Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 08, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Alo , ..M .M'liui'lUMlS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1911.
Wouldn't Pay
A Poor Article
Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honssty for idrudin,
, . ara oitCRIMINATINO. Thy knew vsluss they know
0NUIN things, g.nuln epportunltl...
Any rilol which oW v advertising It, by that tsst, a
000D artlcls. YOU ar ' I buying a thing which haa "stood
(h fir o' publicity."
Thi msker of a widely advartlaad artlcla, or commodity, la al
fi trial for hit bualnaaa Ufa. Ha eannot eh Irk, nor cheapen hie
4 ct and thla la th boat, poeelble protection for th eoneumer.
You ara SAFE In buying advartlaad thlnge It'a th logic of
'ft bualnaaa oondltlona.
tkarll Btunrl. of Caru. waa In Or.
City on rTiu. .
.otu-oe IrUli, of Union Hall, wa In
iat City on mo-.
r .. . . . rmmr
i Mf TOH st nam" ..
iwn. Al. HclKM'iiUorn. of Carua, waa
0f 1"J, un
ir, and Mr, Baker, or uiairmoni,
Lr In Oregon "X on rriaay...
fjost received new Tillamook cheese.
L cream Z"c per puuuu,
Charles llukrr and Mr. Caaalday,
n farmers of Carua, wr In tbl
If yesterday.
Call early and get a swell hat for
utar Sunday.
Mr. C. OOLD8M1T1I.
Charles Hpnngler, on of th well
town farmers of Carua, waa In Or
n City on buslnr aa Friday.
Mr. Herman Fisher, of Carua, wa
intactlng business In thla city on
rioay. ,
K. Maasliigei-, of Shubel, wa In
reroa City tranaactlng business on
a. Kroll, of Clalrmout, wa In thla
Itj on Friday, having brought In a
Cad of oata.
I Janes Rivera, a prominent farmer
V tml Creek, wa In Oregon City
a rrtday.
Call early and get a swell bat for
tutfr Sunday.
Mr. Dietrich, on of th prominent
etidrnls of Kldorado, waa tranaactlng
witness In thla city on Friday,
Mr. Liud'itu and family of Clarkes,
tar among the Oregon CHy visitor
m rtlday.
Attorney liruee C. Curry, a former
widest of Oregon City, but now of
Portliod. waa In thla city on legal
ImilBeaa Friday.
Charles Hiwnc. of Cam, on of th
pront farmers of th county, and
Witetstthe Stat Orange, waa In the
jrlfrotsssfneas rrlday.
Mr. anj Mr. Tom McCarthy, of
lrm mad a business trip to Ore
Vo City on Thursday returning hom
la tM evening.
W. II Howell left yeatrday morning
lor McMlnnvltle, where he went on
butlnfM, returning home In th even-
Noah Stingier, a well known prop-
Lrty owner and farmer of Ragle Creek,
Lu among the Oregon City business
ktiltora on Friday.. ,
There waa a fair attendance at the
piolion a hool Friday afternoon of per-
kota and frlenda of th school, at
hick time the rourae of study wa
fully explained. '
Th. Knights of King Arthur, th
hoy society of the Presbyterian church,
will meet In the parlor of the cnurcn
fatarday evening for a buslneas ses
los, at 7:. 10 o'clock.
Evsrvone In Clalrmont should at
tend the railway meeting In the achool
bouse this evening. The proa and
roes of th auhject are to be dls
rsiaed; you are Invited If you live In
William Warren. fruit grower of
Hood River, at one time a resident
of Ornon City, who haa been vlaltlng
with his sinter. Mr. C. O. T. William,
left for his home Thursday. Mr. War
r aavs that everything I booming
t Hood River.
Charles Van Orden. of thl city, ha
om to Elk City, whore he will make
blj home during th ummer. Mr.
Vn Orden and child, accompanied by
Mrs. Van Ordnn'a mother, Mr. M. K
Ml. will leave on Thuraday of next
Mk for Elk Creek. They have pur-
chasrd a hotel at that place.
Council will hold a apodal meeting
mil evening to discuss th propo"
Horn Rulo ordinance that ha been
tlrn some little consideration from
tlm to time. The purpose I to glv
ins subject a full airing, in caae mai
the wish of the ritlr.ena. and then
Prhaps Council can act Intelligently
in voting for or agalnat. ,
There will be a Brotherhood . ban
In the. parlora of the Preabyterlan
church on Tuesday evening. Dr. Wm.
Prona. of rortland, will make the
ddrni of the evening speaking to the
w, "The Making of th Conaiitu
.'' Special musical foaturea will
" have a nlace on the nroaram.
The case of E. I Dnvldaon va. Roy
oj Oswego, filed In Juatlce Bam
""'l Court In vihlxh thara waa a con
tentlon over money, ha been aettled
ui court.
R4 the Morning Enterpris
IDoii't Pay Kloro
we give you Quality, Variety. Economy, Satisfaction
ldles' ready towear hats, Bw,
,tyll"h, $1.60 $2.25, $2.60, $3-00.
8wmw hats for mn, woman and
children. Th kind you pay 5o
10 5o for. Our prloe).. 2
Children! rompers, variously
Wmmed, only 2fto
to Advertise
Mr. John ICtchlaon ha a guest hi
father, from Ulalr, Neb., who I here
for a visit.
Mr. Frank Jaguar, of Carua, wa In
Oregon City on Friday vlaltlng with
Mra. Frank Irish, of tbl city, left
for Kldorado on Friday, where ah will,
visit for a few day. I
Miss Veda Williams will entertain
the Clypalea at the home f ber slater,
Mr. C. (). Miller, thl evening.
Mra. Nleva Oiiawold Watson, of
Portland, and Mlsa Ethel Caufleld will
arrive In Oregon City thla evening to
visit at th latter'a bom.
Mr. Iawrenc Hornahub. of Port
land, waa among the Urtgon City
vlsltora on Thuraday, visiting with
Mr. John Lowry, who formerly lived
In tbla city but la now a real estate
dealer In Portland, waa In Oregon City
on business Friday.
Mr. and Mr. Oeorg II. flregory, of
Molalla, were In Oregon City Friday
enrout home from a visit with Port
land friend.' ' ,
Mr. Lawrence Dlreneger, of Port
land, passed through tbl city yeater
day on her way to Union Hall, where
ahe will visit with her mother, Mrs.
Monroe Irish.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, of Minneapolis.
Minn., arrived In Oregon City Friday
morning, and left later In the day for
Clackamaa. where they will vlalt with
Mr. and Mr. T. U Bmltb.
Mr. Harry Myr. of thl city, who
I very 111 with typhoid fever, on Fri
day changed for the better and hi
rapid recovery I now looked forward
Mr. Anna Haye. of tbl city, who
ha been spending the winter at Bos
ton. Mass . haa written to Mr. John
F. Clark, of thla city, stating that ahe
mill return to her home here. She
la now visiting at Detroit. Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Inakeep. Of
Portland, were In Oregon t. ity on
Thursday evening, vlaltlng with the
former's mother. Mrs. O. Inakeep.
The alao vlalted with Mrs. A tint
Howell, an aunt of Mr. Inakeep.
Mrs. Eva Emery Dye ha been In
vlted to give a talk before the wo
man's Club of Oregon City on Wed
neaday afternoon, April 19. This Is
the woman's organisation of th city
that doea so much for the uplift wora
In the city. On this occasion Mrs.
Dye will talk on "The School as a
Social Canter."
lobln and Other Song Bird Are Be
ing Killed the Charge.
The Human Society la In receipt
of many complaints from different sec
tions of the city alleging tnat young
men and boys are shooting -esreleesly
within th city limit, whsch la In di
rect violation of the ordinance. Thl
offense I punishable with a fine of
from 15 lo 1100. i
The charge Is mane, too, tnai some
of this shooting Is done In an effort
to kill robtna and other aong Diraa
There la a severe Density for that of
fenae, alao, and It Is the purpose or
the Humane Society to Insist that
thoae guilty that can be apprehended
and convicted, shall suffer the penalty
though It Is severe.
The population In the various cltlea
and towns In Clackamas county Is
given by the census bureau, as fol
Iowa: -
Harlow ..
Canby . . .
Rstacada .
, . 89,Oregon Clty..Z87
. ,B87 0awego 527
.425! Willamette . .-327
Change About th Well Claim Tim
of Drillers Little Progress.
STONE. Or.. April 7. (Special.) la little new to record concern
Ing the oil well being drilled In at
this place. There nave Deen a num
ber of changes to make about the well
the naat 24 houra. which have taken
h. time that would otherwise have
hnn riven over to drilling. In con
sequence the drill has been driven In
but a few feet.
The character' of the formation is the same It has been the past
two days, except that It Is all the time
becoming softer. Other conditions
about th well remain about the same,
Droo Concert Cour Proposition
The Friendly Bible class, which was
considering th proposition to glv a
series of entertainments, using con
cert troupe and lecturer from
Ladlos" shirtwaists, wll made,
beautifully trimmed, 60c, 75o up.
Latest designs In curtain cloth,
handsome patterns, best qunt
In red, brown, green, tan: th
kind thaj for 25c and 80c;
our prlos, per yard 200
Bungalow stripe, special, yd. 12o
Men's colored hose, now t pair
, . a . SOU
Opp. Oregon City dank
Chicago bureau, finally decided Iber
was too much risk In the undertaking
at tbla time; thought that perhapa In
a few years the town might b ripe
for auch a con ran, but not now.
Council Wlsriss Qitea.
Th O. W. P. Hy. Co. baa completed
the erection of railing along the aid
of the walk loading to Canemah, where
th Council thought conditions wer
dangeroua before, go far no gate
have been put Up but a heavy timber
la etretchcd anroaa, Th timber I
notice aufflctent to a eoler man but
Council' Idea aa for th putting up
of gales o that even a tlpay man, or
a child, might- not fall through be
cause of carelneaa.
RAIFM. Or., April 7, Councilman
A. F. lafkey, of this city, had the
presence of mind to Jump atralght up
In the air when b. realized he could
jiot escape a swiftly vpproachlng auto.
When the chauffeur oppd bis ma
chine, the Councilman was found
porched upon the hood, eipresslng his
opinion In forcible language of the
careless manner In which the chau
ffeur ran upon him. Iafkey waa an
gered at being compelled to Jump for
his life, but suffered no Injury.
A8TOKIA, Or.. April 7. Dr. Oweus
Adair, conspicuous at every session of
the Oregon logUlature, with ber de
feated sterilization bill, baa gone-on
long trip. At Chicago ahe will be
Joined by a niece, and the two will
vialt New York and Washington, ana
sail from the former city on April
29th, Instant, for the Mediterranean.
WASHINGTON. April 7. A pecu
llarltv of the Eaat at once noticed by
the Westerner has long been th ab
sence of the silver dollar. The change
for a five generally comes In paper
dollara. while th allver dollar Is ob
tainable at the banks when asked for.
Now th Treasury Department an
nounces that gold colna are soon to be
uDDlanted by yellow-backed bill In
general circulation. So rapidly ar
the peopl of the United State taking
advanUg of the law authorizing the
Issue of gold certificates by the Treas
ury Department that In a short time
the ml will be called upon to coin
gold for almost no other demand than
to aupply graduation presents or to
silo Into th toe of a stocking at
Christ maa time.
There will be a special meeting of
Council for Saturday night to take up
the consideration of the proposed
Home Rule ordinance. At the meeting
Wedneaday night there was consider
able fireworks along the line of Home
Rule reatrlctions. and several advo
cates of restrictive meaeurea were not
aatlsrled at the consideration given
the advocatea of the repreaslve ordi
To aatlafy the men who would put
more restrictions on tbe saloon, and
to glv these advocate time to dis
cuss th subject In all lta phases, It
was deemed wise to set aside an even
ing for the consideration of thla mea
sure alone, giving temperance people
more opportunity and at the same
time not dfnturblng the usual routine
of business by Injecting this Into th
discussion at a time when Councils
mind Is engrossed with something that
has more of Interest to some of the
members Ihsn jhls Home Rule, propo
sition has.
The outcome of the matter la that
Mayor Brownell haa decided to call a
apeclal meeting for Saturday evening,
at 7: SO o'clock. The Mayor feels that
If Council will gather half an hour
earlier than usual which seems to
him to be easy tb do Council can
then get through for the evening a
half hour earlier and the City Dads
get home In season to get acquainted
with their families before bedtime.
Ball Gam for Sunday.
Price Brothera base ball team wlU
play the Columbia Hardware team of
Portland on Sunday arternoon at .
nemah Park. It Is probable that Wil
liam R. Stokes, who Is considered to
be an excellent pitcher, will pitch for
the team on this day. The boy will
have their new suits by Sunday.
Clalrmont Goes to Mountain View for
' Contact Next Thursday Evening
' Two week ago there waa a dehste
scheduled for discussion at Mountain
View, between a team from Clalrmont
and a home team. On account of sick
neaa It was postponed and Is now as
signed for next Thursday evening.
The subject to be dlscusaed Is, "Re
solved, That the Single Tax Is Pre
ferable to the Present Day Taxation."
Clalrmont takes the negative side and
Messrs. Frank Mlnter. George Koi-
danant, John Gaffney and B. Kuppen
bender will represent them. Messrs.
J. Oorbet, George Roberts and Wm.
Beard will support tbe affirmative for
Mountain.-View. As the affirmative
team tins debated thla question the
promise for a live evening Is good.
. Favor Sunday Cloelna of P. O.
The managers of the C. C. 8tore
wish to go on record as favoring th
Closing of the Oregon City postofflc
on Sunday, giving all employes a non
day, with the exception of Just those
nnrwasarv to move outgoing mall,
which no doubt must be done, accord
ing to th needs of the department.
Th road boss and his man are grad
ing th road by th 8unnysld store,
which will make It much better. Now
If we could get a rock crusher we
would have a good road.
Dora Hemerlck I quit alck with
Mr. and Mrs. Osterback are th
proud possessors of a baby boy, born
April 6. Mother and child doing well.
Born at Maple Lane.
Born, to Mrs. H. Ordway on Friday,
March 81, a daughter. Mrs. Ordway
la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
Brown, of Maple Lane, and has been
spending the winter here, being ac
companied by her two sons.
Road th Morning Enterprise.
, filers. I.i ft J Circuit
Size Up the Fi&i
Manager of Cuba Espaota te Capture
Hie Sixth Banner McGraw Says Hie
Team la Strongest In League What
Other Leadere Think.
By Frank Chanee of Chicago.
We will win again, be-aune we won
easily last year with a Wm that as noij
t Its tx-st. With Just the same men In
the ranks the Cubs will bo tronmr-thn
last arason. . I do not Inok for uuy such
run of bard luck
as wa encoiiiitored
thrnuxh lain. Dut
the race will be a
hard onff. because
olhrr teams have
bean strassthanrd.
To nffwt this we
hava plrked up a
lot of promlelns ma
terial from which
we ouaht lo aam as
much new stranslh
ss that edited to
other trama. If we
could win In the
tucs of all that happened to ua laat year
can't sea how they can beat ua 1f we
havf only the averace amount of tough
breaks In a season. ' -
By Johnny McGraw of New York.
I'm not in the habit of making any rash
prediction around this time of the year.
but riant now i
will not heeltate in
saying that 1 have
a d"-p focllng that
tlia Glanla will cap
ture th pennant
this seaaon. I do
not expect our team
to make a runa
way race of It by
any means, but I
boneatly think that
my club la the
strongest In the
league. I have the
beat batting team
In the circuit a
good InDrld and a
pretty nifty out
field. I expect big
thlnvs from Catch
era Myers and Wil
son this seaaon.
With my pitchers
In good snaps I
think we will nail
the banner to the
flagstaff In the Polo
grounds. I expect
the Cubs and Pi
rates to give us a
drop of the flag.
hard fight from the
Cincinnati will also
warm for us. I'm
make things very
tickled to death that Griffith Isn't over
strong In the box.
By Roger Breenahan of St. Louis.
I think 1 have on of the beat baseball
teams tn the country and will survly make
a great flght for the pennsnt this season.
Tbe Cardlnale' Infield outclasses anything
In the National league today eo far aa
epeed la cont-erned. The outfield Is a good
one. and the catching department I wilt
attend to myself. The pitching stsff was
very weak last seaaon, but I have landed
some good talent.
By Bill Oahlen of Brooklyn.
Take It from me, we've got a mighty
strong team that la
going to moke them
all hustle this sea
son Our pitching
si iff. to my mind.
Is the strongest Id
the league. I have
plugged up the
holea at third, abort
and rlertit fleld with
promising material,
fast men who are
expected to hit bet
ter and play the
Inside game with
more Intelligence
than heretofore. I
thin wy-team will finish tha eaaeon In
third or fourth place.
By Charley Oooin of Philadelphia.
Last season when I was appointed man
ager I promised the boys that I would
get them Into the first division. I prom
teed nothing more, but we got there after
hard campaign, during which we were
greatly handicapped by Injuries. I have
made some changee since 1910 which I be
lieve haa greatly strengthened the team.
and with -the new material on hand
think we will about capture the flag thli
By Fred Clsrk of Pittsburg.
The Pirates will be in th thick of the
flght from stsrt to flnlsh this season:
The team will be
much stronger than
last year, and
members ar sure
ly going to have
Say where the pen
nant la going to
land. Thoae "ex
perls' who con
signed the Plratee
to the second dlvl
slon are going to
b rudely Jolted
am more than aa
Isfled with myt
As far aa the Cube
are concerned, I do
not see where they
have strengthened
to anv annreclable extent, while the Ulant
have patohed up onn or two holea and
appear much more formidable than last
year. Th Reds look good on paper.
American Assoeistion Batters Easy.
Tom Hughes, who will try to make
Washington fans bnppy with his pitch
Ing during the summer, hands the
American association sluggers an aw
ful slam by saying be pitched nine
straight games Inst year In which be
didn't resort to the nse of a single
Bunting to Be Feature Thia Seaaon.
Many manncers are giving n grent
deal of (line and attention this yenr to
teaching their plnyer lo bunt roerly.
McGraw. Jennings nnd Dnhlcn Iwve
laid especial stress upon tuli feutwre
of the gnnie.
WASHINGTON, April 7. William
J. Bryan vUlted th Whit House to
day and for half an hoor talked pon
tics with President Taft
Bryan refused to discuss his talk
with the President He waa asked hie
ntnlon of the re-opening of the Lorl
mar case and replied that he did not
now f had ever been closed except
In the Senate.
Bryan denied that he had Indorsed
'he candidacy of Governor Woodrow
Wilson of New. Jersey for th Demo
cratic presidential Domination.
Chicago Get Trolley Plum.
CHICAGO, Apri; 7. The City of
Chicago received ft 60, IS from th
Chicago City Railway for the year end
log January 81. Tbl amount repre
sents 66 per cent of th net earnings
of th railway company, which must
go to th city In accordance with th
ordinance granting a 20-year franchise
to the company.
. Modern Woodmen of America. '
On invitation from neighbor Rev.
8. A. Hay worth, to attend aervloes at
th Baptist church on Sunday evening.
April 9th, all member of the M. W.
A. ar requested to meet at W. O. W.
Huil at 7 p. m. Preceded by th Boy
Iiand of Willamette, member will
march to tb church In a body. Turn
out neighbor and Join In this service.
Father Penguin. Whs
Lives In Lendnn'e Zos
Not long sco a pair of penguins at
the London too became the parents of
ts by penguin. Tenguins are sel
dom seen In captivity, so tbe sdveot of
tbe baby was a matter of great Inter
eat to naturalists and tbe public gen
erally. Tbe pengnlu's borne In he
southern hemisphere, and tbey live
amid the Ice. The wings have only
rudimentary, quills and are naed as
paddles. Tbe young are born covered
with down, but are very helpless and
require to be tended for a long period
In tb neat. Tb food of peugluns
consists exclusively of Dsn. which tbe
birds cspture beneath tbe surf see by
tbelr agility In swimming and diving,
when tbelr paddle-like wings serve
them to good purpose. , So thoroughly
at borne ar tbey tn tbe water that
tbey at Brut glance are often mistaken
for dolphins or porpobHis.
Sequels te "Mother Goose."
rhyming game with plenty of
chsncen for fun in It Is bere described.
Before your guests strive tske as many
sheets of paper as there a re to be
guests. At tbe top of each sheet write
tbe last stauza of a nursery rhyme, a
different one on each paper for exam
When she got there
The cupboard waa bare.
And eo the poor doc bad none.
Ton will probably need a copy of
"Mother Gooe",to refer to. When tbe
guests have arrived a pencil and one
of tbe papers with s verse st tbe top
are given to each, and tbey are told
that tbe point of tbe game la to write
a sequel to the nursery rhyme esch
will find on bis paper, tbe time allot
ted being half an hour. When time la
up tbe papers sre collected and the
verses read sloud. A prize for tbe
best rhyme may be given by a commit
tee on awards, chosen from among tbe
players. Here la an example:
The dog was distressed.
Hsd a pain In his chest
Because of his hunger and thirst.
He howled out his woes.
Then turned up bis toee.
Dlaappolntment hie poor heart had burst.
Remarkable Fish,
The curiously named trigger fish ar
plentiful In J a pa none waters. Tbey
are of tbe batistes genus, snd tbelr
popular name Is derived from the trig
ger-Uke peculiarity of the second spine
of tbe dorsal On. When tbe Cn Is
erected tb first ray. or spine, which Is
very thick snd strong, maintains its
elevsted position so firmly that It can
not be pressed down by any degree of
force, but If the aecond spine Is press
ed tbe first Immediately falls down
with a sprtDg. like tbe hammer of a
amnlock when the trigger Is pulled.
These Osh r marked In a striking
msnner, some of them being very rich
ly colored ashen gray, bine and gold.
A Boy's Queer Tumble.
Lloyd 8klnner climbed up the stone
face of tbe dam at Electric lake, tn
New Jersey, and when he bad reached
the top he fell down to tbe bottom.
This Is a bad habit that some boys
csn never break themselves of. Lloyd
did more thsn fslL As be passed a
Jagged rock his cost caught, and It
was taken off his back as neatly as If
somebody had tried to hold him np by
the ends of th leevea. By the time
he reached the end of his faU he bad
lost a shoe 'as well. In return for
these losses he received a large black
and blue bruise on his back, but other
wise his thirty foot tumble did not do
him much harm.
A Water Trick.
Fold yonr napkin into the form of? a
cravat and request some one of the
company to Oil op your glass with wa
ter and place it on yonr napkin; cover
yonr glass with a hollow piste; cover
again the plate with the two ends of
tbe napkin tn such a fashion that th
glass will be tightly pressed against
tb plate, and turn tbe whole upside
down. It Is new easy to drink th
liquid, which come down gently Int
the plate, and hence yon can readily
wager to drink a glass of water with
out touching your glass with yonr
hands or month.
Cradle Bong.
Hush the, baby, night Is near:
One bright star Is shining clear:
Now the moon, a sliver bow.
Hsnga above our cottage low
Hush the, baby, eloae thine eye!
Darker grow the evening It lea
Rush thee, baby, mother knows
Way to land of eweet repose
She will guide thee ssfely there
Over peppy blossoms fslr
Hush thee, baby, sleep and dream
While the stars above the gleam.
Hush the, baby; wondrous sweet .
Are thy dtmpled hsnds and feet.
Wondrous dear thy sunny fane.
Pure and perfect rn Its grace
Sleep, oh. sleep, the whole night long!
Shining an gala round thee throng
Rath Raymond.
For toe Children
Tbe Ladles' Aid smHety of th Chris
tian church of Oladston wa enter
tained In a most delightful manner
Thursday afternoon by Mrs. E. Har
rington and Mrs. O. E. Freytag at the
home of the former. Tbe rooms were
prettily decorated with Jonquils, snd
refreshments were served during tbe
afternoon, the two ladles entertaining
being assisted by Miss Hazel Parrlsh,
Miss Wava Harrington, Mies Maude
Hollowell and Miss Orva Freytag. Tbe
afternoon was spent In a social man
Present were Mrs. A. F. Smith, Mrs
Stesdman, Mrs. T. McGetchle, Mrs. J.
Smith, Mrs. Magers, Mrs. Martin, Mra.
Caulklna, Mra. G. W. Church. Mrs.
Brenton Vedder, Mrs. Fred Burdon,
Mrs. A. F. Schooley, Mrs. Ben Beach,
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Mills,
Mrs. A. H. Mulkey, Mrs. Burdon, Mrs.
Waggfior. Mrs. Pardee, Mrs. Julia J.
Tingle, Mrs. Elmer Lankins, Mrs.
Forshner, Mrs. A. Simmons, Mrs. Wy-
mann, Mrs. Hulbert, Mrs. H. E. Croaa.
Mra. Richard Freytag, Mrs. Howell,
Miss Mary Howell, Mrs. A. C. Bean
llau, Mrs. S. W. Knoll, Mrs. Rockwell
Mrs. O. E. Freytag, Mrs. F. L. Oswald,
Mrs. C. A. Frost, Mrs. Frank Welsh,
Mrs. J. a Dann, Mrs. J. M. Hollowell,
Mrs. A. Blount, Miss Wava Harrington,
Mlas Hazel Parrlsh, Miss Maude Hollo
well. Miss Orva Freytag. Violet Beau
llau, Thelma Beach, Baby Oswald, Lo
la and Baby Vedder.
gtaptlat Cor. Main and Ninth streets.
Hew h a. Havwonn nasior. rea. in
Ninth; 8. 8. II noon. Mrs. A. F. Parker
runt.: morning eenrlce 1:M, evening
7:lu. T. P. 8. C. E. :0 p. m.'and Jun
iors same hour. Weekly prayer meal
ing Thursday at 7:2 p.
Mornlnc subject "Triumphs ,of
Evening "Woodman Spare That
Cane-nah Baptist Mix Ion 8. 8. meets at
1:M p. m.. uvii conann supi. ,
Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth 8th.
"Rev. A. HUlebfand pastor, res. 912
Water: Low Mass 8 a. m., with ser
mon; High Mass 10:30 a. m., with
sermon; afternoon service :uu.
Mass every morning at 8:00.
Congregational Tor. Main and Eleventh
streeta. kt. vm. mi. rrocnir puim,
rea. &04 Third: 8. 8. IX noon. John l4w-
ry supt.; morning service 19:10, even
ing 7:30. young people :80. Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at 7:10 p. m.
Morning subject "The Triumphal
Evening A Brotherhood sermon by
J. D. Nellan, of Portland, on the "Gos
pel of Work."
rh.i.i ew. Lutnaran Cor. Klsrhth and J
o Adama streets. Rev. V. Schmidt
nuatrir rea. BUS J. U. AOIU o. o.
10 a. m.: preaching afternoona of first
nt third flundava at Z:10 In English.
other Sunday services mornings at 10:3
with preaching In German,
Christian Selene Ninth and Cen
ter streets. Sunday service 11 a. m.
Sunday school 1! noon. Wednesday
evening 8 p. m.
German Evangelical Cor. Eighth and
Madison streets. Kev. r. wiermin p.
tor. rea. 711 Madison; o. u. i a
Herman Bchrader. Monroe street, supt.
nnrninv aarvlc 11. VOI'ng People St
o. m. and preaching at 1 p. m. Prayer
meeting Wednesdsy at 7:10 p. m.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mulkey
.mnt rea Oladatone: 8. 8. 10 a. m..
N. C. Hendricks supt.; morning service
n o'clock, evenlna- service 7:10. Week
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7:10 p. m.
tsi tinlan tCona ) 8. 8. 1
n m Mra. J. H. Qulnn aupt.; Bible
u...w um Thuraday afternoon
nreachlng 7:30 p. m. second and fourth
Sundays in January.
M.hodl.t Main street cor. Seventh
- Kev- H. R Ztmmermaa paatorvrecor.
Rlxth and Washington; . . s:e a. m.
C. A. Williams. Gladstone, supt.
i.rair in 4K F)r, worth League :10
evening service 7: SO. Prayer meeting
Thursday 7: JO p. m. street cor letter
aon. Rev. J. R. Lsndnborough paator.
rea. TlO Jeffemon: 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mrs.
W. C. Oreen supt.; morning service 11
a- m.. Y. P. s:o p. m.,
Ing service 7:i0. Prayer meeting Thurs
dav t D. m.
Morning subject "The Triumphal
Evening "The Prodigal's Brother
Parkplsce Congregational Rev, J.
i naaA re 1-lackamaa: S. "
. m.. Emery French supt.; preaching
aervlcea each Sunday, alternating be
. ,1 . mrA 7'.tA D. ID; ChrlS
tlan Endeavor' Thursday evening 7:S0
p. m.
St. Paul'a Episcopal Ninth st., near
Main, Rev. Chas. W. Robinson pas-
tor, res. at Rectory, Ninth and Wa
ter ats.; S. S. 12 noon, Wm. Shew
man. supt.; Prayer meeting Wed
nesday 7:80 P- m. Morning service
10:30 a. m., evening service S p. m.
United Brethren Cor. lghth and Taylor,
Rev. U F. Clarke pastor, res. Portland;
8. 8. 10 a, m., Frank Pirker, Maple
Ijtne, supt ; morning service 11. T. P.
8. C. K. p. m.. evening service 7.
Willamette M. E. No regular preaching
services. 8. 8. S p. m., Mrs. Reams
Zlon Luthersn Cor. Jeffereon and Eighth
streets. Rev. W. R. Kraxberger pas
tor, res. 720 Jefferson; 8. 8. J0 a. m..
Rev Kraxberger supt.; morning service
10:J0. evening 7:4. Luther League 7
p. m.
Will Try Out New Uniforms Sunday.
The uniforms for Prloe Bros.' ball
team have arrived and Mr. Price will
distribute them to the members of the
team next Sunday, when they will
play the Columbia Hardware team, of
Portland. The uniforms are of dark
green material, trimmed In orange,
and the boys will make a splendid ap
pearance. The team la a credit to
the civy as well as the firm It repre
sents. ''
Read the Morning Enterprise.
Oak Grove
Liberal term to hutlrs. . Be Mr.
Miller Circulation Department, Erv
terprlse, Oregon City Oregon.
l.f ' A I ll A. aat
Notlo of Application for Vacates
of a part of the AUy In loefc 111,
of Oregon City, Oregon. '
Notice I hereby given that th un
dersigned have Bled a petition with
the Recorder of Oregon City, Ore
gon, asking; for a vacation of a per--
tlorj of th Alley running through
Block 113, and extending from th
property line on tb easterly side of
Jefferson Street to the property line
on the westerly side of Madison
8treet of said City. Th ..part of
aald Allay asked to be vacated being
a strip of land six feet wide off and
from both aldea of aald alley and
extending tbe length of the same
through said block. Said applica
tion la now pending before aald
Council of Oregon City, and will
come up for bearing before said
Council, at a meeting of the same
to be held In the Council Chamber
at Oregon City, Oregon on tb 19th
day of April, at tbe hour of 8 o'clock
P. M. of said day.
It Petitioners.
Vants, For Sale, Etc
Nntlcea under these claaalfled heedtnaa
III he Insfl-ied at one cent a word, first
Insertion, half a cent additional Ineer
tlona. One Inch card. $1 per month; half
Inch card. 4 llnea II per memtn.
Caah muit accompany order unleae one
haa an open account with the paper. No
financial reeponalblllty for errors; where
arrora occur frea corrected notice Will be
printed tor patron. Minimum charge Ito.
cent an hour. Call Pacific States
FOR SALE Eggs for setting.. Thor
oughbred Columbia Wyandotte and
Barred Rocks. C. B. Huyck, 814
Monroe street, city.
BEAUTIFUL surburban modern home.
1 acre, all kinds choice fruits, natur
al shad trees, east front, on Oregon
City ear. Terms. Take some trade.
George Morse, Meld ram station. .
FOR SALE House, two lota, tent on
frame, and other Imprftveatents,
tent In good condition 12x18. House
almost new. not far to school, store,
church. Large U. S. mall boa.
Prloe, $250.00. Rev. . Harvey Buck.
Nob Hill, Oregon City.
1 gores on Division St, , S room
house, bath room ana basement,
barn, chicks house, orchard and
small fruit, etty water. Price 81.300.
Term. Clyde McRa. 1008 Main
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheeiTuuy
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main 11L
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
U'REN A SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-av
Law, Deutscher Advokat, wtu prac
tice In all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7. Barclay Bldg.. Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance
and Real Estate. Let na handle
your properties wa buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
FRETTAO ft MONET, Real Estate
Dealers, have choice bargains in
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. See us for good buys.
Near S. P. depot
When I moved Into my new store
I put In a nlca line of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am selling at the pH
ces ususlly quoted for second hand or
shop-worn goods. Com in and took
Fine line of curios and relic.
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
ity of th home tn Oregon
City and Clackamaa countv th
management haa ' decided to
make a apeclal price for the
dally Issue, for a short Urns)
only, where the subscriber pevy
n yenr tn advance.
By carrier, paid a year tn
advance, 13.00. .
By mall, paid a year 1 ad
vance, 11.00. ,
, People who gave onr canvas
ser a trial subscription far one
or more months, at ten cent n
week, onn have the dally deliv
ered for a year for 13.00 by
paying a year In advance. 1
People who gave onr anvna
ner a trial subscription, by
nail, for four month at a dol
lar, may have the paper for a
year for 1100. If paid a year In
ok.Hhara to tne nwmmij
d Enterprise may change their
d ubenrlptlona to the dally, re-
a i.n eredlt for half time on e
e) the dally tnai i wwj
paid In advance, wian uer
choose to add cash to the ad
vance payment equal to a fall .
year's advance payment they
may take advantage of the ft
rate.. . . ,.t . . " ,
We make this special price
so that people who have pt44
la advance oa gome other dally
and wtek to take the Morafag
tatenrrtoe, may do eo without
too great