n:rx:s ehefuSE 1 1 v,' 1 3a. u Oaw TmJTL9 . JS a j AWWUAL atAtaQOCT. to-attav a mmm 1 M iw IMM J LhI Ctorcaa Cta Beta Stat Pac ' rva rM. ht im a Mr. nl Kit Wafter Mrs. Jah TIK htx. Hrm. firiy Tar- Hart Dew J aaar. attakry; nr. ui Mr ! KELLCK rciTCOrii" r. a. jMCi or Charleston ILL, PRODUCES THE CAR DE CLARED BEST. It M trr f ro" e Mr. iwn. fk wr ecrrart ra-M ammi J ' ' i iitiM aav . saw fc ' tMWWaMr daa firat -. 0&Q0m Baa"tlaa).. - 'tjaeato t saw Bw; ft I agwUr ' Dun e Dm ate 4ttti'l. TW ttMSl kufw( " the Cfcjr CoirmiiomU b Will , WacmeaaUj ewaiag ha ta UtgtMj ball ef t mi at Jam, CUrMci. 10. aae j the pnaad davUartkoa ( kariag trow aw hatd r "J - I TlXi bmae ef tut ywajTB aarjaper era. At lb Xaikaaal Oars Ta muv I beid at Ontmmnm. Okas. - - - rVkt t Mits vtn h : maa was nrrnn'T aaacmaced. (''? w MR. AMD WAS. rAKR a ; tntrtM ty K. KaTtocK. tasataiat of the 'Kedlogg Taaated Cora Flak Ca, erf Bu Ow Mick. Tbowaaade T wi at oora froa all Thtk ' pan of th eouatry 4 f all rt ; 0 wer etitrrW ta ta eprtca. i Mr aad Mrv 1U rarr eevenaiawd j The iktiQR f ta grand caajartaa rr tinntmf to tke - V . emMr lt Eaeter Smti at Ibair i ejaw aac taa awars or CM tv- ir?r .i.,rri tus-s: w-t. h, lk 'J - to Inwn4 fna o 6mMr le tt j t-,., mwtb irrora a&d. vfcJUx Tii ar of oor gron Vj Mr. Jum i zxiz z'xr. zXitz pr ax for i-"t' iimi bring room atsr puik and C- AJ-1 r Caak ahauM wooauar aranr aan lr tw 41Bac a Jor IT PWr to w la afttoa af a nt4-v4 arf! piaao aato- j ,t ,.. wrj, brr rocaJ aictxa. C- .rrtot 4 mmml f .at ? TW rw r Dr ai Mrr X-T-jmiiiai at rw t. Mk ii avrfc Mrt (auL Mr. as4 Mr. Irrttic Raa. Mrs. to lo avart oxtnMm w.amu taa Uja tbanck. Mia "Klt Fa-T, Burjl . " Xartia. Will Morn. Lo fVT BaV aa BasKrvjx aair cw- tla SVc laia ff-at Manoa. a 441- -- - - aaa wm wnrat arttelai af lull wTta auaraat to tucmi raaoerm. artt a cavOr eeafw4 CITY OfTtClAL E J APCR. frerScai History. GRAFS BALL BY ELKS BUSCH JALL FRIDAY COatMrTTCEB ARE PLAHI.IWC F0" , a clokich; TIME OH THAT -OCCAHOM. ' . . brl IS ! rrTVr f"re fkAvsa ride not vl Buait ! ri tl rt4aiiJ jav tii.L 'Tl E3ia are makii grwu prara- , JM7-VttJ f rrra Ovr4u. Vn; uod for lir tU" W PTrB j Cfvn) ITitlM ftoutt orfcatatf at li Bnsc aaH oa rndaT era! Caml Afiiax. oe Saa Aaaa. of Portld k j nr-- k.. rtunr for th occanoa. aad W Mas, J";5S faTaa? kS tvufc trt Trt3it rtiraeaJ aa n rv- Vxlra a nuica-a. It is E:t to atienc tkia baJU. ai4 U tbra . axry la ta ety bo kT Bot re-, rJ Vh4 mritatjoe. Xiey mar anaaf i atavtmif tartr ttoemierftU cms .:w Buca'i UQ oa vut mmt , i of Tb EU of PorOaad U1 tm ta at- - lebeaaee, ana twer w sw www an i a-ai t a lanw atleadance. A " '- ' :a JarttJttloB h.ba iaataad. , arvn. r , r-. Tfc erl oumaam euesiats of. TT;rL - . - ,77 ' ' H-nry O Mailer. Jota A4m ut -; R. A. aaijiliaiinin. aa ouaaoiaix rbark Etuu; floor .eomsuua. fac tearaa abowa la ta txrnm of Car aaat aa AMumxj. K. I. ASTROfeOwriCAj. rrtafTa. aa aaoataaaaa fjaa aeto 3 naa & U. na . av: jaaaat .... . - . . . f , . "..HV: I T"5 aa) . ; rrm J ' Jia i r. Wiaatar mi W. LUUm la a rtavroua tf aca aa riaalit auranaaMty. a ataa ka kaa (t cmrarat ataa ta oora Kra, a4 ko kaa acatoa kto aaooaaa aa a fraaa caaaajMua wtouaf miy ay far of kara vara aa4 aalaataaiac aaanctkai aa4 earrfal brraitx froai liUaaka ajeaart aro aaradal tlato4 oror ta raaall for ta roam taal tkla to ta Brat Mat ta foar rra th fcfltoara.kavo ia -wmn4, frcua taa fitaa of ladiaaa, flaat rr"T caaja aaa aar. Ito Rrat wlnnw of tka Kr kTt tmrdiy. aa ro T rr4 C raiia. e Sraloa, taa. It a-aa atoa of Kaif i TUoar DaM rarMat. wa iU Atoaaaoer Ooaa Siuatro. uaan vaara ata artaar U taa aw? far tartir forax-4 aar of li taa. tkaack It raaj aires a oarafal u&S to dtatia ruiak tka aoiata of aajvnortiy TVa trofika a-ara4 ta Mr. Jar waa aaaoa f TlSaar. of .V Tork, fe Mr. . K. aielkajas. at a coat ol II W It la aaaaa of Siarlttvc mr. broBa aa4 oaaaifk. aa4 at a truly anlatia mauca It ataa da M tarka & aeUkL Mr Kalicarr-a amtiriat fa oora aroiaf raa ba acdrratood artra n U tatJ that ta Koltocs Taaatad txca law rv mkicai Va ia aa-atoaaat. kaa aa oatat laajalrtm liaa baakaia of com a oar. rav arocact. lor ua aaaauiac tar. A aoctobar faatar ia ikat kU ta KeUocx aroaac la mri Mrlaat ly froaa aoirt4 ablta oora. tka Ka kites tropky kaa koaa) a-oa rack Uat by a yellow oora aabiMi. Tba tmpky ia otoroa for aaaaal comjx-t" antll va tax by tka aaav pwtf. TW Xadoaal Ctora Sbcr at ailck tk award vaa aaaaa. vaa aa ett of trraaradoaa aaacaita At oaa of tka aroaioaa trmiimt TaR prraaat aad dalirorod aa aadrraa . aUlC 'AUTV GIVEN. Miaa Myrtto Da,,,,, Caid aa By Yawng rrltada katoraay. A aurprkaa party art teodrraa Mtoa tpniJtgoor oa gTardy tti1bk at tka kooia of mt rrnr. Mr. aad Mra. r. C uoajoraa. at nwimiw. TW eraaiac a-aa a?cnMy aprat I caaara aad maaie. Krfrrkmmi vera amod ta tka ft-aaata. Tt room war ory attractively arrat4 Ut tbla oo caaioa a life vxrn and daffodlla. Mra. D"aoraa a-aa aaaatod by Mra. rorabcrf la tka a'rrt!BmeDt of tka yoaag poool. Proacat a-ora MtM Triad Roddy. Mtaa Tora BrUtoa. Miaa AlWna OUrer. Mlaa Ida Berolaa. MUa Ena Rocrra. Miaa HvUia OoLaaua. Mtaa Mlldrad BtaL Mlaa Batkcr Larara; Uo Lar aro, ArH haoa. Sidney WaWroa. Makka Waldroa, FTrd Baker. &aery Rmo. Walter lisman. Jpha Reaat. Eaalt Leiaaoaa. Me!ln Youas. Byrd Toakla. Eraoat Maat. Jr. CataTraaVIWltlO Baker CSry aad PeaO-ioo. wkVa eaaealatod to mai tb reaWiata of faoae toaaa ait as a&d bovL la tae , : Clyde Moaat. Harry -Draper, Tkoaias ( p RaadaJl. Jota T. Clark. Harry S . . u jtoow rst rariety. It la Moody. WUhaai K. ixaa. ,0 iacbe9 looc 7 lacaea la rircara- UiWrr. A. A. Prkte: reeeptioa. Dr. ..a v.. a rawa nT karaala. a ' i if C. Btncklaad. WUliaat Ebeaban, B to tb, lBca la ttk row areraa M of W poara eaaUac lilt tke cala of Baker t. Mt Baua, mmk Boaek una v ( M lBch ta dep aa4 a-l of aa lack CHy aa aaova by tke oeraaeat cea-1 Jooea. Joka Rialey. W. H. "oaeB, J. , oo aalaed ocly J - M aeoote nucwit year.. p,,; C W Eaaa I a I . , ri rcraic HOTEL IB BtTrBJB; umiK waa m toauaerdal dab aad tke Oregoa Oty joIkralKif are tkoae wko hare Vaaiaea avea la extendlc to ita rfstere at tk EloctrVHoteJ : R (rieaas la tk country a cordial tart- U. Wllaon. A. C. Edmoada abd rraad Uttoa to eoave bert next galorday tod daughter, Portlaad; U E. J"0- -mod Booater Day. To ere win be' u ,- Pf-tl.nd- LewU woaalerfal bargat&a la tke atorea taat Laueke. R W. War. Orecoa city; LARGE WESTWARD MOI . CHICAGO. III. April IS (SpacUl Railroad, ceoterliij here bad a een aaa taken aad ta report girea out la that 8S.0M1 peooW haa goom Waat tbla aprlnc oa tka toorlat ratea of tfc SO day period. TfcU Is aald to b 15 per ceat above say prerloaa westward nvorement. POTATO CUDSHY VIT1I FIOPIE HEAT HENRY HEITKEMPE O'A. GATES THEM H0M SEED 01 RECT rBOM GERMANY. Uawi UaaikeoineT. f Coartaey. kas a raaretabW canoalty la tke funa of a parpla ateatad au. whkb a raiaad aaoreaafalry oa bU Mae, aoalk of Milwaukl Mr. lleHkeajprr la tke fatber of Mra Prank Baata. of Orecun Cny. , . Ha obialaod aoaaa ad rtvtai Ccr asaay aad tOaated tb potato la tka aaady Was, oa kta plac. aad aarurod aa eiooUeat crop aa a resale la Oar raaay tk veub ta know a aa tb -Sunday" potato, betag better la Baor aad atora aieall tkaa -tb ordinary a kite poto. Tfc akla La aearly black, abtke tb laaldt U a beautiful dep porpl. TV potato, d?e aot row la kills, no la a rlaaier. but atrtac oot oa a root lis a rin. under ground Mr. Heitkensper lles that grow er la tb Wlllanetie Valley alii ba ao troubl la obuinlag reaults aad ha to eery wining to gl a few potatoes for area to aay peraoa railing oa Mr. Buarb at Oreava Oty or Mr. Halt keasper hlaweU at Courtney. APTltT BROTHERHOOD. A Proarafw af Lac I Bigatficaoca By Local apeahera. Tke Baptlat Bmberkood wlU gl IU atoatkly baaqoot tki alog, wltk tb asoal prograai followtac. Tk lad)e of tka ckarck will glv oa of their anleadld dmoer. aflat which ther will be asoak-al aambera aad a fcalf aozea abort aadroaae. Tka pHndpal tberae of Ik etenlng will b tk diaraaaloa of local aeoda la church aad apiift work. 8rral hwaJ aeiaaan ka aa laenaa talk, kHKiug Ui Meaara. C. II. fry i r Arkaahel. aad Mr. JoDB E. ArgO. of Bpokan. will com aa the outf- towa orator. iw a ran hit haea crotntnent for anave tlm ia RrcNherbood work ia Spokaa nd will bnag to a is aearrra v. .iim nf Kaa anecwaa haa rrowked ttv, eforts of alacora workers la his kosa city. .. REAL EBTATE. Biaanra faSMbair and 1 Oldenburg lo Ckarlea Marraaad. land ta sections a. a. T. 1. tovaahip aouin, range i east; 1:1.000 J. W. Tboratoa li ftoa to Panawr Bank of WllaoarlUe, lot t of block O. WllaoavlII: $W1 J. A. aad UllUa Cobb to J. C WU aoo, lota i. 1. $. . 10. block II, Caaby; 9 - -j 81uuu Oldeabarg aad L. Olden burg to George Lilly. 39 arre of so tlooa I. C 7. . towashlp 4 aouth. rang I : llt.OOflL J. Varley and Emily Varley to c it. Mlelk. .72 of aa acr la Uladaloa; 1V E H. Griffla to wiuum Memaon at al. S rods of aertloa S3, towaaalp S aoutk. rang I aaat; $0. Charles W. Klrkbna ana wu to adverda la oar eolaaias, aad a So prograainte of attract! r eveat that win please old and ywng. Com early aad stay ail day and erening. Eaater was a grand day la the Ora goa City churches. Ia nearly every laataace 'he audteac rooms were crowded to orerOowtcg, and ia several of tk church tb"e were crowds botk morning and evening. Eaater atosic aad Eaater programs wer the order of tk day aad there waa muck effort put fortk to make the occasion a RaecDorabl oa to those who attend ed. Perhaps tfcer was never an Eaat er before la wbica a larger percentage of people attended on dirloe wor ship aad ft is firmly believed that th citizenship of the city is better for tbla fact. EASTER DINNER SERVED. Friends Enjoy th Ocasn With Mr. and Mra. Henry Hanninpaen. Ao Eaater dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hennlngsen at their horn at 114 Third street Sunday af ternoon, which proved a most delight ful affair. Mrs. Hennlngsen waa aa aleted In the entertainment of her guests by Mrs. Mlk Cross and an elaborate dinner was served. Th table was attractive with Its decora tion of frn and hyacinths, and tb living room, reception hall and dining R. W. Zimmerman. W. W. Paid, dry; V. B. Prte!. Bandy; a Searte. Camas. Wash.; E. Wrtgfct. Portlaad; Ous Baorth. Portland; Re. R- H. Owen, Mra. H- Oweaa. Camas, Wash.; M. J. Halaey. Christ gwaaaoa. isc&nsia. , Mrs Ashloa, High Flagstaff in Gladstone. R W. Porter, a member of th G. A. R . whos bom is at Gladstone, la , showing hit patriotism by erecting the tallest flag suf la the new-bora city of Gladatone, and hereafter Old Glory , will wave from a 4Hoot atari. Judo Ryan Will Attend Banquet Judge Thomas F. Ryan arrived here gunday from Needy, where he con ducted a meeting of tb Independent Order of Odd Fellowa on Saturday ! night Judge Ryan is Grand Master of the Odd Fellows. He will come down from Salem Wedneaday night to at tend th annual banquet of the Com mercial Club. i NEW OFFICIAL BOARD. There was th agnual business meet-' Ing of St. Paul's Episcopal church I held In the church Monday evening. 1 It was an enthusiastic gathering and j the reports from th several commit tees gave evidence of new life. Tb new members to the official board j were chosen as follows: F. T. Barlow, B. A. Chapman, C. W. Evans, Dr. U A. Morris, John R. Humphry, V. Har ris and Carl Joehnke. Patronize our advertisers. American Wives' Incompetency Drives Husbands to Drink Br Mr. ANNIB NATHAN METER. Founder of Barnard College, a. nun at antAT DIAL ASOUT POOH, vJBBBFliaw vvlvaa .' ABANDONED BY DRUNKEN HUSBANDS. I BELIEVE THAT MANY AMERICAN MEN ARE DRIVEN TO DRINK J , IY.THI FACT THAT THEIR STOMACHS ARC BTARV INOL AND THE POOR CREATURES THEY MARRIED ARE STARVING ALSO BECAUSC THEY . DON'T EVEN KNOW ENOUGH TO FEED THEMSELVES. " M at "' r-i-yj " There U s great deal said about motherhood. Of course we must be mothers, but WHY" DONT AMEIUOAN WOMEN BEGIN BY lEAnNINO iO BE ' WIVES ! - In ererrtbing relating to the home we are INCOMPETENT CHHDHEN compared with the women of France and Oertnanj. : TlicreV a great deal of rot talked about DESERTED WIVES. , I've a sneaking suspicion that s man doesn't desert s home worth , living in nr s wife who iaows bar buaineas. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die EnbosMrx; Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE b the (rent rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAK SYSTEMS - - Ate Yen A r.loaty Sarer Meat ary ae te k a aaaaey Mvf M Sma aaaed t aav toa thlr In, ta UT,. T?" aava thf are I. . 1 plag Pepl arb antJt th aa aa adtkawt sfr save: thay waa a ap awaa aay aito toita raet aaaa f. H1 twnltl tny bav aalsssd. Tk aaeral MS f i ii Baala raawlar aavlaa at taia w.-. ... ta Inoaaaa. saah the I'ttla Uaa aad aavs th iXl!m it s a si"Mt aaattar t atari a aavhtaa acasaat hera, '" " The Bani cf Ont Qtf o c ijTOURjrrni r. j. msto, THE FIRST NATIONAL BriX of OREGON OTY, OREGON CAMTAL, WjmM. ' m . Bukl Bnalwaaa OewraeS A- tLto,,,,' R. W. & R. S.W.ud MACHINISTS a Wa d aeral rapalrlna. rk) aaa Hi nry atads t as aj wark nw. Eapert with) aesellw aaaia. pmmi: Mils irH Ha its. i . 10S FOURTH STREET. 0RE00N CITY. W. W. Metigef and wife, lots 11. 14. block 13. Gladstone: II. W. W. Matfger and wlf to Jal Roaenkrana. lota 13, 14. block 13. Clad atoa; 1. Aaolpk aad Aaguata Uramat to joaa .ait a nala A. Komi. 1 bcr of aectkMi S3, lownsklp 4 aoatk, rang I aaal; U0o. Kaatera-laveatmeat Company to Cal It, Wlailar. Ims I a C. 7, j. t, H. mil T block 3d: tl- UTESTJIASKETS Part land Markets, a actinia db ibis market (or tba week ending Saturday bav b0 tSOO cattle, t calve, 1303 boga, 4310 bep aad 61 boree an cnuiea. 1 a .amrtaln amount of strength aad a higher rang of prices were charac ter tot lea of tfc eattl markL Good steers wenLlQ.. 7.snd aa com par o wltk lfc e-k before th market waa i bout tic higher. Th. hoe market ranged from IS to IT 'S wlifc loos telling at I7.S0. Tba sheep market waa aot liberally supplied and tka demand waa acttv. prices ranging ateedy to stroag al th previous week t avarag. Than waa- aom laaulrT for bora and a few eel wer made. Tb aorta market Is taking oa mor activity aa wltk a broaded supply from which to make choic. buyer cae ! their want. Th following aala ar repreaenta- U: . . 1371 11M 51 at ear s SI steers ICS steers 173 tteer 3 calve 1 atag 1 bull 10 bulla US amine tamba .. 110 lambs sheared . wether wool . . Jig wether sheared IS cows 4 cows . ; cows . 3 cows . . (4 boga . SO bogt . S3 hog . 7 hoca . t drafters I chunk .. 1 driver . 1 aaddlr . 1343 300 1330 ....1730 .....1430 40 ..... 6 ..... 3 ss 1040 ....v.... 800 SSS ...... ...1033 1S7 330 330 S7S 17.60 to I to S.70 1 00 S.7S S.3S 4 t 17 too S.10 ' 4.7S S.7J t.00 4.SS 4.7S 7.60 TJ8 7.10 aoo AA IIS zoo 100 Ooly a few of gnd stock art all a" Ik country; at that laeri 1J mvj twsia ior BiHD tAMataatka Buyers bav sfsmrrd tkla MctkaaJ' iy tboroaghly and ia laoa aha have pnuioat inZtZ lag for tb ooi.M. prke. frJzZ from It SS to cat nipaih va iau,a a inns SI(BW. Oregon City. Msrksta. Th market reports from th Eaal tell of a falling off la prlcce oa gen eral provlalona which, naturally, mean th falling off on local production aad oa food stuffs generally. If there 1 any falling off la th local mark It la la sympathy with this general re duction quoted In tb EaaL and Id certain commodities area this fact baa not landed to any reduction. APPLES lioctl stocks ar prtty well cleaned! up and what ar left ar not very good. Prices for local stock rang from 75c to fl.SO, aad as mock of tba stock la Ben Davis It la not natural that th outald piic should rang. Hood River stock la sailing from l.t0 to $3.60. POTATOES Damand for good local stock la fair and tk supply limited. YtCGETAritJO) Uttls ekaat. aL iaat ruorti ani.tos art a ttttaj ftfe " la price but other vegetkhto) raato about tba asm a Onkiat 1. tanm aad carrots T&c to tl tacawaBaii to 11.31 aack. cabbage k poeat ft, vegetable ar cwairag La. CaBhrib la aendiag many tklsgt, tt i kg prto. Local lattoc Milt k ka (adlahaa Se. ontoas tc: CklUortk to tac 10e head, asparagu Us to jju Mexleaa tomalues 10 pooal KLOITI AND FCED-Uttk) aatsi ia Soar; soiling does to It tilt tot brlngleg about IS W; totat tt a at t to. la feed tba tsadaaqr k a ward, Dran roBtuaat git a . 114. shorts to tt. roUat baky -10. proreas barley 1L rMi an $39, cracked corn 110. WHEAT The local aurttt It wheat la a trine better aid 0a pat advancing a little froai aat iwat Tka latest quota Haas art far Me, tot If tb grade la above tka ttatdtn at may get a trtfl short titt arte, la cal holders trt very ttlf tti ft at wsbMo aelL HAT ia eery weak a4 Itr e maad. Thoa wha hart t abanlk aot wall protected waat to kt ft, tat lag th price to gradtany ttttlt b 1 lower level Clover tt tt lis, aat bt 111 to 113. timothy 111 aal Hi it ; fa command 111 to tit, ..... OATS liealers baylag ftf tikaat , to mt th a-raand la U doa. fV-lag-gray 3t. aklt 1US ttpl Ikat tke Buirket It wttk ul tattt 1 factory. .- ' nrrrTltn-Thera U -tut taup b quotathoaa for dairy, Iks irMkl battar raagiag tram 'eoantry that la not bring mor than lOe tad IK ""J" .a that rmurr I IP off i prlc in c.nalaM at W dairy being mor pleaUfal a 0ttait of tka year. aotik)as tean ar mad at 7oc and Tfc tha n BOOS-Th pric U tWk- being down a rnt-l- WM Tailing quotation tt ta maad fairly good and J, very few thlpplng t4 Utut tBT POULTRT-Prlcet higher and the drmatd otl T bring ISC roosters TV Zl aad mlied ehlckent 13e tt It r log doing ta larger toL . - M BATS Pork boga bringing c and K: JJJ cheaper and pric for ia to and 10c, larger lower nnir. , Mutton hrtattF accordlag to acsreity. HIDES-Clreen to PJmJ dry hides lie to 14c. to Tie ch. " , WOOL arm H to 1 "" mohair lie to loo. Se sad 7e, tua drltd K, sti S ALT-Stlllng 60c tt I 7M U lb. sack, half groo mv 100 lb. tacks. g I III tg f ACtTtOWIS and dutrba to ride and aa hi wt SJ?Z,mv ft L L , A Baaa taorrl f orntahad br aa. Otir a-rnUanrtor 7 i iu xrrtvaaWKi Ik h Ail tttJV2tt3SSmi2tfl ii im m ili s mt iwk V yeoa)eauu.elevo.aal tt i . i i n.air-nl T7Tt- Bliick Urn yva may rid the Morel and P"!"?!, tow torn aralhe ant perfectly satiatad or 60 aot iaW "JEaV . nycl h lo It Iwl to n at our epna and r .T'lr.cia K S' f f W rurelaatb hlaneM i1 jTlaTa "" "w-ponlbie to mate Jo br"" aAatl factory anat. To aa v lit to ail.klh'man a IK0" In direct of o nd har th ainarctarar a " " bicrcle DO liOT few a Wrciaor a pir of uJ"lZ!uZlm trtn an til yoa eaeetv oar ulora and kara oar aara-" f 1 "Til i at r. s:ir-K::li;vTirc3 ZSXZZZ 1 m, nptamn HmfitiiDM t.'A m AM .... 1 ... . 1 ." eiat. aia aat M tr tr aat. -- " .wtniMiiu ua 111 atMi lml v . r . In all .!. ft ' and aa nam, very durable and linad iiultl will aaurviaiqnaniaorraifliar. Wh flh umi """" I'Toat ana wnien ckaa up email a , : taatw,liSi?fow,B'lh'' F I awteheMatr-' I.iL; .tiJr,tlre"b,T,0r "b"n """"Part od once V I m2t '0" la rl ' VtZin'T .aa--a,l..Uai.-aa4Vo?4. r" tTUafa Ym..'m.m.-..lZ?l f1 rrT.Iaa.Jf i Si Am.