Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 08, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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For a Dog
. . Br F. A. aeTTCHEX.
-i' Mm:
Ttot was aa ttor we ef tto cam
' t " aaalrlaa
Stop waa eaBto aas. a4 vvry te
aetrigeet aa. Tto ly attor caa I
tor erer known ef aoaal lava to
tmi a aa toiaf aad a brat was
totaw mj autatar Ben and myaHf
I awed Bex far boating
v. Haw I did law ttot o-g, and
dad tot aar! Way ta th
eawldnl apeak la eat I e-et ki
' Ha reuld talk wtb bta eyea, tkwogk
Mt wltk kia loaracL Ma ay a coa
' aaraaOua I tar tod with alas, I
epcaklag wHh y rote, to with kla
EX aaa stole froeveae. aad I dldsl
at him agala fur several yea re.
On October I aaa hsatiax la aa
CttorfeM. 1 k4 (kaawased ataet dogs
: 43d Bat (at attached ta
waald bust
to I
aC fdrtlng an
tsTsrtt aiaaiawat af
award an. aad tareagb tto toatoe
tto traaa earn a dor I ree
Bax at aac. Ha raa to aac
Wmt kla far pava aa ataeaWr. aad
U avar a da crtod for Joy to did.' Aa
for aa, I pat mxf anaa aroaod kla aark.
I'a aot aara bot mj wjmm, too
' Tb Beit thing I ara taoartoaa of
was lasting at a ry pretty girl with
W bat oa her toad, a pair of gaaat
lata aw tor bands aad a whip aark aa
India oaa wbe walk tag aot with a
dog. afted Errs paws froa aay
abooldara aaC my hat from my toad.
Ttot was ira ta tto glrTa ry wblcb
ary deferear did aot aOay.
"VTtora tto matter with my dogr
ato snapped, laying great stress oa tto
word -my
. : ,., .. M W CI
Mwwr L
Tea. my dog. Whoa ate aboald tt
What a langa earn ant of that peat
ty throat! It wasn't really a laagk.
bat aa expression of aager. eon tempt,
irony, derlaloa. I roafeaa 1 waa a Mt
tolffed by tt.
Toa-aay tb dog la yoara." I aald.
trying to speak pleasantly. "If to la
yoara to will follow bla mistress. Can
him. plea ae."
"J ark! Com tor. Jackl Do yoa
hear me 7"
Bex looked at tor and warred bla
tall, bat did not mora
"Ton don't area ', know tto doe's
aam. 1 aald. Tbeo. tooting away. I
recalled. "Coma. Begt and to bounded
after ma. Bat I noticed that ha kept
looking bark at bla mtetreae. After
Doting some twenty pace J atppped.
If ever ttor waa a mad girl that
- an waa.
"How dar yoa try to steal my dogf
? ato anappad sldooaly.
.' "Steal , your dog? I don't need to
. steal yoar dog. Ha knows bla master
and foHowa him." ,
"Jack! Coma here." gb stamped
har Bttl foot la a rain attempt to
, anforca obedlenc.
lt ma bate your whip." I aald.
Til aea If I ran drlra him back to
: yoo." ,
'" I took tba whip from her band and.
firing tba dog a rat. ordered him
wy from ma. He got down oa tha
ground aad cringed and whined, bat
. to wouldn't tear ma. Tba girl waa
bealtle herself with anger and diss p.
point ram t It waa plalo that aba lorad
, him aa well aa I did. ,
V Tardoa ma." I aald to Har,-
ahoold bar expUlned to yoa ttot
17" thin dog ooee toloagad to ana., f lost
bim, and b now appears to to your
r. propnrty. Ha tto nearest ta a ba
' man tolng af aay bruta I eter lraw.H
Are Yoa a Subscribe to the
New Daay? . .
If Th Morning Enterprise la to to aa suoceasful aa tba Interests of Oregon
' City demand it must need bar) tha support of all. Tha new dally haa
f a biff work before It In booettng Oregon city and Clackamas County Tour
support means mora strength for tba work.
' ' ' ' ' . '
Will You Help Boost yoar oi-ra Interests?
-.',...,. , . . , , 1 1 i,
, Tot a llmltod Urn tba Koraing Enterprise win eold to paid la adraao
aatoerltore aa followa: - f
. By Carrier, l year '. It aa
, By UalUl year 4....... k , XOO
tend In your nam and ramlttanee.
-n Lai
-Aad M4 to treated aa
aaiaaat. - Bk atarttoa
lMMN4 ST."
-Xr a
. "11 stonH to fli ta dwn
life Ito aa to bM toss,"
..Tat wa a iera that doV eat
tor Taa mb a." ato all "thai
Tt KI tto aa we tor
"Tar artgwOy turned, bat vaai'i
lags? a cnqi lasloa taaed aa aa pta
kM li areeas ta aw law ta a trUa
galsr affair.'
Sto iwd tor eye, aa if weadec
lac as I Ikal oreld to.
Toa tee tto dor: I let W do
leg tto irtaarw la aMm"
-Wk- lajtT "What legr
Tto aa bat aw you aad aa
Ttora la lava between ya and tto
Acm aad lor hum me a ad ttodng.
teear bet wa ya aad
"1 aaaaJd tktak mmtr
' I wpriaaid a aaalla. 'WrtlT t aald.
"what ara ta ta do a boat h r
1 boakt Jark-Jack. f.aay. Ha ta
aot Sat. as raa raUkla. at all I
toCt Jack far tX aad to'a aar
Coc" N '
-1 dMal K Ito tW ;'
Ttora ohlt ta ."
TD asatrk aaa for kia.'
Now. srbfte by BMlrkta tor for ttoi
do I aaraat ta pty at toada aad
talla srtrk a rata, ato was aa prmr. ao
frsBlalnr la tor tortaaf hapotaat
aacar. ttot ta aty toart I tateadd ta
caavry tto lanprtaUoa ttot I waaldal
lad atrUfa tto aa-acrabtp af tto ;
doc to a oSo af Hataiaata
-Waat do roa bmi br au tralaf for
hilar' .Ka nkxl
I took twa cataa trata aaj aarkrt aad '
gava tor aac. laid tto ettor rarcrad oa ;
tto bark af my kaad aad askad tor ta
bow aaa aid af tto rota I tod tfTra
tor. Sto abovad aa "toads." I aa
war ad aay rata, aad It waa TaUa."
Tto doc at ailaa.- I aald. ,
Axaia ato brtattod.
A V3j s .
I added.
"WalL I deriar
to imM arlUafl 6wiA wnnla t&
a a. I . M .i
aay taking such aa adraatag of tor.
Eto toaaad tto eat at rlrlooaly.
bat I caarht tt.
Ttot aartbod of drridlog tto aaitter aa docaat arm t plaaaa
I aboald aay aot. Re)dt. ttora'a
aoCMag to darkle. Tto dug iM-Wxtga to
"Bat tow are yoa ta (rfrirel bla ga-
tog torn with me To marttot I
coaldat driT aim iii "
TTaas was a stamtw Sh made oa
reply, fbe ass ftdnHlt trying to
thlak af a way oit ru
Toa wti: tire yiHirMsr UadiBg." I
aald. "U"o t j urn u- .rstrd ar tbkt
"So. rbaah yoa."
The yoa will pardoa sae for ttriiag
whJJ yea at a ad la trry itod. and I
aa a way t eoaikaf t aa agree
I aat down, took a pip from my
packet aad proceeded to 011 It, asking
tt ato erauid mtod my amaklag. She
did aot reply, aad alac siiear gltes
caaaesi f Dt tto pip.
1 soppoas." ato aald preaestty. TH
hat to pay yoa for tto dog. It's very
Bka af yoa, tot"-
"1 doat wlah to aeU him."
Tbeo what la tto world ara w go.
tog to dor
"1 thlak wd totter bar a confer
e ma to b baring one, a tery
long aod diss frees tHe oaa." j
"If you will sit down and Ulk res !
aonably I bellete we caa root to a J
aadsfactory agreement" '
Sto looked a long while at the log
aad finally aat down oa It other end.
"Now." said, pulling a cloud, "what
do yoa propone f ;
JlHi:ilttdo X2 proposor .
I proposed a ma Ltd. but yoa didn't
appear to like that way."
"It's perfectly absurd."
"Neverttoteaa I'm quit resolved
that It shall b settled by that plan."
Bto thought for some time whll I
read what aba waa thinking In tto
xpreaaloo of her far By matching
sbe would bat an equal chance of
winning tba dog. By refusing sto
would surely loos him, for to would go
with me. 1 got out tto cotna again.
"I match yoa tills time," 1 said.
"Best two In tbr."
Bto aat looking straight abend of
tor. not deigning to notlc tto cola 1
bad laid oat oa tb log for tor. Glanc
ing at It, 1 saw "beads" waa op. I
cried "tallar Tbeo. examining her
cola and mine, I told tor aba had woo
oa tha Bret trial. Tola Induced her
to take aom interest la tha proceed
ings. I took car that aba abould win
again and told ber tto dog was tor
"Bat bow am I to get bim away
from yoar" ah aald In a mora pleas
ant bat paxxled too.
"1 don't ae bow yoa caa." I replied,
"anleea 1 go' with yoa."
Thafa tto plan." aba aald. much
pleased. "Too go with me. and I'll
chain him to bla keooeLT .
"Ara yoa rar yoa won't chain m
"How ridiculous!"
It certainly waa ridiculous, for aba
lad ma chained already, but I wasn't
locked for a year afterward, when my
matching plan, aa I really Intended It,
waa carried out and tb dog passed
Into oar united possession All of
which wia nle for the dog. nice for
tb girl and lastly delightful for me. I
often twit my wlfa apon ber stupidity
la not baring understood my doable
waning aa oar ftrat masting, where
upon aha says aba saw through tb
wbol thing.
. And I'm not qulta sure bat ah did
Maaaaar af Wartaa Ctoasaiaaa ftas
Hia Taaaa Maat Ba la aWat af Caa
. tiaa ta Wia Oaffy AaUaiaatsa' a
Wiaasr Otliar OaMaiaaa.
y Caaaia Mack af PKilaaalaK.
lirlaaaty apaakiac. aiport a nal raw
thai ysar aJ a Mr aaa CartaJaly Mk
la baa kajataoj caaar aw ta Kwo tana
B Biy tata. at rtaatia(tpa ar arm
ata1d at taa itaw at lb rar. Far tr
AtaMUc ta mal ta Ma mtt t ta
taa baat at fndittoa aad nexrr Iri va t
wa war frtaat lait sviaan
aa taa imin at
auurwa aa4 aaajt
tais rvan
Taa acaar taaaw
'- j-i 1 ala mux t con-
ta tba kacuv. aat
at lrn tiaa
kUa aiara lb
- . MBMacwMM, Maar
bars lm atranth
wava vxcauaai
Par la
ther art
taa or tan clutw
wmlrh M aot flc-
klcb teat aaaaaa taa aaoaid as Auk
raar. Twa .af lb etui 1
tot, aa aaaal ara CkJcaf aad Clatalaad.
By Hugh JasMHag a af D strait.
I lack for a bard tobt this ttatoa. with
tha Tlat Waktatn ahsaa. Tb
atttatoo csoa OMul UukUdi
Ckksvaa aad Be Las Is bat aU
atrsathea4 alac Uak They wtn b ruUy
, Baa last fast.
to c antsy
Mas that tb
I four
I ataaaat
area't likely ta
arat as I his year,
bat at tba sasas
ttaa carh af tbata
wtll wmeaoarh bag
game ta kar tha
athar eNW aa tha
aaxtous ml Last
year tha nrst drtt.
aioa ctuba rouM
Bgara oa whtBtag
akeal ao ntif
from their
tale aad could aa
tha weaker pitch
era asalnst them,
aariac tha strcsg
aoaa for clubs biartv
rr up la the race.
Xow It will t a
ease of wsrfctnc lust
as hard a saint the icooiTSt
scaiast the arst. Thw la sura to mas
the race ctaa. aad I look for tha bast aad
asset tetarasUn battle that the Americas
tcagve ba know a. .
. By Patsy Deneva f Baatan.
t honestly aellet say team win capture
tb peaaaat. but sre-wtu hate a hard Cant
ah the way Erea tbcatli the Red Bus
win aat bate Jake BtaKl arst has the
team win be wej balawred and M bound
I shew greater stasatca lhaa last year.
By Hal Chase f New York.
I am aot ctaJmtag aar prnaant. but the
t learn that beata us
will kao It haa bca
to the vara. I thlak
I hat lb , best
Cllchlai depart,
veal In the learuo.
and I hat as rood
a staff of plubrrs
as yon can )nl
anyalwTS. not ex
ceptlna that of Con.
. ale Mack. I think
our pitchers hate
the 4(e over Ihoe
of any one else, for
alt are roues fet
lows The outlWId.
good. The
earns gses for the tenet.
By Hugh Duffy ef Chieage.
Thla year's team will be the best that
eter battled on the White 80s around.
I anticipate a pennaat winner.
By Jim MeGuire ef Cleveland.
I am not picking
eur dub to be a
pennant winner,
far be It from me
to even hazard such
a aueaa. But you
can take It from
'me that there are a
whole lot of clubs
la this lasgne
which don't look
one particle better
lhaa Cleveland. I
am aot predicting
that we will finish
one, two, three,
four, but I am
convinced that we
bate a chance to
flnlah In any of
these positions, and
you an Just think
that over until next
fall and see If 1
am not rlcht. We one of the
beet batting and
fielding teams hi
tha country.
Baeerda Far Cenaeeutive Oattie Wen.
Tb record number of conserotlr
games won by a major league dub la
twenty, made by the Trovldence Na
tional league team In IHH1; minor
league, Coralcana, Tex., 11KJ2, twenty
eight game.
Yankees' New Third Baseman,
In Claude Elliott the New York
Americana bare a peppery third base
man of the Bobby Byrne type.
.. Matty's New Curve. . -.,t. .
Cbrlary .1 U athewaon'a new . rare
floats to tha batsman aod doaa tba
"double dip."
Read th Morning Enterprise.
Bast of work and eatlsfaetlon guar'
antaad. Have yeur horsea shod by an
expert; It pays.
AM klnda ef repair work and smithy
work. Prompt eery lee; greater par
tlon of your work an B9 4
vou do voue tradlna. Qlw.
job and ae If I aant plea yoa.
11, J bata
1 . Ban.
n't 1 .
f f rs
' ; ' ' ' I .
' ' IT
Cor. Main and Fourth its, Oregon City
Maktnfl a Saab,
tt as alwaja a dim. ult task to fad a
aitabi ctft fur tobkw aad younii chll
dnra raaaraBy. far. torrrr oau- tSi
rariparat May ba. Ito llkiw (
tor tto vf k sowing- ibtt
tto gift la oaa ttot trra toby Issas an
tbiarcat lav -
A rag baak la a gift ttot aatar falls
a pleasa. Ta aak oa. toy a raw
yarda af piala raltro. Tto rallr
atoatd to tars Into trtj. rack laalda-
Baga totag atlowml twa tbarktirwasa.
aa ttot a aartar raa to palatrd oa
aark aid. This raa to asaaaaxl by
taa ring tto strtra tV- Ito air ot tb
raqalrad para, tbeo almHy f)ltog It
law oa paga. Tto rat rdpra af Itoar
pagaa aaoal ba Uxutd tuvbrr and
wil awd and aa furaj tto Uh k f
tto took, aad all la aid awt sa.1 nty
by tto esjtatd votrr. wbk-k Is aia
gl pkc of rallit Tbr psfct ai
plarad La tkla. aod tto cmrr b otiu k
aa ta id oara at la kob-
Tto rorar Mad only to of ao thk k
a tt doaa aot rlr a ph-tar
aa tto teald af it
Tto partaroa may now b drawn
traced oa tto par, or tb aWvratiuos
may to doo before tb took la mad
no. Tto ataloa moat be apUWd tea
ry aad ftatly to the tartoua otye ta.
otllnlac tto abapea with waterpruuf
tedia Ink.
kdeaa will come thick 'and last aa
tto works proteeda. aa a few
Oooa a to tto derorattoa of tto took
wlU anfflc. An ABC took wVI to
moat awful for Uttl ones learning to
wed. . . i
For ordinary purpoaaa water color
will do. for the staining, tot If tto
hooka ara to to washed often dyea or
maraoetert atalna most to asad. on
or two rotors doing aay amount of
books. Narsery rtymea aad talee may
to Uloatratod. Tracings raa always be
takea from books aad tto wording '
printed with Ink. ,
Wtost Measles Csaasa.
Maaalea doaa not com oa for aetea
ta t we're days after a child hal toe
xpoaed to tafartlon. Tto Orst aymp
torn rsaembl a cold ko tto toad, run
Blag at tto aoaa. a good deal of sneea
lag. redoes of tb eyes, ett. and thlat
la followed la twenty four hours by a
aiigoi -cvugn. un me snvua or imru
day tb temperature begins to lis no
tlreably. Oa tb fourth day tb fa-1
miliar, red nub appear oa tb face
giving It a blotchy, swollen look. In a
few boors this spreads ta tto trunk
and Deck.
la tto third most faUl dla-
ef children. If tto proper p reran -
tJooa are takea the other little one
la tto boas msy escape entirely. The
younger nre child tb greater the dan
ger. When measles breaks out ta th
family ae that tto youngest children,
at . any rate, are carefully protected
from catching It
Tto only treatment necessary ta rest
la tod la a well lighted and well ven
tilated room, a light milk diet and com
plete Isolation from other children. A
the child recover greet car must to
taken against eipoaur to drafts,
damp, etc.. for colds caogbt during coa
valeacenc from measles at very apt
to turn to bronchitis and pneumonia.
It la tbes dlaeas, coming oa after
th measles attack proper has almost
passed -offr-ttot atake-th
of tb most dangcrooa of cblldbood.
The Children's "asm.
Every nursery aboald have furniture
of the simplest design, so that It caa
to washed dally. Tto line should to
low and broad, ao that tto children
can 'clamber Into tto chairs easily and
when they fall not nave far to go
A broad low window aeat Is a good
Idea, for children who play too long
on tbe floor are apt to get cold. Tbla
abould to near windows that are pro
tected with wooden tors, ao tber la
no possibility of falling out It abould
to leas than a foot high and bare
w tabs trie rnsblona.
Every nursery aboald have a dresser
for tto toys. Th lower drawers of
such a dresser could to used for the
nursery linen. "
Though some mothers object to flow
erpots In tbe nursery, there la much to
to aald In tbelr favor. They make a
window ledsre so gay that It la bard
to resist them. If they are used they
abould to blgbly glaxed, either la blue
or white, and aboald bold almple
springlike blossom.
Babise Bonnets.
Th newest bonnets for babies are
made of white liberty aatln. They are
close fitting, but tb asOu la fulled on
tbe crown, the band around the face
being plain. Embroidered aid pieces
are set In. the moat attractive design
being tiny foreetmeoot wreaths Where
tbe ribbon tie are set on there are
rosettes of the white aatln. In the cen
ter of wblcb are tin rosebuds.
There are other bonnets also of tbe
liberty aatln wblcb have full crowns
aod tbe aatln draped over the straight
pier which forma tbe front These
are trimmed with Barrow pink or blue
ferret ribbon, tj-- a, ,, r,n t
Embroidered batiste cape have the
tiniest bouquets of rink and blue flow
era aet on tto left aide of tbe front
Put Yourself in the
' s. '
Ad-Recders Place...
When yoa writ your classified
ad or any kind of aa ad try to
Include In it Jnat tha Information
you'd Ilka to find If yoa were an
ad-readar and war lookine m
ad of that kino.
If yoa do thla to even a am. 11
extent your ad will bring R.
Caarrlabl. Utl. kr Aaatala4 Ul
wtry r
Jacob llrtff was a fertust. a dairy
aa aod a rattla raUsr. and b aa
worth 0.wu II rb vr ta
aim lb yrar rwuud. and a waa a
gtiud Oiaa to work for. Ilia family
raualstMl of only wlfa aad dsua-btar,
tba latlar tolug aantad Ntlllr.
Jacob Itrltf was not a Uair la a
ganrralway. Ttor waa ouly na par
ttralar thing b Uwstvd of. auti Ibal
was lbab bad 0r tor lakeu ja
aad dm fr by a abarr. . II bad u
ayaiatby for a man who bad. . N
that to wa always bouad to gal lb
boat of a bargain, but Ibat b waalatl
to protart bliuiwlf.
WUro .Nrlii HrtlT waa nlorlara ysr
old atontf t am a cull-K t bsp aarkliik'
'. affiiik.riurul for lb SUIUIUcf. II
ao aaprrtor I lb avers farm baml
that to waa tatoa lulo lb bua
kMlg. Tb fatbrr and moturr saw tbr
rollrr rbap suj tbrlr dausblvr falllua
la lot aod f -r a Urn bad littl lo as.
Tto day ram, toaster, wbra Jatb
aakl: '
-Iok tor. Mary, ibal young ma a ;
at golug to ask oa for Nrllkt pra"j ,
Yrs. I think ao.'
Two warka later lb young dim ap-
, nrB-rfc-a ik. t,thr In tha uaual war
i . UUa.,wn la tb usual war
aad stsmmerwd and blulied la
uaual way. aad tb anar was
1'B ao saying yea or no Just now,
I u wait a wees.
Tto aeit day but oa Mr. Williams
waa told to take a certain bora to
town and effort a trade. What waa
wanted waa a bos tier tore fur tb
farm work. Tb aalmal to took waa
perfectly, sound la wind and limb,
though nothing was aakl about tbal
Me waa elmply cautioned as to the
weight and streogfh of lb other.
- "Is It a asked the, wife of her
husband when tto young bad
goo bla way.
"Ay. Mary. I'm bo burs trader, but
I do contend that tb man who get
tha worst la a bora trad will get tb
worst In everything els. WUIIa
gta or loses Nellie oa thtW."1
"But be hsa netcr traded horses to
fore, and he Isn't used to tb way ttot
jnea lie and drcalva.
"Bat If bla natlt wit and see
ocas fin testing. I'm looking for him
to get -cheated a little, but Bot loo
Flea hoars later Williams cam hack
oa the tors to had traded for. Ilia
look told of exaltation. Jacob 11 riff
rerelreU tb end of tb halter fnm
him and began a thorough Innkorer.
At tto end of tweoty minutes be aald:
l ner are wind gall a. tber ara
apavlna. tber la a quarter crack, tbe
bora la blind In tto left eye. and he
baa a touch of tbe beavee," '
"Tea, but tbe other bsd totta. poll
U and waa going blind In both eyes.
He waa bin locked to toot"
"Who told yoa eor
"Why. th fellow I traded with." !
"Humph.' Found aa a toll. Mt. I
Williams, you can't have N'ertle."
"Beranae I've been thru ted la a
norse trader" 1
"Aye. It was a 'test. Ton haven't
got th sbsrpneas to hold your own.
You'll hav to go." 4.
, "But, Mr. Brin. yoa have been
edT was protested.
Trll m when."
Then you will to. No man la M
sharp tbst he can't to taken In"
"Kb? Eh? Well, you wait tffl ife
happens and then come bark for Nel
lie, providing aha is ready to wait a
hundred years. Aye. and. yoa stoH
have half of what I'm worth to boot.
f We'll talk no Taut a imw. niTs"ori of
tb men ink this wreck oat and shoot
It I'jn I-jO out of pocket."
Mrs. Drtff shed fears when she heard
tbe ultimatum. Mla Nellie waa go
ing to, but sbe didn't. After a taJat
with her lover alia even smiled.
Blx weeks passed away, and the
stranger came. IJ expressed bla con
viction that there waa a box of allver
burled on tb farm.
It waa tto ooly thin In tha world
that wnnlil h...' , I k. - I
Treasure and on bla farm! How
"At least IflOO." replied tbe atranger
"perhaps a thousand." What share
would Mr. Brio give bim for locating
.' They haggled over thla for a whole
day. Then, at the solemn hour of
midnight, with a divining rod to lo
cate tbe exact spot, the treasure waa
unearthed and carried to tbe barn. It
waa In a box wblcb waa old and
moldy. There was IflOO In silver half
dollar, and tha rolna were wrapped
la brown paper-.-) in a roll.
Jacob Brlff bad made a clean $400
In one night and tbe atranger waa aat
Isfled with bis end of the business.
He had Mr. BrifTa $200 In greenbacks.
A week passed away, and Jacob
Brlff waa arrested for passing coun
terfeit tnoney. Not a coin of that
treasure waa genuine. And then along
came Mr. Williams, and In a moat Jo
vial way be announced that b waa
after a wife and half tba farm.
"Did yoa do Itr asked tbe farmer. ,
"I did. I borrowed tbe rouotarMol
from th officers who bad seised ttoaa
and than hind tb stranger to play has
Prt" , .
"But I thought yoa bad no wit" '
"Well, bsveu't I won Nslllr
"Aye. yoa have, and now, aa yo
are to be my son-in-law, yoa maat fat
Bt . aa. af thtw. acrsp, a eca
young man would want to bate bla
father-in-law. In Jan whan tto wad-
oiaa- cake waa eaten."
' following axe those who have reg
istered at tbe Electrlo Hotel: George
pl;.tirM0ra ?B".w1f'. Mo,: John
Pullman, fialem - a di.ii..j. .
Vernon. Molalla; o. W. Wlcalna.
Wheatland; Mrs. Madder. Miss James,
W. MrCurdv. rtmb t ..... n
- - - - - wum, XI. II.
rwi i?y -0a,M D, Orchestra,
Portland; W, Moore, Portland; D. W.
H. Eddy and aon, Baa Francisco.
a sWaBasBBBBBBWwaaaBBasBw
(Wanted Ton to know that th En
terprise job printing department la
the moat complete In the Stat.
OUtSlda Portland Tr. u r,..
Ill -I
To the Net?
. -r- " ' " " I' .
The EflogiiW
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Will You Help Us
Boost-Your Own
Interests ?
By c&ttict. t year $3.00
By mail, t yean 2X0
It mevUoe whaea.
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