for the Morning MDSE co Th. only 411 n.waaaaja- twN Pwrti.M m4 tales ers late. In every WMSt ef CUssta- mm County, wHh a aaM'.o.eB) . 90,000. Ar yaj an aav--Haaf It'- OREQON CITY, OREGON, SUNDAY," APRIL 1911' Peb Week, 10 Cent mom m mmm U m OFffR pflCETO REBELS i b IR 0 WILLING TO TAIAT IP itlTAHV AFFAIRS LIFT IN STATUE QUO. m tiiinT nroiAU Vjj SAID m m mm tm Trm cf PMe t ,neM I nurrcte and Otiaran. 1 . . . . A II . . - It RiB1" ''" kind. U, PA80. April 12. (Bp Jn-Mfiln '"',U M ,h"' uka rtvoluiln" la aa good aa nvr. u ,ild tonight that Gao. Madaro ttr-d t an armlstlc. provided wlH ,rr-i.t all effort to .atamp u,iihrrl IH'n P"nlt condltlona TboM h rim 10 hnow th"' M proffer f'"" n arralatlca from Dlaa , n th wy and that It will ha re ,it4 h'vorably by Madaro. MADEltO tr CAMP, via El Paso, kt. Apr'' t;. lroapacta of peace In inlro beraniw roseate today when i,-r.l MHdff'C In n Interview wlih tt Aaoclt"l I'raaa-'ieofrfapondant. MUrMl thai li..' had never, and does ok so. IiimIxI upon the Immeutpte.. Mipiil"n I'realdenttHii'ara nec tary preliminary to tha elgulng o n Mt pad. H aaaente to an armla ir( under certain terma. tkl admlKHlon waa ao startling that b wporter repeated tha Ganaral'a rordi to Oon. ral Madaro, and Baked lkal a iha atatement ha wlahed i ak U" replied that tba etate KOt correct, and added: It hit b"'" said that I aent sau ulll mom lo Prealdent . Dlas, Instating ill U mut r-algn. did Dot do ao. Mild' iikiMo tea tha revolution and-, tpiactfullv. want no further blood tA. I pave alwaya benwllllng to U conrt'HxIona to bring tha war to i M, and there la no peraonal aacri M l would nut make. It muat ba dtnId mind, bowavar, that tbera can rM peace If tha term a of which are ot tatUfai'tury. to tha Mexican pao- a. - -- '- - -tf By ofTlcere are la perfect ao wiiltl my vlewa. Not ona will try i totrtMn tba rebellion If tbep nnd Lt aaot able terma are to ba had yu tha people of Mexico will ra mtknae rlghte guaranteed by the alttttlon. lUlenrapbad Dr. Ooniea tbat If an aiKke la to ba arranged lt ahould I (or four or five daya and ahould ftwU the entire region between wn and chlcbuahua. Wa are wait- I I reply to thla from tba City of nko. We outnumber tha garrlaon arei two to ona and cannot re-i-iolih thin advantage without aa ifiBca that the government will not UBK-tu-aend .relnforcementa If Vovrnmfnt alncaraly wlehee peace 1 1 btili (if juatlc aa much aa are do, Vo there can ba bo doubt tbat wa III come to terma." WHIPPING YOUNO WOMEN. SALEM. Or.. AdtII . (Spaclal.) Iuih lv. lywii a lad aaalnat E. L. r Vlenfu luniTlntendent of tha Chem' V (pdlan m hool, accualng him of Wping young woman an4 of getting Vni women to whip each other, con Vy to retulutlona. It la aleo Charged )U Immorality la not given proper at pot. He makea a general denial to p atptrtment. WEATHER FORECAST. Oregon Cltr and Portland Mr, northerly wlnda. ' Orfron rlr nnrtharl wlnda. fecial Boostcf Day bargains u. - V American oaoola "Ilka to ba CTOd" but not on tha alothaa MAM uu "e oeit clothae maoe in I1?? ,or ha money. Wa are offer. menu at aoeelal raduotlona on t ftAll At- - . ... . t way. . 'ice Bt others , ,XCL0SIVE CLOTHIERS ioi Uka Otter ; ; .:.. , 'ithaniMalnW ' ' THE f a M at ? a. -aaa gaa. PERPETRATED OUR ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW. TWO HOOK FIM ON SOCIETY PETS. (9URE IWA5T0THE MOULD ' rv di vasy Vvtrjoiw. so was a x gay. in e f aa in. HAHON ANCHOVY WH05 KEN PINCntD m. FOR 5WIHN ATON Or mAI -TAKP IT FROM MC.KI0.TMERE5 MOREN W ONC OOOD rVCILIST PTlW'UiA vrv ri rM THF., PlNKTFA; ANn RPTlkTM uf fills anu now i n n jhi swin Mim"5 Hf P TO THEIR CHANCE I U nAAL uUUU Wl I n 7 flc.)l MITTS. REPP YOUR LAMPS QflMF TOMORROW. AWYHABLf5 SOUTHfKW YlS.HfiAl UnflfUi. aavAMO 1 fcMaT. TOO. Tnf WHITF LIF.S- THE ONES WE HAVE TO TELL. SKILL AND NERVE SAVE FROM DEATH WHAT PROMISED A CATASTRO PHE TURNED ASIDE INTO MERE ACCIDENT. . WILSON, THE. AERONAUT, ESCAPES alloon Completely Destroyed and Parachute Goe Up In Plamea Power Plant Badly Damaged. whit nromlaod to end In a harrow Ing cataatropha waa turned-aalda lntol mere accident by tha akin wun which -J. W. Wllaon. of. tha Miller Carnival Company, manipulated ma balloon In a rapid accidental deacent to earth about 10 o'clock Saturday morning. When tha balloon In which uMiann waa maklnc hla aacent had rlaen to a point about 600 feet above tha earth tba bag comprising me aua iBinin nnwer of the balloon exploded. uti n him ran auuaeuiT iu im r- -- . ... , .- .v.- round. Aa .mil aa tha exDlnalon told Wllaon Uf hla danger he cut looaa hla para chute and prepared to aiigni aa mmouj aa poaalbla. No aooner naa um ui looaa than ha began to drop auddanly U U V Ull". 1 J - . - i.. ki. mmii horima mora aradual. ... artar. tha naracnuia oiwu- K'Kt . . -, . a that Va aaar ha' waa in irammrui danger of dropping on the high power wlrea of tha P. R. U ft P: Co., at tha 4 IKa ouaiMtnalon bridge. imIImI to awlnc hlmaelf ovar to avoid a anocK mai wouiu umu him to a orlap. with aimoat auDrhunan effort ha .n himaelf ovar. and a moment ..... aiihtad nn tha roof of a car tandlng on the tracka near tha Weat Ride deoot. wnera nia p'' tha wlrea and waa aimoat in a ula hallnon waa taniiy nraiuui, . ,: Am r nnmnlntelv fleairoyeu. i - ,v. .ra in tha cltr to attend Booater Day. many of whom had been attracted to the cuy py : a -- .a mm .Manalnn W II na.BfU lUV tv atood with Ciaeni aim - . th- K.,a Lraath aa they wltneaaed tha danger ln which, me "" "1 ik. inaiant And not one . .a a. .a "aUaial for a moment expected him to alight ..a estKlla main atllQ WUUIoii turned their faeea away not wlahlng . . wi- .n n Instant death. nrn.a .aa tha advertiaed balloon attraction of tha Booater' Day ahow. A large part of tha Booetor Day crowd cam. to the city to aea tha balloon Mfcenalon. which waa a part of the free exhibit uaed to draw a crowd. No ?emonltlon waa had of Impending in yet tha atrong wind of fh. mornlni mada any attempted a nt mora or leaa dangeroua. Ths bSp? e'" tlntf to thoaa having the Itooatar D-Y aVronaTt one. tha accident had occurred. But tha obviated any marring of the wn 'on of the day. while the death of WU aon would have eaat a cload over the an joymant of th. occasion Speaking of 1 r AT iiii.t i " r 1 1- 1 1 V V. iR mqvingictUIstunt t pxlaire lightwap gets a fierce jolt CJcl?D31ct? n m a a m aaaai a a a aa. a. a BY VALT Ac D OUGALJ. FASHION BITS. 'TntnAKLn5KARrn SISTR5TOU)iU irRnwflftfWTIIBF- rfR0nK9 OLOJEAItS IT STOPPED rrwncaiMAifi Iff, villi LI I vl I IIAJIHS. TnCiOrlEWUOEVniECINK A M WILL COP THIS IDEA AMO bTAOf. IT.; 7tT i li V ATTRMArH OF TMg riaST 8PSINO SWIM SOUTHERN RESORT NOTES. TEFFiMCnAM FOOTE 13 ON IHSlWBrEASrjTAGES FROM MLMBLAGH WHERE Hf SPENT THE WINTER 5IUW 'WCMRt5TCURE5.I1E VrTll REACH HERE IN MAY. tlona; tba wind waa blowing ao hard I -could not manipulate . tba balloon properly. When I waa about 300 feet In tha air. and getting aettled, tha bag ripped. I wa . too . busy trying to get to raallia mv itanrer. The nara- chute waa atlll attached to tha balloon and the whole bualneaa waa falling before I could cut myaelf looaa. I finally managed to cut looaa from the bag and awung tha parachute, with the purpoae or ateermg iowaru io ah.Ha rathar than fall on the rocka. I mlaaed the aheda and the two high power electric wirra, ma van mn 16.000 volta, and landed on a paaaenger car at tba atatlon. ine paracnuto waa caught In the wlrea ana waa burned. Luckily I eecaped without kmlaaa I knaw berora I aianea that I waa going from ona danger Into another, for tha wina waa diowiih atrong before the Falla. I had no brulaea. "Laat Bummer at Vancouver I naa a allaht fall and another laat aummer at Wllhelmlna. I have been with the Mlllnr Carnival Co. about a year." Within an hour after hla narrow es cape from death Wllaon made a alld. TorUre fronvTne suspension onaje. While Wllaon escaped without aerl oua Injury not ao the power "atatlon of tha P. R. La ft P. CO., into wnoae wirn he fell. In eome manner there waa a ahort circuit esUbliahed ana in. wnoie aystem given a shock and much dam age done In the station here and at Cazadero. The planta In thla city, Caaidero and Portland are an con nected aa one unit, and danger and de af ruction to ona la felt by the othera. Several machlnea were burned out In thla city, considerable aamage aon in tha r-atadero nlant and considerable disturbance felt In Portland. Th. es timated damage to Ibis ana in. vib dero plant la placed at 6000 by a local representative or me compau. STATEMENT NO. 1 ADOPTED. ST. PAUL. Minn.. April J2. (Spe cial.) The legislature haa paased and tha novernor signed the law provid ing for the nomination ot United Rtatea Senatora by direct vote of the people. Tha law la modeled on State ment No. 1. OUR FARMER FRIDJDS . KEPT THEIR 1'iOIIEY carnival PEOPLE " FAILED TO PULL THE COIN OUT OP MANY VISITORS' POCKETS. nav didn't aDDeal to the uuwnwi - - "wis. old owl" of farmers who came to Oregon City for a good time 8at iiatnod intently n could hear the money Jingle aa the farmera and farmer ooya up and down tha afreets, oui mo i " waa heard to Jingle In the money do a rarnlvnl nanillA. Carnival people are always loalng nnn.o nn mattar hna milch thCT are making It seeme to be a part of the buslneaa to alwaya have fond recol lectlona of th. good business they did In tha laat cnnntV." but St that U la generally believed that tha poor mouth atoriea told nere were genunm. Booater Day brought a crowd toXthe .it. and many of thoa. who came anant an enloyabl. day at that, but few Who cam. IOOenou up iur m av tractions to any great axieni. kfV.riMta tu-.-v- Mil III t rWlrii 4iiy,--w. HI 1 ii a. v. a n; ami i HIGHBROW COU)5T0rMVER5e. HnRRflRS ROOK 1 . UHPNrFR I THINK' OFAli THF RFIIBS WHOHITftWYM TOM TfEJR DOUGH lALWAWOfillRWXf. I fit buXXW GFTTHf GflOOCOINTHEYHWF TDBLDW. Yam nrin r m evfbywhfrf you go- I UJON B0065 nGKTlT LwOot TORaMRJF Am UflmOfiir lYflJGn TO BLOWTHURWLLSFOSEAUrW BOOZE aaaaaiBBm cine an aai nw.DC anuyy THE FDURBIT(50cHEART. BY LORAJAflE UPri. AUTnOR Or 68fSMS.ALLSaD. 0H.CRLS.HEART5ARE Tn-tur rnrrnc uirui MMrJ P L7AlVlSRIiYAlllfC.TFNDfR HWKF.TDUWiTWIHI IHiJIIfTrWIM irfGTHEMUlLl NLVER TfO A wmmiF-.umnmiStif. its ctcro ocuruoco nwc vmirnWT idHfin. nuTLnoun.wirvui, iuu wvi i raJTHTOBYMTAJWUKt TRIPE. AN SWERS NO. rebeccahecannot'make you a Rffiafjwftf his bwt5 fvfn iriTuKvniirMnNnr AHmii dhaif lLOQKEDATTrlECHAlH70QWTRETURW RING. BEEBE DISCHARGED BY GRAND JURY CLAIM SET UP THAT HE KILLED HIS BROTHER, HIRAM BEEBE IN EFFORT TO SAVE HIS OWN LIFE Nelaon Fought With a Club, Hiram With an Axe Oraaa Show. Evidence of Bitter Contest. Kaliann Raaha who klllad hla hml h- er Hiram, laat January at Clackamaa Heighta, waa discharged from custody Raturdav afternoon, after tha crand Jury returned not a true bill, following an investigation or nia case, bmn la 80 yeara of age. Thara war no wltnaaaaa to th. fight to the death of th. two brothera. Nelaon had been to town and when he returned in an Intoxicated condi tion ha a id hla h rot her met him at the door with an axe and th. battle commenced. Nelson grasped a bug. club and in the end he killed hla brother, after .being seriously wounded himaatf Th. first Intimation that th. neigh bor, had of the fight waa th. appear ance of th. slayer at th. home of George Mackinnla, with a aertoua cut in hia head, a deep gash running along tha right aid. of hla face, from which thara waa nourlns' a atream of blooa. Hiram Beeb. was round aeaa at tne door to the aide of tha home. Th. araaa waa trodden down and. In many nlaraa war a to ha IMII blood BDOta. showing that the fight bad been long and hitter. Hiram lav a few feet from th. house, with his noe. broken and hla face bruised in many piacea. is ear at hand waa a lane club that Nelaon had used, and a few fet away waa tha ax that Hiram had fought with. tha waannn with which ne nad innici at a itaan eut nn the head of Nelaon. Hiram Beeb. waa 77 yeara of age, and crossed the Plains in 1862. coming from Iowa. Nelson Beeb. waa a vet aran nf tha Plvll War and cToaad the Plaina at a later day. The brothera had been keeping bachelor quarters for several yeara and had lived In tha Map Rnharta nttace on Clackamaa Heighta for about two montha prior to the tragedy. None auspected any aert oua trouble to arise between them. Both men were widowers, Hiram hav ing been married twice. Hla second wife waa Mrs. Cathrow, of Canemah. Hiram had no children, but Nelson haa a daughter. Laura, of Red Bluff, Cal. George Beebe, a younger brother, Uvea In Eastern Oregon, and a nephew lives near Estacada. , Tha grand Jury made a careful In veattgatlon of the case, but Nelaon Beeb. stoutly affirmed that ha killed hia brother in aelf defenae, and that he waa forced to fight ln order to pre aerve hla own life. Ther. waa no evi dence, except that of th. aooused, and Beebe was accordingly given hla free dom. . .'.,.. Are you a aubaortber to tha Morn ing Enterprise? If not you ahould call and let ua put your nam. on th. sub scription list immediately. . BIG BOOSTER DAY BRINGS III CROWD THOUSANDS COME TO OREQON CITY, COME EARLY AND STAY ALL DAY. STREETS FILLED JOSTLCX HUNDREDS i Big Street Parade, Good Display of, Handaema Horeee Jolly, Tired Throng Goes Home Happy. Speaking of crowds, Oregon City hmA a hlar ona Rnnatar Dir. Prom early morning until noon the atream of teams poured Into town without any lessening in frequency. Tne greaieai number Mm. bv war of Molalla ave nue but other roada leading into town were crowaea an tn. morning. Hardly a rig that cama In was naa anil nn hv tha Mornlne? Enternrlse carriers who presented a paper to ev ery person wno wouia accept. ne SDeclal Booster Day edition of a thou and extra copies waa used' up at 10 nwif nnt laaa than ftOfl of these be ing presented to famlliee coming In by team. The rest were distributed about town and not one but waa used. On Main street Just after the parade had passed tha Enterprise office there were not less than 4300 people on the four blocks between Fourth and Eighth streets , alone. This estimate makea nn allowance for th. hundreds who saw th. parade from other polnta of vantage, on. section oi uew.i only ton feet wide and not ao thickly crowded aa were other sections neiu 17 people. Using this aa a base tne 2500 feet of sidewalk on both aides of Main from Fourth to Eighth held a total of 4250 besides hundreds who occupied the atreet crosslnga and wtn- dowa of tha buildings along in. una of march. - - , From noon on th. crowd. Increasea In density. Every on. was imbued with the carnival aplrit and while there wer. some discomfort, about be ine: in the crowd no complalnte were heard. A better behaved arid more conaenlal crowd would be hard to nnd anywhere. Whll. elbow room waa a( a premium no on. reaented the Jostling and moat seemed to enjoy the crowd aa much aa th. carnival fea tures that were to be found at .vary corner. " ' ' ' tha anarial circulation Of th. Morning 'Enterprise and the number of people on th. atreeta during the parade tor a oase n i" 8500 people on the atreeta during the day. "" Th. rmwd noured In from early morning to nearly noon at which time there waa a lull: but It began to com again ahortly after the noon hour and continued to dock in uniu mo iuiu of th. afternoon. Then again in the evening there wer. aom. wno u. not get away from noma nam"" the work of the day. The crowd began to go nomo j middle of the afternoon and continued dropping out until at supper time the crowd had thinned out materially. But at that there waa a good crowd all venlng and not a few were country people who atayed until late at night ind went home after everything waa cloned. . ,kA Principal among tne . k.,u ahnw and Booster Day parade." Both were abovr th. average " "uv-" . , conalderlng the ahort notle. that la given, farmer, not having tims , to Jit up atock for auch a ahow as in case r annwi ,u mj m of a county rair ana mo -- creuii. horaea In line. a a aa. a"i aMirai mil niuuir. a wer. a mrsw .. . ... .nd among them wer. man, that above tha orainary iu -I a A VsaataaatlnaF atrong poim. .----- Tha lnauairiai - ' -. was alao good for ao ahort noUc. and conaldering the dusj - . ,k. Kami in the paraa. LVnished music to enliven the occa- aion and to Dnng juy - ..tantlve Miss Sweot-Slxteen and her attentive w,n.- .' - nr tha antrlea In U Following is a - . he horae ahow, with th. namea of the P D?.n horWllllsm Krueger. Ore gon CUy : W. D. ClaedU Balem Fred MVralL Mullno: B- F. Mitchell. George Boyer. Oregon City. Draft marea-6 entries from W. W. Irwin. Aurora, Oregon. Q ri-aft colta,, under wo yeara S. BaUeV Oregon CJty. Route 3, 1 an SS?VA. Marrs. OraKon C.ty Route 1- H Habler. Oregon City, R- F. ix. ohnWallac Oregon City. .Rout. 2SSS5 Route V; 8amu.l Klm.r. Mullno, Rout. 1. . cT M Oerbfr. Oregon SSTl antlU W. W. Irwin. Aurora: A J Marrs. Oregon City. Rout. 1; C. r: Qlnn76rigon City; 8. P. Loader- panylMolalla, Oregon ; Oeorge Speight. "crTeama-eo. O0" Cltv W. M. Roblnaon, Oregon City, M 1 Oldham. Oregon CltTRout. J Standard Bred Btalllona-O. W. Big ham. Oregon City: B. F. Mitchell, Or KiaK M . Bobbin, and wn Oregon City- William Bros., Oregon City, Seo Speight. Hubbard; L. B. Undsley, sT.n'dard Bred Mare-M. Robblna and aon. Oregon cuy; L"a ' Oregon : Geo. Speight Hubbard Standard Bred Colts F. A. Ml lea. Oregon City; Willlama Broa.. Oregon City 't - . Driving Team VY. M. Robinson, Oregon City. - Single Driver Ernest Mass Oregon City: .Arthur Funk, Oregoo City; W. J. Wilson. Oregon City: W. M. Price, Oregon City: C. K. Qulnn. Oregon City; Geo. Randall. Oregon City; W. Continued 0n pag. two. A Silver Anni versary Mernorles Of Uz The year 1910 marked thesixty-lKirdanni-versary of the introduction of the most widely-known brand of silver plate- I847R0GERS ' Firs! proJucrJ by (he BrolKert in 1847, it has . of qualily (or all brand's It is the heaviest grade "Stiver Tlate that Wtars." We carry a good line oi Ihc various popular styles. Bttrmetster &. Andresen. Tac Orel a Ofy Jewelers . Sasaeastea lrMe Car. Good cooSaStcnt adver tising in TEe Morning Enterprise pays . It has proven so with us. Prico Broom v Am A. Price, Klgr. GRAND ELKS' BALL ON FRIDAY NIGHT BUSCH HALL PRESENTS A PRET TY i SIGHT WITH ITS JOLLY CROWD OF DANCERS. COMMITTEE GREATLY COMPUMENTED . . ? i Everything Paaaea Off Pleaaantly and Thoaa Who Participate Have a ... Moat Enjoyable Evening of Pleasure. Never before waa Buach'a beautiful hall mor. attractive than on Friday night, the occasion being th. aecond annual ball given by the Benevolent .nf TM,Ha nrnr or Elks. Oregon City Lodg. No. 1189. Over 200 people danced until 18 o'clock to tha latest music furnished by Parsons' orchestra of aeven plecea. The gowna worn by th. ladlea. and the artistic decoratlona of the hall presented a most attractive alght. American flaga formed ln groupa wer. used among the decoratlona of the halla. and festoons of purple and. white, the colora of th. order, wer. draped from each end of th. hall and caught In th. center by clusters of electric lights of corresponding ahadea. The balcony, wher. the orchestra waa atatloned waa very artistically decorat ed In the center overlooking th. hall waa a larg. Elk'a head, th. horns of which wer. adorned with purple and white light,, and th. railing of th. balcony was festooned with purple and white. A profusion of Oregon grape completed th. artistic designs. During the .venlng Ice cream ana cake were aerved in th. banquet hall. the tablea being decorated to correa nw,A aiih thnaa of the hall, and the punch bowl, which waa found on the main floor iclved ua snare oi pat ronage of th. merry dancers. Th. committee, which deserve the .OwOS)Ow04OwOwOwOwO04040 $50.00 Given Away o o o o o o o ? Thla ad la worth 150 In cash to tha tlrat alx P"?"""? tioi t. mo'nt Aoreag. Tracta No. a-t acraa; all In eultlvat Ian. cloa. v choel; macadam read, and .n Clackamaa Southern JjJ now building. Prtqa now only S87S per traet; MOO ...h. W par month. Thla pric. will aoon double. Com. today and cioa. in. deal. ,'. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. . ... . - , a, ft . I aa - 9- ' TV a J. a klViaiWwa. - . .. a. o Phone: Pacitio M-w. n , i VvOv00'9000000000000-00000 J DROS. xs TE?U original Rogera art the gtandard of silver plate ot tnple plate. infa City credit for the auccesa of the affair, la composed of the following: unerai committee, Henry OTOalley, John Ad ama and William B. Howell; floor committee. Dr. Clyde Mount, Harry.. Draper, Thomas p. Ranaau, jonn a. Clark, Harry S. Moody, .William R. Logus, William Mulvey. A. A. Price;- reception. Dr. M. U- HincKiana, wn- Uam Sheahan. B. T. MCBain, mni Busch, Linn E. Jones, John Rlsley, W. H. Howell, J. E. Hedges, E. C. Baker, Theodore Osmond; ticket aeuer, b. i. Fields; ticket collector, C. w. Kvana. PUGILIST JOHNSON OUT.' SAN FRANCISCO. April IX (8pe clal.) Juat at midnight Pugilist John son waa set free, having aerved X5 daya In jail. He waa glad to gat out and did not low any tlm. In doing aa DYMAMITE OIL WELL AT CREVH ROCKS MORE AND MORE SIGNS SHOW UP SIMILAR TO CALIFORNIA OIL FIELD. 'STONE. Or., April 22 (Speclal.) .t . auroaaafnl ahOOtlng OI 1 uerv -" . . . the oil well here Friday, late, and In consequence mere are " ,, signs in ana arouuu m charge of hlgh-pressur. f'P101' were lowerd-4nto the crevtc. In th. rock in which th. anil had been work ing for a couple of days, and a"1 There waa much commotion in the well and a larg. amount " loosened up. Sine, that tlm. th. drUl er have been busy cleaning thla o.t of the well In preparation to a furtnar descent. ... The drillers think much good waa don. by th. dynamite. Mor. and var ied signs of oil wer. alnc. ahown and the drlllera declare that th. loca tions ar. mor. and mora alnlar to the condltlona In th. California o field. Th. men at work In thla well are familiar with th. auccearul work In th. California fl.ld. 04004Ow0400OwO00 ma . ai2 Main SL.' Oraaonr City. A T . i 'I atarted under unfavorable condl-1 :-.:.:....).. . ' ' , . . 1 .u . V f I J ' I t ' " i .,. k. ., j ,... -4-