Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    (gp ppiNTCD OUT
( , - nelro Smith, of Canemah, who
Vlrt . Improving. .
r w A. ifeylman, ' t
orn ;,;,.oii Cltr oo legal bull-
f '...tarday.
Jrt'"1 ' ... a of Canbv.
Lrc In or'" ' "
""""a-mism Grsce, of Portland. U
"'j i" vUm with bis .l.t.Mn
ur. 0. W. Urscs.
.--I Mm. W. D. McDowell, of
fJZ of Mr.. M. Johns. .
rhsrles Hoy'n. f Portland,
c,,y w,,h roU-
T .nd Mrs. Charlea Dernier have
."US I fn.' Portland, where th.y
been visiting with friends. .
u. ros"- K"1. i Centralis. M
os Hly Bundsy having visit,
'glli mother, Mr.. Julio Frost.
r .... .1 lndnmn. who has been
"SSJid nei.y Lar.
Mi returned o her bom la Port-
iJ r.....nre Gamble and Verne
-iiV of iwtland, . were Sunday
SS.f Mr. and Mr.. A. II. llarvey,
lira. M. I' rlM. of ,hU wh0
lUNl SI "
,.rii D. Mnwrelte. went to Port
al veaierdny. where she win visit
Aiailvr. for a few daya. v
ur and Mr. H. F. ..atoursue, 01
,ruDu. BH
hf WHO C"-
ur and Mr. Waller roung. 01 ran.
. ' u.riv cuMte at the home
Cor. and Mr.. C. A. Stuart, on Wain-
Inxtoa street.
Messrs KrrU Bsker and Jack Payne,
of this cltx. went to Tortland Sunday
Lrnlac where they attended services
Etas Csibedrsl and vl.lted with
the remslnder of the day.
Mr and Mr.. E. J. Bchlenel and Mr.
. w 7iiar. of Portland, mo
""j . ihi. ritv from Portland Ban
j,. nd wri the iTieeta of Mr. and
Hi CI ''a'er, yi m"
Vwhlaictnn .treela.
lire J. R Hraendle, who ha. ben
tUHIdc with friends la Portland, ha.
horned tn her. home In tfcu) eity.
u. n.miL. tnt Saturday and Bun-
tkf In thm Hiy, rHumln home Bun
iMj tvfnlnK. arcompenled by hla wife,
ui.. ii.rriit rulcor. Mia. Kathryn
Slaaott. Mix. Charlotte Baker, Mla
lalla lUkt-r ana Mi., norm iiaupiuu
. i.rtlani1 Monday evenlnK.
wbere thr witre to be Initiated Into
th Ladle' Auxiliary of tne Ancient
Ordw of lllbornlana.
lira. Ir. (1. B. Biuart, of Newberg.
nmnn. wh. a ut the peat week at
tb. homo of Dr. and Mr. C. A. Btu.rt,
i iki. iiv. Hh la ateomother of Ue
pnag ixwiDr and paaa a very en-
frytblt wr'k at ni. nome, rtiurmni
lo her home In Newberg Monday.
rail Mrlv and ret eiclu.lve atyle
la Hat. at Ml.. C. Oold.mlth'a.
0ro Dllley, a wed known bnrt
1 tmpuot McMlnnllle, wan trana-
tetiag Biialneaa la Oregon City oo
I MoUj,
fltt line of millinery to be found
at HI. C. Goldamdh's.
William Beck, one of the prominent
tkolenale merchants of Portland, waa
thl. rlty Monday and purchad eo
Mtki of potatoea from the Oregon
City Commlaalon Company.
Toe tak no chances when you
tar flur at lUrrt. oroeery. We
arry only tbe "money back" kind of
Dr. ('. A. Stuart Is having hla motor
boat Thcroaa overhauled and pot Into
rtpalr for the aummer seaaon.. This Is
on. of tn most complete launches on
th. rlvr. .. , - . 9y '
Dried fnilt. are getting scarce, but
are .till selling thee fine dried
apple, .nd peachee at lOo per lb at
Harrl. flrocery.
Th. noml-oentennlal of the Oregon
Stat. Fair will be held at Salem Sep
tember 11 to 10, Inclusive. An effort
111 b put forth to make tbe celebra
tion a Kreat aucce.a this yar, j,
There waa a large attendance of
Ladl. of Hocurlty at the evening ser
vice at St. Paul's .Episcopal church
Sunday. The ladlea marched to the
church In a body and they were given
th. "pom of honor" for the evening
la the body allpa well forward.
There was a full house at tbe M, E.
church Runday evening to see the col
.ored pictures shown In connection
with the ruble story of the Old Testa
ment. The pictures were artl.Uo In
tarpretatlon. In accordance with the
Belief of the on. who painted them.
tchaduled to Speak ' In the High
school Forum
President W. I Ferrin, of tbe Con
relational college at Forest Drove,
better known a. Paclflo Unlveralty, la
rhedulcd to .peak In the High achool
rorum on He la said to
m a forceful man and It Is anticipated
nat his address will have much In It
. to nui.rost and In .true the young
en and women of the High school.
Parent, and school patrons ar InVK
ts. '
rsotSchulie ' Patent TLeathar
on. Strap pump . : . 4 i Foot-Schulsa Patent Leather,
Whlls Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Walker,
of Canby, were returning to their
home Sunday afternoon by automo
bile, and wre paa.lng under the ntll
r)al troaslng on Fourth street, their
csr ws. run Into by. a large touring
car Ailed with paaauuger., and tbe
niachin waa badly dammed, and will
ooat In the neighborhood of lioo for
repairs. , ., "
Tbe csr, which wa. driven by. a
Portland party, was going -at a ter
rific rate of .psed, and no signal wa.
given by tbe chauffuer as he neared
the sharp turn In the road. Mr. Walk
er bad given the algnal and was not
awars-that a car waa bearing upon
him. Tbe Walker car, a Bulck, was
struck with great force and the ateer
Ing apparatus broken, front axle bent,
radiator demolished, the frame of the
car bent, tor. Ion rod. broken and
lamps broken. Tbe men In chsrae of
tbe Portland car, after doing all of
this damage, pained along and did not
leave hi. nauio, but hi. number wa.
taken by two men nearby, who were
wit to the accident. They atats
that Mr. Walker bad adunded the horn
on hi. machine), Mr. Walker was bad
ly shaken up and bis wife's face cut
by the collision. - -
PORTLAND. Or.. April J. (Special)
If the plans for Roosevelt,
lo this city Wednesday are carried out
to the letter be will be a bu.y man
white In the city and a tired man when
be leaves It. A bu.y ten hour. ha.
ben planned, and thouaanda will be
given an opportunity to see blm. And
other thousands will be given an ap
porttmlty to bear him. Following Is
the program:
1:30 P. M. Arrive st Union Station,
where he will be met by general re
ception committee.
Spanish-American war veteran, will
escort - blm to Multnomah Club
grounds." '
. p. M. Laying of cornerstone of
new Multnomah Club bouse.
School children to be greeted on
Orsnd avenue. - .
Rest at Hotel Portland. .
8:80 P. M. Reception and banquet
at Commercial Club. , : .
a p. M. Address st Armory.
10 P. M. Call at Presa Club.
11:15 P. M.-Leave, for Taooma,
It may be some time before Roose
velt vlalte tbe Oe-at again and thoae
who wish to a him should plan to
do eo at this time. He Is one of the
bla- men In the Nation and as such he
Is a man whom the young people will
delight to ae and greet It waa an
Impoaalble feat to secure the stopping
of his train In Oregon City so that
thoas who wlah to aee Mr. Roosevelt
will need to go to Portland.
," . Looking Up Stray Horses. ,
. P. D. Newell, one of tbe prominent
residents of Jennings Lodge, wss In
Oregon City Monday on bu.lneas. Mr.
Newell bad several horaef atray from
hla place on Sunday evening and was
la search of them here, aa tbe laat
seen of thorn they were coming In the
direction of Oregon City. .
HOLMES Poet snd novollst
Born Cam
bridge, . Mass.,
Aug. 29. 1800;
died Boston .
Oct - 7.- 18M.
from " Harvard
and took a
medical course
In Parts. Pro
fessor of anat
omy and phys
iology st Use
,vard from 1H47
to 188U. Author of "Tbe Autocrat
of the Breskfsst Tsble." "Pro
fessor st the Breakfast Table,"
"Poet at the Breakfast Table,"
"Elsie Venner," "Uoardlan- An
rel." other novel, and sessrs.
X several books of, verse snd live.
f Motley and Emerson. Mucn
nf hi. verse Is humorous, but
,-The Chambered Nautilus" and
a Isw.otners are among am mv
blest serious poems written tit
America. ' ' . ' " ' i :
A IP stir
. t o r ;
We have them
JJ Price $3.50
'l '2 I PtlCe $3.50
O U10
617 Mala St.
Wi: m Holmes
Lewer the H..d te L.t'th. Bieed Sa.k
te'the Drsin.
' Fslnilug I. s Iom of cenw loimne..
due to tbe diminution of Mood supply
to tbe brain. It occur, moat frttueol
ly In weak. Mu.ltve woiueu, bul way
occur aim; to men a. wHl. It usuully
occurs lo crowd, or In crowded balls,
flutters sud c burthen, where the st.
ntosphere I. chws snd tbe sir foul. :
' Falutliig usually la.i. only a few
minutes, and tbe pentou recover. Int
mtHllutely when takeu out Into I be
fresh nlr. but there are In whic h
It lasts much longer. sotntluia fur ao
hour or more. Tbe drat aid treatment
of falutliig Is usually very simple.
Take tbe person out Into I be fresh
air and lay blm flnt on tbe back, with
the bead lower than tbe fpt.
This rsn be done by grasping tbe
feet.snd holding- the body so that the
bead bnnif. down, or take sn ordinary
straight back rlmlr. turn It over so
that I be back foam, an angle with tbo
floor and place the person on tbe back
of the chair with the bead banging
down. This position with tbe bead
hanging down favor, tbe flow of the
blood back to the brain.
All tight clothing about the neck and
waist should be loosened. Smelling
sslts or sromnttc spirits of amnion Id
spplled to tbs nostrils snd cold wsirr
sprinkled on tbe fare, chest and hands
brlp to restore consciousness. Nation
al Magaslne. ....
Many Chang. In Jt. Dign Since It
Wa. First
The silver dollar bos undergone a
great many changes since It was put
In circulation In I'M. On tbe fees of
tbe first dollar there was etamped the
bead of a young woman turned to tbe
right and with batr flowing, as If she
wss In a gale of wtnd. But In 1700
congre. came to ber relief snd ordered
ber bstr to be tied op with a bit of
ribbon. Tbe fifteen stars which ap
peared on the flnt dollar were after
this reduced to tbe original thirteen In
recognition of the number of states.
In 1836 the deelgv was again chang
ed, and the doltar bore tbe figure of a
woman d re seed lo a flowing garment
Tbe designer forgot however, to put
lo tbe thirteen stars, and tbe coin was
soon called In, the new design bsvlng
tbe womsn surrounded- by stars. Her
air was defiant snd stiff looking, snd
In 1S3S dollars were fawned which were
mors artistic In treatment Tbe first
dollars bearing tbe motto, "In God We
Trust," were coined tn April, 1804, snd
tn 1873 tbe era of the trade dollar be
gan. lasting Just five years.
Tbe Liberty dollar made Its appear
ante In 1878. Miss Anns W. Williams,
a public school teacher of Philadel
phia, set for the portrait St Louis
O lobe-Democrat ,
Sure ef a Raise. -
An enterprising womsn wbo rents
several apartments lo a nsw building
nd sublets them furnished, room by
room, has profited at the rat of aev
eral hundred dollars a year by wom
an's propensity for telling every thing
she knows. To each applicant for a
room she named an esorbttant price
to atart with.
"Now, understand, this Is a conces
sion to you a Ions and must be regard
ed aa strictly confidential. If yoa tell
a soul In tbe bouse tbst I bars made
a reduction tn your favor I shall bars
to charge tbe original price."
Within two weeks renta bad gone
OP- : I
"Mrs. Smith tella me," said the
astute landlady to aacb goadplng ten
ant "that yoa told her yon pay only
4 for your room Instead of $7." And
aa no one waa to a position to plead
not guilty tbe additional rental was
sxacted. N.w York Times.
The Retert Ceurteeue. -James
Rnaaell Lowell was one a
guest at a banquet tn London where
be waa expected to reply to a tpast
Tbs speaker wbo preceded Mr. Lowell
said many contemptuous things about
tbe people of the United States, avow
ing and repeating again and again that
they were all braggarts. Aa Ameri
can minister at tbe court of St
James Lowell could hardly overlook
tbtr speech, ao aa he rose be said
smilingly: "I heartily agree with tbe
gentleman who - baa - just spoken.
Americana do brag a great deal, and
I don't know where they got tbe bab
ttdo yont' - ;,;
Big Meuthfuls. . .
"Yes," whispered tbe men wbo knows
everybody; "the big cbsp over there at
tbe third table Is a great gormand.
He's a mountain" In tbo financial world,
yon know." ' i
"H'mr commented the quiet observ
er, "instead of a mountain be looks
to ma like a great gorge," Chicago
Nowa. - -.....
; Belling Alive. ' t , , .
The last Instance of boiling to death
took place In Persia In 1800. Tbe of
fender was guilty of stealing state
revenue, and waa put Into a largo cal
dron of cold water, which waa slowly
bested to tbe boiling point , His bones
were distributed aa a warning among
tbe provincial tax collectors.
Cloth Top, thrss button Oxford
. :
s- - V
Prinots. ' Give Portrait te ''
MuMum ef Natural Hist.ry,'
If i , - ' V
ramoses Lworr-rABLAonT. '.
Tbe Prince.. Lwoff I'.rlagby. who
Is herself s portrait painter of merit
has presented a fine portrait of Joseph
H. Cboate to the .American' Museum
of Natural History,' In New York, Mr.
Cboate having been one of the found
ers of thst Institution.
In acknowledgment of tbe gift tbe
museum trustees bsve elected Princess
Lwoff -Pariagby- a donor of tbs mu
seum, ur. Cboate s portrait bns been
bung for temporary exhibition In tbs
nsw members' room, in which art
bung for the present all tbe portraits
of distinguished men possessed by the
Tbe Princes. Lwoff 1'arUighy la s
picturesque figure In New York, where
she lives In extravagant style at tbe
Hotel Placa. ber rooms costing, her
129.000 a year. She men tit traveled
from Boston to New York and. as Is
ber custom, bsd a private car. Tbs
csr wss placed lo tbe middle of he
train, and many passenger who sought
the dining car bad to pas. through tbe
vehicle for which tbe pr luces, wa.
paying a high price.
She tbua failed to get the privacy
that she Bought, and ahe bus been tell
lng tbe railroad managers what she
thinks of them. And her thoughts sre
not particularly complimentary.
".' - - -
Cest ef Qum snd Missisn. .
VI Is. Florence Idler, national field
secretary of tbe rutsburg women a
board of foreign missions, speaking at
the missionary Jubilee meeting In Me
morial ball, arraigned what she called
tbe aelflshneas of American people tn
Vlgoroaa fashion. . :, . . .
She said Ibe nation .pends yearly
116.000.000 for chewing gum. 1100.000,
000 for Ice cream soda. 1 120.000.000. for
millinery and 1178.000.000 for candy
and that lb comparatively Insignia
cant amount of 14.000.000 la contrib
uted for missionary work. .
' Costume Little Girl.
nerei fai s stunning street coetnme for
a little girl. The cost Is mads of white
.broadcloth, and the collar, cuffs and
belt are of bck velvet' The only
trimming combats of black silk frogs
used as a means at buttoning the gar
ment. The hat la cream colored straw,
trimmed wlth Presden ribbon. The en
tire outfit I. most attractive when
worn with white ehoes and stockings.
Body ef Man prownsd In Ctscksmss
.';" j," Not Rsoovsrsd. -" V
t KSTACADA, Of, April 8. The body
of Wilbur Chllders, who wss drowned
In tbe Clackamas , River, four miles
east of here, at what Is known aa the
upper power site of the Portland Rail
way, Light A Power Company, has
not been recovered, though a large
force of men haa been dragging the
river for the body. . ' '
tmildere was drowned Thursday
enlng when attempting to cross the
Clackamaa River on a cable with two
companions. The cable broke, throw
ing all three men Into the river. Child-
"y I V.
rs' ompanloos, Ray Morris aud Jack
Baker, .warn ashore, but Chllders was
swept down stream and sank before
help could be given. ' i '
; , I
C. C- Clausen snd Julia Clausen to
C. J. and Then Wollerta, part of sec
tion 20, township S south, rsng 1
east; I960.
Cbarle. L and Martha I. Bate, to
Carl O. Bannes, lots 11, 12, block It,
Csnby; flSO. ,.. '
William and. Laura Spragus" to
George and Grace Closner, 40 acres of
section 12, township 2 south, range 2
cast; $t.
Copyrisbt br Alw'H Prsss Asm- '
station. IA). - .
My family, the MohViis, during- Hie
Uevolulbmnrjr war were divided on lbs
Issue, some of them ueltigTorle, some
anion! patriots. Tbe first MofMt wbo
came to this country wus British to
tbs core. He arrived 'when be wss
thirty year, old and ws. sixty wbcu
Independence wa. 'declared. ' One
would think be bad bad ample" ilnie lo
become Americanized, but nothing can
drpstriatean Englishman --
Not long sgo. becoming interested In
tbs family genealogy, I got into corre
spondence with a cousin of mine who
Uvea In the Identical bouse built aud
occupied by Cutbbert MofTetl. tbe eld
curmudgeon Tory. I wss Invited to
Visit my cousin snd Inspect tbe home
stead snd certain belrlooma it con
tained.- I accepted the Invitation and
found blm quite ready to give me all
the information be possessed about
the family history. He said that onr
progenitor bad been so wrought unoo
by King George's failure to establish
bla authority that It killed blm. -
"There." said my cousin when be
showed me to my room, pointing to a
painting banging on tbe wall. "Is ,s
portrait of tbe second Moffett. James.
our grandfather. It was painted when
he waa sixty-eight years old. or .boot
tbe sge st which bis fstber. Cutbbert
Moffett died." '
Tbe face wss a model of kindliness.
tbe reverse of what bis father's must
bsve been.
After dining snd passing an agree
able evening with my cousin and bis
fsmily I went, upstairs to, bed. Hs
bad been telling me legends of tbe
family, snd my mind wss quite full of
them. However, I bad been traveling
sll day snd wss tired. Getting out of
my clothes sd soon ss possible. I turn
ed off tbe light and Jumped into bed.
There are certain nights worn there
Is a deadness.ln the sir tbst prevents
persons from sleeping.. I bad struck
one of these nights. An hour sfter go
ing to bed I swokc. snd sfter being
swske soother hour concluded to ugbt
the gas It bsd been put In with much
difficulty some years before snd read
a novel I bad brought with me. I read
for some time nod. Iierntlng a bit
sleepy or tired of my book, i laid It
down on tbe Ixtl bexlde oie. Then
found myself looking straight at the
picture of James Mount. The gas Jet
shone full upon It.
Impressed pn I hud been with tbe
atoriee my couslu had tn'd me about
tbe disagreeable makeup of Cutbbert
and tbe geulul deposition of James
Moffett. tbe moment my erojj fell on
tbe portrait It struck me I tint toe na
tures of these two nittu vere strag
gling" with each other In It. If ever
there was a nilnirllnjr of a diabolical
with a noble expression It waa there.
There seemed to be two pictures In
one two men of tbe same sge. ths
one a devil, tbe other a saint. Their
features were so much alike that they
could scarcely be told apart:
I moved aside, when, behold. I saw
only tbe benevolent features of James
Moffett I moved sS fsr to the oppo
site side, snd there on the same can
vas wss the devilish face of Cutbbert
I resumed my original position snd
there saw again the at range mingling
of the two.
Now, I am not a superstitious man,
but one must admit that after listen
lng to the stories I had beard f these
two-jnen, my own progenitors, look
lng upon such a eight was Dot con
ducive to quiet nerves. I don't ' say
that I was Impressed with tbe proba
blllty of there being anything auper
natural about the portrait but 1 didn't
know. .A man Is much more liable to
give way to superstition at 2 o'clock In
tbe morning, alone, than In tbe light of
day with other persona about him. I
wondered If tbe father and son had
not quarreled In life and tbe eon bad
unwillingly been Implicated in the
fatber'a death. And waa not this
quarrel supernsturslly perpetuated In
tbe picture?
Nonsense! I would turn out the light
snd go to sleep. ' .
I did the first at once; the second I
could not do till daylight came and tbe
picture lost Its duplex condition.
At breakfast I did not propose to
give sway my midnight trepidation to
my cousin. '
"Sleep weiir he asked. " s
I didn't like to lie about It ao I ad
mitted that 1 was wakeful. '
"See anything unusual In the roomy"
"I know what you're driving at
There'a something strange sbout that
portrait of our grandfather."
no smiled. "1 wondered If yoa
would be looking at It "when yonr gas
light struck It.' I hope It didn't disturb
you." ' ''''. ' ..
"I'll forgive you If you'll explain ths
matter." ' ' " .
"Done." Not long before James Mof
fett's death that waa during tbe early
part of this century a t wsnderlng
painter came to the bouse and asked
to be permitted to paint hla portrait
There waa no canvaa available, but In
tbe garret waa an old picture of Cutb
bert Moffett ao disagreeable looking
that tbe family would not have It on
the wall. A daughter of James, who
detected the old portrait gave It to the
painter, asking him to ' use It if be
could and In any event 'paint out tbe
horrid old roan.' Tbe artist used tbe
canvas for tbe naw picture-." Whether
It Is In some transparent paint be put
oo or whatever It Is. In certain lights
ons sees Cuthbert. In other lights
James, snd In certain other lights sees
a mingling of both." ' ' ,
Tbe publication of the story of the
reported "hold-upy.on" "Seventh street
Friday ' nlcbt sad the erratlo utter
ances set forth by tbe man held np in f
sn effort to explalq mstters, has led
a woman who Uvea on the street, and
ho- noted queer actions In th pre
mises, to tell Chief Shsw what she
knows in the matter. She says:
Two men were seen sitting oo the
curb on tbe street about 8 o'clock, and
they were talking excitedly. One was
saying, "No, I won't do so:" "No, you
sre Just ss drunk ss I am." Then
there was a scuffle end one started up
the street snd when the second began
to follow tbe first turned sbout and
told the second If he did follow he
woulJ kill him. Later No. 2 did follow
and call for the police, and to catch
him, but he first one wss on and out
through Sixth street by that time.
When you take tbs "brave ' part out
of the original stories they look very
much like these the womsn wtmess
ells. Heathman evidently went down
Seventh street with his companion ss
be says, snd bis companion did prob
ably bulldoze him Into giving- him
some money, but at that It was bsrdly
worthy tbe name of a hold-up, and
each seema to have been to blame
about as much as tbe other.-- .
The police are on the look-out for
No. 2. and If caught the matter will be
aifted. - ,
While passing a!ong the road near
Sucker Lake on the Tualatin road one
of the residents of thst section had
narrow escape from death Sunday
afternoon st the hands of a young
mkn, wbo was In company , with two
ladles. The party of three was en
joying a day In target shooting. As
the gentleman in question came
abreast them th target they bad ar
ranged waa missed by the bullet when
the youna; man shot, snd struck the
passerby In the . bat
The latter ran alter the man wno
had shot him In the bat, but the for
mer took to hla heels, snd left the
young lsdtes to explain the situation.
Some of the residents In different sec
tions of the county have recently com
plained of the careless -manner in
which hunters have used guns. , '
Willamette Club Dance Thursday. .
Tbe regular dancing party to be giv
en by the Willamette Club will be giv
en on Thursday evening, April 6, In
stead of Wednesday evening ss wss
announced a few daya ago. Pasons'
orchestra of Portland will furnish the
musio for this occasion. The party
will be aiven at the Busch ball, and
promises to be- sn enjoyable affair.
" There will be a stockholder's mint
ing of the Home Oil and Gaa Com
pany, to be held at the Commercial
Club rooms at 1 p. m. Wednesday,
April 5. This meeting will be held for
the election of a board of directors for
the ensuing yearv
Rev. C. A. and Mre. Lewis received
a letter from their daughter, Mrs. Em
mil. of St Louis. Mo., ststlng she and
her husband. Dr. Emmil would leave
the 4th of April for Germany, return-
Ina In September by the way of Paris,
London snd Liverpool Dr. Emm 11
will attend the Unlveralty at 8tras-
burs- durins: the summer months.
John Broteje snd wife will leave
Mar 1 for Germany, and spend the
summer visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Georgia, daughter of C. A. Lew
is, has been suffering with quinsy
the oast week. She Is Improving.
Frank Mason, of Portland, called on
his sister. Mrs. J. H. Graham Sunday.
Howard Skoog and D. O. Worthing
ton spent Sunday st home with their
The Misses - Shorts, of Portlsnd,
spent Sunday afternoon with Lwry
Graham, returning home In the even
ing, Lexy accompanying them.
T. R. Worthlngton received the
newa of tbe death of his brother-in
law, John O'Brien, of Oswego. The
funeral services were held Monday
afternoon from the family borne in
The funeral services of Mrs. Emma
M. LeQrand were held Sunday at the
residence at 1 p. m. A special car
carried the friends to the cremstor
lum. '
Mrs. Dr. Townley wss an Oregon
City visitor Saturday.
A. L. Bolsted was In Portland Sun
dsy evening. ' '
Notice to Creditors.
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon.
In the matter of The Oregon City
. Commission Co.. Involuntary. Bank
rupt; No. 1711, in Bankruptcy.' i
' Notice Is hereby given that on the
16th day of March, A. D., 1911, Tbe
Oregon City Commission Co., of
Oregon City, Oregon, the bankrupt
Wanted At Once!
' Oak Grove
. . . . -
'J ron the',' . ...
Liberal terms to hustlsrs.
MHI.r Circulation . Department,
t.rprlae, Oregon City Oregon.
above named, waa duly adidlctal
bankrupt; and that the first meeting
of its creditors will ho helj at the
offices of the , onderslgtad," Roe ma,
401 2-J rentoo Building, Portland, '
i Oregon, os the 12th day of April.
j mi, st io A. M, at which time aald
.'creditor may Attend, t prove their
'claims, appoint a trustee, examine
tbe bankrupt and transact such otb
. er. business as may properly come
before said meeting. '
- Claims most be presented In form
required by tbe Bankruptcy Act snd
sworn to. ...-'
Dated April 1st. 1211.
i Referee In Bankruptcy.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices undor tits oUuwtflsd hradtnsa
will tm Insawrd at ons et-nt a word, first -lnrtln.
half a rent additional inser
tions. One Inch card, tl Pr month; half
lanh card, (4 lines ft Pr month.
Csxh must aooompssy or At unleaa on
hs an open account with th paper. No
financial responsibility for .rror; whar
mors occur fr eorrectrd BOtlo will b
print 'or patros. , Minimum chars lie.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. First class wsgea. Mrs. Don
' Meldrum, 1114 Washington Street .
WANTED Small advertisements for
this col'imn. Prices very reason
able.' See ratea at head of column.
cents an hour. Call Paclflo States
PIANO FOR. SALE I have an I vers
and Pond piano to sell at 190.00 be
low cost at -fin.oo a month pay
ments. ' Used sis months. A. E.
Rugg, 10th.- snd Jefferson. Phone
Main 2143. - - '
Vt acres on Division St, ' I - room
house, bath room and - basement
barn, chicken house, orchard and
small fruit city water. Price $1,300.
Terms. Clyde A McRae. 1003 Main
. atreet
FOUND Stray cow, ' brown Jersey,
left horn broken, owner may have'
same by calling at below address
and paying expense.. 8. L. Shepard,
. Park place, Oregon. ,
8TRATED 1 Sorrel pony, 8S0 lbs.,
brand oo right flank "O." white
stripe la face, barefooted; one old
brown horse. 1000 lbs., white bind
foot sandy mane and tall. Reward.
P. D. Newell.. Jennings Lodge. Ore
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on sll classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main lit
O, D. EBT, Attorney at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
title examined, estates settled, gen
eral law business.' Over Bank of
h- Oregon City.
U'REN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorneya-et-Law,
Deutacher Advokat will prac
tice In all courts, make collections
and settlements.. Office la Enter
prise Bldg., Orexoa City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Critics mm. -OKPETTO
Room ?, Barclay Bldg.. Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER. For, Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
your properties we boy, sell and
exchange. ' Office ; in Enterprise
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. , , . .
Dealera, have choice bargains lo
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. See us for good buys.
Near 8. P. depot
When I moved Into my new store
I put In s nics line ef NEW FURNI
TURE. which I sm selllno at the Pri
ce, usually quoted for second hand or
shop-worn gosds. Com. in and look
around. --..-
. Fine line of curios and rsllce. 4
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise into a large major
ity -of , -the homes 4n Oregon
City and Clackamaa county tbe
management baa decided to
make a special price tor th
dally Issue, foY -a r abort time
only, where the subscriber, poja
a year In advance, ' .
By carrier; paid a, year' n
advance. It. 00. , (, .-.
By mall, paid a year In ad
vance, 12.00... .4- , r-i . , . '
People who gave our canvas
ser a trial aubacrlptlon for one
or more months, at tea cento a
week, can -have tk dally deliv
ered fc a year, for $3 00 $T
paying; a year In advance.
People wbo gave our canvas
sort a .trial subscription, by
mall, for four months st a dol
lar, may have tbe paper for a
year for 2.00, If paid a year In
advance. , . ' - " A
, Subscribers to me weewr ,
e Enterprise may 'change their
subscriptions to th dally, re-
celvlng credit for half time on -.
the dally that the weekly la
' paid tn advance, Wbsn they
s ' choose to add cash tc th ad
vance payment equal to a ran
year's advance payment they
may take advantage of the 2
rate. .. .
, We make this special price
so that people who bare paid
tn advance oo some other dally
and .wish to take tbe Morning
s . Enterprise, may do ao without
, too great expense..
w .