t - MOW ! luweerlptlone for the Morning !.irDfiM will bo received for I 17 oat benefit of Prtc' Tho Mly telly nonipMor i J twee Portland anal Balctnf oh oat O . latee In every Motion of Cloota mil County, with pepulatleej of e ' KAA Aro you an atfvottetrf VOL. 1-No. 74 OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1911. Peb Week," 10 Cents HQ MANN THE CHOICE OF WILL LEAD THI REPUBLICAN HOST AS IT AMAULTt BNI. - MVS BREASTWORKS. I Ml LINE FOX KEXT SPEAKER add to Bo Strong Man, Ready Do bttr, Vigilant t AM Tlmee, . a Natural Laadar of Man. WASHINGTON, April . (Special) Mnn, of Illlnola, la tbo choice of lb Republicans In Congreaa for Speaker of the llouao. and aa a candl data f"r Speaker of tbo minority In Cong" ho by right booomaa tho Iradrr o( tbo minority. Mann, aa laadar of tho minority, la graulva tactician, a ready, apeaker In debute and a parllamontarlan of no mean reputation. Ho la aald to have Cannon'a aupport In hla candidacy, and Iba regular wing t tho party rolloa In great measure on him to bold up tho minority and" of any and all contro rsray. A number of Ineurgenla, Including Ihoaa from Washington "and Idaho, with Lafforty, of Oregon, did not at trnd Iba causae fef tho ragulara, and In conaequence aro not. duty bound to bow tba head to what tho caucua does and prescribes. Mann, aa leader of tbo mlnorlyt, la la lna for tho apoakerahlp onco tho HrpabUcana coma back--lnto-power aiiln. which they aro planning to do at tho next election. To continue In tbt front rank ho muat make good In bit preaent leadership, banco It la to be eipeeted that ho will atay on tho Bring Una from early dawn to late at Bllhl. Tba paraonnal of tho now Congreaa will be materially different from tho out juM paaaed. Thla la true of tho Senate but not In ao marked a con trait aa In tho Houae. It baa boon a long time alnee tho Democrats la Con ireaa presented ao formidable a front at at thla time; not only In membora la the aaln great but la the power which the men wield aa men haa tho Democratic aide of both houaea been materially atrengthened. ' BITTING EVEN MONEY. TM f.lement of Weather "Stoma the Meat In Doubt In election. OOTAOO. III.. April $. (Special) fcaaht closes the hotteat campaign laii city ever aaw. and tomorrow will likely aee the hotteat aklrmlah ever fouiht out In thla city. Netting la m money on the Republican . and Democratic candidate. Much money in been apent and every conceivable Influence haa been brought to bear the4 city over. Tho one element that aeemi to offer chance one way or ine other la the weather. STRIKE RICH VEIN AT OGLE H0I1AII1 REPORT MAS IT THAT MAIN VEIN OF COLD ORE HAS BEEN UNCOVERED, f Tt.r mmm . mt anln tha Mlinda all day Monday that the Falrclough Rrnlhxra kKa im lar. hnMara In the Onle Mountain mlnea where they are now and have been for aome lime nlnR for gold- bad struck It rich on Saturday. Aa the atory goea, the mine waa opened up to the main vein of ore, for which the acarch baa been made for oma montha, and It proved very rich. Parties Just from the mine admitted thit a l.h .trll,. kail hun marie hilt for aome reaaon Vera not very anxloua thlt Ik. . ... 1. 1 1 1. K . r.B'. , 'I u MII11V m HI TQII 111V . w . . The nature and rlchneaa of the new Tin openpd up would not be vouched for hv Mr cirnlmiaS iihii ratnrted With tho atatamant that nn tied tO tome out away from the mine to hear ma newa. He did admit, however, tflBf tka al.IL. La J -.aall am f, ia aa A mtj nti inn unu ureal! ajuiu wi.tv uotfj tntcrontd la the tuccett of the -r QOOO FRIENDBI ready to aerva you. " "iv"' prln0 and Bummer line of T'OTEM anil uicuiai a mrmi L STERN Ma?.1' n,n Vou a feaat of n Ca-. . Ut,,p d,r elothee rhakl new ng ,( - n.i lor jvu i Pice Bfotherc tXCLUSlVt CLOTHIIRBX' Not Like Othora th and Mvaln Bta. REPUBLICANS OBJECT LESSON. Yeeldent Satlafled With Hla Military Display on Texae Border, ' WASHINGTON, April (Special) Taft la aald to be satisfied with the outcome ft hla army manauvera, and that bo haa data In band to aailafy any one In Congreaa who baa double aa to the wladom of the oipendlture. He aaya the dtaplay Jiaa not only aatla fled him of the preparedneaa of the American army and navy,' but It haa been an object leaaon td the whole world. PEACE CONFERENCE AT EL PASO. EL. PASO, Texaa, April 3 (Spe cial) It la aald that conalderable pro groaa waa made today In peace nego tlatlona between the warring factlona In Mexico, deaplte the fact that little ahowa on the aurface. It la believed plana will be perfected for the younger Maderoa Ur meet repreaentatlvea of the Mexican government here, where the negotlatlona can be had without fear. HOPS BELLI NQ HIGHER, SALEM, Or.. April 1. (Special) It la eat I ma ted that 4000 bolea of the 111 hop crop have been Bold ao far, and the price la believed to range from IS cent a to 10 centa. Tbo ten dency at thla time la to hold for 16 centa. Pro pec la are for better prtcea than laat year. . NO PLUMS FOR BOURNE. WASHINGTON. April S. (Special) -rlt aeema to bo authoritative that Frealdent Taft baa aald ho will hot appoint any .man who haa tho Bourne endorsement . Hawley and Lafferty are to be given the pi urn a. It la aald. Five Named Railway Mall Clarke. WASHINGTON. April 3. U A. Hawklna, Decatur Baldwin. Claua J. Jenaen and Den Tiurney, of Portland, and Cheater E. Davie of Montavllla. Or., were today appointed railway mall clerka. 'EASY DIVORCE HIT HARD. RENO. Nov.. April J. (Special) Rooaevelt fired a few hot ahot at the proposition of eaay divorcee In thla city, the plea being that thoae aeektng them apent much money In tho city. Ho aald give your own cltlxena who need them divorcee, but don't Invite the outalde world here, for lt'a dirty money and won't do you any good. nnun AUTOISTS BREAK SPEED UMIT . n CHIEF SHAW SECURES THEIR PUNISHMENT IN RECORDER'S COURT MONDAY. lionliimln 1 trenkmin. Dronrletor of the Iron Worke at 104 North Fourth afreet, Portland, and C. J. Cook, con tractor, whoae realdence la 65 North Seventh atreet, each having haraa rf utamnl)llea and Daaalna through here on Friday afternoon on tbelr way to Molalla, where tney in tended flahtng at an early hour the 'nllnarlna. Haw ware anmmnneit to thla city Monday afternoon from Portland to answer the rharee of BDeenina tneir marhlnee. Many compiainia were niil hv raaldenta alona Seventh atreet. where the two machlnea. run ning abreaat, were going at a rate of apeed of about 30 ml lea an nottr. unui u. K. .ltd ni th pliw limit lllf 7 " - Chief of Police Bhaw leiepnonea to the men Monday morning ana eum mnnad them ta IhiB cltv Informing them what the rate of apeed waa through thla city. They were nnea in ah The men nald their flnea and were allowed to return to Port land. , it la tha Intention of Officer Bhaw in nut a aton to aneedlng within the city llmlta, and careful watch la being made.- Arranalno for State Camp. Tk. Mnilern Woodmen of America .m mast i the Woodmen ball on Tneaday night, and arrangementa will be made for the county urap, wnicn meeta at Katacada on Wedneaday, HaUweiea will ba elected to at tend the State Camp, which will meet at Hood River In May. mere win oe four delegatea from thla city to the County Camp. . UPSET 1LE ROYKG III SHELLJEAR FALLS IN WATERFOR FULL QUARTER HOUR WITHOUT HELP BEING , OFFERED THEM. ? Two young men from Portland were ..... m . a . rwrl 1 given a coia nam sunaay on vnw wn lamettn River, near the Falla. 'They wore "but on the Tlvw In m aherltnd while rowing about attempted to croaa the current In the channel leading tha Italia. On Sunday. when tho mllla are ehut down and con. alderable water going over m r-..-. ...ni la ver atrona at thla ItlV tJUIIwjaafc point The nature of thla "K' w" not known to the young men and they attempted to croaa It at right anglea, with the natural aequenc im B . a. -aa Both young men were thrown Into tho water and came near arowmi.n, - ik,iMi tnr about flf- 1 omj were id " Wn mlnutea beforo they auceeeded In ... Th re nor t that One Untune . ' ' - - - . canoe paaaed them without offering to neip. aitnoiign mj cnu "" nn. i tha rtniw aaw tnem HIIU ' T. l . vi 1 ,u .. k.i nraittrimant. They reniaed to give their naraeo aa tbey did not want their Portland rrienna 10 - new gag to apring on mem. UNCLE SAM'S JOB. NO I'd tiUST StllN' THATTH8 W5UHWCT03 DOMt ANN IX THE UNiTfO STATE S .' ARRESTS f. I-L SWIFT ALLEGING TRESPASS Q. W. BIGHAM DOESN'T WANT THE NEW RAILWAY TO USE HIS ROCK PILE. O n W nlwham nwni a niece of nron. erty In the line of progreaa of the new Clackamaa Southern Railway. Thla railway wlahea to ae a email part of it for ngni or way. me iana ao y a .ranaaaantatlwa nt the MmDint 4iaB no value from the atand point of culti vation, being nothing put a oea oi rw-l,a . n lr h m thtntia AtVerwIae evidently. and eeema Inclined to make trouble for the bulldera of thla new enterpriae that la o mean ao much to the bual- neaa Intereata of tho city. Ho aaya the company ahall not paaa that way aiihnnt erat ueine him. and In an effort to force mataera Monday awore to a warrant charging F. M. Swift, a repreaentatlve or the company, who treapkaa. niaham awnre to tha warrant In the office of Juatlce gamaon. and It waa aerved on 8wlft. In tho complaint the complaining wltneaa awore that the landa were the property of M. D. tllghara. ana mai ine rauwaj www treaDaaalng. A hearing will he naa at: an early date. The contention la over a tract oi i. ..I Mn.iaiina- nf fnur acrea near Mo- loiiKhlln avenue on Abernethy Creek. Dlgham aaya that on mie iano aome valuable treea and already be- t..n 4C IK treea have been Cat down by the men employed by the railway. Bigham aaya no am noi i. rami n iVla tint It ha wlalted hla nlace Monday and found the men carrying away the loga ana trees mat. naa oeen f.n.j u. raiiimMt to thla city and had the warrant eworn out Immediate ly. . PORTLAND RATE IS BASIS. Milwaukle Makea Condition In Grant. Ing Power Franchlaa. MILWAUKIE, Or.. April 3. Af the ipeclal meeting of the Council Thura i.u uvi tha rranrhtaa nf the Mount Hood Railroad 4 Power Company waa an.niut an that tha comDanv cannot charye.niore for power In Milwaukle than in portiana. ine repre-encwurw of the company preaent aatd that he .u nnt avnnt the franchise aa amended until he had held a confer ence with the management or ine .ntnnanw Mavnr strelh and the Coun cil declined to rescind the amendment and declared that Milwaukle waa en titled to the aame rate given In Port land, and ao the franchise atanda. Repreaentatlvea of tho Portland Railway, Light A Power Company .r. nraaant to nroteat aatalnat paying the coat of Installing alx arc llghta ordered by tho Council, aa It wanted ONE TO FIVE ACRE TRACTS Qosc To City Cash and Install meats T. L. Char man CITY DRUG STORE. WMAT M( VOU DOtHd 8AH, PtAVletG THE WAR GAMg ' . MllaiauklA tn -air tha cnat MkHmt Strelb waa Informed by the company VVMav that It wrnnM Inatatl tha llvhta according to the ordera of the Council. At tha anarfMal meattnw fha CTnnncil Inatmctait tha Auditor to adwertlaa for blda for the pavement of Main atreet with cmahed rocK, the coat or wnicn la estimated at $11,000. Thla la the firat Improvement projected under the provlalona of the new city charter. APRIL FOOL PARTY. I Young People Enjoy Tha meal vee Bat vrday Evening, in pantpiace. Twentv-four flienda en loved the boa pltallty of Mlaa Myrtle Holmea. of Park nlace. Ratnrdav niahL The even- Ina a. anaint tn nlawtnw annronfiato April rool'a gamea until an early hour when the nappy crowd aiaperaea. Three little rlrla Helen Locaa. Reva Jonea . and Rita Holmea wearing fool 'a capo ornamented - with bella, aarwait tha riallrlmiB rafreahmentB In . nnlnua manner, havtnw carried the aandwlcheo In taavcape, cream la cof fee pota, etc. Tboae preaent were the Mlaaea Stel la Croaa. Pearl Horner. Amy Peck Avar UIMrut Ttarnatt. Ethel Butta. Paarl Jnnea. flraca Rarnett. Mathilda Unaerltna-. Avla French. Pay French. Vera Hendrtaka. Grace Hendrlcka; the Meaara. Frank peckover. Henry ftb aer. Iaverne Taylor, Will Lucaa, Ern eat Purcell. Walter Taylor. Emery French, Fred Butte, Kenneth Hen drlcka. ueland Hendrlcka, Medrora Reed and Henry Lenenberger. DEATH FROM MEASLES. Mrs. Alverda Janaen, of Redland, Givaa Up Life on Sunday, April 2. Death came auddenly to Mr a. Al verda Jenaen, living at Redland, on 8unday. She waa a victim of meaalee and waa aick but a few daya. Funeral will be held Tueaday, with burial at Newberg. Oregon. . Mr a. Jenaen leavea behind a hue band and alx children. She waa born In Mlsaourl March 7. 1875. out had lived In thla State for aeveral years. Will Try It a Second Time. Mra. Anna Parian andCaxl Parian were before Juatlce Samson Monday at noon, wlahlng to be married. Thla is their "second offense," aa they were married once before, then divorced, and will now try It again. i i DIES AT AGE OF 75 . AT MILWAUKIE HOME MRS. DOROTHEA BONNET WAS RESIDENT OF OREGON CITY FOR MANY YEARS. Mra. Dorothea Bonnet, wife of the late J. O. Bonnet, of Milwaukle, died at the family home on Sunday, after an'lllneaa from rheumatiam and com plicationa for the paat alx montha. Mra. Bonnet waa well known In thla city, having made her home here for many yeara. her husband being at one time anperlntendent of the Oregon City Woolen Mllla. Her many old-time- frlenda regretted hearing of her death. - . f Mra. Bonnet waa born at Wurten berg, Germany, March 7, 1836, and came to America In the year of 1872. She was united In -marriage to Mr. Bonnet in the Stte of Connecticut. Mr. Bonnet preceded hla family to thla city, and hla family followed about one " fter' coroln ar r.e h.' i.thmna of Panama. Afier re siding in thla city for many yeara they moved to Milwaukle, where Mr. Bon net entered Into business, and where Mr. Bonnet paaaed way on June 8, 1900. Mra. Bonnet haa resided at that place ever since. Deceased la aurvlved by the follow ing children: Mra. Rose WhltcomW, of Portland; Mra. V. P. Conklln, of Port land; Mra. Oscar Wlaalnger. of Mil- J-aukle; Mra. T. Lc Charman. of thla lty Robert Bonnet, of Samoa, Cali fornia. The funeral aervlcea will bo con ducted from the family realdenee at Milwaukle today at 1:S0 o'clock, and tho remalna will be brought to Oregon ru arHvlnw hern about 4 o'clock, and the 'interment will take place In the family plat In Mountain view ceme tarw Th. funeral aervlcea will be 1" harra nf Rav. W. Kraiberger. pastor of the Lutheran church, of thla city. ANNUAL KG OF PRESBYTERIANS REPORTS FROM CHURCH DEPART MENTS SHOWED HEALTHY GROWTH FOR PAST YEAR. OFFICERS CHOSEN FILL VACANCIES Baawaaalkaaaaaw a, Sunday School and Ita Several De partment Make Reporte Cal culated to Cheer Up Ita Workere. Tha Vtrat Praahrtarlan rhnrch held Ita annual meeting Monday night at the church. The ladiea of the con wravatlnn aerved a BDlendld banquet There were a large number to alt down at the tablea. After tha bananet a ladiea' quartet, composed of Mra. DeaLarzea. Mra. Mc Caw. Mra. Froet and Mra. Green, ren dered aeveral aelectlona. Tho con gregation then adjourned to the audi torium and Rev. Landaborongh, acting aa moderator, called the meeting to order. - The quartet then rendered another beautiful aelectlon. Reoorta were called for, the Ban- K.ih ..hnnl rnrnlnr first. Mra. COOP"r gave the financial report for the school and Ralph Eddy for tne organize t.a..a Tha nrranlcad claaaea of the echool are the Knighta of King Anhuf: which haa part of Ita lire outaiae xno echoool. There are eignieen iwnnni. and the claaa haa an average attend ance of fourteen. Th. onMni nf Avalon ia a gina claaa. Theae glrla are purchaaing Blblea for the uae of the whole achooL The King'a Jeweta ia another glrla claaa, with a large membership and a fine average attendance. The Friendly Bible ciaae ia a mixeu claaa of young people of from alateen to twenty-five yeara In age. The claaa ..mitnunt la now one hundred after a year and two montha' work. Thla claaa ia doing a nne wora amuun young people and .received apodal recognition In the report of the aea- aion. Mra. E. B. Andrews iu er. tv. vaithfut cvienda la a claaa of young married people wblch tea Juat been oramimwm. .. The primary department or me ouu day echool baa an enrollment of forty five, with an average attendance of forty. Mra. Charlea Ely la the faith ful auperlntendent of thla Important departmeoL Other reporte ware heard, the next kin. emm tha Youna- Peoplea Society of Chriatlan Endeavor. The Endeavor ia doing good work. o-v. i,.nir rnitMmr waa reDOIted lll ""'. - - - - - , , r..k Einr whn la the nreaident. The Junlora have an enrollment of thirty with an average aueuuauo mm nrnwnall. the nresldent of the four circles of the Ladles' Aid. report ed the Aid In good woraing oruer au much effective woric oetDg uouC. w ji ul..lAnir anrtetw IB Bl ine liwuiww hi imiuu-. j - . ao a lively organisation doing splendid work in their line. nmiharhnml ia perhapa tne moat lntereatlng organization at the preaent time and tne repori. oy feaaor Tooie waa listened to with great l.r..t - The report of the church treasurer waa last on the list, ine cuureu u , wall nnanc.lallv. - A vote of thanks waa tendered Mr, Schubel for hla work as feaaurer fx. i.ntnr then aDDolnted proi, Tooae. Fred Myers and Mra. Frost as -. ...Jill., fimmlttee- The rert of the aeoston waa ex . i int.raatinw. Many rocom- .h. and varloua organlxatlona were commended for the work done tne pam ji. ... Kaan fnrtvne received Into the church by profesalon of faith and eight by letter rrom oin uuu. .. sren have been dlamlaaed. by The election of officers came nexL Mra W. C. Green waa reflected aup erlntendent of the Sabbath school and Mlaa Kathleen Harrison aa church or- ganlat. Mr. Frost and Mr. Story were re elected elders and W. C. Green waa elected to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Parka leaving Oregon City. . Tmateee elected were C. Schubel and Mr. Bowland. Hugh Kennedy and David Catto were elected deacona. Elmer Cooper will be treasurer for the next y1"- The First Presbyterian church haa finished all the Improvements hat were planned at the annual meet ng a year ago and la to be wnKratulated on the effective use to which they are being put . CONGREGATIONAL BANQUET Glvee Promlae of An Entertaining Ev-' enlng for You Tonight. The monthly banquet of the Con gregational Brotherhood will be held "hla evening, in the parlora of the v An iiwr Main street. Aa I Usual, considerable effort baa been put fiYmAwala aimcaU -prontabla evening to those woo u ul timo to attend. Tha men of tho city are Invited. Thla 1 a busy aeaaon In the echool work in the schools of higher learning throughout the 8tate, ao that at this time It la not eaay to gt a speaker whom all aro especially Intereated to hear da at aome others. But the com mittee haa the promlae of a couple whom they are certain will Interest many, and you may be one of the 'many" You are Invited, at least, and there la certain to be something In the program to repay you for your at tendance. Married Sunday by Juatlce Bameon. Juatlce Samaon performed the cere mony Sunday uniting In marriage a B. MABtere, of Polk county, and Mra. L. A. Wllcocka, of thla county. They will take ip their home In Polk coun ' r Good consistent adver- n tisiflg in The Morning Enterprise pays. It has proven so with as. Prlob Bros. Am Am Prico, Mgr. Have brought oyt a big lot of poet earde and will put them on the market at 1 cent each, and S for five regardleea of coat,. Ther aro about 15,000 of theae tarda 'ranging from 1 cant up to 20c each anal . If you want big bargaina In poet earde do not mlee thla chance.. Sale commencea Monday April S and laete until April 11. Big valuea in other thinga alao. One S32 Victor Talking Machine for $20. S350 Piano for $24a '10 Garltarfor $5, and lota of other baralne. 1 A. H. STURGES Seventfi Street - - Oregon Qty POSSIBLE PARK SITE - ALOIIG S. P. RAILWAY ' . . : - HiaawBawaaaBat PROSPECTS THAT WOMAN'S CLUB MIGHT TAKE IT OVER AND IMPROVE IT. There la a flna nroenect for a email narlr nn tha atda nf tha hlnff alnna tha right of way, through the city, of the Southern racinc railway,' in piacea thla tilnff riaaa almrmt narnandicular to the plateau above the lower level. but in other piacea tnore ia consider able apace with a gradual rise to the halvht ahnva. These anacea mlcht be made Into a beautiful park, and if so Improved tho grounds ao treatea wnnlH nrava a hi advertisement for the city, being aeen by thousands pass ing through here on the tsoumern ra clflc' trains. Some work haa been done on these spacea by the Woman'a Club In the past, and It la aald that thla club is willing to take this waste land over and Improve and beautify it if" given Into ita possession. Thla club, once it began the work in earnest, could do wnnitArful thlnra with these SDSCPB. and the benefit a to accrue to the city through thla advertising would oe many fold the cost of the Improve- mant - Thla nark would BtretCh OUt from Canemah on tho aouth to the fnnvi-owatlnnat church on the norxh. Tha nonwlhllltles for aomethlna uniaue tn the way of a pretty breathing apace are almost nnnmitea. - - - DEATH COMES TO CHILD. Ill But a Few Daya From That Dread Disease, Diphtheria. Mary, the 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Longtree. residing near thla city, died at the family home Sunday night after a few daya' Illness of diph theria. The child waa taken ill on Tuesday.' but was attending echool while 111. The funeral will be held In Portland today. . , The little girl waa unusuany Drigni for her age. and was a favorite with h.r aohnnlmatAB. Tha family Cim tO Oregon City about one year ago, and have made their home at iwuigni alnee that time. CHRIS BONAKER ACCUSED. C. W. Allen Saya Ho Pointed a Gun With Malicloua Intent. C. W. Allen appeared in Juatlce Samao'n'a court Monday and asked that a warrant be issued for Chria nonaker. on the charge of pointing a gun with malicloua Intent The case la set for hearing on Saturday next at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Bonaker gave bond for hla appearance on tne day act. Falla Down Stairway SundayV Mra. W. J. WHaon allpped aa ahe waa coming down the stalra at her i - ijnw .i-ul Siindav awanlnw mime un finM ' n j - and wns g"n a severe fafl. Iftwhe accident' She 'had her right ankle thmwn nnt nf nlace. and It waa neces sary to send for a physician to reduce the fracture. She was confined to her bed Monday. o000000000400KOvOOvvOO000P00 0 ' awav-ar WW waa w waa , ' w M , ' . 1 ' Thla ad la worth $60 In eaeh to the firat el purchaeera of Clalr O mont Aorea go Tracts No. S2Va aeree; all In cultivation; elooo t, . school: macadam- road, and on Clackamaa Southern Electric R. Rw. & now building, prico now only $878 per tract; WOO eaeh, balance $10 o pr month. Thla prico will eoon double. Com, today and craee tho $ deal. - - f W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. : Paelflo M-S0. Homo A-18$. $12 Main St, Orogam CJty. Phone: CLINTON GRIFFIN INJURED. Report That Young Man Hurt at 1 Crown Waa Italian ia an Error. Tha renort was made at thla office Saturdaw nla-ht conremlnw a ronnf man, who waa Injured In an elevator Saturday at the Crown Paper uo. a plant Report waa made about It p. m. and the young man giving am the atory waa uncertain aa to the name but waa of opinion that It waa one of tho young Itmllana working In the mill. It waa ao printed la the Enterprise, and no name attempted. Monday the frlenda of Clinton Grif fin Informail thla nfttfA that It waa ha who waa Injured, and resented tho Inference that be waa an Italian, wo make the explanation; young Mr. Grif fin la not an Italian, but an American citizen who- lives at Mountain View and haa the respect of a boat of frlenda. Nevertheless, .our Informant Wished us well and In giving na the. newa had no Intention of offending anyone; and it goea without aaytars that wa are nrintlnar the newa to pleaae people and with no Intention .--of annoying or dlstreaslng. $42 for Baeo Ball Suite. ' The entertainment given on Satur day evening by tho puplle of - the ' Mnnnt Pteaaant school at the achool house was a big success, and tho pro ceeds, which amounted to $41, will go towards purchasing base ball suits. An excellent program waa given dur ing tho evening, ana eacn numDer re ceived Its share of applause. CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN BBNG BUILT SLOVLY BOARD. OF DIRECTORS MOVING WITH CAUTION IN EFFORT TO ' MAKE DOLLARS COUNT. Tha hoard of directora of the Clack- amaa ctniifhArn Rallwav met tn Inform- - at aesnlon Monday and talked over a few of the matters pertaining to tne construction of the line. Chief among the matters of especial Interest at thla time Is the question of an engineer for -the road. 8everal have been rarnmmanriail tn the hoard, aach with good papers, but the board la moving slowly tn tne matter ana nopea u got the right man when it doea make) a ' contract for one. The board will hold a meeting at 8 . o'clock thla afternoon, at which time , , an engineer will likely be hired. In . the meantime membera of the board ' will go over tne credentials at tnooo who have made application and fa- mlllarlwa thamaalvaa with tha nnalt. ncatlone of those who wlah to take up .1 tne worg. Work of clearing tho light of way la being pushed forward dally. Tho men ' and teama nave been engaged for too worn oi grading, ana a force win aw , ,, put to work thla morning. The board Is moving with- caution ao that thero , , nvy iVa o.ivatno . m fwnas. -rva each member la aa anxioue for haate aa the public at targe, atlll It la felt that y caution la to be one of the aaaeta of a aucceaaful building and operation of , ' a paying road. - 00O4O w00w0dr0d0d0d040wwd0d000d0wwf C J-"