i tJrlptloM for .no Morning iSTJT will bs received for "i'Tmlwd tlmo at op.cl.l Jiod In your order today MORN S - Ths only dally nowopSMf Iwmii Portland and Salami aires 4 latee In every section af Clacks- mil County, with a population of t 30,000. ' Are you an edvsrtleert ft VOL 1 No. 87 OREGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL It), 1911. Feb Week, 10 Cents PEACE IN MEXICO IS NOW PREDICTED CIAIM MADE THAT DIAZ ORDER ,N0 ELECTION WAS . FOL LOWED BY OVERTURE. DEIS NOW AS ANXIOUS AS ANY dqut y "obola For. Armistice aj.d to Have Boon Followod Immadiatoly By Concilia- tory Anowor, - -CITY OF MEXICO, April 18. 8pe fUl.) I' l,'lt now " ,ner w t0 an. armistice with prospects of rart In Mexico. Tho depnrtment of yorclfn U'dutlone received a proposal II i said, from tna reoeia via wasn liltoo, )! I ! one back of I ho mee M la ailil (o bo Vasoues Oomi. rrom tho roply It looks as If tht government Is willing. Trouble from tb L'niKd Btatvs In com of continued BjtbtlDK "'or the bordor baa made both Ides fearful, and tho heavy loos of life al Anus Prists baa born boavlly os both 'des. Roth sides arc learn ing mil -as --w ........ j ind It Is that which hss Tnuch to do Kb making rffita dealroua of peace. . War may coaee lo 41 hours and tt Is arreted that If it does it will not Uks long to bring a permanent peace est of an armistice. The people are brooming tired of the loss and destruc tion and oho cannot long continue a uicctuful l-ailer In politics who advo cates surb a waste and expense, and lb death of friends made necessary by battle RACING TO DEATH. - I'ODTLANl), Or., April 18. (8ps cImI ) While racing on the way to Portland to attend the hall game Tues day th machine driven by Vernl pal mer went ft the county viaduct near Itayden's Island on a curve and dropped a dlstsnce of 30 foot, palmer was killed outright and four other men In the machine were seriously Injured. The xar was wrecked. GOULD WINS RAILWAY FIGHT. . NEW YORK, April 18.' (Special) George 3. Gould won today In a fight with the Rockefeller Interests that have been fighting him on his own road for seversl years and 'elected hla own man president. Knemles of Could In the directorate at once re signed when they saw they were defeated. TACOMA MAYOR BEATEN IN RECALL ELECTION FAWCETT -IS BEATEN BY EY MOUR, BUT BY ONLY 852 VOTES. WHY NOT COME RIGHT OUT AND BE DONE WITH IT ? FAST MAIL IN DITCH- PE.NDI JCTON, Or., April 18. 8ps flail The fast mall went Into tho ditch st Camp Siding.' hear here on ik. n u A KI al an aartv hour Tues- Uj morning. Two cars were wrecked bet ob one-rioualy Injured- Traffic u delayed serersl hours. A Though, tW fsxtest train west of Chicago this aWtts Orst accident la the history of Oeirnln, running for a year. - KAILS THE PLEDGES TO CHURCH PEOPLE 0 V. CHAS. ROBINSON PREFERS THIS METHOD TO DISTRIBU TION IN CHURCH. In the campaign for sentiment In hor of rloalna the local postofflce ot Sundays the committee having the work In charge asked local pastors to dlitrlhutn nledgea In the cnurcnee, B. ('has. W. Robinson, rector of 8t Piuls Rnlsconal church, did not dis tribute tho cards in the church but tasued n llttls circular end enclosed th card lo each of hla people request- la an etnreaalon In case they wished vlt These cards . were returnable to lbs postorrice committee, and many of lbs Episcopal people have given their burnt to tho plan. The circular from the rector follows: Af Pmil'a Rectory. ADrtl 17. 111 ... u n.ur- t am sure you are In faor of the purpoee the enclosed esrd sets forth. Will you pleaae sign It with your name and addreas and mall It AT ONCE la the encloeed stamped fBinnn i mvuilf have done so and I fool confident that all eltUene of Oregon City will do everything : their poser to observe the Lord s Day of r. Faithfully yours, CHAS. "W. ROBIN80N. i Patronlte our advertisers. TACOMA. Wash.7 Aprir 18 (Spe cial.) This city . has again passed through a stormy recall election, this time recalling Its Mayor, A. V. Few cetC'end choosing In his stead W. W. Seymour. But with all there waa a hot fight, and much oratory and many charges of a gross character, the re call prevalla In a majority of but 882. nut this Is not the end, for on May 3 there Is a recall election as to the four City Commissioners. The women were the Influence that led to ihe re call; bow soon this influence msy wane time alone can tell though the prediction Is that It will not last. CARUSO RETURNS TO ITALY. NKW YORK, April 18. (Special.) Caruso, the greet tenor, has been forced to cancel hla engagement on ac count of jllness and will return to his native land of Italy to rest. 'BEAVERS WIN AT HOME. PORTLAND. Or, April 18 (Spe cie!.) The greatest crowd ever at tending a ball game In this tlty wss present to see the Deavers defeat the !s Angeles tesm in a score of 4 to 1. O55 ' a. . . v. PflHMD TOBE If i ntfirnp mum I ft ruudd iuwm PERSISTENT CAMPAIGN TO BE WAGED ON THIS DISEASE SPREADING PEST. LF NO FLIES BUT FEW ' DISEASES Lectures to Bs Given to Show People How to Get Away From This Pest and Germ . , Spreader. Good consistent adver tising in The Morning Enterprise pays. Itdas proven so with us. Prico Broom A. A. Price, Mgr. SWIFT TRESPASS CASE i PASSED BY DEFAULT W. BIGHAM FAILS TO APPEAR AT TIME SET BY JUSTICE SAMSON. park-keeper, who la now making some extensive improvements In Hendrlck's psrk. snd all hobos found In the city will be made lo Tiandle the pick and shovel In constructing roads and grub bing out brush. For year the weary travelers have considered Eugene the "easiest" town on the Coast for the reason that they have not been molested. CHAMBERLAIN DEFENDS RECALL. WASHINGTON. April 18 (8peclal) Senator Chamberlain In the United States Senate today defended the re call as It Is wished to make It apply to Judges, and said there was no rea son why the people should not recall Judge the ssme as any other servant NEVER KEPT CO'iTRACT SISTER'S AVERMOiT ABKI THAT ESTATE BE TAKEN FROM BROTHER AND GIVEN RIGHTFUL HEIRS. . W o A SERMON! EASTERTIDE! ! d thsro wsro ninety and nine J'ffersjnt styles fof a HIM to chooee boQlnnlng of the Spring There . a. msnv now the rsal smart -models are going - ..... , Tn L. Bvetam ' etothoa ' please "'a eyes, his body, and hla pocket Offsrtory tn.60 io S36.00. ' smsmbsr the Eaater Bonnet Amsnl - - - - Price BibTiicM H ' - 1 n i EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS WLuVri-ior. The case of trespass agslnat F. M. Swift, complaint being made by O. W. DlRham, the allegation being that aald Swift did trespass on property of said Btft-hsm, set for hearing in Justice Ramaon'a court Tueaday," was not tried.' Blahs m did not appear to prose cute and so the case was allowed to go by default. This Is the case in wntcn umnam stopped the Clackamas Southern Hy. Co. from building across his land until the company had settled at a figure all out of proportion with what the land la worth, or which other land In the same neighborhood Is priced at. Perhsos Mr. BlKbam has aecioeu that he will be more benefitted than Injured by the propoaed railway, and has decided ndt-to preas hla claim. In case Mr. Blshsm does decide to aid rather than hinder the new venture It is certsin that the . business . men who wish to see the project prosper. and are putting up "their money to foster the enterprise, will appreciate the fact that he Is convenea wnne there is yet time to do the road a good turn rather than an Injury. Not Frank Capon's. Brother. iMndr raoen is a brother and not un nf F.llery Csoen. aa stated In the Morning Enterprise yesterday, and la an uncle to Frank Capen and not i.miher. Leander Capen baa not been connected with the buelnees of the Capen Shoe Co.. at Willamette, ex ceDt as employe. This correction Is msde at the request of Lesnder Capen. POLUHATlOil WORK 0!l APPLE MID PEAR WIFE CHARGES DESERTION. Mrs. Newell Asks For a Divorce From Cyrus P. Nowoii. pinnp r. Newell has filed a ault for divorce against her husband, Cy rus P. Newell. They were marnwi In January. 1888. at Harpersvllle, New York. While residing at Ban uibo. fornln. In the year or linn, me nur band deserted his wife and she was compelled to make her own living. Wheelock Williams ore reintwuuiiB Mrs. Newell. I HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT AT O. A. C. TAKING UP 8PE CIAL INVESTIGATION WORK. PORTLAND, Or., April 18. (Spe cial.) Health officers are gofng to make Portland a flyless town this summer. They promise these disease' breeders will be rare lnaeed and that the fly pest of former summer will he almost wholly abated. The system of flushing 'the downtown pavements , every night. Instead of sweeping tbem as formerly, washes the larva of the flies into the sewers, thus doing away with one of the most favorable breed ing places. Every road leading into Portiana will be oiled this summer to lay the dust and this treatment completely kills files and renders their eg harm less. The oil applied Is crude petro leum which contains a amall quantity of carbolic acid, and 1s sure death to flies and moaqultos. Dr.. Calvin 8. White. State health officer, Is very sctlve in his warfare on flies, "There remains one danger ous source of fly production," said he, "and that la unscrenedfood. I would advlae every (housewife not to buy any article of ford from any store that does not use screens. All the food ex hibited In msrkeu and elsewhere should be kept screened from flies Unless these pests have breeding tdacea. ihey will not bother us and public health will be protected tre mendously." Dr. White hss considered the plan to have the Council pass an- anti-fly ordinance but he believes the educa tion of the public along the line of iMvin, nn limdlm Dlaces for the neatiferous flv la more important. Stereoptlcan snaes, snowinu u dangers to be feared from fliea, the hMt means of destroying them, and nroventtns them from setting esiao- llshed In the house, will be shown by Dr. White both In the city schools and in nuhllc csthertnes about tne cuy. l lartiir will accompany the pictures, giving Instructions how to swat the flies. - : . ted xeeterday. - Otas's authorisation ot the election bill indicates his realization that 1U passage is the only possible hope for peace with the Insurgents. Foreign Minister De L Barra admit ted today that he had been in com munication with Gomes, head ot tne revolutionary Junta in Waahlngton re garding peace. ' , ' Americans at .Atlixco toaay sppeaioa to Ambassador Wilson for protection. They sy their Uvea and property are threatened by 300 reDeis, wno are rav aging the nearby ountry. WILL SHELTER AMERICANS. CIACKAI1AS SOimiERIl- PUSHES AROO Hill GRADING BEGUN BEYOND THE ROCKY "PROMONTORY" DIB- ' PUTE AROSE HERE. Work on the Clackamas Boutnern Railway waa continued on up the line Tueaday with a full force of men. So nr...,.wna.NvT a n.n i a sv.n.ii far there la a little work yet to do to Edwards at Juares, Mexico, late this complete the present grading p to ithe d- BIgnam properly, wum iw afternoon telegraphed the atate oartment "The attack on juares la momen tarily expected. In a skirmish April la al federals were killed and lz wounded. I bav arranged to shelter Chinese and all others excluded under arose over the right of way, but only a small force can w rk to good ad vantage and so the majority of me men were aent on over the hUL For the work to continue ngnx on around the hill would mean lean ex-. v I a K ft. AAnatniA, American lawa. I have also asRed pense ana tens uciy. Colonel Sharp to let in keeping the tlon To forced to opr and care multitude from crossing tne ooraer m . rr- ' during the battle." MASS CONVENTION. pense". and the company wtahed to avoid this. But as no settlement could be made as to the property una en forced Jump waa made Tuesday. B. large force of men has been, set at work beyond tne Bignam rocs pim, and the grading haa begun farther on Returned Delegates Will Make Report to Meeting Thursday Evening A sort of mass convention will be I ekvrtttnri the hllL hsM in the narlort of the Prbrter- Bnv nrprnn ntv business men are Un church In thlm city on Thursday u.yintAdi in thi xtra expense be- even in g, to wnicn ine puuuv Mnj made. - It was nopea inw wbhu Ml If Will EMS 111 CUAIKB VL UV w I V.A nKtoAfAP W fllll inajf KRUH BKE yir turned delegates from the several UJ v8 interested In the completion churches in the city who attended the ot tne that au obstruction would Sunday school convention In Eugene TanBB ani that the company would be last week. . made welcome to the beet that the There will be reports rrom an iau EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS, (n - a iu.w case In the Circuit Court Is that of Dora Toedtemeler vs. Louie Toodtemeier. Jr- a brother. Aa the story goes the father and mother aepa rated aeveral yeara ago and In aeenr Ins the divorce the mother received iVi cuatodv or tne cunuruu number. A few yeara later, having a premonition of death, the mother made a will In which ahe gava all her KKArt in a son Louis, who me pro viso that he should keep the family together. Bupporting mem ana .vow ing them, the noye w till 16 and the gine tin is y'" " " - Th form waa 40 acreo with - W .sainnsil EofftflCtl. fa ma in lnin USajT VI wvww. e nAt tWar Uri lOlletn 1 VU .wiuwa made and .luted h lt will which i .n iMttm all of the real eatate. personal and mixed, and to her VSSA HenryiW.llam,Dor. Ruby ten iaUs a.anh II . lutjutuir., v; . ,.,x(vA. van lllJt a wra 1 nil Illfl Uiuw vi .ih with the mother, that ZZJSZW Vth h. began toabuse " , . Hri. na brothers and sisters away from home, that he did not try to achool them, that . he later began to M abua.ve, ---;; not tried te- jiv p vw m ; "siSceula Toedtemelef haa come into possession of the property Jfc. ha. railed and naa reiu" - Sen left by b..u mother, and j. ..1 brothers, cdtse. awe.r and to make life miserable. ' WJ" wt"h other children compelled to lave to io to I r l tVei. ne could btiy Her )ooka for her, aa bo lad plenty; ot ????rVi thU heauesfany Mxoim on the pgtt ot the legatee " 1" vi .1 ik. (! to an escheat, turn tne share alike. UnM. Monthly Business osasian M. E. Church Tussasy tvsrvng. Th Enworth League of the -AIj E. church met In regular bualness 4ea slon In the paiiora of the church Tuesday evening. Among other in portani maiiera i uuo...--w " were appointed to the dlotrlct conven tion to be held at Foreat Grove May 5. and 7. Mr. and Mrs. . n. va. Miss Moreita Hicsman. Blsnchsrd and Mlsa Maud Smith were choaen as delegates. ' Mr. Will Snldow or tne ioci u-y ter. being second vice president of the district. Is down for a talk on Satur day, May 6, at Forest Grove. WILL DRILL NEW WELL TO HUNT GAS AND OIL ..mibina SMALL FLOW WHILE vsw DRILLING FOR WATER GIVES ' ENCOURAGEMENT. The finding ot oil and gas In the well drilled In on the McBrlde farm wen " . vinlalta haa led aome tnree nun to those gentlemen . - -how much there Is In the ground at a no.. .k"J. th. amall amount waa poini wiiciw - ro"" v7."K.en let tor a aecond well, and thla la to be a teat well for oil or gaa and have no desire to ae cure witer. It will be but a ahort dla tance from tho first wol , which Is .v..in. a awut flow of water. Rivera ft Meoregor have been given the con tract to drill in tne seconu w, yesterdsy a new drill and other para phernalia were ahlpped In and new gasoline lampa secured so that the drill may run night and day. TRAMPS MUST WORK. . triTfiENTC Or.. April 18. Hoboa will heStKompeled t. rt I. Jj; gene or stay Wttm- Ar; rangements have beet i made to care for any number of them by the city CORVALXJ8. Or.. April 18. The de partment of horticulture at the Ore gon Agricultural uotiege i uoms pollination work on an estenslve scsle In apple and pear orchards this year near Medford and Hood River. Four men have been at Madford experi menting on crossing, In the orchard there, and studying various problems concerning the setting of pears and applea. - i ' . A corps of the college men will shortly go to Hood River to tske up the study of some special problems there. For three years work haa been dose on problems aa to sterility and fertility of apples there, and the mu tual affinity of all the) leading varieties np there. This year special difficul ties In handling Spltxenbergers will be taken no. Trees of varying vigor will be atudled to learn what Influences such conditions aa their fertility or sterility. Prof V. R. Gardner has ataned a series of studies of the Woesome of the prune and cherry, along tne i of preliminary studies oi urtw work he hopes to lane up mm comma year with these frulta. We ahall nrst determine the fertility or sterility of the leading varieties or cnernes auu prunes. From the studies obtained we hope to get a certain Percentage of seedlings which Indicate the stabl Uy and unit characters of these varieties. Damage AssessmOnt Will Annul Trss- pass. Tha caae of trespass on the part of nf the (jiacsamas Southern Ry. Co. on the rock p" be longing to O. W. Bignam. oui the line back of Kansas City. Is set vA..n in f-ircuiL uouri iuuj. effort will be made to have the hear fng pVtponed for It the case seeking condemnation i " '"i"1 " rrc through the property 1. beard which must be heard some day on Its merits, and Is allowed, then the case of tres pass will fan to the ground for a man can't trespass on n STOCKING SOCIAL FRI0AY. Prosbytorisn Church Psrlors to bo tho Scone of Fun and Lauflhter. Thra will be a stocking social at the Presbyterian church Flidsy even ing. No thst lsnt Its' you won't be shown a stocking and then asked to ...... h. .iza of It It's another plan on which this Is to work. Ton bring a cent a else for each Blocking if you ... o'. it will cost you 18 cents. If 5H's 11 cents, and ao on. . Easy to n., and easr to settle 1t you imd too large a also of host. There will be a half doien other en ticing waya for getting your money, but the committee says they will tske so little In a place, and give auch large chunks ot fun In return for the money that you won't know you are the poor er. Better be on hand and eee how easy the plan is put wio enecv. , v. B.arf "Tha ftkv Pilot" The members of the Epworth League have been very fortunate In aeouring Mre Jluby Hurd. a dramatlo reader of noted fame, to give a read ing on the famous book ot Ralph Con nora. "The Sky Pilot." at the M. E. church Wednesday evening, April 16. Young People Will Go" to Redland Th Rlthlah class In the M. E. Sun day school, and the young men's class Joining them, win go io neuwuu -few weeks to give an entertainment In the M. E. church there. The young nM.nl of the Redland church will par ticipate in the program. The enter tainment will be given on some week- dsy evening so that there msy be as jolly a time as possible, with no fear of Sunday encroachment to mar the happiness ot the occasion, ine juuun people are planning to have three or four big wagon loada go and there will be an efiort put forth to make a Jolly night of It. Bound Over to Court. Wm Woods, the chimney sweep ar rested for pointing a gun at v. r. Schooley on Saturday, was bound over to court Tuesday In Justice Samson s court In the bond of 100. Not having that amount of security be was com mitted to Jail to await the action of the grand Jury. d. PARKPLACE-GLADSTOME BRIDGE GIVES WAY HEAVY TRACTION ENGINE GOES THROUGH BRIDGE EXTENT OF DAMAGE UNKNOWN. Tha Parkolace bridge across the Clsckamas River, near this city, was oartlv broken down Tuesday evening Just before nightfall. At that hour a i n r Kotas heavy traction engine, vu i called rotaries tnat weign very .tt.mntaii to rroaa It and when over one of the bents of the bridge the -K end nf tha bridge gave way uu left the engine balanced over the pier. The accident to tne priage mu unsafe to travel even If tho engine waa not In the way of traffic. But at that the bent haa not fallen Into the river and Is supported by the piers. Report hss not been made by experts as to whether or not It will be expen- nut into reoalr again. The who attended that convention, and an affort will be made to give to tnose who stayed at home a true Insight Into the convention and Its work as it ap- neared to those who went as oeiegaiea. It Is only as the public .attend these lands could offer. 'A, UNRESERVED TIMBER To Bs Sold In COMMERCIAL CLUB TO BANQUET THIS NIGHT GOOD SPEAKERS FROM HOME AND ABROAD GOOD WORK OF CLUB REMEMBERED. Blocks. Of 160 Aeroa Each. . --v wAsmiMfSTON. ADrtl IS. on- gathers and hear the' reports made reMman La Betty Introduced a bill to . . . f a . IlL nWt ! I . . M AMV.a that tney geep.in toucn wnu "" I require the sale or nnreBwrw iui Knlns on in me suuuny kuwi lanil tn Individuals at SZ.ou an acrv, the country over, and an are urgeo io traeta not exceeding 160 acres to any he nresent. I nn. nnrrhaaar. ITntll two veara ago me limner auu stone act had been construed to re-nnii-a tha sal of Umber lands. The interior De oartment in wovemiw. 1909, practically repealed thla act by nrnvidlns timber lands be sold only at appraised value. The object ot the Lrfferty bill la to virtually rw u timber and stone act He claims the act has never been repealed by Con gress, and there Is no evidence of Con gross' action aa to the Interior Depart ment In abrogating the same by the Issuance ot regulations. . Lafferty Introduced a bill appropriat ing $150,000 for a public building at Astoria. Tha thlrH annnat banmiet of the I - Ai.n a hill authorising a nomesieaa- Oregon City Commercial Club will oe 1 er to offer commutation proor an.er a held in this city this evening, in tne Commercial Club parlors, at which time rich feast will be spread. And In order that all may participate, and that the Interest in the success of the wnrir for which the club stands for may become general, the club has de cided to price the reasi at oo ceme plate making the banquet come with in the reach of ail. The program for this evening prom isee to be of more than usual interest. There will be a number of local speak ers who will have placea on the pro gram, but in addition there will be several from out ot town. Governor West who had hoped to be present Is detained by the funeral of Mr. Ben son, much to the regret of members who had hoped to meet and, hear him on this occasion. J. E. Hedges will be toastmastef for the evening and will preside with his usual dignity. C. C. Chapman, secre tary of the Portland Commercial Club, will make an address; Thos. F. Ryan, of Salem and a former resident, and Robert A. Miller, a Portland attorney, will also have placea on the program. E C. Glnther, head of the publicity de partment of the Portland Commercial Club, will be present but does not wish any part In the speaking of the avantns. Tha Commercial Club haa done iiuvu u-mu " ' - the advertising of Oregon City and this Northwest country, and mese an nual hanoueti make for an Increased Interest In the work of the club, and form a closer union between the sev eral business men of the city and the business Interests of the community. v A ' . ..rful nf thla fr.me Ume 'and the atory much T hard work, and good work, tor has been current that a new bridge was a matter of hut a short time in tbThlstUbrldge waa rebuilt to a large extent but four years ago, and at a consldersble expense, under the di rection of John Llewellyn. It waa not considered at that time that the bridge was an Ideal structure but aa the coun ty had no funds for a new structure then repairs were necessary, and were made. The extent ot the present dsn - .,nt nnt h. kanwn definitely until there has been a report by an expert bridge man. which It was too late to get after the accioeni nyii Tuesday. NEW ELECTION CALLED. Dlaa Sanction Indicates Ho Fools Hs Must Yield. MEXICO CITY. April 18. Slmul tsneously with President Dlssa aub- mission to Congress of pending pesce negotlatlona a bill calling for a new Mexican general election waa aubmlt- months' residence, regsrdless of Inten tions at time of entry. LAST HONORS GIVEN TO FRANK W. BENSOil i LATE SECRETARY OF STATE BUR IED WITH HONORS BY ELKS AND ODD FELLOWS. ROSEBURG. Or., April 18. (Spe cial.) Frank W. Benson, late tiecre tary of Stale In Oregon, waa buried here at 10 o'clock today. Tho Elka Tem Die was crowded with citisens anxious to do the last honors to de ceased. ..The procession was led by the mllttla. Roseburg lodge of Elks conducted the funeral, while the Odd Fellows had charge of the ceremonies at the grave. GovT West was present aa waa also Judge'Thoa. M. Ryan, whe la master of the State Grand, Lodge of Odd rei- . Business was suapenoea in me euy during the time of the funeral servic es. ) Flags In the city were at half mast and many honors were accorded deceased. ' The wematso rrtved bet from California at 11 p. Monday evening and were kept In state at the Elks'- Temple until time for the fun eral today. HofOoooooo'ooomiooooooofOoooooooofoo f ' affa $50.00 Given Aray o o ' o o o . o t o t o This ad Is worth SSO In cash to the first six P7uhB,r ... a a. . t ail In cultivation: close to $300 cash, balance $i0 'aIimi. r.,.. ,a ait r.lMkimM loumtrn tiacrwj rv L..IMI.. u n un Avar iraci: per month.. This price will eoon double. Comt today and owes the deal. ' . k ' . '' W- F. SCHOOLEY Cl CO. Phone! Pacific M40. Homo A-156. 112 Main SV Oregon City. t A.AAAnAnAnAnanAnaAanaaaoaaAn4QAflao40OSOSOeO0040eS vw- . th and Main Sta.