MORNING ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1911. .. . - - - waf tha nsr nua fool fcae tglrt erttfc UM MMT Small Dcpcslts Wanted NBattIeship Texas Sacriflced To Naval Science by Shells 02XC0X CTTT.OSCGOJI la or -th light; toe rtgtt Mm theaa. aad 0 CICOUiHYVCiSflllT W atrat tMn MuaM many Ura taau a.... , aay. i . Man Th amall fipNlKf af tafay baaamaa tb Ura Mara pai raM a aaab aaHr If tba, 1!! "a. Ml M bi)l4htf lr vt 4 Ulr Kiim " "w-H aaMj - Op" baa!lf MaamM tear ia thrt ataa i,. . trwtK. a' tart naw 4 fallaw l) IM) faataUpa af tb aaatar 4 bvalaaaa I .. "rl aaaal, a Tte Bank of Of egoa City C C MOWC. E iVry ki 't;IW ftkir head lb W reaaea at th rtgkta of y tal to tak froaa th. aad a paper ataaaaag for what 7 aaay W tha vary "arm mt right- what iWr m wie to ku. tv . i TMOM WHO OINfO RCCKIVKO THt OUTSIOI PRICt ro THIIR FRODUCTt.- i ItMB Sf mUflWi Aa Tr. ir Mi ... u - 1 f ; ' t. i 1 1 V j ' . .. It- If MfUIOUC tfia wm. IMS JafcaTw"dj &?S$ OUOY SOOAL EVENT rjMi4 Mqw aa- pa, ear bm ' ?Jt""SUl " parta j Baaa aar aanr taaa Im' faaja.' ear kMb ; iMd Ie mt Mm; a ravlar tlrw I mil ac m Mfr afe. T ML ae. aa -a aaanwai i aa ar Aw a NESOAMES BRUNBJER AD FRA-j ICR EMTCRTAJaj PARK PLACE J ladies- aid. TV Lamms' Aid eorvrtT of iW Cos- Trtr . wut grefattoaaJ rearch of PmrVjUr. held j lt wv-t ts tt.n.t : Mrs joacpa isrwaaer Taeaoar. ta ! 4 f-aa u- aex.? ta t a-a-a- k-mn Irf- v-x Mra Brvurr aad Mr. a?! la a dm Jr!:t:fvl Baaxaer. (te f early pert of tbe aftentooa bet&g takes partr tm Mum s rnniM aerie af ay wi-h iw fotV1r- artarram: Prr- Rev. Mr on. r)fBt Mr J,! l jMi;."tol;. lln Joaeph B-umtier. " -i opttit of a tc of rbotev s Rirrr app) tlat trs arM i MMIH- toeof nranra Pm l .r.r' rJ Prb. ' mi ar m artaw imi, i vac,a a aMaar or ia cn(. aa4 it fWl to tb prvrtatst of I 'a aort. Jlra. H Coffry to op x , , . - 1 b box. a4 tk aMaacr ta kK ; Apri 20 In Aercan Htstory. : -st at tt- m-d Krh Mmant: VKl-OAnarl C-rt E. Vr mlft itrtttd by Mra j ., i. . . . J-trftef-L. .. . J - i v r t ' . vnMl rtiM I Cmb tmoBMBT aar mm ' ' TVt BaJtr- a Bajefej-uv Ba 4rrT- ? af aMrn. nu ta a-bu -f !oraia-tXS-rraak B. ktov tb KtrrCK . Or4: bora 1C lbM-nia rarkc4 U hi master Kra. Frmsicfa boaMiaJity vera Rer. Total cVatte iwnW 4i kaaa frvaa ail nut over SLWXV 00XXU. ud Kra: J. L oa. Mrm H Coficr. Mn r CreJihak. Mn E- D FJ ka. Mr. P. Brovau Mr. J. Joe. I ( Hn. W, W. gamWa. Mra. J. P. JU4r4, ' Mra. W. A. HoJax. Mra. J T. Aptr- X - " .. f- - V ; ) f - - ,. aaaracaai Ppaaa Aawcaatlaav TV trot aucf ful Moaalr pool t rr oUat4 la CUckamaa cow ly kaa j arrla ort b ko rro Coav i aalaliaj l, of lau cH 1 roapaar ioxalm4 tfartBC tka UM k 0 ; poaaaa of In MokaJr aB4 aoU It W4 taaday to a porla4 COOCra- lk ; ty aolrk prtra of 211 rvata. TkU , tao aaaa tjcvrv ikat ia WUKNI pua4 rol at DaJtaa brovrkt a fw ka ' K4ra. aa4 abova aal aa bo oooa br ' kksal co-oparatiua t(b lb roaanl - aio ooaapaay. s ' Tb faraxva a bo wvat la o lb poul r-l 1b aUlBg pric. Wr ' lb aaoal (oaaaalon, aa4 Iboao bo ; tlni4 maii thrir Mohair to tba Orrcoa ComailMkHi Co J. iwelvt tba laaarkal prtco, fcWrb la about foar crata loarr tbaa tb prVa obtaltMKl ' by lb fool Tb avrcfao cf taa plaa may raault j i la pool bia- tocm4 tbrouck tba ' coaattk ffoaorra l fkxatooa and ' jMbor prod acta Uat lb rUrkaata ; i coaaty iroana bar to offar. 1 D C. LATOVKKTTS Praatdaat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON OTY, OREGON Traaaaila a 6at CAPITAL aithlaf aaiwaa Oaaaj frut, f R.W.AR SWard MACHINISTS I o;i vm;g pleas HOME tCCRCTt AIRED IN CIRCUIT COURT TALCS TOLD OUJ ; " 0 tCHOOU Wa a M)'al rapalrla. atra kj aaaMarjr mada U M warii nw. Iiparta avHb aaaalU Mlia. faaaiu alnaa. Pbonaa: Main Ttf. Haaat iff. 10t FOURTH tTRItT ORf OON CITY. OayyrtfM by A torn aoc, Mra. P. LaxAB. Mix. JVarl KaiB-i "A rm As roat ' back. Mra. P. Mautcr, Mr. B4 iUacb. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. aaa today ta oaa kaoaan u cu 40. rtea 3506: anooe 138 a. aa.: wa a. av. caon la eoa- yaartloa vb Cro. taaat trasj , ta caat of tba aaaeat. twa aya am btiaahanlaaaDf la what toea-iw araadakWa vara trod tba a4 battleahy Taxai arbich ba mm Maaatf tba Ma Mam nar taa Taxaa aaa ataa bar oty, mw p ta CbaaaDaak bay isf was am nu a aoaiary uct bsmu at br aaa at bra 4. of tba rartra aa4 tba aaaaa aaavbar of ebbrkaaa oa tba add Scalar bafora tba anottl&r Mr. T. Hacrfb. Mr. H. Perkovar. j barma oaa eat vaa kXOmd by tba cnncaiia mt tba baradax abrlla. Tb ship Mr. Gora RakK. Mrs. W. L WaJ- j (bat atone: tba braai tba ficbt at Saadara la tba KpaaUb-ABBrncma war waa 7, J i4 n K1- j ert t. aaral adraoa. Tba objart of aba Mprrtaaeaui BHor aot ta JrW . --T.-al bat U fiun prtb ta dnar. tba I . uLL: "T I IX-J "x P)-nJaa aaa ta aaarlar tba aaaaa poiat of Impact fraai ooa polat ta f aaotbrr wfeb rrrr4 ta tba tarraC corrartlar aarb aaJva by tba otfm that bad ; bafora. Tba HaaipaaUra af tba Atlantic Brat araa tba dratroyrr. and Mlaa Aria rrarb. Miaa Katbrya Braa aer, Hla aad Laora Br&aer. BROTHERHOOD BAfQUET AT BAPTIST CHURCH VERY PLEASANT SOCIAL EVEN ING WITH GOOD PROGRAM AND FEAST. DAILY PAPER DOING ITS PART. . Tba trend of paWic aaauattat la . Orccjoa City aeeaia to b oa tba ap aTbda. Tba attesdaoe at tbe Erwh arhood aaactiaca latba dry aaa tbeae Brotbarbood orraaiiatloai are mal- . tJpiyiac 1 harreajrtBr aoxl tte Jntr- aaaaaa oa tba gala. Cborcba acni n-B7 ia ia iscrav lac aaaberi of tboa wbo anrad aaa ' .a. saooay acaooM aad klnred or Th mocrhly baaquet of'tb BfOlh Sixaoaa ar ratbrta la mny a ho rhvji ot tt Finn BaptUt cbunh 1 an til raccaOy tork little tatrt ia 1 u'k T&efcdaj teniB. a ub a tba ork tbat aow I, barier a faa- . E' ''l' " ln''lD 4aH. 1 m Tb aaaal tootbaoaa riaAda Tbera axe to prloury raaoaa for . raJ lalka folloaed, arllh maaicaJ at tbla lacreaatd Interna, that on b Uoo iE'Tri-d. bodcb ttng ro- oted by tbe naa wbo ckj f. ,n r l"r a L'r- n Maaar. , . ka for an y,,,, Mcxr aaa Etcbiaoa. a bvbu oi in worker a-bo baa bu tba work waa wftaeeaad by aaaay aaval oflWra aad axnartB. araa iinU th afcelrtoa af tb tarret after tb flrtor waa aar aad aaataaaataatnaa of tb atTert of tbe practice. Tb aerie of aalafartaaea tbat eadVd tka Saa Uarro J aegaa th tba atari of her career aa tbe Trtaa. "be aaa UM down." aa tba i baXdera call tt-that la. bar keel wa laid aad ber eoMtrartloa atari rd-at tbe t Jtarf Ik aary yard la Job, ISO. She waa completed la 1HSC Altbob 4e ! "Xw fr a apeed of Sfteea knota. ber beat waa aa averer of tbtrteen ka attrmctlT with it appropriate decurv I tkma. Tba following were 'preeeet : Mr and Mr. George rox. Mr. add Mr. Henry Fox. Reginald Fox. Ray mood Fox, HUaaa Fox, Mr. and Mr. A. a Lazrxmt and twocblldren. CUrlbel and Roderick. Miaa . IUtbryn7WbIteomtt. Morton Wemett. all of Portland Two of Mr. Fwch'a rreat xriodchiidrea were preaent, Clarlbel and Roderick LataaoaL . Foar ralu far dlrorc bar bea filed ta tb CUckamaa Cbaaty Orralt Cowrt, Ada A. Dvtrher waa married to wnUaai a. Datrner April 14. mt. at VTUaalBctoe, Kan, and tfiry bar oae daagbtr,'EIa A aged t yeara 8b aayk bia , roaf ha Impaired ber bealtb aad eaaaed ber to loa ber re aped for klm. Ha la aald to bare told tbelr oelgbbora aboat tkatr doaaattc aecrtta. aad for tb Uat year aba baa beea ooajpelled to earn ber ewa ll- Floreae K. Newell aad Cyraa V. Kewell were aianied at tlarparallle. N. T, January l. lkSS. Ha la chant ad with deaertlng ber at Aaa IHeco. CaL. In July. 1907. alnc which time aba baa beea compel led to support beraelf. She cam to Portland Frbmary L IX. Mamri Glaaa waa married In O ra il oa pty Auxuat fi. 110. to Elmer J. Glaaa. if la aald to bav at rock ber la tbe fac aad wall tbey were llrlng at t'arkplaea ha cam bom drunk at a lata boar aad Inatated upon br yat ting up and cooking a beef ateak for him, wbicb ab refuaad to do. Gaortc C Brownell la ber attorney, gba da- alraa ta raaum ber maldea aaia of I Macd r. Wataon. Lucy tKlelt, who waa married to Cbartaa Odll at Kalem. Or., November ZX l"k She rharra km llb bae leg atrurk ber and baa (ailed to pro 1d fur ber aapport. 8h aak to be permitted to reeame ber foratar Bama nf Ljury Italcom. Attorney George C Broaaetl and William M. Htoa rep rearnt ber BROTHERS ARRESTED AGAIN. Fred and Wm. Rfaa Pay 2i Each an Drank and tXaaeaarfy Charge. Fred Rigaa aad Wm. Rigaa war ar- reated Tueaday erealng for being drank and dieorderly. Jack Froat pick- lag tbem up oa th trat. Wednea- 4ay tbey .wkrc.Ukeo "before Recorder Btipp and after beating tba caa tbat official aaaeaiad tbaka U eack. Tbla waa paid before tbey war give their Ufcerty. Tbea ara tb two bruther who era aeruaed of robbery by Iba Greek bo kerpa tb fruit ataad on Reeenlb atreef. aora alx or aeeea weak ago. At tbat time tbey were enabled to lip through (be meebea of tb law although It waa tba opiaioa of tb po lice that tbelr accuaer waa telling tbe truth la iba matter. a m ae tae intert grow, i tbe ooacirtlouj work that certain cfcu.'rh awker hat been doing in tL re eat axaitka of ta paat. Tin La baea done more arau-marical-y within puat few zcoetfc tbaa Tr before aad it ia producing reolta But there I aautber mr-a tLt ban the cuiin addrea. He told bow nil borne city bad tn cleaned op by the moral force, a eouuaUaaiuo piaa of jronemnjent adopted, aalora rtatrict ed and the place idealized In a meaa ure. He uaa folkraed by Colonel Ctarle H Lrjt. wbo tpoke of local matter, referring to the recent rlc-, tory In the court eoncernir.g the H'.me K M WH Attorney C. Scbuebel declared rhrt tfce cirlc aentiment of beea worklag or at Jeaat there ba Oreg-m City M on :he up grade, and be teea a l-aea working lo -uaed 'be aA rooma. which be ttmrhr t,. ,k . cbaracterlzer! a tbe kindergarten to reached oef're M the aaaaer aa 'o .,.,. t, ,. A,ZZ w. ' be fvnd ta tte lit'Je boa daily that ha. be aiikhig iu rlafta ta tbe hor&.t of baxdrli of faaulUc in tie c4r. fa It nor po:b!e for tbe peopie r) are iaUrrevted lo aaelBg thia iacreaaed inter eat on lint to ae tbat tbe little dally la la a gr-at aaeaaqr reaponalble trjr the preaent good, and to believe in what it may yet do A&d tbla beiag the eae la it not wiae to fmer tbe daily that It may become atror.g on -the aide of right, knowing that In it atrength It win at and for tbe beat And If it doe ao atand ia it not true that the more bomea rixlted the wider good H can do? Then ia It not wlae for the idroratod an ordinance to reatrtct the V aud billiard ball and to protect he morali of tbe young men by ev ery rnear posTl'Me. SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE. USBON. Spain, April l f Special) The 8parlh TaMnet hat finished the decree aeparatlng church and atat aad the order will be promulgated Friday or Saturday. The But con cede entire liberty of creed. The Kind STANDS That OUT FAMILY REUNION EASTER. A Pleaaant Social Event at th Horn of Mr. Roina Fouta. ' flna 9 kaa t.A a ae a a aa a better element in the Ctlah.p of i ,hl. iaV 'jrvn 1,1.; w ruy to ice aupprrt ol family reunion at the home of Mr. ! th Morning Enterprlae? 1 nina Fotjta and Mr. Elizabeth Awl .i.,. . I FucbU. A family dinner waa aerva.4 In j lh afternoon, and the table waa very Best Citizens Hold Themselves Aloof From Politics By Corcrnor JOHN A. DIX of New York X X T ia a deolorabla fact -.uu t . - wur ucbi kiluxob ii uaa wcomo habit to 8H1EK TILE RESPONSIBILITIES OF CIH ZEiTSIIIP. WUtever evilg we roffor froman,! tbew . nnmerou have their origin in thin fa. " - LIT ME SAV WITH ALL SLUNTNESS AND PLAINNESS THAT IP f CLP GOVERNMENT IS EVER ADJUDGED A FAILURE IN OUR NATION THE RESPONSIBILITIES WILL LIE WITH OUR BEST CJTI ZENS WHO HOLD ALOOF FROM PUSLIC AFFAIRS AND THINK THEMSELVES TOO GOOD TO INTEREST THEMSELVES IN POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. " 1 ' ' v - . Ton trie it to younelret, to our fellow dtizena gnd to jour atstd to take an INTEREST in jour'eommonwealtJi and to see that it en joys th benefiuof honest, efBcient and PROGRESSIVE gorarn ment . .t-., t ' If men of large ability and nnqnertioned aUnding in their eoin tnnnitiea ptrticipatpd more in ao called practical politics for the good of tbe community ratter than for aelf interest leas would be heard of the EVILS OP rOLtTICAL MAOHTNEa GLOSSY HANDSOME " STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing s Marhine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In tbe front rank of tbe ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAP SYSTEMS REAL ESTATE. Ambrua and Catharine rieuard to fuivld Hlnmaa, eaaterly 00 fret. block 31. Clackamaii llelghta; IV C. aad Celta R. Sbermaa to T. C. Reraold. 40 acrea. loanable S and aoutn. rang 4 eaat: II. fharlca W. and A lie Rlaley ta L. M. Wlnalow. tract IT. and portion of tract II. Concord; jooo. Florence K Olann to Roman Catbo- llc ArcbUabop nf .tb Dioroa of Ore gon, part of I Wbltcouib donation land cbvtm. on acre; fisan. ,. Jaaper C. aad Emma U Met) re w to 8. D. Corray. north eaat quarter, of aoutheaat quarter, acctk.n lh, towoahlp I aiajia. raag j eaat; tiO. r ' C. II. aad Oerda Dergman' to A. J. and Ilertha Aolt. aowtb half of aonfb weet quaner of nortbeaat quarter, aeo lion 3S, townahip 1 aoutb. rang 4 eaat : ' lnla Korb to Ellxa Koch.' north weat qunrter. aectloo 20. and north eaat quarter of aoutheaat quarter, aec tton rt: aoutb half of northeaat quar ter, aectloo 27. townahip 2 aouth. range a eaat. 20 acre; f 10. Only a few of good .t, tb couatry; at that ,h,ra fll ably aaougb for horn, tcaj. Rayara haa acouid thla aattto ty Iboroughly and l ea!t Iboa wbo bav potatca-, WfTST? ted for tb out aid price rrJ.Jr from SI SS to fl.M tvt. at. putaioaa rang a trm hlgbar , about tb aama. OnU.n ' aad earrota Tbe to fl aack. aamtan la I1U aack. cabbag, teoaad a vegetablea ar eomtng In. (utUaZ la aeudlag many thioga. iTTS Prioa. Local lettuce an radteaaa Id. onion VcT rJtftrilaL laea 10c bead, aaparagua 10 la itu. Mextoaa tomatoea o pouai ' TUOVn AND FECD-Uttb) mua (a flour: aelllng do a ta u te7T i bringing about f S so, aoata a Ira m a. ia ia in teaaeary It a ward. Draa eomaaadi - 9 a 124. aborta f :t to rolle4 ktrtn IM. proceaa barlry 1L ahola art 12. cracked corn 130. WHEAT Th local Market fcr wheat la a trifle better aad tbt ak advancing a little front laat neat Tb Uteat quotationa ar for Mc, aat If tb grad la above the aUaiarf oat may gat a trifle above thla arte. U ral bolder ar tery atl gad at M want la aelL T HAT vary weak aad YttOt maad. Tboa uho bar It vbartkh not wall protected aanl toMio,Ma lag th prtc to gradaally atttai la lower UveL Clover ft toflfoatat; 111 ta 111. timothy 1S and 111 IM- fa commaadt li to, IM. OATS lAealer buying for aklaaag la meet tb demand la th dnaa, TV lag gray Ji. whit UM la tX 41 that th market la weak aad aaa . factory. BUTTER -There ta BtUa ckuj fe qumaiiona I or uairy, io prmaa-aaai LATEST MARKETS . Orgoa City Markata. Th market rc porta from tha Eaal tell of a falling off In prtree on gen eral provlalona which, naturally, mean the falling off on local production and on food atufft generally. If ther ia r., butter ranglag from We ta Ma, W country that la wh raoic to ad bring mora than 1' and lie. u4 M wanted at that. Creamery la t trlM off la prtr In conaeqaeac af foal dairy being mor plentiful at Ul ua of tba year. Quotationa for erauwrf are mad at '. as and Tic tha rod. DCG&W Th price U a Utile be being down a c-nt-lc being Ut p vailing quotation at tbla tlma D mand fairly good;and aupary Balud: ary few ahlpping and UlU ardai to ahlp. POULTRY Price ar miW higher and tb demand foot B" krln IKc rnoatara 12c. roaag CMBl aad mixed chlckeni 11c to lie. ft Ing doing In larger fowl. MEATR Pork la on th eaeUM hoga brtnglng c and X: eal U cheaper and price for amall tartuj Any falling off In th local market It ."ZT:, . . maaUikli a general re-1 i.,-r ,.' Mutton brim not tended to any reduction. ia In aympathy with thla n ttr't Iradi Miir aa4 lea dk. t7 - a J , Mk vt aaa luaj MMl. SHU in ' a, -la- certain commodlilea even thla fact baa ;'n " """7 - . - io I ' fiiOKB oreen. aa pouna. APPLES-Local atorka ar pretty ,7-iu" b wll cl-aned up and what ar left ar 10 760 CB . .. mmatl not very good. Prirea for local atock 1 WOOL ktrtBg He w IM " ran from 75c to 11.60. and aa much mohair 2td to 20c, of the afock la Den Devla It la not DRIED rRUTTt Evaporalal natural that tha outalde prto ahoald So and. 7o. aua dried 6c, pnu range. Hood River atock la selling So. . from 11.60 to I2.C0. . SALT lllng COc to 76e tot 0 POTATOES Demand for good local .60 lb. aack, half ground 40 W t atock la fair aod tb aupply limited. 100 lb. aacka. - . . KffiffiP-A HIDER AGJEfH' Ik li L X 'BfJJ?,'" H-rlrt o rloa aad ,,MM a mn4' l" ""3 hi 1 ""r iwl furnlalMd by aa. traeouwreiiafaraaiaBi a'Ax I AW I JWil Ui ill KciLatVjlJ "a maaqfactmr arirnllJT; V 1 1 rvet.aaiTSi'a'l'lLrii" 'r " .TSi.ikt. i.m.H- l ISelf-healiaf TircijliSSafir fiV TStriaakail... . . . aaa -aMaa i n tmi I H a rw. " - a ii n. - . A toui.urATTETrjr.'! - M a at. . yiiriMM' inafl 9V$r. DLCQfcPTWKt ".',n '.n 1 oprt r.,.i . " T"" un mwd" wiih t iwcjalanallly of roW-r, which aavaa L.Fhlch elc-c, bp am all Wa k L' aiiowiaa th a r to aaei uk ilia Ln.ri..i.. i i . . ni-wiw. or twlSa I n a . ki. " TI" "S 7. "n m once . . - . - nj wwura no morauiait A SAMPLE PAIlt TOIMTnODVGtJBKVr " " fT" tr aaverml larra ,Vi.;. nJ""'"I k la 1 OpaeBaTrlart V- - i.r. ,t io ma nlr r nnl ai Hm.i AJloroan !?TM atT!rLiT''''r""'a -JTIaMaaariVWraa"afy rA-"J V" ft l1-a4raafrwuar", ' rr-rs?aii , ! J Whrii: ' 1 iia4ri -mmirim . . rlav , anipv--. a!"aad aaaataraetri,. aad Mo"aia n I.aaawaratea