. ' ' , ... 1 The only dally MWI7f t - tween Portland and Salem; aire- c lata In every eeette mt Claa c mi County, with a papulation of v 80,000. Aro yen an aeVertleerf I Subae'lptlene ' h Morning. 4 I v.iarerlM will b received for- ! nu. ' ''' I and laW P1"'0' VOL. 1 No, 78 OHEQON CITY, OftEGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, lJil. Peb Week, 10 Cents NCd entem HOUSE DEMOCRATS TO TRY PATIENCE PUBLICAN SENATORS WILL MAVi TROUBLESOME QUES TION POT TO THEM. RESIDENT MOST GIVE AND. TAKE If Tift " Wanta -Reciprocity Laglalatlon Damocrate Mutt Ba Qlvan Tariff Conalder atlon. WASHINGTON. April 7. (Special.) The Democratic House seema hoot on nuking a tariff rocord with whlrh tirva to tha country with to tha next prmtdrntlnl campaign. - On tha other land president Tuft wanta to make' a reclpTortty- recotd to offset Ih tariff record that waa made at tha session of ri'mtreas year. L1 The Dmocratlo Houaa haa declared for popular election nf Senatora, and a half doren other raforma that wara kilted by tha Senate at tha laat aee ilnn and are likely to be by Ihla Hen ate, mill to go on record la often aa fnni a to succeed, and tha Democrata will naturally make tha moat of them. ,, Naturally tha Democratic llouaa will put aa many embaraealng queatlona up to the Republican Ranat' as 'poaalble, lib the hop that campaign matarlal av he garnered for tha future. Hut Tft la to ba given aome conaldaratlon n hla reciprocity traaty If ba will reciprocate, and If not what ha will lt won't aid him In securing tha nest nmlnMlon of hla party. i PLAY O. A. C. TEAM. ironVAUJB. Or., April 7 (Special) Portland Northwestern lague team played the Oregon Agricultural Col- iff i mm nera toqay auu woo in a core nf 12 to 1. It waa a one-aided game but Interesting throughout MADERO ISSUES ULTIMATUM. EL PASO. A prtl 7. ( 8vctal J rnnni i. maut-ro n a wum wnai n nlla hi ultimatum. Ila Inalata that Nit resign and retire and ha aaya la willing to realgn aa "provtalona." president, and will conceda that tha Arovtlnnal prealdent ba chosen from tha Dlit cabinet. Ha aaya that ha tMt of no plan for tha termination of fa Insurrection. MLEM HORSE SHOW OPENS. SAL.RM. Or., April 7. Thle morning turked tha beginning of tha flrat day of the horae ehow given under the M!lca of tha Halem florae Show Aa inflation, and although tha attendance today la not aa large aa waa expected, the association la much encouraged by the enthusiasm arouaed by tha event. GASOLINE WOOD SAW MERRY FRIDAY DRIVING CHAIN COMES Off ON ELEVENTH STREET HILL AND IT RUNS AWAY.- The gasoline wood aaw belonging to Fred llluhm, while going up the Elev enth street hill between Center and WuhlnKton streets, Friday evening, tirted backwards down the hill owing to the driving chain coming off. A man In company with Mr. llluhm at tempted to block tha wheela, but with no success, aa tha engine welgha 3000 pounds. He then turned It towards the curbing, but nothing would atop Ita progress, and It daahed over a 10 'oot embankment on tha property of Mr. Walamandel, living on the corner of Center and Eleventh atreeta. Bluhm weeeedod In extricating himself be fore the machine went over the em bankment and escaped without Injury. The machine fell about 10 feet but 'II right aide up, and tha engine con tinued running. Mr. Dluhm expecta jtie the machine out through tha rant yard, aa It would ba Impossible to take It out the way In which It eme. HARPING ON .1 GOOD THINGS rr . a i m-m. ..... .miu. .... m i - r "IVH.UP J utrieM m The angala aren't tha only onea who v"9 on good thing juot now. Ta mui k. j i . .... i. , ' oualnaaa, tha llnea we offer ' are tha larsaat tha rv- eamprlaa tha beat value ofNrad In thla eomaSunlty. oMiuta truth. ' - t dloUnetly different. ' 't80 ta 135.00. P'tce Brothers MCLUSIVl CLTHItS j ' Net. Like Ottan ; H and Main Sa. , I" I T i - ' - WEATHER FORECAST. Iw Omvnn rMt .l b..i.. I - - w .. .. viw ' v I VIIWIIU ALU rASOENOERS SAVED. NKW YORK. April 7. (Special.) Alt tba passengers of the liner 1'rln less Irene, atrandud on the coast near here, were transferred to anoiher, ship of tha Una and brought to tbla city to night.' It took five hours to make the change and all handa were aaved. The ateerage passengers, being Ignorant and easily stampeded, were taken off drat. BEAVERS WIN OAME. U8 AKGELR8, April 7. (Special.) The Iktavere won the game In a score of 4 to 3. It waa a goo4 game and tha Vernons made a desperate effort to repeat tha dose but ibey coudn't come back so soon.. Neither team haa got down to play tba ball that will be necessary to wis pen nant. TO SAVE AT ASYLUM. BALKM. Or., April 7 (Bpeclal.) Plana nearly perfected are on foot for the saving of several thousand dollar In the operation of tha Insane asylum here. Oov. West and the State board have been consulting In tha matter. BIBLICAL LITERATURE OfMD It PROCTI PACIPIO HAS COURSE OP STUDY MORE ADVANCED THAN OTH ER COAST SCHOOLS. BVnla f Tv W M Pmeinf were congratulating him Friday on hla call to the chair In Pacine university. Not thai k. I lit tint baiut wide flcM of usefulness In thla city, but they felt that with hla taste for teacning. ana h (ha aiuu-lillnnl thst MnM to a college man In a live college town, H waa the general opinion inai ne "win feel more at home and per ha pa Oil In a larger niche in the scheme or life than waa likely to come"lolnijMa paator. nmw u r Pmrlnr haa taucht In In- alltullona of higher learning In the past and will again enter upon m m,m. with murh tMt. And while Pa cific fnlveralty la not a large achool. and doe not try to live up to Ita name which la a misnomer yet It la a achool with a wide Influence and with a hlatory of which any alumni may be proud. toinn iTniveraitv la not a university but a good BubHtantlal college. Yet Ita courae or atuay la me moai com- prehenelve or any on me uoasi ana atudent trom Pacific la one year In . tha mnru In the alater collcgea In the Northweat. and atud enta who wlah to transtor from a west, em to an eastern college find thla to be the case, whether a stuaeni or r- .m. n. anma Other COBSt BChOOl. Teaching In Rn InBtltutlon of such a hlh cna la a pleasure. ior one thnt the work he ia oomg mu-v . .k. thre u in the vounc man or young woman, and they must reel satisfied that ir tne aiunem wm u u. part theachool. of which they are a teaching part, will do Ita ahare. Rer.' Mr. proctor joes io i i" fill the chair of Biblical Uterature. Thla la an elective atudv. not oema among tba liat or require Pacific ITnlveraity la not a memo..--. i- ... of the term, but the currlcnlum embracee thla atudy and mnny take It. The chair will be " w..., ninuint features one i - . that appeal to Rev Mr .Proctor, and he will without aouDi enjr -Aa the Congregational church In ... n Minaen a BUCCeBHOr, mis cuj - . and t thla time haa no one In view, It Is probable that Mr. rrociur u.-j wmtlnue to PP'r Pu,Plt her ?' a ahoft time to enable the congrega tion to take Ita Ume In making choice. flffl COAL IMS KHHD IH BY FIRE NQINE HOUSE IN BLAZE SHUTS OFP BOTH AVENUES Of ESCAPE. , 1 . . n. 4.rll 1 Flftr tO 75 men employe II. .the m-crort mine of the DCraniuH v-j Throop. are entombed In tha Jlniw worklnga. with all chance of escape, It l. be teveo. cm q. - . - Fire la raging aiong " , " owing to an engine-house having been set aniaee. low u"" -two opening, but tha location of the . i la anrll aa to burning ena'"- -- ... have cut off the eecap by theaa routea. A ..m. tkari Two men ww -r-- ' we-0'weii ahut.to.hy tbravj,. Thla atternoon " 1 ; .mnloyea and admitted by offla of the empioyea .i,,,.tlnti waa BTBVe, offlciaia .w -"--"i:.. con. and that an aim ""i'"- .,. "onted th. rescuer, in attempUng to reach tha entombed men. BASKET SOCIAL PLANNED. Taachar nd Sohool r,K,n for a Royal Good Tim; Thara will ba a Baakat Social at Stafford cchool thla Sffii Grace, the teacher, la being aided by tha patrona of the achool In plan nin, fo? a good tlma tonight The nroceed will go to the purchaaa of .chool library. ... . . Justlc Bimson win go tntlon to anctton off tha basketa . Mr. .m .nmnan tha Juaire a an Invited gueat of friend In the Star- ford neighborhood. SIDETRACKED. WORRY OVER NEW iAILVAY PROJECT NO HOT AIR IN THE SCHEME OR THE STOCK SIMPLY COLD CASH.' "- ' PLAN TO BUILD SLOW AND , SOLID ..''' ' Inveatigatlona Made By Portland "In leasts. Pall to Oat Men Par Prom City Deaka. Aa aoon as the officers and pro moters of the Clackamaa Southern lowarda building the proposed railway out neivrr v rrt'K ana moimiia way, hnt air artlata lioaan Ia avnlnlf nnrv jecta that they hoped might be made to pay tuem an "nenest penny or two ant liAffan In nrlnt anil rtmnlatA atorlcc of how the Hill Interests and tne Seattle interesta were noiina to build Into the rich timber and farm ing sections of the county. There were no people of erceptlon who took any stock In these atorlea, for people recognize that It takea mo ney to build a railroad a'a thoee who ara hAln aakeil tn heln hnlld the Clackamaa Southern are discovering at tnis time. Aa an evidence of the volatile na ture of the achemos we will print an excerpt trom the columns or tha Port land Telegram, which ahowa how peo ple who live near the centere or fi nance feel In the matter. It followa: IkumiIi MantlflAit with Ih. varlniia large railroad corporal lone In Portland have lnvesugatea to a poini wner v. ... ... .atl.Ha tiat tha nmnnaAd me . 7 r electric llnea In Clackamaa county, ra diating rrom canny anu momim, h mmu K allAl "llvera" In the railroad world. That la a group or M uiiivivi ai aaww -m- -- naakwv at virl nlhop orti,BulnnH. filial dOllA MmntAia naa autiiriui rnniin n m n lbs VI-tv j aata v hv Borne preliminary worK, ana expecta io sell out to aome or me Dig rcuuws the big fellows will bite. It 1b not denied that the territory . . lth llnaa aponrdlna- to lu in iv'w published atatementa of the promotera, la CapBOie or support mg muin umiv tranaportatlon facllltlea than now are ffA.n.l BhnnM the nrolects ever be completed they would make excellent feeders ror tne aeverai irun-nuo i- tk.t --ntar In thla rltv. Much doubt la entertained here that the present promotera nave tne nnancim t..i,i tn Havulnn their nlana aa out- " . . . K r - lined. It la d, however, that the ac quirement or land tracta neeaea ior rlghte-or-way haa been going on In termittently ror the last rew montha. Soma teel, also, haa been laid. Speak- . ... it. tint Interesta. who have been mentioned aa possible backer of the acheme, one or me prommtin local offlciaia eald yesterday: "Because we have been doing rail road development work in Oregon on a gigantic ecale for the last two year people get the Idea that It la our In tentlon to cobweb tha whole North 1 . , i. iinaa mnA fnedera. and West wun mum i - r . carrle with u me niw " ..ill n1 ara huh lid It. I tlBVO checked over a Hat of the achemea and If wa were foaterlng all the pro ject that w nave neon wu.u . would take $200,000,000 to carry them out. That ta for Oregon alone." r.. ir farts concerning 4 Off mwi what la going on among men who are hot-alnng projecie in an un aomethlng in the hopea they may get an opportunity to rake off a few ahecklea when the right time cornea nut that la not the way thlnge ara be ing done in Clackamaa county out from Oregon City. Her th money la being raUed to build the. roa. and at tha aame time 5. iHWd is being built There Is to be no blK Hurry of etock aelllng at a ?ew centa on the dollar and a bonding of the road at several tlmea the phy atcal value. The dollar raised are to be used In building, and no money la to ne waBiea. ana men wnen tne roaa la In operation there will be but a few thmiunda Invested and when a fair amount of freight and passengera are nanaiea mora win ne a prom ior tne stockholders. . -- ' Tfin la nn hot air In tha r1a-lia. maa Southern'' project, and the pro- mnn lit I n nr. .nail n. nnnn wniiA It may take twice the time to build, .Lui Ik. Marf la AnlahArf It will hai owned by lojcai anarenoidera ana not h In the handa or men llvlnr minr ml lea away and caring nothing for the property but aa to tne amaena it may ha mad ta vlnld. Thla la one railway nrnWw-t tn Clarkamaa countT that la nnt hnt air huff .low anllit nrnirreaa forward from now until the road la completed. No "large railroad Interest" haa In vestigated the Clackamaa Southern, or It would not make such a report the, reporter who wrote tha story nev er stepped more than Ave blocks away rrom hla deak. ORIN A.. CHENEY, who celebrated hla 78th birthday Thursday at the horn of hla aon In Portland. Served 39 montha In War of tha Rebellion. Haa voted for every Republican Presidential candidate . from Fre mont down. v . couinY couRrs time DISCUSSING MATTERS EFFORTS BEING MADE TO GREAT WORK THIS DRY WEATHER. ' : 00 Considerable time of tha County Court at tha April term waa taken up in tne aiacusBion m mi i1 tng to the construction and repair of county roads. In District No. 14, where George Olbbe la supervisor, tne ex .a. "i iiiaw. ; fmmmmmmmwKmm'mmmmmKmmmmmKMmWfM George uiddb ib auirri imui, - Qiaastone wunuu Hid - -- jil.m. tn- March amountad to I a-a imv n tha nronoaed new liruuiiuiv. - ... - I3446.0B. which la th record expendl - tura In any dlatrlct for that month. 1 . JI...I . In. , ht . M.nl h There waa ho apectai tax leviea in mat district and the district apportionment from the general roaa tuna w . than I1J00. ,,r . Thh claim of J. W. koois, roaa uir ervlsor of th Boring dlatrlct. for $3 a day. waa cut to $2.60 a day, which la the customary amount paid to auper vlsors. - - The County Court la not pursuing a niggardly policy In the expenditure of road money, but la trying to get Ita money'a worth, and proposes to do a lot of permanent road work thl year whll tha weather la Ideal - ' Want to Stop Work on Cottage. The Sheriff Berved th Injunction notice Friday evening on D. K. Bill In the ce In which an effort wa made to atop the erection of a cottage that Mr. BUI la erecting In Gladstone, Id the meantime tba house waa en closed. Mr. Bill aaya there were no hnlMlna- restrictions In -the deed to him, only restrlctiona aa to aale of liquor, and he la satisfied that the at tempt to atop him will prove abortive. EOemYAtlTED BUT NOT HORSES CHIEP SHAW SATISFIED THEY WERE THE MEN WHO HAD THE HORSES. SALEM SHERIFF GETS COLD FEET Because Men Put Up Good -Story to Nawell and Sheriff They Let ' , .".Tn"V. Oo , Unmo- lasted. T n fCAWAll t9 Tannin.. TmIv. whk wan I. I2.1am ThMMjIa nl.k with rVinatahlA RmarnTtn Mnliira two auapecta that were camping near that city, and who were auppoaed to be the men wno atoie Newen a norses earlier In the week, got cold feet at Salem and came back without the horaea. The men were camping near Salem and they were supposed to be the aame men who were reported aa hav ing the horaea up to the time that they left Aurora. But between the time that they left Aurora and tha time that they arrived in Salem, the two horaea disappeared. Newell, Brown and the Salem Sher iff went to tha men'a canto at a late hour Thursday sight Naturally the men, when accnaed, denied ever aeeing the horaea and at flrat denied going through thla section. Later they did not further deny the visit but did hav ing any horaea. Brown wantea to bring the men home and then start nut anil ipirrh for tha horaea. New- 11 and the Sheriff were timid In the matter and aa tt-wae up to Newell as to what to do Brown took the tip from him and let the men go. rhlvf nf Police Rhaw. who haa fol lowed the caae and who did the? tele phoning that resulted In tracing them to Salem, la confident they were the men wanted and waa aiaappointea when they were not brought In. He i. aatiaflan1 thAT stole the horses and thlnka they either traded them off or have Ahem hid away aomewnera be tween Aurora ana tsaiem. u me ion mer they are likely to ahowup If watched for. If hid away the men may watch an opportunity to bring them out and pasa them on later when . v in -(1At Anmn Chaw aava tn anv IUIUH1 s"' . w " . - event the men were not likely to con fess just because aome one accuseu them or theft. . - Newell atopped off at Aurora on the way home to talte up the trail and aee ir he could trace the animals. He haa made no report aa yet aa to the success that attended htm. STILL ANOTHER HP IN MAKING SIXTH ST. THE COST OF CUTTING MADISON ; STREET WOULD TOTAL OVER $4000, SAYS ENGINEER. Thara la .till 'another hitch In the proceedings regarding the Improve ment of Sixth atreet near Maaison. r-niinr.il made a nuasl order to cut uaiiiinn rinwn at the alley between Sixth and Seventh ao that at Sixth the grade would be on a level witn other portion of .the street This arn.iM nArmit the eomDletlon of Sixth at a grade that would not too seriously Impinge on the property or Aiiareuno and Story, and waa likely to prove r.iriv aatiafartorv to those men. But maVln. an order to that effect mivm - the Recorder waa Instructed to secure the consents of those Interested to the change, and also Instructed the City Engineer to make an estimate to the expense. . v . .mmpi. hnlriar refused to aub- mlt to the change. The Engineer re ported a cost ot over 14000. During the discussion Contractor Moffatt was .v . that tiKnn would cover or ine "- -- ., . the cost, which Influenced Council to hope ror aettlement along mat un. But the $4000 expense; together with w. ....ai nt nna nroDertr holder to consent led Council at Ita meeting Wednesday night to vote to go aueau at the old and original grade. Whether any property holder win rurther object remalna to be aeen. Several properttea will be left In bad shape, but Council doesn't aeem to And any other way out of the difficulty. ADOPTING THE CHARTER. . The Instrument Taken Up and Die- .,aaad Hv SectlonB, Than Adopted Gladstone Council met Thursday ev- i vuiiik w h - - - 1 pharter aeratlra. Each Item waa die- I A , CQBriVr X?i aaviaua au - cussed pro and con and If liked passed and If not amennea tin n then passed. There waa a long aee- slon and consiaarabie nenar,jiiuo, rkaU at that ta-wll take Alulae ot .four meetlnga to get 11 into aauomcwij shape. ' - At a late hour the City Fathera ad journed to meet again Friday night, which they did. About two more ev ening will likely put the measure through, ao that the village can go ahead and make -the Improvemente that are ao earneatly wished. A meet ing haa been aeheduled for thla even ing. .. GUESTS OF MRS. MARTIN. Frlenda From Canemah Go to Sell wood Friday Afternoon. ' A party of frlenda made a visit to Mra. W. D. Martin, at her home In Bellwood, Friday afternoon. They were friends and helghbora of Mra. Martin In Canemah, when ahe lived there. There waa a very pleaaant ao clal afternoon to thoae preaent, the Good consistent adver tising in The Morning Enterprise pays. It has proven so with us. Prico BroQm Am Am Prico, r.1grm oocaaloo proving a moat enjoyable event ' v ; : ' r. . -: i ' Those who made up tha party were Mr. Sarah Millar Un War V Ifnw. , ell, Mra. Jennie BIngman, Mr. Julia FToat, aira. A. m. rinnigan, Mra. w. U Mldlam. Mra. Walter Wentwortb. Mlsa Emily Mldlam and Mlaa Ada, Bed well. , BOOKS GIVEN PLACE. Librariea on Pullman Care Contain .. Booka By laal Author. -f. --r Mra. Eva Emery Dye haa received notice f-om her publishers, A. CL Me Clung"0, of Chicago 4hat her booka. "McLoughlln In Old Oregon" and "McDonald of Oregon" have been placed In the librariea on the parlor car a running on the Union Pacific, and "The Conquest," her laat book, haa been put In the librariea on tha South ern Pacific Pullman cars. , , GEO. W. H. MILLER WILL SUCCEED O. E. FREYTAGy- TAKING CHARGE MONDAY. ThA rvrern rltv Vralt and Produce Tnlnn la to have a new nanacer. Geo. W. H. Miller, the agent for Welle Far tm anil nnmnanv Rxnreaa haa accent ed the position and will take charge Mnnilav mornlna. O. E. Freytag, who haa been acting temporarily aa manager, will act In an advisory capacity to tne new manager. Th h..ilnAa nf tha ITnlon will be con ducted In the preaent quarters with the addition or aome nttie space in me hullrilnir fuviinled hv Wells FarKO. tr villlor haa en meed Julius Soaale to look after the Expreea end or his business and will devote hla time more tn ih. hiininena nf the ITnlon. Under the new arrangement the patrons ot both the Union ana tne expresa com nonv win raoAiva hatter service. Some Blight alteratlona in the In terior arrangementa or the two ouna Ings occupied will be made for the convenience of the new manager and hla amnlorea. Tha business of the Union la proa perlng and a large volume of business Is In Bight for the busy montha thla summer. COLUMBIA FIELD MEET. Oregon City High School Will Enter the Contest Saturday. Oregon City High achool wlll.be represented at the Columbia Univer sity athletic 'field meet In Portland today. The High achool boys have been doing good work In getting ready for the contests and will likely make a good showing. It will be strange If the boys win prizes, for while the lads are certain to make a good showing In this case they will be going against many a live bunch, ana win contest with many who are omer ana more ro bust. The experience the boys gain in nnnnhtnrii aland them well In hand at some future date, and If they acquire experience only in tnis meet their efforta will not be In vain. Tha hnva hnan to attend the meet . t VJ 1" J - , . are Joe Sheahan. Kent Wilson. Ernest Cross, Roy Graves, John DomDaen ana Lisle Kellogg. . BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETS. tn,- tniatAsa nf the TtaDtlst church have Investigated the condition of the building and report that It does not need paint except In apota. a itinnai. will ha aArvAil Saturday bV Jlr. Haywortha class of young ladlea. the proceeds or wmcn win atari a ruuu tor the purchase or a new pipe organ. Mr tlarvav IT. Crona waa a lac ted tO serve aa superintendent of th Sunday school at the regular meeting oi in church Thursday evening. Mra. A. F. Parker haa been acting superintend ent tor the paat yea Mr..qroa haa hadextenaivsiaaperlence la Sunday achnfil wnrtr. rvalaratAa will ha annolntad tn tha Stat Sunday school convention, which convene at Eugen next week SECURES NEW f lAflAGEfi 00000Oao0C40000CO400K)0400P04 I $50.00 Given Awcy f 1 Thl ad l worth 50 in ch to th vVot a'x urchar9 of CUIr- o mont AorMaa Tract No. J 2V aero; all In cultivation; cloaa ta T aahaah -...a. avaa aaa.at aVft f I ..ft. mmmtt BantltaM aTlakAt-la. fB Sal X ww4Wi fTi vatuairwe: anne w- vabn"'w vmivi vwi. iw ra now building. Price now only $875 per tract; 8300 cash, balance $10 per month. Thla price will aoon double. Come today and aloe tha deal, W. F. SCHOOLEY Cz CO. Phonal 'Peclflo M-S0, Horn A-18S. S12 Main St, Oregen City. 'i' ' ' i !EW RAILWAY FlO. TO HIT ClACtiiilT WILL LIKELY CUT ACROSS THE BACK CORNER OP THIS VALU- , ABLE ACREAGE. M . imnmnta tr onmnlefjwf Tor a hlv tnAAMna- tn ha hald In tha tntarmn - of the new Clackamaa Southern Kali- way, at Clalrmont thla evening. Tnere . are many living in Clalndont who wish to aee thla new railway pat through, and with that In view they can ba de pended on ta do all In their power to make It a success. - - ... . Clalrmont la a 11 va little hamlet and If thla new railway passes acroaa the : . . . ... oacK corner or me acreage it win mean mncfi for the food Of the rfflaare. Every holder of a lot. or., an acreage will have hla Holdings ennancea mi teriallyi ao that It behoove each and every one to take hold and lift aa hard aa V la possible to do. , '.1 DECISION WITHHELD. Juatica Sam aon Will Decide In the Edwin Richardson Caae Monday. ' Tha caaa nf Rdwln Richard aon. charged with having fresh salmon in hla possession, the Fish Warden claim ing that tha flan were found In Rich ardson'B barn, waa tried before Justice Sam son Friday forenoon. . After hear ing the evidence in the caae Bamaon decided to withhold hla decision until Monday at 10 a. m. Fish ex porta said that the fish waa fresh, and not cold storage stock, which II true wouia subject Richardson to a fine In the case. ' The game warden gave a urge part of the fish to the Baby Horn. The fish are aald to have been very nne. Capt Apperaon Buy Auto. Capt. Apperaon. an old realdent well known throughout the Wlllamette.Val ley. haa purchased a Ford auto and will devote part of hla time to-speeding thla new gaa wagon.-Tha Captain la a pretty good sport and he can well afford the luxury of a good machine. SEHI-AlmUAL REPORT OF SHERIFFS OFFICE RECEIPT8 AND DISBURSEMENTS TO COUNTY TREASURER BY SHERIFF MASS. Tha aeml-annual renort of the busi ness transacted In the office of Sheriff . Masa has some flattering' figuree for the perusal of Clackamaa county tax- payera. Not only are they convincing evidence of the growth of thla section . of the Northwest, and or the county, but they are an evidence of the pains taking care that la being given the bnsineaa of the people In the Sheriff's office. The figuree follow: Delinquent tax collectlona, Including tax sales.,..... B047.73 Penalty 8.4 Interest ......' ...Hi. v 431.64 ' Total delinquent , collec- tlnna ' ....1 S .978. 01 Current year collection.... $407,621.12 Less discount 11,032.65 I Current year net tax collet y, tlons $396,688.57 Total tax collection... a... $402.(66.68 Fees collected ....... i...i 238.25 Fines collected ,10.00 Total raah collections. '8402.814.83 Paid County , Treasurer ac " count tax collectlona atoz.zya.ia Paid County Treasurer ac count feea collectlona.... ' Palds Coanty. Clerk account 5. fine" fcollectlona Cash on hand close of busl-. -ness, March 81, 1811 238.26 10.0O? 268.40 Total rilabursementa.'. . . . $402,814.88