Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 23, 1911, Image 4

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    mmi fruits
Roses Twslv Months of Ysar, Straw
bsrrlse Eight Months and Or
,, gon Apples Laet From Flf
toon to Slateen.
PORTLAND. Or,. April (Spe
cial.) Oregon can go aom when It
'cornea to raising frulta and vegetable
of remarkable sue. Investigation
seems to show that th fertile soil of
the Northwest grows better and larger
agricultural products than any' other
portion of the country. If not the
Florence boasts a turnip that meas
ured II Inches ooo way and 11 the
' Sunn) aide, near" Milton, produced
strawberries for both Christmas and
New Voar.
. Benton county grain flotds looked
green and promising as esrly as Jan
uary 14.
A crop of oats sown near Sheridan
In September was barren ted December
Jacksonville had a cactus in bloom
during the winter months, certainly an
evidence of a warn climate,
r A woman picked ripe strawberries
In her garden In "Lafayette on January
' Corvallis believes It could hold a
mid winter rose show, so- numerous
were, the blooms on out-of-door bushes
during the last few months.
Eugene lays claim to having had
' second-crop new potatoes for Christ
mas day, with grapes and raspberries
ripe, and lucloua. still on the bushes at
that season, and roses blooming snd
lawns as green as in summer.
A. L Foster, of Marsh Held, has a
hen that makes a specialty of laying ,
Urge es. Last yesr she produced
40 double-) olked eggs. One egg laid ;
this year has three yolks and is sli
and three-quarters Inches Jn circum- j
ference and weighs four ounces. i
' Mrs. E. BlalsdelL of Portland, will j
have to be considered when It comes
to an egg-producing flock of hens. Her
nine full-blooded Buff Orpingtons laid
12$ eggs between March 6 and March
20, or an average of nine and two- j
fifths eggs a day. . . '
0. C.
Th Washington High school second j
team, of Portland, defeated theTDr
gon City High aggregation in a closely
contested game here Saturday after
noon on the Canemah Park grounds.
The score wss 7 to 6, th winning run I
being made In the ninth Inning. j
Eleven bits were obtained by the
visitors off of Telford s delivery. Beck-
ctt was taken out in toe lourcn inning, :
after a disastrous expenenc in lae
third, when the home team piled up
three runs, and Kellogg scattered his
favors during the remainder of the
game. The two Washington pitchers
allowed eight hits. Telford struck out
10 of the visiting batters and Beckett
hnd Kellorg had eight strike oats to
their credit. Sbeshan starred for Ore
gon City, and Telford ' created a sen
sation by stealing home. Tb defeat
la the first tb local bunch has ex
perienced this season, having played ,
four games. Dunn umpired Dans ana j
strikes and Hargreaves looked after j
?! bM5. T' P P"-'
O. C. H. S.
Baker ......
A rlsoa
w. h s ;
. . . Chapln
. . PblUipt
. . . ss. .
. Robinson i
. Hockett ,
Kellogg ,
. . . Jons !
Runquist j
. Wniton
. . . Toves
Michels lb..
Andrews rf..
Alldredga 3b..
Friedricbs c
Rons by Innings:
W. H. 8 1 0 a t 1 0 0 0 07
O. C. H. 8 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1
Farmer Comes Nesr Losing His Ani
t mil Booster Day.
. A horse belonging to a farmer who
had hitched It on the river bank In tb
rear of Pope t Co.'s hardware store.
Just around the corner from th store,
fell Into the river on Booster Day
Saturday and came near drowning.
f ' It had gone down in the shaft and
the owner found It necessary to nn
hltcb the animal In order that It might
get np. At that the horse began to
thresh around and roll and the next
thing the fanner knew the animal
- had rolled Into the river.
After some considerable swearing
and sweating the animal was rescued,
little the worse for Its experience.
. Kind to Her But She Left
Howard T. Stokes has filed a ault
for divorce against bis wife, Ida R.
Stokes, to whom be was married on
June 24. 1891. In his complaint Stokes
claims that his wife deserted him Jan
uary 6, 10, whll they wer residing
f , In Portland. He claim be has been
kind to her, and ther was no reason
" . of her deserting him.
Window Display Booster Day.
- One of th pretty window displays
that attracted no little attention on
Booster Day was that of Wilson A
Cooke, and crowds stopped at the win
dow to view tb miniature horse pa
rade, which was operated by water
power. In line were horses, Brotger
Jones, who had been awarded the blue
ribbon, several cows, mules, etc View
ing th parade was a miniature dog.
whose bead moved with approval as
the parade passed by. This display
bad been arranged by R. D. WlUon
and caused much comment upon Its
Road the Morning Enterprise.
-i thlak Ty Cobb a wonderful
baseball player, a pfkyer with a
largo amount of baseball brains,
but WUUe Keeler was king of
them alL" said KUl ElberfeM re
cently. "Pwrhap it la bersaae I
played sis years snd a half with
him, batting behind him stl the
time, but for nevtr falling brain
work Keeler was a wonderful a
"II Is Just ss great a player
today as bo ever wss too. of
roars the years hare slowed
bltu up Juat thst fraction of s
second necoMssry to get him at
a, k hir. lha Kali o
juat as well and Is Juat ss re- J
afuimafnl ii a ear
'Keeler wss fatt oa his feet
and lightning fast at tb bat. II
could outiruee tb average
pitcher or fielder. Ills bunt wss
a beauty to see, for he could
nuke the shift In the twinkling
of sa eye. No ball feated him.
If It wss over tb outside corner
bed step ever and get It. If It
wss in clos he'd above It on st
Hue over the lnfleklers' head.
"When It came to Inaide ball
"Keeler was the msater of them
all. la all lb llin. that w
played together he never one
missed a sign. If be didn't see It
be d let me ksow. snd I'd flaah It
back t him. II flared ball
with his bead every minute h
was on the field.
"Yes. Ty Cobb hi a marvel. I he
best plsyer la tb big leagues to
day, but Willie Korter wss king
of them alL
Veteran Ringer Is Likely to Be ss
Good In Spring ss of Yers.
Whether or not Cy Young baa ceased
to be a cokl weather pitcher Is on of
tb question that are bothering Man
ager Jim MciJulre of the Cleveland
Americans s little. I'ntil last year Cy
was considered one of the bewt cold
weather pitchers In the country. Bos
ton slways figured a using him ofteu
,a hc f'n hlle the other twlrlers
were waiuug ir mr waruwr leiuiwr-
ure. Almmt invnrisbiy be pitched
tha. opening gsme for the Hub. sod
be gi
.won It s!m. Hi famous ao-
played Ma;
Last sea
ich -first base game wss
however. Cy pitched
In the spring snd slao
bad gom
mighty poor luck In falling
to hare his team play behind him. Ills
best workXwas done In the hottest
weeks of tbV campaign. According to
that dope, mYguIt would be right In
saving Cy -tfutll the chilly breezes are
a thing of the past But the leader
of the Naps has a bunch thst Cy may
come back this spring snd sbow some
of his Boston form. Tbe rbsnres are
thst Cy will deride the question him
self. If he Is light when tbe season
pen be-wiH sk MWiulre to work
Qjm. tf not ne content to
wll, , u , un ontu the
wing thaw, out under a broiling sun..
MedrT1 c,,,b, D Nat Pl, a.m, 8
. . . '
mm mm vnginaivrt.
No plsy In bssebsll Is made a mess
of more than what Is known ss tbe
"hit and run." The originator of this
system of plsy hsd in mind sn set Ion
which would ordinarily assure tbe run
ner of advsnelng and st tbe name time
Incresae tbe chances of tbe bstsmsn
of getting the bull Into safe territory.
It wss played with this In view by tbe
old Baltimore team, but nowadays tbe
only time It Is snccessful Is when tbe
batsman makes a clean base hit. , ,
When playing Tbe' hit and run tbe
batsman is not supposed to swing bard
on tbe ball. He should shove It through
tbe place which either one of tbe In-
fielders has Just left In sn effort to
cover tbe bag for which tbe base run
ner bss started, yet nowadays one sel
dom see a batsman trying to make
this plsy, for he swing with all bis
Wrestling at Olympie Gsmas.
Tbe wrestling games at the Olympic
games In Stockholm, Sweden, next
year will be according to tbe Greco
Roman style. Instead of caUb-as-catrb-can.
- -
Mclntyre Still a Youno Man.
A ball player soon becomes a vet
eran. Matty Mclntyre of th Chicago
club is Jost thirty yesrs of age, yet Jonnny to on or tne urges: station
by the fans be Is regarded, as an old 00 ro' flvtnf him commen
man aa far as baseball la concerned. snrate salary. v
Ate Yoti a Subscriber to tbe
New DaUy?
If Th Morning Enterprise la to be aa successful aa tb interests of Oregon
City demand It mnst needs have the support of alt The new dally has
a big work before It In boosting Or gon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means mor strength for th work. .
Will You Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited time th Morning Enter
suDsenoara ss ioiiows:
By Carrier, 1 year
By Mall, l year
Send lit your nam and remittance.
Coprrtfht be AbmHoos Frsa As
claltam. uni. - -
Johnny Cvagrov wss s staioo sgonl
M tb U. T. and W. railway Johnny
had been at school with Mabel Town.
( and "they wer very great friends.
Mabel lived about a mil from tb
station, not fsr from the track, and
Johnny, la order that bo might cbat
with her during the lonely evealnc
when bo was obliged to stsy st tb
stsUoa with but llttl to da. ringed a
j Prtvat wlr from tb leiegrapb Un
I tending along tb railroad to Mabel s
house. Introducing It la at her win
dow. Then L put la tb real of in
apparatus, snd tb two youogiters
could chatter through tb keys like
Tb principal time for tbes couver-
est loos wss sfter klsbi hsd gon to
her room aad oateuaibly to bed. but
really to cbat with Johnny. Her room
was In an extension where the clicking
of the key waa not likely to dtaturb
any one els la tb bouse, though no
ooo objected to their dialogues, be-
cans Mabel was aupposed to b fitting
Borself for "a telegrapn operator.
One evening Johnny hsd been talk
Ing with Mabel as usual. It was I
stormy nlgbt. and. being all s loo to his
office and consequently very lonely, be
kept her at the Instrument late.
Mabel bad been In bed perbap aa
hour when a be nesrd in her sleep the
rail that Johnny and she used to at
tract each other's attention. Some
time wss required for ber to wak up
and when ab did abe beard the ma
chine clicking. - 8b began to read In
tb mUldl of a sentence:
"He's gone around to tb other door.
rV locked It. but be can amash a
window easily. There! , He's getting
jk i
There was a brief lull, during which
Mi be I. wbo by this time waa wide
awake, waited, fearing tbat a be would
bear no more. It was evident tbat a
robber had broken into the station. It
occurred to ber tbat the Drat thing
be would do would be to order Johnny
away from tb Instrument tbat be
might not be able to glv tb alarm.
So was therefor surprised when the
Clicking began again.
"He has ordered me to keep on work.
Ing tbe key. covering me with his re
volver. He ssys the mlnut' I stop
working it be will put a bole In my
bead. I see his object He knows
ther Is no station nesr enough for me
to send word and. get asslstsnc' be
fore be has flu la bed wbst b bss to
do. and while using the key my rtgbt
hand Is employed so thst I can't at
tack or shoot him. I csn bear him go
Ing toward the safe, wblrb be ran do
without rink .so long ss be'besrs tb
clicking of my key "
Tber followed a few seconds of
silence, during which Mabel held ber
breath, and wbeq.ibe sounds recom
menced tbey' did not mean snytblng
Doubtless tbe robber bad turned and
ordered Johnny to keep on.' Mabel ran
to ber brother's room, awakened htm
and told him what wss going on st
tb station. Henry Town got out of
bed. dressed himself as quickly as pos
sible, put a revolver In his pocket and
a rifle on his shoulder snd stsrted for
tb station. Meanwhile Mabel went
back to tbe telegraph Instrument and
when th clicking ceased for a few
momenta began to tell Johnny what
be hsd done and that ber brother was
coming. It required some Urn for ber
to get the message tb rough, for every
Mm Johnny stopped tb robber, wbo
was working st tb safe lock, turned
and ordered him to proceed. But
Johnny managed to bear a few words,
such aa "coming" and "courage. and
knew tbat be was to be relieved. Bat
whether tbe msn would succeed In
opening tb safe before aom on cam
to stop him wss a question. He was
evidently a skillful cracksman, th safe
was a very ordinary one. and be acted
as if fa counted on getting-it opened
be for sas'stane could arrive. He
drilled a bole In th lock and began to
work tb tumblers.
II bad not been engaged more than
twenty minutes when Johnny, facing
th window as he did. saw a figure
dimly looming np In tb darkpess
without He waa so agitated tbat be
ceased to work tb key. Tb robber
turned and sent a bullet clos to his
ear. At first Johnny thought th shot
had been fired at tbe figure without
but an order to "go on" convinced
him of his mistake.
Tb burglar again turned bis back
and recommenced bis work. Then
ther were sounds of dropping tum
blers, and Johnny heard tb safe door
palled open. At tbe same moment
there was a "crack" at tb window,
leaving a small bolt, Something
dropped behind Johnny, aud. turning,
h saw th robber lying on tb floor,
blood oozing from a bole Id bis heed.
Springing to th window, b on
locked It and Henry Town stepped
Into tbe room.
Tbe first thing Johnny did was fo
click tb news to Mabel, Ind tbe re
ply was tbe first message embodying
tore tbat passed between tbem.
It happened tbat Johnny bad consid
erable cash In tbe sat, which he In
tended to send In tb next morning.
This tb robber doubtless knew. Tb
fact of so much money being saved
through Mabel disposed the company
to liberality, and tbey sent her a
handsome check. A year later, when
he and Johnny were married, tbey
sent another for a wedding present
At th "me tey promoted
prls will be sold to paid in advance
,,. $3 00
Frank Caps Raw I red to Qlv Bond
Frlskty M Buss of fioo,
Frank Capon. boa unci. L Cape a,
mad charge that he waa afraid of
him and feared for hts life and safety,
wss .before Justlc gamsoa rrway.
After hearing th vtdenr la tb caa
Juatv Samson bound th young man
over on a peer warrant In tb sunt of
o .... jum iKtnk ikim was anv
caus for th -act but knowing that
th old man would feel better If tbe
young msn waa under reatralnt and
aa ho was old and nervoua th Judge
put the young man under nominal
bond. Th bond was easily given aud
th young man rs leased.
The New Mih Str .
Foe Gowns of Bvary Type.
son vob atvsicsLav-
Tb girl wbo sings and w hose means
are limited Is often, compelled to mske
th same gown do for both her after
noon and evening engagements To
find a gown that will he both simple
enough for. tb on ue. yet dressy
enoujeb for tb other. Is not so esay
aa It may seem. The gown pictured
her combines' these, qualities It
shows the new - striped effect, brrv
achieved by bandfof satin ou the
bodice and tunic. Ball fringe elk''-
tbe tunic, which falls over a tuut t
tb fashlonsble venise litre. A Mirlk
Iny appearance Is given to the nMimur
by means of lb nae of brl7it:i .
stripe In the aide panels.
Black and white etripew will not-iral
ly bav drat 'place In the eartr ei
son's gowns, because we sre uinl.-r Hir
seductive thrall of tbis voniblniu'lou
Several of th Important drtaaiuuker
bav already turned out gowus oi
black and white striped satlu drspeo
with black chiffon clotb or marquisette
with a touch of bandsom besvy Isce
on tb shoulders.
With these gowns go torbans oi
large bats of black net. with white
algrets snd green scarfs or Alsstian
bows of black snd white striped rib
Tb whole Idea Is a good one for
spring, for attractive as black Is lt
universal usage tbe past winter ratber
depressed one. 1f tf had not beenfor
tb freedom of wearing vivid colors a
a contrast we would bsve beeu a sum
ber assemblsg indeed-
Rscslla the Hssdgssr of Hsr Great-
Man baa never been able to dlsasso
clat woman's millinery from Ibe name
of bonnet and now be may literally
apeak of bis wife, sister or daughter's
bonnet sine tb most modish things In
th shops are th coquettish llttl af
fairs thst tie nnder tb neck with rib
bons. Tb bonnet pictured her Is aa
.- . a sraiaa boss sr.
almost exact copy of th headgear of
tbe French dlrectolr period and re
calls the old fashioned pok bonnet,.
Bonnets ar fsr mor becoming to
young girls than older women, for
whom, presumsbly, tbey ar Intended,
and some of tb quslnt bonnet efforts
of this season frisks cbsrmlug frames
for girlish faces. Ou young girls these
csptlrutli g bonnets ar babyish aud
Irtureaqne. nnd tbe fresh, pretty fac
Is all tbe more lovely ber a line of tb
qtinlnt Ixmnet thnt surrounds It.
Cerise and the American Reauty
sbndes plsy a prominent part In tb
iwesent millinery bouquet Every yenr
artlflcliil dowers grow more Ilk their
nstural prototypes nutll then, seems
nothing mors for th artist U accom
plish. ,
I e w w v c - -
Y v
7 ia
" " 'I-Ly!"""y
nn ii " j
A Bay off
B4 It Haw a Vary rUepy
CeprrUM r Aswrk-ao Press Ai
cistuo. mi. - -
Never, never, oeverf' exclslmed
Allc rtsnsom fearfully as th front
door closed behind her fsther's portly
form. She flew to the wludow and
watched him walk slowly down tbe
steps to tbe csrrtage waiting at the
curb. II flung In his traveling bag
aad without on backward glance
hts horn banged tbe door aad waa
whirled a Way.
-After all th years, to aak m to
welcome stepmother Into our per
fect born life stranger, too, at
least to me, for father admits that he
knew Mrs. I'omroy when she wss a
girl and thst she wss my mothers
dearest friend. Why, I slniply couidn t
go Into that church and seo them mar
ried and know that I would have to
divide fathers lov with anybody
ls. Alio threw herself ou a sofa
ind wept heartily over her dcsolste
Tbe wedding would tske place that
afternoon at 4 o'clock at a quiet
ptown chunk. There would be only
a few or ner ratners rnwat menus
and perhaps l ode Dick and Aunt
Caroline, for they took an exaaper
atlngly philosophic lrw of Ibe middle
aged romance. Henry Hansom's
daughter would not be there, and her
absence would sbow to tbe world Ibst
sbo disapproved of ber father's second
It was only 10 o'clock now, but
ber father bad left the. house because
of ber perversity, and abe would not
see him again for a couple of weeks,
bee a un the couple were to tak a
short weddrrarlrlp to Hot Springs
To work off ber feelings she deter
mined to go for a walk.
A thick whit Chiffon veil obscured
tb trace of telltale fears, and with
ber Ilostosj terrier. Muffins, togging at
leash Allc started briskly toward
tbe park. Muffins msd tentstlve
leaps after bright eyed robins and
growled when bis mistress yanked
him to attention after every attempt
at sport '
A quiet bench behind a gronp of
cedars afforded a rhanc to ait
down, and Muffins, lying at Alice's
pretty feet, lolled a pink tongue and
caat reproachful glances at his mis
tress, wbo had chosen to be so severe
this mnrulng.
She did not besr footstep crossing
tb turf, and th ugly growling of
two dogs aroused ber to consciousness
that ah was not alone. Juat aa abe
realized that tb Intruder waa a tall
Ind Very good looking young man. In
aplte of tb fact that bla fac wore
moody frown, the stranger dog, a
bull terrier twice th six of ber pet.
escaped from leash and pounced npon
poor Muffins wit a a savage anarl. In
stantly there waa pandemonium.
From every quarter ther cam
crowds to watch the exciting match
between th two high bred dog. Tbe
young man, at the risk of being bitten
by bla own beast, finally rushed In
and. grabbing tbe collar, dragged the
animal away from Muffins by main
In spit of her terror Alice .felt a
vague pride that Muffins had be)d his
own with th big dog. Indeed, tb ter
rier bore more msrks of th fray than
tbe wriggling Muffins, wbo bad at
tha first attack torn away from bis
mistress' frail grasp. A sturdy police
man scattered tb crowd and offered to
arrest th young man, but changed bis
mind at th alght of a well filled pocket
book. Yer wanter git a better hold on
them two beasts, mister." be warned
as be rolled away. "If they git at it
again I'll have to run yer In fer dis
orderly conduct. Yer lady frlnd'a dog
Is the better wan of tbe two, I'm
Alice annk down on tb bench again.
weak from the momentary excitement.
She could not repress a little smile of
triumph st Muffins' courage and bent
to csress the dog. The terrier, snapping
inirniy at the end of his lenah, glared
at Muffins ami prowled threstenlngly.
i m awrniiy sorry," begun the young
msn, with a pleasant smile, "but Rags
eems to bav forgotten bis manners
this morning. Usually he Is a most
gentlemnnly dog. f non tha llttl
fellow Isn't hurt"
Sarsnads Mayor Brownsll at His Of
fice en Saturday Afternoon,
Th Oak Orov girls' band. In at.
tendance on th Booster Day event in
this ;cty- Saturday, serenaded Mayor
George C. Brownell at his office on
Main atreet In the afternoon, irt.r
the aerenade, which waa greatly en
Joyed by tb Mayor, that official made
a anorv snares to tne girls In Which
he offered them the freedom k
city and then some.
And, to tell the truth h. ri. .
Joyed the Impromptu Incident as great-
tun mayor.
Patronize our advertisers.
Tr to s Uttle tits kJa ts
ad I'm afraid Mufflu 4srvd It, foe
-look at poor Hags' uosef .
A King red scratch trickled Sows the
uih of Msgs' whll aos. whll an
other adoru-d Ibe snowy wblteueas of
his brow. Ills mailer eiantlued th
wounds with a careful geutleness that
Allc liked. Then lie pulled th dog
around and prepared to lake leave of
bis new acqualiilsac. t
"If ther Is anything I can do," b
waa beginning when sudtlsnly tb
slackened tea ah was torn out of AlkVa
careless band, and tb excited Mufflus
darted away acne tb lawn, startling
tbe confident robins sud squirrels Into
Instant flight
You catch Muffins If you ran," cried
Allc helplessly. "Wbst rao you do
with your own dngf I am afraid to
bold blni for you. and yet If Muffins
Is rsugbt by a stranger I shall rol
ably lose him forever."
Til lie Itsgs to this bench tf you
don't mind keeping out of bis reach.
I'suslly hs'S lb tuoat gentle of dogs,
but he seems to I stirred up about
something. I ll bring Murtlo back to
you - don't worry."
Wtth Rag securely fsatened to th
stationary lenrh th stranger started
In pursuit of the trusnt dog. Allc
watched the chase with Interest. ror
Mufflus wsa hunted from rover to rov
er, and after awhll small lre and Ibe
roly poly policeman Joined In thschsa.
Each on ssw In anticipation or Muf
fins' recovery a transfer of money from
th pocket of th well dressed man to
their own more or lea Itching palms.
Cornered at last 'by th policeman
and thre small boys, Mufflus was de
livered to the stxanger, who distributed
largess among tbetn before b. re
turned to Muffins' waiting mistress.
II wss a repentant Muffins, aad lie
leed upon ber and licked her whit
tell with hts pluk tongue, whll Rags.
somewhst aulnlued la spirit, rsst yearn
Ing glauces toward his bsmlaout mas
ter. . . N
Tb recovery of Muffins wss too
much for Alice's composure, for It had
beeu an exciting Aiorulng ever since
breskfsst, when her father bad tuutlo
bis last appeal to ber. Now ah sud
denly biirat Into tears, and. lesolng ber
bead liMin Muffins' ugly ears, ah sob
bed brokenly.
Oh. wbst is the matter? I m sorry
It happened, you know. I ther auy
thlng I csn do?" pleaded lines' urnatrr
".No, II lu I tb dog. That's all
light. You coulJu't help It, and I ru
much obliged to you for bringing Muf
fin back. Il l something else," sobbed
Allc through her white veil.
"If you sre In trouble" Th stran
ger heaitnted. look lug from lb girl's
handsomely groomed dog to ber own
dainty and costly apparel.
Oh. thank you! It's nothing you
ran do. I'm feeling hateful this morn
ing anyway, and so would any on un
der tb clrcumatances. You ee, my
fat ber a going to be iiiarrUd."
Ab! And you naturally object T
This cam after a Hill startled pause.
"Wbo wouldn't I don't want a step
mother. I know I ahsll poalMvely bat
her. though everybody says she Is per
fectly lovely. I'm going away from
home. When tbry com bark I won t
b there." -..
Tb stranger Uugbed shortly. "It's
almo-fuauyr-but-rn'-ln-lh sam
boat." be confessed.
Allc looked up and dried ber tears.
How Is thst? Is your father going to
b married also?"
"No, but my mother Is, aud to a maa
I'v never seen. I rsai l k from a
long stay In th went and found that
ah was going to b married. We've
always been great chums, and ab was
afraid to tell me about It eo she wss
going to get married first and tell me
afterward, but 1 cam bom last nlgbt
and when th or mater confessed I
waa so mad I walked out of th bouae
and haven't been near ber elnce.
Besstly of me. wssn't It But some
how I couldn't help It" II frowned
Into tb dlstaur and quit overlooked
tb surprls In Alice's brown eyes.
"Don't you Ilk tb man your
mother Is going to marry f ah asksd
after awhile.
"Varar uw him nr hoard of him
tlif last night and bat positively de
clined to meet blra. I I'd Ilk to
punch him!" be added vindictively.
"When la It going to be th wed
ding?" pursued Alice.
"This afternoon at 4" b was be
ginning when ab Interrupted him.
"Your mother's nam la romroyf"
sbs demsndnd. - 1
He nodded speechlessly.
"Then she's going to marry my
father!" ' cried Allc dramatically.
Why, I don't aee bow you can ob
ject to him, for ther never waa a
better or dearer man than ITenry
Ransom!" ,
I ran believe that now." be said
elowly, "but you know you seem to
bav a prejudice against my mother.
Ton can't blame me under tbe circum
No; I cannot blame you," aald Al
ice slowly. Then all at one tbey be
gan to laugh.
With Jealousy gone there remained
pity and love for tb middle aged
couple who were making a new ven
ture In life. Tbey talked about tbe
loneliness of the bride and groom aad
bow there would be no son or daugh
ter to lend a loving presence at tbe
ceremony. Their strange meeting that
morning was another marvel In a day
thnt was always to be marked In tbelr
memories for Its Important happen
"I'm going home to dress," aald
Alice suddenly, and Philip Tomroy
called a taxlcab for ber and left ber
at tbe park entrance, while he went
borne to make peace with hla mother.
ITenry Ransom found peace when be
walked up tbe aisle of the church and
saw the loving face of his only
danghter smiling npon bla new found
Willamette Valley English Walnut
Ranch Company to W. A. Chapman,
land In Clackamas county; section 18,
townahlp S south, rang I eaat; $2500.
Portland Water Power and Electric
Transmission Company, 4.29 acrea of
section 24, township 3 south, range I
east; $1.
Mary II. Lett to FJ. K. Dart, land Ev
erbart's First Addition; $175.
John W. Lnder and Orace E. Loder
to Lewis A: MoMalna, land In section
25, townahlp 3 south, range 2 eaat; II.
Lewla A. McMalna and Julia K. Mo
Mains, land In section 28, township 2
south, rang 2 eaat; $6000.
B. P. Pflster and Minnie Pflster, lota
7, 8, block 10, Canby; II.
'aaWw. '
''ts. nn -a.
Joba Bounce ., .
wunty j.u , ml t, ,
f-IUhiy 1.2.??
waa worth a handrtL , v
th.t ,h. mi. u.u7wu;;;ta
With lb h.- ... UllB sir
With th bora foe 'U
ust bav atolaa It Js.
and asntsoced to Jn. T
Jail (.
"I Sbsll se your wifa . '
Dave you an,
"Yes," replied John; -t.iiL.
an out of this " M
Tb .Jailer looked at hi. prW
prlaed. aw
"Do you mean." b. aikM.
Wish hsr to luterced, with tki. "
sor to pardon yor .
"No; I wish bar I ui, .
erep." ' d
Tb Jailer looked st Joka im.
tlm with a ruel.urbol, J1
II considered thai a
eena such a meaaa.s by n, lr
bualness It would b to tiTm
piso mat migtit b sdoptsl s-,7
losing bU mind m
"All right." bs said. b-w .
poor man; "I'M glv her yowLl!?.
Th Jailer went the oeit UtL
town where t he woman Uv4lki T
Ing transacted tbe builaeai ktb?!!
do. went to see her.
"Ilosr la my poor bubuor
asked at one.
"Have yoo tb counts to Ur shw
bad newtP Inquired thsjilktk.
of reply.
"Yes; tall m at oor." ab. ufa.
"Well. I fear the eooflnaattt ui
the attendant m I fort anas kava it
fected hla brain."
Th woman was vary Bark
com by this and betted theJiUarn
tell ber What bad l.musht htm sar
a conclusion, whereupon tbs htitt
gave ber her hutaiit't ateamam, ii
soon as sue nearu l UnsM
a wall tbat many of tb srlrtteo
rusbed 1n to know what wit Ihtasl.
tor. Mrs. Ilounrs tid tbrsi tut fa
Imprisonment ber buihsod u sif.
faring for an offena of shirk W
Innocent hadaffe. led hla aua4; W
had goo daft They advlsid bar a
awrur tb services of .a hwjm b
bav John brought before t coaas
elon to deternilue tbe fsrta If sat
unsound mind had leea roarlrteJ u
Injostic bad teea dons whirl ssaut
be righted. The prisoner kts tletn
been much liked In lbs tows, tsi
great deal of aynipsthy vat as si
f est ad for him. When tb JaOsr aft
tbairj be promlae.1 tbe wlfs that hi
would observe her buahaad twsny
and when be cam agila woakl hraf
her another meaaf-tbit ha, tf Jsta
had any to send.
Tb nett Rieaaag lb Jailer brttrkt
Mr. Bounce was: "My Jaflrr faiabi
me Inaane. . He never waa man as
taken In hla life. VTInta .lis set
growing on my shoulders. By fat
first day of tb avwtb tbey m W
folly grown, and tbea I sbaO I;
tb chimney aod return to yoa tal
ar children."
When Mrs. Boooc rscrlvad Sk
mesa a r ab walled loader thai rvJ
declaring tbat Ibe rroei treatwest ss
bnsband wss rocelvlng. bs Mai la
careers ted In a cell, was narlit kk
coodltloa worse every day. Tbtkikf
asaurad bar tbst ber huabatd
In a cIL but In a room by biases,
which tbr wss sa old hmUtt
Urge chimney giving flne vastltotk.
But ab refused to be rotnforfel
Aa soon as the Jailer bad aeparlsl
Mr. Rounc went out tad bosghta"
oral ladders, besides fifty fset sf aMt
rop. and put tbem In ber cellar. Oi
th nlgbt of lb last day of tbs swan
ab hitched tbe family borM la ft
wagon, put tb Udder and tks ass
la It and est out for tb JalL Be
timed ber starting to reach bar 4
nation at midnight, and. tPtl
abort dlatanc from ibs boUdlai
Btood by Itself, tb carried tbs hk
to tb wall tbat surrounded It Par
ooo tedder against tbe wall, tat awes
ed It and. alctlng another Utwta
reach from tb wall to lbs roof sf W
jaU. with the coll of root oa bar tnv
ab climbed on to tb roof
to a larg chimney, let on ead af nt
rop fall with a thud oa tea as!
below. John, wbo was on tbt a
beard It and. aeltlog It. tied It U
hla body nnder bis arms. Tbe J
Ing It for a elgnal. Mrs- Bouac osau
to pulL 4
Th chimney wat aot Unpr jaean
to nabl John to help Wmatft J m
his wlf wss a strong it wt
shrewd womsn. aod by dint oM
pulling abe got blm up.
bllng to tb. w.ll and to tht IjJ
outside, tbey took tbs ladders "
rope with lbm and Jrov sway.
Tb neit morning Mrs. .
tb oelgbbora that ber rjTj
husband bad appeared b0wJJ
tbe nlgbt. declaring that be bad w w
oo hla abouldera aod
chimney. They were all J '
pnaaled. but awore that tb. half wl
fallow abould not go back P
When tb Jailer learned wbtt J h
pened b kn.w b b.d been catwttj
but b dar. not tell
authorities. B,d,;,?3bf
capturing John, but wat drWM jaw
the neighbor, aad finally
It would be impossible to .be W
tic back to Jail wlthantslargaJJ
pos so the matter went by d
and John remained at liberty
It ia oeedleiw to say that b
recovered his sanity.
ai. a
: Put Yourself in the
J Ad-Readers Place... J
. When you writ, your claMlflJ
ad-or any kind of an
Inolude in It juat the nf m
you'd Ilka to find If f-'Jpi.
ad-reader and were io"--
ad of tbat kino. - small
w If you do 'VWlU brln a
4 eitent your ad will onus
BULTS1 a.-