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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1911)
m' -4 . .-..' ii a a-XT-w.-v"a iTmrTnnTMT cv lilITIT'i V Tl7TT. l" 1Q11. g , . , MUimtnu ikPixrjiwrnjoif ortiuiumi, a-, m t , f V t. -Y f ' i. . MaLnat .MTV - - tm IV 4rv la lavlteat to attest Mcrtc oa thai aav. hobhihg enterprise in' T.i , i- nr,,- .-tttttt J yoa bv atOt bW la ckVCa IW aa C C ROOtE. Eie a PpVH-.,.,; jaati drop la Mat wher u4 la fact to) ar fartl to art! It arl Vs'l. Ika po"a! Our f '. I ir a. irt- aaaMee J sw at Ik Act af Marc aak 7arMK at raw msoBrxm. 'fmm Tw. br mail arc MOMM T Twmm Moaataa. Par Mk r tSM . I M . 1 . .It imireiK UTB Fa-si Par par iMfl Prat laeattsoa Va Hwr. Bar x- uMd taeartfcaa lar plttt H 4 pnaatfcia any p. aae lack drat knarrttoa It Pi ecna1 anaittm aa? pa-. turrlMW Baa Mivr alMr tfcaa first mm. par ta ftrn f i mt 1 Raw raarr otna-r IKaa tlrvt am. aar lac aattatf nillm ... e lira's lar p-r Ita. ta rrfaUr advar t1ai t !ma Wuta For fU. To fleet, el . n era t a wnr-4 ftiai aeMen: am-hm.J ernt aes-t a41:ttona! Rim for 4Trla-a to the Wty rrrarta wi'I ba I auM aa ta th sai.'T. for ilrf!Bti f apcsn for a-aak.'y - Wvr f- t-IwivaMi tararVrr"d in. 4i.T ta t. wark tr wtifcoat rterr tfc rata a-t.'l aa e aa 'nr for ta af tN caper, and lac aa aura f-v apxtai noaltma f'aeb aSoo!4 '"T r or5r vaara frtr la mkr ,n in c urkn-a oCT-cm of lb Eau-rprla Lrca a.jTrll1rj a; cml a4artlatr.c ratra Of.-i a4trt::n a?4 ar 'I aual rrt aAnt:r a! rV to aa m-f. '-or4 -nc t a;ciJ coam.iau antmlif tb TVr ara aar WantlM tklac ' Ikal cIIbc to tto caarrk arrlcM la j ur of U 4awtAaatioao oflko Chrla-j tlaa ckarck feat, ptrhapo, tbero U ao otkrr aaort la(ftiBK faatar ta tk , woraklp of tb CaiiMbai. rurrk taaa la prroial la tk Caster xnitca ; ! aa4 la tao Eaatcr tboagkt aa4 Eaater rocaaiuaaL ThU ia trao caa yoa afford to abovet tmrtf fraoi all tao arnica of ta day? B roa PrxMaat Cavalrymen Show Unusual Skill While Performintf "Monicey Drill' JJ , aat or Cmtbollc irr ara auar prottr j tblnx In oitBfr aervlr to mtercvt IM . lasirarL '. f ':. - , K.' '' ... J ' '- . " .. aJ,.r V." '-' '. T?.- (! ' ar4 Ranltrvat R" tt llataarsts it- ivS firt rr.arrt:aa. a44--.Uonal iaatrucMu uik b.-;t c taca. N v ttrm ul veil anlt'ra arUca af arR. with fntrt to wi ra4rs. anil ba Ia4ir a-avt'4 RXta4 mii'J aailaia antt.uunx) afaa aoracnaa- laa atatatw n p-rJ B CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. CUsf rraau to lb uloona, orartod at a brtfbt of (uar and ahaJf f4, ( ail! y maka U jy far tb Itttlo ' (u!m (a Mr and a ill maka it pooaibi i (r t ir. rTacf propl to look la If f tht-r ao dire. Aad It may atiffra the hack Vr. -of thf kxalitt ao tkal be ail) not alloa- tkiaica that bare been duqf the past, be not visbiag , to protest too trtDIj let he loae a : customer. Dnt with tbe pnaaitle laaaj nf fc: ttceoe be moat inaiat oo hia ' rufiomrri aaUioj a chalk tine to pro tect Jiia omn lntret There art a .fcaiocker arouBll ibe edjrea ia Or-coo Citr yet. ot tbeorr tbat all forma of korartnaoabiu ara Hkat t. r.ruKaifralue la ai; hate trtorn,rd. perhaia not all a ill , warfare aad thai tha aaao woo raa rki at all abeo iotrrtrO . an ride (1U nr rtrform Bat the buaineaa man tac wbea forked end down. alooker driU". baa beea oaw t f the featuTra of and ci tien leoeraili cannot afford to , "T aaaaeOTtfa at Fort am Honstoa. near Kaa Aatrni o Trt Tbe J- rara aaowa a aseaDer or too Fownu (roup or tae lot b atairjr a atoat" that eo hardly eiperta to ttmi la the arm tvaalatti-ri Maar f ibe kin aad dartac eqtuttoc the of anr rwuri,r u!rf who eter Coprrtcbl br Aaaaricaa Preaa AaaovUtloa. T UEKK mar bo UtUo aUMtT la tho abllltj to lid a tanot tag horae abllo taodlac oa bao'a baad with tbe feel la the air. bat t'tM-ie Kam oiw ta - bia raralryaara to arqairo this acrtrmptiahoient- 1 1 ipril 15 !t Atsic2h .'Jrsiorv. lj3C;rV'- !trt ii; 1 Mm--r. prj-tor of ut of Mary laiwt. .1 i .rr 1C 1VU LIB' ' rf an"f fotimTrer to if'r t!e law In rtr- .wtfyh bad rxl ri:nar- t . al'n IS05 - Abmhaoj l.!n !n. ll?otb presidVtit t f tV rn!l S'at-ardffl In Wa5hinr,'-n: m ta Hard.o coonr.T. Kt . Kri 12 Vf ASTBfONOMtCAL EVENTS. (Trvta o"tj today to D' tomorrow 8oo et .V.. r1e 1.1: umji'Ii n 'i5 p. BLi rlaut Hervurr im aet- Hij after no: noon flaj. au direct I aoath, as oiy oa Jao IT. Aug. SI ; Dee. 24. tie to this cum of people. ' If a roaa ba a ckroalc trrooch he ahoald either mother it or reform It There are '. MW "U'J " ". l" ' ejjoj tbe apori. am tbere la a with that part of ccs anatomy, aad f aat a tbey perform. if oa d'es not attend to the Butter , himself Tbr pU'llC la apt tO do tf for j BBoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa him, and ia that cae the applicatiof: jf rbe rtmedr i efneralljr an eipen atte oe'e. Bury jour Krone h and bonst for your borne town, for lt Industrie, tnr its ritizen. and" whaterer you do d'.c t try to bold tip any industry tbat .... i i k Ilia prataie. Hurke aspiroa w BbitkHta ataaacer alitia 4,n jack Johaa. who oalaelhed kl M poaads aad aha kl a lrta!M bo aevrr rorowad from. Two other boT that I waa "'''"-'- wllk were good oaea la I be 0htln ao. Oyd, IWaatbaai aad Shaffer, tbo laiter alaalai Ike anlddl., aelabt f bamploosfclp of the aay. . "Youna McCticmlcb. another hoy I aaa altb on Ik Asiatic Ptath.a. skewed up so well la his boats ou , there that a aaa touted as Ho showed be had tb onda 'by !; aire lb imernailoaal featkerwoUht , rhamploashtp at the jatoeatoaa r. poaltlun. The dlirereot aatrlea of Ike world corniced tbero but tkelf h mea at hla aelfhl aer easy . fr VctTormk-k. I Jack CToaleT, fortoefly of in " g. Ohio, stood a buocn or in nn. welakt amateurs of rhlla-lelphla. oa meir heads. He fooakt there anoer tbe name of -Kid- Wjatt. Gas Tstles, Jlssmla Hkerkx k and i Paildv tllmmelbarh er otaer (onea. Hlmmelbacfc brliif Ike undefeat ed welter of the Asiatic JMatloa. I oa ealn that atatkia bo trad bis .tltlo over to -Sailor- Yoonf ((colored. , abn h4 heeo bis Sarrln partner. - I Whra Yixioa.. picked ip ihe title i..r. aaa suit a bit of a row amoo tbe writers out there and he a a tke i treelpleot of nanirroua rkanenee lYnun homeyer, la'd no attentkoa lo ta smsll fry but started after, tho i Mccest it a m la slahl. aa EtHhmaB oa IPa Majesty a ship. Astrea. oy to name of Alf llayaard llayaard aas tbe EnUk aaal chaaipU'a at that aeUefct sod oa tb atlbt of th flltht tb odJs aer aa bleb aa 3 to 1 oa Ibe s-nrttahman The boat aaa held at IVrtnrprrt ta a tt4fbrtaUtraeVeoa oa UuhhurcaeU Kcd, Sbatiabai. toiaa. r YtMinii s ct-rner and his cfldeoca la himself was refleeted In as toael sainers ao a all arm qowa a aic piece of chaos. oa tke Tooo ." roc the first tao round Younc biu aim elf aader wrap Mtlof llayaard do moat of the aork. Hayasrd couia oot Arc Yoo A Woncy SaTef ? awi r mmw mm m wm mm m tmrnntf m. a aaat ta aatra aa tMIe lasapaa la mm artiaa thair aaaaaaaa ara leoa. "'i Peeo'a ait watU taar Mv va; ly arak a saeaa y lllod antk raarata blTL' ihLatf kM aaiaaaaL r t laai aa L. k aav ttfMiti ihy TM saaral : Sella raaaUP aale( 4 tPt). IK I e. pssha tna asitaa a Uttl laas SM4 A" "OW; it's a simata iattr ta Stan a aaaiaa ... . The Baiilt of Oregon Qty D C UATOURrrTB Praaldaat r- l attTr, TT THE FIRST NATIONAL DAT" ol OREGON CITY, OREGON ' rraaaaata a 0aral taaklaf CAjWTAU iaooe.oa. k.a,.. JBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB R. W.&R. S.W.rd 1 MACHINISTS We da tral rspalrtuf. ateakaa MCKlnry md t wfrH aa aaa. Kaaartt wHN gaaollna af la. Phoa: Mala MH Hoot it. 10t FOURTH tTRUT OKIOON CITY. Caba or er eo fared la a rerfrmane with a tVIItl. U-i ahow. Thee j m inIo fd punch At to op- wartn rivalry ataxma; the tu-u rxardaus te Horlnx the Mindanao raatpalitn In Thea there hi "Satl.r-' llowera. so- Barar were rranted marriare licenae on FrTdUy by County Clerk Mulrey oln Afthe third rtand Twrnf walked put of bU corner witk aa lor smile on h's face, (layaard rushed. Youn aldeatepped and called out. "MUrtah Uriah IVItah. la bin lmlla with yo bout Vnrtf nougb." II stepped la eloae. feinted altk hi left and shot hi rltbt aoroM for the Jsw. landing Uk a ton of brick. It waa all over bat th flowers. Young received ao more challenge. The new Clackamai Southern Rail way la protrrr-ssing slowly, which is a0 tb proraoers promised from the oataet. It Is better to go it slow at tb start, and come in at a good, round swing at the Uat thaa to tire oae'a self out going to the (juaner pole and oeer be able to rerorer oa , tbbK f the coorse. Ther are aotre people ho claim that the namber 11 is an unlucky one. Tbere are 13 urc-Mons to the new Home HnJe ordinance abrtae is the III rack, tbe saloon a-n' or the tem peraace peopl? Either there U ill lock concealed about it somewhere or else the j boodrjo ia a mistake. ' Ther U l:fr',e -!Tor! to discredit e new Horn Ra!e ordinance by th saloon men. Ekhr ttry are wtlgfled that the ordinance clrais o-it part of the erila cliEjpn 'o the butiin'rss. aad are piad 'o t t?--m go, or they are satlsfll it in useless to pro test further ted a-e pr-parhig to take their medicine Sijnday i Eas'-r, he m' sacred day in the hur-v f ai:,dr Churches in this city a.:!? o t.Vrn pian ainr for srr:eth!sr p.ial for tfc x which the army and nary cooperated other Barfmaa abo is cleaning up a Mr Shepherd saw err actlre serrlce bun,h ft asptrlag l!cfcteltht around at the battle of Bud Dahjo. Tb. . ""J 1 aJnfan"". A 'ear. -,.1 lUrrU of . ' '" . Ibe crulaer New Tork a tha klnrnln promt., . profit for ail and develop-1 TfJbroo.h bicb Mr. welterweight of tke navr Ilia several went for -he city or county. i "' "(,,T, "L-'" T"' 00 flghta at tba Bremerton Navy Yard.4 BENSON ..... m,,Vrs " especUIly tha mil up mith KW Park- . , " ; er. a colored boy f m Spokane, will MARRIAGE LICENSES. Navy Pwg Who Mad Gooo. ! b remembered br the sporting frater- r. , .' , . . 1 Tbe recent dlslve victory of "tJun-''ty around tba Sind rltlea. fpoa Mt.i M Bradford aad Jobn over JoaLaaum ia Frrsco ' the navy Harrt. waot to b Donlley; FYeda Kirk land aad Shirlry hrtncn to nrainn a .rnn. l n.. ' Caat rnaal ta Am1.rA hi. Till. ...mat ! navy men a ho made rood at ihe maJy art When I first knew Smith ' be fviied to impresa his shipmate as hIait anythlnglik rhamplooshlp timber in kls make-op although be aaa , a big. husky, tiling chap. Most of j bis matches were confined to "hear- les" of the other ship la the Pacific feet. He first became known in mi. lde fight faoa from th set-to he had th jack Johnson In tbe tatters' ramn i asplra'loos , just previous to the Jeffrlea-Johnsoo I -aik- Borte. tMw whirlwind' terprts ob panting department Is : RaACO. HtTlitb S COmiB tn.trh t r W r . 1.1 it. . a .t . tm Slil. ACQUAINTANCES MADE WHILE IN THE NAVY H 8. DEAD IN CALIFORNIA. REDUANUH. Oal, April 1 1 -(Sp-rial ) Fraak W. Benson. rrrtary of SUta. did her : early this morning. He baa been In poor health for many 'the aavy mea there ho tangoed at I month and had been hero since Pee- his pretentloo. of the navy champloa 0n B ."ry rU- frtends ship, Noo aawmed to care for any of , ' , bis game, however, and Harris took a ; at hi bedside. H rallied yea i whirl, at several g.tod boys around ; terday but It aaa of abort duration. New York City, making aa excellent ' Mrt nro. who baa been under cow rtmwlng: fc-Llk. moat navy me. upon r.,.(or .ki. rollspl when teavlDg th serrlcr he had to take a ' . rhanre la the matrimonial r- TM.-drMlh otrrtopk her husband .pot a atop to his 'knuckle dusting-1 - v i WANTEI Toa t know that tha En PERSONAL REMINISCENCES FROM THE PEN OF RALPH L- SHEP HERD, U. S- N. ta a.a i Jt . . wa . " 1 . "n ,r" ! wefghta a yearor to back. U aa , ,oa Lis ability to hold a title: . apprentice boy. m right nam la Joo! outaid Portland. at printing Try It for youi Ralph L. Sh-pherd who is acting as iorting editor of the Morning Enter prise ha -rv-d his I'ncie Ram tor Vnr years and rii months in the navy. Sh-ph-rd unlisted ajjrentire boy of the third class and worked np through the rradea of M--or,d class apprentice, seaman, electrician third ria ?o -I'rft.tiriaij makinr a specialty of wlrelefcs tel"rxaphy. While acrlng a wlrlens spiatUt Shetherd installed stations on tb Mo-, hiran. Frolic. General Alava aad the,, gunboat El Cano. Detailed to special duty as staff operator to Rear Admiral Train on board tbe El Cano be had many InteresMng adventure on the Inland waters of China. Mr. Shepherd was one of the first party of American Mie Jick-t to land at Port Arthur after the Rusnfans were driven oot by the Jars. Lrorlng the time Russia held Port Arhur neither soldiers or sailors of any for-i(rn power wr a!loe to land. Country Needs Political Purging From Top to Bottom. 4 a) By Senator ROBERT L. OWEN of Oklahoma f & s3 V 9 im, by American Prea. Association. 0 those who bive been pending their time mak ing money I gay take care and IX) XOT LET THIS CONDITION OF CORRUPT POLITICS CO TOO FAR or it may rc-Milt srriouBfr.' The yellow r:if- an! awakening, and we may ,avf- great prol lems to nu t t. i THIS COUNTRY NEEDS A POLITICAL PURGING FROM ' TOP TO BOTTOM, AND THE WAY TO DO IT IS THROUGH THE INITIATIVE. REFERENDUM AND RECALL, SO THAT THE PEOPLE CAN GET THE CONTROL OF THE COUNTRY IN THEIR HANDS AT ANY MOMENT. Ther if too much lawmaking. I conn i a United- Statea sena tor tbat I can read only a amall portion .f tin- l.ilU which are rushed through congresa. The way to aimplify legislation i through the ref erendum. Tbe moat needed thing today is to RID THF. OOVERNMENT OF EVERY FORI! OF ORRUPTfOX. How ran you ever expect a real corrupt practicea act when the lc-gi!utors get where tbey re through corruption I ARE THE LEGISLATORS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN THE PIO-F-LIf I TM I NIC NOT. ARE THE SMARTEST MEN IN THE COUN. TRY IN CONGRESS OR COULD , THE BEST LAWS COME FROM THE MINDS OF MEN WHO WITH GREAT THOUGHT ON A GIVEN. RE FORM WOULD FROFOSI ITt y ' ' . . , - - The Spirit Of The Resurrectica A'om. 6:1-14 EASTER TOPIC Young People's Christian EnJeaTcr t : Prayer "Meeting at 745 P. M. FJROT preobyterian cnur::: -Lactwra Rm April H vth and Js- i-. : : APRIL 23 SABBATH BENEFITS-Iu 58 U - lUfC'DSK STABLES 1,1 POUD MEMBERS OF LADIES OF SECUR ITY DROP IN TO SPEND -THt DAY.', The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Exnbossiirg Marhine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAr SYSTEMS Tba horse knt brF. D. NwU of Jennings Lodga, aav. beea found. Tbey were rmiaded p la Portland, two " In on. plac and tb. third In another. Drputyjgbeflff Uugler assist ed In karatlng Ihem. aad wbea Newell Identified hla aalmal tb. Kkeiiff took poaaesskon la hi bam. Officer Hhaw aad Brow a ar atlll of th opinion fbat lb boraea vara taken through Oregon City, aa lb. story waa told several day ago. Tbey ar. atui of ihia opt n loo for the raaaoa that (bay aer. seen by too many peo ple for all of them to b mUtakea. What waa don waa. evidently, to troll them la on. direction In broad daylight a-? tbat t her might b. many witnesses to tb. horses and lb. direction they w.r. going, and then after nlgbt turn about and sneak them off In another. Tbla la an old trick of th. gam., aad on. that will often fool poopl who ax not awak. to tb. playa that a smart thief . will put up to fool oa. New EJilnj adltf skikalka lug oa nliiv rVota t 47, j lo deaib In his btV r, . (refused to man sotataVasai, ', moved him by ar.. . -i-v, m , ,- i Tie Fmt AnletiM 1st haia. II W S4mui-lm, Bad ton h man of CUckaatas (natty, ttaw tbat b wa 1 1 1 b oa kstt loMUrti to help mak th ban f at occasion a menorsbW uak 1 baa Jut feeliad re m m" from the Kat: sa tapartalk and an Im ported ClydeHU. t will put m diaplajr V tkw k K Intervetir-a to ta esauvy, aa t ar said to be vary kaadioaiak and H rtk gniagsoaalsr to aee BURNEO IN HIS OFFICE. BLACK OIL AT MOUUU Drills r for Wstar ttrik IhsV of OiSsaHni ni -.Rivers A McOregor, asf -from WTllamsit. arinf at the Mrfirtd ft MAssbml Molalla The drill Is ami bit ir at tbat diitanc tk crtl m bu aballow - ln of oll-bairUn asl V sbowa a slight flow of Had at T 1 lltt I r no gas bat tbtsflbav ry distinctly. . Rivers Mrtlregw thlak ! ar. In th mm saaa at a W tb. Sinn 'oil wsllaplw 00. and that la tb ess af iht I wU th oil-bearing ssad oaa Thr ara wcaia 111. atirfara ' i i.k ....k llaS lai til ' CIAREMONT. ,N. 1. , April If- Vk7-Hl F-(Speclal.l-Samuel Hnley Blorty, tb. frt.m ibis time on. 'ft 3 Wi SjmTiranm liJI '-warw,aaa.r !.. tl'LZ!- VWr! .Vl e--r-- a X t""?" 'ovi.a. W a aM trlar kaae. vaaia7rrlr?J".i,ta,'t-e la-awaarfenrW S I a V til VAUTED-A niDEnir N f ACM teWM mn4 dartfVt lorios and ethlhit a bum U "aaaawe14 taarla raruVbr br aa Kur M-oUararr waa aotil tea reortsad iaarrMaaiirlt-ra in In. r. . aVo.-V.'' - -- - i. i .ii..- raa aava1 raf jrbU-b Urn yo may rUta Um Urrd. and put Htosnrjf ?T If yoa trt thea 4 perfartly sallflrd Set " Mrrl. itn U hack in u st our e urn and ! FXfiTCZT rIM fnii.a ua hii i ?. rskwllrl gSMwtwp, ,M M ,t oa eriV ar'aslhctflerenat Toavl lpnl.ldJeJ. In direct f Da atidha tha ananufac lotvr 'a swarasaa pa" Ucjrrla. . DO MOT WVl birycleor a pair of Una nTT' iBtll yo reratva oar eatabaoM and in rs ear pp' r I J S8lf-t::li:TifCJn,iJJSi5iS t -. mlTlUli'lVt ax,., Mti.ii u DCSORimOHt t V'" " ''- u rtdlr eery dnrsM ,"d Jrio "til I asiWal quslu of ruliiwr. wblrh aeVe" hi .'".rj1 .nd.",', rl- i smsl to i led ei; naoioed r wela-a no mi Ulna Mllllu. -7 VV. "a'l'ar priet M J VLh?",,rr- ( tlrfrom aailarl neir tir-s hsv only been wmw in a 1 mil. bmmim Th, SB ordlnsrr tlra, tbe punotnrs r-n nr aw Tarsi latino nit III In Is tio.oo te pal UD one f -Ta d" sM , ir than L .Tint i"-' balllg Jll TJSMmm'it prepared W ..0fT, s looaa ure IB aaa BIOIIM, dVia'fiilVrt. toUiri.irofonlrM.iOl-rrir. Aiiilfc 2!!r.vir!lrJ??Vl- - 'M 0 0 l. on sporoes , You k not psf t,T-.?;.'Lrl'"jl ?"""d them strtvtly Tat-entea. maraaTal u 8777 i ailrtlBaa. IM raa rlik la aaadlM "SJaaa ItaaiTaa .L-."r?7 ra a.-iT aaawss ae aaaePM""1" , ' ' ' ' - - '----'--' , '- ( DO YOU WANT ANYTHING ... Try the Cloisifed ColofflM ol l' MORNING ENTEFP& 3000 Readrrs Dally B