Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 23, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' . . y ..
i. -
We're Going to Sell You You're
Clothes Sooner or Later
, lhr0ggh advertlalng though wo think wo do effective advertising
not through aaggerotsd statement for we dont make thornnot
trough anything
Qyality and Values
i ik. truth, they will out you n't deny thorn you ean't boat thorn.
LINO " ' 1 ... ta Ml Vftll auantilallu
ThSt W")f H "- " -
w.'ra coming strong this week with now arrlvsle In the
Vogue ' ,01' oel,y Brand and Schloss Broe.
m,n and young men.
$10.00 to $30.00
Suspension Bridge Cor.
famous La
clothes for
ur aml'Mra. Jonoo and wife, of
Jiacadii. In thle city on Satur
r and registered ,h Kloctrlc.
Th Finest Creamery Butter te Fall
n,y ,run!: 06fl at Harris' Oroeory.
Attorney W. A. Heylmaa, of Kstaca
it vus In thla city on legal buetneas
o,' Saturday.
riimr prices have advanced. Get a
of ur Royal Ann thla week at
II j5 Hiirrla Orocary.
There will be special niualo at the
rvtees at the Gladstone Christian
thuKh tbtat evening. Everyone Invlt
d. Try our special ZSo coffee. It'a
grest. Harris Grocery.
There will he memorial service
.( (bP Mountain View Union church at
jj . m. ("day In meniorlam of Elder
J. P. AM'", recently deceased..
juo preaching aervlce at Christ Kv.
Uitbenm church today. Rev. P.
Schmidt, the pastor, being abaent from
Uie ry holding aervlcee at Balera.
Th t"ilc of the' Epworth League
vretliig thla evening at 0:30 will be
Hlp and Hindrance From Without."
Miss Malva pillow will be loader.
free demonstration of stencellng.
Meilran pigment paints; color will
wash Uw O'ltrlfn of the Chicago
tvtory.l af John Adama' Btore thla
work. T
II. T :Mlvln, one of the booaters
of Clark aniaa county, whoae residence
Is at Harlow, waa In Oregon Olty on
gatunlnv boosting for Barlow, aa well
si for rho county.
The Willamette IMratoa,. the ball
learn at the Willamette Pulp Paper
Co., will play ball Sunday on the home
' grounds They eipect to play the
Green Point boya.
The employee of the light and power
aoarinieni of the P. R-. U P. i-o.
will hold a family reunion at the Oaks
lloadny There will be the usual
ni lime with olcnle and aummer ex
earslon featurea and the famlllea and
frlendK are looking forward to an en
Joyaule occasion. -,
At the morning aervlce In the Con
RMitloiial church today. the pastor,
Rev. w. M. Proctor, will preach on the
subject. -What the Wble Means to
u. - -rhn sermon will have reference
lo the 300th anniversary celebration of
tK. Klin Jamee version of the mute,
vhk-h la a aublect absorbing much
nkllr Intereat among lilble atudrnta
ta4 believers.
Mrs. J, F. Ramsey, arrived home
Thursday frojn a vlalt to her daughter
Elsie, In Roaeburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred llurat, of Canby,
were In this city on Baturday, and
ere among the visitors on booster
Mr nnd Mra. Jerry Itoatle, of Canby,
were In thla city Oft Saturday and
ere the gueata of Mrs. Deatle s motb
or at Willamette.
Mr. .1. 11. Rupert, formerly of thla
cltv. but now of Portland, who Is a
real estate man of that place, waa In
""IhlsTTty on" Friday and Saturday.
Miss Ksther U'Ren, of Eugene, Or.,
who hiis been the gueat of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. U'Ren for the paat week,
left for home. Baturday afternoon.
MIhh pearl Cummlnga. of Nawberg,
and MIks IultvTrueblood.of Portland,
are ovi-r Hundsy gueata at the home of
Mr. and Mra. A. II. Wllmot.
Mrs. nolle Sleight and Ml so Anna
Urn BN'lxht, of Portland, were visit
lag with frlonda In thla city on Sat
MIbwm Nulllo and Eaale Klnkley, of
Woodhiirn. arrived In thle city on Fri
day aft. moon, and attended the ball
liven by the Elks at the Ilusch ball.
Mr. v.". 8. U'Ren wm a Portland
visitor Sniiirday evening being In at
tendant on the meeting of Single
Tuers of the State who met In con
ference In the Rose City.
Mrs. Sarah Hll.lebrant, of St. Jos
eph, M., la vlaltlng friends In the
city the guest of her slater, Mrs. Mary
K. McCarver. Mrs.' Illldebrant has
been spending the winter In Battle,
Wash., a guest of her dauKhter, Mra.
Karl Rolley, and stopped In this city
for a short stay enroute home.
Oak Orovo Juvenile Musical Organisa
tion Makes Hit With Psople.
The Oak Orove girls' band waa one
of the attractions at the Ilooater Day
Saturday, and they mado- a hit with
many people In the city. They joined
In the parade, heading the second dl
vlnlon of the parade, and not only did
the public enjoy the band hut tht
glrla had a good time of It. The per
sonnel of the band la as follows:
Ada Starkweather, Edith Grimm.
Ethel niKham. Ruth Wllklna, Ruth
Worthlngton, Heater Armstrong,. Jea-
ale Spldell, Marjorte Mclesse, Mar
garet Iewla. Maud Mcueaae, little
Averaon. Ellen Worthlngton, Madge
Ellla. Francla Griffith. Edith Turner,
lleaale Vlglea and Katie Oatkin. Mra.
H. 8. Warner. Mrs. U E. Armstrong
and Mrs. Myra Moody were with the
Work on the Clackamas Southern
Railway has been completed up to the
property In dispute, ownod by O. W.
lUgham, on the aide hill. Work has
been begun across the bill on right of
way ovur which there la no dispute,
but the Inconvenience la coating the
company aome money, making the
building of the road more expenalve
to the business men of Oregon City
nd Clackamas county, who are fur
nishing the money to finance the enterprise.
At that no effort will be put forth
by IllKham to expedite mattere, who
now enys he will take all the time the
luw glvea him in which to anawer to
he company's suit "foi rlKhtofway.
He waa asked to permit the company
to go on and do the work and take
what the court glvea him, but refused
and hla refusal I causing delay and
putting an additional burden on the
business men of the city who are
financing the deal.
Good work Is being done across the
Hlgham property on the rest of the
right of way and the grndlng la mov
ing ahead rapidly. Hut at that the
company desires to finish as It pro
a-rentes, and to have the uae of Ita
graded roadway In getting Jn and out
from the property. -
Buach Hall th. Scone of a Vary Suc
cessful Pny.
The dance given In Iiusch hall Sat
urday evening by Milton Price waa a
very auccosaful affair, mere were
npwarda of an hundred tripped the
light fantaatlc In the afternoon, and In
th evenlnc the number waa aweneo
to upwards Of 300. Farmera orchestra
furnlahcd the mualc for me occaaion
There were many pretty coatumes
worn on this occaaion. It proveo
very nice crowd and those who attend
ed enjoyed' the evening very much
The dancing waa atopped at midnight
on account of the Sunday hour. There
were many apectatora, not a rew or
whom oeemed to enjoy the evening aa
greatly aa the dancers.
J. Levitt, prominent Merchant. Glvoa
Contract to Local Firm.
Wilson AY HuKhee. two prominent
.nirrlnra of this CUV. nave oeen
awarded (he contract for the romoaei
in of the residence recently pur
chased by J. Levitt from Rudolph
corner. Thle will be made Into one
of the moat attractive homee In Ore
gon City. DulU-in outlet ana ooo
raseo wllLbe added, and the reception
ball enlarged. The work baa already
been atarted.
These two contractora have also
been awarded the contract for erecting
a home for E. Mattblea. of thla city
but which will be built In Portland.
The house will be a beautiful resi
dence, and will coat 4500. This work
will soon commence.
The following are those who have
registered at the Electric Hotel: N.
H. Williams, Silver; George Speight,
Hubbard; Fred Schafer, Molalla; H.
Harris, Seattle; John M. pnmm, Port
land; John Wheeler, city; W. P. Jones
and wife, R. Ilosklns and wife, Eata
cada; Charloa McKlnnla, Clackamaa;
M. Harnett, Iebanon; K. Panford, H.
Kraxberger.' Mra. James, Mrs. Weln
unpr. it. Pareona. Charlea Clow, Mrs.
v Waterman. N. Phillips. 11. J.
Rupert. Portland.
Baptist Cor. Main and Ninth streets,
Rev, 8. A. Heyworth paator, rea.
Ill Ninth; 8. 8. 12 noon, H. E. Cross
supt.; morning service 10:30, even
ing 7:80, Y. P. 8. C. B. :30 p. m.
and Junlora aame hour. Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30
p. m.
Morning aubject "Emancipation of
the Word."
Evening "Is the Bible Inspired."
Cansmah Baptist Mission 8. 8. meets
at 3:00 p. m., A. E. Rugg supt. .
Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth Sta.
- llev. A. HUlebrand paator. rea. viz
Water; Low Maas 8 a. m., wth ser
mon; High Mass 10:30 a. m.j with
sermon; afternoon service 4:00.
Mass every morning at S:00. '
Conorooatlonal Tor. Main and Eleventh
Kw. Wm. M. Proctor paator.
rru. lot Third; H. I. 11 noon, John Lw
ry aunt.', morning anrvtca 10;I0, ovn
Inff 7:10.' voun peopla l:S0. Waakljr
prayar mUng Thursday at 7:19 p. m-
Morning aubject "What the Bible
Means to Me."
Evening 'Ood's Marksmen." "
Christ v. Cutnaran Cor. Eighth and J
Q Adams !"!, Kav. H. Bchmtdl
pastor, res. so i. Q Adams; B. B
I 0 a. m.; praanhlng afternoons of nrai
and third BuDdaya at X:SO in Kngiian.
....... . ,
G. W. McLaren, Supt. Portland Commons
A man with a Message evety-body t7ill
want to bear Special IWtisic
10:45 Lions in the Vineyard iS5
olher Bunday i
Marv Coonle. a full-blooded Eskimo,
r.n.iint n I wo mi several million
dollara, Is the richest woman north of
the Arctic circle. 8he can neither
read nor write, but employe a shrewd
young Englishman, a graauate or ui
fnr,t a her secretary. She la a worn
.n nf much buslnesa ability. Her
wealth comet from mining lands, ahe
having a large holding. Among ner
nnaaoaalona are 2000 reindeer. She
has little opportunity to spend money,
.. nti MtravaKance Is dress.
Dcaplte her great wealth she has little
dealre to travel and see me wunu.
One of the moat successful teachers'
Institutes so far held was that which
convened at Oswego Saturday. There
were upwards of an hundred teachers
present, with half that number or via
Itors and friend a present. Thla la the
ihtrrf loool Institute held so far Can-
by and Gladatone preceding and all
three have been marked with more
than uaual success.
Few had the nerve to walk from
Bolton to Oswego, and at the last mo
ment teama were ordered to convey
hose who wlahed to ride; a rew aia
walk, however. State Superintenoeni
of Public Inatructlon L. E. Alderman
waa among the number tnai roae.
Among the visitors present were
members of the Oewego school board.
Th. rhltrfren'a nrorram. by the local
school, waa a very pleasant feature of
the day. The dinner by the women
of Oswego warn greatly complimented.
The Institute was held In the village
school and the roome were very tastily
decorated with potted plana and feme
and flowers. The Oswego school haa
made a Specialty of agriculture
horticulture and has a large number
of products lo ahow for lte effort.
Clare IX Moray, the principal, had a
aurprlae for th vlaltlng teachers he
gave each a vegetable plant and a
en.r niant. and he also bad a supply
of vegetable and Oower aeeda that he
added to hla other gifts. The program
was aa follows:
Recitation In History
Fannie G. Porter
Reading" Mra. 8. D. Singleton
Addrese Pr. r. t. i"
Dinner Oswego Woman s Club
Address I R. Alderman
Literary program oswego scnooi
One gratifying reaiure in m m-w-
Int. work th a year, supennienueui
Gary aays, cornea In the fact that ao
fnr -no-one has atsappoimea m --
werlng to hla or her place on ine pro
grameach program having been aa
advertised. .... . .
The next Inatltute win be neia in
Oregon City, Saturday, May 13. Aa
this will be a central meeting place
for the teachers in the county It Is
hoped that there may be a large attendance.
arvlca mornlnss at it ''it
wllh preaching In German.
No preaching service all day.
Christian Science Ninth and Cen
ter streets. Sunday service 11 a. m.
Sunday echoed 2 Boon. Wednesdsy
evening 8 p. vv
Morning eubject "Probation After
Death.""-; .
Oerman gwinflalleat Cor. Etahlh and
Madlaon ilrwli. Rov. P. Wlevenlck paa
. .... in Maiiiion: B. B. 10 a. m..
Herman' Bchrader. Monro street, supt.:
asnrlM 11. vnt'nff DOODle St 7
b. m. and orehln at ( p. ra. Prayar
meeting Wednesday at 7:0 p. m.
ni..,.u rhrlln Rv. A. M. Mulkey
" . . . . . m a 1 A . m
S. C. 'Hnndricko supt.; morning S"rrlr
it .'Wk avcnlna arvlc 7: JO. Woes.
y orarer pwUn Thursday 7:0 p. m.
Mornlna: euwlect "The Ter-Centen-
ary of the Autnorirea version.
Evening "The Capabllltlea of Man.
Im ..i. ifu I In Inn (Tnnr 1 B. B
p m. Mr J. H Qulnn aupt.; Blbl.
btuv arv Thursday atamoon;
Erarhtn 7:10 p. m. second and fo
undava In January.
A memorial service will be held at
11 a. m. in remembrance or e.iaer j,
P. Allison, recently deceased.
u.iiuiut Main street cor. BeTenth
Rv. B. P. Zimmerman paator. raa. eoc
Blath and Waahlnaton; H. B. : a. m
e . n;illlam. ( tlftdaton. SUDt. I mom
Ing oerrlo 10:41. Bpworth tau S:I0.
evanlna- aervlc 7:. Prayer moating
Thuradav 7:10 p. m.
Morning subjwt "Llona In the
Vineyard." '
. Evpnlna Address by W. G. McClar-
en, superintendent of Portland Com
mons. Praabvrlan Beventh atreet cor Jeffer
son Kv. J. B. Landsborouah paator.
rt-a. 710 Jeffaraon; 8. B IS a. ".. Mrs.
W C. Grern supt.; morning aervlca 11
a. m.. T. P. B. V. K. t:t p. tD-V"m
Ins aervlca T:I0. Prayer meeting Thurs
day I p. m. '
Morning aubject "The Engusn Bi
ble." Evening "The Church Booster
and work lii still progressing on the
playground which when nnisuea win
please the moat rasuaious piayer.
Some talk and plans are being made
to celebrate the Fourth of July here.
Damascus Is in every wsy suitea
for celebrating thla day grandly. It
boasts of the moat beautiful park for
miles around, large enough to accom
morfal. the whole county; with plenty
of shady, cool resting places;- a well of
clear sparkling water ana just across
the atreet la the playground for base
ball, racing and all the sports cuatom
ary on that day. The apaclous hall of
J. C- Elliott will accommodate the
dancers In the evening.
Road Supervisor W. W. cooae naa a
vans- of men busy improving the coun
ty road between here and Oregon Cityr
if rood wealher continuea he will soon
hae. that road resembling a boulevard.
(Keep In mind the entertainment and
basket social In Kinou s nan Apm m,
1J11. A rendition of the comedy, "The
Great Catastrophe," by local talent,
will be offered.
-fl-'w and
When In Oregon City at
Farmer's Feed Yard
arm oLat- m
308 Main Street
Best of Care Given All Animate or
' Stock Loft With Us.
-"W. 0. DOYER-
Orcgon City Wood and Fuel Company
Vour want, supptlsd with any qusntlty of 4 foot or 1S Inch wood de
livered to any part of City. Prices, rsaaonable.
Satisfaction Phon. your
Horn. B-110 Cor. 6th and C.nter,
Pacific M.ln S502 Or.0on City.
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor . proposition" of doubtful m.rlt or hon.sty-for d-re.d.r.l
"w.d.ys, are DISCRIMINATING. Th.y Know know
GENUINE things, genulns opportunltlee.
Any .rtlele which esn be .old by sdvsrtl.lng Is, by that test, a
0OOD .rtlcl.. YOU are ssfe In buying a thing which has "stood
hs fir. of publicity." ,
' Th. makeVVa wld.l advertised article, or commodity, I. .W
wayg on trial for Ms busln... Hfs. He e.nnot shirk, nor ch.sp.n hi.
produet-and Vhe Ve'h best possible protection for the consumer. .
. You are SAFE In buying advertised things It's th.
nowaday, business conditions.
Two young women made complaint
to Officer Green Friday evening that
an assault had been made on one of.
it.. with attemDt to take undue lib
erties. One of the young women made
complaint agalnat one of the young
men from Canemah who Is known as
. snort among the boya about
town, but that officer could not bellevo
the story and so did not arrest the
man In question.
Officer Green was of opinion that
the young woman wished to use the
police aa a blackmailing collection ag
ency and he told her so and advised
her to take me ne car . j
An,i hn th vouns- woman failed to
raise a protest as to the treatment her
case was receiving he became more
tvim avr satisfied that there was no
cause for the accusation, ine young
woman made no erron to swear
warrant ror ner a ''
. b.. show In Early June.
The Clackamaa County Rose Society
u-f i - .ih. at thA Willamette hall
on Saturday afternoon, the meeting ; of
which was presided over by the presl.
dent, Mrs. Roslna Fouts. There wsa a
good attendance, and there waa much
enthuslnsm. There will be a meeting
on Tuesday afternoon at S clock in
v. i..nn,..t hall nf the Mason Ic build
ing. The rose show will b held dur
ing the early part or June.
Admiral Helhachlro Togo, chle' of
the naval general staff or Japan, wi.
.a. rommander-ln-chlef of the Japa
nese fln't during the RnsaoIapanese
War will visit the United State, this
summer, lie wsa our.. T
1847. sailed the aess as a lad. and com
I,:: v education at the naval
roTleae at Greenwich, leaving that In-
Sutlon in 1874. I1MW
ed the Nsnlwa during the war witn
n i i . rMnMfliiloul Rev. J. Ta
Jonee paalor, rea. Clackamas; B. B. 10
a. m Emery rrencn k; "-
aervtcea each Sunday, alternatlna: ba
twMrt 11 a. m. and 7:S o. m Chrla-
ttan Endeavor TBuraoay - arwi
P- SB.
St. Paul's Episcopal Ninth St., near
Main, Rev. cnaa. w Kooinson pas
ter, res, at Rectory, Ninth and Wa
ter sts.; S. 8. IS noon. Wm. Shew
msn. anpt.: Prayer meeting Wed
nesday 7:30 P- Morning service
inin a m . evenlnr aervlce 7:30.
United Brethren Cor. lhth and Taylor.
Rav. I F. Clarks paator. rea. rwimnu.
B. 8. 10 a. m.. Frank Pnrker, Maple
Ine, stipt ; mornlna- aervlce 11. Y- P
8. C. E. S P. m.. evanlng aarvlco 7.
Wlllamatta M. E. No resTilar preacning
aervlces. B. B. S p. m.. Mirm. nnnu
2lon Lutheran Cor. Jefferaon and Elahtb
atroeta. Rev. w. K. nrmwri-r pma
tor. rea. 720 Jeffaraon; B. 8. S:I0 a. m
Rav. Kraxberer aupt.: morning service
10:10. evening 7:41. Luther Laguo 7
p. m-
George W. Nate, However, Will Figni
to Bitter tna.
nnnra-A w. Nate, of Gladstone, ar
rested In Portland Friday evening and
brought to thla city on the charge or
larceny, waa arraigned in Justice Sam
son's court -Saturday morning, no
waived examination and was bound
over to court In the aum of $500.
The officers think they have a good
case but Mr. Nate doesn't agree witn
them and Is determined to right
which he ha. a perfect right to da
Mrs. Maggie Johnson went to Ore-
tnn rirr Saturday.
Mra. Cahlll and daughter, Mrs. jonn
Hart and son, wre Portland vlaltors
Several of the Mllwaukleltea attend
ed the Booster Day celebration In Ore
gon City Saturday.
Wants, For Sale, Etc!
Notices under these classified headtnrs
will ba IneeMed at one cent a worn, nrwi
luhim half rent additional Inaar-
tlona. One Inch card, tl par month; half
Inch card. 4 llnea) tl per month.
Cash muat accompany order unleaa one
k.. nnen account with the Dapar. No
rinrll mDonilbllltv for errors; where
arrora occur fraa corrected notice will b
Drtnted for patron. Minimum cnaraa
WANTED To rent, traction engine, j
li to 20 horse power. Address Box
163. Oregon City, Oregon.
OF course we are honest and accurate,
or we could not conduct the success
ful business we do. But it is well for you
to know that when you buy goods at this
store you are amply protected.
This Store is tip:to-date
Ve use all the latest mechanical contrivances that'make mistakes a
practical impossibility. All YOU need trouble, about is the selection
of your purchases. With our modem appliances your protection is
absolute and complete". '
Boiled Ham, Sliced on Our Slicing Machine 35c pound
Dried Beef, Sliced Fresh Every Time 40c pound
Sugar Cured Bacon, Sliced Fresh Every Time 25c pound
cents an hour. Call Pacino uiaies
WANTED Girl, experienced choco
late dipper. Inquire 703 Mam street.
WANTED You to know that we buy
all kinds of. Curios, that we are in
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We also have a
riwt assortment of second hand
Furniture and Tools on hand for
aale to those in need. Come and
see; perhaps we have Just what you
want. Indian Curloa and trinkets
for sale cheap; some that are very
unique and also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG. Main near Fifth street.
County Court In Seas Ion on Saturday
Supervisor Discharged.
An adjourned term of County Court
was held by Judge Beatle In the Coun
ty Court room on Saturday. Road
matters were brought up for discus
sion. F. H. Harris, supervisor of the
roads In Oak Grove, was discharged
from hla duties, for disobeying orders,
but his place haa not been filled.. The
machinery and tools have been turned
over to Frank Jaggar, county road
George Speight, of Aurora, one of
the well known horsebreeders of the
county, was in thla city on Friday and
Saturday, having brought some of his
blooded horses here for the Booster
Day parade.
TWO CORNER LOTS 14th and Center
streets, one block from car line,
good seven room house, sll modern
Improvements; barn and chieken
run. Price $3500; terms. Clyde &
McRae, 1003 Main Street.
Eagle Creek Grange held lta regular
session Saturday. Quite a large num
her of the members were present
spending a pleasant day together. Two
candidates. Mr. .and Mjrs.Fred Ely,
were initiated In the Orai and second
degrees. ,
Asa Thomas, master of the Sandy
r.ranse. and wife, and Mr. and Mrs
Jonsbrud were Orange visitors Satur
day. Claude Malcolm, Mary and Myrtle
Woodle and a couple of their friends
took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Howlett
Easter Sunday. --
The Cahlll children, except Pluss
and Lena, are almoat well again. They
think the measlra are not very pleas
ant. II. S. Gibson went to Oregon City
to nerve on the Jury this week. - -
The Estacsda Grays played with the
Montavllla team Sunday, and were
again the wlnnera. The acore being
15 to 4 In favor of the Estscada Grays.
Fine weather Is with tia again and
crops In this section are looking fine,
giving promise of bumper returns.
Several of the baaeball fans of Da
mascus were in Protland this week to
wltnesa the Beavers do their pretty
work. a
Mr. Brnnner, of Sandy Ridge, died
at the home of hla daughter, Mrs.
August Bock. In Damascus, Tuesday,
April 18. Mr. Brunner waa a pioneer
resident of Clackamas county.
Fearing winter bad returned Wm.
SivenSon sold his farm last week and
contemplates migrating eouth.
Damascus Amateur Alhletlo Club Is
still aoarlilg In membership. Sixteen
ne members were enrolled last week
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estlmatea cheeiTully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Rea. Phone Mala 111.
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracte furnlebed, land
titles examined, estates Bottled, gen
eral law businesa. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
U'REN & SCHUEBEL, Attomeys-at-Law,
Deutecher Advokat, will prac
tice In all courta, make collections
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon.
FREYTAG ft MONET, Real Estate
Dealers, have choice bargains In
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit landa and poultry
ranchea. See us for good - buys..
Near S. P. depot.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land titles Investigated, conveyan
clng, notary public
Competitors copy
Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.
B. H. COOPTCR. For Fire Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
' your propertleo--we buy, sell and
exchange. Office In EnUrprise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
r fVval an1 f?o Pancr wirh Hitrh Closet. Gratei
"wlHI 1U1 'Sll IWI I Wl " 'Waw a..aJ-.a 0
can be removed for burning wood. ... .uu.'.l
The entire exterior of this Range is made of planned blue steel
and beautiful nickel plated parts, with attractive, modern carvings,
rich in design and easy to keep clean, producing a beautiful appear
ance, i . " ... ' . .
Best Range on the market. Triers are Ye-V
more for your money in buying STANDARD FAVORITE than
in any other Range.
Furniture and Hardware
--1 it r -