. f f K, XL i V . I.: 1 i . v n . mnvrvn rvTPnpni.QP vnmiv. A PHIL 21. 1911. ' 'v. Bsaaaaajawaaaaaaaaaaaj bsbbbbbbbBbbbsbsbbmbbbbjbw, BB-aaaaawal SB Bsaawa Baaawaf, B. aw-aa. asakBBsaa swawawawal Bwa. Bwa BBfB MVatMSSklll I I taeea. Thy . I bar Ua to. I HORfilHG BiTERPRJSE OULGOM CTTT, OKICOS ft. C ROOtC. EalHe and PakUaaae. !hMm4 as ' nanf-ctaae iMilf iaa eary t I'll, at ts mi V rwm Otr rtn0,m. wlir taw an af Marc t. Itr - tubs r tcncerriM. Tear Br nfl as Mtw Vr tew aoe aot apply ta aaay prsa iUtt rtoaa for th safety of tk aae tm way whew th ehootiag hdub ht th aJy iwdiw 1 la. th railing, of Mexico to arroaat for permittiag raUi to ru Um. la uir la tkla Mexico can coast er ita the eiaJte that Aaoertca allowed br rabble ta !! arms ia otkr vara raaaa trowbl for Met story ta a plaaslbla a J AtrureiK tins Vw Paa, w r nrat tsai rvsna nm Hase. In- e44e4 larttn . "JJifcio and . ta other , Taft.tava.kaa snetifcai aay . aw pir"rZ "oars. doiag a great deal. sarh to coata4 aha Va if be caa etaer th akip of etat j: along wit boat arror he la aotag as - , wu aa aar of bu critic which, of IK evf aW t irtlnw, IBs - lUa than f:re. . par w flrM lasirtsua lie i Baa p(-r vivr taaa firx paa-a. e44r4 aseettlone UeraJ las ar Mm; ta rciar Waata. For SaJ. . Ml a war ftrat In aark a44ttkaal Rata far vvrflatna la f Ik ' Wa ry Sntarertaa will b ina aain aa la laa . . 4ir. tor 4rrrimtrmna a-t aKtelii , 'frZXtXrZrZ: V HEXL C0S.DCR IT WHCN tr. vltaoat cknr, th rl win a a , uaa - aa la for taa C tfca paaw. aa4 ia aa . n , bua for apactaJ poattloa. ' Caak ahul4 aermiiM Krtf la unknown la utnaaa atka af 1 1 Entarpna I,a. M'm., at t. j- pAit0- TIM. April FTm- . ttru. .ad a traaaKnt riteo 1 aflro rrfasl ai-olotair W ' adrartlainr at IW to aa m--h. co4- craiit o rra?l-. atatl by b ta aaartaJ ourxjltlon. rvrair. tba fir ;onwi at WaabiBCtoa. Ha aaat ta . . . . . . ' t"lr that t artmlo "tala armla ' " Ttra aar and baakrupt a" ir- . . .illADERO HAS REFUSED f OfRR OF ARMISTICE lan la (Ik ' Wt! TAKEN JUAREZ. Burning of New York Capitol Caused a Loss of $7,000,000 'tMMmaata le larh frrat . llaeai taMHnrtkM aam ntaitar SM laea. Nawa ttraa aa4 !) v. It' artvd ' af BMrtt with latn-Ml Ui Wmi rvadarm. attl aa (ladlr arrpu4. fuwxtao aug- aarlata aarar rvtum4 laa vf auaiaa ta iraar aoaiaa CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. i tbo on Ir -Tber vaot an armMtW to gat ap . r-ttrorctBBU. tbat la all." k aald. W will trat et. Mr arm 7 UI , in or be ablppd at Jum befora I talk artniatlra"; ThU Bionsicc Maero arat oiTVelal oottrc to tb Coesola of Joarrx thit ! h mlrbt attack tba ton at any boar iaftT 12 a'clock toolrtt. Madero rod from bli ramp cloar ap April 21 In Ame.i:an History, 1KK-Ilait of fcui Ja into. Tri.; 4 to tba oatakln of Joar tha nwrafn feat ami f.-.tb'fui aiaoybtrr of and etatnlnetl tbe eltya fortiflcatkJBB Mllrti by Triao owlr Ham ck!r wb field Klaaaea. Hooaton: Ttao ln.Vr-r.,!e aa i L"lr b rod dcraa to tbarlTer. varv sis piq dtu namn ijjk arasirrrd aqaada. with Genrral Paa cual Ororco Ma4To baa faro Arid placea. ablck bli ma ronatrocttM In tba railroad hma at ViiTo. aDd tbeaa ara betas UOS-rnited Htafea Mlnlatrr gtrwmrt px m position to abell tk towa. L. Wondfcrd flTf-o bia paacports t it l( rrtaln tbere win be no flbt afadrid. Iat fited aa tke l-f.n ' nK before tnidnlirbt onleaa 'be Federate- of tke Hpacisb-Amertraa war ' nake an attack. Madero waa not mo 3 Sanvel tajrWae Cln&eaa . wmr!! to gire cfflcal nottra to lor Ofark Twalai. aatitor a ad lertarer.' rl twitl of bia intention to attack, died at feddlAC Coon.; bora W31, ! h na not been r-fnled aa a rtired. Otfil Kaata Anna, tba liexlran leaiW. u mitnred. ISTV Oeurral Jubn Ada 21 Ini. V. -A, Dotad Bfira Id live drtl war. born 173. '. v . 5 - t ii?rr; ?-'t BOOSTER DAY STARTS Off AT my DAVII I ON HAND EARLY SATURDAY ' MORN I NO AND SPEND THE WHOLE OAY HERE - j Tke Carnival fua praradinc thKvater 1 Dar atarted 0 Tk;radar eTenlof a lth a nak. At I JO WoL EllMt wiada kla 'Nasp froei -tka' Haapeaaloo - brWaa I acroea tka Wlllaaaetta to tba aater b flow. aUfbtla alik a big plak aad it releaaa of bated breatk br aoveral , kaadred timid oaaa oa tka bank. . Al ". aaoat Immediately Prof. Wltaoa made i aia aixie arnwa ire mrr vm a ' 1 atre. laadlaa la aafety on tba aborc1 of tka atrraaa. Prom I bat cm tba Car. atral waa opea T04 to taa aad Vi tb reat of mankind. All day today there will ba Carnival alfkta aad Carnival auunda and lt- 'wb W tba cltr til ba made welcome . and aa anoa aa poaalble dlvoreed from Itawframall rkaace - At that there all) ba Plenty of Ma on tap and on bent . os a good time eaa bar It at llttl , eipenaa. Thle will be a gotd day to ' eoaa to tka rtty tor a abort period of I fun. ta praparatloa for a full day el Saturday, put If yo eaal para day ba aura 10 get bar on Saturday. I Not only will there ba Carnival iabt and Carnival eoanda on - Sat. arday bat there will ba a good ko.ai abow to aandwlck ta between tka In- tereetlot acta of pooater Day proiw Tka entrtea made aaanr a good dla play of koraea for tba orcaaioa. fa i Doueier on Saturday Uooater Day ay Small Deposits Wanted Wa Baaawraoa tkam aaaaaa many larae aaaanta baa. 1, , ai "nala Tka amall dapaaltar af taday baama tka laraa aa .v Mara paapl araaid b Hank dapaaltar If tka raalli.a kJT ,. hip ia abiding thair aradil and th(r atiacaaa. Open'ng a hakiif aaeawnt hr u Rrat attp towtnj. a grawtkt n mart now ana veuvw in in ivauiepa ar tba aucaaBU . da fcuainaaa at PU vwv The Bank of Oregon City r c. i.ATounrrr rraaijeni r. J. kit Twa - ... THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, aaOJOOOa, Traaaaata a O'aeral tanking aVtatnaaa. Open Iran, A. M. bot t'' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ""7 " ' 'TLl nnJi . I aad 1 boldJnr bla men tn eaecg ontu tTrom aooo today ta aaoa tofBorrwwj j tim4 .pjflM aa acta C.4L riaaa 6. no riaea ' 1M a. m.; 127 p. bL. caatera tltDc.' . aaooa at but narter la eoetatellatloo CkprVoraaa; ceo'a dw-Unauon 12 d graaa aortk af reieatlet a4atur Thi day &K. Yrfi fenbeet artk tba . far, 7 dVarwa lolntjtea; 'JfS. In PrcderV-k A. C'k 'U.u to bare raarfced awr TWO SEEK DIVORCES. O-, Man Wou'dot Speak to Wtfay for Daya at a Tim. " rrirane'b Williama. abo waa mar ried at Vaajqrer. Waab.. in to 1 Jan-- W. William, baa flUd a aolt tut divorce gbe aaya be ealld ber a -ditrn fool.- He. la alao ebargtd 1 wi'h Hading faa'.t wltk ber. of poaaea 1 tcr. a mlky dlapoaltlrn. and aba aaya be would not apeak to ber for daya at . a time At on time be la aald to bare THE boralng af New Trka capltol at Albaay aaaaaa a ftaaodal luaa aC at leaat ITUXOUO to tb atate. according bo official eatlmatea. bat It mean a kaa ta tb way of historical doramenta and prtt-eieaa rellca that ratutot ba atimatd and tbat ta Irreparable. 8o-h iblnga aa tba paera ftJ on Uijr Andre when be waa captared al .Tarry town, tb Brat chart t-r of Trinity cburrh. New York: many cooUdeatlal krttera written by G"rge Welhiajrtuo and other dumuenta war daatroyad. ladeed. tb flnaat co!)rrkn of Americana ettani waa stterty ruined. Tb Uhrary tbat waa baracd waa more than 10U years old. and tt ran never b duplk-ated. Tba bvlldlng Jtaelf coat about C5.''f).J. tbogh tt waa not worth one third of tbat aam. Only on yobtic building In America, tb city bail at Philadelphia. waa nor costly, and even at tbat tb bolldlAg at Albany was not completed aad aerer wonld bar been finished according ta tb' architects' plana, aa tb foundation waa rot aqiSclently s labia to support tb bar tower designed ta aanaonnt tba atroctnr. Tb loaa empoaslxea tb neceaaHy f.-r the better proce.-tVon of rahjabl doenmaota and for the realization of tbe fact tbat even tt a Udlding ta fireproof Ita coote&ta ar noL - CROWDING THE PRESIDENT. Itemocraxa and Repoblieana In Coo- to a trying to crowd the ' 4rtsQ m p,uot and tbreatened to shoot . . .vi- .t v - a 1. . .v v. Km pu7 IMtM IJW mt UAI 1 TiT J DW DVJU'JIS av D k m - . 1 ke aaar tak draafie aleoe dowa Mn Rhe dealrea to reavime teo way: Certain nvo wbo alwaya the two families and waa on of tb pleasant event In tb paatorat of Mr. Proctor that he and Mr. Proctor win cherish In later yeara. Mr. Dy la on of the leading men i la the Conrreiitional church, of which , Rev Mr. Proctor baa be-n paator tbe i past year, and tbe two men aad their I families bar felt more than usual friendship because of the close church associations of tb two men. Re, and Mrs. proctor will leave for tbelr new' bom In Forest Grov today. FOR RENT Liner apnea In thla col li mn. a few Una may rant tbat house, ator or farm; they will coat yon bnt a few canta. HORSE STEALING CHARGED. Wnv Stewart and San Lelt Arrested a That Charo. William Stewart aad IVrn Lovell wer arrested her Tauraday by 8 her Iff Mas, charged with bora Mealing Tk grand Jury returned aa Indict ! meat against tbm. They wer ar raigned be for Jodre Campbell and given until Friday noon to plead and secured tbelr releas by giving .bonds In 1 1. . 1 . i m , alWI iih TI, m m.n lift. cam involved inrougn a nors fraa. Tbey have been ramped on tb road bet seen Weat Orego Cltfaad Wll- lamett. Cm by Smith la tb cum plaining witness. KELSO. Uttle Helen Jarl la ry III with pneumonia. " ' " 7 Mrs. U R. Hoffman la very sick and Mr. Thomas Dunn-la 111 la a baiem bosfital. . - Tb funeral services of Aug-ist Stuckey and Mr. Bruner wra bld Wednesday. Dr. Lupton weak to a Mr Griffith who waa killed by his team running away. . Mra. Goblenaap spent tb paat two weeka with Mra. McCormlik.of Bandy John Nelson and family bar moved onto tbelr farm her a. Mr. Hoffman baa aold hla So acre bera to Mr. Walker, of Portland; con- alderatlon 12000. Aston Jerger leave on tba next aaad ta eoatot aryaae'.lltg or aome kwdy ar argwag rfcat Mr Taft oogkt ajot la ytrmSt axy aajr aark fataUtle kainwid at Drnssiaae. Texas. TV geaersl paUir of. forgets tkat tk Prav4mt 1 likely to know aaar nwat tk citajuven tLaa tbey do H forgets fkat fee la tfVely to know aaor aJtovt tk ab)ct tfcan tb arer ac awpaer man oaieas it Las ! tk prvrinot of aom big new a- 1 paper ber maiden i name of EJiwik Haxike Tilt attor . ter Is Ctarle H. Dy. W. P. nm has fild a divorce suit sea tost Delia it- Ma They wer married at Portland la IK, and he say ab repulsed kla affectionate ad ' ranee, and hidled hi ontburats of tamper. She is aald to nave called 'him a liar. . SINGLE TAX PEOPLE. Annual easiness Session Will Ba Held In Portland Saturday. Tk Sinai Taa peopl will gather k a awe-ylng sorter for I 'a convention la tk Mohawk build- " ' a a - fl.iuaJaa a ar akaa I ax ar " PW" , rht, nvtn, w,il b the gathering of Why. then. & let the President , tk Oregon SUt Tax League metr. ran tkis matter a be -- fitso far : Aershln. nd tt will b tbe annnal basl aa w are cuwJtrbtA, at leart? If j a meeting of the year. Nw offl- thare la sot f'r.rf..m.r whr. can w111 chB th acnimtl- fhr U aay .Congressman wbo can 1 h,ina f)f tt), ,MrtM, w, bring to tb PreId'-nt Informatl' wtA for Et tn) convention. Reports wfcleb b kaa nt, that la reliable, then will V- made by committees and an tk Prealderit should gle it the ere- -It'irt made to understand th condl dene that it drva and er 'ZZ&Sl craft of stat In accord with aH th i M ,0 wh,t mtT axwmipliahed. information be can get, when that in-1 Hon. W 8. t."Rn. wbo I a proml fiyrmatlon prove rlUbl. ;aent member In the Single Tag prop. There ought not ,0 be many more , 2! InTe daya In which American citizens are 1 (jejurstlona. mad to iuffr at tbelr own doora. j - . But at tbat, what l one to do with MR. AND MRS. DYE ENTERTAIN. the Inearrerto? They have not be?n ... " A , , . ... . u Raw. and Mrs. Proctor Guests of Honor recognized aa belllgerenta and hence j -t a-arwall Dinner, can have no atandlng In the world of) Roy. and Mra. Wm. M. Proctor were law and can th-n have no place in the j the guesta at a farewell dinner to ; them at tne name or Mr. ana sirs. community as factors, tbe aame footing aa a Thv ar on i . . . . C. H. Dye on Thursday evening. II brigand, ana waa a affair participated In by Providing of Counsel For Criminals Tends to Encourage Them By Captain 11. ARNOLD. Hand of th Bridgeport (Conn.) Detective Bureau TV TT WW 11 '0DERN COURT PROCEDURE, APPLYING PARTICULARLY TO THE RELATIONS OP ACCUSED AND COUNSEL BEFORE AND DURING THE FIRST PART OF A TRIAL. IS RADL CALLY WRONG AND TENDS TO ENCOURAGE CRIMES OF iviry description rather than check and decrease them. ' : ;; KADI0AL' AND SWEEPING CIIAN0E8 in this particular and alio in tbe juveni probation law operative in numerous it a tea ia tba quickcat and moat effldent meana of KEDUCINO atatute rio ; lations to a minimum and IMPRESSING those criminal inclined with wholeaonin RESPECT for tbd law and authorities. j Conyfl tho'acctiged person to become PERSONALLY' RE SPONSIBLE for bin actions. Separate him from the advice and -PROMPTINGS of an attorney, who Is retained by him. or assigned by the state and paid to find a Joophole for his ESCAPE. Compel ' him to tell Jj5 otvn toTy, Tefuting the charges or explaining how it , happened. ITave him roolize that upon his teatimony depends his DISCHARGE OR CONVICTION. ' ' If Innocent he will hasten to clear himaelf.Mf guflty he will real Un t!if t the lx't t'irg to do Is to tell a atraight story and trust to the ' jrcf'rTf-tsj rrmrtr y . The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING ' . : BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAK SYSTEMS r R.W.AR S.Wrd liACHINI5TS W da anral raalHng. WrkA maahlnery made to a wrk as new. Eaprt with' gaaHn nflna. Pnftnwa: Male m. Haas it. ! 10 FOURTH STREET OREGON CITY. steamer for ! Angel, CaL II go for his health and la to b gone a year. Joel Jarl la soiling off hla dairy bard. Tb neighborhood waa shocked to hear of lb death Of Auguat 8torkV ln a Portland hospital Sunday. He waa operated on for appendicitis. II leavea many friends ber. Mra. Cbaa. Tlmmermaa and children have returned from California. Mia Maggl tulan.Aad th MaiW dlat minister, of Ikirlna;,. wr mar ried last week. REAL ESTATE. Kstarada Stat Flank to C. II. Dnay, lot I, block S3, flrat addition to Rata rada and lota 1 and I, block S. Zv brtata addition to Kstacada; JU. t'hsrl.-s and Anna BUIer to Suaan Hott. lota 14. IS and 1. block IS. Mln- lbkra tiKA Retch K. Bundy to Robert Alstrop. 1 . o" 9i w K5. raiea Mnsy lota.t and S. block 1 S. Wlndaor; t0.l P"" h.l bw M.tnr ir-nii lA Jntunfti Piri c" for a shoU ear La ..j .. . - " f Ik. Ml altuatton In poit,K.-4irtB aav them fur retail trad aad iya Py ta oiisi.i price tktr lis hard work to aeii ks.ln and eana J whol. . Best potatoes la tk WW hav bean consumed 1 VBaRTAtiUWUttl cksawasaj' last report; onlins Are a IttOa wt In prtca but other vegeublat twatk about tk aam a. on inns tam. and carrots 71 to 1 1 sack. psraxlM tt to ll.li aack. rabbsare te bossA s. rvegwtablea ar coming la. Califorth la Banding many t hints, u a sit prior. Local lattuc sails kt bsmL radish (e, onions it; CalUurtu. ui- aC 10 head, aaparagu 10 to Uat. Maxlcan tomatoes 1 0e pwrnd. FLO If R AND KKKD tittle ehuat ta flour; aelllng doo to ' tuj knt bringing about 15 W, arimaMlnvsj MM. In feed tba tendearr la a- 1 wara. - uran eummaads n m lota ( and , block (. Willamette Fails; II. - Thomas P. and In ex M. Ryan to Dav id Shepherd, part of Julia Ann Lla donation land claim; 11100. Anna M. Knight to M. J. La, trus tee, kit a 7 and S. block t. Canby; ftSoo. J W. and Julia F. Staudlnger to II. B. Perlne. HI 21 acres, section 3. township S south, rang I east; SS6I0; M- EL and TetlUh simmona to Jos ph Nntcholaon. 7.10 acrea. secflon 1. townabip S aouth. range teaat; Millard r. and Ada W. Server to C. Charlton and J. F- Snyder, I fl acres, township 3 aouth, rang 3 east; $1100. Ernestine llolimann to Charlea F. Bruram, 10-100 acre. William Holmes donation land claftn; S00. Bud and M. E. Thompson to A. U Beatle, lot S. block 1. Beatles addition to Oregon City; 1190. LATEST MARKETS Oregon City Marketa. Ther la an uncertainty In th mar kets today. Tho who object to th changing of the tariff by th Demo erata blame th uncertainty on tb proapecta of a change and aay that the changes In prices are along th tin of things' tbat are likely to b chaftgwd-ln th schednl In- lbe case a falling off la In prospect. Wher ther are nearly exbauated atocka the tendency la upwards. Where tb new product of th sea son are soon to ahow np the prlr la downward again. Ther la no general proposition ' that la Influencing mar keta unlesa one counts th tariff tink ering aa In that rlaaa. - APPLES lineal stock la command ing from 1 to f bushel, with very few In th country of any kind and fewer yet that will get the higher price. Mood River stock la bringing IJ.SO for good and a llttl mor for fancy. ' - ' - POTATOES Price for tubers ar atlll climbing and hav gon over $1.40 and llt, with soma fancy Block bringing $2.25. Extra fancy will bring almost anything on can ask In amall lota. One dealer aaya h will pay $2 la acurd b'll not b too particular If a few not cholc creep In. - Funny WHEAT The local mart t wheat is n trifle better and tk advancing a little from last iseon' In fact prices are on tba eUna 1st with little. out ri raanlfutiost th who have It ar holding at at new price are msile HR I strost band a wko won't M go. Bias mm tic. elub Sac to lie HAT There la a better MoTftMat In hay and prices are a llttl better, plenty of hay except alfalfa, vklck k getting acarcef and hltker. Tiasxtf IIS to $1S. clovi-r 110 to 111, eat air III. mixed $12 to ti. alfalfa amnf tlL . OATH Dealers buying for sitaae to meet tbe demand la th fine, ft . Ing ftray $iS. white $1S SO t $ft at ) tbat th market la weak and aantw factory. ' ' ' BUTTER Prices very veil wltl ne and 15c fair for ordinary eaeitry, fancy dairy will bring lie aad ereamery commands J5e aai Vt. Thra is pUnty In the country aoeiat tb demand la well stippll. E008 Tb Prl baa U4 eW another peg wlih 17e the aeat uatk being pa'o nnleaa on baa S rMJ" put th product. Rhlpplof aot "JT brisk but no trouble to auPP'T v1 mand. . . . a- POtXTRT Nt so strong Ml weeVa ago; little atork oflrr W that of not th l.rt-bni ISO and 16V. old r..mters , 22iro-S4e. auckaUVJo-lle. ',0.. feringa of larger foals k HIDES Oreen ae po"i dry hides He to 14c. abetl to TSo each. 1V n WOOL Away oown now. IK ' Itcaom aay In sympar that Congress will tariff on It; llttl BB aa no on aeema to want sst band; Eaatera and Central reported at Sc to lit-. . ,,,,, MOIIAIR-Tradei JJJ modltv with consequent advance. - th. price, offered. Q''"1"0 5 to S2c. and prices going up ""dried nvnar gJ atlll awing, no one dares bold, now Quoted at jot w- c to lie for prunr-B i to sell at that. BO lb. aack, hair pmma s 100 lb. aaeka. VAIJTED-A RIDER AGEfJT U ffiTl. X. B, AOHTOsVBj arid district tortdaand ashlbit a asmnla U"J Q m ' RaaaavWlitajrrla furnished brua. OuraenUeverjrwberaiaBiw Ik J im -;f?P-D II i'f A l I Mil Willi h lima n... JA. ak. j. 1. ...I .... It Ln.n t r W"T: lif II V) IJ;vrl hlp It n-k to us at ourtwnM and f f .r.TJTl b fyr. J f ASTCZl tl'.tlt rVrnl.lT in hlanest grs.M bljy," Altvi ineivai r siU nnsstbl to aiska at ona smsil enjsjj HtHI nV .wat.kyanT IKY I ink "."wjlTl ?s and" hs v tb mannrsoiarer s fiirs"l b JtZ JVM .Vif;i .'c'".'.i WwOTIoyS terciio a paS of tin f'iSJ JiHl I 1 V'.'Me nl) rnrelv onr eaulosrw and Urn our uubeard of- If v IA I iv I'll fr anl nmt.kL ....1 -m VV RSatfSa "" aflas aaaer aw iMtht fmm til. a. . .1 . snr OkMua mail mm Ism cm nniiTiR.DBi b e '.''i:-'r w w w II 1 1 1 1 1 1 vu; -nartirffl vwbw-i rwwajrvnr a - -asajajar ylaleat iloaSW as F wlaestHhasrts,' 0n wvs'PaWalliatarW'Ci'X"ir jssj JJ Hedgettcrn Pc:lPrcof l C.lf I ajsa m aiuiur ojtm 1 1 W PClltmPrU aaA.aafaA.uaau a- II a I .1 IB Bill ' 1 1 T'W Bseafaaa.l! ...a. DCSOfZJPTIOttt t iuf 'sr. Ires. tt Hit. a ... " enl assy . Li ' "nraoia inn 1 1 peg iimkm wlta - -"-- mubiii. 01 ru coma porona and iblier. which umr Vi. V" V'-.TJ'" " CM?T "i? email 1 ft.n?"rnw,tJ,n" ;j o I a t k aTr ij t. 1 1 V. i. J . .L'T"?. r"rsrrom aatlsfled n SVli..0.'? ' her m. tei'J.r.TL'f ier of. thin, sneo7.ll; ia ain as iwaTstlirV.'."" "w"1' tnoe of thaas Ure li il?'w J" ''O J0 'oradvart sin pnrnnaea ss ir M aVHatVrBw-aVrtfl to tt rvOTolr 3.SI P"f I KTSJrnttlrL$i.li S'Ak 5? aoorovaL 'Jo t -a.-. ....... .-T 71 v j' : -I ' I- C ' . f osn. I I I i.i.sras''' latomnra I rf.'.'" lT"..L...In-. nf f aSSV'alaaHBifi", praps hlpH" MiaahMB, t-Ajoi-?T r . i LTT" -. I frj'aamiirr",0 , LJLJr.g 1 . .wa-Mw. r rt rt wVW sjy hjmmmZl'' ' , ''sa aaawssa s aa awsssnsl "" ,