Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 31, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    MORNINO KNTEftl'Ulafi, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1911.
A Mandarin
And a Mummy
It W Not All a Dream
Oeejrrtgnt br Aasartosa Pi m a ass
Pan Hunting docked bis bead Crow
tbe Sere onslaught of tbe November
pW aod ran quickly up U vtdt stoo
Itrpt that toil to tb oit fashjooej
boas be bad bla bachelor apart-
stent. One wit bla lb warm red
lighted ball Its genial atmosphere
seemed to Infold bin Ilka a crtmaua
menu. U waa mounting tba rd
carpeted aulra with lingering back
ward glaacce loco th ball below whu
o of tba tail mahogany doore opened
from in parlor aod a bead waa tbrut
fortb aod the hastily withdrawn aa
tba owaer'a area met Paol'a atartW
glaer of admiration.
Tba door closed softly aod there waa
nothing for Pa a I lo remember save a
vision to pala blue, with a crown vf
golden balr aod a pair of (he aml
heavenly bla eyes a bad vr sees.
- As a fltted a bay into hie o dour
ba wondered 'who the girl might bo.
Tbera were two other bachelor apart
ments besides bla m whllo the Ma
aona. who owned the boose, occupied
tba entire lower port. Kernape the artrl
waa aome relative of that elder!?
couple, but ba bad never dreamed of
aeaoclatlag tba rather dried aod mom
mined yaaooa with sorb a bright,
beautiful creature.
Ba bad aoapped oa tba electric tights
and waa sis od lag before bla mantet
pieco aa bla thoughts found utterance.
"Sb la tba loveMeat ere tore 1 bare
ear aeea.' be aald alowly.
Ths little Cblaeea mandarin oa the
a&anrel suddenly nodded approval la
the moat uncanny fashion. raul stared
for an lust int. and then be realised
that there waa a bear; reiildo rum-
oacaaso oct Taa rxAMaa.
Mlag past aod that all the odda acl
ends of brJc-a brsc on tba shelf were
tinkling and rattling la oniaoo.
"So on tblnk so. too. old man?"
las (bed Paul aa ba shook off bla over
east aad loaned bla bat after It on lb?
aide coach. Tba mandarin continued
nodding la the wisest manner whilej
Paal drew a comfortable cbalr to tbe
(rata, stirred tba coals Into a red glow
asd thrust bla feet Into a pair of gaj ly
mbroidered oriental slippers. "I don't
oppose there's the slightest chance In
the world that I'll ever hare an oppor
tunity of meeting ber the old mammy
down there la so crabbed; alwaye IooLj
at bm aa If ha thought I waa coming
to ao good In the end. I don't know a
mora sober or a harder working chap
than youre truly do yoa. Wt 8hlu.
or whatever your name la 7" Paul eyed
the mandarin qnlzzlcally aa tbe heuj
nodded rloleotly In the affirmative.
"Drat that paHaiQg dray! So you 6
know a better fellow, eh? Well, out
Vita it-wbo la ber lie leaned for
ward, spreading bis brown. capnL.d
fingers to the hot coals and looked up
ward at the grotesque face on tlu
Then, to bis unutterable astonlxh
ment. his question was answered iu
Just tba blgb, tbln, reedy voice one
might expect from a Chinese mandariu
who sit a on a abelf all day long.
"Why. Penlow U a moat estimable
young man. my dear. He'a superin
tendent of a Sunday acbool and libra
rian of tba Culture club and"
"Penlow! Well of all the mollycod
dles r Paul's dlsguet got tbe better of
his aatoobtnment at Ondlng bla man
darin endowed with speech. "If you
admire Penlow'a sort. why. I'll give
you to blm tomorrow! Poof.'" Ha
lighted c pipe and leaned back In bla
chair, drawing alowly through tba
atem while be surveyed tbe now vlo
lently agitated mandarin.
"Don't know your own mind; that'a
wbat'a tbe matter with you. Wi
Shlng! Now you're saying 'Tea and
then tba other thing. When the traffic
eaaaea you'll settle dowa and go to
leep Ilka tba funny old beggar you
re. aur
"I'm surprised. Paul" nodded the
mandarin, bis thin voice growing
peevtb-"I'm surprised at your taste.
Hooting is a most respectable young
man and pay bla rent regularly, but
so isr aa i anow ba doesn't attend any
church, la fact."! know ba Ilea abed
I A phonograph la tbe ruoai overhead
' suddenly blared tnto activity, and llie
I anaadarlaa vole waa drowned In tbe
I cbaoa of band music that followed.
j bat be run Uaurd la aod wisely wblfca
raal cased bacfc at alas with a poa
aled frowa.
"Mighty queer, dlacoaoscted sort of
coo recast loo yoa bold. Wa Shlng." ba
expos ala ted. reaching up for tb or
aameat and holding It close to tba
light. "How do yoa mature (bat
talkee-talkee buslaess! Vour bead
sea mi hollow1, bat of roars that'a ao
crttertoa tbat yvur vocal organs may
not ba la good working order. What la
It they aay about empty vessels mak
ing tbe most not set I rather gaeaa
I've beea aaieepr yawned Mr. Hunt
ing, la coocKisloa. aa be returned the
mandarin to tbe abelf. where ba con
tinued ta aod foolishly for several
minutes. "Lost yoar power af speech.
ah Qood for yoar
He leaned back with closed eyea and
Immediately forgot all about tba man
darin aod bla at rs a re conversation.
wbk-b ba firmly believed t be tba re
mit of a abort nap. la bla fancy Paul
found aa occupant for tbe other large
chair beside his hearth. It would ba
somebody gowned la palebloe. with a
duff of golden hair and a pair of for-
getmeoot eyea- Where bad be aeea
Just auch a face be fore J
Suddenly be leaned toward hi deak
and opened a drawer. Ha fumbled
there for awhile, tossing aside papers
a ad plctorea with furloua seal until be
brought fortb a small photogravure of
aa Ideal bead. He propped It agalrmt
the pedestal of the electrolier and stud
ied It silently.
At laat be drew a deep breath. "No
wonder ber face seemed familiar.' be
aald In a low too. "If aba didn't pone
for tola pktar Pm a atnner. and. fool
that I am, I oarer tried to Had out lb
artist! 1 was Juirt saUsned to be In
love with ber without discovering her
bum. How ta thunder can I gvt to
kaow bar? For l.must even If I bold
old Maaoa at the revolver'a mouth aod
demand aa introduction.'" He stared
intently Into tba coaia of Bre. and for
several momenta tbera waa dead si
lence in tba room aad without Even
tba shrill complaining of tba wind bad
ceased for awhile
Then there cam a piercing scream
from the room underneath, a terrlBed
cry for help, and there waa the sound
f running feet across a Boor.
It waa the work of aa Instant for
Hunting to apea bla doors aad reach
the atalrraie. Afterward be remem
bered that his altppered feet only
toacbed three stairs la descent Then
he poshed opea tbe parlor door and
act an appalling aigbt
One or tba loog lac curtalna at tba
window was fiercely blazing, while
tba gin with tba golden balr waa try
ing to tear It dowa with tba Uttl
desperate, shrinking bands.
As Hunting cam through the door
tba blazing curtain fell to th carpet.
and aa the girt tried to stamp out the
charring remnants ber owa soft voile
gown Ignited and the names swept
a p ward.
t was then that Paul Hunting
snatched up a white fur rag from tbe
floor and. throwing It around tbe girt,
crushed out th flames before they
reached ber bands or face or area
burned much of her gown. At last
aba lay in bis arms, limp and wblta
as the rug that enveloped ber.
"I'm all right now. thank you." aba
aald in a soft voice.
8be released herself from Hunting's
arms, and the white rug dropped to th
floor, revealing tbe skirt of ber pretty
gown scorched and charred.
8 he held out a band to ber rescuer
with a charming smile. "This gentle
man baa aaved my Ufa. Cousin Le
ander. Will you and Cousin Sarah add
your thanks to mine"
"Bless me. child, it's Mr. Hunting
from upstairs! 1 thought it was Pen
low. Tour band. Mr. HuntlngP The
mummy extended a dry brown paw,
and Paul'e strong fingers closed around
it, wtJUe bla bead awam dizzily aa th
old man'a vote rambled on In a mo
notonous speech of gratitude, for tba
voice of Mr. Leander Mason was Ilk
the voice of tbe mandarin, blgb and
thin and piping In quality.
Cousin Harab stopped screaming and
gave another dry bandJnto Hunting's
graxp and made a prtrn little speech.
Paul Hunting and th golden haired
girl looked at each other acrosa the
width of the fireplace, and the forget
menot blue eyea fell before bi be
traying glance. With a sudden Im
pulse be told ber tbe story of bla little
nap and the whimsical dream he bad
bad of the nodding mandarin wbo bad
found speech.
When be bad concluded aba laughed
merrily. "You were not aaleep. after
all. Mr. nun tin. Cousin Leander
made a fire In th grate tonight to
please me, and be opened aome little
ventilator In the chimney tbat must
communicate with your room. We were
talking, and you really beard Cousin
Leander'a voice."
"Was be talking to your demanded
Paul suddenly.
"Yes." abe aald. with embarrassment
"Did you bear what we aald T
"I beard only oae voice bis," ex
plained Paul, with growing enlighten
ment "Wbo Is named Paul down
"I am." aald lb girl lo a amall voice,
"Pauline is my name, but they call ma
Paul. But now. Mr. Hunting, w are
to drink lo ycjr bravery. Her coma
my coualns."
Tbat night before be went to bad
Mr. Hunting patted hla mandarin lov
ingly on tbe back, "flood for you. Wa
Bhlng." n said softly. "Ton made aa
Irish Cell Mn Cam t TeH
Ua Haw to Make Lae ana) Ruga.
. 4
w i I
): of
ootxasxa aiarr raoat ikslajid
Hera ar four pretty Irish rollevu
who bar com to America to teat u
oa bow to make real Irish lac, bow
to weave ruga aad to do other useful
things that bar been don la th
Emerald Isle for age. They will vUli
all th large rifle la the country au.l
ahow apeclmeos of .ibelr, handiwork
both completed and In th proresa of
Mis Maria a J. O'Shea ta la rbarve
af the party, ber companions brine
Colleens Eileen Noooe. Bridget Qulna
and Bridget McLaughlin. Only one cf
th girls expressed any dealr to vote,
and ah denied tbat abe was a suf
fragette. don't believe th women
would make any wore mesa of puil
tkw than the men have. explained
Colleen Noon, who la a skilled lealii
er carver and wbo also pal aft1 land
scape when she ha th time,
The girls cam to America under
th auspice of th Gaelic league. It
Is hglleved that through th exhlbltloa
or the lace, rug and embroideries
Irish Americana may be atlmulated to
help revive th Celtic art oa this sldj
of tba water.
"It would b ao much better for our
Ctrl to make these beautiful things
than to wear oat their, young Uvea
over machine In dingy factories," ex
plained an of th representative af
the league.
floao hii iiuuuiiui
E. P. Story, owner of M . block 4,
abutting on Sixth stroet, between Jet
ferson and Madison streela. haa filed
ault In the Circuit Court to real rain
Oregon City from rhanglug the grade
on th afreet which la now being Im
proved br Contractors Moffat A Park
er. 8tory la repreaented by Attorney
U Ren A 8chubel.
After reciting the legal history lead
ng an to th letting of lb contract
8tory contends that the city la about
to Chang the trail along hla property
to mike a fill of mora than five feet
to hla Irreparable ilamaa and Injury,
and Story also says that Council la
hreatenlng to violate th condition
of th contract and tba ordinance by
cancelling th contract and dlscoiK
tlnulng the Improvements. The court
la asked to grunt a permanent Injunc
tion restraining the city from cancel
ling the contract or changing or modi
fying th grad. Th ault la th direct
result of a controversy over th Im
provement that baa prevailed for sev
eral weeks.
Thursdsy to Elal Oabrlel and D. U
Elater, and to Wllhalmlna Rakal aad
Samuel L. 8tvena.
Twa Mer tma In Try-Owt
Two Itema war forgotten la report
In th High achool try-out Ibal ar
worthy of mention, in poi vsun,
with Kent Wilson drat and a M for
second plar between Corllas Andrews
and Ll Kellogg. Iiroad jump, wun
Kant Wilson first, covering IT f and
10 Inches, John, Telford second and
Jo Sheahan third.
Rnonse rake aaad In this way will
keep fresh and moist lunger than the
old-fashioned kind: To seven gga
take a half a pound of flour and tore,
auartera of a pound of augar and th
lulo and crated rind of a lemon. Pour
over the augar a half-cupful of boiling
water and let It boll. Beat whites and
yolke of kks wall together, and when
augar la boiled to a clear syrup, pour
It over tbera. beating th whol until
It la thick and light Stir In tha flour
lightly and add th lemon laat of all.
Bake In a alow oven. If properly road
It will b wonderfully light and deli
cate. 4
Frwek Trimmed With Beads.
It la evident tbat this Is on of tbe
very newest frocks for the coming sea
son for tbe reason that tbe waist U
a aa plec affair embroidered la an
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- Pays 91000 for Cow.
Th new dlspatchea la th papers
tell of th purchaae of a uuernaey
cow at a aal held during th annus
meeting of th Waukesha County
Guernsey Breeders Association
Oconomowac, Wis., th price paid be
ing 11000 and the buyer being W, 8.
Turner, of Portland, Oregon. At th
same sal a bull of that breed waa
sold for IJ37&. the animal going lo
resident of Wisconsin. -
:?! i r r .: 4'.? i I '
mmm, a
artistic manner with orcein In bead-t.
The skirt, a shallow plaited model, has
a deep hem of Jtuaalan laca and la also
trimmed with beads. Black velvet Is
uacd to finish tbe gown at tbe neck
and belt.
M A a
unuay mornings until a most Am. ' T . .
graceful hour, while Penlow"- .opening weox xor conversation. Bbe'e
"nobhlah. Paull It's moat tndellcat. ,h? ef'"t 10 i". WW,d "nd Vm
to apaalc of Mr. PanlowTtnat 27, Wi hf' Wl"h m- f00d ,UCk
Mr. I shall take especial pains that V. Th a .t
yon do oof meet m. , ,tl 00 7
profess to admlr. Ih my day"- ,00,uh b-1 M eon
Are zooa oodsciidci1 to tbe
New Daily?
If Th Morning tntarprls U to b aa successful as th Interests of Oregon
City demand 'it must needs bare the support of all. Tbe .new dally haa
a big work before It In boosting Or goa City and Clackamas County. Your
support means more strength for the work. ' , '
Will Yoti Help Boost yovt own Interests?
For a limited tlm tha Morning Entarpriae will be sold to paid In advance
aubaerlbars as follows: . - -
By Carrier, l yssr..,. .' . J00
By Mail, 1 yea...,.. Loo
Sand In your nam and rsmlttano. . , r
Os You Get Your "Beauty" Sleep f
Aa a race we ateep too little. An
Infant'a life la nearly all sleep. Grad
ually aa tbe child, grows older th
bourn of sleep are shortened to half
tbe day, or about eight hours.
Youth until tbe age of twenty Is
reached requires fully ten bouri' aleep.
Although nntur demands fewer houra
of sleep in summer than In winter. It
haa been proved that eight bours of
aleep are required for the average adult
In good health.
By this la meant not almply eight
bours In bed. but tbat amount of good,
sound, restful aleep night after night.
Our power to work Is Intimately re
lated to our ability to sleep, and there
la no more reliable Indication of sound
health than th capacity to aleep natu
rally, and tbe more active and ener
getic the waking Ufa tbe deeper the
aleep. .'"
Chsnge Celer.
Now Halen pink, th papers say,
Is Washington's saw bus.
Wall, It the ahsile has oome te stsy
That muat make Alios bluat
. -Mew Tor Times.
Read the Morning Enterprise.'
Beat of work and eitlafactlon guar
anteed. Have your norths shod by an
erpert; It paya.
AM klnde of repair work and smithy
work. Prompt service; greater por
tlon of your work can be done while
you do your trading. Glv me a trial
Job and see If I csn't please you. ,
Car. Main and Fouilh Sta Oregon City
There la Uttl new to chronicle In
th matrerof th Clackamas Southern
Railway, for th reason that little ef
fort la being put forth to keep thla
enterprise in the public eye. While
men outaid th county who know th
field and the opportunltlee for a suc
cessful local railway are taking stock
la small blocks, sending In their sub
scriptions by mall, no effort la being
put forth to sell except In the case
of local people and to . people along
the Una to b opened up. At that stock
la being sold and money raised faater
that the requirements of. , to two
ganga of metrwho are out on the right
of way clearing off the timber and
bruah, and burning the same, la pre
paration for the gang of gradera that
will be turned loose th first of th
Many people drift out through th
day to see what Is really being don
to build the line and they all come
back ImpreaaeS with the fact th
while there la little noise being maJe,
and no bot air being peddled about.
the bruah cutters are opening up a
wide swath In preparation for tho
wbo will turn tt. ground over In pre
paratlon for the rails, beginning the
first of the week. ,
T Tight Fir, So the Firemen Ware
8ALKM. Or., March 30. On account
of the absence of hydrants or streams
from which to draw water, the Salem
fire department waa compelled lo
stand by yesterday afternoon and see
the home of M. A. Naah, on North
Front street, burn to tbe ground. The
alarm, was turned In, In ample time to
allow the department to save tbe
dwelling, but without wster nothing
could be accomplished. Mr. Nash saya
he Buffered the loss of $1000 and car
ried no insurance. -
The department says the city an
nexed territory in which there la no
fire protection, and steps will be tsken
at the next meeting of the Council to
provide wsier for . tbe outlying dis
tricts before further damage Is done
by fire.
Buaineas on the Willamette River
Beet for Years.
SALEM, Or., March 80. According
to M. P. Baldwin, the-local agent of
the Oregon City Tranaportatlon Com
pany, Willamette River steamers ply
ing between this city and Portland
are doing 25 per cent more business
thla season that ever before. He aaya
hla company Is swamped with way
freight buaineas and tbat even old rlv.
er men are astonished at the Increaae
In the traffic.
It will be a matter of only a abort
time whon the O. C. T. Company will
be compelled to place additional boata
on the river to care for the traffic, as
the country between Salem and Port
land, especially on the east bank or
the river. Is settling up at a rapid
rate and steamer shipments are be
coming more In demand every day,"
Wanta to Recover en Note.
John Kekel hag filed suit agalnat D.
M. and Sarah B. Rowland to recover
$3820.75 due on a promissory note for
15300, executed March 19, 1909. The
Rowlands rave Kekel a mortgage on
35.50 acres In aectlon 4, township "3
south, range 1 eaat. to aecure the pay
ment of the note. U'Ren A Schuebel
are attorneys for Kekel. -
Ltcenaea to marry were Issued
Put Yourself to-the
Ad-Readers Place...
When you write your ctaslf;
ad or any kind of an ad tr; to 4
Include In It Juat the Inforc.atlon
you'd like to find If you were to
ad-reader and were looking foi an
ad of that kino.
If you do this to even a small
IVr?0 td w,n Drii r
8ult waa filed Thursday afternoon
by Kmma Lothrop agnlnet Harry O.
Lothrop for a decree of divorce. They
were married la rtesno, Cel., Auguat
8, 1908. and Mrs. Lothrop saya her hue
band charged her with Infidelity, nam
ing a Mr. Marx, of 8ttl. H I said
to bav been aarcaatle and mean and
hla conduct mort tried her proud and
sensitive nature, and they aeparated
September 1. 1910. Mrs. l(hrop, wbo I
desires to resume ber maiden name of
Buck man. charge that during their
entire married I if aha waa obliged to I
support herself, with some assistance I
from ber owa peopl.
Frank Van Hoeter haa filed a ault
fdr'ttlvorce agalnat Mela M. Vanlloe-
ter, to whom he was married la Cali
fornia, In December, 10. They have
four children. Vanlloeter aays bla
wife deserted him la January, 190S.
He la willing to give ber the cuatody
of the children and 1 50 a month ali
Ne Meeting Held Thursday Afternoon
From, i ark of Mamhara.
Council waa called In special session
Thursday afternoon but failed to get
a quorum. There were only four pres
ent Burke, Holman, Roake and Mey
er. Messrs. Andreaen, 'pop and Strick
land were out of town and Mr. Mich
aels could not be found to serve' the
notice of meeting on him. It was tin I
wish of the Council that the question
of the aldewalka out Canemah way
and the roadway of the O. W. P.
considered and aome settlement mad
In th matter.
Yellow turnips are greatly Improved
when served mashed, by mixing w!ch
them a email quantity of Irish potato.
A very little sugar, unless tbe turnips
sre unusually sweet. Is a pleasing ad
aption. -
A wholesome breakfast dish may be
made from wheat fresh from the gran
ary. Soak It over night and cook It
all day on the back Of tbe range. Thla
makea a food unequalled as to nutri
ment, and a great favorite with all
who have been served with It. A I
bowl of this wheat, served with rich
mlik. makea a good breakfast for a
growing child.
Tbe right way to poach egga: Have
a saucepsn of water boiling hot, but
not actually bubbling. Break the egga
one at a time. Into a aaucer and alide
them Into place In to water. Draw
tbe pan aside where they can not boll,
and baste the water over them with a
spoon till they are covered with a thin
veil of white. Have ready sllcea of I
bread toasted, buttered and cut In
pieces tbe aixe or the eggs ana ar
ranged on a hot platter. As each egg
Is lifted out on a skimmer, trim off
the ragged edgea and slide It on the
toast. ,
WASHINGTON. March 30. (Spe
cial) Or. Vaaques Go met haa doubts
aa to the good faith of Diss's promises
tbe rebels In Mexico. He fears
that in case the men . were once la
Dlax' power If there would not be a
hocking tragedy. He fsvors conduct
ing the negotiations here, where there
would b safeur to aiL
Notice Cloalna Streame.
ENTS. That, Whereas, the Board of
Fish Cotnmlasloners of the State of
Oregon and the United Statea Bur
eau of Fisheries have propagated
and stocked, and are propagating
and stocking the waters of the Wll
lamette and Clackamas rivers, and
their tributaries. In the State of
Oregon with salmon fish; and,
Whereaa, said streams ore fre
qucnted by salmon flab and for the
purpose of protecting the same, tbe
said Board of Fish. Commlaalonera
nas decided to close tne said wii
lamette River and lis tributaries,
6nlow and north of tbe falls there
of, at Oregon City, and all of the
Clackamas River and Its tributaries,
to prevent fishing therein, In any
manner whatever, for salmon fish,
during the period of tlm Herein
Now, therefore, notice Is hereby-
given by said Board of Fish Com
mlaalonera that aald Willamette Riv
er and Its tributaries, below and
north of the falls thereof, at Oregon
City, and all of said Clackamas Riv
er and Its tributaries, are, and each
of them Is hereby closed to fishing,
In any manner whatever, for salmon
flah between twelve o'clock noon,
on the 16th day of April, 1911, and
twelve o'clock noon, on the lat day
of May, 1911; and It la and will be
unlawful to flah for, or take, or
enfeh any salirin flih In any of said
waters during tbe en Id period of
time above apo-ir.ed.
Any and all persons whomsoever
so fishing In vlohtlon ef this notice
will be prosecuted, as by law pro
vided. T
By OSWALD WEST, Oovemor.
By TH08. B. KAT, State Treasurer,
Attest: R. JO. CUANTON, Clerk of
th Board,
Age You
3 lm
Will You Help I
Boost Your Own
X ex
By catttet, t year $3(
By mail, I year 2X
Send in Your Name
and Remittance