Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 13, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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fptlrtQ gnm5 (tlatljri
Our Easter
are attracting
the attention of
the smart dressers
and we are al
ways pleased to
show the new
style features of
"Society Brand"
clothes for men
and "La Vogue"
suits for Ladies
Prices $15 to $33
J. Levitt
. I .
' ! ' ' ' 1 " -
Tni Bplnglar, of Cerus, waa in Or
la city
fallen KUwarde. of 'Carua, waa to
taos City.
T Miller, of Carua, waa in Oregon
V. Wednesday.
lira George Curoaaon, I bdumi,
u In town Wedneeday.
iut trimmed and untrlmmed for
War at Ml" C. Ooldamlth's.
Mr Herman, of Reaver Creek, waa
Oregon City Wedneeday.
Brans broihere. of Ilateldale, war
Oregon City Tueeday.
gor kraut.- balf price, I caota t
W at JUgger Son 'a. " ;
ErsMt Ouenther, of Shubel, waa ID
lfoo City, Wedneeday.
N communion wreathes aad
Lila at Mine C. Goldsmiths.
Mr Crook, of Mull no, made a busl-
W trip to Oregon City Wedneedayj
Mr. Fred Hturgca spent Wedneeday
iDlD wltb Mra. R. A. Schoenborn.
r A.' hi Ilea went to Wllholt on Wad-
Way on business returning In the
Mr. Wbldnir, of Beaver Creek,
tula a business trip to Oregon City
( MIm CrUtner, of Carua, returned
torn California, where abe baa been
(biting tv.uUlvev-: :
( Mtadota end Rock Springe coal,
Vrked and' delivered la any quantity,
tjrtfou Commission Co., racltlc Main
U Uflmtt A 0.
Mra. DiiacoU, of Carua. waa la town
Pete Wright, of Liberal, waa In Ore
gon City Wedneaday.
Monroe Irlah, of Union Hall, waa la
Oregon City Wedneaday.
Dave Jonea, of Beaver' Creek, waa
In Oregon City Wedneaday.
Mr. and Mra. Glbba, of Clalrmont,
were la Oregon City Wedneaday.
Mr. Piaher, of Wlaconaln, la ataylng
with hta eon, Herman Tlaher, of Carua.
Mra. C. It. Jeremiah, landlady of the
Cliff Houae, had Joe Banta taken be
fore Juatlce 8amaon Wedneeday on
the charge of aecurlng board with the
Intent to defraud. The accused la but
-young lad and It la doubtful It he
la morally guilty, though he may be
technically ao.
A meeting of Council '"baa been
called for Thuraday evening thia ev
ening at which time It la eipected
that the Home Rule ordinance will be
taken up with the purpose of deciding
what la to be done with It Aa all
membera are at home It la hoped there
will be a full attendance, and that the
ordinance will be fully dlacuaaed
and then passed or killed, according
to the wladom there la In Council.
Mra. Drlacoll, of Carua, waa In Ore
gon City Wedneaday.
Mra. J. r. Kelt and Mra. E. H.
Smith were In this city from Maple
Lane on business Wedneaday.
Mra. L. D. Wllllama, of Ilwaco,
Wash., and Mra. M. K. Brown, of Port
land, are the guests of Mra. E. Warner,
of Mount Pleaaant.
Mr. and Mra. George Ogle, of Canby,
were In Oregon City on business Wed
nesday on their way to Parkplace,
where they attended the Pomona
Orange meeting.
Mra. J. B. Oarreteon and little son,
Merle, left Wedneeday evening for
San Franeleco where ihey will visit
with relatives and friends. They will
probably be away for two montba.
Mr. Roy B. Lee, a prominent real
eatate man of Canby, and who la con
nected with the Canby Canal Com
pany, waa in Oregon City on Wednea
day on his war to Portland, where he
went on lend business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kelly, of Min
neapolis, Minn., have arrived In Ore
gon City, and are the gueata of Mr.
and Mra. K. H. Smith, of Maple Lane.
Mr. and Mra. Kelly are to take up
their realdence In this city for the
, Mr. A. A. Wagner, a atudent of the
Pacific University, Forest Grove, waa
In Oregon City on Wednesday viattlng
the paper mills, and while In thla city
waa the gueat of Mr. and Mra. C. L
Zlegler, of Eleventh and Washington
streets. .
Mr. and Mra. T. Thompson, of Wis
consin, who have been spending- the
past year In California, arrived In Ore
sou City on Tueaday. and are the
ueeta of Dr. and Mra. O. A. Brown,
of 1103 Washington atreet. Thla la
the first visit to Oregon City Mr. and
Mra. Thompson have made, although
they visited In Oregon all yeara ago,
"Life and Its Counter Currents," by
nev. a. W. Bwope, Th. M., formerly
an Oregon- City boy, and aon of the
late T. W. Bwope, formerly of Oregon
City, haa Just been published, and
many of tbe Eastern papers have com
mented on the book. The book waa
published at Nashville, Tenn., and will
be handled In thla city . by We sister,
Mra. Charles M. Oglesby.
Rev. Mr. Swope waa born In the
State of Missouri, and came to Oregon
with hla father, the late T. W. Swope,
sister, Mra. Oglesby, and brother, B.
F flwone. who la-now a resident of
Independence, In the year of 1882.
He took up his studies In the Oregon
City schools, and after finishing his
course here took up teaching, being
very succeaafut. He afterwards stud
led law with Latourette Latourette,
and practiced for five yeara. -
From thla city he went to Louisville,
Ky., to prepare for the mlnlatry. He
finished hla college education at Louie
vllle. and waa offered a poet t Ion aa
nrofeesor In the college from wnicn ne
graduated, but wishing to enter the
ministry for wbicn-nw siuaiea, ne ac
cepted a call at Nashville, Tenn., re
maining there fornve yeara. wm
In charge of thla church he added 800
converts. From Nashville he waa
called to Norfolk, Virginia, to take
Charge of the Central Baptist church,
and haa been at that place for the
past year, and la meeting wun great
Thla cnurcu nas mw ui i"
f 4 I'
' 0
Por Every
to Aurora Tueeday of thla week.
. E. L, Bias, a property holder here
and also a former resident, waa called
East on account of. the Illness of hla
father, who died one day before be
reached hla destination.
Ralph May, clerk at the Big Sli la
among thoae who are down with the
People are talking about an early
race meet on the track at the Fair
grounds. The track could not be bet
ter, nor the horses that are here could
not be In better shape.
Mrs. W. R. Porter baa left to make
a visit with her daughter, Mra. A.
Smith, of Long Beach, California. Mra.
Smlth'a boy la alck wltb tbe meaalea
and therefore ahe arranged for her
mot here visit at thla time.
The city ordinance requiring that
tbe sidewalks be kept free from ob
structions of any kind haa gone Into
effect and some marked Improvements
may be seen on our sidewalks.
W. H. Balr had hia band rather
seriously smashed last week while be
and A. L Bnell were trying to close
a door of a car, which refuaed to cloee
as it should have done at first but
which did close when leaac expected.
The resident a of this section were
greatly surprised on the morning of
the 11th to find tbe ground covered
with snow, while the cherry treea
were In full bloom.
Many of tbe people of thla section
are afflicted with tbe meaalea and
pneumonia. . It aeema aa though tbe
meaaulea and pneumonia work In har
mony to pull the patient down, and
then cornea tbe grip which atays aa
long aa either of these ailments.
With all of these dlaeaaea the Mum
powers have control of getting out
atone for culverts and Frank Jaggar
haa the control of building the cul
verts for Clackamaa county, and when
once built they will be a great benefit
to the county. Another enterprise la
being considered, thla being the con
struction of a dam, and the water
power uaed for manufacturing pur-
largest memberahlpe of any church in
... a .n r.1 (h, lAadlnc rholrS.
Virginia, auu , I noses
Rev. Swope baa . appeareu ' Grant Mumpower etarted the old
of the Eaatern Chautauqua Lhl "h "K lor. at U. Mwm,
,a li con. aer . """ '"-" thli morning. Mr. Mumpower has a
atudents of the Sou h The manu K up h-
script oi me ouus. "".v 1 Clackamaa River
55T5i3JiZ' A party waa operaUng an Armatrong
aisiinRuiBimu - - -
Dr. J. M- Froet, who is at n. v.
the Baptlat Sunday School Board of
Southern Baptlat Convention; Dr. Hy-
ronn II. Dement, proiessor oi d.
Pedagogy and aaslsUnt professor of
theology in the Southern Baptlat Theo
logical Seminary located at Loulavllle,
Ky., and Dr. A. w. Lnr,
State secretary of mlMlone for South
Carolina, now known all over the
United Statea aa a c,ur"- .
The book comprises u
matter carefully and concisely written
and la bound ln a aubstantlal. cloth
bluing. - ' ..,. . w,.
Rev. swope win mane "
alster. Mra. Charlea . wg'ur.
Ing the coming anmmer, and will also
mower cutting grass to feed the milch
cows. Green grass makes quue
difference In the Quantity of milk.
Evangelist D. W. Summers, of Sa
lem, will hold aervlcee at the church
on lth Inat at 11 o'clock. - Every
body Invited to-attend. Bible reading
at 10 o'clock. Seata are free
Well,-(oday la the 10th day of April
mA h. around la wblte wun anow,
which la quite a change In the weath
We still have some meaalea, colda
nrt othpr sickness In thla part of
town : don't know when we will get
Mr and Mra. Chaa. Holman were
held an Interesting meeting Tueeday
evening. Two new membera were
ven the secret work of the order.
The lodge la growing and In a pros
perous condition.
H. Graham Is filling In hla yard
and Improving hla property.
The school board held a meeting at
the achool houae Tuesday evening.
Martin Katzke baa entered tbe Mil-
waukle school aa hla parenta reelde
there now.
Florence Blgham haa returned to
achool after aa abeence of aeveral
daya on aceount of alckneaa .
The achool base ball team defeated
the Concord school team Friday;
score 13 to 4.
The dally achool attendance haa
been very regular.
Tbe eighth grade graduatea are ale-
cussing their class colors, mono ana
flower, and preparing for tbe eierclaes
at the cloae of achool.
About one Inch of anow fell here
Monday.. Looka quite wintry for thla
time of the year.
Mra. fieorre Wallace, who baa Deen
visiting with her parenta at Hubbard,
returned to Col ton laat Tueaday ac
companied by hee-eaother, Mra. Plurd.
A family moved to tbe van Horn
place last week. - '
Will DIs. of BhuDie. waa nome ai
unday visiting with hla mother, Mrs.
John Jonea la digging stumps for l.
Mr. and Mra. W. Warner ana ir.
and Mra. Whlttman. of Portland, were
out visiting Mr. Warner'a brother In
the bills laat Sunday.
E. Trigg etarted bla Job or Clearing
for C-8tromgreen Saturday. .
Mr. worden. who haa been at rorv
land for some time, la out on hla place
again. '
U, 8. Dm purcnaaeo aome nay iruio
Mr. Axene and waa hauling k iaai
week. y
Mlaa Florence Stromgreen attended
church at El wood laat Sunday.
Mr. Sullivan, the road supervisor oi
district 20, waa around looking over
the roads and found aome places
where Improvement la very necessary.
it Warner accompaniea nia xneuu
John Deetz, who had Deen visiting
him to Estacada Monday. Mr. Deeti
tntenria n leave ror Ajaaaa mis wt
Mr. Aen la aelllnr all me nxycn.
and farm Implement and will leave
far Portland aoon,
t" a rmrhett finished hla wlnter'a
contract of logging for Hult Bros, laat
Saturday. -
fr Avene sold hla wagon io nr.
a : .. ,i.j.unl,nMl
ll'.lt , ,in to hls homV n the out on the farm Sunday viattlng their
before returning to his nome, BnrtBnn rharlea N. Holman.
Mr. Allen, a Socialist candidate, waa
aWtMl Mavor bv a small majority.
J. w. 8taudlnner lnforme ua that he
tho iw'tp have will be riding around in hla new auto
PRICE i2.50 :r. JJ
PRICE $300
The first polr
of nADO cor
sets you weor
gives you oil
the reasons
you neea or
want for buy
ing tie second
pair. . '
Kabo No. GI3
615 or 694 are
the' long skirt
and correct
Shapct Price
$1. and equal
to higher pric
ed ones In oth
er makes.
PRICE $1.30
" Tho Cloro That Savos You Money ?'
... a Lk. iclectrlc Hotel:. J.
reB...r.rv- .... . o nllrd
V. Harleaa, woiaiia; . . -,,-'!
Ieonard O Brlen. E. Hettman. Mullno
V. Ram Cox. W. E. Barlow, Wedera-
rllle. lndUna; J. F. WlUa. Pearl River.
ti . n u Msvromb. Ban FTu-
inaintaen, va. a a- . ... vW
claco; L. Shepp andwlte. New York-
Chaa. McCormlck. millionaire lum
berman, who owns a fine farm north
of Canby on the Willamette Kiver,
while going to take a train In Califor
nia, dropped Into hla wlfe'a arma and
waa dead In a moment. The cause
waa heart trouble. Hla adopted daugh
ter waa also with htm at the time of
hia death, which occurred April 11.
Mr. Oorham who haa been aDsem
for over a week returned tnia weea
bringing hla family with hlm; ao now
he la here to atay. The lumber In
the tabernacle waa purchased byhlm
and now Mr. Oorham la busy Having
temporary ahelter built on hia land In
the north part of town. Mr. Oorham
la a ruatler and the people or canny
r iad to welcome auch.
TM laaiea oi me i' u . ,., r,idae
. v.r aiiccpasful basaar in me m. b- uiuou rriu.u- -
rn. m.11 Wwlnesdav of this week, from Morrow
Will the correspondent pleaae In
form ua to the extent of the damage
done to the fence when Capt. Apper
aon waa after the chicken In hla new
Clyde Waldron made a business trip
to Meadowbrook Saturday ana sunuay
The road waa some slick Sunday.
O. T. Kay got hla thumb between
block of wood and a aledge hammer
and unlit his thumb In place of the
wnod H had better apllt before
Mra. Milton Chlndgren waa greatly
nrnriHAri last Saturday by a number
of her friends. It being her birthday
Claude Winalow haa been hauling
lumber for C. S. Studlnger'a new barn.
A. L. Larktna la hauling lumber to
furnish the brick yard of Mr. Rob
Orem. He will be able to furnish the
trade with plain and fancy bricK.
M. J. Lee baa a force of men
work on the Canby Canal Co.'a flume.
Quite cold, wintry weather that we
are enjoying at the present time.
Mra. Bertha Douglass and Mies Blna
Douglass were entertained at dinner
by Mra- Murphy and Miss iweaa mai
oountv. bringing witn
(Mtv Ha l weonesunT ui two .w,. .nwu, ....... - , ,
a Tt iiJ,!:i,.ined the aood work him a fine team of young mulea and
along by making them a good eupply three splendid young marea someoi
of candy, and none better haa ever the best to be procured In Morrow
been sold In Canby. When the ladles
aaw It anowlng In the forenoon they
were somewhat discouraged, but the
final outcome waa very gratifying.
The surveyors of the electric line
Ruaael Jones haa been on the alck
nut hut ! almost well again,
nirv nibson made a horse trade
witn ma oromer cj i uc
lei mortgage held by the Flret rta
Ueaal Baak of Oreon City.
THIRD! That oa which Uere la
ao Ineambraaee. '
A description ef the vartona artl
- clea In each claaa will furnlahed
on application to the undersigned.
' Terma of sale. cash. Certlfled
check of 10 . per cent of bid Brunt
accompany each bid-bright rsaerved
1 to reject aay or all bid.. i " '
Dated April 8th, 111.
; v J. J. COOKB,
Asalgneea aforesaid. Oregon city, Ore
gon. C. D. aV D. C. LATOURETTE, -1
Attorneys for Assignees. "
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these claaairled haadtaKS
will ba inawied at one cant a word, first
InaerUom. balf a een addHtoaal Ineer
tlona. One Inch card. It par month; hair
Inch card. (4 Unas) fl per month.
Cash nuit aooompaar order unlaaa ena
haa an open aoeount with tha pa par. Me
financial raaponalblllty for arrorat where
errors occur fraa corrected notice will be
printed lor patron. Minimum, charae lte.
WANTED Olrl for general house
work. 70 Water Street.
cents an hour. Call Paclfle Statea
WANTED Small modern furnished
houae, for anmmer, In city. Inquire
Enterprise office. '
WANTED Bright young man to learn
Creamery bnainesa, wage paid from
the atart to light man, desirable
place and pleaaant altuatlon. Apply
Clear Creek Creamery or by letter
to W. P. Kirch em, Oregon City, R.
F. D. No. a.
BIDS -WANTED For the erection of
on cottage xta-Taylor atreet Plane
can be seen at George Randall's
residence, 801 5th atreet. Bide will
b received up to April 18th. 1811.
We reserve the right to reject aay
and all hlda. Addreaa all letters to
George Randall, ( th atreet.
A SNAP 7-room houa, four block
from car line in Oregon City; lots
of rrult; price 100; $100 down, $10
per month. Same aa rent. Clyde tt
McRae, 1008 Main St. Oregon City.
PrMmin tf VTlwOOd.
BUI Hettman left for Huonare. Wed
Th v. P. A. holds ite regular meet
ing Saturday evening, April 15. The
new offlcera will be lnatalled and a
rond nmeram haa been orepared. All
are welcome.
Mr and Mra. Clark Corey were aur-
Drlsed by a number of their rnenaa
and nal chbora Sunday evening, April
9th, the occasion being their blrth-
daya, which occur on me same aay.
All report a very nice time. jar.
Mra Corev have been In Flrwood a
number of yeara. are among 6ur beet
iiunn neonle and every one loins In
wlBhlng them many happy returns of
the dav.
Messra. B. Mortla and O. wacarow,
of Portland, apent Hunaay wun mr.
and Mra. Wm. Flscner.
Mra. Phoebe M. Dill apent sunaay
with Mr. and Mra. U B. tnaemore,
nn in 3-6.
W. E. Stevens haa been apending
the last week on hla ranch setting oat rj-REN ft 8CHUEBEL, Attorneye-et-
frult trees, making garden and im- Uv, Deutacher Advokat, will prao-
proving hia place generally. tlce in all court a, make collecuoaa
The Flrwood Sunday acnooi win w and aettlementa. Uince in amter
gin their Eaater program April le. prise Bldg, Oregon City. Oregon.
promptlly at 1 p. m., and Mr. wnu,
of Sandy, will lecture at 3 p. m. i ABSTRACTS OF TITLE.
Several oi tne rirwooa
LOST Purse, with sum of money,
between Price Broe.' store and cor
ner of Fifth atreet Finder leave at
Enterprise office and receive re
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of -building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone) Mala 11L - '
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furniahed. land
titles examined, est a tea settled, gen
eral law bwaineaa. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
Sdt evVlnra'nd'U'a S V. R. HYDE, Abstract Offlc.
Land UUea lnveeUgated. conveyan
cing, notary public.
. ; i j .if
to be built oat of Canby are through Dick trading a none auu - -with
their work, and It U rumored that for a horse. Both are ple- ,h-
..mtion work will begin soon. Dr. Isaac wooaie waa
i . a r.nhh waa in uanoy auenainn neinnooiuwu -- -
to buslneaa mattera during the first
part of the week. CLARKES-
The depot Is looming up fine with Mary Marshall la back home from
Its new dreaa, The painters are still Oregon City.
at work and when they are through Mr8, Marshall la ataylng with her
v-u i. .... aa fine a looking uMiiia Marshall.
depot aa can be found along the line. M'r. Cummins haa very near blood
time, as usual,
Mrs. E. IX Hart la spending a lew
davs with Mr. and Mrs. Prldemore's
thla week.
Albert BrownelL of Portland, waa In
thla vlclnltv the nast week looking al
ter his business Interests and calling
on frlenda.
Tha nrwood-Dover Telephone Co.
held their regular meeting April 8 and
transacted the neceasary business.
n v Hart, accompanied by his
rhiidren and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo,
drove hia car out from Portland and
t undav on the ranch.
Waldo Frost left April 8th for Mc
Mlnnvllle where he will spend some
time vlBltlnc relatives
a numhor of neoDle are settling on
the disputed railroad land with the
Intention of homesteadlng it
Mr. Runyon, of Cherryvllle, and the
Rev. McColUvef. of 8andy, visited the
Flrwood Sunday achool April .
Mr. Douglass commences work on
the county road east of Flrwood this
U. and Mra. tk W. fallows ro-
turfftfd to Canby for a brief period at
leaat - "''
Ray Vlnyard, who haa .been In the
house for about iwo.arwHi wnu v-
polaon; he Is In Oregon cny unuer
the doctor's care.
Mra. Cummins is staying in Oregon
City with Mr. Cummins.
ft nnwarl All Mondav. April 10. Ai-
measles, Is about reaay to return w Ur vfew weeKs or
hie accustomed dutitV " looks like we were going to have snow
Mrs. J. 8. Dick has teen on the alck on gaster.
list during the past week. . Mr. Wettlaufer was In town on wed-
C F Romlg apent laat Sunday with neHday.
his wife who underwent an operation Ciarkea school la Intending to have
for gall 'atonea at the St Vincent hoa- an entrtalnment on the laat day.
ultal over a week ago. . He reports ery Muier has sore eye; he la In
her doing nicely and expects that In Oregon City under the doctors care
about another week ahe will be able Rav. 8mlth, 0f MarsvlUe preached
tn rntnrn home,
. Chris Zimmerman, of Aurora, was
In Canby on business Wednesday. ,
Dr H. A. Dedman made a buslneaa
trip to Oregon City Tueaday.
! Mr White, a mn of Thomas WhUe
of Amity, U here visiting with Doc
8B.F. Hyde, of Barlow, was in town
on business Wednesday.
B. Roy Lee waa in Portland on bual
ness Wednesday. . -.
On laat Monday evening the young
people of Canby were royally enter
uTned at. the home of B. V. Taylor,
north of town. Everyone tne,repo.rr
ed a most enjoyable time. Dainty re
freahmenta were aerved; many gamea
were played, songs sang and a good
time In general and all regretted when
the hour arrived for leaving. -
Messrs.- Adams ft Houston, of Leba
non, who hare been enned fr the
past month at painting algns and algn
board", returned home on Tuesday.
E V. Taylor- and daughter, , Fklna,
who are engsRed in .buslneaa at Port
land, spent Sunday with the home
folks here. '
M. J. Lee Is absent from town, has
been In Portland for the pastfew days
on business. - ' ' " -
H. W., Combs made a miBtness trip
-i.-boa ttnriiiih M. R. church.
Mr. Sullivan was In town last week
on Wednesday.
The Modern Woodmen of America
Two rooms and board destr
tdt private family preferred,
for two people. Willing to
pay good price. ' '
F.M. Swift
NOTICE Is hereby given that the un
dersigned assignees of the Oregon
City Lumber A Manufacturing Com
pany, an Insolvent, will, until Thurs
day noon of April JOth. 1911. receive
sealed bids for the sawmill hulld-
. Ings and machinery and planing mill
and . machinery, together with all
switches, side tracka. tools, appli
ances, office fixtures and all other
property and assets of said Company
In the hands of the undersigned a
such assignees. Said property Is
situated in Oregon City in close
proximity to tb Willamette River,
the Southern Pacific Railroad and on
the Portland Railway, Light & Pow
er Company's track, and offera an
exceptional opportunity for a large
and growing bualneaa. ...
The property will be aold in three
parcels, via:
FIRST: The equity of the under
signed in the machinery purchased
from the Northern California Company.
SECOND: That covered by a chat
OKPmrcxs copy
Room 7, Barclay Bldg Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER. For Flra Insurance
and Real Estate. Let ua handle
your properties we bny, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bids., Oregon City, Oregon.
Dealers, have choice bargains in
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. See us for good . buys.
Near 8. P., depot ..
When I moved Into my new store
I out In a nice line of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am selling at the pH
ees usually quoted for second hand or
shop-worn goods. Come In anal took
Fine line of curios and relica. -GEORGE
Wanted At Once!
Oak Grove
; FOR THE ;,i ;
Liberal terma to huetlere. See Mr.
m manCirculation Department En
terprise, Oregon City Oregon.
To Introduce The Morning -
Enterprise into a large major-
ity of the homes In Oregon
Cltv and Clackamaa county tha
management has decided, to
make a special price for tha
dally Issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber pays .
a year in advance. - . e
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00. . -
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vance, fl.00. . e).
People who gave our canvas-
aer a trial subscription for on
or mora months, at ten cents a
week, can have the dally dally
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People who gave our canvas- 4
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year for 2.00. If paid a year In w
Subscribers to the - Weekly
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may take advantage of the t
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Enterprise, may do so without 4
too great expense.
617 MAIN OT.
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