Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1911)
MORN IN O ENTERPRISE, - SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1911. 9. ftortrtg Vranb Clotirr LOCAL BRIEFS ' John i rk. of Canby. was In Oregon City tm iiiininsa roasy. ..-, v..i. nnimiinlon wreathes and vrili. m MIhs C. Ooldsmlth'a. Mr- II. Hettman, of Sbubel, waa In lhl nty it Friday. rr..,i Mtiaualer. of Carus. waa In Ore- gun City on Friday. Huts trimmed and nntrimmed for Jwlrr at Miss C. QoldsmiUt a. u'liiiiiin flrlsenthwslte. one of the WM known farmers of nearer Creek, hs In this city .on, Friday. the service at the BaptlHt Hiurrh -will be given by the choir. tul will be a musical program, roaum-morallve of Easier. r..n.tniinton aervlce wsa held In the ChrUt Kvk Lutheran church Friday, Kh w rvice appropriate to tbe day (feud Friday. .,.. - Tbe luUlea of St. Paul'a pariah will buld un Kuater Market this afternoon. In the Weluhard building on Main street. F. W. McLaren, proprietor of Wll bolt HprinM, waa In Oregon City on rrlday. having Juat returned from a butni'H trip to Portland. Mvtulota and" Rock Bprlngs eoel, iM-kml Biid delivered In sny. quantity. OrrsoiM'ommlsslon Co., pacinc Main 101. Home A BO. On April !3 there will be' no service la t'hrl.t Ev. Lutheran cburcb. Rev. P. Schmidt preaching on that day In Salem. Ch.rl.ii P. Slocum. of Jennings Lodge, was la Oregon City on Friday. Lyman Latourette, an attorney of Portland, waa In thla rlijr .on.-lega Vdiums Friday. - At tile M. K. church Sunday evening (Mr will be a program by the Sunday a-fcl, with muBlc and literary num tor commemorative ot Easter and lie Raster aeason. Tfc. nnmn fit Ire nlsnt Is nutting ion a new plank platform and aide-. slk at Its worka on Twelfth atreet blrh will prove a convenience to pat rons and make It polble for pedes Irisna to keep out of the mud. Ti... uwlal alven bv the Artisans at the Woodman Hall on Thuraday even ing was a most enjoyable affair. Tbe octal was In tbe form, or a maaquer ide. and many of the members ap peared enmasque. Refreshments were tervi'd. Tuutim w. w. if. Ramaon oertormed the ceremony making Earl Chamber lain and Cynthia Elisabeth Weatover man and wife on Thursaay afternoon, it hi office. They are both Portland parties but came up to the Falla to let tied In a good eubatantlal fashion. Mr. Holman, of Beaver ureex, waa In OreRon City on Friday. Joe linnta. who waa accused of try ing to beat his board bill by Mrs. C. H. Jeremiah, of the Cliff House, plead guilty and borrowed tbe money and paid Mrs. Banta 15 ana waa reioaaeu. Easter Accessories LADIES' WHITE WAIST: At tractive and stylish. Vary rea sonable prices, 65o up. Underskirts, white and black, 80c to 12.50, Good value. Hosiery for all the'famlly. W.-B. Eddy & Son It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise eBJBBSBBBBSJBB ' A Poor Article . Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readera, nowadays, are DISCRIMINATING. They know valiaa they know GENUINE things, genuine opportunities. Any artlela whloh ean be sold by advertising Is, by that test, GOOD article. : YOU are safe In buying a thing which has "stood the fir of publicity." ' ' V . The msksr of a wjdsly advertised article,' or commodity, la el ye en trial for Ma business life. He esnnot shirk, nor chsspen hie product and thla la the beat possible protection for the consumer. You are SAFE In buying advertised things It's trie logio "ovdsya bualnsss eondltlone. ' " Our Eoster Suits arc attracting the attention of the smart dressers and we are al ways pleased to shtfw'the new style features of "Society Brand" clothes for men and 4 'La Vogue" suits for Ladies Prices $15 fo $35 4- I J. Levitt Hants claimed tie waa not trying to beat Mrs. Jeremiah, but sa It was'1, cheaper to borrow the money and pay up ne um so 10 seme the esse and save further costs. There have been many favorable comments on the Enterprise article In reference to the Woman's Club taking I up tbe proposition to make a public I park of the hillside, from Canemah Ion tbe south to the Congregational church on the north. All who have ex pressed themselves are unanimous In tbelr opinion that the club might do a wonderful work In advertising the beauties of the city and country. PEOPLE POINTED OUT Mrs. Durst and baby, of MuUno, were In thla city on Frldajr. Miss Edith Cheney, of Portland, was In this cliy on irrldsy vlsltlpg with friends. Attorney C. II. Dye Waa in Portland Friday assisting In the settlement of an eatate In which Clackamaa county partlea are Interested. T . Judge ' J. IT. Campbell Is limping about with an Injured foot; nothing aerloua but a trifling annoying to a man naturally aa active as tbe Judge. Messrs. Robert Beetle, J. E. Jack and Emat Mass went to MolaJla on Tburaday, where they attended the funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Susan Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Hughes, who have been spending their honey moon In'Portland and at Forest Drove, have - returned to Oregon City, and havejaken up their residence at Bol ton. Mr. p. J. Holohan. of Twin Falls. Idsho. brother of Mrs. II. J. Hsrdlng of this city, who has been visiting for severs! daya at the Harding home on Main atreet, left on Friday morning for Portland where he will make bis besd quarters, he has accepted a position Mr. C. E. Webster, of Fargo. K. D., la in tbe city for a few daya and while here la a guest of Rer. and Mrs. 8. A. Hsyworth. He has Interests near Btan Held. Oregon, and will go there to look after mattera of business Interest to himself. Miss Lillle Beeman, of Portland, la In thla city visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Oscsr Minor, of Seventh street. Miss Allle Ware, who waa called to The Dalles, by the death of her coueln, and whoae burial took place on Thurs day, returned to her home' In this city Thursday evening. , - , aa traveling salesman. ' . Mrs. "Anna Hayes, who haa been vis iting in the East for the past seven months, returned to Oregon City on Thursday evening, and aaya there la no place like Oregon for her. Mrs. Hsyes visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Blckler, of Oroaae Point Farms, Michigan, attended the golden wedding anniversary, which waa held on October 18, and also visited In tbe State of Massachusetts, Vermont, and Mats for Ladles, Man and Child-' ran; many ahapea and alias, 10o to 13.80. Come and see them. ' Handbags, SOo to $1.25; lust ar rived from the Esst and usual ly add for more. - of many sections Michigan. In her homo State, AMONG THE CHURCHES SUNDAY CALENDAR. J,i,t-CI- ,V"B nd Nlnth streets. S5?v:t- "aywonh pastor, re. ni Ninth; B. 8. 11 noon, Mrs. A. F. Parker iipt ; rnornlns rvl 10:a0, evening :lu. T. P. B. C. E. (.10 p. m. and Jun" nr .nm hour. Weekly pr.y.r Rust ing TUureday at 7: JO p. m. Morning subject "The Resurrec tion " sn Easter sermon. ' Evening There will be an Easier musical program by the choir. Canemah Baptist Ml.alon . B. "meets at 1:00 p. ra., lwla Conklln supt. , Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth Sta. Rev. A. fllllebrand pastor, rea. 911 Water; Low Mass 8 a, m., with aer mon; High Maaa 10:30 a. m., with aermon; afternoon service . 4:00. - Mass every morning at 8:00. Congregational Cor. Main and Eleventh alreela. Hev. Wm. M. Proctor paator. rea. 0 Third; S. B. 11 noon. Jn Low ry aiipt.; morning aervlce 10:10. even Ins J:10. ynuna people :S0. Weekly prayer mwllni Thuraday at 7:10 p. m. Morning subject ' Beyond tbe Shad ow Circle." Evening "A Walk on the First Eaater Evening." Chrlat Cv. Lutneran Tor. Eluhth and J. y. AUaraa atreata. Rev. K Schmidt paator. rea. a J. ; Adame; H. H S:0 a. m ; preat-tilng afternoona of flral and third Bundaya at 1:10 In Enrli.h other Sunday aervlrea momlnca at 10:1 wnn prraomna; in uerman. Morning subject "Christ's Resur rectlon. 1. What it Shows. 2. How It Cheers." Mark 16:1-8. 8ervlce at 10:30 a. m. '" Christian Science Ninth and Cen ter at rests. Sunday service 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 noon. Wednesday evening, Oerman Evangelical Cor. Eighth and Mndlaon atreata. Rev. K. WlaveelcH paa tor. ra. 711 Madlaont 8. 8. 10 a. ra. morning eervlca it, yoena paopie at 1 p. m. and preaching at I n. m. Prayer meeiinc weaneaaay at t:ib p. an. Morning An Eaater aermoa.wlll be given by the paator. Evening Literary and musical pro gram for Easter, with short address by the paator. Gladstone Christian Rav. A. H. Mulkey paator, rea. Uladatone; B. B. 10 a, m., N. O. Hendrlrka aupt.; morning service 11 o'clock, evening eervlce 7:10. Wo li ly prayer meeting Thuraday 7:10 p. m. Mountain View Union (Cong ) B. B. I S. m Mra. J. H. Qulnn aupt.; Bible tudy every Thuraday afternoon; S reaching 7:10 p. m. second snd fourth undaya In January. Methodlit Main atreet cor. Seventh. Kev. K. T. Klmmerman paator, rea. cor. Blxth and Waahlnaton; 8. 8. I:U a. m C. A. Wllllama. aiadatonc, aupt.; morn ing aervloe 10:45. Rpworth League :10. evening eervlca 7:10. Prayer meeting Thuiaday 7:10 p. m. Evening A program will be given by tbe 8unday school. Presbyterian Seventh street eor Jeffer eon. Rev. J. R. Landeborougn paator, rea. 710 Jefferaon; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mra. W. C. Orecn aupt.; morning servlea 11 a. m.. T. P. 8. C. E. S:4t p. in., even ing service 7:10. Prayer meeting Thura day I p. m. Morning subject "Alive Forever more." "Evening There will be a sacred aong aervlce commemorative of Easter. Parkplaee Congregational Rev. J. L. Jonea paator. rea. Clackamas;- 8. 8. 10 a. m.. Emery French aupt.; preaching aervlcea each Sunday, alternating be, tween It a. m. and 7:lt p. m. Chris tian Endeavor Thuraday evening 7:10 p. m. St. Paul'a Eplacopal Ninth at., near Main, Rev. Chaa.'W. Robinson pas tor, res. at Rectory, Ninth and Wa ter ata. 8. 8. 12 noon, Wm. Shew- man, aupt.; Prayer meeting Wed .neaday 7:30 p. m. 'Morning aervloe 10:30 a. m., evening aervlce S p. ra United Brethren Cor. lahth and T.vlnr Rev. L. K. Clarke paator, rea. Portland; B. 8. 10 a. m Frank Pnrker, Maple lAxnm, aupt.; morning aervloe 11, T. P. d. m.. p. m evening aervlce 7 Willamette M. C No regular preaching . aervlcea. S. 8. I p. at., Mra. Reama supt. Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferaon and Eighth atreet. Rev. W. R. Kraxberger paa tor, rea. 710 Jeffarann; 8. 8. 1:10 a. m.. Rev. Kraxberger aupt.j morning aervlce 10:10, evening 7:&, Luther Lagus 7 p. n.' For Easter .morning the Sunday school win convene at 9:15. At 10:00 a. m. there will be confes sional service. At' 10:30 regular East er service with sermon on the subject, "Tour Sorrow Shall be Turned Into Joy." Followed by tbe Lord's Supper, . There will be no evening aervtce. "THE MATCH BOX." Will Be Put on at Twilight at Thla Ev- snlno'a Entertainment. "Twilight literary society Is making atrenuoua efforts to put on a good play at tbe entertainment this even- lug. .There la g new drop curtain and new scenery for the stage at the town hall, and report aaya that things are very neat and taaty aa at present ar ranged. Tbe play tor thla evening la the merry aklt 'The Match Box." This la aald to be full of mirth and every effort la making for a careful and painstaking rendition of It Other numbers on the program will add greatly to the enjoyment of the even ing. There waa a full dress rehearaal PERSONAL IMMORTALITY. By S. A. Hayworth. - -' Tbe resurrection from the grave of the personal Jesus baa revealed the Msheat conception of Immortality known to man. Tbe Jews dimly con ceived of an Immortality of the nation with tbe Individual loat In bla Identity. Mournera were content aloce tbelr loved ones were loat If they contrib uted to the perpetuation of tbe family, gome csugbt a glimpse of a personal Immortality aa abown by the question of Job, "If a man die shall be live again?" Jesus, tbe Prophet of Life, taught V." T'-i ' - .- '."SJf'.J ' v":- REV. S. A. HAYWORTH. that the Individual who chose to em brace Him would enter an ageless life. Jesus nowhere tsught the loss of per sonal Identity In God. Being one with God, does not mean that life Is flung back like a cupful of water Into the stream whence It was taken. Jesus said. "Because I live ye shall live al so." Personality la tbe ultimate real ity In the whole acheme of thlnga. The personal appearance on the Mount Frldsy night In preparation for the rendition this evening. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES. An elaborate nroKram of Easter mu sic Is being prepared by the Baptist choir for the coming Sunday. In. the evening tbe entire aervlce will be in charge of the Choir. The paator will administer baptism and lead the congregation In prayers and scripture reading. The Baptist Brotherhood will meet next Tueaday evening. The program will be made up or local speakers, u Is intended to dlstmss some Important meaaurea relating to the practical re form of Oregon City. CORRESPONDENCE v LOGAN. There aurely must be a little truth In that ground hog story. Another of Logan'a yonng farmers haataken unto himself a cook? Wm. Klrrhem and Miss Charlotte Schwsrtt of Redland eiawsrrlee at tbe brlda'a home last Sunday Only the near reia. Uvea were present. They will live on their farm In Logan The boys fur nished the usual amount of noise. Some of our Grangers attended the Clackamaa County Pomona Grange at Parkplaee, where all were royally en tertained and a general good time In duleed In Mra. Clara Waldo enter tained tbe members with a moat Inter esting talk on her trip In foreign lands Tha Orange waa asked- to endorse the Canadian Reciprocity treaty but after some discussion waa voted down. Inas much a a It waa -not a aquare deal lor the farmer. The only hope or a aquare deal ilea in a unity of purpose. It does aeem hard though for the old party veterans to do this. Mra.' Frank Hutchtnd bad a quilting nartv Thursday. . t Word waa received here of the deatn of Jacob Babler at San Francisco after lingering Illness caused by an In- Jury to spine a bout two yeara ago. He leavea a wife, one son and daugh ter, also two brothers and Bisters to mourn hta death. - Mr. Bates Is slightly Improved at though not able to be up. - J. C. Klrchem purchased Mr. Otto Smith's band of sheep. Many aeem to think that tbe young clover will be injured by these heavy frosts. If so it will prove a aerloua loas for clover aeed waa not only scarce but out of s sight -In price, Pomes, peaches and cherries are also doomed. TRYINQ TO SLIDE OUT. Mosisr Says the Insurance Company i Wont Pay His Claim. Justice W. W. H. Samson baa been subpoenaed to appear In Justice Court In Portland today aa a witness in f case of Willis Mosier vs. Fidelity Mu tual Aid Association, a Portland com nany. Mosier was Insured In the com psny, which Is an accident inaurance corporation, and he alleges that he haa gone blind because of an accident In which bla spins waa Injured. The company la not Inclined to pay the policy and Mosier Is attempting to col- VTHE HALL OF FAME, f JOnN QDINCT. ADAMS Slith president of tbe United Stntea. Born B r a i ntree, Mass., July 11. 1767; died Washington Feb. 23.1S4S. Son of Presi dent John Ad ame. Gradu ated from nsrvord and. atudled law. Had a long and distinguished diplomatic ca reer, serving as minister to Tbe Hague, minister to Prussia, com missioner to negotiate the treaty of Ghent, minister to Russia, minister to England and Anally eight years nnder Monroe secre tary of state. In 181M elected president, but four years later was, defeated by Jackson. He then was elected a member of T the house of representatives, In which he served until death. k . . I eX5f'. f';.m ,t W) j of Tranaflguratlon of tbe two grest saints of Old Tesument history-Mo-sea and Elijah la a prophecy of the peralstence of tbe personality of all aalnta whose lives are bid with Cbrlat In Ood. - Personal association and com munion with the Father la not the loss of Identity, but the guarantee of our Immortal personality. "la my Father's bouse are many reatlng places," said our Lord. Why did He make use of a plural form describing tbe abode of fhe blest, if Jesus be lieved In the absorption of individual ity In tbe DeltyT This persistence of personality makea glad tbe heart In all the Bad re latione of life. "Shall we see our dead again T" asked a father who burled a ten-year old daughter. "Tea we shall," waa tbe anawer of faith. Some men and women f"l bitter because death haa robbed them of all that gave a meaning to life. Tbe child of faith will not ao complain. WbyT Because Christ baa become the trustee of their loved ones. That little flaxen hatred ten-year-old, whom we burled In River View cemetery today, answers for the heart of children of faith. ' She waa wiser tban many aages. The thing in stinctively believed by the Child of ten Is believed by the child of faith who haa seen the living Christ, risen and glorified and alttlng on the throne. Let ua learn from a little child. She bad been accustomed always to bid ber father good night In tbe same happy words, "Good night r I shall see you in the morning, papa." Time came when death'a bright angel bright to those who go, dark to thoae who re main aummoned her to the glory world. In her last moments, she called her father to ber aide, put ber little arma around blm, and whispered with her rapidly dying breath, "Good night, dear papa, I will see you In the morning." She waa right aa a child la alwaya right about tbe higher thlnga. Sorrow cometb In the night, but joy eometb In the morning to the believer who haa personally been made a par taker of Cbriat'a resurrection and whose spirit is aa the Spirit of the lowly Natarene. I ' S' r lect the face of tbe policy by law. REAL ESTATE. Casper and Kate Junker to Ida Grunert, lot 1 of block 2, Junker's Ad dition to Sandy; 1300. Jamea Ozment to Theodore Thun, lota 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25; 26, 27, 28, Z9, 30, 31. 32, 33, 34. 35. 36, 37, 38, 39. 4 block 86, Mlnthorn AddiUoa4e- Port land; $1250. W. H. Seltzer to Lewis Churchill. land In section 21, township 4 south, range 2 east, containing 1 acres; $80. Elijah and Elvlna C. Coalman to George T. 8mlth, 7 acrea of section 17, township 2 south range 5 east; $10. - SURPRISE MRS. CATTO.- Members of Lsdies of Security Drop In to Spend the Day. . Mrs. Dave Catto. of Gladstone, was taken by surprise at her home on Fri day morning, when some of the mem bers of the drill team of tbe Knights asd Ladles of Security Of ..this city took the 10 o'clock car for Gladstone for her borne, and took possession, tbe occasion being ber birthday anni versary. Many-pretty gifta were be stowed upon the hostess, and at noon a dinner was partaken of, a feast that will not aoon be forgotten by mose partaking. Tbe afternoon waa pleas antly spent in vocal and Instrumental music and games, and the meinbers of the party returned to this city -on the 5 o'clock, car. Present -vere Mrs. Pauline Schwartz Mra. O. J. HowelL Mrs. Thomaa Trim ble. Mra. Anna Johnson, Mrs. Henry Vonderahe, Mrs. Minnie Donovan, Miss Nellie Lindqulst, Mtsa Emily G racier, Miss Lulu Msgaby. OWEN G. THOMAS BLACK8MITHING AND REPAIR WORK. Best of work and astisfactton guar anteed. Have your horses shod by an expert; it pays. A'l kinds of repair work and smithy work. Prompt service; greater por tion of your work can be done while you do your trading. Give me a trial Job and aee if I cant please you. ' OWEN G. THOMAS Cor. Msln and Fourth 8te Oeegon City Notlce of Apptlcstion for a Vacation of a part of the Alley In Block 113, of Oregon City, Oregon. ,( Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned have filed a petition with the Recorder of Oregon Cfy, Ore gonr asking for a vacation of a por tion of the Alley running through Block 113, and extending from the property line on the easterly side of Jefferson Street to the property line on the westerly side of Madison Street of said City. The part of aald Alley asked to be vacated being a atrip of land six feet wide off and from both sides of said alley and extending the length of tbe same through said block. Said applica tion Is now pending before said Council of Oregon City, and will come up for bearing before aald Council, at a meeting of the same to be held In the Council Chamber at Oregon City, Oregon on tbe 19th day of April, at the hour of S o'clock . P. M, of aald day. C. BCHUBEL, W. A. WHITE, WILFRED A. WHITE, A. W. CHENEY, St Petitioners. MEETING NOTICES. THERE will be a regular meeting of Clackamaa . Chapter No. 1, R. A. M-, In the Masonic Hall on Monday evening, April 17th. 1911, at 7:30 P. M. ' Work in Royal Arch. A. CHAPMAN, Secretary. E. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the un . deralgned assignees of the Oregon City Lnmber A Manufacturing Com pany, an Insolvent, will, until Tbura day noon of April 20th, 1911, receive sealed blda for the sawmill build ings and machinery and plantng mill ' and machinery, together with all switches. Bide tracks, tools, appli ances, office fixtures and all other property and aasetg of said Company C-i I.- Via ... .... , T-WWW.IHI'IM'WIIIWHI J-oly Easter-tide ond its grocery requirements have receiv ed the closest attention from thil store. All the delicacies of the season have been carefully taken into stock. " '.'.'.-'' A great variety of Easter eggs and " favors will be found here to choose from. As usual we have had In mind -H and paid the closest attsntlon to the nature of the season. Ladles of all belief w'H ....find I on viaitlng thla store that their" tsttea and desires are fully catered to., These are only a few of our - Easter Specials: V - New Celery, New Rhubarb, New Tomatoes, New Cabbage, New Onions, Eggs, Lettuce, Asparagus, New Cauliflower. J. E. SEELEY Othand Main Sts. Oregon City, Or, . In the bands ot the undersigned aa aucb assignees. Said property la situated in Oregon City in close proximity -to the Willamette River, the Southern Pacific Railroad and on the Portland Railway, Light Pow er Company's track, and offers an exceptional opportunity for a large and growing business. - Tbe property will be sold In three jarcels, vis: ' FIRST: The equity of tbe under signed In the machinery purcbaaed from the Northern California Com pany. . SECOND: That covered by a chat tel mortgage held by the First Na tional Bank of Oregon City. THIRD: That on which there Is no Incumbrance. A description of tbe various arti cles In each class will be furnished on application to the undersigned. -Terms of Bale, cash. Certified check of 10 per cent of bid must accompany each bid right reserved to reject any or all blda. Dated April 8th. 1911 J. W. M OFF ATT, J. J. COOKE, Asslgneea aforesaid, Oregon City, Ore gon. C. D. ft D. C. LATOURETTE, Attorneys for Assignees. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these elaaalfled headinm will be Inaa-ced at one cent a word, flreJ lim half Mnt additional Ineer- tlons. One Inch card. 11 per month; haM Inch card. (4 llnea) it per month. Cash muat accompany order unleas one has an open account with the paper. No financial reaponalbillty for errors; where errora occur free corrected notice will . as orlnted for patron. Minimum charge lie. WANTED. VACUUM CLEANING done for SO cents an hour. Call Pacino states 249L WANTED Small modern furnished house, for summer, in city. Inquire Enterprise office. WANTED Bright young man to learn Creamery business, wagea paid from tbe atart to right man, dealrable - place and pleasant situation. Apply Clear. Creek Creamery or by letter to W" P. Klrchem, Oregon City, R. F. D. NO." 2. BIDS WANTED For the erection of one cottage on Taylor atreet. Plans can be seen at George Randall'. residence, 801 5th street. Bids will be received up to April 18th, 1911. We reserve the right to reject any and air bids. Address all letters to George Randall, 6th street- FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 280 egg "Mandy Lee" Incubator, good aa new. IL O. Hartshorne, Wllsonvllle, Oregon. A: SNAP 7-room hous, four blocks from car line In Oregon City; lota of fruit; price $900; $100 down. $10 pec month. Same aa rent Clyde ft Wanted At Once! - -. at - '" .;' Oak Grove CARRIER AGENTS . FOR THE MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal terme to hustler. See Mr. Mfllsr Circulation Department, En terprise, Oregon City Oregon,'.; , - a McRae, 100? Main 8U Oregon City. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estlmatea cheerfully ' given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. phone Mala 11L ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-et-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, eatates settled, gen eral law bualnesa. Over Bank of Oregon City. . U'REN 8CHUEBEL, A.ttorneyet- Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. Office. In Enter prise Bldg., Oregon Cltr. Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public CRITICS CO'lPldENT OMPETITORS COPY Room 7, Barclay BIdg Oregon City. E. H. COOPER. For Fire lnauraner and Real Eatate. Let ua handle your "properties we buy, sell and ' exchange. Office la Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FREYTAO ft MONEY, - Aeal Estate Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. See us for good buys. Near 8. P. depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. When I moved Into my new store I put In a nice line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at the pri ces usually quotsd for second hand or ' shop-worn goods. Come In and look around. . . Fine line of curiae and relics. GEORGE YOUNG. ..'.,. PLEASE NOTICE. To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major- e Ity of tbe homes In Oregon ' e City and Clackamaa countv the management haa decided to e make a apodal price for the e , dally Issue, tor a ehort time) only, where the subscriber pays a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In e advance, $3.00. ; e By mall, paid a year la ad- ; vance, $1.00. . People who gave our oanvaa- ' aer a trial subscription, for one . or more months, at ten eenta a . e week can have the dally deUv- ered for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. , 4 People who gave our canvas- e aer a trial subacription, by e mall, for four months at a dol- lar, may have the paper for a year for $J.00, If paid a year In .. advance- Subecrtbers to the Weekly Enterprise msy chsnge their e subscriptions to tbe dally, re- e eelving credit for half time on the dally that tbe weekly la e paid la advance. When they e choose to add cash to the ad- e vsnce payment equal to a rail e year 'a advance payment thay . e ' may take advantage of the $3 rate. . We make this special price e ao that people who save paid e in advance on some other dally and wish to take tbe Mornir.g e Enterprise, may do ao without r too great expenae.