Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 06, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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For the Children
The Heat
CttaMI . 4m
a Mr
CHuss Parti Ppelir.
On ef the favorite inifnt
' among tt people Just mow I what
tbey Ursa ttiiii parti"." A young
tody aasaroa f entertaining
frtratW vry bafovmaUr Uirttea about
sVa of her -fcstioaat" to spaod
tb evealng with her sad rtak vf
Welsh rmbUL On f Ik pcrmlUr
charm of thai avertaiaaaeat la "the
rota aad go early piss, so every n
la oa hand by 8 or shortly after.
.-. Tit hostess aiost bar on pouad of
(mt. dry cbees (say grocer will (It
lb proper kind), cut lata small piece
ad placed la lb chsong dish. Salt
Bastard, raj ran, batter and a bottle
of al or a pitcher of sweet milk mast
b oa the tablo Bear by. bill a nip of
milk or a boat tb a dm quantity of
at or beer with tb rbeeee. light tbe
Ittti lamp and allow tbe ulnar to
become partial! warmed aad aoft be
fore calling, tb funli lato tbe dining
Tbe add. wbea tbe cbee la aome-
wr-at melted, four feaspooafuto of bat
ter. foar smalt teaapoaafufai of
tard. two teaapooafnJa of Bait aad
Uttl pepper. Thin It well aad rook
aotll It thickens, being careful not to
lot It curdle. Boss experta cooaidrr
aa egg necessary, but many do not
think It an Improvement Ualf a slice
of bread or toast aboald be ready oa a
plate for each person. When tb "rab
bit" la cooked, serve a tabiespooaful
en each pice.
Tb beverage for tbe evening ' I
mull y good strong coffee. Tb amall.
quart ea foam cracker, battered,
ealted and inat heated through, are
...daOdowa always-, and especially at a
"rbees part - '
Tbe young paopl do not despise
bowla of pepped corn or disbes of can
dy aa a mean of occupation antH tbe
rabbit la ready for eating. Nothing
jollier la to b Imagined tbaa a group
of lively bo 71 and girla Mated areand
a table, their eye all. fixed on tbe cen
ter of attraction, each with bis or her
word of advice la regard to the man
ner of stirring, length of time reaalr
ed for cooking, etc, as til. aa tbe eotn
mander -teetilef Inspire confidence,
they torn their art ration to cracking
Jokes and telling stork whOe waiting
for tbe result of so morn twisting and
raralng of the silver spoon aad fork
la tb fast melting cheese.
By 10 or a Utile later tb happy
crowd baa dispersed, one aad all de
dariag that tb evening has been a
sacceae, aad tbe hostess may bid them
gsod night with a amUlag face, feeling
ear that each 00 has had "a real rood
v- ,
p" Good
y-. Form;
r I : i 1 n
-v 1!' f-i-i 1
Oar baa has a nock mt caddla 4
Tbat feUow ar roitad all dar.
oea are rM . aad o la Mack.
Aad t ar a pretty gray.
Aad at renin tlm a a tb iiant
la atiailn bun th t
Oar ba pcaa oot a aaaay apet
Aad caUla to bee curtal da s.
Aad thei la lb ahaoow bn tn the
T it rua la bar steaMy. Ut ciiifclla da '
Nam f Cawadiaw Pravii
Of coarse we all know that Nora
Scotia Is tbe Latin for New Scotland.
Tbe name was gtreo by tbe Earl of
Stirling's Scottish colony.
Xew Brans wit k was so named la
17S4 after tbe family of tbe reigning
aorerei of Great Britain, tb boos
of Brunswick.
Prince Edward Island was named
after Edward, duk of Kent.
Vweoec a rrom Kebec. a narrow
ing. Tbla la an Indian word and was
glren to the site of tbe first French
settlement beraos tb St. Lawrence
rtrer narrow there. The prorlnc
took Its name from tb leading settle
Ontario la from tbe Indian Onon-
tarto, meaning beautiful lake. Tb
province Lb as gets Its name from on
of Its principal late 1 '
Manitoba to also of Indian derlratkn.
VUnltoa-b means tbe pamlng of tb
Great Spirit.
Saskatcbew id ta an Indian word In
tb Oe dialect meaning awlftly Sow
mg water.
Alberta was named after tb sixth
daughter of Queen Victoria, wife of
tb Duke of Argyll. Louis Caroline
British Columbia honors Columbus.
tb di-corerer of America, and also tb
pir to which it btoug.-Hatifat
A com maaicatloo or gift roreiTed by
a peraoa tn aortaj Uf mast b no
fcnowledgedL Tbla la a ml so omphat
k that It baa no exceptions.
And eg nally la It tb rul that If tb
comaranlcatla be a card or not It
mast be responded to In precisely the
earn form. Acting apoa this, no w
aoaav ad fear making a mistake la
tbla branch of her aortal dalles. .
A Ttaltlng card, alight aa It to, aboald
ot b Ignored Bale It beara tb let
r "P. P. C" In that instance It
aa ana-ww to coau-teal leceirad a
well as aa announcement of depart a r
and therefore might bo said to doe
A receipt of a card following a
erent of Importanc to the family r
qalrea a card In return. ' For example.
after a birth or death or other ecca
a lean momentous It la not an
common for friend to post visiting
cards as Indicating that they are a war
of tb happening. Sometimes merely
a word or line la written oa the card.
as "Coodoleoc.- TaHclUtlons.' ac
cording to the nature of tb event
Tb return card, which aboald b sent
Raeip Fe Beauty.
If yon hare a hurry call to t be a
tlfnl without tbe time to work up I
tb permanent affair her- your
-Htki. . r a... k... ,-fhnc: First wah your fac with
1 1 n-it wviitM it 11 I warm a
word "Tbsnks" written on IL or 11
may be blank except for tb engraved
nam and addroaa.
I It to not considered good form to An
swer a not with a card aav after a
death, when a bereaved family la per
mitted to make little effort, and la
members may spare themselves tb
work of writing notes.
Invltatkaaa ar always to b answer
od la tb nam form ta which they ar
received, so that If a not cornea writ
tea ta tb orar peraoa tb response
also aboald contain tb personal pro
noun. More formal Invitations, la
which tbe third peraoa la employed.
require too third In return.
Incidentally a peraoa who la n
accustomed to writing this most for
mal mmmanlcatloo, which take tb
third parson, moat be careful that la
answering tb response continues t
contain tb third at tb nd as at tb
More than one person has committed
tbe error of beginning correctly with
tb third and ending with tb first person.
Tbaa cakes, mad from tb earnest
Oases by tbe Indians aad negroes and
baked oa leaves or oa a ho la tb hot
ashes, aaay be aaccessfnlly Imitated by
tn asodeni eook la her up to date
Take on pint of lb genuine south
era caenmeal and sift it with on cup
fal of Soar and n teaspooufal of salt.
Scald this with two cup fa is of boiling
water e mOk la which a rounded
. Ubiespeoafal of shortening has been
aneited. Tbla a bow Id result la a moist
batter, bwt one sufficiently firm to hold
la place when dropped from a spoon
lato a wen greased baking pan. Two
tableepoonuls of tb batter will
enough for each dodger, about tbree-
ronrtba of a a inch In thickness. Tbe
cske may bvea smaller If preferred.
to give tbem tb old fashioned south
ern finish leave the full length Imprint
of the finger across the top of each
cake. Baas in a moderately hot oven
half an hour and eat hot with batter
for breakfast or luncheon. If preferred
the dodger may be baked oa a well
greased griddle. Cook slowly and when
well browned on one aide turn to tb
Fe tha Ts Tsbl.
A novMty to serve Instead of candy
at aftrroon tea to mad from figs
staffed with chopped nuts and a
frb mamh mallow. The flga are Aral
soaked In brandy, or aberry if pre
ferred, for half a day, then pulled
apart and each half lined with the
nut and pulled around tb marahmal
low to make a round ball. Tbe only
drawback to this dHlckma confection
to that It to aomewhat "smeary" to
Tea Cakaa.
For individual cak to serve wartu
for tea cream half a cupful of butter
s-lth a scant cupful of augar. Add
naif a cupful of sour milk in which
a third or a teaspoooful of soda baa
been dissolved. Flavor, with spice to
autt tbe taste and add enough alfted
fionr to roll out Cut into biscuits or
bake In muffin tins, aa egg may be
added If desired.
Shirred Oyster.
Chop twenty-flv large oysters flue,
add tbe beaten yolka of two eggs, two
Ubleapoonfula of cream, eufflclent dry
breadcrumbs to thicken and salt and
Pepper to taste. F'll tbe cleaned abell
with this mixture. Put llttl pieces of
butter on top and bake In a quick
ovea until lightly browned.
Uabtino. tb Candl.
TU bet yon that I can light thu
enndie." said Geurg to Bobby, "with
out touching the wick."
"Co ahead and prove It" said Bobby
Since tbe coin episode be never dis
puted the possibility of a thing with
ligb'ed tb candle aad let it
bora until tb snuff was quite long.
Then be quickly blew It out A tbla
thread of amok roe. To this George
quickly applied a lighted match.
Bobby started In amazement for tbe
flame ran down tbe smoke and rekin
dled tbe candle.
This is a simple experiment. If yoo
try it you will be surprised at tbe dis
tance from tbe candle you can hold the
light and yet have tb experiment auc
ceed. It to a pretty and fantastic trick.
An Egg Rao.
Oa either aide of tbe room six Urge
hard boiled colored eggs ar placed In
a line at intervale of a lout a foot. At
the far end of each line to a large open
basket or a coarsely woven nest Two
leader are chosen, who. la turn,
choose aides. A player from each aid
to riven a large wooden spoon and
stands at tbe near end of bis line. At
a signal each aUrts to spoon up tb
eggs one at a time, carrying them to
tbe nest A list of tb winner oa each
aide la kept, and at the end of ta
game tbe aide which haa tbe greater
number to the winner. Small Indi
vidual prizes may b given to all tb
players on the victorious side for ax-
ample, tiny nests Oiled with egg
A Few Table Rule.
A woman who gives much attention
to diet and Uvea up to tb beat Ideas
la tbla 11a haa tb following rule
neatly framed la a conspicuous place
la her dining room where tb family
may b Impressed with them:
" First Flv or ten minute before
beginning to est a meal drink a glass
of cold water. Tbla will leave tb
stomach before tbe food reach It
and will carry with It any mocna
which has accumulated since last eat
lag. thus leaving tb walls of tb stom
ach clear and ready to be activated by
tbe newly arrived food.
Second. Never tak a second cup of
coffee. Ton will not car for a second
If you moisten your food sufficiently
with aallva. Tak dinner coffee al
wajj with dessert or after rather tbaa
before, aa It thus aids digestion.
Third. Never wash your food down
with liquids, but masticate each mouth'
ful well and It will b sufficiently
moist and will promote tbe flow of
gastric Juices, thereby preparing tb
stomach still further for Its work.
Fourth Never eat rnntll too fuIL"
By a Uttl attention to tb matter yoo
win learn when to stop and thus avoid
the consequence of overeating. On
mouthful too much to apt to cans dis
arrangement of tb digestive system.
This may seen Ilk putting it rather
strong, but you know that even a
teaspoon ful too much win cans a dish
to overflow, and tb earn applies to
tb closely packed organs of the bo
maa body, wber disarranged gastric
fiulds will produc Illness.
Trus Sawty.
Beauty rid on a Ikon. Beauty reeta
oa necessities. Tbe line of beauty to
the result of perfect economy. Tbe ceil
of lb he la built at that angle which
glvs tb most strength with tb least
was. Tb boue or quill of the bird
give the anot alar strength with th
Wast weight
It la tb purgation of superflultl,"
aald Mkbeiaag-lo. There la not a
partici to a par In natural structure.
There la a compelling reason In tbe
Baea of th plant fr rery novelty of
rotor or form, and our art save ma
torts! by a tor skillful arrangement
aad reaches beauty by taking every
auperfluoua ounce that ran b a pa red
from a waU aad keeping all Its
strength In th poetry of columns la
rhetoric tbla an of oniiaalon to a chief
secret of power, and In general It to
proof of high culture to aay tbe great-
eat matter la the simplest wry. Era
V FtlkU Had a LIMI Talk With tb
Cues te.
FUklns had Just returned from a sU
atoatba lour of th roailnent and bis
trunks and boxes wer auuieroa. With
consider bl anxious car b bad pre
pared hla declaration, but wbra be
be eagle yd laapertor xung
work A wave of foar apread
over lilm. Could b by any puaslull
Itv hav for cot leu aartblncT And If
00 and It was brought to light woukl
be hav to suffer tb pain and bumll
totloa of a rreat? lUpKlly be ran over
la bis mind th dutiable object a thai
ho remembered having beard that otb
or had brought ln-Mhlug. objects
of art. buoka. brtc-a brae, Jewela. ma1
ek-al Instruments h. bis heart aloud
till musics I Inatru meats pianos, vio
lins, -flu tea. organa
I With beating heart he approached
th Inspector.
"la tber aay duty oa organ" be
naked In a trembling voir.
"Tber to." aald tb Inspector. Axil)!
a cold, steely ey upon him.
"Then. said Fllklna. "I dcalr t
withdraw my declaration for a suo
meat." "What forf" demanded tb Inspec
tor. "I wish to amend It." aald Fllklna
"Iv had my bob repaired aad made
ever oa lb other aide, and I'd bet to
hav that orgs a seised because I'd
overlooked If-Harper a Weekly,
The Bottle Cnjurr.
8tat to tb company that It
proved som years ago at a theata
that to crawl Into a quart bottl wma
an Impossibility, but tb rapid prosy man be certain that no error to made
niaae oy tn march or Intellect tati In the time, and tbe sense of security
fnaasXaa an I f w t sJ I .
tuHulru luoes una prorata- given la worth the effort
Tslsphen Invitations.
When accepting aa Invitation over
tbe telephone It to tb part of wisdom
to follow It with a written acceptance.
In which tbe day, date and hour ar
repeated. Only in this way can a wo-
that any person may crawl Into a rdaf
oouie aa easily as Into bis bed. EtseW
lag thus prefaced your Intention. yotV
get a pint bottle and place it In th
middle of tb room, then go outslda
tb door and, creeping Into tb room1
upon ail fours, aay. "Ladlea and
tlemen. this la crawling In to th
Fa bUmmI...
Celery to sometimes eerv anaee
m good pUn to to aav th topa of the
eelarv this time a .
,7 . . vui ana 1
raah th Die leaves, tl with a cord
and bang op to dry. Wktn dry put !
tbem In a paper bag and aav for aea
sorting soap or dressings.
Arbee Day.
Orow thou and flourish wall.
Ever th story tall 1
Of this alad day. ',
Long may thy branches rates'
To heaven our grateful prals!
Waft than en sunlight ray
To Ood away.
"Let nnslo swslt th brass
And ring from all tb trs
On thla glad day.
ma thou ah stu nt band
O'er all eur hDov land.
Taaeh thorn thy lev- 00m mas
, uri uoo. w pray.
Dop In th earth todsy
Betel? thy root w lay,
Tre of thy lev.
Orow tfeow sad SovrWh long.
Kvor eur grataral song
hall ha alad not pro long
To Ood aso-va. ,
Telephonic Invitation win alwaya
appear to be Informal and sometime
are. bat a woman will bae no diffi
culty In deciding the point if sbe gives
heed to the hour appointed. A lunch
eon at half paat 1 o'clock, to play
bridge afterward, may be regarded as
formal; dinner at any time after a
quarter to 7 la also format
Earlier than then hours Is conald
ered to b Informal.
Bridesmaids Qowns.
It to customary for a bride to se
lect tb style and material of tbe
bridesmaids' dresses, and If tb girls
ar not well enough off to bar many
drosses she abould assuredly b care
ful to choose styles that ar not tot
pronounced, so that tb dresses may
be worn on other occasions. ' Com
plaint about tbla ar not Infrequent
irons girls who hav acted aa brtdes
malds when tbey wer obliged to buy
dresses they could never us aaafh
oa account of the combination of col
ors or tb exaggerated mod faceted
t tb moment by th brtdX
Ace Y ott a Sttbsct ibet t'6' tie
New Datfy?
If TH Morning frtarnrto I to few a successful as th Interests of Oregon
City demand 4t most needs hav th aupport of all. Th new daily has
A b(gwrg before It In boosting Or gon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means mora strength for th work.
- ' 1
Will You' Help Boon yotiFowrilntetzits?
For a limited Urn the Mrada, atarprtoa via few sold to paid la advanc
ssbeerlberf a follows: , -t-
By Carrier, i yaar.,...., .......
r Mall, l roar i IZ
Read th Morning enterprise.
- OWEtf G.TOOlrlAS.
', tr , , WOHK... ; , . ,
Best of work and satisfaction guar
antssd. , Hav your hore ahed by an
xpart; It paye. . .-.,, ,,,,
AT kind of repair work and Smithy
work ' Prompt Mrvle; greater por
tion of your work can be don whll
yew do your trading.' Qlv m a trial
Job and If I eant al vow.
.! I . -u i."T.
water and almond meat Make
sort of paste of tbo thing and
wash off with warm water and dry
lightly. Then apply your akin food
t there be any reaction from tbe
dreetlc treatment To follow. Now
take a piece of lemon and rub It over
the face till tbe skin emarta. Rins
again, thla time with water that H
gradually brought down from cool to
Ton are then ready for tbe final cer
emony. Hold a good alard pier of
Ice In a towel and iron your face with
It Then took In the glass. Thla baa
been found an absolutely reliable rec
ipe before asking for tbe coveted new
Vieeowntess Wear Huge (swings,.
Ttoroantssa cTAxy, wlf of a distin
guished French naval officer, who re
cently waa In Anna poll, wsars rings
ta bar ears which are round aad large
ailver half dollar. 8he baa a
seemingly endless variety of these
hug ornament, certain one Tusraa
gold set la rubles, others diamonds
and aluminium, others pearls and em-
Ida In filigree old gold. One of tbe
Uaarro combination is won
with a coat am of certs sstln anl
mechlla lac aod abowa threat plgsoa
blood ruble depending on over the
other In a hoop of thin Tnaran gold.
There are similar ornaments oa her
bodice and a big belt buckle In tb
back made la tbe same way. Rig bat-
pin. of exact design aa the earrings
adorn tbe big" black beaver trimmed
with cerise pis me and a bird of par
Flv Thousand Rois Fe Tw Most la
a Braailien Htt
rJotela are few and Ul conducted lu
tb BraxUtoa cos at towns, although
aa ocraaloual good on to met with.
Americana who patronise a llratUlao
hotel or restaurant for lb first tlm
re generally treated to a surprise
when tb bill Is presented. Two
young sailors had dinner on day la
rrnambuco. and, to tblr horror, tb
bill was ft.000 reto.
Tbey nearly fainted aod would hav
fled without attempting to nettle; bat.
there being no rbaac of escape, they
clubbed" together all tb money they
had. about f 12. and humbly offered It
to tb proprietor. Instead of having
tbm thrown Into JaU, h laughed and
explained that their bill In America a
coin waa 1150.
II furthermore explained that th
basle of Braallton rnrrency to aa Im
aginary coin railed a reto. 1.000 of
which mak a mil role. . Everything
to counted In reto. and tb figure hav
a very Imposing sound-SuO reto for a
rid on a street car. 100 reto for hav
tug your boota Marked, a million reto
for a house, and so on. It la a etlly
system, but lb Brailllsn area ta
think It perfection. Excbaag.
Tb egg shampoo la one of tbe best
to b obtained. It to cleansing and at
the aame time provides food for the
acalp and hair, making It fine and
Use may be made of tb almond
meal Jars and cream Jars of good sis
by filling these with medicated cotton,
which 1 employed for applying pow
der and liquids for tb toilet us.
Excellent for apralua to tb atarcb
poultice. Tour boiling hot water on
atarch, spread oa llnea and apply hot
Stepped the Stealing.
Tb Rev. Joseph Erakln of Edin
burgh at on tlm In his II f lost hand
kerchief after handkerchief. II found
on Investigation that It waa oa Sun
day the loo ore u 1 Ted. and accord
ingly Mrs. Erakln ewed hla handker
chief la th toil pocket of bla coat
"Noo," aald ah "noo tot 1
what wall happen." .
Mr. Erakln. with th sewed In hand
kerchief, passed down tb aisle of th
church that morning, aa usual, to as
cend to tb pu'Pit. but as be sailed by
tb amen corner b felt a gent! tug
behind, a delicate nibble among hla
coattalla. Thereupon be turned 00 th
disappointed old woman In tb corner
and aald. with a triumphant smiles
"No tb day, booeat woman; no' th
Window Loavee.
bis species or plant that possess
window leaves bsv been discovered
ta South Africa. They are all stens-
Isss succulents, aod tb egg shaped)
leaves are Imbedded 1o tb ground.
only tb a pice remaining vlalbJ.
Th vUlbl part of th leave to flat
Poultice -may a too be mad of bops, lor coo vox on tb aurfaca aad color
hemlock or charcoal. Medicated pout-1 less, so that th light caa penetrate
tlcee may contain any drug ordered.
If Instead of drinking a strong cup
f tea or coffee when suffering from
a bad beadach a woman would drink
a cup of hot milk a be would be more
apt to cur th pain, not because hot
milk baa medicinal properties, but be
cause It is more easily digested tbsa
tea or coffee aad soothe Instead of
stimulate! tb nerves.
A clesr, healthy complexion to an im
possibility for a woman who stays
much Indoors la winter. Vomen
aboutd understand that the pores as
much aa tbe luags need fresh air, and
failure to glv If will lmply mak
tbem larger In their effott to breathe.
Tb fact of living In badly ventilated
rooms to frequently tb cause of large
pores In the fac.
In bathing tb banda tepid water
and a bland soap abould be used, and
alwaya dry tbem thoroughly. If tbey
are Inclined to chap It to a Rood plan
to use a lotloa composed of glycerin.
one ounce; roe water, one ounce, and
tincture of beasoln, flv drop. Rub
few drops Into tb hands whenever
they are bathed.' Use also before re
tiring and drgw on a pair of large,
soft gloves.
People who are told to us smoked
or colored glssses In tb bouse some
times find this Impracticable because
they Interfere so greatly with vision.
This objection" doe not apply to or-
mary white glass act In cuplike
frames so shaped tbsf tbey cut off all
light aav that which comes from th
front' Tbe protecting part may be of
wire gauze, vulcanite or such Ilk,
masses to autt th vision may b set
In such frames," and th latter. ven
without th glasses,' ar of us when
on reads by a light placed at tb
right or lefoft th head. Another
good protection rf tb aid of tb ey
ta a pair of lensles pcctarlea with
hinged aid pteees of blsck glass, "
fet aad reach th Interior of the leaf
below, which to green pa tb Inajda.
Willi tb exception of tb blunt apes
a part of th leaf la permeable to tb
light being aurronnded by th soil la
which It to buried.
. wrefcsT S2.45S Bettls.
, Oa tb morning of April 18. IMS, tn
cellar of Paul Masses, a win mer
chant of Saa Joe. CaL. contained a
tack of 123100 bottle, all neatly ar
ranged. Tbeo came tb eartbquak,
and when th proprietor was abl to
nter hla cellar again b found that
62,408 bottles, by actual count, were
broken aod th remainder thrown
about la tbo wildest confusion. It la
carious, with such a larg number of
bottles, that thauquak aboald bar
com within a few dozen of demolish
ing an exact half of th stock. Wld
World Magaxln.
Then Sb Dig th Spurs In.
"Wives are amaxlng belp pleod!d
spurs," said a aanator at a dinner la
Washington. "No young man abould
b without at least on.
"Whenever a man fall bla wlf tella
th public that be waa too cooscton-
tlooa to aaeceed. . What sb tella him
la private la a different matter."-Ex
A Bttee Trad!
I understand young Briefless la
Iboot to marry th daughter of old
Bonds, tb mllllonalrer
"Tea. so I am told.' "
"Will be glv op tb law business r
"Ta. n will glv op tb law busi
ness and go Into th son-lo-law busl-
Ingratlrud to monstrous, and for th
muttltnd to b ungrateful were to
mak a. monster of th mcitltodaw
Ad Readers ' Place.;
mi lourseir in me
ad or any kind of an ad try to
w lnciua in It Mat th information
you'd Ilk to find If you war an
ad-reader and wer looking fot aa
ad of that klna. ..'.
If yon do this to even a smalt
Augusta Power Asks Latter of Ad
A petition for letters of administra
tion haa been filed tn th office of
County CtotV Molrey, by Augusta
Powers in th estate of Edward Rpp
k. Th valu of th personal proper-
Whoa yon write your classified ty la 11000. and tbe real Drooertv ha.
mg a rental vaiue is about 171 per an
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