Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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morning Enterprise, Thursday, april i3t mi. 1
J I'
1 t
t C. BROOK, Editor ad Pwkltanoc.
B, 111. as th M t
CUT. r Um
mas sr tmcmitii
Oh Tmt. ay eaa
hi ioim. ar
roar afcaMke.
. IM
. IM
. .1
tfiureuc UTB
Pa el Pas, aaca (M Baaaf-Uaa .
rvM ru. rr - furtiun
m4 arwMtoa m
Plafnad paantna aajr a', par M
mi mim .ise
a papar Mkr Uiaa flrM aa, la
mat hMRM.. lie
kaa aaer Mlw tkaa ftrwt Ml1- ear ajeh
as hmiiM
Unli lee par Him; la rag-alar
Item Be Mm
Wuui Far BeJa. T
Ml a word fast toaartJen
aril eddltlaaal 4
alas far e4vartlsla la lb Weahtr
Irnaym anu ee laa mum aa ta lh
salty, far ifriiliiiaiiiH ar aapacsally
far Ota Ntlr Wlwn Ibe avenieaMa
la Wanafaiiad frea. lea dairy la lha weak
ly, wtiaaat claifi. Ibe rata will be aa
aa far laa af Ibe papar. sad IBs aa
TW portaalty woald ftM k aQ
aided her, for while tha saoa coald!
worm a( ail tlmss ta aa effort to sap-
port bias OW th beT hand ls
farm cowl at all Uaai have labor at I
which th mi coal uk bis heepl
u4 not eaforr a drawing th rwl
eoarce of lb taatitatloa.
A trial a fan anight h ated a (lory
to Ik cootajamli" If property coadact-
ed aad not hn-nma aa tnaUt allow of
opproblum. aa oae might think at trst
glaac at tba mam. Aa effort at plsy-
lac th part of tba hamaaltartaa al
as ys Hfu a aii or a people ap
mar aot b Bble to fig-are oat Just how i
It la accomplished, ' bat It raaaalaa a
fact and a stody ot the matter wfll
convince th Boat skptlcaL
A tramp farm for Clark maa county
Mrs. Carter H. Harrison His
Written One Successful Novel
atca far anaetal aaainaa.
Oaak aa U accocapaar arr vhara
artr la Mkam tm tnhiia arnaa af
tka Balaranaa.
4rantaa at Iraal a4artaaB
CktM aarlatma' a4 apadal traaateat
aaVartaaa at Je ut Me aa nca. hoN-
cralllkai imwiliuj tha
f JW fry
Mrt4 o S1 ,h
prata of k MK-UI m "
Cat af wttb kla korw. mmm-
la la Mirlil
TV mm" aaa Baaaraa aWJa" a4var
r i i ii i aw kacb fa-t liualMi: al
Ua Itiai aa4 aR arrtt'a antolaa
vfll aa claaUr aoraal.
ailiai ar nlaal
M hr ataae la rpaj
April 13 In Ame.icaiT, History.
1783 Ooeral Alpiuader MacMsb. V.
ft. A-. hero f Plattabarc. bora.
a mi.
1861 CoafcaWat bombardavat of
Tort Samter raodoaad. and Ut)at
Aaderaoo. lb rommaodant. crnd
to eraraata tba poat am tba Utb.
lM-BJrtMa of the AUbama claim
Jacob A. . Rita, sociologist and
forraac, apok WadDoadar evenlnc
Shivoljr ' 1111 to a tare and apppre
datlv aodlenc. Tba lecture that
Mr. Rlia wa billed-to deliver
kfaktnc of aa .American" bad to be
given ap at the last moment because
tke electric current waa too strong
for tk tereoptlcaa and the Illustra
tion could aot be used.
Tke abetitoted subject s Tony's
Hardship." Tonr la th typical street
Arab found la New Tork and all Urge
and growing cities. The winning per
aonalttr of th peaker held hi hear
ers at foil attention from th time be
stepped to th front and began peak
lac till be waa finished. Th lecture.
"Tony's Hardship." I aa Interesting
and thrilling delineation of conditions
In the slams of New Tork and abounds
In anecdote full of human latereat.
KS. CAJtTEB H BAftatlSOM. ta wife af th Dwavecrstlc raadldat
for mayor af CaJragw. la a womaa af aptacdid wart a. ad ChJcac
ha cwaa b kseaaar araU dartac th amaay years that her huabaad
waa th cttya taJaf axacwdret tb was Mia Kditb Ogdea, before
bar marrtare te Mr. Harrtaoa. Sh eaaeatialty feearaiM. ad the great M
ah haa reodered la her kaabsad ta bi potV-al ambitiona has been aloac fee-,
lain tinea. Sbe la a rbaramlac bawtaaa, sad her r)eraaa makes her beast
lb more ttractrra. Sh baa always been nsaaslaeat la aortal affairs sad ta
faithertac pabac miesmmtn. pat ah baa fuaad time te rear two atfraiv
ehUdrea. The elder, a boy. ha aot bee strong, sad a accwuat of his health
tk family baa neat aerwral wtalars la California. The aon Is now at Tak
and I crewlac arnrdior. Bat era the rare of awiberhood sad her eitea
atT aortal duilra kav not kept Mrs. Harrtooai from faUowtug ker literary
bent Kb baa wrlttea a roilecltoa ef filry storW railed -PrtBce HllrerwtagO
and her bwvL Jirrlnceos Karrt-eie." baa beea farorabl receJed by crtUoal
a was iaema a aJturt lime ago.
FflVlfU IIF THF DP1DI P Olat th judgment
a waawi'a w a ISaa m tavl ImoW Of
treaty brtb raited Btates eenateiMach of the charm with which Mr.
. and a aeriuM war alarm m Amer- ; Rlia In rests hi lecture la In th i-
w and England. i presalT cesture he use la emphn-
-lSfiO-KamBal Jarkana BandalL etatea- i 'H 'r or'1 nttered.
cblra af Ta Mam Eaue
artar daarlaim naaaaatUJiry for thm t,.
ma wprinid la tba artlrWo aabliaawd
from llM to tla ta lb la eaiaaiT TSb-
""'J TV" "tt ta ae fair, aad 1 tiff
" a aw w WW JBMJ mm aVnTrnVKlBBB a-aT abamf Bk I
th plaintiff.
TVs officer oa th ground did not
know aU tha circumstance that th
other officer la the rase did. or h
would not bar let the men off plain.
or ao plain tiff. Th mea arrested
ma a. died; bora 182&
1907 Standard O0 company adjudgea
- gaflty In th rebate caaea in Chicago-
(Tram noon today to noon tomorrow.)
Baa nets eZZ, Uses 5 .IS; moon
S:49 p. m.; planet Mercury
tac after .
People with a good, warm spot In
their heart are agitailac th question
of a tramp farm in Orecoa. Those
who would see sack an Institution
started in thia Stale point with pride J Oscar
-to similar institutions in Ohio and
fact hi hand tell aJmoet aa much
as the Tolce. Mr. RHs told something
of the work of many of the boys'
clubs of New Tork and other place.
He believes that "environment has
more to do with making th character
of boys and girls than heredity."
The espeoiaJ reason, for the present
( visit to the Coast is to brine to the
I attention of th neool of the Coast
the fact that with th opening of the
Panama Canal will come direct Immi
gration from Europe and kt wishes to
forestall th forming of slums as far
as possible.'
Bhara la a. anwl.a Vomi
A Good Story Often Covers a
were without doubt Iks men wko led
prvymty aiawad to atewre paa-! ta Newer horse through Oregoa
ana laey bad cenaialy traded
them off r aid them. Th officer la
StaaL i the case U wlUlna to stake his repuu-
Editor Enterprlae: p. n Newell ' tton 00 ,k"t state avrnt But th Ore
come back orith tha statement that'011 CI' officer la not supposed to go
the officers should hav arrested (a'outsid th cMy to do aork for other
thieves If ihey felt they had them. T ; twopierand-h has ho right to ieav
It waa not th iatentkm of the offi- bis work her and do so: all-same
cers o insinuate that Newell waa ' tB" horse were where the mea taken
cared, but that h permitted th men I rovll1 Pt their hands on them at th I
to talk to him no nice, that be felt J t,m the arrest Now It may be
he would be doin'c th mea an Injun j another matter.
tlce if they were detained. The Or-1 Any one who will give this horse
gon City officer did arrest th men and proposition B few moments of consld
bad them to th depot and th tickets ! eration will understand that these ac
purchaaed when th Salem officer and j-eueed mep r foiy enough to under
way Trp rarm.
Bdltor Enterprise: liar ywa '
Ik aropoattioa of a Stat tramp farm
aay eoaelderetton? If not why not do
It noaT la th Eastern Utatea thee
tramp farms are having great
as 4 they ar certainly a good thlag
rightly coaductod.
Th propoaltloB la to glv a maa an
opportualty to get a foot hold acala If
h baa slipped until he can seemingly
make no headway in h effort to get
ahead. When out of wors, on '
his luck r sick aaa ureu.jjie "
in tha farm. I'nlee he is sick
he I supposed lo do about so much
work each day. and If he doe more
he te paid for It. Thus'aben he I
again ready to start forth fc ca
wHh a Utile money in hi pocket. And
If after starting out he wishes to again
return to th farm st some future
line, bavin again got Kn oa his
luck he raa do ao. It s a hard propo
sltioa In life a ban there Is no haven
Into which man can steer hi rrsft
and get a few momenta of roeplte
from pulling atalnat th current. Th
.ka aikM a sucroaa la life has
! . ... - 1- X to kllMMtf
PUIII UP B IWIHI v,mw m -.
bat the man bi has prsctlcally made
a failure baa n such haven and it Is
aot oaly humanitarian for the world
to provide such a place, but If one Is
provided and the man gets a short
rest and a new foothold and la given a
now start he may agala becoat a use
ful clUtea aad a revenue p rod oca r.
Oa th other hand. If be doea not get
another atart h lets dowa oa his lurk
and become a tramp and a waster
rather than a wealth-producer and in
th end la n tmrdea oa the community
In particular and society la general.
Whoa a community or n Stat pro
vide a moan whereby mea ar ea
abled to agala become aelf supporting
It la not simply a raa of giving th
poor fellow a new start, but It la also
a case of protecting the community or
the State from th added burden which
noa producing mea always Impoa.
And th fact that th man simply
kea out aa evl at ence doe not la aay
way protecfthe community. Th lea
tpense the pauper ia th lee th coat
j to th community or th Stat, but
there Is eom burden deeplt the pov
erty with which w surround him and
then there I thJonl0 lh communi
ty and th Biate of wnat no mignt
hav produced. Each day's labor lost
la a loae the greater loaa jnay be to
th maa himself but thr ta.. too, a
loaa to th community and the fttat
and th sooner w recognli this the
better for as and for tha maa who I
wasting hie time and his strength.
Th tramp farms of the East ar
doing wonders for men who ar dowa
oa their luck and need a little help
to set them right: and th community
la gaining even more than th man
who Is given th new stsrt
Ait You A rjoocy Suef
Moot every aaa SaPw UN I maar Mf . At
S set ia aava taalr lnm w uVm,
sev " m ia wi u .
f " a
People veilt ihiII fy aa swv adtawt .w
vsi they Mh na toes ay fll) wtth reareW 'f
tv"Hle ay bav
Ta moral Is:
tKe leseme, task
it's a almpia aattr
flu tr savin this
uva awta I'ttl Uae and Mvs mL "w wkaw
tt.rte tart Malaga ."?mr
The Bank of Oregon Qty
IX C LATOUItnTa rrwatdaai
TraaoawU a (vaavaeal wsnalng wMaia.
R. W. & R. S.Wat d
Wa aa arsl rep'S. atrahaa ahlnaey made
war as new. E apart wHn aasalln aagla.
Phas: Mala tf Hat lit.
rang 1 west ; (O0.
Rachel gtlnebeuga to Emily L, Boa?,
maa. so acre of section W, townihls
S south, rsag I west; tl-
Edward a and Jennie A. lUeker to
Mary A. O NetlL lot 10. block . Rob
artaoa; f(O0.
Isaac 8- and Elliaboth MUler ta
Mary Jan Blair, 101 aero of section
, township S south, rang 1 oast;
Goorg w. and Anna E. rorce to T.
II. Oldenburg. 10 acre 6f aectloa IS.
township 4 south, rang I east; 11000.
Erma Laurence Jooo aad Una E.
Joaea to John Da rid Bluhm. land la
County Addltloa to Oregoa City: lZI.
C. W. aad Eathaa & Ktrhbrid to
W. W. and Bella Metisger. lots IS aad
II. lrk 11. OUdatooe; l.
T. L. Charmaa. trustee, ta D. W.
gpehr et aL Iota I and II. of block t,
South Oregon CHj; l&d-
r. u .eweil felt that the men In
charge were not tha men wanted. A
it was up to th plaintiff to Say what
was to be done the. officer let the men
Smith ' Taken Unawares
rrianda a 91a RiiHiw
A stirofi. nartv waa i.n....i rw-s i because he did not want to hold out
Xew Tort, and tales are told of much ( Sm(tn OB MooaaT ,.Tenlng at his home j a-MMMa--M---aM-a.aMM-aaMaa--Ma
good don where such Institutions ar . at Canemah in honor of his 21it birth-' " - ,
rlchtlr conducted. - TDe evening was oevotd to i
a . - , ,., .k. game, and music, and was followed
stand the: likelihood of being followed
and they always hav a very. plaus
ible story for those who will listen
while they spin IL And Its dollars to
doughnuts that P. D. Newell was kind
William P. aad Ellxabeth E. Raurb
to Edward and Anion! Vana. land la
sections 15, 15.' township S south,
range east; fit. :
E. P. and Maggie Heath lo W. N
Carter, 16.04 acres of section 17. town'
ship 2 south, rang east: II.
U T. Vlnaon to J. A. McCtu,re JO
acres of section II. township 3 south,
hv rrfrHhmfi
tatioa that Tom L Jonhson, of Oeva ! present were Miss
He could 1-
laad. prided himself on.
ways point with pride to some few
mea that had been given a start in
th rant it ut ion. and that were making
good after a short rst at the farm
-And H waa with pride that be did so
poiat, for he had the love of bis fellow
mea at heart and was glad to see a
maa who tad been down on his lock
get a foothold. It did him good to
sea th maa himself pick up his bead
s he made forward steps, one by one,
Efifil a tins came that te felr safe !n
hi position ai4 strong eoooxb to bold
his place in the world.
Why hA a traap farm for Oregon
Of y or Clackamas county, at least?
Climatic conditions would be Idea for"
each aa taati'atioo here. A man or
group of men l not lo- many days
through enforced Idleness here, snd
th maa down on bis lock who wished
a haven from ahlch to make a new
tart could any day of th year begin
bis sojourn there and at the same time
begin to labor eomwbat In excess of
Jennie Schatz.
Miss Baany Oweohy. Mias Rose Haas.
Miss Agnes Crone. Miss Helen Smith.
Miss Beryl Long. Miss Ada Frost, Miss
Mary Ellen Long. Mlxs Lottie Hacker,
Miss Helta Carothers, Miss Anna Jew
ert. Miss Cora Smith. Mlas Rath
Hedaes. Ernest Young. Martin Roos.
Walter Moore. Ralph Carson, Gilbert
Long. Arch Long. Elbon Long.-Louis
Bin it h. Edward Smith. William Free
man, Oliver Frost, Chester Carothers.
Gas Zimmerman. Edgar Nnttall. Ed
ward Vonderahe. Louis Criteser, Ray
mond Crit-er, Herman Rakel. Carnott
fip-ncer. Oorge Smith, Andy 8r.iUh,
Amos Smith, Mrs. Charles Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs Clayton Wlte. Mr. and
Mrs Frank Drlscoll. Mr. snd Mrs.
Clarence Heskett, Mr. and Mrs Orian
H-skett. Mr. and Mrs Earl. Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Smith.
Gives Possession of gandy Store and
Stock to the Plaintiff.
A cherlirs Jury was called Wednes
day to fry the rights of property In
the case of R. U Sahln vs. George
Keith, a stock of merchandise was
attached at Sandy and the property
th nuota for bis kp snd thus at haj ptirch,sed the stock on February
once begin to save up to bis credit 24, 1911, and was In possession on
some little sum each dsy be wss at the
borne, f sick be could be given care,
and set at labor as he became able,
aad within a very short time he would
v. self supporting or a little more.
the date of the attachment.
The claimant was represented by
Attorney Grant B. Dlmick and th
Jury, after hearing all the evidence
and arguments gave the claimant a
verdict for the return of the property
Keep Our Churches
Open Every Day
In the Week.
Organize Sewing Circles or Spell
ing Bees Have Discussions.
Lady FRANCIS COOK rTnne" Cl.flln). Ja
The Kind
Orsgon City Market.
Tha market reports from tha Eaat
tall of a falling off la price on gen
eral provisions which, naturally, moan
th falling off oa local production and
on food stuffs generally. If tber is
any railing off In th local market it
ia In sympathy with thla general re
dact ion quoted la tba Eaat. and lo
certain commodities va thla fact has
not tended lo aay reduction.
AI'PUCiPLAical stocks are pretty
well cleaned up and what ar left ar
not Tery good., prices for local stock
rang from Tic to ll.Sfl. sad as much
of th slock I Tien Davis It Is not
natural that lha outsld prtr should
rang. Hood River stock Is tolling
from 11.10 to II 50. -
POTATOES Demand for good local
stork Is fslr ind th supply limited.
Only a few of good stock ars left la
tha country: at that there am prob
ably enough for home consumption.
Buyer ha scoured this section pret
ty thoroughly snd In consequence
those who hav potatoes left ar hold
ing for lb outslil price. Price rang
from IMS to 1.50 rwt. Shipped la
potatoes range a trill higher.
VEaETABUCS UtHa chaag staa
last report; onions ar a tlttl stiff i
In price bat other vegetable remala
about th nam. Onion m. turnip
and carrots 7S to 11 sack, parsnip
to 11.23 sack, eabhag Jo pound.- New
vegetablee ar coming In. California
Is sending many things, at a high
price. Local lettuce sells So buach.
radlahea (a, onlona be; California let-
laoa l(w head. ssparscMiZT
Mwilcan lomatoenifa-a. t
noim AND rtBHS
la flour; selling dowtViiMfS
bringing gbout t.
MM. I. feed Ih'l2al2h,
ard, , Bran wwaLsfcJ 1
U. shorts lit i uTZu ft
l0. p roc aaa barley Mi 1V
. cracked corn w
WHEAT Th local mM
wheat is a trine better uTa.
advancing a littl fnai kaT-5
Tha Utest Quotations an fc K
If tha grade Is above th -"Hm.
may gwt a trill abov tkaMa Z
cal holders ars very aUfaVa.
want to sell. "-
HAT Is very vask tki kill k
aaad. Thos hhfsaVik
not wall protarted vsat to klaaa
log tha prlc to grmduB; a
lower level. - Clover U p,
111 to 111. timothy in sM IU am
fa commaads SIS la a
OATS liealers toyaiasaaja
to meet th demand m tka an a.
lag-gray 1S. kli UM n
that th market Is eeU aa) sas
BUTTER -Tber Is imWaamk
quotations for dairy, th arm ar ad
butter rsnglng from McahXhl
country that is nut ckoM aa at
bring mora than 10c sal Ik, m m '
wsated at that. CrauMr; h I rh
off la price In cuasessaka g pa
dairy blng mors pleatifsl a IskOw
of th year. .Quotation faswss?'.
ar- made at 7c and Id tat rat
- BtHltl The price Is l tub gar
being down a cent Its kwatma
railing quotation si UU Da fc.
mand fairly good and sapstf hstl .
very few shipping ta Htibai
to ahlp.
POULTRT-Prtces art ar1
higher aad the demaac aost ( '
bring lie, roosters lie, yoav ..
aad ml led shlckeat Us to Ik t.
lag doing In larger louta, - V
- MEAT Pork Is oa tat gat;'
hogs bringing le sad sr. salhaC
cheaper and prlc for teal am
la pe and !. larger si a aaattag:
lower figure. Mattna knap I pa.
according lo scarcity.
HirK (ireen Is aossia
dry hides ll to lie, fbstf ff -to
Tld each.
WOOb-rtrmgs lsa ts 1 pai
mohair lie to 10c
nnien rHflTH Enporstsi wr
So aad 7c, sua dried ie, snjasj
ft-At.T RalllBe (Oc IS TM at a
10 lb. sack, half grosad
IM lb. sacks.
NLY old and hardened men object to women's righu. There
is uarajj g man u publw life wIiohc wife or motlcr bad
not written his speeches or bv dtm-I .n-1 . ;. .,.t
i Whj Uove - the American wen, for they TRUST THEIR
Some of them trust thci'r wives g0 mueli that when they want to
nrade payment of a debt or gvoid' btiBinekg trouble they put their
propertj in their wives' names. "
Our New Steel Die EnUxmeing
Oregon City
In the front rank of the
YWIME niDER jfig;
If k V MiAaMtwWMsaddlatrMlortitoBndeiM
Q - ' 111 wsaasr aaarcla furaUnad by aa, OarsawUarafYsaaaaaBM
ll I V1 Wrcss. W ahllosojronafirwhtn lh T. "t
inl IW advaaea.eaMai. and allow TSSI BATg' r'"l?S!
fulfil I Ui I If are tbea not parfacUr astid or do ao wak M kas.
I f fcr ' J I FiLSTClT fulfil rwsi.a ib hisbaa it-;
IrVaR I '.w"a Iktal puaalMe lo Bika l ess sasll gJf;
ILavill ifb I acUal factory anal. ToasvalloMsil.Wl"""i
1 1 MoT I rfl I in dlraclof as snd. hsva lha aisnafaclnrvr giiarajaa WW"?"
II l-tVII .t.Uclr!'".. OTeHITabrrclaors palrot MrM fr--yl
1 1'-if J I fffV". "'" """J f rmtn oar rslafcarwe snd kira ear -,
vliVr jw$&&Mm&&sgi
I VI VlkaaOaMaiMawsmai. a. n IM .JmSt'
W I I I aICTni Tirr. XM l)nn. S.ioarkM .III iSsla
ajasia. trZfiZm?S!mM,mm ' ciVUi; rill mmm. Ii-i.W""-'"""
ill I I I U ww" ii Vd) Tourrmooootjim-r r
w.v.ww t r. tm a mWmi
19 KCS TISXXlf rrs trrrm
1 aT ft sTavojaaasvaaa aaa, U.M.U J " a
riding very 6x,nhU and lined fiae"w?th'
si-dal uuallL, of row , whlrK7Kll.
Cm5r.2,-i?1i,.n,.rhuh Tkt" sinsll
rfi,,iK.r.i. . .. " r""",m,n aiuanan et
ortwuw 2aMLl!JjkU h,T,0l!r bei.n pumped
or twie In a whols afwaon. Thar walah nW.
ilven h., LZZrr wnctorsraklni au.lltke
"l'"1."' oa.-Jal' f nory Prt,. io .,71 ,u M r wlr. All ord.
asa. 1 1 1 .k.ikialfa" '"'
latomars 1 1 I VT,, ..aslareo
la - . .w iiniaa.
uar hww mmm .li-a w - . . j . i a ami -
.... ...m ..I, .? ' v. on approval, i ou au - -
tr7-?.'Ln.an4 wand thm atrirtly as raprnlen. ,
ANYTHING . . . 0'
Try the Classifed Colomns oi tt
3000 Reader. Daily
r 1 v