Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 16, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Least
2 Ste K '-7
. in
N'X'v 'aV-- vf lilt 1UUJI liv ivi
&M " ilk- A : . i
value guAun. Piatt
0Mgf?$B TT -
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Oregon City's Big
Department Store
Prcparalory to a combination of the hppy Easier and Booster Day, we have made double preparation to
meeilbe wants of tbe people, and eVery drpirtroent of the bi tore ha been l. JfTS??
de at lowest noss2Ie neT Special feature of the Booster Day wiU be READ Y-M ARE ALL WOOL
TAILORED SUTTS for LADIES. The well-known high grade Palmer Garment suits r for ladies
will be on sale at most accomodatinz prices. Many bandsome suits in.lower priced garmenU-will-be-on-aale
: " .
New Spring
Dress Goods!
warn, a! je. murL km-y dsat tbe arj-br xk. . Tw CM tT BOOey
ly teyinr Drw G& att nn sxwe.- r . " .-r-1
Elaborate Display of Wash Goods Zfel
Pzcea'tttn JDc lo 7c per vwSL
The Big Shoe-Department
Hc tale m cm tr iocs i lior. ll ivr frco factories
&st rtood tbe VsA ti tm Q-irr Qakr. Liu & CXiu't,
Sdz Mid GrswcrV. (or ladtn chuires. Cioar&, ALfccTo.
Sdz. Brkr. Ber?aaat ad CtiQesi for rtra lad bojv Yo
tale do cLuce Jt yo Iwr ; oor iJet brre.
SHOES sad PIMFS lo ld. ad ds3die yon opened,
Ivt carhr LcTen. Tlie preraiLm drei bc lor Udes tfe
paieat Ud Oxford and Pncv
Easter Time and
Booster Day
, . ' - . ' -
mfti four opportunity to hvy your prij
auk at the B Stort. Ue have then sow
ia all the leadics Sprisg Datterm ia ariou
cdott of rjaia aad tfriped. 'Our Booater -
price of Mea'f aimi Youaj Meo'i Sh inr- ; .
our BUFFALO SPECIAL U fronlfiSO to $18 00. U!,
vailms pride of 015. ' '
HART. SCILFFNER & MARKS bjh rade auks. U Spnpt
kid that leada the mark ice $22.50 to $3000,
Easter Sale of 3IiIIinery
ExzaoxanBCTknr pricr wiE preraS as our
ViZjjxrr "DepKtoaxaat. kr Easier and Boost-r
tw ' ' . "
Lak Tomsxi Hata. comet ia fyVr aad
casideat xa aeaaace to u tbc SKat a
avctinf tmAe. Do &ot ia2 t aoe our mSmfTy
and jt ow low prkes. A larpe aMortsat of
a aad c&jOrsa f Lata.
Ladies'and Children's
Dresses and
Middy3 Blouses
Larg aaaoftzziexi of ladies."
ae aad di2dreai UKuIia uoder
(an&eDtt at BootSex Sale prior.
Big Furniture Department
Ve ar bow ahma? a confide up-to-date Lae of JFurniture.
Stores. Rogt. Wail Papery Ovteraioore Mattreaae. M'bdow
S&ades and Lace Gotaiat. Special Prices fot r Booster Dajs.
ware, Hardware; House FurciihiEgi. Toj asd Fancr Cooda.
Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, Ore.
Ladies Waiils,
Middy Blouses
and Undenvear
Nrw Spring line of Ladiea' Sfik
Waists. Faae white Law aod
Tailored Waists.
Men's and Young -Hen's
Furnishing "
Your wants ia Wearing Apparel rappU kot
at Booster Prices.
. rfeadwear. Neckwear. Uodertrttf ai
Footwear; F2be Dress Shirts ia NegSjee wi
Cj4flUt Ckf-a ksra avt ti
f tint S.arm rrtA7 rftiK
fidOa rve Ufiu timi Bsxj
rtalr as4 a prrB.i vrgiiJutkie
C Ha4rtaa: traarr. C. A. mt.
ft tM VmS44 t W14 a bbrK oa
TaMay ia, AJU 25. a4 a pr
craaa tammSeut w wtA4, m
fUkrva; if. C. H4rVt, L A. E4
f Lkt wWft) vU 1 a14 oa rrV
4r rr-i. Ar!) n, at tte
tk rcnla)x umm prtnjpi7 to
swhY tW tiw wi3 sia: 1. "K-
rUo-S A fio Vy If S O- Ow
iC H'.mvim' is fit err
-wIH t ttr rrtra Vr ts
j"7orf rtmr: 1. -Cfcri Aro:"
t .tn-ci:', r ci-
r(erK to Emut ta4 fk Eauer
euKia, STtoa lty twit VU
.ra J fcT
Cmf mpenU'4i'. Gary C t
a-ew 1 asct aar4 Mnbr.
Mr. T. J Oarjr t to R fnltr
bmK vl-a tt Voar Unrj ti
aW!io ( km
Imt wrVxla. TV Wart is vK9t4 of
Kmt. Btevton. priM2t of r ( O-j-UiOwArt
of FMie Iwtyar
kia L . Al6Ttta mx T. I. Otrr.
wvnetUmAM. T Cladtiaua etr.
TV vnc baa4 at ta;s tin is
i nalriti tVAc f a wort oa Tb
ory ai4 Prvt of Teiii ax4
work oa F73ofeC7. Tb boara la aa
rorjOt aa to a ciAc btwa lo
roiv-i aid v cJT t t a
os4 'xbsIi.c- bfor f4ioa h
mA, 0?k axvmixwat wfJ aot fc
' aoa J'r awral ya-
TVrr vi3 ba tv vntntam of
cial atoale tor tVc atrrVj at ti Cob
srIEadoaal crnarca oa SnaaAy. la ta
at tUatiat OvureX.
Th Phil&tbM aa4 BarraMaa Oob
of tb BaaUat eara ca a aapp-r
at ta Baydat efevrck partora a rrt
lr Tfc at areeaaaa t-
tail $. aa4 tMa H be ao4c4 to th
agiMaoaarr fa4. Ta eaoir of tb
cbarra aa imrUM to partako of tb
viwt pryw4 br Xoa voo(e
d. c. LATommrs mumt r. x
CAWTAL, faavaoaaa.
a arat 9Mg awa OaM frtm 9 A. L aa 1 a. M
R.W.&R. SLWaxi
W aa afal rapalring, rha aiadtlnaff aiaaa ta a aa gaaa
' worli as aaw. Cxaarta wHfc aaaUna wg1a.
raonaa: Mala 2W4. Hmm IMl
is isd's cum
Oaroue W. MrOio7 Lkj 4 a
uil I'r iTr acajaat Bi t U(
CbaT. Tbr r atarrVi4 at brrw
it. iraa RVg.f. a4 aiac
bHr icarrpc tb aaabaxia atat
tbat bia vif Lu tratH blsa enttVr
tzA TAf!4 hit bttrdBBOiB. a&4
b&jtxM. Tfrrj BKrr4 to tbia t&T
oa BTtttT r. IVia, at MxjrrJr
fur (Mr rrtTl br Mrs. MGar
boeaat yaVmi of bar fewabaa ba
b taJt4 to acr f bia trte&as. Sb
bad a BafTriMB 4iporVa. aa
eai4 ka aoltt tbclaaiag "
r4 b4 lool.-
Wba b ww 4 mara biaur tiakt
trovk bis vvrk b woI4 fia4 bis 1f
l7liC oa a euarh ra)a a ao!. a&4
ao n!WT artoar. aftr b vaa tired
froai kt work. gb alao UM bin tbat
sb ibd sbc bad avr aera biat la
bar life.
McGaba7 aays tbat bia tfe baa
ibd aoaay tim to rtrft bar par
u at Gordoa. oclaaa coaatr. aad
tbat b bad r a tar aa Wcaateb,
WaaV. wttk br aad bad br
Bwaer for br oa aae. aad after sb
bad ba tbera Cor aoia tiave. aftar
proaaisiac to rtar to Orxoa City.
b bad T. A. Kile. putr abertff. of
fbl eitr. aad tba aberlS of Dov-Uaa
eovtitr. Wab,toea bis arw and
placa bm la tb eoaotr JU at Ora
Otr. wbldi tii oa tb lJtb of April,
111. which was wttboat eaaa or )atV
fieaUoa. Ha waa cbaraad with aa
amlas; bis wlf, which waa fala. H
rlalaaa tbat ha win ar b abU to
II r wtm br aala ow1a to hr abaa
toward k). which haa baeoaia aa
bearabla. Cor C- BrowaaB la th
attonr It plalatlff.
wood for barUL C4t Wiinm. of
Tkau, (j-njm, ElArr A, HorMt. of ,
Waterloo. Ocoa. Cir SltrfTJtL of ,
thl'rit. U prvaid at tb aerrte. -
Ga9r waj a4 iniiif Oay.
Warar Graaaa m aot bold lu '
rcular Mttui aril gatordar oa a-
roaat of B'Jc-r DT. Tb aviator
arc a3 -fo:ti' boocta for Clark- j
tataa eoaatr. aad poarpoaad tb ;
Graac mtmtg la ardrr ta partidpat ;
ta tb 'jrx'Jkm at Orx Otr. i
Gorc WlMtacr ad family ft
rrVdar BMraita- to pd Eifr wtth
Mrs vnmbtr-rm mtvrr. Mrs. Ola Ball,
at Hood Elrer. Oracoa.
' MUwMkl Graas bld aa all-day
BMticc Baturaay wUk a boasUfal
pread at aooa which all )ot4.
Eoti& baaiaaa aad fara) arss
tvn on fJ mlBg,
Wcawi of Woodcraft bald aa latr
cstlM; BMar Ftldar TiiaK, Two
caadtdat wr taitiatd. Tb Uada
Gaard wcra all.praat la their arw
aarforma. R.rahta of paach and
eookia wr crrad aad a good time
bad aa aaa bf aa preacaL If roa
want a Kood tiaaa aad your aaisa la
to tb Vmi of Woodcraft
Mr. aad Mrs. C. B. BaaaU. of Oak
Gror. aubdd th Graac atlag
A boat Bfrwa of tb Oak Gror peo
l beloar to tb Wosm of Wood
craft In MJ)wkJt
The Spirit Of The Resurrection
Rom. 6.U14
Youno; Peopled Christian Endeavor
' Prayer Meeting at 6:45 P. M.
, LacitMa nm April 41 ayafh an4 Jafrarsan ttraata.
APRIL 7i 5AE3ATH BENEF1TS-Ia 58:1-14
M. C. Chareh la Oiva alal tarylaa
ta CanaraaatlaN and Ffl
Thar will ba a apaclal Kaster pro
araas at tba M. E. eharch thia arealnx,
with tba foltowlaa procram:
Hyna CoBTatVii
gcrlptar rdloc aad prarr ,.pator
Aatbia .bbit
Leonard Thompaoa
Daat Eaator UgbU
Qaat aad Elalaa Cos
Racttatloa "A New Uttl Girl la
Havea'' ...Maada Kaoaady
Bserciaa Slstaan Boy
Boot; ..Primary Claaa
Uly Drill Twla Girls
Radtatloa Otl Worth
Racttatloa Adah Maaa
Choras Boys aad Girls
ReHUtlon Tar gunblny Daada-
lUm" Marloa Hlckmaa
Raeltatlon .......Ruth Katcbnm
Easter Drill E1(M Glrla
Mcmorlil taryicM Sunday.
Thar will ba memorial serVlcaa at
th Mountain View church oa Bandar
mornlne at 11 o'clock la memory of
tba lat Elder 3. P. AlMaoa, who W
at bla bom at Mountain View on April
I, and tba remains wera taken to Bher-
We are bating aoco .ir waather
bow which tba faraacra are ectoytag
aad aukiag j'od a of. .
Mias Lcy MKta west to her bom
Friday after f-ncblug acbool all weak
at Ln Ei4er.
RaMrh Boer left laat week for
Madford wbr ha lataada to )ota hi
brotbr Lloyd la worklag oa a farm.
Prank Htltot's Uttl aoa Bblrll haa
had aa attack of paaamoala.
Earl Kocber haa proecadad to flnlah
tb reat of tb Drlaad school.
Mra. Jim Mlua aad'daagbtar Lacy
attended Retpkah lodga at Needy Saturday.
K TbomMM and Fmmi If.
Tbomoaon t al to C. W. Jen kin t. 44
acre of land In Clackamaa eoonty;
Cladton Real Eatata Aaaoelatlon
to E. M. Varley, 7t aeraa la Gladstone;
Vera A. Cross and Robert A. Smith.
of Portland, war sraated a maniac
licet) In tbla dty oa Saturday after
Ordlnanc Na.
Aa Ordlnanc granting fo A. l
Beatle, bla heirs, aoccaaaors and aa
algna for a period of 2t years, tba
right and prtniega to erect, main
tain and operate aa Illuminating
gas plant In Ore on City, Oregon,
and th right and prim; to COB
atruct underground condulta and
mains with all aeeeasary manholes
and other appliance In and tinder
tba street and alley aad public
. hlgbwaya of Oregon City, for con
ducting and eoTylDg Illuminating
gaa for publle and prtrat aae, and
to maka tba Beoeaaary eonnactlon
therefor, and to charge rent and
toll and to collect tb aame, and
acakiaglt a iaiadimaaor for any
persoa to lsterfcfa wkh cr nolt
tbe aald graataa. bla sacceanrs or
aa!gna ia tba eajoynteat of tb
prtrtltge heraia granted upon said
rta, alley a aad pabHc hlgbvay
Oraa City doe ordain aa fot
krwa: Section 1. A. L, BeaUe. bla heirs,
aocce ora or auigna i hereby
granted. nt)ect to tb ennaidera
tiaoa aad eiad,lttoa la tfcla ordi
aaac coatalned. tb risbt aad prlr
tlege to erect, coaatract aad aula
Ula as Illuminating gaa plant la
Oregoa City. Oregon, and th right
aad prlTlleg' to maaa factor Dlam
I nailer gaa. aed to coo tract aoder-
, groaad condulta, mala aad pipe j
ni an Decemaary aunaom a do
other appllaAcea, la and under tbe
a'reet. alley and public bighwaya
of aaid city, for cond acting and
coareylDg aaid gaa. aad to charge
and collect tolla therefor.
Sectioa 2. All rigbu aad privi
lege hereby granted ahall esplra
at tb end of 2S years from tbe date
of tbe acceptance of tb terms snd i
eonditions of this ordinance, by tba
aaid A. L Beatia, and In tba avant
tbe aald A. L Beatle. bla heirs or
aaalgna. ahall fail, neglect or rerusa
to perform say of tba obligations
or requirement Imposed by tht
ordlaaace, tba grant and prlTllegea
hreta mad eaall b tarmlaatad
aad aaaallad by tba Couaril of tb
City of Oregon City aad th aaid
grantee, his hairs or aaalgna ahall
b daemad to bar forfaited an tba
rights and prtrtlefea hereby grant
ed. Sectioa 2. When any rxearatloa
ska4 ba mada ta say of tba atraata,
'slleya or pablie highways of tb
city aforesaid, aad for tba purposes
of carrying out tba rights- and priv
ileges granted herein, then tba said
grantee, his heirs or aasigns, ahall
reatora tba portion of tba street,
alley or pabll highway ao exca
vated, to tba aama condition In
which It waa prior to tba opening
thereof, aad ail of the work ahall
ba doa In etrlct compliance with
tba rules, regulations, ordinance
or orders bow 1b force, or which
may b adopted from tima to time,
daring tba cootfnaauce of tha ilf
of tbla franchise, by tba Council of
aaid city, or aa may ba otberwtae
pro rlded by law.
It la further provided that the
proper city authorities may require
tbat any opening or excavation In
any hard surfaced pavement. In
any of tba atreeta. allcya or publle
highways of said cltraball be filled
In and tba pavement replaced by
tba city authoritiea. and tba coat
thereof. Including the coat of In
spection, and iipenrlslou ahall be
paid by the aald grantee, bla helra
or aaalgna, and the city authoritiea
may require a deposit with the City
Treasurer of a aum of money auffl
clent to pay aald coat, by aald
grantee, bin helra or aaalgns, he
lore auch opening in any of the
said streets or slleys or publle blh
waya ahall be begun.
Section 4. The power aad right
to at all tlmea to reasonably regu
late In tba publlo Interest the exer
cise of tbe right and privileges
herein granted, shall remain In, and
be veated In the Council of ssld
Section 5. The ssld grantee, his
heirs or assigns, under tba direc
tion of th street committee of tba
Coaacil. saay make all accessary
excavations la aay street, alley or
public highway of aald city for the
parpoae of laying down coadaitaj
mala or pipe, aad th a wry
maaholea aad other appJlaacee fori
making roaaectioaa thereto: aad :
for tb purpose of repairing and
opera t tag tba aama, . I
Sectioa I Nothlag ! this ordJ-j
aaace shall be construed as la aay
wis to prevent tb City of Oracoa
lag. planking, repairing, altering or
dotag aay work that may ba deelr
able oa aay of tbe atraeta, ailaya or
pablie hlgbwaya of aald city, bat ail
work ahall ba done, if possible, ta
each maaner aa not to obstruct, la
rare r Bravest the free aae and
opera Hob of said raa system of
said grantee, hlabeirs or aaalgna.
But la caae it may ba necessary to
remove or lower aay of the coa- j
smia, mains or pipe iionHN i
the Improvement of any street,
alley or public highway, then the
said grantee, hie hirs or aaalgna,
ahall after notice to do the aama,
nak all change accessary aad
called for promptly and at bia or
their cost. Aad If after notice as
aforesaid, the said grantee, bia heirs
or aasigaa ahall fail, neglect or re
fuse to remove, lower or change
any coodnlt. main, pip or man hoi
or other appliance la connection
therewith as aforeeald. thaa the
City of Oregon Cltf by it properly
constituted authoritiea may do tba
aame, aad charge aad collect tba
coat thereof, from tba said gran tea,
his heirs or assigns.
Section 7. ' Tba right aad priv
ileges granted herein are granted
upon the conditions herein named,
and npoa the following considerations:
1. The aald grantee ahall within
thirty daya from and after the final
passage and approval of this C 11
nance, file la the office of tha Re
corder of Oregon city, hia written
acceptance of tbe aame, eubject to
all ' the terma. obllgatlona. restric
tions and provision la thla ordi
nance contained, and If upon tha
expiration of tha aald thirty daya,
ha haa failed or neglected to Ale
auch acceptance, thla ordinance
ahall become wholly void, inopera
tive and of no effect.
- 1. The aald grantee, his helra or
aaalgna, hereby consents and agree
to perform and abide by all th
terma, requirements and condition,
required or Imposed by any provi
sions of tba City Charter a poo tha
granting of franchtee right a -and
privilege, whether recited herein
or not. .
3. Tha aald grantee, bis heirs
or assigns, ahall not ba compelled
to pay to Oregon City any compen
sation for the rights and privileges
herein granted, for tba first tea
years of the life of this franchise,
but after tha expiration of aald
period, tba aald grantee, hla hairs
or aaalgna. ahall choose one person,
and tbe City of Oregon City, by Ita
duly conatltuted authority (tha City
Council) ahall chooae on person,
and auch persona aforesaid shall
chooae a third person, and they
shall constitute a board of arbitra
tion to fig tba compensation which
tha aald grantee, hla helra or aa
algna ahall pay yrly to Oreaon
City, for tbe remslndnr of tha llf
of this franchise, for the right and
prl flag herein granted. . -
Section I. Tha aald grantee, hla
. heirs or assign ahaO fsrtial hit
- Oir rf rtrrena fltr. CMS now
each lighting atrvtr MO
city may require, aad at t Mat
able cost therefor. j
Sectioa Ta xM L L hat
his bears or aasttas smbf urn
and eoveeaeta ta iaitnrfy a
save harmless tb City at Orw
City and th offken am
against all dtaga. eoea s
peases whatsoever, ta skirt a
they may be ub)ct a ananas
of the acts or sectset si s
grantee, hla tr er asapa.Ur
their ageata or aamata, k a
maaaer arising from tb rklti
privilege hereby graatet-t
franchise and th rKita ai f
lieges granted tberesader tol
be construed aa aay n!tatHB
tba City of Oregoa City ttm
Ita proper aothorttka, M IPS
rights, privileges
. other persons or corporstloa.
liar to or different froa tbsnW'
la set forth, is sad aadsr fts
atreet. alleya aad pabll aH
SectlOB 10. It
for any person or P0
anthorUed by the araatea. aU
or assigns, or br th
goa City, by Ita
tuted autboTltie. to
meddle with. Injur or injw
of th wndergroosd casK. a
pipe, or other pplUDc arM
taa aaad in or aa a fJJ,
upon or asder say cfj m
alleys or publle
goa City, sad any P"
sons vlolatlag anf f,Jfl
of thla section ahaD
guilty of a mlademessar. aal if
convict loo thereof ahaUMJ
labed by a fine of sat
tio or more than .
priaonmeat la "jWfiiTw
thaa I daya nor mors twi M
or by both auch fin w
sent ' -v
Section II. Th
herein provided shall bI
eighteen ntmtbaaftarW,
of this ordinance
pleted within a reaaonae"
tbaraafter, m
Th. trantee. $h
ahall before ""Lyejit
hlmaeiror Jmffp
privlleta. W
of aseavatlna f r
. I- elna nT DIP"
aald la or ander any rf
..ley. "dpubMc blf;,.
bob Cltr. ieut to aai. ,
good aad eumeient son- g
proved hrth. 0l-
la tha aura or i y-rMZmi
npoa the iWJWJEETat '
th Arms and "7 1
ordinance, snd to 1 w ,
aald oity scainst sn
son of tearing np nrVu, 1
or public ,MW'J
grantee, Us rtrV2if r '
eaaa he or IVmsU
fuaa to replace Iba aamata
condition aa befor .i
vtded that If sfter J -his
heirs o ssl"!r r
In Oregon Cltr. ,
plant or ayatem that tM i
valuabla .-. . , '
may be canceled, t .
tnala In full force al 'Lf
Read first tlm andord' u
tUbed at a apecial ruclj,
City Council o fj 0r t
Son. held WAPJM.