Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 07, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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'I -
i - ..
mows ,.coU4ectio or iw; in
start Seen reewtvwd-
Jena Lanaae, Irak end disorderly.
J. S. Riceai. natog profane Im
WlClam Caabas, riolattog train er-
, S3-
HoWn, draa u4 eSaor-
4rty. fit
J"e a Foer. irak u4 4iorT-1
ir. i
Jca Claaae. mt u4 dlam deity.
Ckas T Putaf, 4Itarbtag
T. K. Strode end K- T. Owe. ed
be tKMxaofckW. fid mcL
Ales r KoOaoe. SgVttog. SSS.
A. Wooisey. arrested to Fbrsaj-y
34 teed.
Donald Bt u4 H--ry McGwire, ar
rest' ed far cfcmttag mpom train.
W.- kt WeUs. drank u4 diaucierty.
It4 1 days to Jail
rruk Mrn. drxai u4 disorder rr.
teed 29 days i
KroobT. aWmk 1 eaorder
ly. fined ft dijs to jaa.
Freak Carrot, erne sad sor?r!y.
fined It daye to toU.
J oka Xarobe. mult iU knife,
seat to Jail astU Mare li. !
John KUf. vagrancy, served to Jsul
U3 March 1$. .
C QaJck. drusk ard diorSTtv, ml
to Jail for 1 days.
F. L. Rnfilna. drc&k end d-or4erty.
toil It daye.
Joe K-rrick. srftiag lienor to ta
totica'ed paraoev-complaint ao mtti
eieet to foarirt.
Alrta Finney, dnrak, k-!b4 to
par lw of t a4 S ear to toll
DaiiB tbe s-eta tar vera, to
carera(c4 is ta ritj toC or aigkt.
lit koboa.
Duiir j aaoata iiawreu coasplatou
have bB made aboat tBroaris no-
bUk to tae atreta -ad aUera, ekick
a ranalac at lanrv. motor can
jwdlBc. Mcrrlea asia ta Ma!k.
vkifk rtHT4 atteatkm.
Hare to report taat Port la ad RaH-
war. Lixkt 4 PrwT Compaaj a cars
coiiiir toto citv do aot acrv ta
Oa Feb. 2. Gconce Tar vaa taken to
1 be toil atrk Uh arip. aad Dr. Norris
called. Patleat a diarkarxed afarca
- JB.U SHAW, Chief of Police.
ranpaica acaiaat ta peau which d
atroy oreharda in Oregon ia to be
atarted nbnr.lj try tlx experta frota th
Stat rrW!tarl culitK. in accord
aae with (be lefltUUre bill prorldiax
aada for aaea work, fader the direc
tioa of Deaa A. R Ordley of the col
W of artcaUare. Prof. C, I. Levis
cf tte horticvhoraJ depart stent, and
Prof- H. S. arkaoQ of tae eaU,sacoe;y
departfflvt. the coliece fil ea.atlisb
dirtaioa headqaarters in the principal
froit ceaters nf 'he State Portland.
SaV-ta. EKoe. Roaebart; aai from
tare th iaveatigattoo.. will extead
oer rt eat!r gta'e
This U aot tte first work of the
-a by tbe eq)lr,e. fhooxh rt t
the Srat atat-aride caaipaijro axaiost
all klads of pv Maar thouaads of
dollars have bu aared the orrhard
ea of (yrrx. by -t Onaely advice of
tbe profeaaotc. Tae thlry-flve acre
appV orfhard of EUman Brother
rar Orasts Put a as so badly Ji
aasd with aarhraiia-as la IK'l that
tir rre a'xwt to d;t It up. Every,
tree vaa dlaeaaed with the fun-i
aad nearly half of the tovs were dea4
or dyiac- Tte ritality of the orthtrd
vss fi Sow tia. it did not prodoe
vnib appla to pay expens
TD'vjrb tbe owners worked hard cat
tios; 4'4 worjd and dead spots, the
f'ir.rus cotiDo-d to (tln on them.
Tt-y tried a UrJeaox mlxtore spray
KUKeted by Dan Or die In tbe fall
before th lave were off, with Im
mediate sod pronounced benefit. Con
tinned fan sprarinaa reaulted In a pro
duction of I) boxes of as fine,
rlan, til'fcy, f'mrier apples, four
) ears after, aa roald be produced any-ti-re
In the United Btatea. They
old 7.000 boxes of foor-t!ct Yellow
Newtons and Spltzenbarat st 11. &0 a
box, and !Ht boxes of Ben Davis and
Winesapt, ;1 vtna; a gross receipt of
i.tVi from the orchard he bad been
rdy to dla; ont.
William Hellwell, of ToncaUa, Dons
las county, bad a similar xpertence
with fall spraylair for anthrackneaa.
commonly known aa "canker," "dead
a pot," or "black spot."
' Th protection of the rapidly in
creasing, fruit districts of the State
front such pests as are already at
tacking trees here, and from the In
troduction of new ones through Im
ported stock Is tbe problem with
- which the college experts will wrestle,
The details of the campaign have not
ail been completed, but will be ready
tor Mnonncement shortly.
Maurgsnto Determined t0 Pros the ,
Seaato of Accused Senator.
WASHINGTON, April Senator
La Follette Introduced todsy la the
Senate a resolution providing for
Affe You a Subscriber to tbe
Ne7 Daily?
If The Morning Enterprise Id to be aa successful aa tbe interests of Oregon
City demand it mnst needs have the support of all. The new dstly baa
a bis workbefore It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support mesne more strength for the work.; . , ,
Will You Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited time tke Morning Enter
subscribers as follows;
By Carrier, 1 year. ..,.,..
nd In your nami and rmtttAne.
tataattoaUoa ad tVa
ftnaaiW Sum of icbawt aaid taat
a tba Imti a as aocad
taa racalaaa ad (aa ataQaaoar
H. H. KoMaaac eara ta fciia
reatlaattoc caaaaaUte at SavtaSid.
TW aaH taur Siaatara aara ra-
aea(ed ' tfe SavlaSd adVtaai M
ead traaarrtat ad lao Kofci it tea-
tiaaoar aad af taat aatoafctod raater-
dav by Oartajr SL raak. giaaral aaaa '
aer 4 lb lateraatbMMJ Harreaterf
e a-.f. f
Saar Craa-fard of tfaaatk Dakota -aaid
that a vaaJd aaJt ta adMal i
record to ia eaa before W dartded :
kas ataad to tba aurtrr. Crmwford. at ; Ta mrrtt to la . tw to.ij
taa i'in ad Cuagnaa rerea'.ly., cauaaa oamafwd taw raax ai la A
Sared Larlaaar la a bitter aaeeca.
aapoort Lortawr are ao loaar aaeaa-
tova of tbe raa:e aad la aartLrt-
mom lia aitarKf to iaa area
eat bodf. Seaaior BaIVy af Taiaa.
ta eaaerted. OI ae4 IM aroa?Toa
aatoat 1 ap 1 ala tW eaaa '
(bat tao lBTeattoanoaj bo coad acted
eattrety by ae-e pwaten of tke Sea-
m is sectto;?
COR V ALUS. Or, April C Tbe best
dozen kinds of tre. via aad bash
fruit for grow lag la the lower alti
tade of Morrow, Wasco, Gllliaaa. I" ava
il:!. Sif-rrnaa sad Crook eoaatie. a
corditg to Prof C. I. Ltraris of the,
Oregon Agrtcultaral CoCege depart -meet
of bortkraJtare. aa acknowledged
athonty on thesabject. are a pole. .
pears, peaches, caerrtea. plaau aad
praaea. grapes, atrawberriea, raspber
ns. blackberries, carraata and gocm
berrlea. "Orchardmen to the lower altitndea ;
of these connrlea." aay Prof. Irvt, .
"may safely make their selection for !
sppie growing from tbe following ser-
en vsneties: Tbe Tellow Traaspar
enc Grsvenateia. Joaataan. Wtnesap,
Rome neaaty. Wagener. for spring
oae. the Ben Davis or Gano."
Practically any commercial variety .
of pear will grow weu here. Inelndlng
the Bartlett. Clapp's Favorite. SeckeL
Anjoo. and Winter Nellia. Any of the
standard varieties of the prwnee and
plums also may be used, socb as the
Itailaa. Hungarian and Peach Plum.
Tbe three varieties of sweet cher
ries recommended by Prof. Lewis are '
the Lambert, Royal Anne, aad Btng:
ad a like number of soar cherries, t
I the Early Richmond. English Moreno.
land Olivette, are also named. But fowr
Pech varietiea are recommended fori
tne aistnct tne Aiexanoer, uiriy
nd Late Crawford and tbe Lemon '
Europeae varietiea of grapes, such
as the Muscat. Black Hamburg. Tokay
aad Rose of Peru, are generally cov-
ered In winter, for protection. Amer-
lean arletlea which grown
profitably are the Worden. Concord
Nisrara and Delaware.
Clark's seeding is the best straw
berry for these altltadea. though prar-a-ally
any of the early, medium or
late varieties would yield a good fsmt- j
ly supply. The four raapbemea are
tbe Cnthbert, Grrgg. Marlboro and
Camljerland. Lawton. EMorado and
Kittatlnny blacaberrtea. Kay. Cherry:
sad Wbi'e Grape curranu. and Red
Jacket, Champion and Industry goose ,
berries may also be grown well In the
lower parts of tbe north -central Ore
gon district.
P. D Newell, of Jennings Idge,
who lost two horses tbe first of tne
week and whose horses were traced
to Aurora and lost between mat city
nd Salem, bad a warrant Issued for
the arrest of tbe two suapects Wed
nesday evening. Ctfffi table Brown
took the warrants and left on the train
that evening for Balem.
Tbe beri ff at Salem reported that
tbe two suspects were in camp about
two miles from Salem, at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, with Indica
tions that (ney intended to make a
night of It. Constable Brown left for
Salem with the purpose of taking the
Sheriff and with the warrants going
out to bring tbe men in.
No word waa received from Brown
Thursday and It is not known whether
he hss tbe men and Is bringing then)
In or la on a chsse with tbe parties
giving him a wild ride and be deter
mined to land tbem. No news la good
news, snd It Is hoped he landed the
men. whom tbe Salem Sheriff thinks
are tbe parties wanted.
NEW YORK. April . (Special.)
Dispatches from a score of towns in
Iowa tell a story of belated spring and
I the thermometer near to zero. Snow
I fell In great quantities In several In-
V, o,,, Southern Franca also
a tory ot unseasonable weather
and more than usual severe snow
storms that are causing that whole
section to shiver and freeze.
prise wlIJ be sold to paid In advance
k . , j
u"mi9 r -o juheay ui. -- I ' III . T "
How He
Came Home
ad 1
Ctoanaa to
rtort to tbe d.aare atrark 2. aad
.1 W crer. a Vera a Vraad
. . . ,
iaacrte laa aan aura, a
. ' inu aa ats aevta aaa
It vaatoaed I be Ikrbiad va
Oa ed tbe dart Ma ad IW
1 tbrra vaa etWad tbe abaOva- mt
became aatotaw al
, a aajfir ae a r areaaa. atu
bad aiterard avta a dark am way
tally farrad tbe eVmr sad ea
' rasj rera (be aVjue aad eered a
Bttia aaa tie larked tbe da brwtad
aim aad rarwed a be fainieM gtai
Brr f tigti ftaaa. ka parkrr Ue
T)Uk a awd ad aatiafactiuai be fd
the atah-s Uai trd ee to tr ftra awr
Be aOppad a btock aaask aver baa face
aad nasted taa steps. Cadrr 'ai
teat ran ibe son. tbk ran er a
Me knew this tyre ad
sbsald be a aW tr-ot
' aad aatrk Nwdia tbe atreet aad
yard rsapsctlvalj aad raa-wlated but
TW Barrow beam t kis lamp fuod
the dooe f the die leg rooaa. aad be
entered.! clod eg k aoe4eas:y brblaJ
alas. The sideboard sbawed aa array
af rather eld fashioned Silver, lie
looked "at It crtrVally. welgaiag
ef tbe parcea to his haod. all tte lime
cwatarlows that there was eertala
familiarity ta thetr mmVlaf TWtr
recoa-miriaa came as a to ia 1
This arse hie anotbefs stiver' Wtat
was It dVrfsg here? What had be
The, rtalra creaked emlnoosly. aad
he shot off tbe Dgbt and s-'irt-ed lata
tbe ban that be migat be rtoae to the
rear door.
He coo id bear the soft rustle af a
11 gtrvs and tbe light rrrad ef
t4PTta bib aorrxr
slippered feat en the atalra Then
. came ber voice, aaxaatnly lew.
"Raymond." she called aoftly
That was hla aaaw. bat be dvt not
I answer, laafead be seemed ta abrtnk
i against the wsIL snd bte beade rav
1 ered bis awaked face,
j "Raymond so, I tbougbt perhape
j H was Raymond. Jsssea said be
! would come bark some day." abeslgb
' ed aad tbea uttered a slight etclame
I Uon of pain. There came a maffJed.
: stumbling eeaad. "Ob. deur! My an
; kh again!" Then silence
; Tbe man swept tbe mask from trie
face and crammed It In bis pocket.
! He tiptoed down tbe length of tbe
1 ball to tbe atalra, where a white ob
ject blurred against tbe darkneea. Be
understood tbe Iraatioa at wore. Die
mother bad a weak ankle. Pbe bad
sprained It once more .and fainted
from tbe pain.
With trembling arme be graced far
nd fonnd ber slender form and lifted
ber gently, fier eoft balr brnahed nu
cheek, and be gwawed bis lips to still 1
their quivering. Slowly be mewnted
tne atalra with hla harden and carried
ber Into front room where a nlgbt
lamp burned dlmry.
He could see that ibe taat three
years bad aged ber pitifully. Her
face was warn Into tbln tinea and de
prived of Ha pretty color. Ber gray
balr lay to a heavy braid ever ber
abonlder. aad bis lips tooched It aa be
bent above ber. Then ber eyes open
ed wider and with unalterable toy
In their deptba. I
"Raymond: It waa yon after all!
Tea bare come bark r ahe cried. "My
son! My son!"
He knelt beside tbe bed snd sub
mitted bis fire to ber lender arrnttny.
She kissed him and crooned over blm
aa If be was tbe baby she bad wor
shiped. Tbe three years since his dls-
pnesrance from borne had left their
mark anon bis countenance, and abv
tried te kiss the alien marks away. -
"Tonr father will be so happy! - He
bsa always said yon would come
back. she whispered.
"Where Is dadT be asked hnsktly. r
Read the Morning Enterprise,
Best ef work and satisfaction guar
anteed. Have your horsss shod by an
expert; it paye. x
A't kinds ef rspair work and smithy
work. Prompt service; grsstsr per
tlon of your work can be dona while
you do. your trading. Give me a trial
job and aea If I can't please you.
Cor. Msln and Fourth Sts Oregon City
Aiaaay tbm sa. ratal
w W ma m ara ry ml
d a- art ea f bias II saeat b
c I eVl beilnv we I
Tt-tt m W yaarari. deal
X dal ywej gwf lewbiatvddai
ma to to? aa bafoa stl . 11
TVe jvmJwa toiTwr to
aa aaa-ry fw
after tbe eaamt wab hie fa
IW. a has laerwey to tbe taka
rr. bts aa f fw aearrb fg
be toag, ariawcs. Jbe fars) by
krtoaa at area Nw be was aaesv
He entre-rd si ibe axrvl ibal bad
essrwd tarv bH rwara 1 e Tart:
hewt aa bad dri.rd srwaad tbe great
est tea tibial that aat rarrats ar
wtU Ivsag ka lb aba-baa town w here
be bad beaa bra lie dd a leU be
that bttla by bttw be bad Hd
fa dew-award rath aaUl hi aroar af
bsaeaty bed bwa btaated aa thai at
aval be cweJd rater tbe boane of a xrae
rr aad etoal bis varwabtea. This wis
has Brat anesa-ead be bad entered
tbe Imi af t tV fatber?
ir dVl SM4 bear say af tbM aa W j
84 fra. deftiy baadsglag
wwOra attia cavertag bee with
tbe eCkeai taaft. J sKimae a few 1
draca af tor fnudte rordiil be bad
. wbea be S si buas '
At base be sirttag beMe tor aav ;
era. Tbe gray daa wis sift lug j
tbrag tbe wadow sd hwwrd bfc 1
facasadteaed aed gtewiag " bra dad '
yam toare Svtiridrr be akrd si Uu
A rear aa Tear fjtber fWt that
be wweJd be nearer hat bemlaewa -and j
tt was dull la 5;1ar"de " I
Bjj mi ad aaderstoud Tbey bad
raeae ta New Tors, far there )
greater chance ef aertag him If be
abooJd be taerv ta that maetstrwm ef
walls aad atrsys fraca the world
lie naked afrr eee snj another' ef'
aid frlfds At but be srke bealtat
lagty. "Dale Iwarbora-wtval baa be
rim 1 af ber. aaotberr
Her bead) rrraard has. -Jaat the
asm aa ever. She has been like a dear
daagVer to at Why. Raymoad. see
to to tbe bow this very snvaaeaL I
She sat np to sadden excite
E3sie here-1 a thla bonae! I muat '
ga away, met ber. be eaid. la a rente
"Ne. ne! Ton wDI stay. Ten muat
stay tia year filbrr rrtara, I 1 bought
fur good." she
walled toarfaUy. i
I neve. I bite-if dad will let me- ;
after be baa beard my story. Bat I .
rant aee Elsie-not yet. Dent ask me
tor He bid bis face-to- berbrea.t.
be naotbed bim gently. "Ilark!-
I believe I bear your fit ber a step
Stay and meet blm here." she piesded
I cannot, tuotbrr. dear. I mnat tell
blm something first, snd then If be
waste aae te stay I will never leave
yow again. 1 aba II come beck before
leave tbe bouar. don't fear 111 gv
down now and get It over"
He laid ber gently down en tbe ptJ-'
lows and, slipping from the room.
Hoard tbe done aoftly befalad blm He
bUaked to Ibe' red light that suddenly
ftooded tbe upper - ball, and then be
stood atanned sad slleat before a email 1 -slim
girl raid to dressing gown snd
slippers. ,
"Elsier be said after a toag silence.
during what ber beautiful gray eyes
bad never left hla fsce.
"Raymond. H to yewT she wbkarwrvd.
"Why. I tbougbt rt waa yeur g boat I
Save looked fee yea) no toag." tier -
voice quavered toto swear, aad she;
dropped ber 11 pa aotoat ber rtooped 1
hands. 1
He stsrtrd down the sfatra, ba bead
bent dejectrdly.
"Raymood." the girl breathed sharp
"Tear He turned toward ber. I
"Caa't I go down with yoo etand be I
side yon wbea yon tell blm abonlder ,
to shoulder, Ibe wsy we used to- play 1
wbea be w ere children T
"Don't! Yon cannot understand. Tow
ouldo't hive aaythlng to do with
e." be groaned. j
"is It so bad aa tbatr she ssked In-!
an awed tone. !
"Tea" ;
"Tben yon need tne ail tbe more,'
ahe aald quickly, and then she waa I
close behind blm as be msde bis slew
progress down tbe long ball to tbe II- i
brary door, where a long finger of light
shot through tbe crack in tbe doorwsy.
Tbe elderly white haired msn stand-
tog by the table looked up as tbe door
pushed open.' His dim eyes brighten-
nd he raised a band to bis bean.
Raymond, my soar he ssld. holding !
evt bis srms.
But Ibe young man bung back. "Not
yet. oaa-not nnni 1 nsva told you
something." He looked pleadingly, st
the girt but sbe shook ber besd.
"1 ought to know. too. Judge Ely,"
sbe said, with quiet dignity.
The Judge nodded bis bead. Telr
s, Rsymond, and be done wltb IL I
want to embrace my son." Hla voice
Raymond' bead lowered, sod has
face reddened to acarleL "It la saow
teld," be said despondently, "fva
gone from bed to worse, sal V didn't
4 ' dn't -
jMaleaaae" P' 1
He earV'hoV,n
laaatriad brD aplkea 1
know this waa your bouse and
here thla morning look.'" He
from bin pocket tbe black
tbe electric lamp and laid them ee tbe
table. "Mother beard, me aad came
down. Sbe sprained bee ankle, and 1
carried ber , upstairs, aad sbe raeoe-
nlsed me. I will ga away. Perhape
I can come back whew I have dooe bat
ter." He turned toward tbe door.
Elsie waa erring softly against bte
boulder. Hie father's arme closed
about tbem both. Frees above atalra
be beard tbe loving voire ef bis moth
er calling to bias. After that moment
Bo one could sbske Raymond Ely's be
lief in God's unutterable love
Think of bow I entered your house,
father" be protested . - ,
"Tbe only thing thst matters Is that
yoo came. How yon came does cot
count" aald his fatber Joyfnllv
Put Yourself in the
Ad-Readers Place...
wnen you write your classified
ad or any kind of an ad try to e)
d Include in It Juat the Information
you'd like to find if you were an e)
ad-reader and were looking foi an
ad of that klna. 4
If you do thla to even a small e
extent your ad will bring Re-
8ULT8! a- w
1 -
; 1 ,
Xatlonal lesgne clubs wits dUburse
tZSZfiQO In rsllrosd fa rev tkU season.
I Tbe hotel keet-ra will boM up the club
i owners fur tXVny
I This la Cy Toungs ttrrwty-aerand
! year to fast company. He baa won Out
! games and lost 3u3. a record never
ppeeathed by any other t wirier.
WUletta of Detroit and Warhoo of
Srr Turk Iheonly Amecuan league
rwinera 10 use me auaernsuet aauvaer.
ThJa style of pitching is bard lo hit.
Trie Speaker and Larry Lajoie, two
ef tbe three greatest bitters In tbe
AssrrV sa league, do little- or no read-
nag. Fine print puts many a ball play
ea eyes oat of commlsslosx
Larry Lajoie, tbe big aerond base
man of the Cleveland. Aaaerlcans, baa
made 2m hits four times In tbe ten
years he hrjnjrTed In tb Jobnaon cir
cuit. The were In. 11MU. Vica, 1004
and t&10. .
Keen cutting basebaU apikes will be
sea by an pisyera again thla year.
or knobs, ea the soles of
slow tbe stb-te up. Without
playens eennot start quick
ly and cannot covet tbe ground.
Delahsnty WttJk Many Tssms.
Jim Delabanry el tbe Detroit TV
rnrs bas beet a member of eleven pror
feasloiMl teaans store be broke into
Rie game la 181. la tbe big leagues)
be bas played wltb the Chicago,. Near
York, llores aad Cincinnati tewma ol
the National league and tbe St. Loula,
Washington and Detroit club ef the
American league. '
Meriarty te Captain Ttasrs.
Third , Baseman George Morlarty,
who Tun bee appointed captain ef the
TV re. will be tbe first field leader De
troit baa had since 1907, when Bill
Ceughtla held the position.
asaBBBBaanwaavaawab SBaaaaBBaaBWaB
NlSw YORK, April (Special.)
Tha steamship Prlnxesa Irene, Atlan
tic liner . with 1720 paasengers on
board,' rocka to and fro on the Long
Islnnd beach tonight A rough ark
and a hlnh wind made tbe ahlp un
manageable aod ahe ran aehore In the
fog. She muat He on the beach until
the tide at midnight enables her to
float off.
People living In the city who own
property out Molalra and Mullno waya
aay that they are ready to 1ulld the
sfcond leg of the road to the full ei
lint of their purses. One aald Tuesday:
Will You Help Us
t 1 .
By caict, year $3.00
By mailf t year 2.C3
Send in Your Nam
and Remittance
The" Mognkr;
Ea to prise
Boost Your Own
Interests ?
, .i
; 1