Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 11, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ' .
CeprrtgM br Americas hm Am
ciaikm. IIU.
Jeao Radskl anil Anna TSobeiakl
were Rasalaa PoUuders. Jeaa waa
working bard to get eoougb aoey to
gether la tw eaarned. for Anna had
bat a very mall dot. On da a mi
' ram to tb village and pat up at lb
lrm. lie balled front Moscow, but be
X aot explaia (Ue'reaawa of bla com
lac. Ha did aot take up any. business
or , profession, aud after be bad been
la the place aa hl! .jteople began ta
wonder who be was and what waa bla
erraad. All ibey knew of him was
Bis Dame. Peter IXrwff. ami that tbejr
lea rami f rv'tu him.
Oee eveh-Acna and Jean aal IV
ter retroff met at a tife. Anna ws
a pretty tiri. aeJ IVtrnff fell lu lore
with ber at slrht. lie asked ber to
dance wtih him. and sbe acceded. J
He aked her again. nd i-be declined j
She d:d do care . dauoe twice mitb ,
any ore escept ber lorer. So Petroff j
liked her If ue w -U..1 not "ait oif j
te- daace- -wWO- b hi. we -ea-W-tt to
America. .Vt srUhtai to-offend biui. j
abe conwnted
retroff maJe the acojalntaoce f j
Anna' father and succeeded In Incn j
tlatiLC himself Into 'be old min i go 1 (
(races. This give him fre to
the bow and I Anna. I'er T told 1
Zobeirkl that be bad a comfrtab j
income and. wis well able to support
a wife. He asked f-r Ann. Her fa
tier told blm that Anna was a'resdT
betrothed Petroff eiprsed urpr:e
at what be already knew aod much
regret, yot-elskl was veie.1 that Anna
waa tied to Jean, because he thought
Petroff would be a miKb better bn
band for ber He t!d Anaa of the
offer and. advised ber to break! with ,
Jeaa and marry retmff.
Anna waa very mucb troubled when
aba baerd this. She dared at tell Jean
leaf It brins abeut trowbie ttwea ba
a ad Petroff. Petrel reaped to. offer
attentJoos to Anna and treated Jean
whenever he met him with area!
friendliness Thia dd nt disarm
Aaoa'a aaaptdoa that tbere wa stae
thing wrong about Petroff and that tie
would gladly pet Jean cut t! wiy
Tetroff had been at the filiate atxVjt
two montba without any risible oom
pataoa when ooe morulas Ibere a
arcc oaaber f arreata In the ari!t
borboud of persona cbarsd with KT
tics acaiaat tbe tTersaeAt What
waa the aurj'rt" of fery b ' 'earn
that Jeaa adiki waa among tbe sum
It waa pain to A&c that tbla ma a
Petroff bad coma among them at a
apy far taa treraiDeai; that be bad
aeat la tle names of cetvJa Iroo
aa Dlortera and had Incladed Jean'a .
same xor uoe orpoae oi (noui una
avt of bis way. la a coocry lAe Cua
ala. where peraooa are arretted with
' ctl dae prox-eaa of law and berried off
te Siberia wlUot:t trial. tlU waa a
" very avmple method for Petroff to get
rid of oee whose p-ac be desired to
Thia explanation of Jeaa's arrest
araa, of cvcrae. ail Inference wttb
f t- aid waa aot remotely inspected
ly Jeaa himself. Tiere are certain
t tttat women know by inroitioo.
aid whea tlM-y tbca arr.ra at coo-. la
auxts tLey st bst of them.
Aaaa reao'vtd to piay a b4d game.
She aeat for Petr&ff to cos e and aee
Taer. Petroff eaaae. aad Anna aald to
"My fattier baa told mat cat yaur offer
for cy ta-ad Of course 1 caold not
accept k before Jeaa'a arrest But
Il complicity with tbea plotters
agai&st tbe government absolves me
-fw.aa my ledge to blm Jeaa- haa
tared 3.0O) rubles for our wedding
I wlh blm to give them to me. If
yon can ftad a way for me to aee blm
so that I can get blm to tell me where
I can find ttla money .1 win marry you
"All I can do." replied Petroff. "la to
take you oat on the road the prisoner
are marching on. which la well known
to all"
-Very well; let ua go. I will have a
i aleigb ready la a few minutes.''
Petroff drove off a very happy man.
lie waa surprised that after getting
Jean oat of bis way be should have
succeeded with Anna without any ef
fort, aod be congratulated himself that
Anna did not suspect that ba waa tbe
cause of her lver'a arrest. But b
had not tbounat abe was so metre
nary Be bad proceeded several miles
when, coming to a rise In tba ground,
tbe prisoners were Been aom distance
ahead slowly walking, loaded with ball
aiid chain and guarded by troops.
Suddenly Petroff felt aomethlng bard
and cold against bla ear and at th
same time beard aa ominous click.
He did not need to look aside to know
that It waa a revolver. Wltb on band
Anna pressed It against him and wltb
the ether held paper and a pencil be
fore blm.
"Write an order to release Jean,"
abe aald.
"An order! What would an order
from me avail?"
. "Wrltl At three I fire! Oner
, He dropped' tbe reins.
- Be wrote what she desired.
T-aave tbe sleUh."
Be did so. gne whipped tn the
horse and, covering the distance be
tween ber and the prlaonera, presented
ber order. lean waa released.
Taking bltn Into tbe alelgta, eh
- drove away by a Ala tonal road. Net
' flier aba cor Jeaa waa ever again heard
fin Bueala. .
. Tbey are nosy la America. '
. i'i h f, s A,rtref''H ,'.; r : .l
0(5t. '.,r i;t 0f
U Tbe Mornlnei EnUrpflee la to ba ai
ar"! .a.a T A aiAAifa W ai ttaam
tVJl J JmaaltJ lb JtflUair. UCsarAaV uw aujavi vi aavai, A UV UfJW Uall DU
ft blf work before It fa booMng Of ton City and CUckAmM Cotinty. Tour
upporf mean! tnor ttivngtk tot. th work.
Will Yoi Help BfflP&Ztiietm
For a Hulted time the Morotna) Baler prise frU) bv 'iotd to paid in ad vanee
aabeaelbei'B ae foilewe: ,'Wti"i ; ,,,,:, ..... . , t'
t Catrtor, l ymmu t.-X ,,, A f '. . f . . l.. .'.. .''.'. . . , T. , . . V. ," li.OO
, Br Mail, 1 year. aL .-, .0.i..,t.n ItM
)eaav- In yoae" aanae m rlttaao.l
Qwamt Peeeratiane fee
CHtMes's Casrtae"eta.
5 -
J It '
aaaru Davunota.
EnrertalniDa tlnrlna; Easter ran
earrelr be cvn!dervd bad form wbeu
tta object la to fir tbe children Inno
cent pleasure. So. then, tbe EaUit
rabbit a ad the Eaater chk-k are fa a
cioatlBf rreatarea and caa b aaed to
aTic-b adrantse Imtlble deeorahoo and
the makiLS ct Easter farors that It
aeetna a pity to re i boa Id not be more
Easter partlea. If one's cooacieuc b
partktjlarly aeoaltlTa la repard ta East
cr frtroUUea tbe Eaater party may
be beid a week after Easter. Cbarm
tug faTora are In tbe sbapa of large
papier macbe ena mounted on wand,
a rabbtri bead peering otrt of tbe ejrs
and lu surface being covered wltbplc
tares of fiowers. either band painted
or of tbe transfer kind A knot of rib
boa flnifbea tbe handle.
' A je.Mw haired cbild could ba dresa
ed to represent Eaater Over , ber Ut
Ur abort tall akin ot. white crinkly
paper hare a sort of paanler effect
made op of autaeroao yellow ribbon
with tiny yellow chicks on the ends
These ahoald baag from a t.t of soft
yellow aatia. A garland of thee ttny
.rtlckena on tbe hair and one percbleg
on tbe toea of tbe rtrtle whlta pomp
would not be a bad Idea
Aad why not cave a brother and i
slater present tbe red and blue goblin
so familiar to good aod lad children?
Large sailor bata can easily be covered
wltb red and Uoe: then on the white
waab suits can be arranged large col
ored aailor collars. Colored belts and
coored silk atorklnga will complete tbe
costumes with almost no trouble.
A. brown haired tittle girt may be
dressed aa a rainbow by using Olmy
cbiffoo of tbe ralnbnw hues. Silver
slippers and a stiver coronet la tbe
hair will complete tbie bit of lovei!
Simpfo Dign Favored by th Buti
IWaM rV'SwIlat'Aa
Wbea 1 propoaed to Angelina It waa
because she always wore soch simple
beta," and a bualneaa man who bad
married bla stenographer sighed, for
beknows betternow'1 Ap!aio batJa.
oot an Infallible Indication of economy
on the wearer's part Sometimes tbe
simplest bata are tbe most expensive.
Tola la especially true of the ultra chic
tailored bata, which are not only built
of tbe choicest materials, but owe
their emartnesa to tbe akill of the
trained band and eye under whose a as
plcea tbey come Into belog. Such a
hat aa tbe one Illustrated here la of tbe
finest panama straw, the rolled brim
of a apeclal fancy weave aitd abowlog
an op to date touch In tbe band of
velret that trims tbe edge. Aside from
the stiffened i-i'r bow tbat perches so
Janntlly above m brim. It la almoat
guiltless of iriiMixng. . Worn with a
tailor made dre of light cloth. It
tBsrks ita wearer aa a young woman.
of taat kerf dlrtolnatlpa r '.
' '
.0 ;it.O
i eoccosafijj ta the Intereat f Oregon
aast aewa5 $ mf Vf. .i'a...
Y 1
i a ar' w . . v r r i
M w a . , - e . i
Y 1 n..V V
- r"Z rfrfJlij
'v si: Hi ftyf
..... -i 'I -v&iKtKtfi
i'PViit'-j!-; If" ''if'
t ttat,'rii'r ffcsn sk ,''t-r,M , W 1
CirraM by Amrmia Pra A .
cuiua. l.t.
-fYank." skl l.velio to lue ou
veutng wbeo I went to see ber-Eve-tjD
and i rre engam! to be married
la about a luoutb'Tiu all ajwt about
Wbafa the laatter aitb MlWrejn
1 asked.
-She a engaged to Ed Wblttaker. wba
la atterly mwnblaaa."
"Weil. I dont see what yaw are goins
to do a boat It." '
-Tbere'a one thing I conld do. only
yoo'd otjeci. Ed la the uioxtnclilaf
lnr !ikw atwut gina ir ame gu
should make up ber mind to take blm
away from Mildred abe wouldn't bite
any trouble d ing It. aud wbeu she'd
done It Mildred would , not take blm
; back "
- see. Tou want to help MlWn-d
j out by taking Ed away from ber. li
! ahead. Anttbing 'guea till after r
j are married, tbea you'll have, to mind
! borne bualaesa and "4et your f rtenU
, atone-
j Krelyn gar uto a hearty auiack aud
' assured ax tbero woald be no trouWe
r ta the mailer "be twry-wtbetfrto
; show kindred what a fickle fellow Id
; waa. -.,'...
A week pataux! during which I le
! lieva Evelyn commenced ber dMtnn
; atratlon of EtTa Bcklenesa. -Then ae
1 all met at a ball. : Ed and Evelvu arr
j dancing together when I bappvued to
' aoe Mildred standing aloo. VI o'ure
f we two betar-ewaraged atnl or Knnn
being orcapied with each other. I ttat
! orally Joined Mildred. Wo btb made
. light of what by thta time waa ap
' parent between Ed and Evelyn Jut
aa tboocD w bad perfect cvnnaenca
and didn't fear anything. Kor my
part, HTDce Evelyn bad told me Jut
what aba waa going to do and ber re a
aon for doing It. I wasn't mucb wor
tied. Mildred Oidn t seem any more
worried than I. In fact, abe seemed
to bo very well aatUfled to have me
with ber I wgs modest enongb to tell
ber that I was doubtless a very pr
substitute for ber lorer. but she aald
1 needn't cobcern myself about that,
for no girl wis bed for one man's atten
tion all taa time.
"Beaidea." ana added, looking at ma
archly. wbo knows but tbat If yoid
have come along before Ed we might
have made a match."
Thla waa pretty frank, bat I hIs,vs
liked persons who blurt thins.- out
and went -on Jokingly abont the mat
ter tilt tbe next 'dance, came round,
and we danced It together After ibat
Evelyn Joined me. I anted 7ierTiow
she was getting on with K-l and she
aald ."pretty well" When we k-ft the
ball together and Ed aod Mildred
passed us I saw Evelya give blm a
very meaning smile.
A few daya Ufer I said to ber tbat
aince we , were 'going to be married
within a few weeka 1 tbonght she had
better draw her good offices with re
gard to ber friend Mildred to a close
She aald tbat sbe wished to get Ed
dowa In black and a bite, so tbat she
might prove bla faithlessness to Mil
dred. One day I received word from Mil
dred, aaylng tbat sbe would like m to
come aod see ber. 1 went reluctantly,
thinking tbat she was Jealous of Ev
elyn and wlnbed me to discuss tbe af
fair wltb ber. Thla, of course. I dWnt
wish to do. understanding Evelyn's
object I found Mildred oiach more
calm than I bad expected. Hhe didn't
seem disturbed at all. She asked, me
If 1 bad observed what was going on
between Ed, and Evelyn. I told ber I
had. bat It bada't troubled me.
Tbe upshot of tbe matter waa tbat I
was obliged to tell ber that I. knew
Evelyn waa flirting wltb Ed for a pur
jxeWben 1 bad told ner this morb
It was only a question of time as to my
telling ber what tbat purpose was.
If," I concluded. "Evelya can draw
Ed away from you. proving tbat be la
aot to be relied on. I really think be
will have' done yod a great favor."
"1 agree with you." sbe replied, very
mucb to my surprise, for few girls
would look ujon such an act aa friend
ly. "When." sbe asked, "am I to
know tbe result T" '
I decided that since our confidence
bad gone so far I bad better tell ber
tbe wbote thing. "When Evelya gets
Ed down In black and white." waa
my reply.
"And euppose Ed gets her down Id
black and whiter"
"What do you mean? I asked, start
ing. "nere la a letter Evelyn wrote to
Ed. Ed la careless, ablftleas sort of
a fellow and by mistake put It In an
envelope Instead of one be bad writ
ten me-eltber this or he made the
mistake oo purpose. Tlesd It."
She banded me tbe letter, and I read
It wltb astonishment It gave blm tbe
details of a plan by whlcb abe pro
posed to get rid of me and marry
blm. 8be bad already begun ber
scheme In certain acta mentioned In
tbe letter. Thla confirmed me In a
knowledge tbat abe waa deceiving me
aad not blm.
Mildred." I asked presently, , "are
roil crushed r , (
Tin not even stung." . ' '
Tbey bare awapped aa for each
other. Bappoae we do the same."
Tba next day tbe breaking off of my
engagement with Evelyn waa an
nounced. A week later tbe breaking ef
tbe engagement of Ed and Mildred waa
.made known, and four months later
'Mildred end 1 were married.
, Ed and Evelyn bad. a quarrel and.
ae4 f? apeak te each otuefl s .'And
neither of them epeat to trie ei ty
wire." '.-".r.: -t. .znrzr
ead tbe Mornrng Bnterprtse'''' i
a i ' t
Beat of work and aatlafactlon guar
antasd. Hay your horeee anod byan
expert; It paya. 1
AM kfnde of repair work and smithy
work. Prompt service; greater por
tion of your. work can be done while
you do your trading. Oive me a trial
job and aee it I aant iaae you.
Car. Maln'atd pourtH iteU' Oregon City
Major League
N Vsck.
Huli aikitMiro l.t hne alxM Iho IhuI
rhin. l. ln the ivnnallt. MiHlntwi
k i .i .i tnwi iii ri
til he has found a
w inning coluoina
tka. IlUr tut h niurn.auu
fast bee ruuuen slid t" probably -tuc
l-est offi-osl clnl 1" i'" laBue. Tbe
pitching UertUH-"t UUkbt uue
atrongrr." alihmi.ti ii l "u, u u'n,'r
than last yvar 1'"' :ii.hliii; atalT
could W Improv.U .n. I "! II l uot icr
rlblf 'avA by u r-,n " ,nr
GTanta bad a ma i 'ic oU. or tt.-n.i
haa ltaey "woald hive the (Vutisnt
cl ached. -k
Altaouga the vete.-vii' re slvrbiit
m. tue riui as
till strong
1 1 Ii- lu tlio bunt
iL.Ixi the
t-f tlrfenlve
t r a in- I it I b
league. T e
I'lti hi nit Man I
uncertain, but
Man ner l'bu-e
Vtllf d"li'J 'U
King Colo ii ml
youHKters .i
land bltn near
the top. Tbe
catching depart
ment la - atroug.
Zimmerman UI
fill StelBfeldt'a
shoes at third iu
good a h a pe. If
Ever' ankle, which
be broke last fall.
not gt bnck
n blm tbe Infield
will be , aa strong
as ever. If It fall
blm Inner, work
will go to- amnb.
That great outfield
Scbuite. llofmaa
nd Bbeckard-bj
atlll the rlasaleNt
the circuit.
out any mbiiisi
tbe club should tin
lb set'ond.
era rrAjrpBTB.
Tbe lied should run atxiat third.
The prtMiecta for the club look Tjetler
than lu niau years, llrlffltu's wluter
desl hereby he obtained I'ltc hor Mc-
(Jullluu and Moreu. Third , lluneinan
Grant attd Outfleldcr lUU-a makes the
Iletls a formidable acurrgutloii. A
weak piublng staff kept this team out
tbe flrt dirUlou Usl seasou. Tbe
lub ba one of tbe best ontQeld In
the country. It la also the best base
ruunlng tenm lu the country. Tbe
only big weak spot Is at short. -
Team appenre stronger than last sea
son, but U not a cbaiuplouHhlp s gyre
gat lou by any means, -litchlng staff
baa been weakened since last year.
Too many veterana on the Infield.
itog-det-ertanent-wrtta MaangPT
Dooia ai the nrHflai tM.h atrong.
Aa a manager be la not a Krauk Chance
or a Hugh Jennings, -
Is tbe dark horse In the race. Club
bas tbe atrongeat pitching staff In
either league, good catchers and a
sweet outfield. Infield looks very good
present. Team lacka ginger and ta
not tbe best has ruuiilug team by a
long shot. Hut Bill Dableu may sur
prise us.
8k, Louis.
Tbe Cardlnala ought to whoop up
thine this season. Bresnabaa haa
filled up somt holes sine the close of
the Inst campaign. Club bas tbe fast
est Infield In the league. Pitching staff
nd outfield very uncertain. Is liable
to finish lu the first division If the
team gets the lucky breaks.
A sure bet for the cellar champion
ship. The ciubjiaa one good catcher
nd a few good pitchers -that's all.
The ItUHtlcrs will be very lucky If they
in as many games, an the flt. Louis
Browns did last year.
Too many reterans on the team;
Wtfgner, Clarke and Leach are about
"No major ") league plu-bcr
should work lo more I ban twen
ty gainca." says Waller Johnson
of the "Waablngton Americana.
"I intend frf practice Whit I
prea'iii" ,f:"
"Tbe game U too strenuous
these daya. It'a like everything
else. - - - v '
ju bps aaeuu ua aanimavea." : , '..
hi 1 ii 11 hi 11 1 m 1 1 i i ; 1 ry
Put Yourself in the !
1J l. I nt
Aa-Keaaers nace...
4 " .'! t ;i: : '- i-.": i ,
' When you write your classified
ad or any kind of an ad try to
a Include1 In It Juat the information a
you'd like to find If yon were an
a ad-reader and were looking foi an
ad of that ktrta. - " J
It you do-this to even a email
e extent-youf ad Will bring Re-
8CLT81' ' '-.T.J
, ' ,
."aTeaaT ' k i
' f. ' '' .
1 ... f .
in ST r
.. . . . p 1 "m . f
Dopeon the
Baseball Teams
due for a big slump. I'lii lilug staff U
alo 'r. and there I a big bote
Oct I-. If autl)liitr Iwi-l-rii'il
i;iu-,v tl.o i lull ould I wHbout the
services of su eieiience l Imh kslop
AltH these hanulcaps ine ciuo
- 1 Baures stronger
I tmu tile Ixilrtiice SUJ
Nsw Ysrk.
The real sirvimtli of tho leant lies U
the plti-lilng staff, t'ai' tilng tlepiirl
ment. !. looks fortuldul'lo. ltl-ld Is
very fast, but oiiinel.l la iincertalu.
Tu plye.l great I IK fr MiilUnu
l.-tst yeor. but may not deliver for llnl
ehitse.. r-tlub aiBl to tlnlh aernd.
tinly ornviiMirk apareiilly I lack of
exjvtience of I be lunnsucr.
Very III lie Improveinetit iver IamI
year. Twirling corps oisuln v. e.ik. Ii
Held Inferior l many 'ber clul.
tutneli ta still one of Hi lnt In tu
ronntry. - Has r ""r rntrhlng stuff.
With Hugh JennltiKs' never say lk
spirit and Ty Oot.b's Utlllitf ami le
rttnhlng the tenni onent to fiimii tnint.
Dub lias K'hhI i-Iiniii lo Unxt tit the
Brt Uilin. S hnvo grent pit. h
Ing stuff. With hole si ftrl b.iso plug-
nl li lu Innel.l will Ixf VT fjsl. Out-
atrcralutbfrnol(j ,,,4 retrlitiitf depart
tnent la cue of the beat In the circuit.
Team Is very fast on tlte Imscs, bnt
weak In bitting
. Baatsn.
Team Is not aa strong a lat season
Infield U shot to plea ea. Cllfb msde big
mistake In trading Mv t'ounell aud tard
to Chicago. With SInli.l on rellrejl IU
Manager tkmovan will huve a big !
fllllnit no b.ile at the Inltlul sai k. lias
good catchers, but twirling staff heedi
atreugtheulng Outfteld Is very fust,
Team ouliiiisjM-s .the other li-tnt
ting, tUld log. base tunning aud run
getting Twjrllng 1
tuff la - stronger ;
lluiu lost season. 1
K-v Malinger Math bus
- . ' ..t.i.i 1..
j i-raca yung n inner ,
jo tula nepannseni 1
since tbe ' CloHe of
the IMO csmpslgn.
As Hist stonewall
Intleld lsK C..I
tins. Hnrry and
Ba ker-l three-
fourths of the kid
variety It ahoald
Improve ever last
year's form. . If
Captala 1 Dnvla la
unable to piny bag
No. 1 to the satis
faction vf Mack,
Ben I looser can
Jump In and fill
tbe bill to i-crfec-1
1 o n. There la
nothing the mat
ter wltb the Ath
letics' - suburban
Ilea, aud two re
ceiving end. wblle
not aa classy aa
aTiii tTio rraha. -
some others, la very
things considered, tba
rtlUWe. All
club should
breexe la.
Tbe club baa spent a Urge aunt of
money In an effort to build up a peii
nant winner, but. although tbe talent
apenr to be there, the flubh Is prob
lematical. Tenm is weak behind the
but anil lu the Ikx. Tbe Infield at
first, second and short Is well looked
after, but Is weak at third Birming
ham and Jackson look good. In out
field, but tbat'a about all. '.
Washington. ' ;
Place Ilngb Jennings, Johnny Mc
Oraw or Prank Chance at Ihe bead of
tbl team and the club will come pret.
ty near landing second or third place!
Club baa a fast Infield, a good outfield
aad tbe best battery lo tbe gats-.
Johnson and Htreet-besldea several
Other good twlrlcra and catchers. More
snap needed here. ,
SL Leal
TOoks stronger than last season, but
will have a bard time keeping out of
last place at that. Pitching staff Is
food. Infield only fair land outfield very
weak. Is strong on catchers. Bobby
Wallace Is an experiment aa manager.
faelay, Brooklyn Ssnsstlensl Raerult
; Shortstop Tooley, tbe Rochester re
cruit, la making such a wonderful Im
pression wltb Manager Dnhlea of
Brooklyn that the other youngsters are
dropping out of sight
l ft - .
ct When Cy Young Will Quit.
"When they cut tbe uniform ott me
ii retire, not herora.7, Bares op Cy
Toung. the twlrler of twenty-two ma
jor league seasons.
-1 M T.n ...It '--
Pitcher Vean Ores of 'be Cleveland
eiub baa a new carve be calls
"harem twist"
(The road bosa and hla man ara
i iu roaq oy ma Biinnyside store,
irhlch will make It mucb better. Now
If we could get a rock crusher wa
00 Id have a good road.
.Dora Hemerlck la quite sick with
Mieumonla. . ; -
rMr. and Mra. , Osterback are ' tha
pf oud possessors of a baby boy ' bom
April 5. Mother and child doing well.
. 7- .. ,
Mr. and Mra. William aanih nt
.v . . ..
Beaver Creek, well .known rastrfanla
of that place, were among tbe Oregon
Dusmess visitors on Batarday;
While In this city they visited with
elf son, Mr. Quenther. one of the
merchanht oa Seventh streets K'm
o i
. 1 . !
The IWogiiM
Will You Help Us
By .c&cciet , t yeat $3C
iu . WOdHIVV
1AT 4 1
ovi) A 0) 7i;! riililuoy -
' 1 : rrjrj
'I I n
: -i . I
. t.
1 1
' -,y; u ,
i :V ri
- ' " . i; ' t
Boost Your Own
'.Ii '
to ''
1 11 '
r-r rT
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bur Nnm-
Ren::'inc2 ' '
. ...-" tj
fataaF m