7" ' Brady Rambo to Haial Tooca. lot I JUPIO CUOUJcr. vi diock is, u iaaa ion; iooo. E. P. Carter to Iran Carter, lota 11. 14, block 11, Oladatona; ft, O. W. Spehr at al to Olds Wota- suma Paint Company, lota 3, 14, block 6, South Qregoa City; $1. N. I Acklea at al to Old Moteiumn PalntCompanr,1and - Inaetlon "T, 1 This kfaf Manias patters to e) ! for mlSMS snd a ma II aasasy . slatasn snd lht" nr "JL t this ofllee. slvlna nuisbar. a wtU promptly 'n7,","4SJJ pa mil If in hail ssna sa esnt Stsinp for letisr pnrtass, -peaat'TaswwTfca"H,-"M--- triinK an Dvvaw wmy . Owea McQoade, who waa arrested for drunkenness oa Saturday Booster Day waa before Recorder Stlpp Mon- o7 m icu nn iiooor now it oappanea. Of eoars b bad a good story, bat It waa old aad Bacorder 8tipp bad beard tt ao often it "didn't teecb blm." Us ual result when that happens fined $5, wblcb! b paid. "Pop. tall m soma- conundruma" "Conundrums? - why, I doa t know any eonundruma, my aoa." "Oh. yea. you do! i board mother tell .Aunt Mary tha other day that yaw keea. bar goeee. taf moat of tbo Urn." Pock. Miss Champlla aad 8mltbeea walked at together. Tbey stood waiting for tba elevator. be looked at bias, aad tbey both smiled a etebly amfla Ate Yoa a StiBscribet to the New Daily? Ciarm 7lX?VZ a blfwork bofor. it 1. boojUn, Orogo. a?y and cLtI't support means mor strength for tbo work. . -t-ittwv vawiy. toot Will You Help Boost you own Interests? For a Ilsattad Urn tb Mernm. Eator prla will ba aoio) to paid ta adraaaa Mhoarlhara sa fellows: aaraao By Carrier. 1 roar Br Man, 1 year......,, " ywar aama hm ramtttanea. 3.M 2M racBT arraaLaao. bitter won tba title from Nelson. The champion la ready to take on Packy si isa pound ringside. As McFar land said recently ha waa willing to make tba required weight It is mora than likely that tbe pair will b match ed to meet in the near future. At 135 tiound McFarland la tbe beat boxer In America, hot at 133 rlnrsld ba would not ioes stamina enough to cop with Wolgast In a battle over twenty round. McFarland la th tail eat lightweight 'la tb ring today and experiences considerable difficulty In redoclng bis weight Ha m only twenty-two yeare of age aad . If be raaaot make 133 rtngald bow ba Barer win. Ha' u growing right along and ta a year will ba a real welterweight. Tba etockyarde champion la unfortunate because be U bwnj two wetgbta. peioW Hanry tseine; U twsden, Jwm ftWy. tb Texas sprinter. wtM JU aaeauber of th Olympic tsam Omt gf to llwedaa in 1912. An-aovo'-easesrf to tbi affect Is made by I M Benedett. aecretary of th omtbera division of tha Amateur Ath letic anion. Henry will ba tb first southerner fbue honored. Matty Thinks Cardinals Ara Easy. Christy Matbewson la willing to bet 1100 ba will aot lose a game to tna St. Louis Cardlnala thla Season. arait ooaao rarnooAT. tha majority bar a straight, van edge tbat term Ina lea above tba knaea or juat below and baa soma variety of border decoration,' Tbi petticoat caa be mad plain or fsncy. it la made wltb a habit back, and. while clone fitting, yet wide enough at the bottom to mako It comfortable for walking. JUDIO CHOLLET. Thl May Maatoe aaHsra as eat to efsae from B It M waist measure, asaa esnt te thuTaAlsa, giving number. (SM, aad H wiu ba asamatlr forwarded to yoa by mall, if n hssta sand aa adnlilonal twa ssnt atamp far Mtsr passags, which teworsa mora prsmpt Osllvsry. 4 , Put Yourself in the Ad-Recders Place... When you writs nn .i...m. 1 fd-or any kind of an ad try to Include la It just th taformatioa a you'd Ilk to find It yoa war aa ad -reader and war looking foi an ad of that kino, , J . It yoa do this to area a small extant your a4 will bring Ra- BULTfil 4 CENTENNIAL JUBILEE . TO A ST OR I A Attest (0 to Sept. 9, J9H Commmortlno th One-Hundrdth Annlviraary of ths First Wl aattlamant In tha Northwoet and th Beolnnlno ef th Orsgo" try at Astoria. Oregon. Preeentlno HlateHeal an crn''l, r" turea, togathar with a .. ., - . i Spectacular Marine and Military Pageant OIn Curtlss, famous aviator, will fly vr land and l tinh PACIFIC COAST REGATTA tstT" Oratet Aauatlo fynt tbhW In th VVat ; Import"1 Hlstorieslfy This Celebration Is to ha ana of tha Moat Cvent to take plae Thla Yar In tha United itstss. THE . Ofcgon-Wasliinoa Rallto&d t'- Naylcatioa Ccapany . will HI I tlok.t. from all points on It II n. a, Including brsnehsi ONE ND ONE-THIRD FARE FOR THI ROUND TRIr. , ' for further particulars apply to th Ctnnlal Commit Orgon, r to V JTnv McMcway. Gca'I Pass. At Portland; Oregon