MORNING JSXTEUPKiaBv .FRIDAY., APRIL 21, 1911. 1 9 I " "" " lii i An Ea$feijw!S Case t The Mm Till Wii Di iwiI By JOHN D. JONES Cbrrit r slsuia. UU. IIIIIHmilllllll!!lllll " When I wrttt late Ibe ildntltl boU mm lq Albany. Y, I look arrrk-e with a firm that ra nuutI by Very experienced man. II bad the reputation of baring f cornered more crooks than aey detective living. 1 waa anxlooa to a bow bin what 1 could do and ftoou found aa admirable op portunity. There bad been a bank robbery, aad 110,000 la bll la bad bun taken from weaU bar aradaayy ta refined. . adviateT that aa ar aaoaJd eocer at tb N'ew ef iWUac la lb flm Nace. wweld give m owe ttane te look at oa aad tbaa b aaore ceciaia at what we were doing, la tba aeceatd place, wa anight need ta keew nature tbaa aa aasnerted persoai under ar vetUaace aad follow aw ataa ta tba ateamer. Wa bad telegraphed ta New Tark ta bar a coepJe of ataa at tba atatloa to da say blddlag -Tba ooly weak a put la thla jLaa waa tba Mop at PeitghaecpsJe. I U Hoe too Cut If tba vonxxj got oat there to arrest bar. and I wa M da tba same wltb tba ansa. Pat w didat believe either wwuld aV aa berause I ' bad learned from tba conductor that both j fcaj tklrts ta. Near Tort. Before wa WARM Of ORCHARDS. tba bank. A few date later ox re porting at tba office, my chief aald to me: "fft'rt oa tba track of tba nan woo robbed tba tb National aad I ib . yea to tub bint. Wt ve beea watching tba tralna tearing tba city ever lo tba robber? waa com ruIMed for anj ausplcfoua pemofl trying to ret 'a war Tba consequence ta that par qua it baso't dared to try it. But be'a been aires away. If tbex rases la would " only treat tba women- I bey take op wltb decency wa would not catch ao many of them. I have a letter, evl deatly written by a woman, stating that Andy Sima. aliaa Charley Jenkins allaa Treaty Joe. la tba man who robbed tba bank and that be baa planned to laara tba dty bf tba 10 o'clock train tomorrow mom lac for New Tork. He win be accompanied by his mother. Ba baa encased pa sure under a flrtl Boon name op tba Northnmlirta fr Southampton. Tbe money be took from tba bank will be carried In bin boots. Take Horton with you and look otrt for aa old woman and young man. Of course heU be dls- guised. Barton aad I loitered be Me the. train before It left tba atatloa. keeping a aharp eye on every one who rot aboard. A few minotea before leaving tuna a woman whom my practiced eye told ase bad been "mart up came tv ward" tba can. bat inateed of getting aboard atood looking bark anxiously aa ex pernor aome ana. Presently a well readied roegbkeepsie my aaapect bad thrown down a newspaper- ba bad beea reeding aad dropped asleep, real or preteaded. Ba didat awake while wa wer at tba station, bat aa aooa aa tbe train started be Jumped up and made a dire for tba car. door.- Of course 1 followed him. Ha abat tbe dour in my face, and time waa re paired to oprn it. Wbes I got off be waa running Ilka a deer throogb tba atatloa. from there be ran along tba track northward, and aa there waa no farorable'outlet on either aide of hi 21 I he waa obIIdl3J,flnaJex-lny -falli view. 1 called ta hlni to atop, and ba did ao at ooe wit bout my firing a a hot and aurreodcred very tamely. I clap(ed tba braceleta on . him and" waited for the next train la return ta Albany. While doing ao I ordered him to take off nla boot, expecting to find tba Mil In them, aa we had beea adriaed by tbe wmaa wbo bad Ceaat af AaaJea ad Paara tatrad Waraain. Metkatfa. ' ' MCOTORa Or, April The paat 1 daya baa witaeaaed tba moat etrea owa battla with froat ta tba hiatorr of tba Rogwa River Valley. Oarteg thla period the rruitgrovera vara aightty kept watch and bare foagwt tba rroat aeveral nlchta froaa midatxht UU T la tba saoraing, proeaaor OXiara, pal V okxttst. aent bowrly waralaga ta the orrhardiata aad la every eaaa were kla predlctloaa fro lolled aad hia efforts have beea worth aaaay tbooaaada of dollar to the. fruhraleera. A caraful , taapecttoa of tb orchard a baa ahowa that ail who reaoned to beattag have aaved their cropa, Maay of tha apple orchanta earaped tbroach tardlaeaa ta bloom, bat tba peara were la fall bloom and la tbeae th heatrog baa aaved tba crop. SESBOKHIIOI Oil FOREST FIRES COSTS LCtt TO SAVE FROM PIRt THAN TO T0P OM WHCN STARTED. of rocka oa hla owa accord, and aa tba rock rolled beneath hla feet ha became frlrbtened aad Jumped a dt tanee of 13 feet la falling bla leg aaa twlated In eucb a manner that the eight of hla body coming on It cauaed a bad fracture, Dra. II. 8. Mount aad T. J. Von were aummnned. and tha pa tient la reeling comfortably. CORRESPONDENCE COMPULSORY TRAINING. Plan ta Have Private 0nera af Tim bar Pereeta ta Pateel Thee During te Dry Seaaon. WASHINGTON. April M Compul- aory military tratnlag waa advocated by General Ieoaard Wood, chief of ! staff of the la I ted States Army, la speech last night at a banquet of tba Soaa of tha Revolution. Genera Wood considered the Ameri can Army. In aome respects. Ineffi cient Ha proposed that tha public aranol teach military science. Another aug- restlon fof 'ritjprovemcBt iu lha shortening of the terma Of enlistment In the Army and militia, thua permit- ting tha training of a larger propor tion of men. FRANCE MAY SEND AN ARMY. PARIS. April 2a Tha situation ta Morocco resulting from tha rebellion given him jaraiaat Sultaa Mulal Hand baa led to way. I waa dlMippoUiteil in finding j talk of French Intervention by aending Ass a prrs row m cab boob. nothing. I noticed that be bad a very mall foot. There were other things about him that led me ta fear I had got the wrong man. , But he seemed to have txperted his arrest, and the circumstances taken altogether were aa overwhelmingly In favor of the theory that ha was tbe man. I wanted that 1 gave the matter little thought. I be lieved now that the woman wbo waa under Borton'a care had tbe loot, and my anxiety waa all ta that direction. I took my man to Albany and gava tha chief aa-account of Ibe-4-lrrans- atance of the rapture as far as I knew them.' Nothing bad been heard from Horton. The chief ordered a aearrb made of oar captive. He waa handed over to a couple of the force for the purpose and takvn Into a pri vate room, rresently one of them out with a broad grin on hla face. Wa don't care to go any further that matter." he sail "If yon want that young fellow' aearrbed you d better can In a woman. "Wfcjr 1 asked, astonbhed. Because be a woman himself. The chW looked at me thunder struck, then with an expression of contempt orJ-red tbrt my catrb be held till norton should be beard from, after which. If Horton had no aocresa. she should tie discharged. .."Just yoti wait.I saM. a good deal trftated: "this thing is a ram. Tha woman Horton is watching baa got the property on her. I'll warrant" This one. repl.'ed th chief sneer Inaiy. "has turned out to be a womaa. IT! bet tbe other turn out to ba a an army to tba ratea of lea. The governmeat. however, baa not reached any decision of thla nature. agreement . . SENATORS BY DIRECT VOTE- WILS0NVILLE. Eva aad Mae Dakar apent tba Eaa- iOI 1JIIIB W WTO MILLIONS) a- .. If p awl, luu ma miKiiiuuuH i vw known as the "Wllsonvllla Improve ment AsaoclatlonH was orgaplied tem porarily under tba directum of Mr. liethume. A meeting will ba held on rrlday. May 1st, at which lima she club will organise permanently, for united effort In tba Improvement of j lha acboolhouae and grounds, and ax , - J pecta to branch out and otherwise ba PORTLAND Or, April SO -(Spa, ! mn'M !h 1 clal.-Tbe summer t campalan , "'k',""u, WV , agaiaat f.ret fire. Is being plsaned ' . u.,'r" .:7.1 by tha Oregoa Forest Mra Asaix-latlon. , ' , " " , J c 1. I Iln(y refreshmenta were served and and C a Cka'pma. secretary, wltb !rr pi""" P Pre. headqaartera In Portland.- Ita objects ""i , ' . ,.. .1 .1.. Torral Creek school children tbe State's greaiest resource. IU tim ber. . ent t Torral Creek school children ob- i served Arbor tsy by planting trees (one of the lilac trees b"lng rhiiatcned Urea, believes the asoorlstloa. than to v , . . ) m. .Mi The Raster service held In tha and with thla end in view, attention " A". ": " ""7 ta being caUedV? the teat wars to avoid disastrous ronfiarratlosa that weep tba fathered districts, wasting ibe forests and. brtnrlng death and de- th Methodist Sunday school, undrr the direction of Superintendent M Cora asslbrlnk. waa very Interest ing and appropriate. Ronga and ra 1 latlona by tha membera of lha arhool, l and anloa by special Ulent. wera fea tentloa ts to be paid to hsvlng private- i T "I'"""" VT . ly owned Umber patrolled. Tha C.v. I aJraaa arawiMl sms. fcv- - a a LfWtb m ft aaa ; w-.. wsssaaa mm ww-(w ri nu.u tm- w-i sa aa aa w wum w tar ay a fcw4 ia ' . . . . . fh. fr l.rl.-t In th. reserva- . lr r present. The choir sing- ik. imhf tw. i '"a- " "I1""".' iw, ma miiowin For the moment Prance will merelr I . . .w. ,A ! eir known alngera taking part: Mis reinforce her troopa in tha .Chaouia .,rh ,h,- k',din, duriaa the drv Mr- len. Jud Seely, Henry district. Thla government adherea to- m4 w,u cooprata in. every "eckman. Mra. Frank Hrobst played strictly to the' Algeclras confatencea . tl mw mW the accompanlmenta la bar usual -v. ,w. rnrtm la a i splendid manner. work la which tbe entire population ! WllaoarlU. Athletic Club h.a 1... . a, i,-,.t t. fwiinfd nut 1 organised a permanent club k iv. . !..... ai.kt. iwbv mb! ( and baa begun a series of games with J v. ..1,.. r iv. .imh.r neighboring basoball claba. and struct Wn to tba settler. During tha coming summer more at- WASHINGTON. April SO. Advo cates of tha election of Senators by direct vote of tba people won a signal victory in the Seaate today, when tba resolution passed by tha House waa referred to the committee on Judiciary. Tbe House resolution la similar to the one reported from the Senate Judiciary committee last session, and the refer encea today Insures favorable action in committee. Is PORTLAND WINS GAME. In yoang anaa came burrTiajp la ta tbe etatfoa, panted by tbe woman, rest to a forward car aad jumped aboard. Although aot a glance passed am him and tbe woman, tbe mo an aaw him ah went lata the coach aad took a seat I raa forward to where notion waw-aieg. aveambta tae joong maa rsjtttind to aad told him to keep a eharp eye oa bias. -Everything m work leg well.- I said, "bat keep your wtta about you and doe't make a move until you have good reason to do so. If you nab the wrong man th f.rM ot may get away while your attentive ia taken ap ea a false ereot" While I waa giving these instruc- tloaa tbe train moved oat, Horton stepped aboard, sod aa aooa a my car reached me I did the same. The wom an waa sitting apparently nnconcera ed. bat a be couldn't conceal from me tbe fact that sbe waa striving wltb a hidden emotion. Her bosom waa bear ing aod ber eye waa restless. She kept rearranging ber belongings on tbe aeat, and I waa quite aura aba waa doing ao la order to help ber to retain her composure. One thing that es pecially gave her away waa her con etantly opening a hand bag. taking out bottle of smelling salts and twlng It I bad no doubt tbe young man wbo got aboard the forward car waa our quarry, but I didn't propose to lose algbt of the woman, thinking that she might have aome of the swag; on ber person. But since tbe most Important part of the matter seemed to lie In the man In front 1 went forward, took Borton'a place and told him to go back and take mine. The train was schedul ed to atop but once oetween Albany and New York, and that waa at Poorn keepale. Since we were moving at tbe rata of fifty miles aa hour there waa mo chance for any one to get ciff until we reached that station. I seated myself facing the young man I was te watch, and, taking a photo graph of Andy Blma. - , va aaa a iav tur ni; ! T!. T7, ,rom I Pocket, log too slowly. rAtn rial a-gnl IA- mIil, i ... Aa he apoke a .telegram was banded in. It proved to be from norton and imply aald that be would be with us by the next return train. That waa the lonrest wait I ever bad In my Ufe. Whea be came In bis rounte- aaive showed what waa of course te be expected-failure. Be told oa that when tbe train stopped at Pooghkeepste tbe woman he waa waUbing went Into the eatooa and locked the door. If Horton wait ed ta tbe car for ber ta unlock the PORTLAND. Or. April .(Spe cial) Roger Peckinpaugh made home run that brought In two tallies and won the game for Portland Thurs day. It was In the eighth and Los Angelea was one ahead at the . time t bat the play waa made. Final score atood 4 to 3 favor Portland. POPE CAUTIONED. ROME. April JO. Pope Plus X la somewhat indisposed and haa been cautioned by hia private physician, Dr. Gulacppe PetaccI, to avoid over exertion. . Hla bollneaa, however, baa refused to change from his dally rou tine and celebrated Maaa today and gave a few private audiences. TOJIGIDE HIS US CLAIM WANTED comparea u wttn tbe suanocT. .. The moment I did so I was sure I waa 00 the right track. Bis features were more delicate tbaa tbone of the photograph, but the latter bad been taken In r&urb clothes, while the sus- wa very, well dressed. This ooor sne mirot make ber escape tBirmrh tbe car window IOft-went out oa to the platform to watch from tbe outside' she might unlock tbe saloon door, come oat and leave tbe car by tbe ordinary peesare. While be was trying to make up bis mind what to do tbe train started on. Be ran out on to tbe platform of the coacn. but saw no woman. Aa aooa aa be could get a trainman to do tbe work the saloon door was forced. Tbe window wa open and some woman's clothes were on the floor. .Sims was subsequently captured and a considerable part of the loot with him. Be said bla sister bad planned the whole thing for btm. Sbe had written' the letter giving the Informa tion respecting bla departure and the train by which be would leave. Ha bad dressed blmself as a woman, not tak ing pains to conceal tbe fact that ha "was made up." The sister bad dress ed herself as a man and purposely misled us, Jumping off tbe train, hop ing to divert attention from the broth er. Blma had tbe a war on hla nersoa and hoped to walk out of tbe train while we wera following hla slater. My setting a watch on btm was a dis appointment Noticing Borton'a eyea fixed on him. be realized that be waa under observation, and tbe Idea of escaping through tbe saloon had oc curred to blm. Bla woman's dress bad been put on over his man's clothes, with a Tlew to being taken off quickly. I learned a great deal by this fiasco. wt one must always keep learning and ever ret perfectly taught. I made ap my mind after toy llp not again to wait before making an arrest of a sus picious person. B-Jt my very next case taught me that there Is danger In act ing too quickly, just a there la in act- I pounced upon a mtn. thinking he waa my quarry, and while I was making tbe arrest tbe one I wanted lipped oat through a back door. Since these two cases I bar learned to do my best, and when I make a failure I pat It down to bad luck. BOARDER AT WILLAMETTE HO TEL CREATES SENSATION BUT DOES LITTLE INJURY. H. Deidua, wbo haa been living at the Willamette hotel, waa accused of making an attempt at suicide about 7 o'clock Thursday night Officer Cooke waa called to tbe hotel to see what could Be. done in the matter. It was said he took chloroform, but It did not do tbe work. When Officer Cooke and Deputy Sheriff Mllea went to his room In the hotel they found he also bad gun and took that away from him and locked him In the city prison for safe keeping. Aa he had been doing no Injury to any one but himself, and was not suf fering any at the ilme of arreat, no one would make complaint againat him and In that case the officers aay they must of necessity turn blm loose. crop goea for labor and supplies and ,0, " ,h " bli the destruction through Area of each ! .' on ,n t(V! o timhor means a loss of "u cuuniry. ' riuo purcnaseQ Burned timber pays no taxes and ' - lDd to aid to the-support 0f tB , 7'"- w" ln.tlt.ltLn. or thm Stat - , P"J9 v. iwjrr ieam ot t- ii. r..n'. ki (ww o.v 000 , Portland the first of last week, at feet of timber mean, that some $5,000.- j 0,rh WHsuavllI. team aent ftnnwio -.. k- ftM out In mwr ,h oppoalng force down to defeat to alone. The laduatrr In thla State now ! ,b l,,n ot i lo - Th drct.Lt. annro.imstelv i f"oa: Andy Hsaselbrlng, catch vearlv. mora wealth than auolea. fish. ' tv- tx Young, pitcher; L, F, . Darby, oi an .hMi romMned. i nnt Stangle. second baae; Every dtlten ba. a part In forest " lUrt.horne. third baae; Elmer t.r-ctlo ana .fttclcnt enforcement abort Stop; John Biggs, riuht of the law la an oleet of the aaaocla- f'IJ: w- Koellcrmeler. left field, and tlon. It la hoped during the coming i - "ray. renter field, summer to enllat the co-operation of..' On April ICth a game waa played everyone to minimum. ELKS' BALL VONIGHT. All keen the-fire loss at a ! with the Ford Motor Company of - Tort land, at which lime Wllsonvllle aa beaten until the third Inning, then j tied atth the opposition until the sixth . Inning, when the village boys put on Vary full atesm and the final count waa 1 I to 7. In Uvor pf wniaonvllle. The rll lags line-up waa aa follows: Andy Ilaaselbring. catcher; Elmer Seely, abort stop: 8. Young, pitcher; Leslie Murray, center field: F. Darby, first Details Arranged for 1 pleasant Social Dance. The grand ball to be given In Buach hall this evening under "the auspices of the Elks promises great thlnga for those fortunate enough to participate There will be good tnuale provided for : G"- 'H'". aecond baae; M. the oceaaton and the aeveral commit-: lu'ru u" V nP,a; teea In charge have left nothing nn 1 Koellermeler. left field. The uroplrea don calculated to make for an enjoy-; w" 1 nornion. 01 v iisonvine ana able tlne. A large number of Port-, Edwards, of Portland, who were both . ..H. hi. Vj mi lurwuvii vt lav land Elks promise to grace the affa" wltb their presence and a fine time la a natural sequence. Banquet Is Postponed. TV CVftl.pnal ftmlKarknnil V..tinn.l to have been given at Knapp ball on j "d tb'f "tilled to the recognl teams and the visitors for their fair- neaa In dealing out judgment. The . A: C. la made up of courtebua young men, who do not forget to be gentlemen under all circumstances, Friday evening of this week haa been postponed owing to tbe Elks' ball on that evening. . and Booster Day the following day. Tbe affair will be giv en on next Friday evening. Mr. Spsnce Bulldino Bungalow, C. E.. Bponfey. one of the well knowa-early gardening goea steadily on; Hon which next game burn. they are receiving. The III be played at Wood- STAFFORD. We are having April weather these April aays. still late seeding and Ate You a Subscribe to tbe New DaUy? If The Morning Enterprise la to be ad successful aa tbe Interests of Oregon City demand it must needs have tha support of all. Tha new dally baa big work before It In boosting Oregon City and C'ackamaa County. Tour anflnort niMna mawa a ..... s . k - L. . 1 W f . w M ,u lii iu. WVi m Will You Help Boost your own Interests? T7JL,km,td ti"!f u MorBU, Bnlerpriae ,wlU be sold to paid In advance auDserlbera aa follows: , Rf C-.L. 1 - ' -. jwr.,,,.,, 1. . . tl AA M mm A I. ........ ' .' "."" ' .... your name and remittance. 2.M MISSIONARY RALLY. Meeting In Portland Wednesday Even ing Visitors From This City. A missionary rally waa held In the First Presbyterian church In Portland on Wednesday evening, and those go ing from this city left on the 7:30 o'clock car, leaving Portland on tbe 11 o'clock car. Those going from thla city were Miss Ruth Brlghtbtll, Mlns Mabel Tooze, Mlsa Gladya McCoy, Mlns Zeta Andrews. Mra. W. C, Green, Mlsa Ger trude Hamilton, Miss Mae Brown, of New Era, Corlea Andrews, Kant Wll aon, Clyde Green and Harry Miller. ' Delegatee Tall of Convention. Tba attendance "at the jnaaa conven tion of returned delegatee from the Sunday achool convention at Eugene last week, planned for the Presbyter ian church Thursday evening, waa not very well attended. The delegatee ware on hand but not many of the Sunday school workers the city over gathered to bear the reporta. Reports were made, however, and Indicated that tbe delegates had been a live bunch, Jo say the least, and told their stories of happenings In an entertain ing manner. HOTEL ARRIVALS. -The following are the hotel arrivals at the Electric: Victor Axel, Colton; Mr. and Mrs. James Benton, Colfax, Wash.; William Martin, John Dunn, Portland; T. A. Trauger, Portland; George Upman, Mill Cltr: W. B. Bon ney, Colton; A. H. Behrendt, San Fran cisco; John Stoker, city; Dave Land, Albany; F. A. Bailey, city; R. W. Ward, city; S. L Rathburn, Portland; R. Bodemer, Cincinnati, Ohio: M. J. Thompson, Portland; W. J.'Cary, Hal- aev Dot THske' ft Harris, inntatst. j cha Adams. ' farmers of Clackamaa county, who re cently moved from Cams to Beaver Creek, la erecting a handsome new bungalow, which will be of eight rooms. There will be a bath room, and all modern conveniences. BALL 0AM E SUNDAY. Price Bros. Will Play tha Popcorn p Kings of Portland. The ball game Sunday at Canemab Park promises to be of more than or dinary interest The Price Bros.' team, the vigorous local aggregation that haa made aome good games pos sible, Is to be pitted against the Port land Popcorn Kings, which Is said to be the fastest semi-professional team In the Rose Cltf. The game will be called at 2:30 P m. and tbe local boys think they will be able to play the visitors to a finish As the local team won last .Sunday the boys are feeling In great fettle for the gong to start the play. The local battery will be Smith and Tel ford, and the team la aald to be tbe strongest In Its history. patch BROTHERHOOD MEET. Banquet Planned For By Gladstone Local Organization. -The ew Brotherhood organisation In tbe Gladstone Christian church will meet this evening for tbe completion of tbe arrangementa for the banquet to be held on Tuesday evening, April 25. The committee on program Is N. C. Hendricks, 1 A. Reed and Victor Oault, and they will report on progress at the meeting thla evening. HAS LEO BROKEN. Sixth Martin Durlch Haa Bad Fall at Street Rock Crusher. Martin Durlch. a Greek, employed by Harry Jones, tbe' contractor, at the rock cruaher near Center street, had ms leg broken on Wednesday after noon, and waa taken to tbe Krueger home, where he ! receiving medical aid. Durlch had gone on top of a ledge a ' w l"i.-A ' - If t . t rui iourseir in me Ad-Readers Place.. w wnen you write rour classlf ed a ad or any kind of an ad try to e Include In It Jnst tbe Information you'd like to flad If you were an ad-reader and were looking foi an a ad of that klna. . , 4 If you do thla to even a small 4 extent jour ad will bring Re- e SULTSt a Jake Schattx muat be Dreoarlnr to Join the Mexican rebels, as he haa used up 1H ton of explosives on the uni north of the vineyard, and calls for about another half ton. He has made Stafford rock when explosion arter explosion sent tbe roota flying njwira. Mr. Nuasbaura baa got bla an plowed ready for a crop. There ha been aome call for work noraea, wbicb are high In price thla year. Mr. Moaer haa concluded to remain In his old neighborhood, near hla chil dren, and Is about to build a house for nimseir near hla sons. Among the various Improvements we rauea to report a new roof on Win. Hcnattx a house. , Mr. Weddle la trrlnr' to enlov him. aelf sitting in tbe Jury hog at Oregon tight or ten people from Stafford auenaea tbe Easter meeting at the Chapel of the Church of God on Fall ing street. Portland, and wera enter. talned at dinner by the Paator and bla wife, Mr. and Mra. Neal. Mr. Frenzel, one of our progressiva newiy-weaa, nas quite an acreage al- reaay plowed on hla new place. He haa kept Area ateadlly going for a long time, and be and bla young wife wm to ds progressive workers. a m m .... mr. ana jura, iioiten and young daughters came out to ber father'a. mr. uage, on Saturday, their 16th an- niverssry, and spent Eaater In the manner Kaater is usually apent Mr. Hoi ton waa to go to Han rru. . Cisco on Tuesday on a bualneat trip, as he haa some property down there which he thinks of disposing of. and Investing In Portland. Mrs. Powell's front door blew shut and broke the etched glass, and Jake Schattx Is to replace It; also tha one n me store door, broken bv burglars some time ago. Mra. Martha Sehelwe-Hamllton. with her month-old baby girl, came to visit her mother, Mra. p. A. Baker. Man- sei, the son, also returned from Port land to visit his mother, and the mother and children went to Oregon uity ana naa a ramiiy group taken. Mr. Welaman baa been helping Mr. Baker clear aome land. A man of 62 came along looking for work. Mr. Gage kept blm a couple of ""i wobu tne spirit or tbe Wan dering Willie took bold of him again, and Mr. On re paid him off, and he atarted on hla travela again, aeeklng paaturea new, 80 many auch dere- i.cis are noating about In thla coun k 1 Bt. ma wherever they take off ana notnmg but the poor mime cnaruaois home to look rorward to when age and helplessness comes creeping on. Take the thought w oujm, n you aon't save a few ,-... wane youth and young man hood are youra, you will not have the SS.rJ? oa 1 Ane Yoi&t W a BAIL . 1 P r: :-,- Entegjpgise Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? By cattict, t yzat $3.00 By mail t year 200 Send in Your Name .' a ", ' and Remittance -Y1 The . . , ,na"Denaent-