V." MORNINO KNTEHPiaaE, WKDNESDAY, APIUL 5, .1911. a- . 1 ,. . , V. I 1. 1"V '. " " 1 t : -t -: - -i V IV. J:' My Unobtrusive -? Typewriter Br EDWARD L. THORNTON Coeflrrlaht by ABtartosa elation. IUL White 1 wss la Russia trylug to get a contract for steel rails, requiring a typewriter, I encaged one wbo spoke a little English. 1 kept . blm busy typing letters, contracts, specifications aodblher soch docaments Alexis Breutowskl was bis name. - snd be was born In Russian Poland, a quiet, unobtrusive fellow, very poo' and out at the elbows. 1 took a fancy to blm and told blm tbat If be cared to go wltb me I would take blm to tbe United States snd secure a post tiou for blm Jo (be steel work I rep resented, lie accepted tbe offer,. Tbat was at s time wben nihilism wss threatening every man prominent tn tbe Government, from tbe rsar down to tbe superintendent of psllce. I tried to lesrn something about tbe nihilists from Alexis, but he appeared to take nO Interest In what tbe.r were doing, or, rather, said be did not ap prove of their methods. Tbe only man be appeared ' enthusiastic over wss Count Tolstoy, whose policy wss nOnresistsnce. However, when I made a friend of a Russian and Alexis saw tbat I was wltb blm a great deal be told me that tt wits dangerous to be seen wltb tbe man. Wben I asked blm why be re plied tbst ba bad beard through a rel stive who was connected wltb the po lio tbat tbe man waa a suspect, which 'meant tbat ba waa being watched by the government for complicity with nihilism. Having no wish to become a suspect myself, I dropped tbe man like a hot coaL ' I waa successful in getting am order for rails and after tbe contract wss signed applied for permission to de part I understood from Alexis that ha had also mad application. I had hired a suit of rooms which I used both for living and office s part merits, and that f might at all times have my typewriter handy I gave him on of them tor a sleeping room." When tb tun cam for my depsr- tur Alexis had not . yet received his passport. I told him tbat I had been dealing with representatives, of the government and 1 thought tbat if I . told them I wished to tak my type-- - writer to America to glv blm a busi ness position they might hurry tb de ll very of tb document But Alexis shook hls-head. saying tbat there was so much suspicion of persona entering and leaving Russia tbat my making aiirh an application might deter rather than hasten tb granting of the pass port, but If I would wslt a few dsys b was quite sure be wonld receive It ' I told him that I must leave tbe next day. bat since I Intended to remain in London until tb ship on which I bsd engaged passsge sailed be could join tn there. I offered to leav with blm tbe price of the tickets, but be de clined, saying tbat tbe money would be advanced by hla relatives. What - was my surprise tbe next morning on arising from my bed to find tb suit of clothe I had taken off the night before missing. I looked in Alexis room: his bed bad not been sleft in.- Bsd be stolen my clothes and decamped? My money wss all right; be had not taken tbat. But my pass port wss gone. - I ran over tb probabilities in my mind and remembered that be waa about my sge, height snd build. 1 was a blond: so wss he. The eyee of both were bine. Tben it occurred to me that be who had worn a full beard bad tbe day before cut It off. leaving only a mustache, as In my case. "Fearing," I said to myself, "that be would not get his passport in time to go with me, be has taken mine, made himself as much like me as possible In order to pass on it as bis own and gone away with it. Thinking tbat be had left me some written word. I looked about, but not a scrap did I find. Taking another ault from my trunk, I pnt it on and went out to get some breakfast In tb restaurant I noticed several men talking in low tones. 1 heard one of them speak the word nitroglycerin. Somehow I suspected from tbelr peculiar manner tbat some government magnate bad been assas sinated. I bought a newspaper, buf there was no notice of anything of the kind. Tbe man Alexia bad warned me against came into tb restaurant and looked about Seeing me, be beckoned me to follow him and went out He paid no attention to me till we reach ed a little street almost deserted; then be turned and said. "Go at once to the chief of police and report tbat your passport bas been stolen." "How did yon know? Wbo stole It? What's tb matterr "Tour typewriter is beyond tb bor der. He wish no barm to com to yon. Go at one and do as I say." "Has anything happened T' "Tea," he whispered. "Last night tbe chief of police was Ulled by a bomb al be was entering bis borne." I took tbe man's advice and escaped arrest for complicity in tbe assasslns tion. 1 got out of Russia as soon as - they wonld let me go. On arriving In London I bsd not been .K -t m' bot hour before I received tbe card of Alexia Breutowskl. 1 sent ' for blm to com up to my room,-wher we had a long Interview, i am not going to divulge what passed between , us except that tb principal burden on his mind seemed to be bis stealing of my passport. I persuaded htm to go v- to America, and b now occupies tbe position I Intended for blm. . Aire Yoti' a i Subscribe to tbe New Daily? .' If Th Morning Enterprise la to b aa successful as th interests of Oregon ui. City demand it must newts have the support of all. Th now dally has a big work befor It In "boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour support means more strength for ths work. y 7xll You Help Boost yotir own Interests? For a limited time th Morning Enter prls will b Bold to paid la advanc ' subscribers as follower . .. . - By Carrier, 1 year.. ....... end In your nam and remittance, CHILDREN OF UAP. They Dent Have t Worry About Feed, CI thee e Bhelter. In describing Dap. on of tb Caro tin islands. Dr. W. IL Furores aaya tbat children beconi more or less pub lic property o that Island aa soon aa they are able to run about from bouse to bouse. . They cannot without extraordinary exertion fall off tb Island, and. Ilk little guinea pigs, can Hud food any where. Tbelr clothing grows by every roadside, and any abetter or no shelter la good enough for the night. Tbey cannot atsrve, There are n - wild beasts or anakea to harm them. What matters It If tbey sleep under tbe high. star powdered celling of tbelr foster mother's nursery or curl up On mats beneath tbelr father's thatch There is no Implication her tbat parents are not fond of tbelr children. On tbe contrary; tbey lore them so much tbst they see their own children In all children. It is tbe ease of life and Its surroundings which have atro phied the emotion of parental lore.. Wben a lather hss merely to say to his wife snd children. "Oo out and shake your breakfast off tbe, tree,' or. "Go to tbe thicket and gather your clothes." to blm tbe struggle for ex lstenc is meaningless, and wltbont a struggle tbe prise of life are held In light esteem. Somebody's children are always about tbe boose and to tbe for In all excitements, and never did I e them roughly bandied or harshly treat ed. MASTERING A TEMPER. Th Method by Which Marion Craw-i ford Controlled His Anger. ' Mrs, rjogb Fraser. sister of tbe late . Marion Crawford, tells some inter esting stories of blm In-bee-book. "A Diplomatist's Wife In Many Lands." It was at tbe Villa Negroni. Rome, that Crawford was born, an event which so delighted. his father rrhsf. as Mrs. Fraser says, "my father wss beside himself with joy and sbnwered pres ents on all of ns to mske ns understand and share It" - When yonng Francis wsa about ten years old It dawned upon blm that be bsd a violent and uncontrollable tern- marked all bis Character be decided to get It In band. "On member of tbe family constant ly irritated blm to tbe verge of frenzy, and be Invented a form of self disci pline which very few children would bar thought of Imposing on. them selves. My mother entered his room one day and found blm walking round and round It. carrying on bis back a heavy wooden shntter which be bsd lifted off its binges at tbe window. 'My dear child.' she exclaimed. what are yon doing? .Getting over a rage.' be replied doggedly, continuing tb exercise 'When I am so angry tbst I wsnt '-0 kill somebody I com in here and carry the abutter three, times round tbe room before I answer them. It Is tb only - Women and Tes In Japan. No Japanese society woman bas com pleted ber education unless she can tell Just what grade of tea Is being served to ber UJU Mikado or a hundred oth ers and at least be sble to distinguish by taste at least a dozen "blends" In a brand tbat bas tbst msuy or more. Such accomplishments are partly a matter of Inheritance and environment, for Japan Is a country where tea baa been raised and used for centuries. With tes plantations Ore centuries old and tea flanta 300 years of sge there Is no need for tea commissions to lis customs standards. As for tbe house hold standards, tb Japanese house wife decides tbem herself. The Cock La no Ghost. - St John's. Clerk en well. Is a mean structure architecturally, but possesses two Interesting historical associations, on romantic and tb other ludicrous. It is tbe headquarters of th Order of St John of Jerusalem, part of the choir of whose ancient priory can still be seen In tb early English crypt This crypt wss the bsunt of tb 'Cock lane ghost" which excited all Lon don In February. 1702. and attracted Johnson. Goldsmith and Home Wal pole. The "ghost" proved, aa Dr. Johnson surmised, to be tb mischiev ous little daughter of a parish clerk. Westminster Gazette. A Regular Attendant, As the new minister of th village waa on bla way to evening serrlcs he met a rising young man of tb plac whom he was anxious to bav become a member of bis church. "Good evening, my young friend," he said solemnly. "Do you ever at tend a plac of worship" - "Tes. indeed, . air, regularly every Sunday night" replied tb young fel low with a smile. "I'm on my way to see her now." Metropolitan Magasln. His Oemplote Triumph. Unci. Baatus, I thought tbey bad sent you to Jail again on th usual charge." "No. sob; I's vindicated dls tlxua, D ledge couldn't quit make op bis mind, aa' h turned me loos an' said I: mustn't do It agaIn."-Chlcsgo Trib une An Uphill Job. Flgg Don't you wish you Could live I your llf over again T Fogg Well, 1 ; abould say nott I'v got a twenty year endowment policy maturing this month. Boston Transcript When yea hsv chosen your part abide by tt and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with th vrorkL Emerson. ....... 1360 2X0 , How the. Mills ', Were Saved By ELLEN F. MORSE Copyright kr American Free Ae elation. I!UK Mln was a ess o( stepmother and n of tb worst cases of th kind on record. Stepmother are not all bad by any means, but wbea tney are u s mighty hard oa tbelr stepchildren. Boy a, when tbey become old enough. can go away and light tb world for themselves, but that s not so easy for girls. Nevertheless, I did that very thing. . ' After mot bet's death father took Into tbe bou to tak car of me be aald-a woman about his own age. lie saw tbe folly of this plan wbea It was too late, Tbe re waa something about tb woman, or peruana some weak spot In father, that enabled her to dominate blm. And aa for tue. she mad my llf on of misery. Wben I waa seventeen, baring stood well In my classes at school, I was offered a position aa governess In tb Opdyk family. I accepted It to get away-from my-stepmotber. I taught th younger children of tb family. There waa a son, lis try, a year or two older than I, who was a clerk for hla father, a manufacturer of paper. Tb Opdyk family considered them' selves very well off wben 1 went to Uv with tbem. Tbey were dreadfully afraid tbat Ilarry would fsll In love with m. Tbey bsd no objection to me Texcept that tbey wished him to make a good match, which, being Interpret ed, meana on wltb money. I didn't know It at tb time, but my father had conaiderabl property. - It was In seen ritle In which b bsd In vested what money he bad after a panic. When 1 left bom b atlll bad these securities, but they were not available, n waa keeping them for a time when toeCommercial depression bad passed and th property tbey rep resented would resume tb payment of dividends. Therefore either be wss not in a position to glv m any in come, or If h was his wife prevented ! him from doing so. I remained lb tb. Opdyk family 11 v years. Meanwhile Ilarry bad be come hla father's right hand man at th mills. He had permitted himself to fall In lov with me, but I knew that although tb family thought a great deal of m they were looking higher for blm: consequently I would not yield to his wishes for a be trothal Several matters of importance to na all cam about at very near tbe same time. In th first plac. Mr. Opdyke, wbo had been carrying a debt on bla mills, found himself nnabl to provide for It any longer. In th second place, my father died and my stepmother produced a will leaving all bla prop erty to ber. Harry told m confiden tially of tb condition Of the family affairs and said tbat. now w were oa tb sam financial basis, we bsd bet ter Join our fortunes. "What a pity," I said to him, "that my father didn't leav me some of bla property; I might have helped your father and , yon through your difficulties." I gave way to Harry's persuasive efforts and w became engaged, although we kept tb engagement a secret. Under these conditions Ilarry took so Interest In my personal sffolra. I told blm a great deal about my step mother, and he auggested taking legal steps to break tb will. But after talk ing the matter over w both agreed tbat there were no grounds for break ing it at least none tbst we could prove. My fsther wss probably of sound mind at tbe time be made It and I could not prove tbat bis wife had used undue Influence to Induce him to mske It In her fsvor. Tbe only objection I could bring up wss tbst my father had told me shortly before his death tbat my stepmother bsd tried to fore blm Into msklng a will In ber favor, but be was firmly resolved to make no will. 1 made up my mind to bav a look at tb docoment 1 took Harry with m to th court where It bad been tiled, and It waa shown to me. It wss not la my father's handwriting, but I wss familiar with his signature, and It seemed to me to b genuine. I noticed tbst the witnesses and and tbe notary were all of my stepmother's choosing. At least there were none of fstbers friends among tbem. Th document bad not been executed on a regular form, but on a sheet of ordlnsry psper. After examining It thoroughly J hand ed It to Harry. Persons la tb paper business are apt to acquire a habit oa taking up a sheet of psper of holding It up to th light and looking at th watermark on It Harry did tbla. at tbe same time rubbing th surface with his thumb and finger. I aaw by th ex pression on his face tbat b bad mad a discovery. Hurriedly looking at tb date on which tb will was mad be turned to me and said: . That will Is a forgery." "How do you knowT I exdslmed. catching my breath. "Tb paper was mad In onr mill not a year ago. and tb will was mad three years ago. In other words, th will was mad two years before tb paper." "Are you surer "Tes. and w hav tb date In th mill to prove what I say." Though I waa delighted, I waa mad and resolved to send my stepmother to state prison. Bnt I afterward com promised by ber signing off ber wid ow's dower and my not prosecuting her for forgery. ' I saved th Opdyk paper mills, which my husband now tfwns, , . - . , Read th Morning Enterprise. OWEN GTHOMAS BLACK8MITHINQ AND REPAIR WORK. , , . Best of work and satisfaction guar anteed. Hay your horese ahod by an expert; It pays. , , AM kinds of reps I r work and smithy work. Prompt sorvlee; grestsr por tion of your work can be don while you do your trading. Olva m a trial Job and , If J aant pleas you. OWEN G. THOMAS Cor. Malrt and Fourth Ste. Oregon City VARIED HIS VIEWS. . . .?-..,. A read Minded Csndldste nd a Fa - . tient Constituent. Farmer Gordon wss engaged for a lortntgbt to drive a politk'al csndldste a boot tn county lu bis buggy. Tbey traveled by day, each town being a stage, aud tb politician spok every veolng. ... Tb man waa honest and well mean Ing. but careful local imrtUsna had tried tb temper of cab community la advance and retmrtcd to him wltb suggestions. Bo It happened tbst from hla extreme anxiety to please hla ei pressed conviction on tbe Ihsii varied considerably from time lo time. "Well. Mr. Gordon." said tbe raodl date on day at the beginning of the second week. Itow do you stand on tb election? How are foil going lo voter Tb farmer wss silent, . thinking. 1 really don't know." he said. "I can tell better, nay he. at lb cloae of onr engagement." "Cant mas up your mind yett Toave heard all of my speeches, n "Tea. and I Ilk yu personally, and .I'm hoping to get to vote for yon Don't worry-at least, not yet." "Not yet! Wny do you ssy ihstr aaked tb puxaled candidate. "Well, you've bsd several point of view. and. I'm Just wsltlng snd thluk fng maybe before the end of tbe wHk you'll get round to mine too,"-Youth's Companion. ... MISSED THE KANGAROO. Th Hunter Waa After Meat but Get . Instead a Stone. . Ia 18S a hooter lu New. Rout b Wales took a fancy for some kangaroo meat, bo b aud a trip through ibe mulga with do coui'tanlod but hla gun H bad no need of either guides or doga, aa b waa an experienced bush man, Th Drst kangaroo aigbted waa wounded - by . blm. but not badly enough to disable It. Before be could get In another shot It made off through tn salt bnah at a t err I Be pace but leaving a plain trail In drops of blood. no tb hunter followed as fsst aa could. . . Tb trail gradually grew fslnter as tb wounded anlmsl bled leas freely. and Ite pursuer waa often obliged .lo stoop and examine the gronod closely for tb telltale signs. After several hundred yarda had been covered with out seeing any more crimson spots tbe hunter began to tblnk but qusrry bsd escaped, when be saw a single fleck of red before blm. Aa be brat to look for mora flecks th red changed to an Iridescent pale green, and be say It wss a gem atone tbat lay before. him. Tb kangaroo was not bagged, twit tb Whit Cliffs opal fields were discovered. New Tork Press. A Fish Aids Bclsnee. There appears to be no limit to art' entlflo curiosity, especially In Ger many. Not long ago a scientist of Lelpxtg, wishing . to ascertain whether flab are warmer than tb water tbry Uv In, stuck aadle connected, wltb thermoelectric circuit Into a living flab In an aquarium. The oeedle formed oo clement of th circuit while the other element waa Immersed In tbe asm water tbat contained tb fish. Tb latter waa not seriously Injured by tbe needle aud quickly becam Indif ferent to It Then as tb flsh swsm about carrying tb needle, tbe Ingen ious savant cloned tb circuit and kept watch of tbe galvsnometer. It show ed no deflection whatever, from which be concluded that tb fish and tb water were precisely equal in tempera ture, for had either been warmer than the other a current wonld bav been generated In tbe circuit-Chicago Ileo ord-Herald. The Furtive Leek. Here la something worth rblle for bachelors to consider. A Boston womaa says sb csn detect a bachelor aa far aa sb csn see blm. She alwaya knows , a bachelor by hla furtlv look. Tb) fartlv look, she ex plains, la something akin to that of a bunted anlmsl. always on tb watch for snares and pitfalls. Of course this my apply only to Boston bachelor, but It wonld be well for all other slo gl unfortunate to tak a good1 look at themselves la tb, mirror and .find tbat telltal took. If they do there Is an easy way to ffac It Cleveland Plain Dealer. t N Kksus at AN. A noted comedian, condemned at a dinner In New Tork a new comedy. "Its climax." b said, "la false and unsatisfactory aa fates and unsatis factory, as Rowndsr's .excuse. On Rowndar's rel am at a very 1st hour his wlf aald reproachfully " 'Ton used to vw . 1 waa tb sun shine of your Ufa, but bow yoo stay out nlgbt after nlgbt t. "Well, my lov.' aald Rowndar, '1 don't ask for suns bin after dark.' " New Tork Tribun. . Import! nenee. . . Mr. Todgers Why bar you sent Maria, tbe servant girl, away so sud denly Too told na yesterday that sb was tb best girt yon vr bad. Mrs. Todgers 8b an Impertinent bossy. . I wanted to borrow ber rub bers, and she said aba was afraid I couldn't get them oo. Two Clsssesv--. Tb world Is divided loto two classes tbos wbo go ahead and do some thing and tbos wbo alt still and In quire, "Why wssu't It don tb other wayf - A nan should b grateful vn to his enemies when tbey open bis eyes to a sense of bis own faults ssd failures. Put Yourself in the Ad-Readersi Place... When you writ rour classified ad or any kind of an adtry to Include In It Just th Information w you a us to una if you wr an- ad-reader and wer looking foi an ad of that klna. If you do this to even a small extent your ad will bring Re- 8ULT8I . THE DEACON'S DOG By M. QUAD CopvrtaM. IMS. br Associated Lit orsrr ITvos. v Deacon Ooodbue bad lived la Ibe Tillage of Derbyvlll for thirty years, and no oue bsd evV Veen blm out of temper. One day when hla character wsa under discussion a tlu peddler said of ths deacon: "That man Is too serene, fie will break loos sotu day aud aatoulsh you aU." - Th d 600 had got to b fifty year old. II was a widower and wss look ing out for a second wife. There wss an old maid over at Grafton, seven miles awsy, who filled bla eye, aud oue day be harnessed his bora to lb rattling old buggy and drove over there to ask ber to b bla . "Waal Martha. I'v been tbluklng thla thing all over, aud I'v concluded that I want you for a wife." But yon are Juat . a day too 1st. descon," wss th answer. "lias somebody got you?" "Tee, gar my promts yester day." "Can't yon bust Itr "No, I can't. I'm eorry to put you to th trouble of driving over here. bnt I can't break my word." on. waai. I u Just bav to look a little further." And I boi you will find som on to suit. liar a run of tea. descon V "No, I guess not." "But It's a dusty drtr. deacon, and I don't want yon to go back entirely empty handed. Hav you got a dogr "Never had on," "There on here' that came along two works sgo. He's a lost dog. and I don't wsnt him. Why not tsk him home wltb you?" "Why. I might, rv beard tbat a dog gets to lov you Ilk everything after awhile, ne'e also porty good company ior a ions man. tt 1 M . The descon was tsksn out Into tb back ysrd to view the csnlne. It wss : a big on eyed dog with a stump tall. u was a blend of different colors. and he shambled wben be walked No other man In tb stst -would hsv totsh him. IkiI b just bit tb deacon's fancy, and he also felt the sentiment 1 connected wltb th gift. H had come j to ask "a woman to marry him, bnt was a day too law. Rbe seemed to re gret it and wanted to show tbat there , were, no hard feelings by presenting i him with a one eyed dog. " If tbe deacon bad figured on taking a month t get a lln on tbst rsnlns's chsracter he soon discovered his error. Ia driving tb seven mile hark bom sixteen doga belonglngto sixteen dlf ferent farmers cam rushing out to In' tervtew tb Strang canln and make blm wish b bad never been born. Each and every on of tn sixteen wss duly and thoroughly chawed up And half killed. ' "Rayther forward In his views ray tber forwsrd." said th good msn to himself after about tbe eighth conflict. "but mebb It la better so." For two dsys after reaching what waa to be hi bom tb dog, which was nsmed Sambo by tbe deacon. stuck to tbe back yard and tb soil- tud of aa empty barrel Tben . be went forth to see tb town. As waa natural, ths village doga approached blm either to welcome or throw out a Bluff. It mad no difference which to Bambo. H treated all . alike. Ills on eye burned Ilk a Uv coat, bla hair stood op Ilk bristles, tbat stump tall ceased wagging, and with a roar. Ilk a lion h descended apon tb ca nln before blm and mad thlnga sad for him. There are dog owners tbst will stand by and see their doga rolled la tb dust and more or less crippled and make no sign, bnt such men are few and far be tween, la , on day ths deacon had more men down oa blm than la aU th year before. They vea forgot wbst a good man b was and awor at him aad threw stone at his dog.. As It waa on tb first day, so It waa on, tn second and third. Tbeo every dog In tb town bsd been Uckad, and Bon of them would pas beyond the gate. . If there wss a hero la Derbyvlll It was , Bambo Ooodhus.- lis was a detest ad hero, however. Th deacon w told that. If b didn't get rid of him th dog wonld b shot or poisoned off. and It wss then seen tbat b had spunk back of bla serenity, ,n took th sld of th dog. He talked right back to tbos wbo talked to him. and one b spat oa hla- band and waa about to tak elf bla coat . -... Tb deacon) bad broken loos at last, and th prophecy of th peddler waa being realized. Tber were wonder and I astonishment In Derby vllle tbst nlgbt Folks thought , th climax bad been reached, but It hadn't , A crowd of fifty men cam to kill Bambo, Tb deacon abed bis cost and vest and sailed In. II whooped and b yelled. .He struck and b kicked, n rolled up tb enemy before him, and behind them waa Bambo to do bis full part. The fuU moon cam up to look down on tb broken and tb bit ten, and th deacon didn't atop yelling for an hour afterward. - , v' Then Bambo was missing. - lis bad com and seen and conquered. H had cleaned up th town aad set out for other worlds lo conquer. His toaster whistled and celled, but In vain. It was a year later before they started to forglv th descon and three years before hi reputation for serenity and good nature waa restored, bat ft cam at lsst and wba death called blm be had d funeral procession half a ton long aad tb horse on th walk at that .' - ' DESERTION! It CHARGED. Wlf Claim That Hubby Hss Been I . Dlrslsct for Four Years.. ,.' ' Mary B. Bklrvln has filed a suit for divorc from ber husband, Harvay B. Bklrvln, to whom sb was married In August, 1901, at Bozeman. MonUna. There Hs a child. Doris U. sged seven years, and Mrs. Bklrvln claims that her husband hss failed to support her or their child for th past fonr years. During tb month of March, 1804, HKirvin aesertea his wir and child. I Mrs. Bklrvln la represented by C. D. and D. C, Latourette, of ibis city.. Read th Morning Enterprise. S. "-i T ': - i " .''I ' Ms d 0 B AIL Yj Will You Help Us . Bbbst Your Own Bymatf, It yea 2.00 1'; , -V J. . r - , .- ' Y'cdtilci t yea $3.00 r. .: i ... ,.. r-t'ti: tr : ,.; ? ; Send in Your Name v , t ... ; .i',rt I'i ' ? ' and Remittance v..