Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 04, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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AT mi OIL Vfll
i ssMUSms SS" Tm Msta Bitter-,
aiartasa mpumiMT tar Um twl.
thwe Ifl ttle
Brtir ta firm Ms aa effert to a tmtr.
ti Ik view to dM swWtaailea W took
felly In Street Barildi.
Editor EBtaryrk: The develop
MU or the Mat few vmU hav
shown too Ml of the city WdaUtara
U Its dealings lia street sad si-
STONE. Or, April J,--(Spelal
Tk worn of aruung eoeuae km walk improvements la tb city. Aad
tbo hoi Is aome twenty foot deeper thes follies emphasis tao fact that
Into tao earth than It waa at tkia time it ta almoat criminal tao way wo
last Bight. Tao formation la aot traaaact tbo bad sea of tao dty.
changing mock tao aamo black aaad - a tao flrat place tbo dty makes
wttfc tta oil bearing toadoadoa. eboteo of a Council Thee moa art
Tboro la tkat aamo gas flaw yet, by elected for two years, wltk terms of
waico uo wBiiwi r so siwrw omco expiring ta altoraato years. Th
aad of whlcb they caaaot eoaao talk- waas tbat half tbo Coaacfi w ckoooa
. vnu itniui cwnMn ui a sow oacb yoar. aad ta a cortaia
in urn, aaa in enuia aammonas teat new men aro aloctad oacb year
away dowa la tbo earth Is supposed w,ut kmd of baalaooa U tbat with
to bo safticJeat to mako tfoaue for tfc character of baslaoas tbat tao dty
almost anything, still tbo flow of aaa kaa to traaaact
coatiasM aad I vbea tboy Uko tbo drill x Urf part of tbo city basiaese
row im weii, aw : sum u consists la boildlaa streets aad aid-
The Strength
Of Woman
k CoavertaJ Dra of GaiaMrra
lata tlappjr tieeae.
Qsawetsat ay Aesevacwn Pvas
It. flames as lata a alee, ataady blase.
No effort baa basa mado to sbot tka
wster out of tbo wall for aoreral days
as tbo workmoa eon foal tkat aow
"la tka tlmo ta atop aad fool wltk tbat
part of tao propositloa. Wkaa tha
right tima is reacbad la tbo mtads of
the drillers Uo water will bo abat off,
tbo well pumped oat, aad a tost mado
as to bow mack gas or oil tboro m la
Heart to Heart
('' By EDWIN A. MYZ.
, i
A pbowCTpB.
The dry w wirt ariHtnd lbe ree-
acre of taa avenue sad dWw la edulee
shoot tar rnuna The Munu hide
all bat tlir UrM st.irr lb kymrnt-
la I be crowd, twl ant of It. Is a poor
. creators, tier facej thai of a middle
aged womaa era baa "aeea better
daa." '
Clothing? It is tbla fsbrlc pstket
tealry tbla for sock a bUtcr day. Aad
low cat shoes aad tkia stork lays
raca aad kaada aro bias wltk cold.
- Byes aro fall of tears, ceased by tka
wlad. :
Oa bar ana la ooo of tkoss largo old
fasbloaad aboppiag bags. Tkroogk tka
rests may bo aaea tbo coa tea ta pieces
of kindling wood.
Bow painfully alow aba watts aad
bow carrfaDy aba crossis tbo street,
fearful of tao automobiles! Tbo poor
tkinf la evidently 01 or weak, possibly
. both.
A piece of wood baa fallen from a
wagoa aad ttaa aaar tbo pa rentes t
Casdag a look aboat bar as if to ssy.
WO aay one grades mo tkisT she
slowly stoops ta grasp tbo lltUe stick.
Eyas foOaw bar c s linos ty aa aba
amafllea dowa tka arcsae a dlatreaa
faf flgara,
A reaJ paoto?
Jast aa tka asaaea leases caagtt It
asm made ffco aegarira oa tka rlm
of rjae eyes.
Bat at Is at aA.
TVtra Is a fntxjtT paaae. Aaotber
vaaaaa wkaaa ptrytag ryes bare ftA
lawad tka katf frtoea flgara batten
rr aad forras lata ber Mac
i a tea dollar U3.
Waereat Cor tka misers bis womaa
aro tfimi tbo as tea of bear en.
Waea tb fW Is goae? Aad there
are tkooasods of ber.
Ob. yes! I koow yon talk to do of
overproduction aad lack of proer dia
trfbatlon aad tariffs sod lack of thrift
aad liqoor sod charitable societies sod
what aot Bat
Tos bar aot toncbed tbe spot
Why, 1J11 years after Christ sre
sorb real pbotograpbs possible? Wby
la It nobody's business to help those
who most need help? Why does the
world turn sway from "the least of
walks. To tkat rod tbera should bo
a fixed policy If tbo city la to bo
beastifled aad const racted aloag ttaoa
of atility and ecooomy. Bat kow can
tbero bo a fixed policy If tbo moa who
aro lo kavo ckarga of tbo work chance
so often T One set of moa dedda what
sboald bo dooe aad got tka work) fairly
wall aider way wkea a aew set take
sp tka work. Is It to bo supposed tka
these two .ad, of mea sea tklaga
tkroogk tbo aamo glasses? Aad if
tkey do aot what can we expect bat
a patchedap system T
There Is perhaps no otber city In
tha 1'nioa tkat needed a mora eotapra.
hen sire plan of wkat was to ba doaa
daring a period covering aaytweaty
years tbaa tbla man's town. With tba
rough character of Its surface there
a aeed for perfect engineering
work la ballding Its streets, making
its grades, and a bo re all la figuring
oat its street intersections. Hava wa
bad It?
Wkat sboald hsra been tba policy
of Its engineers? Sboald It aot bare
to savo tbo characteristic f
tares of Its landscape? Aad wbaa oae
stops to consider tkat la doing so It
would bars cost mock leas to Improve
its so seta tbsa to cut a dead level is
there not a doable Incentive to work
to a plan or tbat cna racier 7
la tba first place, there should hava
a few streets built for tha par-
pose of utility la tbo matter of serv
ing tha people. These sboald hare
been tha ones that could be cut to
a reasonabla grada with tha least ex
peas. Tbaa tha intermediate streets
should hava been built with a view to
saving tha characteristic features of
tha landscape, with possibility of ser
rice la a small wsy all tha time bar-
lag reference to conserving expense.
la that way tha dty should have
been kept as a characteristic city, tha
cost would hava been much leas, aad
when tha streets wero all completed
there would hava been mora of beauty
and utility with leaa of first cost ex
penes aad leas of up-keep.
What hava w today Look at the
Intersectkms and what do wa find?
Pew bat make on laugh to stop and
ook while tha expense of making tb
street or property ridiculous has ex
ceeded th value of lot and Improve
ment after It la mad.
Aad much of tbla comes from bar
lag "George do It today" and "Tom do
it tomorrow" and no on knows wao
will be called to do It tbo aay after.
There baa been no system that has
been carried to a successful eonclo-
sioa at aay time, and tha work accom
plish m. and tb bill of expense that
has been charged, tells tb story In
very large letters.
A Bass ber of asaa were aaa aroalag
situs- aroaad tb ator la a reentry
stars talking aboat taa rapid growth
f eertaJa wist era tow' Asaoag
them waa aa aM maa of tb aama of
h'ellsoa, who waa rsmmualy called
-tb boomer.' sine b bad mad sev
eral furtaaea beomlsg tewwa. Belag
called spaa ta narrate sosa of aw i
partsataa, be e44 tba following stsry:
One of tka tawaa I boomed I called
after myself -A'eUaoa. It waa aa tb
Ua of a pro)rt d railroad that was
to cross aaotber prortsd railroad
I bought all tb property at tbla creas
ing tbat bad beea staked eat by tb
! chief sagioeers of tka two roads aad
started any towa.
Tka troabi wttb aew tow as Is tkat
tkey are compoasd almoat exclusively
of maa. Par a wall Neilaoa was the
worst piac oa tka far of the earth.
It waa fait af gambflag shanties, aad
I coaMat get tka maw ta work be
es as they preferred ta gamble, I
got thexa together oa several at
aioaa, taHlng- them what a bright oa-
pect wa had before as If tkey would
aery ba raspsctabl. bat that settlers
would! coma ta aa . long aa they
mad tkd piac anlnvltlng. This
would saber them for awhile, bat It
want long- befor they would drop
back to tketr former caodltloa.
hf y right ha ad maa waa a Swede
named Olaf Deadrlrksoa. I was talk
lng wltk aim lugubriously one day
about tka Immorality of tb
b a saM to m:
"Mr. Neilaoa, you caa never make
a community of maa respoctahl with
out a fair proportion of tha opposite
sex. Women sre aasndsl to maa Just
aa men sre to woman, and children are
rial ta both. My advice to yoa Is
acsaxz isto aaca oraan'a aaata.
ta make some move with a view to
Cotrnry-Cterk-Wulvey-fiks granted
the following marriage licenses: An
ns Palran and Carl Pat ran; Mrs. I
A. Wilcocks and O. B. Mastara; Ellen
Lundgren and Eric Hedlund. The lat
ter young lady waa not of age, but
hsd the consent of her mother.
Jsmes Flower, who claims to live on
the West Side, was arrested Monday
night on the charge of stealing orang
es from the receptacle in front of
Dunn's fruit store. He bed the oranges
he was accused of stealing In hia pos
session when arrested.
- Officer 'Cooke arrested him and
started to tbe dty Jail with him. While
on the way Flower kept acting queerly
about bis pocket and Cooke stopped
and made an examination. He found
that Flower had a knif n tbe pocket
that be had it open, and. the supposi
tion Is that he intended to use it if
an opportunity was orfered.
Officer Cooke ssys he Is the man
who made a knife play here some two
weeks ago, and It is the belief that he
Is a bad man or wants people to think
ie Is bad.
Showing The Most!
I hrilhng and Dare
DerU Feat Ever Ac
I The debate at Clalrmont scheduled
for Friday night at that place, was
nostponed account of the Ulness of B.
Kuppenbender, who was one of the
principals to the debate. It will b
siren In two weeks, or Friday even
ing. April 14.
The recording fees in the county
recorder's office for March, 1911. hare
amounted to $775.10, which Is $10.40
more man any previous month, and
making a profit to the county of about
Wild An-
ddtioIs Dn-Africa
Heelth Talk to Women.
Miss MacClanathan, of Portland.
will give an Illustrated health talk
to woman Wednesday afternoon, at 2
o'clock. It will be fre and under the
auspices of the Ladles' Aid society o
tne congregational church,
women are especially urged
ant Not only Is admission
tbe announcement says there will b I
no collection. Evidently the speaker I '
and tbe ladles who are sponsors think I
there tt much good in tha, address. J
rriie GRAND
toAHr5 .fohdayandTuesday
(re will be. v . 4 M . ,
Inducing respectable women to com
In here, marry these men and establlah
Toa're a bachelor, II end rick son." I
replied. "How come It that yoa. hold
ing such opinions oa tba necessities of
matrimony, are not married r
That ks because before I came to
tkia country I loved a girt in Swedes.
whan I parted from ber 1 told ber 1
would send for ber Just so soon as 1
could get together the money for tbe
purpose. Ten years bare passed, and
bare not been successful. .A year
ago I wrote ber that she bad better sot
wait for m any longer, and sine
then I have not beard from her."
I was so impressed with Dendrkk
son's views that. Waring him In cbsrgs
of my plant. 1 went east for some
women. I visited Institutions where
1 might find tboaa who needed to be
provided for. and as some of my men
were foreigners I enlisted tbe Interest
of ths Immigrant commissioners at New
York. 1 could have returned In a few
weeks with all the women I wanted,
bat I mast bare good moral ones and
fairly attractive, so I wouldn't take
any one without satisfying myself in
this respect. Finally I got together
tha number of volunteers I wanted,
apportioned . among Americans and
foreigners as my men were native or
foreign born. I struck one womaa
from Sweden, older tban tbe rest,
whom 1 Intended for Ilendrlckson.
Meanwhile my right band man waa
busy erecting cabins intended for
temporary residences for the women
until they should becom wives. lie
had no difficulty la getting tbe men to
work for sncb a purpose, and tb
cabins, be wrote me, sprang np like
when all was ready I put the wom
aa Into one passenger car, which they
fllled. and took them out to Nellson.
On tha way I talked with them to pre
pare them for tb abock tbey would
receive at meeting their future hus
bands and assured them tbat tbey
would bare no difficulty In bringing
the men to tbe condition of baman
beings Instead of that of wild animals,
to which tbey bad sank.
Tbe Swede whom I hsd Intended for
Ilendrickson told me that, having no f
wber to go oa her arrival fumerVa.
abe bad been attracted by tbe name of
my town. Netlson being a common
name In Sweden, She said that, being
Head the Morning enterprise.
Best ef work and satisfaction guar
anteed. Have your horses shod by an
expert; It pays.
A'rklnds of repair work and smithy
work. Prompt service; greater por
tion of your work esn be don while
you do your trading. Give me a trlsl
Job and sea If I can't please you. .
Car, Main' and Fourth Sta. Oregon City
asaarty. aba wwaid aet likely be chins
for srtf. la as. a. aaa did aot csas
to asarry: eke twoed i make herself
aarfal la asaa pank-alar way. It
wasn't beat, aa said, last all tb wa
rn skwatd aa married. What would
taa world da without tb aid maid
aeaUes, I t)4 ber that I bad a kaa
bead, aa af ber w reentry
parked for ber. eat ska declared
that I meat permit ber t reeaala ale
Of rsarss tk day af ear arrival wss
a gala day at Neikva. I was aMlged
t traaanart amy rarg oe twenty
sallea frees Ik rail ma 4 sad hired all
' af venJrlea for ta parrwe
The rMiatka aset as a asM free
tk tew a aad eroried as, march I na
tb wagwea, I the recently
erected, r bio. Tb aaea behaved
tbsmssrraa aaarb better tbaa could
bar been - i parted. . Indeed. Iketr
cwaditloa af baraartem wss bat a laps
from reaportabllity.
Da yea know that
war assda tb read befor reach
tog tk tawaf Bat I bad reerteaed
tk gtrts ta rs stow aad aet marry
aay aaaa wit boot at least twa dars
courtship, Tkey all sgreed to lbl.
aad l her waa sot a wedding aatll
forty -etght boors s tier ear arrival.
That ttm was ersrcely ap wbenTaar
wer a dosea. Tne truih la I here were
a vHtaina la my town, keraoe as
aaaa aa I had discovered thai a aaaa
waa labs realty had I bad Bred him. I
waa surprised ta see Inst as eon as
tk w oea i a arrived tb mea begaa to
slick ap. Baser made their aporar-
sac. aad the mag. arrsggty kirks were
rat down. The second day after the
wemisa ceasing-1 noticed several mea
ta boDsd shirts.
Oa tba Bight of tk feminine entry
aet gambUng shanty waa doing aay
basin easy aad. although their earnings
parked ap later en. they received their
thhlew. Oa the evening of tbe
s arrival tbe mea were all vis
iting aad me trag and from that time
forward eoetloaed their visits till all
ea bad left tb cabin aad
they war as deserted ss tb gambling
kolsa. -
Tb Swedish womaa, Lena Rrtcksoa.
cither waa aot chosen or hsd oWllned
any offer ska might ksre received. She
wis but twee ty eight aad good look
ing, and 1 doat doubt It waa her own
fault tbat abe did not becom a wife
She basted herself la helping tb
young wives make their homes, many
af whom were very young and hsd;
ortle Idea of flglog up a boos. Laea
would take bold of a bride's residence
and la half a day transform It from
bar walla aad Boors Into a b etna a
habitation. Tha floor would ba at least
la part covered and the windows
would ba draped. Some of these things
Lena did herself, others she showed
tbe young wives bow to do. Then she
would bar tb bos band digging la tb
yard and Sowers would be est out.
W war aH so busy that I took no
thought for my Intention of bringing
my man Hendrtckson and Lena 'Eric-
son together. Indeed, she waa serving
so valuable a purpose as a single wom
aa tbat 1 abandooed my plan. As soon
as the women arrived I sent llendrlck-
away ta stock up in a lot of
articles that tbstr pressors rendered
requisite. It waa my intention to aet
him up aa proprietor of a dry goods
store. Then it struck me thst as each
h would need a woman's assistance
badly, if Indeed she would not be tba
real manager. So aa soon as be re
turned I told him 1 bad a wife for
him. and since be hsd lost tbe girl be
bad loved be would better marry tbe
one I bad selected. He sighed and aald
that If I thought would con
sent, though It was evident be did so
reluctantly. I left him to propose my
plan to Lena. Sb positively declined.
J argued with ber for awhile, bat
Sndlng 1 could not move ber I told
her that wished ber to become one
of tbe managers of the dry goods store.
and to this she gladly consented.
Tbe next moraine I summoned Ilen
drlckson and Lena to meet me at my
boose that we might together lay
plana for the establishment of tbe
store. Hendiickaoa arrived first, and
I waa discussing tba business matter
with him when tb door opened and
Lena Ericsou cam la.
The two stood looking at each other
a If wonder stricken tor a moment.
then ruabed lnta each other's arms.
As soon as they were quieted down
they explained ta ma that Lena was
tbe girl Hendricksoo had left In Swe
den. She had saved some money. Just
enough to take ber to New fork. and.
knowing that ber lover waa some
where in the west, had availed herself
of my transportation to get farther In
ber quest.
That's tbe end ef my atory, gentle
men, except to add that the rascally
civil engineers of the two railroads
hatl stsked them out where tbey were
not Intended to cross for tbe purpose
of secretly baying up the property
where tbey were Intended to cross.
But our town was not left out In
the cold. The. power of tbe softer
sax having been demonstrated. I made
up my mind to And out what tbe wom
en of Nellson could do In earing ua
from tbat fate. I picked out aeversl of
tbe beat of them and sent them, bead
ed by Mrs. nendrickson. to the gen
eral offices of tbe roads to tefl tbe
tory of the salvation of the men of
rfellson. I sent by them a letter cor
roborating aay statement tbey might
make, giving a-picture of what tbe
town waa before tbey came and what
It waa later. Inviting tbe railroad offl
cars to send soma one to make an In
s pec t Ion and report. The women made
a deep Impression.. nd tbe vice presl
dents of both roads came to aee Nell
n The result wss thst thriVid
were crossed Be miles west of where
the engineers had intsnded and In
sured the prosperity of our city."
Veeiswe Wsr the Desert Neatsda Use
the Aaimale Milk.
Nearly fcXOuO raaseia are ased la Ike
vllsyrt of Bagdad ss tweets or Kur
dra, aad with donkeys I bey form the
so It mesas of rsrrylng gwwl la la-
Isad points. Tor a rommoa burden
camel f Is a fair price, though Ibe
trotters, or swift messenger camels.
are worth more. A young camel can
tetimea be had aboat Pagdad fur
aa Utile as S3 er 94.
Res Idea lis aa for riding and carry
ing purposes, the Meanpolsmlsa Arabs
derwed oa lb camel for milk. Shoe
are made from lie lough. Vhttouard
aide, and la limes of famine Its brit
tle, strung tssttag flesh is eaten. Con
deaaed milk., mad by boiling fresh
camel milk aatll evaporation leaves
only a hard, chalky svhata ec. Is
prtard among tb desert nomads. Ky
rubbing this aubataac bet wee a tb
hands It reduce ta .powder, aad when
ixed wltk warm wster It make
refreshing drink, highly esteemed
among the desert folk. "Mereesy." as
It la called, will keep la good conditio
for two years. Wbee mad from but
termilk It tastes sour aad is prised
among Arahe was bar eaten much
af sweet dates, rtesh. warm rsmet
milk Is ale tbe fond of many valua
ble herssa award by desert sheik a
Camel ralvee are weaned la iSelr
eleven lb or twelfth month. When a
camel raraesaPla oa tb march tb
very yean? rameia are oftea tied upon
the backs of the mother animal, since
tbey csa not end ore lb fatigue of a
long march. Valuable dogs and Arab
desert bonnd. railed "slag-eye." also
ride la tb same way. Chicago Ttec-
Like an Eatroet Frees e
Family History.
"Doa t di la Vienna. Too'U b sor
ry If yon do." write aa America a oa
his first visit ta thst city, "not t
case of tb usual objections, but aa
account of the death notice la tb
papers. They appear Banked by all
sorts of ads. and rang la a lie ac
cording to the -4eslrw for aotlc oa
tba part of tb family of the lata la-
ted. Every possible title Is mea-
Mooed, and tb nam af every mem
ber of the family goes to make up the
notice, A death announcement black
bordered and covering half a paga-ofH
tha paper Is nothing unuauaL tier la
a sample:
"'Bran Weiss, purveyor of lubri
cating oil to his Imperial and royal maj
esty, and his wife, A ma lie born U or
al txky in their own aad la tha names
ef their children liana. Otto, Minna.
Laura aad Hilda and their aona-la-law.
Military Surgeon Or. Lois Kro-
blnsky and Architect Oskar Jelllnek:
their daughters-in-law, !oulse. bora
Lederman. and Marie, bora Ana packer.
aa also la lb nemee af their grand-
Children' here follows a long string of
and their mother and motber-
tn law. rrsa Ernstln Winkler, relict
ef Commercial Cooadlor Anton Wink
ler, announce to their friends tba en
trance into eternal rest, after a long
and sever Illness, ef their dearly be
loved eon. Arthur, la the tweotyalxth
year of bis age.'
"Tbla la correct except aa to the
names," New Tork Tribune.
Put Yourself In the
Ad-Readers Place...
When you write vour issini
ad or any kind of an ad try to
Include In It Juat the informatlatf
you'd like to find if you were an
ad-resder and war looking f0i an
sd of that klfla I
If you do thls-to sven a small
extent your ad will hrin d.- 1
He Waa Just Thinking.
"Mary." aald a maa lo bla spouse.
woo was gifted wltk a rapidly moving
tongue, "did yoa erer bear the atory
af tbe precious gemaT
"No." she replied. -What la ItT
-It's a fairy legend tbat my grand
mother told me when I waa a boy."
tba husband continued. -It waa about
a woman from wbos Up fell a dia
mond or a ruby at every word she
"WeUr aakl hia wife aa be pause.
-That's all there la of It. my dear.'
be replied. "But I was Just thinking
If such things happened nowadays 1
could msko my fortune as a Jeweler."
Leva ef Tree.
W find our most soothing compan
ionship In trees among which we bare
uvea, some of which w ourselves may
have planted. We lean against them.
ana tbey never betray our trust, they
ahleld na from tbe aun and from tbe
rain, their aprlng welcome is a new
birth which never loses Its freshness,
they ley their beautiful robes at our
feet in autumn; in wlntsr they stand
and wait, emblems of patience and of
truth, for they hide nothing, not even
the little leaf buda which hint to na
of hope, the laat element lu their triple
symDoium.-ir. O. W. Holmes.
Abevs the Vulgar Gas.
Until 1870 It waa axalnat the law
and sacred custom for any subject to
look st tbe emperor of Japan, nis
political advisers snd attendsnts saw
only bis back. When be first left tbe
palace tbe shatter of all the bouses
bad to be drawn, and no one waa per
mitted in the streets. Even today,
when tba emperor baa tbe privilege of
flrlvlng through the atrseta like one
or bis subjects. It is not considered
quit proper to cast a glance at him.
-Experience Is tbe best teacher."
quoted the wise guy.
"Tea. but ber charge are mte-ht
nigh,- added tba simple mng.-PhUa-
oeipnia Jtecora,
I beard be was In bed odor with
uer family, is that truer
"Draw your own conclusions. It waa
a centless marriage. "Baltimore Amer-
M a g.s Owl S ' aV4 I .
Health Ilea to labor, ant there la no
earthly royal road to It bur through
wii wenaeu rnuiips.
la the Chargs Made Against Hubby
t mj mm wire. ,r
' Bertha K. Hohman ii a .i
for divorce against
Louie Hohman, to whom sh wss
united In man-lag at Portland on Deo
ember 30, 1890. ,The husband is ac
cused br hia Wife Af nuWIn
deserting; her In March, ions
Mrs. Hohman, who Is represented by
t. A. Strowbrldge, of Portland, aaka
or the cuatody of her child, Lloyd
Hohnwtn, who la attendlne tha Vnimt
Angel College,
Read the Morning Enterprise.
To Hev;
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