Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 19, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Booster Day Once a Year
To make these Carnival and
Booster Days boost our business we
tte offering exceptionally good bar
gains in the very latest of Spring Mer
chandise. TWs itwel overflowing, with beaotiiol new
z Ladles' and Men's Soits, Boys' Salts, Men's,
Softog Ladies' ano men ooui, xsoys' arms, Men's,
Ladies' and Children's new Shoes and Oxfords and
Lakes' and Men's Fornishings.
While helping boost for Oregon City we .wel
come you to visit this store. Make thts yocsr watting
place. U " Telephones. And remember that no
Jrhere will yotf get soch good bargains as we now
off during this week.
md i''amreaih,- of Dver Creek,
(U IB Ufa"" -
..i.. rruiiur fend Mr. John Aeten.
dCarM. 'r" Oregon City Monday.
u r. r,rdit r. of Carus. was In Ore-
Ib, m I'utteraon. of Portland, waa
, luMt of K c. Dye Tuesdsy.
llornnhuh and ffemlly. of
Jhub.1, moved to Portland Monday.
llaMinKiT, of Bhubel, was In Ore
(oi city on a business 'rip Monday..
Rilph Howard., of Carua, wsb, in
Monday, ,
Mr and Mra. Anderaon, of Eldorado,
tort' In Oregon Cfty Monday. ,-4
Mrs. Rlnao, of Highland, waa In
iowi Monday
s.m uiiw. of Carta, mad a bual-
tn, trip to Oregon City Tuesday. ,
C. W. Rieley, of Concord, was la
Or-foc City on bualneaa Tuaaday.
i.jik Bruit. a nromlnent resident of
iMtt'i.MUIa, waa In thla city on Mon-
ujr ind Tuesday.
1 r Yates, of Corvallia. waa among
ik. nr(on City vWllore Monday, reg-
latrrlof at the .Electric,
tel. Knwf and Levi Hosteller, of
Aoroora, were'ln town on bualneaa
1 rd Yates, attorney of CorvalllB,
tula OnKn City on btiBlneaa Tuee-
h n Vanilov left Tueaday morning
lor Benton county to visit hla aon,
dud. ...
fruk Anderaon. of Eldorado, passed
tirMih thU city Monday on hla way
fcva the Columbia to work In a log-
fiag tamp. ...
Iwnk llarlnss. dm of the Droml-
fit frrmers of Molalla. waa In Ore-
raOty tranaactlng bualneaa on Tuee-
I 0. Holllnga worth, of Redland,
m taoraiin of tha Btona cream-
nnnnur. waa In tha city Tuee-
air tranaactlng bualneaa.
rvri..tia tha t wo-r ear-old daughter
Mr and Ura. H. L. Martin, of thla
;, ho haa been very III, ana tnreat
awiVlth pneumonia, la recovering.
W. tloenther, on of tha oldaat farm
n of Bhubel, waa In Oregon City on
Moaday. ' . .
tmeit unnda. who haa been survey-
I Id Southern Oregon, returned on
Mfadav mnrnlnar hut Rav Cole, who
Koompanlcd blm to Southern Ore-
aa, will not return until tha latter
rut of the week, aa there la aome
tae work to be completed.
Booster Day la coming on apace.
Vktrt were four or five tenta erected
Tueaday and things will all be In
nod than bv tha time the bell rinra
,n Thursday. Prospects are that thla
U1 be tbe blKgeat day of Ita charac
tcr arar nnllnd off In tha city.
W. N. Price la home from a ahort
ojourn at Twin Fall, Idaho, where ne
vwt on hnalneaa. II thinks that la a
fTMt uvl ri9 mimtpffi thinks In
net. tkat thla Northwest la several
actions of great country, well worth
omi time to conalder.
tartan church enjoyed a aoclal Tueaday
'enini at the home of Mlaa Maua
"ooaward. at Center and Fourth
Knti. The Intent of the evening
" a good aoclal time, and tha plana
""i wen mane mere waa a very en
Wble evening.
Mrs. Hurd. an elocutlonUt who Is
coming to thla city to give an enter
taliimcnt In the M. E. church, will be
here neit week Wednesday evening
and give, a aplemlld program. The
notice advcxtlaing the entertainment
thla week waa an error It la to be
given neat week Wedneaday evening
and not tonight.
It looka aa If those who object to a
merry-go-round were to shut that form
of amusement out from the Booster
Day program. Two or three places
that were suitable, and satisfactory to
committee and exhibitor, were sat up
on by those living near and so at the
present time there la no location that
has been mutually agreed upon aa yet.
Chief of Police Bhaw la on the alck
Hat and Officer Qreen la acting as
chief In "the absence of Mir. Bhaw.
"Jack" Froat la on the night shift In
tha place of Officer Green. Booeter
Day makaa an addtlonal man neces
sary for tha day. and also a man for
nlKbta. Win. Bradley la on tha day
shift and ?ohn Qreen on the night
shift. On Saturday two more special
officers will be made necessary for
day shift and two for nlghta.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, of Cams,
were In Oregon City Sunday;
Mr. 8wsp. of 8bnocl. waa among
tbe Oregon City business visitors
Tuesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Able Oulnther, of Ore
gon City, spent Easter with tbelr son,
Frank Oulnther, of Oswego.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stevenson, of
Salem, who bsve been visiting the
latter's mother, Mrs. J. k. wuiiams,
have returned to tbelr boma.
Mr a. L. La Porter and two children
are visiting with Mrs. Porter's father
and alater In Corvallls. and will return
to thla city on Saturday.
lira. J. C. Currant, a daughter of
Mr. and Mra. La P. Hortonrwbo haa
been visiting frlenda In thla city alnca
October, returned to her home In Lin
coln, Neb., Tueaday. '
Mr. Dudley Woodward, who haa
been very 111 for tha paat three months
with typhoid fever and compllcatiana,
and who waa on tha road to recovery,
la now Buffering from a relapse, and la
aerlously 111.
Mr. and Mra. John Ambler, ,who
were married In thla city on April let,
and who have been spending their
honeymoon at Newport, returned to
Oregon City on Saturday afternoon
and will go to houaekeeplng In tha
Oreen building on Seventh street
Mra. Agnea Silver went to Mount
Angel on Sunday, where ahe visited
her aon, who la a student of tha Mount
Angel College, and also made arrange-
menta for her daughter, Mary, to at
tend school at that place, and the lat
ter will leave here on nait Sunday
morning to take up her atudles at the
The following have registered at
the Electric hotel: Prof. Frank Miller.
W. B. Bonney, F. Miller, Salem; Louis
Anderson, Frank Dors, W. A. Shew
man, city; Kelly Davla. Watervllle,
Wash.; Mrs. T. C. Rice and daughter,
Jennings Lodge; R. E. Schoenhelnr,
John Scott. Scotts Mills; J. F. Tatea,
Corvallla; F. A. Bailey, city; E. H.
Murray, M. I Dixon, Louie Veerhus,
city; Captain Shannon.
. "V
Three Of the board of directors of
the Clscksmaa Southern Railway went
to Beaver Creek Tueaday evening to
noia a meeting for the promotion of
the project of uulldlng the new rail
way out Iioayer Creek way through to
Molalla and the Molalla country. The
meeting waa bold In the Orange Hall
and there was a large and enthusias
tic gathering.
Those who went lo Beaver Creek
were O. n. Dlmlck, O. D. Eby and Y.
M. Swift, and they were lolned In ad
dressing the men present by several
residents of in-aver Creek and vicin
ity. It proved a very enthusiastic
gnthcrlrig and consldersble money waa
raised for the pushing ahead of tbe
work on the line. In fact more money
waa raised at Beaver Creek and by
subscriptions that came In voluntarily
on Tuesday than tbe whole work of
promotion and trading done ao far has
The people of Beaver Creek recog
nize what the Improvement will mean
to tha county at large and to tbe sec
tion traversed. While tha roud will
prove a great convenience to Beaver
Creek cltlsens who wish to come to
the city, or to ship their products
here,- stilt the further away from the
countyscat tbe greater the benefit to
be received ao that from Molalla way
there should be addod desire to see
the road built. In fact the further
from, thla city the road advances Into
the country the greater benefits that
will come to those living In tbe sec
tion to be traversed.
Considering these facts the subscrip
tions from Beaver Creek are very flaU
terlnsr, and then when the promoters
atop to consider the' many promises of
further support that Is to come from
this st-ctlon there Is every Incentive
to continue in the good work of rais
ing, funds for the additional work that
It seems wise to do In fully equipping
snd operating the line ss a contrtbu
tory line to this clty.
Plrstes Looking for Oamss for Future
Flaying Win One Sunday,
Tbe Willamette Pirates broke even
Bunday by winning the morning game
and loalng In tha afternoon. In tha
morning tbey played tha Greyhounds,
of thla city, winning In a score ofr7 to
It waa a good game with a large
In tbe afternoon tbey played the
Crescents score 23 to 18. There waa
fair attendance. Next Sunday they
will play the WUlamettea or Green
Points, at home. Other teams wanting
to play should write Frank Gaaser,
Proposed Feaat Was Postponed Ac
count Commereiei Club Event,
The Women's Club soma weeka ago
contemplated a banquet to the bus-
bands of members of the club ana
made announcement to that effect.
But on Investigation It was found that
the date would conflict 'with the ban
oueton that evening to be given by
the Commercial Club and ao the ladlea
cave wav to the business organize
tlon. Solar the ladlea have not chos
en another, date. In consequence tbe
Commercial Club banquet will hold
full away thla evening, and the ladlea
will enjoy their feaat at aome ruiure
Pill Tossers Who Retired When
at Best Hot Numerous.
Cubs' Pitchar and Rsd 80s First Back
er Will Not Be Seen en Diamond This
Season Jones, Langs snd Denlin
Among Few Others Who Did 80.
Love of tbe game uuil the comfort
able emoluments wblch go with it are
Influences whtt-H Ireey a great major
ity of bnseball ptsyers from retiring
from the game In tbe heyday of tbelr
csreers.' Cases or players deliberately
retiring while stUI with plenty of good
playing left in them are few end far
between. In fact, the number of play
era who have quit the big leagues
voluntarily can almont be counted
upon the Angers of one band.' '
Every year a number of players an
nounce tbelr retirement from tbe siort,
but at the opening of tbo season can
Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company
Your wants supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or 11 Inch wodd de
IMrsd to any part of City. Prices, reasonsble.
stl.ftetlon guaranteed.
Home B-110 '
Mlfle Main 8502
Phone your orders.
Cor. 6th and Center,
Oregon City.
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
SaaaWassBsl BYJBff
A Poor Article
" ' . ' V-i .
. Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readera,
"""ye, are DISCRIMINATING. They know values they know
GENUINE thlnga, genuine opportunltlee. ,
Any artlols whleh can be told by advertising Is, by that teat, a
00D artlola. ' YOU are aafe In buylng'si thing whloh has etood
Are of publlolty." ' ' ' ' '
The msker of widely advertised artlola, or commodity, la al
yt an trial for hla bualneaa Ufa. He cannot ahlrk, nor cheapen hla
Prductand this la tha beat possible protection for the consumer.
You are SAP! In buying advertised things It's tha logla af
"days bualnssa eondWann. ' . - ,
Methodlet Church Will Hold District
Canvantlon In Nawbera Today.
The annual convention of the Home
Mlaaionarv Society of tbe M. E. church
of this district, will be held at New
k.r. twiav -Thr will b an all-day
program with speakers from abroad
and an enjoyable occasion im piauuru
for by tbe women or tne h. k. araomi
There will be two delegatea from
the church In thla place ana Mrs. ueo.
Oaborn and Mra. Geo. Randall have
been named.
George WlsalngeT and family left
Friday morning to apend Beater with
Mra. Wleslnger a alater, Mra. Ola Bell,
at Hood River, Oregon.
Mllwankle Oratfge held an all-day
meeting Saturday with a bountiful
spread at noon which all enjoyed.
Routine bualneaa and general discus
sion on farming.
Women of Woodcraft held an Inter
esting meeting Friday evening. Two
oanittdataa were Initiated. 'Tha Linden
Guards were all present In their new
uniforms. Refreahmenta of punch and
cookies were served and a good time
bad aa usual by all present If yon
want a good time send your nama In
to tbe Women or wooacrau
-Mr. and Mra. Cv B. Bunnell; of Oak
Grove, attended the Orange meeting
About fifteen of tbe oait urove poo
nl helonsr to tha Women of Wood
craft In Mllwaukle.
nice weather
now which the farmers are enjoying
and making gooa use or.
Miss Lucy Mitts went to her home
Friday arter teacning acnoot an
at Lone Elder.
Raleigh Bowers left last week for
Medford where he intenda to Join his
brother Lloyd In working on a farm.
Frank Hilton's little son Shlrlle haa
had an attack of pneumonia
Earl Kocher haa proceeded to finish
.v ua tha nrvlond school.
MIV in.i vj. ...w 1 .
m.. vim Mltta, mrA daiiahter LUCT
' Ml win. . . a -
attended Rebekah lodge at Needy Sat
urday. ,
County Clerk. Mutvey Haa Installed
the vertical nysism.
Buaiam la tha kev note Of thO gd
mini.tratinn nt Tountv Clerk W. L,
uni. ni riaekfemaa county. Mr.
Mulvey haa Just added a battery of
Y and B. aectlonal vertical filing cabl
neta to hla office equipment and here
after all papera win no nieo vsniiaiv.
The cabinets were purchased
v unntia nroa. Co.. and their
installation means that tha affaire of
the County Cient a otrica wm oe
economically administered because of
the aystematic manner m wia
.reconducted. All publlo papara wU
be filed away In auch ooncmion
reference may be had to them at a
minute's notice.
The arrangementa made by the
Chautauqua management with Mra
Fox, of Detroit, who oomea here this
summer to conduct tha class In par
ltamentfty law before the women s
clubs of .this Northwest country, have
been approved by Mrs. Fox. That lady
wHl give her main lecture on Club
Day, July U-
Vera A. Cross and Robert A. Smith,
of Portland, were granted
license In thla city on Saturday after
I, YM4
WASHINGTON, April 18. Positive
assurances that the Mexican Govern
ment will adopt a "defensive, restric
tive policy along the border," and newa
from Douglass that tbe rebel forces
have evacuated Ague Prleta, did much
today to relieve tbe high tension un
der which President Taft and mem
bers of bia official family have lab
ored for tbe last few day-
Tha assurances from Mexico fol
lowed the demands of the Btste De
partment that fighting which endang
ered American Uvea in the border
towna must be stopped., . '
That the situation la "not now re
garded aa acute la evidenced by tbe
fact That leaders of both the Senate
and tbe House, with whom tbe Presi
dent conferred prior to the assembling
of the Cabinet, declared that no ac
tion was contemplated by Congress at
tbls time. ,
Tha President had extended confer
ences with Senator Cullom, of Illinois,
snd Representstlve Bulzer, of New
York, chairmen respectively of the
foreign affaire committee of the Sen
ate and House. Senator Cullom in
sisted be could see no reason for Inter
vention, while Mr. Sulser announced
that Congress would not act hastily.
Bulzer is of the opinion that thus far
there haa been no overt act In Mexico
sufficient to warrant Intervention. He
Intimated, however, that a plan was
being considered to relieve the danger
to Americana near tbe border. Tbls
contemplates an agreement for a neu
tral sone from five to ten miles wide
along the boundary line.
Congress. Bulzer said, wm not act
under any circumstance without a spe
cial message from the President
To his callers todsy. President Tan
said hla telegram to Governor Bloan,
of Arizona, published today, reflected
correctly his attitude. There waa no
Intention on hla part, -the President
said, to Intervene In Mexico at this
tlmet and the two big deveiopmenta of
the -morning had strengthened blm In
that position.
r- A Japanese Fable.
One day tbe monkey saw tbe ant
climbing up a tall tree and tbonght
that he would amuse himself at hla
Look here. 51 r. Ant. said be. "how
quickly you are ascending the tree:
can beat rue.
"All right." replied the ant. and both
started to rnn up the tree fromlb
bottom. In a minute tbe monkey had
reached tbe middle branch of the tre.
while the little snt had scarcely trav
eled an Incb. . .
The monkey looked down haughtily
npon tbe ant and tben hegsu to per
form bia favorite acrotwtwrreate npon
one of the outstretching branches.
Suddenly I be wood snapped under his
weight, and be fell lo tbe gronnd. He
waa so badly hurt that It Jook som
time before be could pick himself on.
In tbe meantime tbe snt bsd reached
the top of the tree and won tbe race.
Mon I One wbo relies too much on
his own ability often falls.
' patronise our advertlaera.
be aeen cavorting around with tbe
rest Of the bunch. Since tbe close of
tha last campaign about a doaen or so
aald they were through with the game.
Of that number all are on tbe Job ex
cept Orvle Overall of the Chicago Ka
tlonala and Jake Stabl of the Boston
Americana. Tbe former la now Inter
ested In mining In California, and tbe
latter has gone In tbe banking bus!
nesa In Chicago. Tbe pair could go
on playing fur -many .years yet. but
with them It la a rase of a getd busl
ness opening. .
Other notable instances of thla kind
weres thotie of Fielder Jones, Bill
Lange and John M. Ward. Jones
stopped when be whs right st the top
of his sblllty. fie hadu't reached the
downhill stage snd had shown him
self to be a stsr manager aa well aa
ball player. Fruit raising In Oregon
held out allnrements which he couldn'i
resist, and with his retirement the
"game suffered the loss pf a player of
rare skill.
BUI I-ance was snother shining nKht
which the sport could til afford to lose,
although the defection of any one play'
er, no matter, how efficient, makes only
microscopical Impress on tbe ustlonal
Mike Donlln gave up tbe game when
be waa at his best, and men wbo could
hit aa be could are a losa when they
and the diamond come to tbe parting
of tha ways. When Mike quit he quit
though with . him had the sufficient
money incentive been forthcoming he
probably would have come back to the
game. Billy Lauder, the third base
man, atopped playing of bia own free
will and for no other reason than that
he preferred to do something else. He
could have held bis own In faat com
nany for aome time longer, aa also
could have Ted Lewis, tbe pitcher, who
gave np baseball without Waiting for
tha first symptoms of a decline.
Joe Corbet t. Dr. Pond of Baltimore
and rete nustlng of the Athletics com
posed a trio of twlrlers who retired
when still in their prime, but Corbett
tame back after a vacation of two
years and tried out hla hand with St.
Lov(Th, only to realise that he waa a
back number.. Amoa Rusle also quit
for a year or two and then found the
pace too warm for blm to follow.
Lewis, Pond and nnstlng. however,
quit for good When tbey bade goodby
to the big league.
Emmett Heidrick . of the t Browns
was the third center fielder to retire
while bis services were In demand. lie
returned to the gsmo In 1000 and made
good for awhile, but tben quit
Sandy Griffin, tbe old center fielder.
was one of tbe first He retired be
cause bia sale by Brooklyn to St. Lonia
waa not relished, he not receiving a
piece of tha purchase price, aa be de
manded, - . .. . ,
n aa aa- -1 iqu avji.
&-MVl"sit C-tTiw
When you give an otdet
at this store you can absolutely rest
assured that tne order will be filled
with positive flielty. No sobstltatlon or careless
We are paid to please yotx.
You receive the greateat attention when the order la . ,
given. It la filled correctly and delivered to the min
ute. Courtesy and painstaking ears form a large part
of our business success and you may be sure WE
KNOW you appreciate that kind of treatment.
Send cs a trial order today and let
us show that we know how to please
. - j ......
yoa and retain your custom. 7
A few specials this week quality in everything
... h... a para with na loathe th 8t- Pul F1r n Marine Ini
, . J-?- ?,! Canby
of the tree? I am certain that yoa aftef tfc ,uteMSlrt, of hu
The Waltuina Egg.
Place a plate on the tnbie so thst It
Is neer enough to the edge to be easily
taken In band. Tben place tbe egg in
tbe middle and with the help of tbe
thumb anid the Index Anger of tbe
right band, placed respectively at either
end. give thePKg a lively rotary move
ment. It will soon stsnd upright on
Its points snd turn. .Now seise tbe
Dlate and all yon have to do to make
tbe egg warts le to move your band
In a wsltslng motion. The egg should
be a-bard boiled oue and should While
boiling be kept In a perpendicular po
sition In tbe saucepan. Try It and
the egg spin sround tbe plate. Magi
cal' Experiments.
Walla Walla . Asparagus, New
ripe Tomaloea, Hot House Lettuce.
Fancy Dry Peaches 8 pounds for
25c Sultana Raisins 8 pounds
for 25c Dry White Figs 10a a
pound. ':-
9th and Main Sts.
Oregon City Ore.
the St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,
there. .
The Easter services in the Metho
dist church In the evening were well
attended. The League had a much
better attendance than usual and the
program given by the Sabbath school
brought out mora than tha aeata would
accommodate. The church waa tastily
decorated by a committee of young
ladlea. consisting of Misses -Rupp,
Wsng, Munson and Snell of C. F. Bo-
mix's Bible class. Tha children per
formed their part of the program In a
creditable manner and ahowed that
those who had drilled them had worked
assiduously. ' A collection wss taken
which roes to the cause of missions.
Tbe regular men'a Sunday after
noon prayer meeting meets thla com
ing Sunday at tbe Christian church at
S o crock. Mr. Leon, being tha appoint
ed leader,
Work haa begun tn earnest upon the
lumber shed, that la being constructed
by Adklns Locke.
White a S cheer are at work in earn
est nnon their auto garage and are
nahlng tha completion of tha build
ing to the utmost ana tney nave al
ready arranged for the renting of the
James Kauplsch, aon of J. C. Kao
plach, while playing at throwing
atones Into a rock pile, received a very
aevere Injury, for a piece of rock re
bounded and struck the boy in the eye,
and it la feared that he will rose that
eye entirely, and now he la at the
Good Samaritan hospital tn Portland
but hla father, who took him there on
Friday, when the accident took place
says that the doctor cannot definitely
tell aa yet If ha-will be able to see
with that eye.
Last Friday while Mr. Perry, our
Wants, For Sale, Etc
'Notices under Uwm cUaatflad haadtna
will aa Inaa, lad at mm cent a word, first
Insertion, half a eaat additional taaar
Uons. One inch card. It par month; half
men card, i lines; SI par month.
Cash must aooompaay ordar vnlese one
has an open account with the paper. Ne
financial responsibility for errors; where
arrors oeenr fraa anrrectaa nouco win aa r
print. d for patron. Minimum, charco lie.
We are having beautiful aunny
weather after several amall snow
falls of one -inch deep, and several
hard frosts hsve done a great deal of
damage to all kinds of early fruit
la very rare to have snow in thts part
of the country in the month of April.
Miss Minnie Boyer, of Firland, has
been visiting friends In this neighbor
hood. Miss Mae and Janette Newell at
tended Easter services at the White
Temple In Portland.
. Geo. Derry has sold his farm and
will aoon move to Rlsley on the O.
W. P. line.
Harold Burnett, of Firland, visited
with several of his schoolmates Easter
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Konltzer went
to Arleia Sunday calling on friends.
A number of farmers are Intending
purchasing automobllea aoon; that
looka prosperous.
Mr. Nmlker has aold his farm and
gone to Washington. A number of
farma have been sold recently. Real
estate interests are springing up
again. ' '
- Mrs, M. Donley and sons have pur
chased a new buggy for the summer.
Roda Smith and aeveral friends, of
Portland, are out visiting with Walter
Harry W. Randall, general agent for
cents an hour. Call Pacific States
WANTED To wr- first claaa pota
toes, highest cash paid., Bigger k.
"Mandy Lee" Incubator, good aa
new. H. G. Hartahorne, Wllaonvllle,
A SNAP 7-room house, four blocks
n urn car nun m uivauu v.avj ,
of fruit; price $900; $100 down, $10 s
per month. Same as rent Clyde a .
McRae. IOCS Main 8t, Oregon City.
Uvaryman, waa driving Mlsa Peea, of
Portland, who waa canvassing In be
half of the Boys and Girls Aid So
ciety, out Into the Macksburg country,
met M. J. Lee with his auto just this
side of Goode's bridge and hla horses
hacam fiisrhtened and both were
thrown from the vehicle, each receiv
ing injuries. Miss Pees had her arm
broken and after being dressed by Dr.
Dedman waa taken to Portland by Mr.
Lee In bis auto; Mr. Perry was bruised
considerably, but to able to be about
by using crutches. , i.
50 acres In high state of cultivation,
partly needed to clover, large house,
' larga barn, orchard, outbuildings,
- seven miles southeast of Oregon
City, 400 acres under fence, $300
. per year. - Team and wagon and lm-
plementa can be bought at a reason
able figure. B. F. Linn, 718 Pelk
St, Oregon City, Oregon, for par
ticulars. - ,
When In Oregon City
Farmer's feed Yard
$08 Main Street
Beat of Care Given All Animate er
Stock Left' With Us.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the nnj
. derslgned assignees of the Oregon
City Lumber a Manufacturing Com
pany, an Insolvent will, unty Thurs
day noon of April 20th, 1111, receive
' sealed blda for the sawmill build
ings and machinery and planing mill
and machinery, together with all
switches, side tracks, tools, appli
ances, office fixture and all other
property and assets of said Company
In the hands of the undersigned aa
auch assignees. Said property la
situated In Oregon City In f close
proximity to the Willamette River,
the Southern Pacific Railroad and on
the Portland Railway, Light a Pow
er Company's track, and offers an
exceptional opportunity for a large
and growing business.
Tha property will be sold in threa
parcels, vlsr
. FIRST: Tha equity of the under-
' aigned In the machinery purchased
from the Northern California Com
pany." SECOND: That covered by a ohat-
. tel mortgage held by tha First Na
tional Bank of Oregon City.
THIRD That on which, there Is
ho Incumbrance. v. '
A description of tha various artl
cles In each clasa will be furnished
on application to tha undersigned.
Terms of sale, cash. . Certified
check of 10 per cent of hid must
accompany each bid right reserved
to reject any or all kids.
Dated April 8th. 111
, v J. W. MOFFATT,
Assignees aforesaid, Oregon City, Ore
Attorneys for Assignees. -
HARRt'jbNES Builder and Generai
Contractor. Estlmatea cheerfully '
"given on all classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Rea. Phone Main 111.
O. D. EBT, Attorney-atrLaw, Money
loaned, abatracta furnished, - land
titles examined, estates settled, gen
era! law bualneaa. Over Bank of
Oregon City. . - ....
Law, Deutacner Aavosat, win prac
tice tn all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office la Enter
prise Bldg Oregon City. Oregon,
Land title Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary publlo. - ; .
itoom 7, uaroiay bios uregon taty.
B. H. COOPER. For Fir Insaraae
and Real Estate, Let ua handle'
your properties we buy, sell and
exchanf e, ' Office In , Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon- -:
FRETTAO a MONET, ileal Estate -Dealers,
have choice bargaina In,
farm lanaa, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry '
rancnes. , tie s tar w dujb
Near fi. P. depot
When moved Into nw store
I put In a nice Una of N.7 FURNI.
TURE, which I am selling st t .e nrt
eee usually quote J for second hsnd or
shopworn goods. ' Come In and look!
Fine tin of curies and relte.
Fatronls our advertisers.