Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 20, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    ironxrxo ESTLi&mxz, Thursday, april 20, 1911.
. An
tto U.a aaa Piryad to.
tto MAffY C fTA.
Cyi r Am
I Mr WmH I tto ffm tutor, aa
tos ! BW a ii etofc W W f
I tto f1 tor MX M4 to to taa J
! " t Tlrg1e-B HQf. (he tM J
I J Me eSrtar U Pi SI B to B4 I
4 a to 1 tit fer rkr toto ee irt a '
mot tto far tto wntor B mme- j
J nihl mm tmrr im aa. aaal in ,7 f I
j to tto. to M Car a aa4a (tf iv
I Good j
asy" mti Maw CaaCadrt.
, mUU JiUrrmrul to to mrrj cw
toC Xeaaaiee,
UMikrnUi atod to a!
ley after day Jto
farrtag IV
Tkl toral errtot; to to wz u!w
Baaji'j ttot toeariy f3f1T" .
til ton ty .lie tfcisto tor toeaafsi
TJw raa to;?"
la 't J saw ttot Ci4 to a
Bra mrar 11 raa aaaa toaarry
aiain towk toarOTat i Ito am a
toaes tor. sad vara ma. Be re a
4a a ttrta sura wttb a-terr
toe. to caa aaaa a aa'torat 4 tea
Bar svaar la to eiavfja lea scat
triaa aaaa to la get
a beck to a raud aaaa- r :
artfr a aaaa. tto
riMMittnaWN, tto 111 bav
tto Hi... "
A4 af aaerrtagr
"Ah. ttot la lnf Tto pa aaa
ttoaack jm fcrato.
tor wto. tor
ttor. to attnaa
j errat. Tto ea?r ar 4fd
IrV'tW Titlu amto aa aar aa ike :
to fb raarae fa W w Lto aajart af tto
aaaaac. a to aaaa. aj iilaa - . f
fa ciiaf4 aa a i - - ' -
toaa aa4 raa- M IW ; c, to ra la tto kaad. U ai mi a I
Ty C4 W Mk t!U a
a CUJa a to H fto'a,' a
hua lto4y 'a'OaraL tto to
a ai af tto Lhm RrwaiHk.
air lahi TjT"a tto Trr-rj-
aa4 IVZ t tto urTto
fara"" ria fto w w
7 toa to Cr4 to
tel. WaOra M to(t4 wKa
C aaarr tto nttrr toLr bm$
'Mb taarto. (tot
tua ttoy tor artvr cWbra ia
Oat 1 to Aawricaa fl Aaaa-
aa to atari tto
J era taUJ atiarrs ta tto wnrec j
k to toM ta aaaar tto tUr rH J
a tto . Tto cuaianatiattoaaa X!
aira tocta iUi tto ata tto far- i ?
aairi arra
aaa ta ann
vaaaaa to
a tmi aa
iatoa rerraaf aMrrto4 Ow&to d
awani lrK-r ta eaartaalp to aaial
ai hmj aartrsa. Bm vaa carrfai I
Pt tor tauacaa a Da tW raavaa faat
aa aa a V( far tto rt4 woaid
a aav aa fa tar alBcrrat fraa ita
at laat raa avrtratt vaa la
I aa4 a axkOrftad K 1 Ma frtotwto
arary aa aald. "Waal a apaaiiac'Bka
aaaar Bat aa aaM. Haw baaa-
by wall ttot
i BLa a 1 mmm lawia m W- bka IW mA
a"' - V.U?r ) Cr ato to latoa la aa Saia.lto Z
to laaf B tortto taj. for K to tto trt
rT. -1 i to. Afetftor umriM tat-
(M. II at. M. to fctoaa a "V"?. rt ,W .T:
Am l. to way a. art j I JZrTT' Z.ZT?
e a. . ra arM-s r. iaa ajt. l
ate ii.4 - tto tr. zrzr.zrz " 7
tto aara aa4 atartaor Mr to) tto
i.araptsf4 M cotraiptoQa tto
f tto twi a ! to
aOe tto lalarloa, Aa boo a tto
a aaw tto partara bad paaaa4 tbry
-Waal ta-
If I
At laat tto aartarc rarvnt tto
Mto. aa Catoto4. Jafe aa iCawt
to4 -wtt H. Ttor aaa tot tto
Bra BatrraaJ iarnlia la tto T
atafa far, fla ki itoi tkta
toraato tto Mto Maria toa arM a. f lTTl7.?! .V" 'W
at tor m Atottor 4MtT ' ! liZTT" ,CT'
carr4 to ktto-.., toto to !rt I f" " "
Ia4 for a aM f tto lafaat Jaaa. j 9mmZT tetor arrtof. a
1 Bwaiii aiwaja a wi
tea U Uk.
V tawto a!ia aav. It
totirt fcM ru ac tto t
f KaaVrVk to4 It aa a
ti - a4 tto a.'T
kat4 tto Rra
to tto icar f Ttowr-
laa4L VaBar toto-ta ttol C4
13 far fair aa to aUy
t&f attk aJaa
Tto toa raaarr toa tto ncM
f .J. vVr-iaml VaUf r-,
'vwttT. 14 Cat Vaata4'
ttot fcto gta to Mn1C. If
ra fa la tto t Ct ) anp
to 4aacr f totsx rat aat. far
Ck riaii ta aWrrmito4 I
auk tto tor If laa toaaaua
tato kto anrwr .fwar ttoa C
Tar Mr tra aratartSoa a arraea rtt
lac a ryjiiiw ato4 dat mat
Ha tto awata. tot mi tto nr JFTWIF mi I IW? k;niY CUkO
Tto caat aaa at Ua toibt at Maat
Car. Tto aiaia tabto Ua4 Mk
1 1 if l lnajiB ratoa apo tto grara
rtok ttot cararaa tC Oaatrra of
lUtoa tiantJirJ tto arva. Ttor
j a4 vaaxo. too. of vartooa
v . fraa ito atrip!!- t tto arpta-
Z artaa ! o!4 aoaaaa aritk kli
j Mar aat arttk a rwr ta tor toad cav
j r4 wltk aw ai art nla roaatoHef ria
2 ! lfny f taraa. It aa a -toj
ttot ato kad mt4 t or aaaar a
J . tod tor gfor aara wlaalac. ftfc
' arMn" arrr tot aaor I aaa a friar at
2 : a tlata aad aaaall Mm. Ttor
a ' arrr ar ta aaralar di aa aad aara
J wtoa raa I a ar frarad at tto ritoaf,
'vklto Mr aad ttor a rfrl ararrnr
2 1 t of Mr trraa araa brttlag vltk tot
'etovkaad rtotralad 7-
J ' A lad -ato aUrbt tot tor aajr
iar tot a to a tarair Sr aad thirty
J 1 ffroia aa rra( reatoaa f at-
; aatodt fatwir aad roaatrortto. rotrr
J 14 tto roaaa aad. Madlac tor writ
a I ta a a atfalsal vt fn Ito aula ta.
Mr. Mr roalrtl araa tola pUjA.
SrariBB toraatf. ato tocaa t pimf
wltk aUrrr frr fraar rwa Na
aoaad Moka la apaa tto faUla of lb
rota oa tto labia. ik aiarf fanoto aa-
ata af tto aaaa wto readart.
rJ4 aat raaaaabar Ma
Jatoa araa railed I Parte oa awn
ariral affair aad diaraaarvd akto
atorat froaa MirU ttot ato aad aa
far tor atoartod tai kla toiaf ttot
roald aat to dtotedx4. EI ra-
raraad t Mr aad aakad Mr la aaaii
Maria vaa aat aiv alaaard t aa
c4 a fcaabaad a bar bar at tto. Mat
aad Mr rapdratrd to tto artist.
Ttor war aMirlrd aad JaV. art
aaw aad -wira t aqppot. took tor
Lady aad 6
Ttor ar aoaaW
Kaaaa Ua -a r
V.l . rd tto raan aad tto rattMa of 1
"J" 1 1 ,M ww " MIL Oa tori or aa latarrat la It
(.wa. tto rraat aara ad to araa a af woaid araadrr toar a aaaar Mom
u l-ajiaoriaaJa Aaarrtraaa. to aat : roakl to an allaatta liiMt
-' a nraj of Jobaar Erara la Brid orartrd a arera-dlac.
itiy tto rarrat arrtral toe a
toatdaa It Uapattt ta alHad to a w
- aa a aaaa a aad ar brat aa raS
f Ml lady, wto ttor aDwW la
a aaaa aa a (ataMa. It la alwar
mTl.U0m' t" r Hyr tMr ara. Ill far alwaja
vMr tto word drl to adaatoaftl iaad I w . .. ... ...
aawadaya aa wuaarrlrd woeua of far- UtoJrarraaadrt- tf to fal carrfaL
w-rnmj aaa aa a rw araridrd ato) -Gt aw tw- iwi 1
Ike aitriaaT aad Ma raaala. tot atoa
ta Mwi&r aad la at at tor r-
farania. Tto lannaitna artiaa ta
arrrail ttot CoUaa to a Mtniaat MU
Pteyrr. b4 a cUrat oa. II U far
alk-at. Mlac oa of tto aototoat
.k kiaT d-kiT j-rLr-Jr: " - -r y iT r 'SS'a
ta toaa raid aapotoaaa oa tto rtotk la
atrad af Bta fraar rOorr. Iadad. tor
Mttlas liw-r-aard till ato toraot tto
a prraoa at Ito taMa wto ran red
tto rrawd of Wx era- flora of
tto wto war etaed'nr toklad tor
atorrdaroaod I tto otb'rr aid, wtor
ttoy farad tor. Bto wor a bat wtk
a rrry wtd brim aad darned wltk
larc taarb taaltora. on of whVk felt
" aura n." mm aar prtiiamt.
Cseapt Car tto kaaattfal
wid aaato a goad
Ma. far Ma wtf attad aoddaaJr wltMa
Uw aiaatto after ttolr aatoa. Jalaa
araa 41.riaai.tata, Qa toot tor oar
traJt wtor to cwJ4 aa tt raaataafly
Canaan la aadow tt wltk tto
lea Bleary toeaty. Bow loag
woald bar eatlaaa4 aa aaa
Car Jatoa waa ebllaad ta aaaka
& ttrtac aad kla eJy way ta 4 ttot
waa ay worn araa a.
Ttor baa alwara toaa a aaarW ta
Cartotlaa rosotriao for Madoaaaa wit
ta uraat Jaraa. aad Jotoa r errand
atanaiaaa to pLnt acb a ptrtara. Uk
lac kla wtfr'a portrait for tto Madoa
aa. HJ frtoad weald Mr toaa glad
to prrtaad klta sot to auk ear h. as
attanpt. but aoa af ttota woald rro-
cara ta aiaptcaee blia or bait bla forl
laga by tailing him that tto Madonaa
waa not a boajaiy womaa and bla
Ctotllde waa rry bomaly. Bat on
of bla cbom got round tba mattrr by
tailing blot ttot tba Virgin Mary waa
oa af tba poor; that bar bnaband waa
carpenter, wbll Jatoa wife waa a
lady aad tbarefor a rery aaperUr
panoe. n adrlaad Jolea to go out
la tba eoaatry and look for a model
Cor bla Madonna among tba roe
cheated laaaea who. milk cowa and
chars barter.
Thle adroit way of. handling tba In
fatuated artlat woo. Julea gar op
feu atodlo temporarily and removed bu
faTBltara and ptrtarae to bla motber'a
boaee la tba aurlrona of Parla. Tbea
M aatllad forth to find a modal for bla
PVtare, and la order that be might
palat bar la bar natural aarroandlnga
M took with blm th Implenumta of
hie art.
Jalee haated a long while before
a4lBg tba model b Beaded. Tie waa
tra arttot and when anlnfloenced
eoald rhooa aa aa artlat Ilia endow
at of a homely womaa whom be
lored bad coma from aa artlatlc tem
pera meat The trttrt aeeda t highly
daroloped Imagiaatloa. aad Jalea lm-,
- Bgiaaaoa waa aoaormaL
arlf ta palodcr aarb pktar aa to
c14 eil for a aaaan price.
A ao waa bora ta tto raonia. Ooa
day wbra tto tor waa atoat a rear
aid - Jatoa want lata bto wifr'e tod-
aad aaw tor rootng t tto child,
toy ta tor top klrklag ap bta
aad ferOac tor rhia wltk kto
Bttl waxra Bager. . Tbla toPtoad I
t a ta peatnoa la arurk to bad
ptored tto egnraa la bia pfctara of tto
Madoeaa aad Child:''
tor It," to aaid rralttorly.
an waa 1 r aaaa aia anra.
Tama, aad fa aaa for a a ardat ara-
4arra roaaXortr
"Vrhat d yon aeeear
fwa mmm wu vm a caan aaia i " . mumm mm&c
bad pUca4 4toajaflatotod ietr ad-loMr for aa laformai martooa
wbb a4-,a A A a,Laa aT - . i f ft frtkaa. a aai aaaa at aaa a. a. at B 1- a 1
aaw vawi Bjav aa-aaa wiia; a-paaam,
"Jf altarafloa la aaaded." to aaM.
la tto poa af tto agaraa. I bare
bat t pat to that axxtorty exprea-
toda t a .. - -IIL " .f . ,, Ito froat aad wttb tto brim
ctonag or-a..ttrartlr.wocto. ytord' toto to 1..'" L' .
. . - 1 m - if w iniurua in torn
twm ia ar a eweat ar a OailgBtral ttot 00 T4 cUam him. What! Cail
waoaa. aawt eweat or a OMigbtrai that baa raaalagl To louk Ilk a
"U&J.Z- bet la tto raat of aa rtdrrtr 1 gaat ttod t a poat! ftoy, took at Mm
dam yoa craalooaDy aay "a drar aid bow; didat aiV aad raagbt auadiag
lawlaaa aa mJt - am. O. . t a M aa - a . 1 - .
lady aad "aorh a kladoid lady - -Udy"
Dug ear aa a aaark or rerrmxa for
ag. Bat, bowrvar aW ataa may to.
M la ajaraya a Bta. aavrr a "gratlr
toa. la roaTrraallooal Ian ma re "X
drer ma a- or -a rbarmlca aaaa to
op! Bat I aoU ttot air white aai-
torm. hah? CTaao. aow; traltto
Sweaetry. ya big Irery Mdr
Tbaa doth Mr. Cat Una keep ihlnga
atlrrrd ap rarally tbroagaoat a gam,
aad tto effort npoa Ito Athlrtlra to tto
fteaHodrd to. MM ararr "a rierer earn aa p-odard by Jobany Errrt'
riwrmioa i?ni 1 Siamoau trttoa wtoa to nnKralrii
tto Cuba. Aad aayto tto Cab didn't
eniffj t K 1. . . .
I "'" """ iar
At a Liwckaew. I nrtyt-. - - I... - .,,
BIB or debt pcreoaa make a eoud I ow. kia . . .
copy roar bora feat area aad tto
work la Soietod."
Ba weald aot permtt etttor tto
ar rbttd to aaor aara to tod
aWlag froaa which, efttor br
ar aoaaaa. to raaxM mre-
a totb face that aattoflad blm
exartiy. ..
Jatoa did aB kto work aa tto pie
are to ato wtfaTe reoaa wbll ato
b14 Mr toto aa Mr I a aad wtoa
tto Brn fattow waa eonmag ap at ale
Erary ttoia to toexhed tt to
taprrrd tt tfH at toat 4ar a
frtoad. laoklag at It. aald to blm:
U la Parfart. Aar toarb rem ataa
at braftr will aaar at aad amy apod
Maria took tto braaa froaa tor im.
baadTa MM aad pUyfoHy forbad
blm to toarb tto ptrtare agaia.
Tto -Madoaaa aad Child- af Jalea
rerraad waa bang that year la tto
rrrerk aaloa and predocad a rmaa
ttoa. It waa booght by aa Amarlraa
Bomaa Catbotlc for aa altar ptoc la
a charcb ta tto Uoltad Stataa for 120-
OOQl Tbla aam act aa tto artlat aara
Blcejy. aad Whatarer nirtneaa to
painted aftar fiat broogbt a good
On thing aarartoed Jatoa. Wtoa ba
tooa BM Wife t Part ever
Ito ao tow tor,
la tto arranrrmrnf of lnrvrhenna I . ..
cy to almpUclty af effect. .Not oely I to that aort of oratorr oa a ball BaldT
rhla raadrrad It Impoaalbia to dla-
tlanlab Mr feat area.
- dto ptayrd wltk arytogfraecAt
Brat ato woo. Ttoa ato laat
tbaa ato had gained. Neit ato tocaa
to wta alowly. and it 1 rrrtala polat.i
trtsi rained a Ibooaaad fraar ato
toft tto amoaat ato bad tot and tor
wiaainga oa Ito -lumber ato bad
corered. Ttor wae quite a pile of
gold ttor. aad wtoa tto ball waa I
apaa aad art tied Into Ita plac tto
rroopiar rovercd to etak with aa-
other plla Br rime aa large. A epeam
waa Baa to paaa orer tto lady, and
ato omlrfel riUr-xl toe h.ul . tk
Ha wrnl twe werhaj lac a boat tor throat, aa If to pall It
away that ato might bra ito eaator.
la Gto mOB ahorter tbaa la former
yeara, bat tto dtoto ar lighter aad
aot a rich, tto o1pmrit of el Iter,
glaae aad chin aot ao elaborate aad
the dlapUy of Sower aaor aimpto,
At a Mactooa gaeata rrmora wrap
la a draealiig room oa arrival bat bate
ara kept oa. Gloraa ar rrmored wtoa
taking otoe eet at tabto. -
Tba boateaa may toad tto way ta go
to ta to loactooa. walking Meld a
go, or ato may aak tor frlrada to
praewd tor. At aa laformai party tto
boateaa telle tto goeeta wtor lo alt -atead
of baring aam card.
Gorata ar at i ported to remala
mor tbaa Mlf aa hoar after a tench
Aad aaothrrthlng mlxht ba added-
tuuua la aiwgya Jawlttg at the awa-
paper paotoMptora. Wtoa ihU pic
A Maaa Davatiaa.
Womaaly dignity will always receire
reepoct. Irt bow many wire are
ttor who do not demand re pert of
their aaebanda. Ttoy aak for ad
mtratloa. derotloa. yet know that a
ma'a aat or wlU not cling, will sot
M cotwuat wtoa to cannot look ap
to tto womaa to lore.
Tto mother who permit radaea
from her aoaa. tto wife who permlta
tt from tor baa band, tto awaettoart
who doe aot reaent ft la her lorrr.
will all Bad tbmelvee aom day woo-
I ' 'Ir'?
cauaAcraa mrvvt ow ax ooitUaa. ooav
mt tor. for bla toart waa faU of ttot
Imaginary beauty with which to tod
endowed bla Clotilda. And elnc It
did aot occur to blm tbea it did aot
afterward. H bad painted tor, tdeal
idng her aa tb mottor of Cbrlat. not
aa a womaa of physical beauty.
Wbea Jalee' mother died to went
to bla former bom to rrmora what
waa valuable and to destroy what ha
. m
consiaerM wortblosa. Many of bla
ptctaree ttut bad accumulated while
ba waa atodrlnc to to a oaintar ha
collected and made a bonfire of tbem.
On of them be looked at, thinking
ba bad aeea It somewhere before.
Taking It to tba tlaht. ba acrntlnliad
it mora closely.
Tgh." b eicUlmed. -what a boma
ly woman r .
17 con tinned to aaaa anoa It. and
presently It dawned apoo blm that It
waa tb picture be bad painted of
II stood looklna oa the far of tto
womaa ba M4 loved aa on awakened
from a dream a dream that at on
time bad hern aapremely happy.
To years bad dispelled the Cloaloa
Which b bad SODOOaed he waa ml.
ting on tb canraa and bad left tha
reality. He waa shocked, not with
Clotilda or bar picture, trot with him
self. 4 war of melancholy swept
On day to want Into a ao-iato.. "V. . wT"ppa
raa at. t roitb a ihh J "1 OTU carerpiiy. took it noma wit blm
I.: " I i..T; I,.:." I.'.:: r M tt reverently in a cloaat It
" has sine tbea aerer Been tba tight
eaclaimed. -How tZT IZVrlTZ " Coilln. heaped ...
bad not realized tor Manfy wbra to t Prtoo will tobttoS'toJ. klnd ot a miVaad
met tor. for bla toart t rk. 1 rrMO WUI M tbat tb' ba Pr' aaaa kin. . t . . ....
mitted In ttomaalwae anme . I " mn mil vi
aara or of moral which has lowered
them in' the eyes of tb men ttoy love.
Uaing Christian Name.
A vnlrar habit la Drevatont amon
young girls, that of too freely nslng the
iDruaao names of their yoang male
acquaintance. Girls when grown op
00 not os tba Christian names or nick-
Dames of young men unless they bare
aome special reason for ao doing.
An InUmacy of years may be ao ei-
tto way or there would to something
8 til I, it would b a good thing for
Eddie to keep la mind that If It were
not tor to great amount of publicity
Siren tb gam br tb oewnniner tr
Collins would really to working hard
tor a iiring at a aalary much leas than
be is receiving from the Philadelphia
club for engaging la a game of sport
Lenaeet Baeeball Qamee.
T, 1 . . a
- - , -. I uw iviiKrxi major irainie asm was
KZjrZZ?. 7., between the
. ,, . " "-- a Vim- Atbietira and Boston, at Boaton, Rept
Ull baa played bide and seek or blind 1 . V
man's buff Edwin u, knlckertock: S TrgT 1 SSt
era It ta difficult to become anddeniv
ceremonlou. flut acqualntancee of a
few mouths' standlng-unlesa a lov
ffalr baa changed tba position of the
parties toward each other-! no ex
cuse for xceany familiarity.
ington, tit., twenty-six innings, score
I to 1.
May Bar rerelgn Heraea In Frmnt.
Franca mar bar Encllsh and a mart.
can Jumpers and steeplechase horeea.
The frog eaters ar annoyed at the fre
quent victories of tb foreign horses
Handieapptra Naadad In Germany.
In Germany nearly all tha athletic
aporfs fere run from scratch, aa no aat
lafnctory system of handicapping baa
oeen voivea.
Afe Yotf a Subscribe to thz
Wevy DaUy?
Th Morning Cntorpriad Is to bo a suocessful as tha Intaraau of Oreaon
City demand It muat naada hara tb aupport of all. Tha nw dally haa
big wom before It tn booatlng Oregon CHy and aackamaa County. Tour
aupport means mora strength for tha work. ......, .
Will You Help Boost your own Interests?
aMMj ' franca
I'r aylJrr:::::::::::::;::::'; ,M
tjnd In your nam and romlttan."""",'""" MO
Telephone Etiquette.
Correct tbouab It la to emnlor a taia.
phone for social purposes, there have
Dn eetabllshed certain rules tn re
gard to It. and to offend arnlnat them
la to show Ignorance of etiquette.'
it is not good form to reply to a writ
ten Invitation With a talenlume mee.
asge. both because the manner of Invl Tr Cabb'a rieet Cantea.
tlrMaa AU,MiJt a. I - a .. . .1 aev .
7 7 7 " . oupiM-aten wr. u u HcarDorough. an. Annwton
and lata tbat It Is by no means certain fAJn.) physician, baa Ty Cobb'a first
ttot a hostess will receive a verbal professional contract It called for
BwiakBieiai aaaa Bar mm Bm & . a. . a .
-aw n m earn larouga a maid. I r a month.
WANTED Small adf rtlaemanta for
this column. Prlcss rery reason-
able. Bm rates at head of ol-imn.
T. PAUL'S NtW ornciRi,
Tha new vestrv mumhan 01
Paul's Episcopal church, chosen at
tha meetinB on Monday evening, met
in tha parlora of tba church Wednes
day BTsninr and uIi.j k. n
ing offlcara: Senior warden. John .
Humphrey: Junior warden, m a Duk.
manj treasurer, v. t. narin..
Ury, Dr. L. A. Morria. Tbla-' makes
an aggresslv array of officers and
cromlaea much In tha w n v..
ling business board of axecu tires.
Put Yourself fn the
- Ad-Readers Place...
When you write your clasatfled
w aa or any kiud of an ad try to
Include In It lust tha Information
r u uae 10 una 11 you war an
ad-reader and war looking fot an )
ad of that kino. ,
If you do tbla to even a small
extent your ad 1rlll bring R. a
tier nrers remained at tor aerkwaar.
tad ato toat ever tto table till tor
cheat toenad aajataat H. a boot to gather
to tor wlnnlnr. aa every on soppoaed.
Bat ah moat bar ctoBgad bar mind,
for ah remained to tb aaaa position.
aar eyea. ttoogk ttoy roald aot to
aaaa. apparently Bxed apaa tto gold.
Tto rood net or. taking It for granted
that ah bad determined lo risk tto
whole amount oa tto earn number as
before, mad tto aeoal an aoa ara.
mora, tb ball waa spun aad. after i
rouuig aad lamvlna and toettattn aad
backing and Oiling, at laat art tied tat
in pocaet. Amid eirlaautlooa ito
coadactor aaaoanred tb Bomber that
M4 won. aad tto lady'a bean af md
waa added to by aaottor Br tlmea Ita
Bine, BO aar a evidence af tto 11.
r! tamest aataral to aorh wlanlag. 8to
did not start: ato did not make aa In
voluntary rbanga of position.
"What wonderful aelf coatroir ac.
claimed oo of tboa looklaa at tor.
-bm moat to aa old bead at ftr re
marked aaottor.
-Great toavenar cried aeveral at
aac. -Uto'a going to risk tt all a gala."
Tba gamkepr. wto meanwhile
had bean waiting for tto lady to re
move bar wlnnlnr. aeelnr oo tntea.
tion on her part to do ao, reluctantly
mad tb call for beta, the machine
was whirled, and amid 111 -
exclamattona the ball gare the lady
another ptl fly tlmea aa great aa that
before tor on the tab!.
Twice agalo tb pU waa tncreaaed
by tb aam arithmetical nrnmuin.
and tb bank was broken. '
At tbat moment a man entered th
room, advanced quickly to lb table
and touched tba lady oa tbe shoulder.
Bhe did not look to see who en.
Ing ber attention.-Bhe aat anna rent!
'With ber eres-cloed lo tb Immrase
goioea pile before her.
"Clarteea." bo aald In a trembling
There waa no reply.
Tha crowd about tbe table now to.
gan to grow aoxlooa, Thar.
aometblog In tbe mote figure tbat in
spired tbem with a kind of awe. The
game bad ceased, and the .
ory om present ware flxed 00 tbe
gammer or tbe man atandlng looking
down upon her. vainly endeavoring to
ilM.1 l am a.. .
Take off her hat"
"Lift ber veil."
Tbere'B aometblng wrong wttb bar!"
Dome on 100k out for ber pilar
These words ihmt
mud tones and others tbat made 1
conmsea mormnr did not seem to N
DMrd bV thst ttlslflb ar aa A I aa aat aaaa Aba.
"dy. n stood for a few momenta
ss u not daring to know the troth.
Then, gathering bla resolution, he
tore off ber hat. The woman awayed.
ana ner betd eank upon the table.
B. rsiaed It and lodkeff dgrtytBte
ner isc.
"My God. she's deadf
"717 ff -T-B B-.
ji jaeivn
W01 You Help Us
Boost Your Own
. 1
By catsizt, I yea $300
By mail, f ycat 2.00
HOTbX arwivalb.
The following ara those registering
o, "''"-lrl Albert Morrts,
Wood burn; Neat Jackson, Molalla;
Loula Vlarhua. J. rmwtiine r !
. Belfer. F. A. Ha la .. n .-
iJ' . "'"'"'worth, 'George Bush,
. wr. Aiioo, jr. M. BWft Car Nobs,
C. B. Jordan tneta. u
. , - mi, etrwiiL
Independence: TV a . nr tiMeti...
nee; B. Forward, Portland ; a A.
WANTRr Ton f rt Inn that n
" - " " . . u V SU U-
tarpnsa job printing department ta
the moat complete In the State,
Outside -Portland. Tr It fae
- - - mm w. VUI
.... , . ..,! . : ' f.t
M'wd,tt-r4 W'one 'nhad aiwe ' 5.''''' j,s
Send in Yclir lvalue
. ; , .-, ''' '
and Remiknce
aaii pnnung.