Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 11, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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i YVOUiuii i ray
A Poor Article
Nor propoaltlon of doubtful
oeNUINe thlnga, genuine opportunHlaa.
Any article whleh ean bo iold
000D artldo. YOU oro aafo In
,h( flra of publicity." . '
Tht maker of wldaly odvartlaad article,, or commodity, la al
. hla hualnaae Ufa. Ha cannot shirk rap rh.n.. u.
w,yt On
prcduel "d ,h,i ,n P0"'01" protscuon for tne eonaumor.
you ara SAFE Jn buying advertised thlnga It'a tha logic of
0widy bualnaaa oondltlone. i '
'Mint A A Price and Joe Juatln
r,((lf in WIIUUWHIH wu ;.
if 1'iirlland.
Id Ban" .
( gitlllPlll) "u
I.- John MrQiilnu. of Tort land,
lb K""" f hrr 'otr Mri
'flea ). lvnV",re,," 00 Sunday. .
ir Charles Knndnl, of Sprlngwater,
In Oregon t'"' on Hunday, the
,1 of Mr. and Mra. Ham Krancla.
!r and Mrs. 8 A. I)ungat. of thla
W1.nt io Molullu on Sunday, where
r'.pfiu Hi" ly 1,n rottlv4.
iu IMlin Jackson wont to Canby
win-re she epent Ibo day
Mr. and' Mr w ,,"lr
Ir t H Cooper open! the day Hun
i it Hi home of hla daiiKbior, Mra.
lb Bar"'1. Portland.
ir fh'r Wllla, on or the promi
( yoiiiiK nt-n of t'anby. waa In thla
op Hiinilay aim nuniu..
, n,i Mr. H, K. Hcr'lplure went
LnninKH Iahko on Sunday, where
,r Tlolii'd wl'li rclatlvea.
Mieii. H. Dlmlck went (a Aurora
Sunday where ha vlalted with rela
and looked aft'r aomo of hla
lny Intcresta.
DIM Muln'l Too, who haa len em
Cm at i h Courier office, haa been
WrixJ ami accepted a position In the
k of Oregon i y.
r and Mr, t'harlea D. Lalourette
0lo I'urlland ttila evening, where
ij alll-ntlenci me nctm-vunii'
ri Kale AHiey. of Tort land, waa
thla rliy on Hunday the ituoat of
inter. Mra. Wallace role, ami
iber, Kdard lleckner and wlfo.
Iu Tona (lllbreeb. of New Era,
Lhii bi-i n In thla city vlaltlnc with
n. H'tiry Hirelila:. left for Portland
tndiy ifli-rniMin, where ahe will vlalt
r i fi-w iliiya.
Mri. M. J. t'iK krell, nee Mlaa Edna
irki. of lluhhard, who haa teen In
hrlty vintttnac with her mother, Mra.
irkt, of rTfth and Center atreela,
rtlurned to her homo.
Mr. and Mra. Walter Dlmlck arrived
mt Moodily from a abort vtalt to
Vsli at 'reat (irove, tho old home
I lira ttmlck and tho achool-day
raafjfr. Dlmlck.
MlnHnel rrancla went to Portland
guodiiy. where ahe vlalted with
ttit, and waa accompanied homo
trf alHter. Mlaa Mabel, who haa
rilKliliiR with frlenda for aeveral
Mr. Earl latouretto, one of Unlver
V of OrcKon'a atar athletea, vlalted
ithhli parenta. Mr. -and Mra. Charlea
toarvtte on Sunday, lio waa en-
kit to KiiKcne, having been one of
b partlclpanta Iu the field meet at
ktUnd, where ho won a gold medal
tha r0-yard daah.
Mn. 0. W. Grace and Mra. George
bwell relumed on Sunday ovenlnit
am Hiufford, where they went on
Barclay to attend tho baaket aerial
rra by tin- Mlaaea Grace on Saturday
Mini at the Stafford achool houae.
Ootmcllinun William Andreaen ar
t4 home from Newport Monday ev-
!(, whtre he haa been apendlng
i pait ten daya reattng and Oahlnn,
it for the cold rain that vlalted thla
ttloa Bumlny he would have finished
ttk with the fifth and te forest a.
n. o. Bddy. prealdent of the Sandy
mmerclal club and alao repreaen-
f' or the Mount Hood Land Com-
Kr. waa Iu Oregon City on bualneaa
laonaay. Mr. Eddy aaya that the
It lie I ii k Diiahed alone- on the
piroad In ihm vicinity, and there are
rut 6oo men employed doing coo-
pwuua work.
" H. S. Shire, wife of Dr. 8hlre,
Foot, Schulia Pirmpa $3.50.
r, Shulte Shoot for Men, M-00
iu vuveruse
merit or honsty-for ad-readora.
- They know valuta they know
by advertlelng la, by that test, a
buying thing which haa "rtood
accompanied liy her duiiKhter Mlaa
Margaret,, and Mlaa Maud Mc-dregor,
of Vancouver, n. C, are spending a
few daya with Mr. and Mra. K. T. AvU
aon, of Fourteenth at reel. They aro
cousins of the latter, and have been
epemlliiK the winter at Um Angeles,
fa I If oruiu. Th eyjirejjn-i.hclr way
home and "HI remain In thla city for
few daya,
Mr. ami Mra. W. W. H. flamaon at
tended the baaket picnic at Bt afford
Saturday evening, Riven by tho teach
er and puplla of the Stafford achool
under the leadership of Mlaa KITIe
Orace . Jik1k Samaon aold tho baaketa
at anrtliui .and .the achool realized
f )2 GO by the nale, There waa a royal
time of the occaalon and the frlonda
of the acliiKil were well pluaaed with
ilbe aucceaa of the affair. .
Clifford itrown, of Union Hall, iv'aa
In Oregon pity Mnday ,
fall early and get a awell hat at
MIhi Ootdiimllh'a.
Mr. Hcherruble. or Cliilrmont, waa
In Oregon City Monday.
Mr. Htlner, or Heaver Creek, waa In
Oregon City Monday. .
Mra. Andrewa, of Mt. Pleaaant, left
today for Eugene to vlalt her aon.
Mlaa C. GoldHmlth JuM received a
number of noveltlea for Eaater.
Hurry Hchoenborn, of .Eldorado,
made a bualneaa trip to Oregon City
Monday. n
liana Spaler and Waller Noblltt,
were among the Oregon City visitors
on Haturday.
Mr. Hcttoft, Mr. Illcl, Jack Irish and
Al Hchoenborn, of Cams, were InOre
gon Cliy Monday.
K. It. Hchoenborn, of Oregon City,
went fishing Suuday and waa very auc
ceaaful. Fred Spangler, a welt known farmer
of Carus, waa In tow n Monday,
Otto Striker, of Eldorado, waa In
town Monday.
The Endearor Society of tho Prea
bylerlan church,, will bold Ita aeml
auuual election of offlcera Thursday
evening after prayer meeting.
The United Arlaana will give a mas
querade danc In W. O. W. hall on
Thuraday evening, April IS. Tlcketa
25c. All frlenda of the order are In
vited; a pleaaant evening assured.
The Home Missionary Society of the
M. E. church will meet today at tho
home of Mra. Richard Harrison, corner
Twelfth and Monroe aireeta. Principal
among tho bualneaa of the aeaslon will
bo tho election of offlcera.
Mra. Hurd, an elocutlonlat coming
here with aplendid reputation aa a
reader, will give an entertainment In
the M. fi- church next week Wednea
day evening April 19 under tho aua
picea of tho Epworth League.
Qamea Arranged for Up to and Includ
ing Sunday, May 21.
The Price Bros, baao ball team will
play the Columbia Hardware team, of
Portland, at the Canemah Park
grounds thla afternoon. Gamea have
been achoduled by Manager Harry
White for every Sunday tip to and In
cluding May 21, aa followa:
April 1(1, Oak Grove at Oak Grove.
April 23, Eaat'8lde Cuba.
April 30. Portland White Sox.
May 7. Popcorn Kings.
May 14, St. Johna at St. Johna.
May 21, Portland Bualneaa College.
Other gamea will be played with
teama up the valley.
Mra. Herman Fisher, of Carua, waa
transacting business In thla city on
Pair of
Pumps of Shoes
YY g JtiollVC 1 UcXH Fot Schulze Shoaa for Ladloa
17. A. WIES
617 MAIN ST.
Oregon City
Tha second annual convention of the
Women'a Foreign Missionary Society,
Halem district, will be held at the
Methodist Episcopal church In Oregon
City, Wedneaday, April II, and an ex
cellent program haa been arrange I,
which la ma followa:
Wedneaday, April 12, t a. m.
Devotlona Mrs. W. II. Moore
Address of Welcome, Mra. Mary Morse
Response Mra. Thos. Yarns
Mlnutea of 1910
Appointment of commltteea
Introduction of visitors
Hong '.
Reports or local organizations
Reports of district work
Mlscellatieoua business. ...........
TUtitng Mra, O. F. Hopklna
Membership contest, Mrs. J. M. Brown
"Tho Aim" ,..Mra. Doughty
Five Mlnutea with Our Literature
Mra. Dickey
Noontide prayer Mra. Cornelius
Wedneaday, 2 p. m.
Devotional Mri. Susan Bryant
Report or committee on nominations
Election or offlcera
Heading of conalHutlon and charge
to newly elected 'Offlcera
Mra. Maclean
Song ,
"Open Parliament" ..Mra. M. C. Wire
Bolu MrBr H. C- Brackenbury
Forward Movement". . Mra, Url Seely
"Aro the . Young People' Making
tlood" Mra. O. M. Gardner
Mlnutea of Afternoon Seaslon
Song .'
Wedneaday 8 p. m.
Organ Voluntary
Devotional ....Rev. E. F. Zimmerman
Anthem . . .UTfHt4 Oregon City Choir
Addrefca Mra. S. W. Eddy
Report of resolutions committee...
Offering ...j...
Rally Hong
Consecration eervlce
The Program for tho Meeting Situr-
day, April 22.
The program for the teachera' Insti
tute at Oswego, on Saturday, April 22,
la complete and we give It herewith:
11:00 "Reading" Mra. N. D. 8lngletot
11:40 "The Recitation In Hlatory"
Fannie O, Porter
12:20 "Arrested Development"....
. .... .7. . ." .'.'.Supt. F. J. Tooze
1 : 00 Dinner .... Oewego Ladlea' Club
j: oo Program, Puplla Oswego School
3:00 "Teat of a Teacher" and "Re
cent School Legislation"
L. R. Alderman
John Scott, of Scot is Milla .was 10
Oregon City on Wedneaday and Thura
day, and while In thla city purchased
a four passenger Mitchell automobile
from Charlea O. Miller, who waa re
cently appointed agent for thla ma
Charlea Spangler, one of the well
known farmere of Carua. waa In Ore
gon Tlty on bualneaa Friday.
American atntesman. orator and
lawyer. Horn
Salisbury, N.
II.. Jan. 18,
1782; died
Maaa., Oct.
24. 18B2.
Graduated at
Dartmouth In' T
1801. Admit
ted to bar In
B o a t o n In
1800. Federalist member of con-
greee from New Hampshire Iu .
.1818-7. Removed to Boaton In
; 1810 and waa a member of
! congress from Massachusetts
; 1823-7. Whig United Statea sena-
tor from Maasacbnaetta 1827-41.
Secretary of atato 1841-3. Ben-
a tor from Massachusetts 1845
I 50. Secretary of atato 1850-2.
Unsuccessful candidate for Whig
nomination for presidency eer
' era! ttmea. Famous for hie
speeches In reply to Ilayno In
18.10 and In opposition to Cal-
boun In 1833.
Schulxo Shoaa for Men, 14.00
Heart to Heart
Owen KllU.ire la dt-ud.
And who was he Owen Klldtire?
First he was a iWitlf of the New
Vork slre'04 who elept Iu Imrrels III
the Inn k alleys. Smiiel linen he aold
liewHiuers or blacked m lines.
He grew up a Bowery tougb who
fought bloody prixeflghta and served
aa "bouncer" for low dives. At the
age of thirty yeara be could neither
read nor write. ' ' .'
And then one day a woman found
bla aoul. ' '"' V
A gang of bla brother toughe annoy
ed a mere Blip of a jrlrl. acbofltoacber
and city missionary, who waa compel
led to pass by aomo of their resorts.
Whereat a cblvalrla Impulse flamed
up In Klldare.
Ho fought the crowd away, rescued
the girl and escorted ber to ber board
ing place. And the girl, Mamie Roae,
aaved this man from himself.
ho patiently faubt blm to read and
write, cauxed blm to give up hla prize
fighting and to enter honest employ
ment. And bo persuaded ber to be
come bla wife.
Within a week of the wedding day
bla promised girl wife died.1
And thaU almost killed Klldare'a
soul lie went back to bis vicious Ufa.
But be could not forget.
One -day a newspaper offered a prize
for the liest love atory. Owen Klldare
seized .some browu wrapping paper
and wrote hla own wonderful and aad
love atory tho first draft of bla later
book, "My Mamie Itoae." '
He won the prlie.
That wna another turning point He
wrote for the newspapers and maga
zines, wrote aeveral book and made a
name for himself.
"My Mamie Roae,'' his first book.
IB one of the most stirring aud vital
tales of American life.
The book waa dramatized under the
Dame of "The Regeneration." but for
aome reason failed to make a hit
From the time of that failure waa
dated his mental decline. And a few
weeks ago be died In an Insane asylum
In New Vork.
Had the aeeda.of physical and
menial decay beeo sown In bis former
days pf dlttlpn;iou? Perhiis. But
The atory of the riae of Owen Kll
dare and his progreaa from low be-
glnnliiga-the story of a soul discover
ed by a woman-wilt alwiv:i lie worth
NEW YORK, April 10. Fifty, girl
students at Barnard College are quar
antined In Brooka Hall, one of the dor
mltorlea, because or a case or scarlet
'ever discovered there-
Charge Made Against Wife By J. M
Bradley, Seeking Divorce.
J. M. Bradley haa filed a eult for dl
vorce against Mary Bradley. They
were married at Monteaano, Wash:
and Bradley chargea hla wife with
using vulgar and profane language and
aaya ahe drank with men associates
at Portland. On November 10, 1909.
at the Wllbern rooming houae, on
Union avenue and Washington atreet
hla wife, with another woman and two
men, waa ordered out of the place by
two police offlcera, and abe returned
home at 1:30 a. m. the following night
after a carousal. Attorney George C.
Brownell appeara for Bradley.
' Reg. C. A. Lewis preached Sunday
morning In the M. E. church and Rev.
Henry Speia, the pastor, Sunday even
ing. Both services were well attend'
Mr. and Mra. Griffith are receiving
the congratulations or their friends
on the birth of a daughter Sunday
About alxty boy scouts, from the
City, came out to camp In the woods
all night; when tbe rain came moat
of them returned home and thoae who
ataped out got pretty wet before mom
Ing. Several of our boya camped alao,
The Wabaah ball team of Portland
defeated the Oak Grove team Sunday,
8core 21 to 10. The Oak Grove team
waa crippled aa so many of their
playera are at work away from home.
especially the catcher, aa he la the
whole team.
Mr. and Mra. Holt entertained Mr.
and Mra. J. Russell at luncheon Sun
day evening. ?
Edith Mann, of Lenta, ?ent Satur
day with Heater Armstrong. Edith la
a fine violinist and came out to hear
the glrla' band practice Saturday morn
A aurprlae party waa given Alvlna
Roth at her home north of Courtney
station by her achoolmatea. " The af
ternoon waa enjoyed by all present
playing gamea. Refreahmenta were
aerved by Mra. Roth.
Mr. and Mra. Ed Austin moved back
to Portland Saturday. Mr. Austin haa
been the barber here for nearly a
year and aold out hla bualneaa to
George Cloe.
. Mra. Geo. Blgham and Ms. Beulab
,Worthlngton were Portland vlaltora
' Read the Morning Enterprlae.
The publlsh.ra of The Morning Bnter
prls. disclaim responsibility for th. srntl
ment expressed In th. articles published
from time to time In this column, pub
licity Is given In an effort to be fair, and
with tha view to the publication of both
aides to a question. Communications
must com. properly signed to Insure pub
lication. - Correspondent In Error. .
Editor Enterprlae: I ant Informed
tbat one of your correspondents re
cently wrote a paragraph In the cor
respondence from Maple Lane In
which the atatement waa made that
the Maple Lane road had coat 12000.
Now Mr. Editor, I want you to listen
to me.
We built three-elghtha of a mile of
good road there and It didn't coat
quite $900. The expenae Incurred at
that point embracea the coat of erect
Ing and repairing the rock crusher,
the building of a track Into the can
yon to where tho rock waa aecured
and the breaking of rock for two trunk
llnea leading Into Oregon City. But
thla expenae, which must have been
figured to come near to the $2000,
doea not belong on the Maple Lane
road, and should not be so charged.
We must aet the crusher Hp aome
where, and as It costs money to move
It we keep It as long aa possible In one
place, and that la what we bave done
here; but at that it la not fair to
charge the total expenae to that rqadi
because the crusher bappena to alt
there to do the crushing.
It might be odded that it la the .In
tention of tbe County Court to maike
the roada It builds right, and ao that
hey will laat, what ever road we are
Improving, and that regardless of
what anyone may Bay in the matter.
We will hue to the line regardless of
what any correspondent may write.
Where Waa the Janltorf
Editor Enterprise: Perbapa the
teachera In the Oregon City public
schools have their bands full and can
not aee all that la going on In and
about the achools,. but
What do yon think or a little girl
going home from achool and asking at
he table whattertaln worda ' mean
that have been acribbled on the aides
or tbe outalde walla of the tolleta,
even to being written on the walla of
the girls' totleta worda that should
be waahed from the walla before the
unsophisticated little girls aee them?
Where waa the Janitor that be did not
aee and rub out? How waa it that
aome one of the teachera did not aee
and call the janltora attention to
tbem If he did not aee.
Some little thing may do much dam
age If overlooked by , the teacher or
janitor,' or If It la seen it be not re
moved from the sight of theee little
onea. There ia a time to take boys
and glrla Into one'a confidence but It
a not when they are alx or seven
yeara of age, and It ought not be made
necessary by what, la written on the
walla about the achool buildings; auch
thlnga ahould be removed Inatanter
and the guilty scribbler punished for
hla dirtyneaa. 4 '
Boost the i-oeal Union.
Eil I tor Enterprise: I note there haa
been a xhange In the managera or the
Oregon City Fruit and Produce Union.
All or which goea to ahow tbat there
la aome growth In the Union or Ita
bualneaa would not have become ao
large that it took too much or the
time of the man who waa doing the
work In an effort to get thlnga atarted.
There are still a few carpera 'who
don't think much of tbe Union be
cause of the tact that they are all the
time comparing the local Union with
tbe Hood Rlver-organlzatlon. Thla la
not fair; they ahould compare the
local Union with the Hood River or
ganization when It waa no older than
the Union, in Oregon City.
Tbe Hood River organization bad ita
troublea In. the beginning and they
Bioremore-aarloua than .thw-llla .that
afflict the local Union. At the outaet
at Hood River men would Join and
when thlnga did not move aa faat aa
they wished they would get dlacour-
aged and pull out and go It alone
again. When thla did not pay they
would go back, and try It over again. J
Thla waa done many tlmee and at the
outaet of the Hood River Union there
were times when It looked aa If the
organization would go to pieces in
spite of fate.
But a majority of the members
stuck and one can aee the result to
daya atrong Union that puta many
a dollar Into their pocketa each year.
And It will aoon be so here If the
membera have tbe aand to at'ck to
their guna until the time when the
organization la atrong enough to ae
cure the prices and treatment due
Council Not Entirely to Blame.
Editor Enterprise: I aee you print
a communication from "Recall on
"Folly In Street .Building" In a recent
Issue. Don'tyou know that what
"Recall" advocatea la Just what they
did In Oregon City aome yeara ago?
An engineer waa engaged to lay out
the atreeta and alleya in the city and
establish tbe grades and he did I
rood lob. But "Let well enough alone'
had few advocatea In Council and If
waa not many moona until the mem'
bera were changing thlnga bere and
there over the city until you could
not tell where you were at, or whether
you were any place at all or not
The lay out made by the origins
surveyor who lay the town out with
a view to a few afreets made for utility
and the othera to conform with the
tvDorraDbv of the country did not
ault aome certain man who had "In
fiooence" and he at once sought for a
change to ault hia fancy. Thla granted
by Council It waa a ahort atep from
that to a change to ault aome one else
and then things went from bad to
worse until there waa no system at
all that played any part whatever In
the atreet building game then prac
ticed. . m A
Finally Council awoke to the fact
that it had permitted Itself to be
drawn into a acheme of changing that
waa certain aooner or later to apoll
the whole town. Xt thla It tried to
back up and haa been backing moat
of the time alnce that date, and natur
ally it haa got no place under auch
And there la no one to whom you
can tie the blame. With the preaent
ayatem of chooalng Council because
of vote-getting powera and with no
reference to ability, and when a man
haa been In long enough ao tbat he
beglna to underatand what ahould be
done turning him out and replacing
blm with a new member having no
experience, little can be expected. A
man who la conaclentloua needa a
term or so to underatand what ought
Two rooms and board deslr-
tit private family preferred,
for two people. Willing to
pay good price.
F. M. Swift
be done, and when be knowa tbat a
green man la picked for bla place.
Naturally be must depend on aome
one else for bla knowledge and It la
rara avla who will not make a foolish
flight of It on more than one occaalon.
1 believe 'that the present Council
la composed of conscientious men, and
that tlivy want to do what la right
But look at tbe precedante that bave
been established In the-past, and at
the cbangea that each one calla for
from two to three each In order to In
measure correct the very evil that
the change Itself wrought And thla
Council baa naturally inherited many
joba half done and many changea that
are caualng present trouble and what
thla Council must do la to ao fig things
up that the least possible damage may
come from tbe errore of previous ones.
And In aomo cases the previous Coun-
clia were but trying to Ox np the er
rors or their predecessors and ao on
ad Infinitum.
If you would get the original plat
made some twenty yeara ago, and
atudy It carefully, I think you would
gree with me that the man who aet
be atakea for the atreeta and alleys
at that time did the work about aa
well aa It could possibly be done, and
that had the work gone on In con
formity with thoae flgurea there would
be less trouble now and a more per
fect system or atreeta and alleya the
city over. y
NOTICE la hereby given that tbe un
dersigned aaslgneea of tbe Oregon
City Lumber A Manufacturing Com
pany, an Insolvent will, until Thura
day noon of April 20th, 1911, receive
aealed blda for the aawmlll build
ings and machinery and planing mill
and machinery, together with all
aw itches, aide - tracka, - tools, appli
ances, office fixture and all other
property and assets of aald Company
In the handa of the underalgned aa
auch ealgneea. Said property la
aituated la Oregon City In close
proximity to the Willamette River,
the Southern Pacific Railroad and on
the Portland Railway, Light Pow
er Company'a track, and off era an
exceptional opportunity for a large
and growing bualneaa.
Tbe property will be aold In three
parcela, viz:
i FIRST: Tbe equity or the under
algned In the machinery pnrchaaed
from the Northern California Com
pany. SECOND: That covered by a chat
tel mortgage held by the First Na
tional Bank of Oregon City.
THIRD: Tbat on which there U
no incumbrance.
A description of the vaiioue artl
clee In each claaa will be furnished
on application to the underalgned.
Terma of Bale, cash. Certified
check of 10 per cent of bid must
accompany each bid right reserved
to reject any or all blda.
Dated April 8th. 1911.
Assignees aforesaid, Oregon City, Ore
Attorneya tor Assignees.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance to change tho grade of
Twelfth Street, Oregon City. Ore
gon, from the west line or Center
Street, aald city, to the east line of
Water 8treet: , i
Oregon City doea ordain aa fol
Iowa: r
Section 1. The grade of Twelfth
Street, Oregon City, Oregon, la here
by changed . from the west line of
Center street to the east line of
Water Street from the preaent ex
latlng grade to the following de
scribed grade:
Beginning on Twelfth Street at
the west aide of Center Street at
an elevation of 95 feet, thence west
erly to the east aide of Main Street
at an elevation of 93.5 feet tbence
level across Main Street at an eleve-
tton of 93.5 feet tbence on a de
scending grade to a point 105 feet
west of Main Street at an elevation
of 93 feet thence on a descending
frade Joeast Ufie of Water Street
at an elevation oi vu ieeu
Read flrat time and ordered pub
lished at a apeclal meeting of the
City Council, held March 15th, 1911
L. ST1PP. Recorder.
We. the property ownere, reaid
Ing on Twelfth Street, owning prop
erty affected by the change of grade
above proposed hereby consent that
the aaid change be made.
Notice of Assessment for Washington
Street Improvement.
Notice la hereby given that an
assessment for the Improvement ot
Washington Street Oregon City,
Oregon, from the aouth aide of Sec
ond Street to the aouth aide of Sev
enth Street haa been levied and de
clared by Ordinance No. 507 of Ore
gon City.
The whole cost or the improve
ment la $8949.65 and the assess
menta are now due and payable and
will bear Interest at the legal rate
from and after the 20th day of Ap
ril, 1911, and will become delinquent
on the 20th day of May, 1911, after
which . time the property agalnat
which the assessment la levied may
be sold for aald assessment, and a
rurther penalty of fifteen per cento-
. .
The property assessed for aaid
Improvement Ilea on both aldea of
the part of aald Washington Street
proposed to be Improved and the
line or lota abutting on aald part
or aaid Washington Street farther
eat from aald part ot aald Washing
ton Street and aald part of aald
Washington Street
L. 8TIPP, Recorder,
Notice of Aeeeoamant for Center Street
Notice la hereby given that an aa-
Wanted At Once!
Liberal terma to huatlera. See Mr.
Mtller- Circulation Department, En
terprlae, Oreoon City Oregon.
sessment for tbe Improvement of
Center Street, Oregon City, Oregon,
from the North line of Seventh
Street to tbe north line of Ninth
' Street haa been levied and declares
by Ordinance No. -tOS of Oregon
Tbe whole cost of the aald Im
provement la 17013.61 and the as
sessments are now due and payable
and will bear tntoreat at the legal
rate from and after tbe 10th day of
April, 1911, and will become delin
quent on the 20th day of May, 1911,
after which time tbe property
agalnat which the aaaeaament la
levied may be aold for aald assess
ment, and a further penalty of If
teen per centum.
Tbe property assessed for aald Im
provement Ilea on both aldea of tbe
part or aaid Center Street proposed
to be Improved and tbe line of lota
abutting on aaid part of aald Center
Street farthereat from aald part of
aald Center Street and aald part of
aald Center Street.
L. STTPP, Recorder. -
Wants, for Sale, Etc.
Notice. unArr ttMM eUMtfl.4 hM4hise
will b. InMrt.d at on. cent a word, flrat
Insertion, half a cent additional Iner- '
tlons. One Inch card. SI p.r month; half
Inch card. 4 line.) 11 par mouth.
Cash must accompany order unlera on.
haa an open account with th. paper. N.
lnanclal rraponalblllty for .rrora; whr
errors occur fra. eorrecto notice will pa
prtn tad for patron. Minimum chars. Ite.
centa an hour. Call Pacific Statea
249L ....
WANTED Middle aged or elderly
woman wanted to care for baby and
. assist In light work; one Bleeping
home preferred. Phone Main 3044.
WANTED Bright young man to learn
Creamery bualneaa, wagea paid from
the atart to right man. dealrable
place and pleaaant aituatlon. Apply
Clear Creek Creamery or by letter
to W. P. Kirchem, Oregon City, R.
F. D. No. 2.
BIDS WANTED For the erection of
one cottage on Taylor atreet. Plana
can be aeen at George Randall'
realdence, 801 6th atreet Blda will
be received up to April 18th, 1911.
We reserve the right to reject any
and all bids. Addreaa all letters to
George Randall, 6th atreet -
A SNAP 7-room houa, four block
from car line In Oregon City; lota
( fi-ulf- nrtfm tMA- tlOA rfnwn. till
v. .at.., " "V Tvvw, - , - -
per month. Same aa rent Clyde ft
McRae, 1003. Main St, Oregon Clpfr
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all claaaee of building
wnrk pnnit walks and reinforced
concrete. Rea. Phone Main 11L '
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
tltlea examined, eatatea Bottled, gen
eral law bualneaa. Over Bank of;
Oregon City.
U'RJEN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys t-
Law, Dentachor Advokat will prac
tice in all courta, make coUectlona
and aettlementa. Office In Enter
prlae Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olflce
Land tltlea Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public
Room T, Barclay Bld& Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER, For Fire insurance
and Real Eatato. Let ua handle
your properties we buy, aell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
FRETTAQ t MONET, Real Estate
Dealera, have choice bargains in
farm landa, city and aubnrban
homea, good fruit landa and poultry
ranchea. See na for good buya.
Near 8. P. depot
Whan I moved Into my now etore
I put In a nice line of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am aolllno at tha pd-
cea usually quoted for second hand or
shop-worn goods, come in ana iook
around. . 1
Fine line of curioe and rellce. .
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
ity of the homea. In Oregon t
City and Clackamaa count v the '
management haa decided to
make a apeclal price for the
dally laaue, for a abort time
only, where the aubacrlber paya
a year In advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, $3.00.
By mall, paid a year la ad
vance, $2.00.
People who gave our eanvaa
aer a trial aubaetiptloa tor on
or more xnontha, at ten centa a
week, can have the dally deliv
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance.
People who gave our canvaa-,
aer a trial aubacrlptlon, by
mail, for four montha at a dol
lar, may have the paper for a
year for $3.00. if paid a yoar in
advance. - "
- Subscribers to the Weekly
Enterprise may change' their
aubecrtptiona to the daily, re
ceiving credit for half time on ,
, the dally that the weekly la
paid In advance. When they
chooee to add cash to tha ad
vance payment equal to a full
year'e advance payment they
may take advantage of the $2
rate. '
We make thla apeclal price
ao that people who have paid
la advance en aome other Sally '
and wish to take the Homing
Enterprise, may do ao without
toe great expense. . .