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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1911)
MORNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1DU. riORHlKG EfiTERPRISE OREGOW CITY, OREGON? C t. BRODIE, Editor and Publlaher. "Knterae aa eaoond-claea natter Jea uary t. 111. at the post efflc at Oro nir, Orrcoo. under tha Act of March a, H7.v TCUft Sf JUMCIIPT10II. Ona Tear, by nail .. Bis Month. by mall Pour klimlha. by mall rr wwt. by carrlar MM 1U IN .1 aJVEITUING MTES Ural Pan, iter mm nrat tneerttoa....llo r"lra Pan, par lack addad Inaartloaa. .lao v Prrrarrad poeltlon any paa-e, par Inrh flrat tnaartton , lie PrWrrrd poaitlon any para, par too added Inerrtloaa lee Bun paper other than flrat pa, par Inch flrwt Inaertton 1 Kan paper other than flrat pa, par teeh added toaertlone.... to ' ' Leeala 1 ao par Una; to regular edver tie. re ao Una. Want a Fur Sal. To Rant, ete , ana cant a word flrat ktaartlon; eee-balf aaat each additional. Ratee for advertterne' ht the Weekly Knterprlae will be tha aama aa la tha , daily, for adverttaementa art eepeclally for tha weekly. WVt tha adyertiermrnt la tranafarrad front lha daily to tha week ly, without rhanae. tha rata will ba c , aa Inch for ton of tha pa par, and las aa Inch for apaotal poatttoa. Cash ahould accompany order wbara ' party la unknown In buatnraa offlca of tha Enterpnee. . . Lrcal advertising at Irnl adrarttatnf ret re. ' CIreua advertlnlnf and special transient advartlatna at Sac In iOe an Inch, accord -lac to apcctal conditions governing tba Tlr. Sale" and Bankrupt 8a! adrer tteemenla lie Inch flrat Insertion: addi tional maarUona aama matter 2So Inch. ' News Items and well written ertlelee of merit, with Internet to local, read era. will ba gladly accepted Rejected maau them whan It eomaa Urn for them to aak what lslo ba don that I bar may ba ensbled to aak Intelligently and tho properly understand tba aaswer, Tha old party leaders or tha Repub llcao party war weighed la tha bal ance and found wanting, ideay a Con gressman mho knew what ha ought to do and how ha ought to do It did not carry hla part of tha program through because ha parm!ttd others to In Ouence him In doing Juat the contrary. In aome Instances theee men were not punished by the people, the voting public being lenient and not wishing to deal harshly. In other caaea the people rightfully said": "Having be trayed ua once. we cannot truat you again, and we cannot accept any ex cuses; the man who perniita himself to be fooled la aa dangerous aa the man who divides the plunder.' Speaker Clark kowa the character of these meaaage, and how they car ried disappointment to many and he hopes to ao direct matters In this Con. gress that there may not be any necea alty for disciplining his friends at the next Congrearlonal election. There are grave reeponalbilitlea ahead of the present Congress, and while Champ Clark la a man with a wide Influence and a atrong personali ty It remains to be seen whether he. understanding though he may htmsel what should be done to satisfy the people, can lead the Democratic hoat In Congreaa U the way In which there Is sn honest and efficient legislative pathway. Can the Democratic party Vaccination at San Antonio Gives Many Soldiers Sore Arms CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Z&XSL Up7,wVrk )egisl.tlonthat Is i wise, ana oucv manug cuun-v vi j can the party be iaduced to enact HT "We are put on trial" needs to come with all lie force to every Democrat J In Congresa If the party la to be able to keep Ita skirts clear until auch time aa It may again come before the coun try asklna- for a continuance of Its favor e SATURDAY CLUB MEET; AnrS 5 h American History. M14 Marriage of Poraboatas to John Bolfe. : 1832 John T. Raymond, actor.-born: dlrf 1SR7. 1900 Eaatmae Jobnaton, noted genre painter, dhid: bom 1S25. 1907 Tornado In Louisiana and Ala bama destroyed property' valued at $2,000,000; 25 persona killed. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From Boon today to noon tomorrow.) So acta :23, rises 5 31: moon sets 9 a. as.; moon farthest north or tlgS" est; Asteroid Jnno Mils meter 12C SnJlesV. at oppoalUoa, neareat earth, ris ing 6.10 p. nv. ae-ttlag 625 a. m; 5 CI a. ax. moon la conjunction with pfttn at Keptnae. pasaing from west to east thereof. "'k"'".' V '4' V-" 1 '- ' .aL-" ' TT--; - . IV -V " If - J tr tl I 1) VeV. s -WE ARE PUT ON TRIAL." The advent of the Democrats in conv T' troLofongr8la, one thought to commend itself to the people as ut tered by CJump Clark, the new Speak er: "We are put on trial " In this statement cornea the recognition of the fact that the Democrats In Con greaa were put there, not because the people had any especial likine; for a Democrat, or for the Democratic party, hut because thousands of Republican voters were of the opinion that the Republican party as a whole, and many Republican Congressmen as In dividuals, ha turned their backs on the people and taken to following after the Interests 'add1 the men who con trolled them. - Speaker Clark seems to realise the significance. of this, tact. And recog . nlzlng it he wants to impress It on the minds of his followers and co-workers; he wante it to have its due weight on 4- PLANS PERFECTED FOR AN EN TERTAINMENT AT CONCRECA TI0NALXHURCH APRIL 19. Copyright by American Preea Aaaoclatioa. ORE arms are common Just now among the 3X000 soldier engsged lu the army maneuvers In Teiss becsuse they have all been vaccinated. The authorities are taking no chances on tUe health of the men, and they were compelled to Una up with bared arms for tha surgeon's scsl- pel and the vaccina ylrun. The fortunate onea who bad beeu recently vacci nated and who were therefore immune have been Joklug thoae In whom tba virus "took" vigorously. One of the pk-turea printed above shows members of the Trenry .eighth Infsntry lined np for vaccination. The other photograph shows a portion of the camp of the aame regiment. The wen are uaing the new collapaibie army tenlawhIcB ire cleartyshowTr In the barkgrwrnd.-W ben fokled up they look something llks gigantic nmbrellaa closed and atandlng oa end. Much interest waa taken la the meeting of the Saturday Club of the field. Miss Edna Cauflejd. Mlsa Muriel Stevens. Miss Alice Bailey. Mlas June Chsrman, Mlsa Ivy Roake, Miss Rlchi- arason. The nest meeting of tha Saturday Congregational church which met Club will be held on the first Mondsv Monday evening at tne noroe 01 airs, evening of Msy at the home of Mrs. K. D. wiiaon. Tnere waa a gooa at- waiter Wentworth. of Canemah tendance ana plana were maae tor a nod TimM rollere." when a four years' course will be given In one ev-1 Changee In Course of Study. enlng. The committee in charge of I The State Board of Higher Cur- the affair la competent to entertain I riculae met in Salem Monday to con thoae who attend this "college." The alder the question of allowing tha affair will be given on Wedneaday ev ening. April 19. at the Congregational church. The committee appointed to take charge la composed of Mrs. Don James. Mrs. C H. Melssner. Mlsa Ivy Roake and Miss Clara Caufleld. Following the bualness session re freshments were served and an old fashioned spelling match enjoyed, Mrs. E. S. Bollinger having charge of the spelling, and refreshments were served by the hostess. Present were Mrs. Charles D. La tourette, Mrs. Jamea Roake, Mrs. Don James, Mrs. John MeGetchle, Mra. J. A. Roake, Mrs. Walter Wentworth, Mrs. J. M. Mark, Mrs. C. H. Melssner. Mrs. Richard Freytag, Mra. A. B. W1V mot. Mrs. Evan Williams, Mrs. E. S. Bollinger, of Portland; Mrs. L. Adama, Miss Msude Warner, Mlas Clara Cau- changes In tha course of atudy of the Institutions under the care of tne board. The University of Oregon wished changee and additions to the course, which was granted. Thoae present were P. I Campbell, presi dent; J. E. Hedges, secretary: C. J. Smith, of Pendleton: O. P. Ceslow. The board was Instituted by the legls Isture that cbsnges might not be made without consideration at the hands of men who were widely scattered over the State and with a view to having a' diversified representation on Ita membership. mm RECEIVE MMIIOMIOOH A PLIASANT AFFAIR AT HOME OF MRS. JENNIE BINQMAN. IH V CANEMAH. Mr. and Mra. Samuel Slevena enter talned at the home of Mrs. Jennie Ulngman, at Canemah, On Monday ev ening. The affair waa In the nature of a reception, the couple navmg just recently returned from their honey moon. . The evening waa dovoted to mualo furnished by a quintet consist Ing of Elbon and Arch Long. Oliver Frost. Lewis Smith and Karl Smith. and dancing waa Indulged In until late hour, after which Mra Ulngman and Mra. Stevena aerved a luncheon. Present were Mr. and Mra. Maswell Telford, Mr. and Mra. C C Spencer. Mr, and Mra. Teeta. Mr. and Mra. C. White. Mr. and Mra. Walter Went worth. Mrs, Clara Flelda. Mra. Mary Howell. Mra. Bolton. Mra. Julia Frost. Mr. and Mra. Earl Smith, Mrs. SylvU Mldlara. Mra Carothrrs. Mra Helen Smith. Ada Bedwell. Miss Mary Ellen l4ng. Mlaa Beryl !xng. Miss Ada Frost. Miss Ella-White, Mlsa Jennie achats. Mlaa Dollte Pratt. Mlas Bunny Owenby. Mlaa Clara Fields. Mlaa He len Smith. Mla Ruth Hedges; Elbon Long. Oscar Smith. Earl Luts, Arch Long, Pete Long. Oliver Front. Dick Ung. Edward Vonderahe, William Stokea, Clarence Eaton. Loula Smith Edward 8mlth. Herman Rakel, Carnot Spencer. Scottish Clan Will Cslsbrata. The BoVbte Burns society Is plan ning to have a celebration on Booster Day. with a grand good time In the eventng at Woodmen's hall In this city. There will be a characteristic Scotch program, with an entertain ment In keening with the occasion, the entertainment to be given la the evening. Pains will be taken to pre pare a program that while character- latlo of the 8cotcn people ana tneir ways of enjoying, life will still have much to (merest the whole public. Thla society wishes to do Us share towards making Booster Day a grand success. ENTERTAINS Y0UNQ FRIENDS. Gladstone Home the Canter of a Joy ous Occasion Monday Evening. Mlaa Mildred SttuaiT entertained dn Monday evening at ber home at tllad stone, and a most enjoyable evening waa spent. Among the features of the evening's entertainment were the mu sical aelectlona given by Harry Bladen, when he rendered. "When You and I Were Ypnng Maggie;" "I'm Tying the Ixavea So They Won't Come Down.", by Mlaa Muriel. Davla, and "Breaking the Newa." PatisyOswald. all of which were well received. The remainder of the evening waa devoted to gamea, and followed by refreshments. Present were Mlases Pansy Oawald, Hasel Miller, Mabel Chase, Muriel Davla, Evelyn Gay. Neiva Peters. Esth er Heatherman, Mabel Bladen. Mildred Bladen, Noel Frost, Dale Olds, Willis n C t.ATOURETTB Preside I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ua uivuvit v. a J , UKCGON 1 CAPITAL. IS0400.00. eanaaeta a 0earal wanklna Stualnaaa a . - w ww n ikim a a " e. M, tel a "aaBaBMliiwt l Use Money Spent On Navy By WILLIAM C BROWN To Educate the . Farmer President of Nw York Central Railroad. CUE United States is building two or tnree great battleships almost every year which cost, fully equipped, perhaps an average of nine million dollars each, and it COSTS CLOSE TO A MILLION A YEAR TO MAN, SUPPLY AND MAINTAIN EACH ONE. . ' V, WITH THE MONEY THAT ONE OF THESE FIGHTING MACHINES COSTS Wt emit n iitibiku . r. - i , nnu rwbkT twuir IWU SPLENDID EXPERIMENTAL FARMS OF SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES EACH IN EVERY STATE IN THE UNION, TO BE RUN BY THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. Tha establishment of such farms by the government would soon be followed by one hundred and sixty acre farms ownod and run by tha at A 1a in nan . , ' J vvuuu iu our ETeai nrririnriirui irutnl 'V- S,UCh Urm?ow "tablished, would not only le et Fimtaininir, . our, in my opimon, WOULD SHOW A HANDSOME PROFIT. The effect of such a system of practical education upon the products fad profit of the nation farms would be almost lyon.I comprehen sion. Every thriftless and uninformed farmer would note quickly the difference between the result of his LOOSE METHODS and those - of the experimental farm and benefit bv the cotnrmriiinti ' . Men who have no books on this important sulj, and who could find no time lo atudy them if they had would 1mm by that most apt ' Bcthoda and would adopt them. ' i. Let the covernment inreaf tha VJITOV HIV nv'P Tjatttw cj - " v a a w a i .s w i ua a a i . is BIILP in this important work, follow the invent men t up intelligently and perseveringly for ten yeara and the value that will have been sdded to each year's crops of the nation's farms will buy and pay for very battleship in all U navies of the world todav. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING, Oregon City ENTERPRISE , In' the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE. PRINTING BOOKBINDING V LOOSErLEAK SYSTEMS R. W. & R. S.Wrd MACHINISTS VYs do gtnaral rspalrlng. -rah an maohlnsry mads to do work as naw. E apart a with gasollns anginas. Phonssi Main ISS4. Hams 191. 10S FOURTH STREET OREGON CITY. si food -t-t-ft--a-a-a-a-a-a.a.a.a.a a . . , . - nwniirTiAN rm ru. . . , '"v-S wt" VKpiMU PRICES During tha nasi month bsglnnlng April ws ars aolaa u a discount en all Dantal Work whoro tht bill ameunta t.V " lara or mors. This will So oplondld opportunity for ik. ft hsvo boon wsltlng ta havo Ihslr clonUI work dona. v.u -S? to maho arrangamsnts osriy to got an appolntmsnt. Tha mJ?" prt. a bum mvnin, BUI WO propoSO tO maks It a llyslv a-7 m work will bo tho bast and w guarantaa tho aama. oJr a2 antao Is our 80 yoarv suocssafu praotlcs In Qrsgon City DR. L. L. PICKENS DR. G. A. BRrpv Drntistf - Wolnhare) Idg. M. wmwmw Paclflo Statss Phono 2S71. Horn pfc a Hi MrMann. Clydo Mlllor, Ralph Johnaon.lof action 8, townshln t aJ.v Charllo Hladen and Harry Hladon. .sat; 13750.. P 1 "" " Klmar John SJcaritoIieart m fUlilS. fclmar John MrMurry to M MeMusry. 13 acre. f aicih"?! ship I south, rsnaa 3 aast- u r. A. sod M Inula H Kbsbs m .1 to Usnns Walla. J arrs of in, 8rlna Addition to IMW .Jr1 Lewla and Ni.lil- Mrw .:. ? Junior, lota 15. Id. blin-k t Awm!! Bubdtvialoa ot bl.K-k I. t tSL' r t w LATEST MARKETS Orsgon City Marktta. Markrta. ss a acnoraf ivih. slowly Diovlna downwards PwtJ a luium mini tne rurt tnat tks tft u loruNa As I 1I1 rl a rlilti nir. It k IU r-iMu nf tits sirlnf, and vL:ir It a n.ji iujr Uri auia Ur.fioO to bull) mi iltijs. It om aiiuiuiif In lv In lid ' Thf aUy wu atili. li:t-iiut tba 'fP f wtaln foods bflmfcarrat lilid Vv aariurd 01.K. An.l S naw froos. or ara l,.n. ? m..j - -. m-vi mm iwrn, iirmutv ouiim inai loey posaass Ssa Bu tus t liiM-H or N iKiT. awin marsriau, ir at all. euriM . Kuuiuirr as lii lbs lad s aul. ,n J1 t0 ,"- Thus, Uklai tk ..-.if.. -nt.waMa m 1 Quito noticoaDia. man. And oracbrad tho traaa whla- pared to bltu tbrlr tneaaafs a sacral Bowslss. forsutteot . And- . " Cousin to tha boy, a atump tailed dog uoaod and frlaksd and choker! amouj lbs bovt Idrra, algnallng thus to tho lad. who, tbouiU bo did not turn APrLR8Oood stork la bcstm ij hlh, prices ranrlni from tl to It Local stock la nearly gone sad tka Hood River product la raducad to4 few varlr-Uee. few (Kd sdsIm at left In lh local market rOTATOES-Market Is a illtb at from last report, In dniai)4 if sot k prloo. Real good potalo-a ara asm Bla bead, know all tho doings of the bring II to 11.75, whlls srd n auct eoramanda 75o lo a 11. Tim aro not enough being 0 (Tared to aV la quanlltlea. San Kraoclsco sarM la off 1(0 a. hundred. 30 cars antra In ona day 'and dnuiorallslng tht as ket. Jxcal atock pretty well tots , d; a few with cbolcs stock aka, ' for a liaa. . . VEOETAHUOS UtUa chants ata laat reporti onions aro a llttla sUSf In price but other vegetables raatfe about tho aama. Onions 1, tsrttsi and carrota TSo to 1 sack, parsaipin to IMS aack. cabbage Sr poval Ket vegetables ara coming 'lm Callfcwa Is sending many things, at a high prloo. Local lettuce- sells fe rates, radlshos Se. onlona lo; Caltfonls a tuee 100 head, asparagus im Is list Mexican 1 tomatoes lo pound. FLOUR. AVD FCBD IJttls ehuei In flour; sailing down to It vHk hat bringing about 15.60; soms u In a 14.60. In food tba tsndincy k s ward. Draa commands IB " 124, shorts 24 to I5, rolled huiV 30, process barley 131, wkols an 1 29, cracked corn fU. WHEAT rTloea In tho local a ket ahow an advance of lo to So o buahel. Chicago and Eastern awtes ara lower. Holdara here wast that dog. And tba dog knew that the boy knew. Also Frarklea were on the faro of tho boy, and npon an upturned dusty be atone broiao swelled. And snon upon tho back of bla neck tba dog stealthily licked tbo boy. a a a a a a a A change cornea over tho spirit of ny drvam. And tho drowsy summer anna Itself away. And bora aro Jack, tbo preacher's' boy, and Toady" Jones and 'Skinny" and BUly, tho batcher's boy, and Dear heaven, they aro moat all dead: Dnt back there In my dream la tbo olden, golden daya of tha gang there's not a feller but wonld flgbt for you or 11a for you. And thero la no treachery, and no ona la a hypocrite. And there la net taer labor nor eovy, only freedom and aqnallty and content. And two hats fall of apples. Again tne dream changee, and a drowsy kid Is ordered to tbo trundle bod under tho eaves. And a sweet f see la banding over him. then tho soft coo- Pf,c Pr" i .. .t.. a .... . I above the aiDortlna-nrtce. Ixcaliatt "a" ai ma uuftcm irauvr iu wm . ' .. kj era are paying ssa 10 vvo ua " . HAT la Tory woak and llttla a mand. Thoaa who havo It whan a 1 not well protoited want to let sAOU nm tha mIm n arala.llv UtllS tS t lower lovoL Clover S to 1, 9 $11 to lit, timothy $15 and fit. 0 fa commands $1S to $20. OATS Dealers haivlna for ihlpafn to meet tha demand In the cities. PV Ins sray $25, whlta $25.60 to M. that tha market la woak and asMt REAL ESTATE. factory. Genevieve and O. W. stenhena to TmTrsiv. and OMBtrT Ella nruah, 45 acres of section J4, only commanding from 10o to township 4 south, rsng l esst; $40. I creamery always stiff and cob i:r.7J.5...P3' 0c to 860 now. Ths Portu... market la only paying from w- raftera and - Soul of ma Jaded and worn by the complexities of adult existence, how simple and stanch and true eeera the days of boy- land! , And, tired and sated, bow the chirp of the robin wakes with sick vividness S oay tbst Is almost dead I block "D." Wllaonvllle: 12000. W. A. and P. M. Stone to Nad Nelson ana Anton Mlkkelaon, land In aectlon zz. township 2 south range S east; united States to Daniel u. fWul otu acres or aectlon 9. townahln 4 auuin, range 1 east; patent, I60. Choice dairy will brim 20c to 260. t EGOS Prices about the ssm J demand about equalling the toypv Quotation at 19o dosen, , pnm.TBT-Prices sre aoBlw," w j. eaai: raieni. 1 United Rtatna tn tamaa a f ah. I higher and tho demand Soa. bottom, 40 acrea of aectlon $. townshln bring lo, rooetera 12c, yooni 6 south, range S Aaat; Patent. nl mixed chickens 13o to 16. B. J. Dleser to Earl Jones. 10 acres In1 doing In larger fowls. of section 4, township 4 south, rangs MEATS Veal, dressed, Is brwiw east; .sou. - IOe to lie, hogs 80 sua iw. J. M. Hsyden to P. W. A E. Trsna- hla trnant for mutton that V1 " mission Compsny, 3.95 acres ofae. fluctuata ardln to what U owrsa tlon 1 24. township I south, rsnge 8 HlDES-Oreen 60 pound, m""; ' MCn.r$.e. H. and Gen.v.r. Wmk k k""? 10 H' ' John A. and Lydla A. FanlU. lanrf in lu ,BO r"cu' - ' . ... dt ' D. L. C. of Iasao Whealdon.' township WOOL rJrmjra 16o to o r" 4 eouth, range 1 east; $6100. niohaifigo to 8O0. , . ...w , nowara k. and Diana A. Rood to B. DRIED FRUITM Evsporat-- -Reed, 100 acres of A. 3. anf M. lBo and la. aim dried 6c. pninss t Baty D. L. C, township 6 south, ranae I C. , .- ' ' ' east; $10,400. RAt.T -Salllna 0o to ISt ff Etta May Smith and Jama- n ai.i, Jl v?f, Znd 400 V at al., to Joaeph W. Papech, 26 acres 100 lb, sack's. DO YOU WANT p ANYTHING ... O . .,..' ' , Try ttc QassifeckCoIcmns of the MORNING ENTERPRISB ; 3000 Reditu Dally