. . ' ...... , J ........... , M0RN1MQ ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1911. t vBeeassaw"7 fBmmmmmmmmmmmmtn tartrtp; Vrnnh (CUrtJjr Our Easter Suits arc attracting the attention of the smart dressers and we are al ways pleased to show the new, style features of 4 'Society Brand" clothes for men and "La Vogue" suits for Ladies tfrlces $15 to $35 J. Levitt -I local pmefs i; and U Wallace, of Shubel, wti In (on (Ml y on Thursday. , l,w riitiiniunion wreathes and ( MUs C. (Joldsmlth's. nillam iluenthcr. of 8huul, waa Drfoti Cli f " Thursday. d fliudi'inan, of Shuhel, was In Woo City cm Thursday. llornry A H. Dresser, of Portland, la Ori son i n y on business Tours it irlniiiii'd and untrimmod for bar at Mis C. aoldsmlth'e. rd Mr. II. II. Smith are th i pontemwiri of a babjr boy, born Way. 1 M I'twi (1. A. It will hold Its tlir M-nil monthly session on Sat r. - . Vrce Wright, the wall known resi- tno (cucHi of Mr .and Mrs. C. C. Bab- cock. Mrs. Joseph' WIIM, of Unrlow, wii In Oregon city visiting with Mr. and Mra. E. H. Cooper on Thursday, re turulng to ber horn In th evening. Mr. J. N. Winner, who" taken suddenly III at ber home on Tuesday afternoon, la Improving alowly, but la aim unable to leave her room. Secretary of state Benson, who haa been a ali-k man for aeveral montba, la Tenoned aa falling with IK tie hope i bat he will long aurvlve. Maater Flah Warden Clanton, of Salem, was In .the city Thuraday look ing after the Intereata of bla depart ment. . Mra. O. W. Cutta, of Portland, waa visiting friends ' in the rlty Thursdsv gueat of her daughter, Mra. A. II. Wli mot. Mr. and Mra. flam Stow, of Portland, and fanner of IJberal, waa In arter vlalilng with Mr. and. Mra. E3 L. dty Thuraday on business. Johnson, and at the home of Mr. and , .a Mr. a ninhm . n...r Mra. H. H. Moody, of thla city, left k In Oregon City on .Tbura- .for ,h,r hom ,0,1"'- I air. ana Mra. J. w cole and Edward w rv..ri,.r. . ni'ii,. n,nni. Reckner left Thuraday morning for I fariaera of Molalla. waa tranaact- Molalla. where they attended the fun bdtlnen. In thla eltv on Wadnea- aervlcea over the remalna of Mtb. aad Thuraday. . 8,,"n 'Rhn. padota and Rock Sprlnga coal, jed and delivered In any quantity. too Comiiilaiilon Co., I'acMo Main Home A 90. Mountain View Improvement will hnv, tig regular meeting on ay eveolii n at the Mountain View Md to ptrellent program will he ,ud rrfn ahmenu will b aerrad lloreihuh. of Sbubel. waa In Ora- Hr od Thuraday. Mr. Ilornahuh tly told hla farm . at Beaver (rath the agency of Elliott A w ll.M). and he will move to liory, the little eon of Mr. ft Kick Story, of Fifteenth and Ml ttreeta. who recently under i mrxical operation of the eyea. pmlng rapidly. Dr. II. S. Mount "d a lint from each eye, and the it will auffer from no 111 efTecta. m Jurney Dairy will commence l pure milk and cream in Ore 'Ity on Monday morning, April Oalry Innpected by State Dairy ctor and herd teated for tuber- la by I'nlted 8tatea Oovernment. Biver creek Mutual. Alfred Hoalpr, proprietor, Canby, Or., D, No. 1. DPLE POINTED OUT Dean, of Portland. apenfThura m Mra A. D. W 11 mot. J. Gorlx'tt, of Mountain View, 9 HI at h-r home, and two phy- f have boen aummoned. tfa Good, of St. Paul, Minn., Nt of hor coualn, Mlaa Florence r.. George Hurley, of Loomla, wu In thin city on Wedneaday, Mr. 8amuel O. Dlllman, who haa been eerloualy III for the paat five weeka at hla home In thla city, la Im proving, and waa able to be out for the Orat time on Thuraday. - Mra. Charlie Van Orden, baby and mother, Mra. M. Dell, left on Wednea day morning for Elk City, where they have leaaed a hotel during the aum njer montba. Mr. Van Orden preceded hla family aeveral weeka ago. Mlaa Illanche flaeaett, of St. Paul, Minn., who haa been apendlng the win ter at San Diego, Cal., la vlaltlng In the city for a few daya gueat of the Mlaaea Alma W. Moore ana Florence (1. Moor. Mr. T. J. Rohlneon and family, of Philip. South Dakota, arrived In thla city thla week, and are among the newcomera to Oregon who are looking for a location. Mra. J. A. Tufta, wife of the County Treaaurer, underwent an operation at on Bf the leading hoapltala of Port land the flrat of the week. The opera tion waa aucceeeful and Mra. Tufta la reported aa doing nicely with proa pecta Of fuM recovery. Mra. O. F. Mart on and three child ren, of Madraa, nave arrived In Oregon City, and after vlaltlng with Mr. Mar-' tln'a parenta at Mountain View will leave for IIlRhland, where they will vlalt with Mra. Martln'i parents, Mr. and Mra. Maxaon. Mr. H. Emcke and family, of Wla conaln, haa arrived In Oregon City and taken up hia residence here. He la a aaw mill man and la looking for a lo cation wher he can buy a farm and build a aaw mill In a sett Ion where It will take him several years to exhaust the timber In his own neighborhood. Patronlae our advertlaer. Easter A DIE' WHITE WAIST! At- f tlva and ttyllah. Vary rsa 'a prlcat, 65o up. krtklrtt, Whlta and .black, to feSO. Qood value. - - Ky for all th family. ccessories Hata for Ladles, Man and Child ren; many shapes and sizes, 10c to $3.60. Coma and ssa thtm. Handbags, 60s to $1.25 Just ar rived from the Cast and usual ly sold for mora. W. B. Eddv & S on Wouldn't Pay to Advertise A Poor Article Not . . , t ... ... . j .... r'xuun or aouDiTUi rnem er rroijepxy ior u-rui. d,y, are DISCRIMINATING. Thev know valiiaa they know. UlN6 thlnga, gsnulnd' opportunltlaa. C" 'tlol. h'eh can be add by advrtlalnfl( la, by that test, a ( Hels. YOU ar saf In buying a thing' which haa "stood f publicity." , . . . - ' . I h m,kr of a widely advertised artlcl. or commodity, la al ("triti fop h)t Dut,nMt ,ft H- eann0 ,hlrk, nor cheapen his et"Hnd nl la th beat poaalbl protection fo, th consumer. ( U-,P In buying advertised thlnga -It's th logte of BUtlnete aanrfltln.. CORRESPONDENCE REDLANO. The Flrgrove achool opened on the 10th after a vaontlon of three weeks on account of alcknesa. - , . The atork visited the home of fieo. Gill and left a fine boy. Mother and child doing well, and daddy haa a big smile. " William Kerchrm and Mlaa Lottie Schwarts were married at tbe horn of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Schwarts on April 9. They reeclved many beau tiful presents. They will make their home' In Logan where th groom has a fin farm. Th membera of the RadTand braaa hand and a number or friend jof th young couple, surprised Ihem the evening of April 11. All re port a good time. . Mr. and Mrs. Amos Leekr have sold their farm and are going East on a visit at present and expect to locate In Oregon City. Nelghbora ar aorry to see them go. Dr. E. E. Chase will move hla fam ily from Slherton to bla uncle's this week. JENNINGS LODGE. The Jennings Lodge Community Club met at the arhoolhouse on Wed neaday, April th. About thirty mem bera were prenent. Mr. and Mra. Rla ley, Mr. and Mra. Lee Paget and Mr. Chamber were among the guests. - Will Ftnlcy spoke on Birds at the Oak Grove Push Club on Thursday nlgbt and an Invitation waa extended to the Jennings Lodge Community Club to attend. Mr. Harris, of Oak Grove, haa com menced to build a little- cottage In th I.T. MorrlatracL WANTED You to know that the En terprla Job printing department la (be moat complete In tbe Stat, outside Portland. Tag, It for your next printing. Mra. Mary Morae, of thla place. Is to Rive the addresii of welcome to the second annual W. F. M. 8. Convex Hon of the M. E. Church which began Ita three-day. aeaslon on Wednesday, An excellent program haa been pre pared and a number .will attend from here. Mra. Mary 'pierc became enrolled In the Jennlnga Lodge school on Mon day. April 10th. Frank Pratt, of Carua, will assist Mr. GUI In th brickyard the coming season. Th making of brick haa boen delayed some on account of tbe re cent rain. Mr. Newell returned from Salem on Friday wher he went to try and re cover hls.horsea, which so suddenly disappeared over a week ago. Nothing definite could be learned of their ap pearance between Aurora and Salem. - H. C. Palntoa is drilling a well for Will Jacobs. Mrs. A. A. Clough, of Portlsnd, vla IttHl with Mra. T. C. Rice on Monday. A pleasant gathering waa held Mon day at the horn of Mra. Alex GUI, when ahe waa the hostess of tbe Pas time Club, cf Meldrum. Dainty re- freahments were - served and Mes- damea Moran, Morae, Ha1hman, Har ris, Erlrkaon, Wnmblad, Whlto and Mlaa Scrrpture enjoyed the afternoon. Mra. H. J. Robinson enjoyed a Visit on Friday from her mother and Bister of Portland. Miss Millie Hart has been confined to her home with a alight attack of pnumonla. Little Ruth Cook la also til, having been out of school during the week. Mrs. IlowtrrdHon. of Sellwood, vis Ited her mother, Mrs. J. C. McMonlgal during the week. A few of the membera of the Mod ern Woodmen of America.,,,. af the Lodge, accompanied by their wives, attended the special aervlcea at the Tlnpttst church in Oregon City on Sun day evenfng, April 9th. Rev. Hay- worth used as his subject, "Wood man, Spar That Tre." Ed Johnson went to a Portland hos pltal on Tuesday, having been laid up a number of weeka with rheumatism. Mrs. Jennie Jones spent Sunday In Portland end attended the lecture plvcn by William D. McCracken at the Helllg Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Hathman er Portland vl.iltors on Wednesday of lant week. Mr. Heathman now makes semi-weekly trlpa to receive treat ment from Dr. F, F. Casserdny, the eye specialist. Mr. and Mra. Frank Pratt and Miss Totter, of Cams, were luncheon gueeti- of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Strain on Saturday last. Mr. and Mra. Charles Slocum were week-end visitors at Seaside. While they had an enjoyable time, Mr. Slo cum report! seeing no country that looks quit so good aa at tMa place. Rev. Heverllng and wife and chll dren were calling on friends at thla plac during the week. Rev. Hever llng closed the series of meetings on Sunday, taking bla text from Cor. 14. An Easter program In being ar ranged by the members of th Bun day achool to b given on Sunday evening, April 10th. All ar very cor dially invited. Mrs. Crlna, of California, la visiting with P. D. Newell. Thuraday after a trip of a few days at Welter. Idana, visiting her slater. Mr. Klntfftl waa in Oregon City th nrst or tn week on Dullness. Mrs. Ella Msple Is sbl fa Jjx up ana aruuna in nous. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Anderson cele brated their twentieth wedding annl versary at their horn Monday even ing, April 10. They were presented with many nice and useful presents; refreshments were served, and a good time had by all present. Mrs. M. D. Reed and daughter. Eve. of Scappose, were visiting old friends Monday and Tuesday. ' Mrs. May E. Oetchell, of Scartpose, was visiting friends tbe first of tbe week. Mrs. Oetchell haa been absent for over two years and sb noticed a big Improvement In our little city, specially In th residence district. Mrs. Homer Mullen waa a Portland visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Iizell, of Portland, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Ella Maple. Mr. and Mra. Johnson, Mrs. Jenny Dsvls, Mrs. Jsmes Robhlns, arid others, attended the meeting of Po mona Grange with Abernethy Grange at Parkplaca Wedneaday. Dinner was served at noon and all enjoyed the visit. Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Largo, of Ho nulam, Wash., spent Sunday with Mrs. Maggie Johnson, mother of Mrs. D. L. Large. John Garbranlo, of Portland, who purchased the Mrs. E. V. Sellwood property on Harrison street, haa a crew of men grading and clearing the land In order to build a new and mod ern residence In place of the old on, which .will be torn down Mr. Gar branlo will put cement walks around his place and Improve It and make an up-to-date place. Mrs. Maggie John son made the gale. The Catholic denomination has pur chased an acre of land of Miss Flor ence Olson at 3500, and will erect a modern school and church in th near future. Dr. Townley waa In Oak Grove on Tuesday evening to attend the M. W. A. , " ' Tbe City Council held a -meeting Tuesday evening. The improvement of Washington atreet waa ordered. The Cqunctl adopted the Engjneer's plana and specifications for th Im provement of Harrison street. The Counpll designated Th Appeal aa the official paper. A apeclal meeting will be held Wedneaday evening to let the contract for the Improvement of Main street. The Roys' Club Is preparing a pro gram for an entertainment to take place In th near future. George Stone left Saturday for Ashland,- Oregon, where h has' accepted a position with his old boss. W. H. Prunk spent the week end at Salem, visiting relatives 'and friends. Jim Mathews, the great crawfish eater, apent Sunday on the banka of the Willamette with th crawfish, and bis friend Jim had -a good time. W. H. Curtis has moved bla office from th bank building to th motor boat and power plant on the river. Dr. Ray 8tryker has rented rooms on and two In the bank building and will open a dental office Ray la a Mllwaukl boy and all of hla friends will be glad to hear of hla settling in his old home one again. Th Mllwaukle Commercial Club will hold Ita regular meeting Thura day evening. I)en and Chaa. Benolkln, of Minne sota, left Wednesday morning for their horn after a few days' visit with their brother, John A. Benolkln and family at their home two miles east of Mllwsukie. Church Notes. Evangelical Church. Rev. E. Rada baugh, pastor. Easter services Sun day at 10:30. Y. P. A. at 7 P. M Preaching at 8 P. M. by tbe pastor Prayer meeting Wedneaday evening Teachera' training Thursday evening Choir practice Friday evening. AH In vited. Catholic Church, Rev. B. Hugenroth pastor. Eaater Sunday aervlcea at 8 and 10:30 A. M. Sunday achool Sat urday at 9:30. Episcopal Church, the usual Easter services In the morning and' evening. OAK GROVE. Harry Mlnslnger, of Portland, was out Sunday vlaltlng old friends. Mr. and Mra. Gilbert and son Ray ar living at Gearhart Park, Oregon. Mr. Gilbert haa the contract for build ing aeveral residences there, and ex pect to be gone all summer. Anna Kuka and several of her schoolmates of the Lincoln hfgh, apent Monday afternoon at the Oak'a rink. While Anna and Ada Starkweather were skating together they fell, hurt ing Ada'a arm and breaking Anna's right arm at th wrist. The girls took ber to Dr. Stern's office tn Sellwood, wher the doctor administered anaes thetic and set th arm. Anna was taken to her home at Courtney sta tion at S o'clock by Rachel "Worthing- ton. Fred Harris waa In Oregon ' City Monday on business. R. C. Alexander waa an Oregon City visitor Monday. Sundny evening, April 18, Mr. No dell .will deliver a temperance lecture In Green's Hall. The Regis Flllac club, consisting of ten young ladles, will sing. Everybody Invited. : Church Notes. , Rev. Henry Spela will preach Sun day morning. An Easter programme Is being prepared. Special mu8lcby th choir. Mrs. Josepbln Wyland spent a few days visiting Mrs. J. D' Bitter and family last week. Mra. L. D. Yoder and daughter, Mr. J. Watson, were calling on Miss Nell Yoder Frldsy afternoon. Mra. V. E. Morrison and Mrs. Sber rell, returned home Saturday even ing after an extended visit with some friends In Hilltboro and Orenco. Herman Olaen has tackled another piece of grubbing for A. L Yoder and la changing tbe looka of th little farm very much. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yoder were entertained by J. Watson and wife last 8unday, , . MOUNTAIN VIEW. Wedding bells ar reported for the near future. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dullard cele brated their 13th wedding anniversary last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rau, of Center street, were all who were present, except th family. Mra. Bullard's brother Ed Frederick and family were to have been there, but sickness prevented. O. M. Clark has built a new six- foot walk along bis property on Mo lalla avenue. T. Sagar, of Shubel. was transact ing business In this burg last Week, I then went to Portland to see Roose- j velt. . B. F. Moyer, of MeadowbrookV was ' visiting his sister, Mrs. B. F. Linn, j last week, then went to Portland to visit his daughters. t Messrs. O. W. and C T. Dlckerson. , of Molalla, were shaking hands with old friends In this burg last week, then returned to their mountain home. Tbe Mountain View Improvement Club will bold a regular meeting Fri day evening and at tbe close a ban quet will be served. All are invited to attend. George Cook, of Portland, waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Burd last Sunday. Charlea Handle, of Sprlngwater, was the guest of S. V. Francis and j family Sunday. j Geo. Ingram Is seriously ill at his i home with rheumatism. Mrs. Hail made a bualnesa trip to Portland Tuesdsy. Mrs. Frank Wlnslow has a case of messles at her home. Her niece from Portland has a little boy who baa them. Curtis Selby painted th tower of the Mountain View church last week on Friday and Saturday. The ladles of (be Mountain View a. 8- have cleaned the church and put down a new carpet ready for Easter Sunday. Rev. Procter will talk to the Sunday achool Sunday at 3:30 P. M. All come. ' MILWAUKIE. Mra. T. J. Kelly returned home on 8MYRNA. The mild and beautiful weather of the past five weeka waa brought to an abrupt end Sunday by a severe wind that continued all day had brought a little rnln with It In the afternoon. - The Misses Maude and Nell Yoder returned from the Logan country on Sunday afternoon, where they had at tended the wedding of their coualn. Lottie Swart Klrchem. Th young ladles report having a very enjoyable time. Albert Moshberger and wife, and Mr. and Mra. Mllo Lantz, were seen motoring through our neighborhood last Sunday afternoon. Mlsa Elva Conrad, of Gladtlding. spent 8unday with her sister, Mra. A. L. Yoder. At Inst reports, Otto Owen Is still suffering from a aevere attack of rheumatism, hut w surely hope he will be all O. K. before long. A. O. Yoder and wife, and Mrs. Will Sconce, were shopping In Canby Inst Thursday. Riley Garret, of Canby, was In our vicinity a few days last week, stop ping with his brother in-law, soion Klnxer, , ' Clarence Yoder was seen In Canby Rundav evening . on his way home from Portland, .wher h had spent the week-end with relatives and also friends. Mrs. T. II. Sconce and sister, Mrs. L. B. Yoder, were shopping In Wood burn lsst Saturday, also calling on E. II. Yoder and family while there. TWILIGHT. Mrs. O'Connel has returned to ber home after a three months' treatment In the hospital In Portland,, very much Improved In health. Mr. Faulk, who sold his' place to Mr. Bullard, of Salem, has purchased a farm near Canby. Mlaa Alice Boylan la making an ex tended visit with relatives and friends in Kelso. Wash. Mrs. William Bolls, of Portland, Is making a visit with Mrs- A. H. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lazelle attended Pomona Grange , last Wednesday at Parkplac. , . . Mr. Sharkey expects to build a new house during the coming summer. Mrs. Geo. Schreiner spent last Frl dsy with Mrs. J. M. Olds..., David Fancher haa .sold his place to Mr. Haines, of Portland. Thla prop erty .is. to be put on the market for sale,' and will make some one a very desirable home. Mr. McClure haa taken possession of his new home, recently purchased from Mr. Lsungren. We are glad to welcome our new neighbor. The literary society will meet next Saturday evening in Twilight Hall, This promises to be one of tbe best meetings of tbe season. Tbe program la in charge' of Mrs. Marion Thomp son, Mrs. Curtis Oodds and Chaa. Caldwell. The main feature of the evening's entertainment will be a play given by the young people of Twi light. "The Match Box." Th Twilight orchastra will furnish several selec tions during the evening. BARLOW. Mlsa Ionia Andrews and Pesry Kee baugh, of this place, were united In marriage Saturday, April 8. at Oregon City. Jo Wlllett has gone to Oregon City to work, and is expecting to stay for two months or more. In the ball came between Canby and Barlow, last Friday, Canby waa beaten by the score of 8 to 15. Barlow has not lost a game this season, and does not expect to. Karl Bexgren Is giving his building a new coat of paint and putting up a new Warner fence around hla lots. The Zlon Ladlea' Aid, of Barlow, will give a basket social in Berg's Hall on Monday night, the 17th of April. Everybody Is cordially Invited. Mr. C. Hanson and family arrived here on Saturday night from Minne sota and will make Barlow their home. Miss Wlthey. of Portland, visited over Sunday with Bergs. Jamea M. Erlckson took a trip to St. Johns last week on business. Charlie Renck has rented the Jas. M. Erlckaon farm for the coming sum mer, .f , B J. Berg was In Tortlsnd on Sun day and Monday on business. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Yes but it's more than the quality grocery, it - has the lowest prices for the highest quality in this community. Here are the freshest goods the most exceptional . values. And af thir store you get that courteous attention and prompt delivery of your - purchases; that means pleasant quality la service. A , You ar cordially Invited to prove every word of this. Call today and look over our extensive stock or phone a trial order. Our quality and prices will positively causa you to glv us your custom then end always. A few specials this week quality ineverything Walla Walla Asparaoua, Nsw Fancy Dry Peaches 3 pounds for ripe Tomatoes, Hot Hous Lt- 25c Sultana Raisin 3 pounds tucC, for 25c Dry Whit Fig 10c a ' . , pound. J. E. SEELEY 9th and Main Sts Oregon City, Ore. to reject any or all bids. Dated April th. 1911 J. W. MOFTATT, J. J. COOKE, Assignees aforesaid, Oregon City, Ore- Ron. C. ,D.tD.a LA TO URETT E, Attorneys for Assignee. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notion under these claaained headtnr will b lnw led at one cent a word, tlrm Insert km. half a cent additional tnaar tlona. One Inch card. IS par roooth; naif Inch card. (4 llnee) SI par nonih. Caah must aotioarpany ord.r unleaa on lima ma, uicb wv.. - - r w - M....I.I - - It.lllW tn, armra' whr IIU1IVUU 1 trr i.mM... v. - . errors occur tree corrected notice will b printed for patron. Minimum coarse WANTED. VACUUM CLEANING done for SO cents an hour. Call Paclfle States 2491. WANTED Small modern furnished house, for summer. In city. Inquire . Enterprise office. NOTICE is hereby given that the un- rfaralvnari aanlsrneea Of the Oregon K City Lumber ft Manufacturing Com pany, an insolvent, win, unut inura day noon of April 20th, 1911, receive an tail hide for . the sawmill build ings and machinery and planing mill and machinery, togetner wun ay witrhaa. aide tracks, tools, appli ances, office fixture and all other property and assets of said Company In the hands of the underalgned as such assignees. Said property Is slluated in Oregon City In close proximity to th Wlllamett River, the Southern Pacific Railroad and on the Portland Railway, Light A Tow er Company's track, and offers an exceptional opportunity for a larg and growing business. ThS property will he Bold In three parcels. yIs: FIRST: Th equity of th under signed In the machinery purchased from th Northern California Com pany. . SECOND: That covered by a chat tel mortgage held by th Flrat Na tional Pan of Oregon City. THIRD: That on which there 1 no Incumbrance. " A description of th various arti cles In each class will be furnished on application to the undersigned. Terms of sale, cash. Certified check of 10 per cent of bid must accompany each bid right reserved WANTED Bright young man to learn Creamery business, wages paid from the start to right man, desirable place and pleasant situation. Apply Clear Creek Creamery or by letter to W. P. Klrchem, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 2. BIDS WANTED For the erection of one cottage on Taylor atreet Plana can be seen at George Randall's residence, 801 6th street. Bids will be received up to April 18th, 1911. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Address all letter to George Randall, 5th street. -FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 280 egg "Mandy Lee" Incubator, good as new. H. O. Hartshorne, Wllsonvllle, Oregon. A SNAP 7-room hous, four block from car lln In Oregon City; lots of fruit; price J900; $100 down, $10 per month. Same aa rent, Clyde ft ROOM AND BOARD Two rooms and board desir ed, private family preferred, for two people. Willing to pay good price. F. M. Swift OREGON CITY Wanted At Once! AT Oak Grove CARRIER AGENTS FOR THK HORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal terms to hustler. ' 8 Mr. Mtllsr Circulation Department, En terprlse, Oregon City Oregon. McRae, 1003 Main 8U Oregon City. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walka and reinforced concrete. Rea. phone Mala 11L ATTORNEY. O. D. EBT. Attorny-at-Law. Mone loaned, abstracts furnished, land title examined, estates settled, gen eral law business. Over Back of Oregon City. CREN ft SCHUEBEL, Attorn eys-at-. Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collection and settlements. Office la Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary pubUo. . ' ' CRITICS COMPLIMENT OHPETITORS COPY - - Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. E. H. COOPER. For Fir Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Of tic In . Enterprise, Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FREYTAO ft MONET, Real Estate Dealers, have choice bargains in farm lands, city and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. See ua for good buys. Near S. P. depot. - 8ECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW 8TORE. NEW GOODS. When moved Into my new store I put In a nice lln of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at th pri ce usually quoted for second hand or ehop-worn goods. Com In and took around. Fin lln of curios and relic. GEORGE YOUNG. . v I , PLEASE NOTICE. , To Introduce Th Morning Enterprise Into a Jarg major ity of th home . In Oregon City and Clackamas countv the management haa decided to make a special price for the dally Issue, for a short time only, where th subscriber pays a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In advance, 13.00. By tnall, paid a year In ad-; vance, $2.00. ' People who gave onr canvas ser a trial subscription for one . or more months, at. ten cents a week, can have the dally deliv ered, for a year for" $3.00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvas-' Ber a trial subscription, by mall, for four months st a dol lar, may have the paper for a yarTor $2.00, if paid a year In to the Weekly Enterprise may chang their subscriptions to the dally, re ceiving credit for half time on tbe dally that the weekly Is paid In advance. When they choose to add cash to th ad vene payment equal to a full year'a advance payment thy may take advantage of th $2 rate. We make thla special price ao that peopi who hav paid In advance on some other 4ally and wish to take th Morning Enterprise, may do ao wlthont too great ex pens. -.1