Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 22, 1911, BOOSTER DAY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Day Today
Stronger Specials
Than Ever Before
ABOVE all the attraction!
for today, our big Booster .
Special stand head and should
er above everything. Do not
fail to note the big bargains in
our Gentlemen i and Ladies'
tailored suits and Boy's clothing.
Our Shoe Department has extra
specials for Booster Day.
ATTEND all attractions,
but for your own benefit
take advantage of our Big
Booster Day Sale, as hundreds
of other people are doing.
More people to wait on . you.
Come now ,and save money
' Last da. Follow the crowds.
Suspension Bridge Corner
Oregon City, Ore.
Mr. 8i rUlr. f Carua, waa Id Ore-
IptcUl prices in Millinery Tor doom-
ur. nuvsl. of Eldorado, val In Ore-
po city 'riiy. -
Utsi- ,
roti tx iiiiiifui . .
to In (iliilHtona; I ,
lire tbl'IU tO it'll.
Tb riixi t'rramery nutter U rail
Cit; bmnJ, file at Harris' Grocery.
fruit MIU'T, of Bhubel, was la Ore-
iniCUjf Friday.
Mr. Jlotnmn, of Bhubel, wai la town
roar prim have advanced."" 0t a
Met of our Koyal Ana tble week at
Ma K Jones, of Beaver Creek,
Wmibt a load of hay to tbta city.
If foa want to" Bell " : -
par property aee me.
grot want to buy
1 14 home ace me.
Qrtit display of Hata at Special Pri
on Mm C. Goldsmith.
Boa gaKiiluy, of Carua, waa la thla
dtj rrUJiiy.
Try our special 25c coffee. - Ii'a
Mr. Uug. of Mullno. made burl
aw Mp to Oregon City Friday.
Afal prices la millinery for Doost-
Jkr Miss C.' Qoldsmlta.
Tie Artlaana bad an enjoyable ses-
i Thursday avenlng. One new can-
m na obllcated and applications
itrt received from alx more who wish
tajoy the many aoclat eventa In
vtkh tho members of thla aoclety par
dtlpate. Ice cream and cake were
arted art-r the work of the evening.
Oraad illaplay of bat at special
alera. Mini G. Goldamllh. -
Th fribble nurna Society will give
i Scotch entertainment In woodman
tall on Bnturday evening, April J 9. the
ejuruinment beginning at I o'clock.
nomine of 4 good time are many;
tieketa are ndllng at SO centa, and re
tmhmentH are aerved free.
typhoid fever, la now suffering from
an abate In the ear. Mr .Stevens
la a new arrival from the East.
Mr a. J. li. Landsborougb and Mra.
C, Be hue Ixi I were In attendance on the
meeting of the North Pacific Hoard of
Woman's Mlsalons, that convened la
Porilttnd Thursday.
Mra. Anna' Marshall, alster of Mra
Helen Bnilth, of thla city, will arrive
In Oregon City with her eon to make
thla their future home. Mra. Maraball
haa aold her property lnU-reata at
Pomeroy, With., and will buy lit
Clnrkamaa county.
Mra. A. Todd, who "has been visit
lug for the paat three montha In Can
fornla, haa returned home and after
a few da) a' visit with ber daughter
here, Mrs. Harry Jonea, left Thursday
morning for The Dallee where abe will
vllt with ber daughter. Mrs. C. A.
Illdell. t
Mr. Chaa. von Tobel. one of the
largest wheat ralaera In South Dakota,
la visiting frlenda In the city guest at
the borne of Mr. and Mra. J. U Swat
ford. Mr. von Tobel la a great travel
er and haa been around the world and
while In thla section came here to
vlalt Mra. W. A. White and Mra. Swar
ford, who were schoolmates year ago
In Iowa. '
Staiea . to aupport the reciprocity
agreement. Any attempt to tack on a
true l)at aa an amendment, be cap
tioned, would completely upset the
whole reciprocity arrangoment.
"Canada la one with us In senti
ment; ou with us In all those things
that draw nations cloae together," be
Mid. "I bone Republicans will nnlta
in supporting the President In enact
ing ibis agreement that promises bo
much to the Nation."
WASHINGTON. April H.lSneclaH
Taffe Canadian reciprocity bill
passed the House today by 4 vote of
:!S to 89. - Nearly all the Democrats
supported It but only half the Repub
llcana. There were no amendments;
200 Democrats formed a solid phalanx
against which no opposition could
make headway.
BALEM, Or, April 21. According
10 advices received by W. C. Tltlson
last evening from fruitgrowers In ev
ery section of the Btate, the recent
cold spell haa not affected the prune
crop at all. Mr. Tlllson aays that the
Willamette Valley will produce a full
crop and he estimates the output at
90,000,000 pounds.
WASHINGTON, April 21. Rein
forced by Lieutenant-Governor Nich
ols, f Ohio, the Democratic Congres
sional delegation of that Btate today
met In Senator Pomtwie'e office for
mally to luunch a boom for Governor
Jurison Harmon for the Democratic
Presidential nomination in 1912.
Mrs. James Pariah, of Ely, who baa
bra trouliled with facial eryalpeias,
torn better under the care of Dr.
C. A Stuart.
Mr. Carl Moore, and hla grandmoth
er, Mrs. Mays, have arrived here from
Hitaourt ind will take up their Dome
is mil nelKiil'orhood.
Mrs. Richard Schoenbom. who baa
bwa visiting with her children at
Ctru, returned to her home In thla
oty jestenlny. ,
AgneH Rider, daughter of Mr.
M Mrs. U N. Rider, of Forest Orove,
standing the week-end In this city,
rnt of Mr. and Mra.'C. L. Zleg
K of 1105 Washington street.
Xr. Guy Stevens, of Clackamaa
Heights, who la Just recovering from
WASHINGTON. April 21. Six days
of debate on the Canadian reciprocity
bill came to an end In the Houea of
Representatives thla afternoon with
the speech of the three leaders in the
fight Repreaenlatlvrs Underwood of
Alanama. mrv,ii hi afasaachuaetta and
Dalsell of Pennsylvania,
Crowded galleries beard the con
cluding apeechea, Mrs. Taft occupying
a seat In the executive gallery.
. The House then, began the rapid-fire
consideration of the bill under the
privilege of the amendmentand five
minute apeechea.
Strenuoua efforts are being made to
force a vote before adjournment today,
Chairman Underwood, of the commit
tee on ways and means, exerting all
possible preaaure to compel action.
It had been agreed at a conference
between Mr. Underwood and Repre
sentative McCall, of Massachusetts,
nit nulcell. of Pennsylvania, that gen
eral debate would close at S p. m. and
remarka under the five-minute rule
would be in order. -That
no amendment will be allowed
to th reclnroclty bill was Indicated
late today, when one offered by Rep
resentative MarUn. South Dakota, to
put freah meats on the free net, waa
iterated overwhelmingly.
McCall urged the Republican mem
bera from the Northwestern border
Henry W. Streblg. of thla city, re
ceived the aad Intelligence yeaterday
morning at 11 o'clock of the death of
his father, Fred Streblg, or MeJrora
Wisconsin. whoe death waa audden
No particulars have been received,
and Mrs. Streblg and Miss Lena Stre
blg. a daughter,' ho haa been making
her home In thla city, left laat nignt
for Medford, Wisconsin, and will at
tend the funeral.
Mr. Streblg waa a well known farm
er of Medford, having resided at mat
place for 31 years. He waa born In
Germany and waa 78 years of age
He leaves besides hla wife, the follow.
lng children: Henry W. Strebig, of
this city; Mra. . Diets, Nw bra
Charles Streblg, of Medford; Wla.
Mra. Minnie Shaw, of Mtnneapolli
Minn.: Louis Streblg, of Medford. Wis
consin; .Miss LcjoaSireblg. of this
Thla la the first death In the Stre
hit family, and hla death was a great
shock to hla children In thla city, who
recently received word that all were
enjoying the beat of health.
STONE. Or.. April 21. (Special.) ,
There baa been little progress down
ward for the paat few days at the oil
and gaa well here. The drill ran Into
fissure In the rock into a crevice
cracked by the glacier that planed
down the high peaks tbat were
moothed off In thoao by-gone agea of
long ago and because of thla crack In
the rock tbrougn which the drill la
passing the drill Itself waa led to fol
low the crevice and not go atralgbt
downward. 1
This would not J have given any
trouble In the soft formation that waa
encountered some fifty feet higher np
In the well; but at the present time
the rock through which the drill la
passing la very bard and flint-like and
the drill makes little Impression and
naturally la Inclined to follow any
opening left by nature.
In consequence the drill has pro
gressed but a few feet within the past
few days and the drillers have Been
ud against many annoyances. iui
the drill still goes down ana at inia
rltlng the trouble. a atxmt passed.
The drill la down a dMth of 1325 feet,
In the hard rock, but drill and machin
ery are working fine and the trouble
with the crack In the rock being prac
tically ended the drillers are feeling
that they can report progress more
pronounced from tbla on.
Banquet Planned For By Gladstone
Local Organisation.
The new Brotherhood organisation
in the Gladstone Christian church will
meet thla evening for the completion
of the arrangements for the banquet
to be held on Tuesday evening, April
25. The committee on program la N,
C. Hendricks, L A Reed and Victor
Gault, and they will report on progress
at the meeting this evening.
CHICAGO, 111., April 15 (Special.)
Railroad a centering here had a cen-
aua taken ajul the report given out 1
that 85,000 people have gone West
this spring on the tourist rates of the
30 day period. Thla la aald to be 25
per cont above any previous westward
George Dlgham went to .Portland
Friday on business.
Mrs. William Cedereon left Friday
morning to spend Sunday with her
mother on the farm near Hlllsboro,
Mra. J. Oleaaon and daughter were
Portland visitors Friday.
D, O. Worthlngton came home from
Bull Run Thursday where be la work
ing on the Mt. Hood railway to re
main .over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hlnger, of Forest
Grove, have rented the residence of
W. M. Holt and will take possession
the first of May.
Dob Richardson and D. O. Worth
lngton were In Oregon City on busi
ness Friday.
Church Notea.
M. E.- church, Rev. Henry Spela
pastor. Sunday school at. 10:80 a. m.
Services at 11 a. m. by Rev. W. R.
Allen. Evening eervlce at I p. m. by
the paator. Special music; all Invited.
LAdlee' Aid met Thursday in me
church basement and held their usual
sewing meeting.
W. i. Russel, the butcher, haa closed
the shop here and accepted a position
with Fred Lehman, of Mllwaukle. .
Mr. Lindsay baa let tbe contract to
J. H. Swope for excavating on bis lots
on Railroad avenue, where he will
build a fine residence, -
Mra. Emma McKercher and Mra.
Eatella Guthrie, of Portland, spent
Thursday with their sister, Mrs. E. C.
Warren, also Mrs. Charles Worthlng
The Girls band will go to Oregon
City Saturday morning and take part
In tbe Booster Day exercises. Moat of
tbe prominent people of Oak Grove
will go with the girls and help cele
brate. Mra. Moody was a Portland visitor
F. C. Blackman, of Courtney ave
nue, loat a valuable cow Thursday
morning. In her stomach they found
glass, rocks and a piece of wire five
Inches long.
Mra. J. H. Shupe and Mrs. Howard
Skoog were Portland visitors Thurs
day. , .
Mlsa Marie Glenn, who la attending
the medical - college in Portland, is
vlitltlnr her mother. '
. The Oak Grove base nail team will
play the Sellwood team Sunday on the
Oak Grove grounds.
Mra. Al Wetzler and daughter. He
len, were Oregon City visitors Friday
1 n
OF course we are honest and accurate,
or we could not conduct the success-,
ful business we do. But it is well for -you
to know that; when you! buy goods at this
store you are amply protected.
This Store is up-to-date
We use all the latest mechanical contrivances that make mistakes a
practical impossibility. All YOU need trouble about is the selection
of your purchases. With our modern appliances your protection is
absolute and complete.
Thse are special offers for today.
to and inspect oar place. - ,
Oregon City High School Haa Accept
ed Among Other Schools.
CORVAL1JS. Or, Aprl'. 30. The In
vitation of the Oregon Agricultural
College to tbe high schools of . the
State to send their athletes to the In
terscholaatlc track meen May-4 and
20 haa received nearly reaponse. ac
ceptance of twenty having been re
ceived already. Including those at
Cove, Hood River, Baker City. Oregon
City, Astoria, Medford. Salem, Pendle
ton, Eugene, Enterprise. wooaDurn.
Union, Albany. Corvallla. and the Port
land Washington. Jefferson, Columbia,
Hill Military, and Allen's preparatory
Estacada Btate Bank to C. H. Denny,
lot 6, block 12, first, addition to Esta
cada and lota 1 and 2, block 2. Zo
brlat's addition to, Estacada; $350.
Charles and Anna Blller to Susan
Holt, lota 14, 15 and 1C, block 13. Mln
thorn; $450.
Retch E. Bundto Rolert Alstrop.
lots 4 and 6. block 15, Windsor; $10.
Melnt K. Peters to Johanna Petera,
lota 6 and 8, block 6, Willamette Falls;
Thomaa F. and Ioex M. Ryan to mv
Id Shepherd, part ot-Julla Ann Lewis
donation lirnd claim; $1100.
J. W. and Julia F. Staudlnger to H.
B. Perine, 141.24 acres, section 3.
township 6 south, range 2 eaat; $5680.
M. E. and Tellitha Simmons to Jos
eph Nnlcholaon, 7.10 acres, aectlon 21,
township" s south, range seast; i3ou.
Millard F. and Ada W. Sarver to
C. Charlton and J. F. Snyder. 28.98
acres, township 3 aouth, range 3 east;
Ernestine llolxmann to Charles F.
Brumm. 20-100 acre. William Holmes
donation land claim; $800.
Bud and M. E. Thompson to A. u
Beetle, lot 6. block 2. Beatle's addition
to Oregon City; $100. , i
Brown ond Kloostra
Seventh-ond Center Sts.
Oregon City jWood and Fuel Company
,C;4 ; ;K M..BLUHM-
iiVour winti uppl)4 wth any quantity of 4-foot or 18 Inch wood de
'rtd to any parte City. Prloes, reaaotiable. -.I
"faction guaranteed. C, . ; , : f ' V ord,rfc
Home B-110 , V ' - . ' Cor. Ith and Center,
'Mlo Main mi :- ' - . ' Oregon City.
The Musicians of four States to Join
In This Convention Concerts,
Conferences and Choral
PORTLAND, Or., April 20. (Spe
cial.) Musicians of the Northwest
will rather at Portland June 7. 8 and
9 for the third annual convention of
the Northwest Mislo Teachers' Aa
soclatlon. Oregon, Washington, Ida
ho and Montana are tncludod In the
organisation and the coming meeting
will be a gathering representing the
musical talent of the four States.
A banquet will be held the first ev
ening and will be marked by address
. mi,! toasts br prominent musicians.
The second and third evehtnga will be
devoted to concerts. . 1 .
Morning sessions win he given np
to educational conferences, embracing
vocal. Instrumental, theory and public
school music. Well Informed people
on musical subjects vt present pa
pers along these various lines and a
discussion will follow each paper.. Af
ternoon sessions Will be varied with
''manuscript concert will be one of
he features of the convention. Tbe
program committee Is anxloua to
reacji Ml Northwest composers for
this concert Any composers who will
furnish manuscripts are aaked to In
form the chairman of the committee,
Mra. Alice Brown Marshall. 651 Ladd
avenue, Portland. 'A
Mrs. Rose Hansoom and Mrs. Rose
Bloch Bauer will be among the solo
tats nnd W. H. Boyer will give one
evening to choral work.
The convention, coming aa It does
during Rose Festival week, will give
those in attendance an opportunity to
enloy thla great floral fete. The ses
sloos and concerts will be held a
hour, not conflicting with the prlnclpa
events of the carnival aneV
tending the convention can avail tnem
selves of carnival excuralon rates. y
Well, we got along without rain
Easter Sunday but It rained Monday
and Tuesday. Some of It waa rather
hard on new automobiles.
. XJS1. Staudlnger Is spinning around
In his new automobile. He says It
works all right
Mr. Allen and some more saw mill
men went to town one night this week.
Mr. Colvln Is doing quite a bit of
fencing on his place.
Mr. Kay la quite busy taking care of
his thumb. The doctor took part of it
off ao he basnt got quite so much
The families at the Schafer sawmill
are thinning out somewhat
Ralph Holman planted his potatoes
Jn the dark -of tbe moon. We hope
he haa all he wants. V -Mr.
Clyde Waldren la out helping
Mr. Staudlnger with his new car.
Mr. Lee, of Canby Canal fame, is
exnected In town In the near future.
' Mr. Lay bas Installed a new wood
saw engine which la afloat on the
Ralph Holman la developing un
mlstakable symptoms of the automo
bile fever.
Mr. Heckert la In from the Ogle
creek mines where he has been at
work all winter, and baa now taken
charge of the Kalama Street Hotel.
Mr. Helgerson left the mill Monday
for his home where he expecta to en
eaee In farming for awhile.
Mr. Schafer took some sports in nis
auto to the ball game at Shubel Sun-
A. L. Larkln was delivering lumber
to Robert Oren's brick yard last week
Boiled Ham, Sliced on Our Slicing Machine
Dried Beef, Sliced Fresh Every Time.'.'. ... .
Sugar Cured Bacon, Sliced Fresh Every Time
35c pound
40c pound
25c pound '
WANTED To buy - first- olas pota
toes, highest cash paid. Bigger c
WANTED Girl, experienced choco
late dipper. Inquire 703 Main street-
, anaaM 4
Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Courtney sta
tion, were Oregon City visitors Friday.
Isaac Hill, one of our prominent
cttjtena, waa In Oregon City Friday
on business.
A. Fisher, our druggist, has -gone to
Baker and other En stern Oregon cities
on bualnesa. '
Arthur Graham Is attending the
drug store In Mr. Fisher's abaence.
F. II. Harris waa In Oregon City on
buBtness Friday.
Summons. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Ella Cronln, Plaintiff,
vs. ' .
William Cronln. Defendant
To William Cronln, tbe above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint moa
against you .in the aoove namea sun.
on or before the .Id day of June, 1911.
aald date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
tbla summons, and If you fall to ap
near or answer sn'd complaint, for
want thereof the plnlnyff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in
Ms eomnlatnt. to-wlt!
For decree dlsHOlvIng the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant Thlstim
moim Is Dubllshed by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was maae ana en
tered.on the 20th day of April, 1911,
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof la alx weeks, beginning
with the issue of Saturday, April 22,
1911, and continuing each week there
after to and Including the Issue of
Saturday, June 3, 1911. '
Attorneys for plaintiff.
When In Oregon City at
Farmer's Feed Yard
308 Main Street,
Best of Care Given All Animals or
, Stock Left With Us.
cents an hour.
Call Pacific States
WANTED You to know that we buy
all kinds of Curios, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. JSVe also have a
good assortment ot second hind
..Furniture and Tools on band tor
sale to those In need. Come anJ
see; perhaps we have just what you
want. Indian Curios and trinkets
for sale cheap; some that are very
"eral law bualnesa.
Oregon City.
Over Bank of
TJTtEN A SCHTJEBEL, Attorneye-at-
Lawx Deutacher -Advokat, will prac
tice la all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office la Enter
prise Bldg.. Oregon City." Oregon. '
FRETTAO ft MONET, Heal Estate.
Dealers, have choice bargains in
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. , See us for good buys.
Near 8. P. depot
When I moved Into my new store
... I tr Una a klFW WllRNI.
unique and also very rare. GEORGE TREf , ,m ,eiing at the prl-
YOUNG, Main near Fifth atreet
TWO CORNER LOTS 14th and Center
streets, one block from car line,
good Seven room bouse, all modern
Improvements; barn and. chicken
run. Price $3500; terms. Clyde &
McRae, 1003 Main Street
Mr. and Mra. Davis and little" daugh.
ter left Wllsonvllle on Monday tor
Eastern Qregon.
Elmer- Seely-spent- Saturday- and
Sunday at home.
Miss Graham went to Portland on
Robert Graham's two little grrla
have heen In a Portland hospital, hav
in adenoids removed from their
Henry Aden has Improved his store
win, some new flxturea. and has been
making room for his " new spring
The baseball boys had their pictures
taken last week.
Mrs. Marlon Young will go to Cor
vallls soon to spend a week visiting
at the college with her son. Doris.
Mr. and Mra. Reed Graham spent
in Portland laat week.
Mrs Hawlev returned from th
Rose C't n Monday after spending
a week' with her aunt
ti.. Tiiiao fnmiw have moved to
Wllsonvllle and are occupying tbe
pretty new house, built recently by
Mr. Crlssell on his lot in Wllsonvllle.
Many of the farmers near Wllson
vllle aye bavlng.splendld success with
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones were In
Forest Grove for several days this
week attending the Congregational
Aasoclntlon. ,
Alfred Bawer and his cousin, Claude
Harris, of Roseburg. spent Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alison Baker.
Mr. Nendel and son, Roy, are dril
ling a well for Millard Crlssell, on his
corner lot In our village.
Old Mr. Jaeger, who has been 111
for some time, died on Monday last
The Stlnebaugh place has been sold
to Emily Bowman, of Portland,
through the agency of Dick ft Lowry.
The Wllsonvllle Cottage Hotel nas
changed hands again.
- Cook ft Son, of Minnesota, hav
purchased tbe real estate business
and property belonging to John But
son, and have already moved here
Mr. Butson has been very aucceasful
In the real estate business, and we
hope his succesaors will be as fortunate.
cea usually quoted for second hand er
shop-worn goods. Come In and took
around. A,
Fide line of curios and relic.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
extractor, Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of bnildtng
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main 111.
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estates settled, gen-
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land titles Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public -
0KPET1T0RS copt
Room 7, Barclay Bldg.. Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurance
and Real Eatate. Let us handle
your properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notions undor these classified h,dJ?r
will b inicifil at ons ont a word, firs'
Insertion, half a ent sddltlonal lnr
Hons. One Inch esnl. H pr month; ball
Inch card, (4 lines) SI per numlh.
Cuh muil incompur order nlBS on
hea an open account with the peper. No
fln.ncll ep..nlblllty for errors; where
rrore occur free corrected writ I re will b
printed for patron. Minimum eharaa Ho
WANTED To rent traction engine,
. 12 to 20 horse power. Address Box
163, Oregon City, Oregon.
i'Mj". mM,
C;i Vef y"
wh v m ,
Combination Gal and Gas. Range, with High Closet. Grates
can be removed for burnine wood. .' .,
The entire exterior of this Range is made ol planished blue steel
and beautiful nickel plated parts, with attractive, modern carvings
rich in design and easy to keep clean, producing a beautiful. appear
ance. ,
4 Best Range on the market Prices are very reasonable. You get
rnore for your money in buying STANDARD FAVORITE than
in any other Range. . ,
Fffraittsre and Hardware
i .
7 '