IIORNTNQ nUTEHPniSE, 8UXDAT. A PHIL 23, flORfiUi'G ETiTEEFiZlSE . oxspov crrr, osxcox E. K. HOOtC. EAnwe as SENATE FACTIONS QUARREL. TCBB Of KMUBflW, Boaa. ataManl . . . - Baa MlK ay m fa Mt. ;:n Bar wot. ha anw WAJHWCTOX. April 2X Special) Toe smart to the Baa ate MtM itf Is attU la trUMM with Bute hope rrrTt ot "BasaL Taw Dnmnti Bsy m sua aa advantage through thie aarrel umi th wlags of the ! party, and tf the regulars do a( yield j to the 4mui of la Iasargeata It M 2J;allltabttirM)oliU las erm ta aecwrtag eoatroL At the Portland Theaters LAST OUt LEAVES TOR 0&EG05 CITY AT MIDJflCHT AMifiaaa tea swat ' S-rST-rT:;..-. .2 j -Hartag noM ka naevor TtrTJT1" 5rtt? bow D-vta.- to recall Its lajMwMa iWi'iMiiwi,'' m "'I rosamisaiowssa who are ta r at Kji ra rtw Baa m ow tnwa raw PiSaS T ' 111 I i tJ seals Ir aw Saw; a rs Wr Bala. Ta Baa. east a ward real sasaivana; w d aaentaanaj Raaaafar aSi flnlas a 1 Saa. rar arnn lama ii aM Ne Cha waaaiy aVrt ta a RECALL OCT TIRESOME. TACOMA. WiO, April tt 8pe thM J - -Jjit tie tarred aadCV. aa av A I mmrvr. wi is merest la recalls ta ! waaing u4 at looks as tt It wowkt sot a long aatfl ta recalla woeld evoke ;Hnle at r- ag- . -e ( Pr aum ta li ih in afftea af tfea BMnaraw. LcJ aaVardatac at trml liwiaam atta CHARGED WITH MUROCft. ixiHAXAPoua. tad, April i a raaaftna frwa (te asXT to Ow 1 tUr air raW a-tia tka axpla- aaw waara i cvwi twr i , i v . , Tiax aoiMiac. Uat Ortobar. OCbAf wtratea raar(4 ara Oaavka eoart- boaat M lartiiatpotla talapaoM aaDdlac. v - , .(a i; ,i CTti atfrr4e as4 anaal Mc aa aek, aaoara- ja apaetaJ ira tmn " Lha Tlra Bala aa4 Baafervat ai triv- ' aaaBalc ftrn luamja: o4. j Cava ttrmm a4 wa ailnai ai I Ml ' af n attarm la lacmi rutin. " aa raa?y arpiatod BJi ml aiaaa- M ar tiam a ansv na-aaal'"" By MMI GIVfll CITY OTFICIAL NrwVAKH " WeO. friend aad aaucJibors. Aid roa ; WM- MOMEY ENTERTAIM IN eajoy Booster Day? of fc; rsae FAREWELL DINNER -VERY PUEAIAKT OCCASION. -a- The Cajaira kttrsrtiatis ksrc eoear u4 roac aai prrtApa a fev of yoax 1 Mr WICiajs sfoaey gara a laaca BJckica aigs taeca. a at t aofa oa Wedotadsy after- aa v.?0' 1 aoaor betas; Xrs raeort for Booator Day. tta Its tea fcm. TS xatarc of fta aftmooa tboaaaad risitoia.. frota first to last. t-r rocal aa4 laatmaectal aelae Aa4 that is an that tocaad, ap ia ' Lot- fttOov4 by a battoabo) tae efty prisoa th aaoie 14 iota 1MT bete rmlrd to battoaboia oa caaaaa cloth. valckas Fralabe4 tbeaj by th boa- Tb veatber waa tOeai aa4 tb ' teu- Mra- hry If. Caanaaa. a bo tneads fro rouitrr a roaJoa i S praaat was rwiat tb ittaoi to oosae to tb j Jrk 0ry aad aae tha aibta Aa at'that J Prfat rr lira. JC H. Staltb. Mrs. we are saa yoa coaac. .Mrv g. oNe. Mrs. M If Cbx tti , BU, Mrs. A. Dl Fatrow. Mrs. T. K Waa ib t-. n., Jin Mrs. O. f. ,v . Tv. ' rrer-ML Mrs. F. P. Nelaoa, Mra. E. & flsy ao that the &sa who a-as caaebt r Foi-;t(. Mrs Dart Caa44. Mrs atnaias; wooJda t ae4 to a-sit toe kmc J w Mrs. 'WTlliajB Proctor. r nr the aay of aX uwd reat a-bea ' a mtt punier bis errors aad start' SEVEN-OOal BUNGALOW out aaear? r ' - a-a- - ,1 nuinnin lirmn 1 IfAIUtUAU IiUHmU AT f lULCiO THURSDAY CLACKAMAS .SOUTHERN BOARD rJlRCCTORS WILL NOLO MEET- . INO IN ORANOC MALL. Tbara atll ba a rallroa4 maatlOB l -a iba Oraaga ball at MaMno oa Thurs day aBlBt. April IT. lo abtrh all Iba peopla Una eat la Ibsl aeitbooraooa ara lariiaA. F. M. Bait, oaa of Iba board of directors and baavlly Islar- rated la tba as a Oackaatas fUmtbara Rr. Co-, baa baaa speadlna asveral days oat la last country talking rail ay ta tba people II ring there sod Bads tbess all aailoua lo ee the Una built, and la see It built Ibis summer. Wltk Ibe lalereet Ifcsl ksa beea bbsbI- feeied la tba praiert. sad with tba de sire eiprmid tbsl It be bat It at oaca, R U d earned viae lo visit ibst aactloa sad bsre a beart to heart ulk l(b lha people, and this will ba kt tempted Thuradsy eTenlng . Mr. Balfl Bads st Ibe people liv ing la aad Bear Mullao a tat to see the road built thle sumaser and they tklsk thai a crew of a-orkmea should be aet to work oat there Immedlstely so that that leg of the road assy be got ready for the steel al the same time thai the Brat leg tba road from thai city lo Beaver Creek, la graded. This the promoters of Iba road ara allllac to Ao If the people tiring oat there are vlUlng lo pot ap their share of the coat, patting ap their moeey Saall DcpciH, waa. . W saeewrsaa tMas beaawaa u,-. ' '"b-l,u Ths small aepeaH.reftodsybaeam tC. ' .Mara peepla eead ba baa aeaMiter If J' .,.. Mip la baila-laa their araAlt a, IK-,f rwilaa, aaTl'S Openl-e. a abeahlnfl aeeewat Kara U thTTl, Start aear SM fa I lew In tM faeteteaa .1. ae baaiaeaa a weaitwi iL., The Banlt of Oregon BaaaBaaaaaBaaBaaaaBaBBaBaBBBBBaaBBB . JaaaaaanaaWnpaa LATOURkTTTBl rraatdaai 'A 4. DAI: THE FIRST NATlONaU ol OREGON CITY , OREGON CAWTAU taOBoaoa. a Oaaorat aakla, aalaaaa 0-, , RaW.?tR&WAfd MACHINISTS - Wa da aeaaral rapH-. aiaablaa m,4, . fc eartt new. aUparta arftb aaaal aa(la. K Mala tK Maeaa iff, 10 FOURTH STREET 0RI00N CITY. BIG BOOSTER DAY LEW OOCKSTAOf R AND HIS MINSTREL AT MCILIO THEATRE. "ZT tmom " ceaaajey Maaatreis w4tt be 1H attrae- ta at Tba He-I.g Theatre. 7tH aa4 Tayfcar atraata fee tare, aigbta beBle MINSTRELS AT THE HEILIG. mm Lew Oockataaer and Blfl Csaapaay Oe aaa Bnay NtgM. Lew DockataAar. a bo. as to ba at the Hetlig threw aJgAta 1th hU ssla atrel coaspaay. Is planning after the ew- Maay a lad aad aibt ware ecjoyisg the day 1a gasarsJ aad aach other's eoaipacy ia partiealar aad tby yaat i care bo did a tie lore g5as Bjtstd froa to eye. Bh&d to ail tie wurid tvxpt to each cr.iT . Tb arrt bl? day !a Oreoa dry wiE be the Fonrrh of JsJj aad that vd be ljrate4 tbe Cbamasqaa avraina ia fitmxw. Tbera wiB be ea text ia width is of tba eomforta a ecXTajue oceasfcn os tbat cay aad w bone. . Just Ceeapleted ta Mount Pteaunt far EaSaard Van Wry. A. L Blaacbard. oae of the veil kaowa eoatrartora of this city, has ytun eoicped a beaatiful aad avxiera batigaiow of aeres. roosts far Edward Vu!r o Lawton HeiKtu. Mooat Pataaaat. Tata as on of the most a UHUte bvmt ia that part of tba eaaa ty. Oa the first floor are the bring roeA. Aintaa moan, kitrhes, betfrocaa. P&ti7 had bathrooa. wtfle oa the -vtxmi floor ana be foaad the two i nlKm4 apartaaetita. A Teraaoa aev to take kts orgaalza- uoa with klmaelf at Ha beaA to Eog Uad. Begotiadoaa for a loag eexaxe- saectt la Loodoa beiag already well aa der way. Oackstaaer experts to be aoae for abovt two years, aad baa bat little doabt of the sacoesaful oatroate of the veetare. There baa Dot beea a aalastrri show la Eaglaad since tba amis of -Poay Moore,' whose Moore art earavi art a . . a. ik. - - t f w axwajn vauavai b t A4F wvrVa. Tb tirlow Bergen the bee leading taaa tortlaa4 has ever seea plays jeaa caaaaia. Saphe s lover aad the ace-oea batweea them rlae to the betghU of artlatic acting, thrilling the aaotearea tbroagh and throosh. Al I tba ead of the brilliant first act. show- tag the aaaaal Artists' French Ball, ts iatrodocettf the famous staircase sceae. i aad tt Is all doee so delicately aad Kb such aaarked artuttc skill, that ; aoae ara offended, but all are eaalted J by the powerful act tag of the peine I ipaia. TbeoaVwe Koberts plays lacle i Ceaalre aad the otkera la the cast wU! ! be the pick of the Baker CompaayT Matiaeea will be gltea Wedaeaday aad in doubtleas (Cootlased from page 1.) J. Wllaoa, Oregoa City; Ed VoaAerabe, Oregoa City; Walt Noblett, Needy. Baaaie lloma itradley WoodwarA. Orecua City; Cbaa. Naah. Oregoa Cite: K. P. Powell. Oregoa Oly; Joseph Bbeabaa, Oregoa City; Homer Me- I Arthur. New Era; C Mural t. Oreaoa City, koute J; I). W. McCorsabsA, Ora goa City. Route 1 ; Ed Voaderaae, Ore- goo City 8hetlaad Poniee OrlaaAa ILoaale Can by; Daa Lyons. Jr, Oracoo City. , Prise Winners. ; aft staittoa: Fred MarahalL Iat W. D. naggetL tad: Wat rnum Jrd. . . : Draft Maraa W. W. train. A a ran 1st. 2nd aad Jrd art see. bare them for ifw"" t fcrd work to trk kola. teat pol e bean caL " I. ta price hut JmZtzl . boa, ,h. m.- oHES Bd carrots 7& la IliZ o II I a.ck. caTbiTaaa egetable. a eoajag bwi1 la aeadisg; mXurZmt jf, radUbea it, onWast Ncwioeh.ad.i' Matlcaa tomaioaMajiaiat ' IB flour; aelling asws brlaglnr about tt. ""I 4M. ,a tmM 'm-mZ" t.?J"? PiSatarday. a -inbo tol Mbartre .r- TiL!1 - Ht f 11 the British couata baa ever reallv tab- --TJITT " " ea to. aad pearly all of thoas who b. ve ' gone over there Tiava beea atgaaDy J ' sacreasfat CoL Jack Hsverly. wbea j e 'OLD HOME STEAD C0MIN& he took his asiastrel uoupe of "Count f ' ' em Forty' to the other aide, created j r amoca-nurai Drama After oa VT,d-d aa laritatic thas art? tiai yca mar plia aceordiegiy. aa TTtat xtici: bate frvtvi a torribi a-taaa-oji. aid ty-V-i tL wboi ?earar of the Bvjer.er Uay aaaoc. was xxru zl:o t ttiinr aocioect by "j irve ii mklZ of tb aero&atrt bK eaji of ao latilty b The gas to tf U-Ijvb brrsr os Sarardsy. atr. anTicaard ia aow cottstracting sa anraetiva buagalow cottage for f raak Aaerrwa. TWs tQ be of fire rooms, axd wffl be xaooera thronrboa' There are two lots sarroana.'sg this j u.kjij axa Bkost attractive piac for s boo-. This is also located at Mount PVeaaaat. a furor that has never beea equalled I br mar Americaa Company ta Eaglaad . aad CaafieJd A BooaaCs Miaatrebt played there to big aadieBcea for sev eral years. . . Mr. Dockstaoer will take a big cons pasy with hiav. aad will in trod ace all of the novel fear area which have aaade biaa eo ocorsafal ta America. . Years to Bu aa Event. Last araeon The Old Hoaaeteadw company waf ptayiag Its aaaaal ea gageateet la New Tork City, aad a geatleavaa rrysasted aa Interview tth Mr Frack Thompson, the man arer of the company, which waa cor dially granted. He said he had not aee the plsy since be wsa a boy of iudoe tmic Spaaka la Albany. Jaoae Grant B. Dimick waa oae of tL priXK-jpaJ speahers at the district eoavefiLioa of Kairk?a or wiMu im trv.BUT2iir !a oa-Ja Albaxr-SafttrdayTiIit. Taere i-M t-vt mmtitrniM more acre e a large anaibeT of knights prea- rrars atr tlTtMt:i tt tbey tt h proved to be a very pleaa- : a-i-jLae to -be Ceari is. '.be balwce. c4 (be rtar art occaaKL. Jodre Diinick mada one of hla happy tlta, pleaalaf the knigbta. :ctam-iT. mmmm mmi Are WrJ IheAid Progress!5d of the J South B BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. Nrgro Educator a OENMAN "THOMPSON autho ef " TThe old Heeaesteed." the play this week at Tba Bwngalew. the same aa ibe Oregoa City stock- holders. Aad the Malloo stock ko Id ers will be givea Ibe same opportunity to get their money back, with good divi dend, thai tba Oregoa- City Investor Is given. Already there has beea enough sub scribed to make the grade to Beaver Creek. But having raised the money fof the grade the baslneaa men and merchants of this city now wish to see the steel laid and the equipment pot la operation ander Ibe management of the prearat board of director They fl that to get the beat thai tha road offrra It Is necessary to keep the ova erahlp and operation of the whole Una la the bands of local people. . It behooves Ik citizens of Malloo and MolaUa. thea. to aid la building the road so that the complete manage ment may be Oregoa City and Clacka mas county men. Men la tbla city can aad, will subscribe enough lo build aad equip to Beaver Creek. Later the line Is almost certain to go to Mutloo, Draft Colts A. J." Mam. 1st- iiaa.LT.. . I,r" Boesak, ts ry Babbler. Sad 7. to 13. Wat. ' Oet of Stre Fred Marshall tat prise. ' ri ZZiLa Drl7 'k IVaft Teams-K. M. Oerbar 1st- C. 1 ' er,rk,Nl A K. Qnlaa. xnd; 8. p. Loodeniaa, jrd t iw',ETThs -fetal safe i uoarh BtalHona Oeo. Bnabrtt. tat- aiotaua norse co . xno. Coach Team-W. M. Robldao. 1st; N. Oldham, 2nd. Standard Bred Btsllloas-M. Rob bias add aoa. 1st: -Oeorsw RneisM tad; L, B. Uadseyf BrC . -Standard Bred Msree M. Robbtas aad aoa. 1st; Wllllsms Bros., Sad: George Speight, 4rd. Standard Bred Colts Williams Bma.. I sir P. A. MlUevtnd. ntlrinf Team W. m RoMaaoo. lag, Single Driver W. J.. Wllaoa l.t- Rrneet Masa, rad; Walt Noblett. ird. Saddle Horses Oiaa. r. Nnsh. 1st; E. P. Powell. 2nd: Ed Voaderaae. Srd. - Sbetlaad Poaiea OrUnda Romig. 1st: Daa Lfons. Jr.. 2nd. ' tiomlcal Ri Thoaaaa SiaaolL il ladustrUI.Dt.piay Moffatt Is a trine bttta? aaj , nog, a little fm. JV wheat advancing, littk, na, ' . iac prices are at tbt ska I lth liuia outaard BaaUaoaV Ihoee who hart It art Mast, new prices ara tuAwT?" - - uu woat MX i ic. cluK It lo lie. r bi LATEST EIARKETS' Orsgon City Markets. . There la aa ancertalnty la tba mar beta loday. Those who object to tha even If lha people out that way do Cb,B,BI of lk UrXa lk tmto- not help as they should. But If It Is awrne the anoartalnty oa) the to be built bow help must be forth coming from citizens living In that part of tha county. And If help Is given In amounts sufficient to enable the company to swing tba project grading will be commenced out that wsy aa soon as a survey caa be aa- 'Mibeda.ndrigK. of.waysci throughout the length of the Una. Several members of the board of di rectors will visit Mullno Thursday ev ening and ei slain the sltuatloa to those not familiar with what Is wsnt ed. and what la being tried. The story of what bss oeen done thue far prospects or a change aad aay that the changes la prices are alone tha uoe or imnga tnat ara likely to be raangea in to schedule, la tbess cases a railing off la la prospect. Where there are nearly at ha us ted Stocks tha tendencv ia nnwanle Where-the aew- producte-of the ana-1 dry bMea-lse to He, thea) r mm sre soon to show up the price la down w srd ajraln. There la bo general pmpoaiiioa mat is laRuendag mar keta unless one counts Iba tariff tlak ermg aa In that cUaa. ' APPLES Local slock Is com ma ad -log from 1 to 12 busbeL with very THURL0W BERGEN, In -Bapha - at the Baker this -BAPHO-AT THE BAKER. . alzteen year. He had grown to man Famou. r, ' , ' bo,jd )nc Bad seen "The Old ' ' w,in nrea . nomesieaa - aad on the evening In rm Z ?!'YV Monday. , qykin b bad brought bis a If. and lkr , " w au ID ci-waHi to see the drama which bad ? " i""ra on me aiage : given aim so 'much pleasure In Ma win ba told, the plan, for tha future ' . " " "V V,?. eapUlned. and then those who wish flwer ret thl aii .J'.ki viJl!5 111 b. given opportunity to coma Into Mood aX I. ftJt&LZ the project with men In this city, each t2M for wl .71 ..,1 H 1 " belna riven the ilRIA atathanBrtMItlffe , I m UMVfW IVT a.7,. vi. ' taacy, IIAY-Thera Is bMtsr ana la hay and nrlcat ara i Bth at rieety of hay etont aHaka. aW getting srsreer aad klibv. far 111 to in. (lover tilaifilatt 12. mtied fit U 11 slWhat OATS -IJealari asrkw at aW to meet the deaual bjtbdoa i tng-grar :. akru fail am i that the market Is vaU adaat ractory. DUTTFR-rrVas very at it lbc aad lie Mr for sriiaaraat fancy dairy alU brtaf la) la) I creamery romBasdj tt aat I There Is plenty Is tbtsnatTjMva the demand Is wall ttpsOst j BOOS -Tbs prke ba) M ar aaother peg with lie tbt bat a being paid unless ass bN ilka r put the product Ealpfttl M brisk but no troubls tomppfj W BMBd. POULTRT-Nol ssstissf Bit weeks ago: little stock sfiMi that of not tha best-baa tmr lie and lc, old roortsnl lie lo He. dtiris 17 to lit i feringa of larger fowhv - HIDES tJreea k aoaaiaw doubla his money. today Is -Sapbo.- and one of the beat oiars wno ever played tba title role. Is without euestioa Miss Florence Bob, ris, who Is now appearing with Theo dore Roberts aad Thnrlow Bergen at the Baker In a eeriea of splendid plays and product Ions. Next week's offering will be "Sapbo- opening Monday ev ening, and the version to ba given Is one far superior to all those previously seen lo this city except, of course, when Miss Roberta preaeated It here everal years ago always before at blgh prices. "Sapho" Is an artists' model and the scenes of tha play ara iuo id ani aoout toynooi uaya. He requested Mr. TbotopHon to thank hla father. Ixn- man Tbompaoa. In behalf of himself anq ramny. for the pleasure the even ing had afforded hint. We hsve no ooum inn incident might be multiplied a thousand fold. Men and women who saw inn grand old play In their youth rr now bringing taeir children to . ir. Thompson s delightful play ill be here at lha Bungalow all next weeg starting Sunday Matinee and no doubt the continued success of twenty-four years will still be strongly marked lor seats have been selling rapidly. Matlneea will also be riven Paris. Tha nlrf ula vrlth aa enisode In the Ufa Thiinj'.. c. a tbla strange wom-n tha .one great I iove oi ner leart, and It appeals I that Subscribe for tba Daily Enterprise All conscious that tLa negro race ii bboriiiff under DIS D- 'iAUta w JTs prefer to put the emphwis on .advanlagee. One of our ADVANTAGES ia thia:. In gtudj mg American history you will find the necro is the onlr ram cam6 o this country aa the manlt f a RPPfniT xr "TJRQENT IXVlTATIOlf. 7 T " l0rTrcr' the ere M nnxioxu to hive tu that we came her without baring to pay cent of passage money. W. are gradually gating into hnsinew. Many thousanda of email shop, are OWXED BY NEGROES, and they can get Unk iiV5 facflitiea aa eaUy . the whi8t of the white. Why, there are fifty-aeTen Lanla in the aoutliern .tat, owned and controlled by negroes. ' . i " AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT FROM THE SOUTH YOU HEAR mtmitj inniv vr . VUH FRIENDS. UP NORTH YOU HEAR OF THE WHITE MAN WHO BURNS A NEGRO'S HOUSE OR LYNCHES HIM. BUT YOU DO NOT HEAR OF THE THOUSANDS ANO THOUSANDS OF THE QUIET SOUTHERN MEN AND WOMEN WHO HELP ANO ADVISE THE NEORO, LEND HIM MONEY TO START AND LOOK AFTER UIU iab- an .... " rnunntumu wunuart- AND " BY THE AID OF SUCH FRIENDS At I HEILIG THEATRE w 7th and Taylor Streets. Phones Main 1 and A-1122. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY NIGHTS, April 23-24-28 - LEW D0CI.STA0CR And His 20th Century MINSTRELS LIVELY TIMES FOR ONE DHL G. STOKES a i urt TOLD AT RENO SMACKS SOMEWHAT OF THE YEL- LOWBACK. POTATOES Prices for tnbera are still climbing and have eona over It go nd I1.7S. With soma fan atwk bringing 11.15. Extra fancv will brina almoat anything one can ask lo amall lots. One dealer asys ha will pay fl for a, whole car load, aad If tha car Is secured he'll not be too particular If a few not choice) creep In. runny to Tie each. WOOL Awiy dowi tM, v He; noma say l syaipaUf vmi that Congress will taapar voi tarl m If little dSSUSd SJ W M bo one seems w wist i hand? Eastern and Ceitralwa reported st te to fit MOHAIR Trade snss modify with conawjaent the prices offered. QwJUtlosi" to lie, and prices flf time. ' , DRIEDyRnTS-ThHS m still going, no one darsi bjw hold. BOW quoted at 1 Wf" e to He for prunes to sell at thai. . h, 8ALT-8elllng We Id lb. sack, half fm- 441 w 100 lb. sseks. O-omsaJans, Singers, Daneera 00. rm rj muaic Knees: Lowe riaaa 11 11.50. .vwar noer. last y rows. 11 AO. b.i,..w . . ' T ne-t S rowa, 75c Balcony, l.st 11 rw' sZ" "r-TZr." iACHDNAYW CHrn WmtVM&ZVmlZ WELK' aN,ahU Bhnwa.' S-ndsy. evpm so, epeaai price Matinee Tuesday, Portland's Favorite Traped- Predenck Worde Coming to" Hslllg Thsstra May Ad-0-7 H - v The Spendthrift The following story Is printed under lonna or Reno. Nov., and aeems o naTa me coior of truth: t?all . - .v . Bine"' M Oregon City. In the District Court toda tim.i - JnM!'M. 'y WBce of hla wife s temper, and his subsequent testimony convinced Judg4 Orr that It would be neither safe nop . to compel the stokes to continue lo live together as man aim mttm .k. J IUO I -:,ra oi uivorce wss granted. Stoke, said that almost from the -r wi dis roamsge, November 4. 1903, Ft 1 a Balfa, a m f a . . " i --- utiTriupea a jealous disposi tion and as the honeymoon waned she resorted to violence when In these out- bursts Of race. A ahnrt Him kmtnmm (hy parted comnaav Ura ainLM cording to the husband s testimony, uur-j oaavuy on nis rtgbt eye. Tho injury resulted in loss of sight of thst mnmDer. Then ba prepared to go his war, Tha wife learned of his plans sml urose open nis trunk, extracted his "Sunday ctothea.- too them Into the : 7, aaiurated mem wltn-kero-ena and touched a match. When Stokes returned home Alice explained TflAB SB PM kJ mm aauaKl . a " m!. i . " r P,n,inB to a pile of ashes In the yard. WnVI yLnaiMiiMMmi. w.mi "'.ttZ' inminniiilKsSsSS ft S fk ,," 9'lmmmmmmUkmtmmm'imfml.WfmmlIJ' I H (ftp? "'-tcitcrn tczOae-tntf i I U jSeIf-h8sli2Tirc3 SiSS t , yMPO-AniDEnrS MiAOVttOWN snd dwtrtrt torlde and a.hihtt aawnJjUj "a"taf t4cjrrla furaWMxi br aa, OuranUawaBtr4"." i t?-?mrJ -uUsfa until M ivoiTrt - and MJT1"; I blev.cla. WeahiBieaaronaaiirhfainihrl. "rtS'A, ia 4rrvw. -- m. &i.iLTaal BAVB1 rsaa i k-rr anil put It MMf rT . U"I cr do so 2Zm Mpn and mm w ej- , paira tone ra marrlda Ual B . ' E" " v mn at our mat. roaaellosJmliMIi'2hlS3' nd nan tha nurai-tnrrr't tr r!"e a, actot ractorr llUdlrartnl mm ilcycla. B NOT BUV a Lwolaor a Mir of Ua rrMTvi. until rmtra oar eaukwmx and lrn our a the l a uh -mrim,,m,,. - " "-- P- Vvecjaleaalltyof ruUr. ahlcli .. il. aaear small eses tt, . -m-r f r , waasaaaawaaaa--- m - P. I I I Urn euauamira a i "F narn miDiDMl na onna a M ..ora;yv-'j:-,7th. i irs. stokes made no contest. l "V. J.Tirj-y f"d tiwan stnciia . ,..l ,rmmm K. . " . ' rill awa - ) In in ' I -mm I uics st Ags of 11 Years. ( r . . T. V r m-t mmunmmy m, '" , Jl P n 0 m ' tl. daughter, DVT 7 ' " ZZ2S-'' on wi.1 G ?u ot ,ennlnM Lodge, ' w itr: i :'Zm7irZZZmVtt"z?m V-JH.Wy 10..l22v.and.waa U.T .T'W TfV t r',,T'rn ' aryoar. of . ,t th. tlm, of hi. demlsV . Cs Lt L-TlJ U U LlLi ( b-di L ' ' lMlhatMe A"siHlreaaie2. Bn4 io( alaa n - - 4ai ae- a..a-S0rT. a AAaV BIPtnw