MORNING KNTEUPK18IV WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911 4 i .'1 : 1 I - ! . . ) ' V.;. v A-LQST MANUSCRIPT Br JOHN Y. LARNED ctsttos. ML . 1 texass theatrical manager wbe I wai still very young. I waa not at atl systematic and tu coaaeqaeatty : always la trouble. 1 Baa 11 received a lesson ttuit sasd me change my habit. On day I left tb theater ana a ad entered cab Just about to atart away wba a girl's face appeared at tb window. "Beg pardVa for stopping, yoa." sb mM. "Ar J on Mr. Clossrr, tba ma a gerT" "I am." "Would j on be o kind aa to read a play for vaeV - I had more plays tbaa 1 coo Id put a tb board for two years, bat tb girl bad socb a winning amile that I consented. I took a roll of manuscript from br; told ber to rail at my office la a week aod I would give br aa anawer. la a week ab called. "Have yoo read my play?" abe asked. with that same winning tnll 1 bad be for. 'No; I hare NeQ very buay. Tin Coo Id yoa tire mo Dot her wkr ... "Certainly. I'm ls"no great hnrry.' "WelL com on tbla day week." I went to my rooms and ransacked very corner for that manuscript It waa do where to be fouud. I must hav left it la the cab. But I bad picked tba cab op on the street and couldn't possibly know It from otber cab. I should bare admitted tbe Ion and taken tba consequence. But 1 waa young and prided myself on my ability to get oat of aacb scrapes. I would first win tba girl's good will, thea confess and compromise tbe mat tar aa beat I could. When aba called again I put ber off by offering ber two excellent aeata for tba evening's performance. Sbe saUl - tbey would be of no use to ber since aba bad no eacort Sbe atnlled at me ao aweetly wbea abe aald this that I told ber I would eacort. ber myself . I "not only did so. but said several nk-e thing to ber about tbe opening of ber play, a few passages of which I " professed to hart read. I regretted doing ao. however, because sbe asked . ana a lot of questions about It which I couldn't answer. I g"t all mixed up ver It and was obliged to tell ber that 1 thought I had got bold of tbe wrong manuscript When I left ber I told ber that three days should, not lapse before I had read tbe play, and I would be aura that It was ber play and not some otber author's play. I put the poor, girl off. for three Months. 8 he was very nice to me about It all thistlme. but tbe further I proceeded with my deception tbe J farther I annk la tba mire. The worst part ef tba matter -waa that when a week paaaed without my seeing ber 1 found myself Ilka a toper without bis glaaa of grog. One day the girl came Into my offlca and told me that sbe bad given tba acenario of ber play (Its skeleton) to a rival ma naffer, and be bad assured ber that If the dialogue was filled in effec tively be would put it oa tbe boards at once. When I tried to put ber off some more a beautiful bright tear stood In ber eye. When a maa is tilting between In difference and lore for a woman be may be easily unbalanced on tbe aide ef lore by one of those little globule. At any rate, I lost my balance. I con fessed to bare lost ber , manuscript but told her not to mind a little thing like that alnce I loved ber and bad quite enough for both of aa. If she would marry me It would be all right I glased away the tear, and ber smile waa like tbe sun peeping from tbe ether aide of an April cloud. From that moment 1 beard no more ef tbe missing manuscript After a few months' engagement we were mar ried and after a brief wedding trip aettled down to the humdrum of life. One evening when I went borne my wife told me that abe bad received -first night" tickets to a new play that waa to be put on tbe boards and asked me to go with ber to see the performance. I tried to beg off, saying that I was needed at my own theater, but abe Insisted, and I yielded. Our aeata were a proscenium box on a level with tbe stage. My wife pulled a curtain before ber ao that she could not be seen except from the stage. Tbe play opened ao well that I ex claimed. "By Jove, why didn't I get bold of this?" As tbe performance pro ceeded It was evident that a bit was being made. I ground my teeth In veiatlon at having missed getting on what promised to be a money maker. At tbe climax In tbe third act tbe audience came down in a thunder of applause. Calla were made for the author, but tbe author did not appear. The manager came before the curtain aad announced that ha would appear at tbe end of the play. Tbla aatlsfled them, and the performance went on. When the curtain went down on tbe last act not one of tbe audience rose to go. The manager came to our box tad. offering hia hand to my wife, as sisted her on to the state and nlaced her before the footlights, where aha stood bowing till the applause sub- faded, wben .be .a. . m,.,, IJttl speech. I -What the dickens la the meaning of . " " . an this 7" I aaxea when aha returned. "Oh. tbla la the play yoa lost Too u V left too manaacrtpt In tba cab,' ttkd, my addreo being on It. tb Dader kindly . sect it to me the next day." ' "Wall. Hi be haagadr Ate Yoa a Stfbsctxbet to tbe N ew Dady? If Ths Morning Entsrprl Is to b aa successful as th Interests of Oregon City demand It mast needs have th support of alL Th new daily has a big work before it la booatlng Oregon city and Clackamas County. Tour support means mora strength for th work. - - . . 7ill You Help Boost your own Interests? For a limited tint th Morning BnUrprla will b sold to paid In advance aubertbrs aa follows: v , v . r r-. 1 , . . Woman'sWorld Senator La PelleM' Wife Investigate aWvaa Qiria. oaasrr at. la rotxa-rrm. Mr. Bobert M. La Folletta. wife of Senator La Toilette of WHcooslo. Is rice president of tbe Housekeepers Alliance of Washington Tbla organ! aaUoa for tbe last two year baa been eooductlng aa Investigation Into do nestle probiem. and Mrs. La. Foilette haa reached some definite conclusloos O) IK 'I aa to bow tbeao problema caa be best ! Irritated. Mis Shaw, moved by per T . i verslty. became very entboslaatic la u, -wtk , I ber expression to ber rrtoer. giving operate to eiev.t oousrooia siaou arda. aystematiM boose work and put ; It on a scientific basts vast good can . be accomplished. Tbe servant girl j problem U a great economic question, t caused by the complexity of our i American life. Tbov housekeeper who haa learned i the dignity of household labor has more sympathy with all those who per. form It. aod sbe can teach them the beat methods baaed on science. 'latrainlnc young women for do mestic labor and elevating It to a pro reunion, thereby making It attractive and profitable to them. Ilea much of tbe solution of the problem. "The American girl cannot bear to be looked down upon, and tbe Ameri can woman is at fault In allowing do mestic labor to fall under the baa of social stigma." Mr. La Follette believe bousekeep- should see to ft that laundries. bakeries and other commercial con cerns whJch do part of tbe work of tbe present day household should be beld op to tbe highest standards of clean liness and efficiency. There must be plenty of sunshine, soap and rinsing with the family wasb lag. Few of us know anything of tbe conditions in tbe laundry to which we send our clotbe. "We may want bread of tbe sort. grandmother made." abe say, "but we think Uttle of the handling It get In tbe bakery. As a concession to our Idea of cleanliness tbe baker may wrap It before be band it in pur door. but through bow many pair of grimy ban da baa It -passed before tbe paper la put around It? "Much of tbe housework of tba fu ture must be done by these commer cial concerns outside of tbe family. and It behoove each of us to see that It hi done a nearly as possible with tbe same cleanliness that It la done In oar homes." In Case ef Fir. "More women's1 Uvea have been lost In Ore through their Inability to use a fire escape or their almost bysteri cally mock modest fear of being car ried down ooe by a fireman," say a Chief A. J. Eley of tbe Los Angeles Ore department "Women should be trained to know that when a fire la raging and escape Dearly cut off it la no time to atand thinking of who may be looking on or who the fireman la. Be la not a nun; be la safety peraoolfled, and to blm sbe la not a woman. Just a human life to be rescued at all costs, at any peril." Chief Eley believe that with tbe tremendous growth . of the city. Its maoy tall buildings and the conatantly Increasing number of women employ eea, a knowledge of Ore escape eti quette and athletic is absolutely es sentia L Observation of the following rule would make tba firemen' task eaalef: Pin up your dress between your knee ao you will have perfect and unembarrassed freedom wben descend ing tbe Ore escape. Carry scissors, and if you wear a bobble gown cut It ao It won't Imped your movements. Face tbe atepa in descending. Don't look down. Look forward or upward. Keep both banda on fir escape rail Inga and follow tbe old aallor maxim of never letting go with ooe hand till yoa have a Arm grip with tbe otber. Kick off blgb beeled French slipper. "blch may catch and trip yoa. ' Don't clutch at tbe lira esctp or "Dl ' . u . B wu" " 7 1 ,0 Ft will im UM fa 11 HAla Ha will not let yoa fall. Belax. Don't let mock modesty atand In the wax of your life. Boasember, a firemaa aad - wooten lose all eenso of personality la time of danger-yon are merely a life to be aaved. be the mean to do It $3.00 340 Matchmaking Br LUCY M. ROC CepjrrtcM ttr Aiawrfc-aa Prase A ctatfcm. 11 1. "Tom.' sakl Mrs. Vaudfvevr lo ber husband, -we ed . recreatloa- t doo'l 'us a going bat In (be erealug after yoa have coot home all !!rvd out. but souie ooe lo come la aad e bat with ua or phsy-varda. i Well, my dear. aU I bare to say I that I'm cwatrat aa It is. bat If yoa care to Invite a ay person or rriua la here so that I weal bare to go out and see them I don't object.' 1 have a plae all laid oat. There's Ralph Eldrldjre. He' thirty live, aad ft la time be waa married. Now. my old school friend Margaret 8ba would be Just tbe woman for Ralph. She's twenty-six. What do yoa say to getting thesa la occasionally lo dinner. with a gam of brtdg or five hundred In the evening. It stay bo a great fa Tor to them to bring them together. They may make a match Do anything yoa like, . my dear. provided yea don't put sae to a ay trouble." So Mr. EldridtfO and Miss bw were Invited to dinner, with rarda la the evening. Mr. EldrUge of course played with Mr. Tandeveer. Mr. Van deveer pUytnjr with Mum Kbawr-It le singular what a Uttle thing will start person oa a different track. It waa all la tbe card. Mr. Vandeveer and Vllsa 8haw held all the court cards lo tb pack from 9 o'clock. - wheaHFbey at down, till II.--whew they-arose Tbla made Mrs. Vandeveer a. trifle Ir ritable. It produced a corresponding exbiiaratlon la Mia Shaw. Further more, seeing that Mr. Vandeveer waa ... . connied anfavorablv. Tbla lf tb hotew to aav a number of nice things to Mr. Kldiidge. Whoa tbe evening was over aad tbe roests had departed lr.ied Mrs. Vandeveer went to bed without a word. Urt, Vajdeveer suspected that in Introducing Miss Shaw Into 'ber I ongw sue uau wanoro xriirui 10 ' her bosom. Mr Vandeveer. for tbe first time In bis married life, felt a apark of Jealousy of Mr. Eldrldjre. who was an extremely good looking aod attractive man.. Tbe next ' week when Mr.. Vande veer ck me home one afternoon from business his wife told blm that' Ml Shaw bad Invited tbe pU to dinner and for cards In tb evening Mr. Vandeveer. fearing that If be declined to accept bis wife would', think be wished to keep her from again meet ing Mr. Eldrtdge. coosentedTHIs wife waa much surprised and act down bis willingness to a dealr to again meet Miss Shaw. At tbla meeting tbe cards ran more venly. but Mis Sbaw seemed to be even more en rapport with Mr. Vande veer than before, while Mr. Eidrklge treated Mrs. Vandeveer with a defer ence that waa. to aay tb least, ex tremely notice bio. Not for tbe world would Mr. Vandeveer show that be noticed certain glancea with which Mr. Etdrtdce favored bla wife, but within him be was burning with a smothered fury, and a parr of bio irri tation was for bis wife tbst she did not resent such treatment Instead of eemlng lo be plessed wltb It. Tbe four continued to meet once a week at tbe bouse of one or tbe otber. Mr. Vandeveer would have been glad to give up tbe meetings, and hi wife made no objection to doing ao. but Mr. Eldrldjre and Mlaa Shaw were ao argent wbeo It came their torn to do tbe entertaining tbat the Vandeveer felt obliged to yield. Mr. Vandeveer attributed Miss 6baw'a persistence to a desire to meet her husband, and Mr. Vandeveer attributed Mr. EI drldgVa persistence to a desire to meet bts wife. "Tour plan, my dear." aald Mr. Van deveer one evening before one of these meeting, "for msklng a match be tween Eldridga and Mlaa Bhaw doesn't eeem to work." "Hmr waa tbe retort "Mlaa Shaw aeema to be predisposed In another di rection." "I don't know anything about that," snarled the husband, "but It's very plain that Eldrldge I preoccupied." Tbo next time I attempt to make a match." rejoined tbe wife. "Ill aea that there la ao one aboot to lead tb lady In tb case fro as ber suitor." Half aa hoar later tb party was at Mr. Eldrtdge's" bachelor quarters, where the meeting was to take place. When tbe game commenced for tbe first tlm Mr. Eldrldge aod Mlaa Shaw refrained from, any Jealousy inspiring glance at the Vandeveer. Mrs. Van deveer, who waa mora observant tbaa her . huaband. detected a tender look passing between the unmarried cou ple. When the carda were pat asld Mr. Eldridga got out a light luncheon and a bottle of Iced champagne waa brought Into tb room. There waa a cork aalute. and the boat Oiled tbo glasses aod said to his guests: "Maoy thanks for giving me tba love liest womao In tb world. Mlaa Shaw baa consented to bo my wife." a : Wben tbe Vandeveer returned to their home tb husband embraced bis wife and aald: "My dear. I think yoa aod I caa gat along without any more couple to com la and spend oar evenings with as. And I'm not Interested In match making. These two hav been making ra tape wo of us.? : ii.ine "J expect you're right, tear. They wer playing us for ths purpo of piquing each other." Read th Morning Enterprise. OWEN G.THOMAS BLACK8MITHINQ AND REPAIR WORK. Beat of work and aatlafaetlon guar anteed. Hav your horse shod by an xpert; It paya. AM kinds of repair work and amKhy work. Prompt service; greater por tion of your work esn b don whll you do your trading. Olv m a trial Job and If I sant plaa you. J OWEN G.THOMAS FROM THE EMERALD ISLE Irtab Cellaena Cm U Taaab Ua Haw te Make Lea tufa. oot.t.swsa Bjoarr r iataao Her are four pretty IruN colleens who hav com to America to leach oa bow to nuk real lrib lace, bow to weave ruga aad lo d other useful thing that hav been don la the Emerald 11 "for ages. Tbey will all tb largo rttlee In tbe country and show specimen of ibelr handiwork both completed and In the pnxea of making. Mlaa MarUa 1. O'She Is lo rbarge of tbe party, ber companion being Colleeoa Elleea Noone. Bridget Quip aad Bridget McLaughlin. Only ooe of the gtrla expressed any dealre to vote, and she denied that she waa a suf fragette. "I don't believe the women would make aay worse mess of poll tic tbaa the asea hate." explained Colleen Noon, who la skilled leath er carver and who also paints land erapee when ah haa the time. Tbo girls cam to America under tbo aospk-e of th Garlic league. It a believed that through tbe eihlMlWm of tbe lace, rugs and emlroldrt Irish America aa may be atlmulatcd ti help revive tbe Celtic art on tti id. mt th water ln "It would bo so much better for bu. rtrts to make these beautiful thing tbaa to wear oat their young live. over machine la dingy factories," ex plained one of th retuwntsllves of the league. Freeh Trimmed With Bsads. It la evident that this I one of the very newest frock for tb coming se. sob for th. reasoo that tbe waist la a one piece affair embroidered In ao I-.1. - " k' ' t-. . at "HI , WmM. Oil M - .5 .' 7 '. . i : te' Hi artistic manner with porcelain beads. Th aklrt, a shallow plaited model, haa a deep hem of Russian lac and la also tnmmea witn beads. Black velvet Is used to finish tbe gown at tbe neck and belt Do You Oet Yeur "Saauty" Sleapf Aa a race we sleep too little. Aa Infant's life is nearly all sleep. Grad ually as tbe child grows older ths hours of sleep sr shortened to half the day. or about eight hours. Youth until tbe ag of twenty la reached requires fully tea hour' sleep. Although nature demands fewer hours of sleep In summer than In winter, It haa been proved that eight hours of sleep ar required for th average adult In good health. . . By this Is meant not 'simply eight hours In bed, but that amount of good. sound, restfnl sleep night after night Onr power to work Is Intimately re lated to our ability to sleep, and tber Is no mors rellabl Indication of sound health tbaa tba capacity to sleep natu rally, and the mor active and ener getic th waking llf tbe deeper ths slep. Chno CeUa, lHV s . . Wsw Hate, atak. the paper lay. . Is Waahlncton'a aaw bus. Wall, If th ahaA has corns to stay That must make Alice blue' ' -New York Times w : Put Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... When you writ your classified ad or any kind of an ad try to Includ In it lust the Information m. i ....r, W i, mil : . - A - v. juIA 4v" X mm KIH I1 you'd Ilk to find If you war an 0 ad-reader and war looking foi an ad of that kino. , If you do this to even a small extent your ad will bring R. SULTS! HIE SECCD Hull v.F.N.s.cfl;iYoino TO tl HUD IN ORCOON CITY I. CHURCH ON WtDNMOAV, . APRIL 1-THRlt Si I0N TK. umtiiH annul! convention Of the Women Foreign Missionary Society, u.l.m Hlairtct. will DO held St ID Mothndlnt fcniarol church la Org0 City, Wednesday. April II. ana aa cedent program has beeu arraag-! which la aa followa: Wadneadav. Aoril 11. a. m. Devotion Mr. W. a Moor Address of welcome, are, atarr aww Keaponae Mr. Tho. Yarns Mlnutaa of 1110......... Appointment of committee... Introduction of visitor Song r. Reports of local organltatlona Reporta of district work ...... Miscellaneous business ftan Tithing Mrs. a. F. Hophln Umhrmhln mntest. Mr. J. M. DTOWl "Th Aim" .......Mr. Doughty Mr. Minutes wltb Our UUratur ....71.. Mr. Dicky Noontide Pryer Mrs. Cornelius Wdnday. 1 p. m. Devotional .......Mr. Susaa Brvant Minuiea Report of committee on nominations Election of officer Reading of con at It ut Ion and charge in elected officer... Mrs. Maclean Ann ......... Open parliament" ..Mrs. M. C. Wirs Solo ...Mrs. B. C. nrackenbury rnrwirrl Unvement". . Mrs. TJrt Se "Are,, the Youna People Making l ' ... . a . - .1 -.. - uooa ....... ..airs. w. as. uw Minutes of Aftemooa-Seasloa. Song Wednesday a, m. man voiuniarv Devotional Rev. E. r. Zimmerman Anthem " Oregoa City Choir Addreaa Mr a. 8. W. Eddy Muaic Report of resolution committee Offering Ji- Rally-Boog Consecration aervic JACOB 1 WIS HERE WEDNESDAY KG HIS AODSCSS WILL BE ON "THE MAKING OP AN AMgRI . CAN." Wednesday evening, April II. Is tbe date announced for tbe appearance In thla city of Jacob A. Rlla. th great New York aoclolnglat. reformer, phi lanthroplst and friend of Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt. The address adver tised for the occasion la "Th Making of an American." Thla la one of Mr Rlla' famous lecture and should be heard by all.. Tbls lecture will be Illustrated with atereopticon slides of scene In tb old Danish town where Mr. Rlla was born and scenes of the fight for social, po litical and economic Justice In tb great Metropolis of America, It la Mr. Rlla' fight lo tbls wonderful struggle and hla subsequent service to city and Nation that haa made blm known throughout the world. Every one la especially Invited to hear him lie la one of America'a great men, and must be heard to be understood and appreciated. Everyone who bolleves In Mr. Rlla and hla work I Invited to attend thla lecture Wednesday evening to do honor to him In our own home city. He will lecture In Shlvely Opera Mouse. WAR IN BALKANS. Turkey. Fighting Mad Ovr Outside Asltane to "abals. VIENNA. April 11. War In th Dal kans. In which It la not Impossible. tbat all Europe may become embroiled I sensibly nearer If a report current here today that Turkey haa delivered an ultimatum to Montenegro, b true It la aald tb Turk hav warned King Nichols that unlea th Monte negrin ceas aiding the rebelling Al banians, tbe port will consider their action a cause for war. The Albanians, whoa rebellion I growing dally In strength, todav sacked and burned th Turkish town of Koupllk. They have recently In dieted aeveral sever defeat on th Turkish force sent to crush th re volt. SNOW AT ASTORIA. ASTORIA, Or., April 11. (Special.) There waa an Inch of anow this morning and It waa soon turned to lush. It waa a nasty day throughout and Is weather more appropriate to January than April. The snow In the hills waa aeveral Inches deep. BEAVERS GET THEIRS. SAN FRANCISCO. April 11. (Spe cial.) Th Beavers went Into the ball field against th Oakland and were trimmed in a sco of 2 to 1. They wer outfl1dd, outhlt and outpltched th game through, and th score tlis in story. Whn Husband Cm. Greet ' him with a amll when comes bom tired out from bis day'k worg. . p Kiss sod pet him at other times than '.Q 70 talrJ!. hw rmm pin money. Olv him mor than on book In tb cioset and tbe smallest drawer la th dresser for his very own. Don't knock his murlti Just bees art he ha prsctlced tliem on you before b springs tlieiu oil couipuny. Refrain from hiding hi belonging. Lav I hem In the lu W.r)f n t. pect to find tbem. - Sympathise, ujib l,Tti m.eii thing bay gone wrung nil l,.r mid , .oulca bom blue. t lell hint how Iwotulnjtly M H. Is gowned when he U hih.-i..v Irs lu very -way he knows how lo lop hi ...... ,,j mm ma cretin good. If he scrupps ilgur nslie on lb Boot don i tin ua hoiisr ii he l trrt F the Hep B AI Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? By cat f ict . By mail, t aa situ a woman jh,. Ws':." Send in Yeur Mame and RemiUancc a L y. j eise t year $300 ycat? 2.00 UJ bVIIW, S,,,),!,,,,,,..,. T Mall. 1 year ; : "" end la yeur nam and romlttatios. omrtal sliw They krp )h. wu.b. on. Cor. Mala and Fourth Sta- Oregon City v. in rarpei, -