M0KN1N0 ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH ai, 1911. For Value '.. will riadir purchase where rbu receive value for .Vur ionif Yotf can always set ft for leu at Variety Store. EDDY & SON Opposite the Oregon City Bank Qooda aaonabl and up-to-dt. i .did' 'and Children's Spring m.rv at bottom pHoaa. lS ra.dyto.waar turbsns ,l.L.h.'do.ora. 13.28, S2-.0 and JOU h.t..2..60c.nd cHiuBHiN-t dresses-, . Mreaia wlf mada. alaaa 14 Th "a. ?J.nt of pattarn. and atylaa on""'" LOCAL DRICrS -, Hats are stylish, and cble. Mla kooMw- forth latest nnwiiwi in nniiuri lafl pa Ml" t Uoiunmitu. Da Hn. "f PTtl"nd. waa In Ore- pt City on aialner, (if Heaver Creak, waa In Uli' city on Thursday,. ... role li ft on Wedneaday for thr OrK. where he aocompan- ir waeks surveying. . k to rhance wnen you J, fl..or at lltrrle Grocery. Wa .. ...... ..U'' Lin!) n, tarry oniy nn-f V4 . . . . ... , frank Hunch naa . maue several UBrt In the Interior of bla store, alttng for convenience and appear- pried frulla r getting acaece, -but M.r Kill Belling thoea fine dried imIm and parha at 10c pel" lb at Hurta Grocery. 1 atudeman. one of tba well known Li prominent farmera of Bhubel, waa UMDC tn lJre"n .ny uuainraa lion oo TB'iraoay. . ru Duolla of Mount Pleaaant achool -ih -u. an entertainment on Bator. 'day avenlng. April 1. at tlie achool bouM. AdtulHHlon will ba 26c. W. J- Kerr, prealdent of tba State Airkniltural Colic, will apeak at the Hiriecbwil Forum thla morning at 11 o clock, Frlenda ana patrone or tne Wtool ra Invited. HUmrtte lleliekah Lodge will hold la apecUl meeting thla evening In Odd rtilows kail. The business session viD ka followed by a card party and U awnbera are requested to attend. n. annual meeting of the member- Lilt of the rreabyterlan church will Ai kM Monday evening. April I, It to tab a hualness meeting, wun eiec Wo of offlcera. and la confined to the tmberihtp of the churcb. ' a C. Dre, who preacbea at the t'tloa church on Molalla avenue once BMMitk and who will occupy the pul- Mt Svaday evening, will take for hla uhjMl, "Coiiaervatlon or American VoTllt.' I 4 alar rm be given at the Electric hi fir en April IT and II for tba kaBKft af the Flremen'a Monument fatd The affair la In charge of tba Ira companlee of the city, and no MM there will be a large attendance. Ur. W. M. Proctor, paator of the :ormilonal church, will preach In M-t'nlon church on Molalla avenue it 1:U -p. mr Eaater Sunday. Hla aer no will be to boya, and have aome hlif of explanation of the new work hl kaa recently been taken up In thla mtry and England In the Intereat of ha boya. PEOPLE POINTED OUT Attorney C. Rchuebel waa a bualneaa klaltor to Hlllaboro Thureday. Jodie J n. Kelao. of MUwaukle, waa In Oregon City Thureday on legal bual ICN. Mr. and Mra. gtagmajin, of Bhubel, irt In thla city on Thureday return- mi to their home In the evening. Mr. and Mra. N. Guenther. of 8hu- W. were In thla city Thureday on biitneaa. Mtaa Hazel Prancla left on Wednee- dy for Portland where aha will Tlalt with friend for a few day a. -- Conncllman William Andreeen la ipendlna; a few daya at Newport, an Joying i much-needed raat. Mr. and Mra. O. Falrchlld. of La- Croaaa, Wlaoonaln, were In Oregon City oo Wedneaday and Thureday and irt regiitered at the El ec trio Moiei. Mra. Lillian Raundera. of thla city. 111 leavt on Haturday for Iowa, where bi oea on a bualneaa trip, expecting k gone for about two monthe Mra. A. Goettllna- and daughter. Mlaa c. who have been vlattlng with the lormert aon Charlea Goettllng and "ta In Albany, have returned to Ore- Mr. Harrv Mnlnn. rnrmnrtv nf thla but now of Pertland, a linotype opirator on the Oregonlan, waa In Onion City on Thureday on a bual- inp, ft- M. J. Brown, of Salamanca, New SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Received oor Ladles whit walsta. Oood quality, neatly trlmmod walota at a8o. Attraotlva paturn. op rvwork daalgnl at Tic. Vary flnoat quality, handaomaly nv broldorod and lse-trlmmod walats, perfectly f)nlhd, only $1.60. r-tadlaa' allk and llala glov. Boat llala In blaok, tan or browna, only 25o pair. Bait all- allk glovaa Wo pair. York, arrived In Oregon City Tburaduy morning and la a gueat of Mr. and MrT. W. A. ghewman. Mr llrown haa been traveling; through New York and many of the Raatern State! before coming here. Thla la bla flrat vlalt In the Went, and he la much Impreaaed wtb the climate. .. . , . Mra. Nellie Btrohaker- and throe children- aj-rlved In thla city from Mount Angel on Thureday morning, and left In the evening for Redland, where ahe will visit with Mra. Fannie Keruea and other frlenda. Mra. Biroh ager formerly realded at Redland, leav ing for Mount-Angel about als yearn ago. They will remain at Redland for about two weeka. MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH A VERY PRETTY. QUIET WIDDINQ ' WITH ONLY CLOSE FRIENDS PARTICIPATING. A very pretty but quiet wedding waa aolemnlxed In thla city Tburaduy at high noon at Bt. Paula Episcopal church, the contracting part lea being Mtaa Wllbalmlna Loulae Rakel. young eat daughter of Mra. Dorothey and the late Frederick Rakel, of Canemah, and Samuel BteVena, of -Canemah, Iter. Charlea Roblnaon, rector, officiating. Preceding the marriage ceremony Mra. R. C. Ganong gang Impreaalvely "I Love Yoti Truly.and aa the bridal party entered the church Mlaa Veda Wllllama, presiding at theorgan. ren dered Lohengren'a Wedding March. brldeamald. Ml Adah 'Frost, at tired In pongee allk, and carrying a boqucf of pink carnatlona, accompan ied by the best man. W. R. Btokea, preceded ' the bride and groom and took their placea at the chancel rail, where by the Impressive ring cere mony Mlsa Rakel became the wire of Mr. Btevena. The bride waa very nreitv In her Empire gown of white crepe de chine over white allk wlih ailver fringe trimmings, and carrying an arm boquet of white carnations. Her long and graceful tulle veil held In place by a circlet of brllllaata. Onlr a few intimate rnenaa or ine contracting partlee attended tba cere mony. After the ceremony a recep tion waa held at the home of the brlda'a mother, only relatlvea being present.- Mr. and Mra. Btevena left by auto mobile for Portland, and from that place they will go to the Coast, where they will epend a brief honeymoon, and upon their return will make tholr home at Canemah." The bride la a most estimable youn woman, and waa born and raised In Canemah. where ahe haa a wide circle of frlenda. The groom la a teller In the Bank of Oregon City, having held that poaltlon for aeveral yeara, and la a prominent young man. He la the aon of Mra. ningman, of Canemah, oni of the early ploneera of Oregon. LINEN SHOWER GIVEN AT THE BRIDPS HOI-IE SHOWER COMES AS A SURPRISE TO MISS RAKEL, WHO WAS UNINFORMED. Mlaa Wllhelmlna Loulae Rakel, whose marrlagvto Mr. Samuel Btev ena took plnc at high noon at the Bt. Paul'a Episcopal church Thursday, waa tendered a linen ahower at the home of her mother, Mra: Dorothy Rakel. at Canemah. Wedneaday night Many of her frlenda attended and pre- aented her with a aet or taoie imen, and many other uaeful linen "Urtlelea. The affair waa In charge of Mra. Charlea Spencer, and the guesta gath ered at her home and went In a body t. . Dalrl tintne. where tna even- log waa pleaaantly apent In vocaj and m A PAIR OF PUMPS ' ; a f ClLtL. Te have tfeem' V JS0 Price $3.50 , , Price $3.50 ST A Holmes 617 Main St. ; . Instrumental tnualo and dancing until we ur. Herresnmenta aenred during the evening. were One of the features of the evening waa the aerenade given to tba bride and groom to-be by tba Canemah quar- tet, which la composed of Arch and unueri liong. Urn I a Smith and Oliver Frost. These young men were Invited to participate In the festivities. Preaent ware Mr. and Mra. R. C. (lanong, Mr. and Mra. Duncan Bbank, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Howell, Mr. and Mra. C. Wblto, Mr. and Mra. Auguat Rakel, Mr. and Mra. Charlea Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Telford, Mra. Dorothy Rakel, Mra. Helen Smith, Mra. Hunter. Mra. Tletse, Mra. John Carol hera. Mlaa Ada Bedwell, Mlsa Adah Frost, Mlaa Mary Ellen Long, Mlaa Meryl Long, Mlaa Nora Hannifin, Mlsa Ella Whlta, Miss Ilunny Owenby, Mls EllatWhIU, Miss Minnie Schata, Mlaa Jennie Schata, Mlsa Let ha Jack son, Miss Margaret Shank, Mlaa Eve lyn Hedges, Messrs, Louis Smith, Arch Long, Gilbert Long, Elbon Long, Oliver Frost, Herman Rakel, Bamuol Hteveue. - CORRESPONDENCE ' MOUNTAIN VIEW. Services at the ' Mountain View Church last Sunday were held as a funeral service Instead of tbe regular preaching services. Rev. A. Wilson, of ChshulU, Wash., and II. 8. Pate, of Dayton. Waah., conducted the fu neral services of Mrs. Sarah Owens, who died at her borne Friday even ing, - March ' 14. - Interment In Moun tain View cemetery. A great many people attended the funeral. Mr. and Mra. Dan Frazlor, of Port land, were transacting business In Oregon City last 'week, Friday, and went out to Eldorado to spend a few dava with Mr. and Mra. A.' L. Jonea. Pearl Belby came home from Mo Mlnnvllle last week to spend bla va cation. P. M. Ware, wbo spent the winter In Philomath, la at home again and hauling rock for the Improvement of Duane atreet . Mr. and Mra. Cribble, of Barlow, were, ahaklng handa .with .old frlenda In thla burg Sunday, having come here to attend the aervlcea of the Primitive Daptlat denomination. Tbe Mountain View Church waa given the second coat of paint Mon day. A new carpet haa been pur chased for the church. Walter Griffin, who haa been work ing on tbe new Court House In Port land, la at home thla week wlih a broken finger. Charlie Dickey and wife are mov ing Into their -new cottage on Molalla avenue,, near Duane afreet. Measra. A. L. and Will Jonea. of El dorado, were called to the bedside of their mother, Mra. J. P. Roehl, Bun day morning. A. L. Jonea returned home Sunday evening, but Will Jonea la attending the week here, trimming treea for hla mother. Curtis Selby made a bualneaa trip to Portland Tuesday with hla brother Pearl, who returned to McMlnnvllle. Mra. Preaton. who Is ataying with Mra. Allison, waa called to Seattle Tuesday to visit a sick daughter. Mr. Payne and family, on Seventh and Taylor atreeta, are moving to Wawhlngton. - - ; Geo. McDowell and family will move Into the house on Seventh va cated br Mr. Payne. 1 ! Mra. Charlea Stuaat and two boya of Carua, were the gueata of Mra. Will Mav Saturday. Mr. Stewart la working In Oak Grove, Mr. and Mra. . K. Morrte were ..l.l. In jf. mrA Urc A fanl Iftat Saturday. Mra. L. H Newman la Improving alowly, but ahe la not yet able to do ber houae work Mra. Henry Brand la on tbe alck Hat. Dr. Mount was called Saturday. Mr. Rlmpaon la able to be out again and la In tba blackamlth ahop wlth Ralph Grove. - E. W. Imbler will eoon have hla new houae ready to live In. It la a aquare cottage. FIRWOOD. Mr. and Mra. Earl Miller, who have been visiting their parenta, left for California the flrat of the week, ex pecting Mra. MUler'a health to be benefitted by the cllmatw. Walter Frost and Alvle Chown, of Bloux City, Iowa, are visiting at the home of E. D. Hart. Mra. W. F. Fischer apent a few daya In Portland the first of the week. At the annual meeting of the Fir wood Progressive Association the fol lowing offlcera were elected; A. J. Morrison, president; J. O. -DeShaxer, vlce-prealdeitt ; .Clair Corey, secre tary; Victor jey, aaalatant secre tary. A. C. Irrvfllron, treaaurer; A. Malar, manager; Ood fried 8tuckl, as alatant manager; Mra. Malar, libra rian, and Christian Christ, assistant librarian. M. Walton, of "Portland, apent a couple of daya looking over .hla ranches" the flrat of the week. Mr. and Mra. E. D. Hart, Jrtlss Le Grand, and Mra. 8. B. Dili were Dover vlsttora Sunday. Robert Jonea. of Portland, paaaed through Fir wood Saturday In hla auto on hla way to Welchee. - C. Corey haa been apendlng aev eral daya In Three Six. Will Alt came out from Portland and brought aeveral visitors with him. The Brownell Reed Co. la aettlng out a large commercial orchard. Mr. Thomas, of Bull Run, waa a Three Six visitor Monday. The Fir wood school closed Friday. An ouPof-door dinner had been plan ned, but on account of the weather, waa eaten In the acbool house. Coun ty Superintendent T. J. Gary arrived shortly before Boon, and greatly pleased tae eniwren Dy ataying to dinner. Several of tbe parent were also present. Victor Bodley ana Lea Morrison, of fOover, apent Thureday evening at E. v. nana. - J. O. DeShaxer haa been - hauling potatoes to Boring. J. C, Smith and- aon Oarfleld are apendlng a few weeka on tbelr ranch, making a fence and Improving It In general, OAK OROVE. Oak Grove baseball team defeated the rrwln Hodson team of Portland. Score (-3. Now that tbe ball season has opened the fana are busy. Oak Orova haa aeveral good teams, and want games with amateur teama. Address Jack Warren or phone Red 17, Oak Grove, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brant returned home Friday from Tacoma, Waah.,i where they have been visiting their aon and wife. J. A. Peterson, of MUwaukle was here Tuesday on business. Dr. Walker, of Forest Grove, who formerly lived here, wag visiting old friends Tueaday and attended the M. w. A. Smoker in the evening. The M. W. A. held a smoker Tuea day evening In Green's ball. A large number were preaent and all enjoyed the evening. Dr. Walker, of Forest Grove, waa preaent and made a fine apeech. Also aeveral others gave a few remarks for the good of tbe Or der. . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill attended the funeral of Mra. Mary A. Ilusa at Montavllla Tuesday. Tbe tw6 faml- ltea have been frlenda for a great many yeara, Mra. I E. Armstrong waa In Mon tavllla Tuesday to attend tbe funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Ruas. Mr. and Mra. J. II. Graham are en tertaining old frlenda from Alberta, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neal, who apent the winter in California, are now en route home, atopplng along the line to visit frlenda and relatlvea. Mra. Berry's puplla gave a fine pro gramme Kr way anernoon at tne achool. . Church Notea. MfE. Church.. Rev. Henry 8peia, Paator. Sunday achool 10 A. M., preaching at 11 A. M.. by Paator, boy and girl claases at 3 and 4 P. M. Sun day afternoon. Ladles' Aid meets Thursday at tne church. All ladles Invited. - - CAN BY. The Electric . railway from Canby to Molalla and other points, la the much tallied of topic on the atreeta here. All that has .been done on the part of the promotera here and capi talize at Seattle la kept ao quiet that the-publle doea not really know much In regard to tbta enterprise. But It la known that Mr. Gorham, of the Canby Canal Co.. Is now In Seattle, and it la conjectured that hla mle alon there la to rush the project through with the greatest poaalble haate. The aurveyora are busily oc cupled making mape et.ctbeeuryey work In the field having been com pleted. We also learn that the peo ple through whoae land the road la to pass are willingly giving the right of way through their rarma. no capital la being aollclted aa mat la an ionn coming from Seattle financier. More of the detail will doubtleaa come up thla evening at a meeting of the new Rooster Club, known aa the "cnam ber of Commerce of Canby." George Keelrlng and W. R. Por ter have formed a partnership and together they are doing all tbe dray work at Canby. S. N. Rtruhhar haa bought a lot and a half from J. B. Manley, and now he has ordered lumber for a feed atable 100x66 feet. Lumber will be on the ground Saturday. Mr. Hill, who came here from Mln- neaota this week bought from Mr. J Saltmarsh, through the canai com pany, her town property, conaldera tlon $1800. We understand that Mr. Hill la to have poaeion tn a iew day. White a Bcheer purcnaaea tnrougn the Canby Realty Co. the two lots In brock four which were owned by the Methodist Episcopal Church of Canby, the' consideration being 11200. An automobile garage win be -erected and thla property will henceforth be head quartera of these two enterprising bu sines men. The City Council meets next Mon day evening. Mrs. Andrew Kocher and Mrs. Adam Knight attended the DUtriet Convention of the Rebecca I. O. O. F. Lodge, held at Woodburn laat Thurs day evening. They report having a moat delightful time.- -- Mrs. Creeys father from Salt Lake City la visiting her this week. He and Rev. Creeay apent Wednesday of this week In Portland. , Leonard Paulson, who drive Gor don Broa.' delivery wagon, had had aome little difficulty with Lawrence Masterson and while he was making a delivery of aooda to John R. New ton'a. north of town, he met Master aon there and they had a few worda. calling one. another rihmea. . Paulson waa asked to take back a name, but refuaed, when Ralph Cox, who waa at work, told him he would make him take It back and then he proceeded to pull the boy from the wgon and beat him until unconsclou. Ralph Immediately left town and policeman Dick haa or dera for hla arresL ; . The shipment of produce, especially hogs and veal, from here. Is very large for the past week. On Tuesday thirty-three dressed porkers and a doxen veals were loaded on the 9:40 train, consigned to commission men at Portland. Mra. Vaughn'a baby boy, Buckley, la kept at home with the chicken pox. N. Digerneaa la here from North Dakota, renewing old acquaintances He and hla family are now at Silver ton, visiting there. H. H. Ecclea spent Sunday In Port land with friend. C. E. Aahbaugh waa a gueat at the Cottage Hotel on Monday. Brlnt and Young are enlarging their blackamlth ahop. Their bualneaa demands more commodloua quarter. J. H. Leonard, who la Interested in race horaea, and who la caring for aome of Mr. Robblne horse here at Canby, moved, hla family here from Portland during the paat week. John Sawyer apent laat Sunday, at Portland. John R. Newton la away thla week on bualirfka to the Eaetern part of the State and also Idaho. M. J. Lee waa out of town for aev eral daya thla week on bulnea. Grandma Koehle haa gona to Washington ta vlalt for aeveral weeka with relative there. Evangelist George Gregg and Mr. Webb and wife, who have aeslsted In the singing at the meetings held In the Christian Chnrch, aet out for Eastern Oregon Wednesday morning, having held the last service at Canby Tuesday evening. Their meetings here wera well attended, and .much Intereat waa abown. Tbe regular Sunday services wfll be held In the Methodist Church on April 1st. Sunday achool at t:4t A. M.; preaching at 11:00 A. M.; Junior League at 1:00 P. M.; Epwerth League at 6:10 P. M.; preaching at 7:0 P. M. Tbe Mens' Union Prayer Meeting will be held at the Christian Churcb Sunday afternoen at 1:00 P. M. At the public achooL laat Friday afternoon. In Prof. Olll'a room, there waa a most Interesting debate on the subject, "Resolved, That City Life la More Desirable Than Country Life." Both aldea did well, and Prof. GH1 aaya that he haa puplla In hla depart ment wbo have tbe making of flrat clasa debatera. John Zeek la Improving the appear ance of hla barn and blackamlth ahop by giving them a freah coat of paint. W. H. Lucke bas put a large base ment nnder the house he I construct ing. He ha made good aubstanttal concrete foundation, and the work of It a erection 'la going forth rapidly..' Charlea Warbla aold bl farm aouth of town and la In Oregon City today, Wednesday, getting tbe abstract brought up to date.' STAFFORD. The weather continues so bright and aunny that quite a little early garden which will atand the expected cool night and rainy daya of April Is being put Into the ground. The Delkar brothera, wbo talked of cultivating a couple of Mr. Gage'a fields, gave It up, aa they concluded they could make more hauling clay for the Tualatin Company at IS for a ten hour day, aa they were prom ised an all 'Bummer job. A man from Sherman County came to look at 40 acrea Mr. Gage had to aell, and aeemed very favorably Im pressed with the location and tba price. Mr. RIchte, who bought, the Moser place, aaya be baa an incubator to aell cheap, as he only got 94 chicken from 200 egg. It la the opinion of your correspondent that one ha to thoroughly learn the trade before one can make a aucceaa of any kind of an Incubator. He aays he has 20 hena doing fine, and shall stick to tbe old faahloned proceaa. Cata have been growing fat trpon the chlckena belonging to Mra. Gage and Mra. Nuasbaom. Mra. Nuaabaum caught one In the act and gave It a piece of poisoned beef, which apeedliy departed It to other happy hunting grounds. Mr. Wiseman I making a week a visit at Kalama. where he has an old friend, the resident Methodist minis ter Mrs. Relnt DeNul and her little boy are very alck with pneumonia, also Mrs. Ben Atby. Mrs. Demurs motner. The little one Is very low, but they J here a trained nurse now, and every-1 one hopes for the besL Mrs. Zack Ellegsen, Mrs. Gage ana others from this vicinity attended one or both of Mortimer Whitehead's lec tures at Oregon City in tne afternoon and evening of the 25th. The Stafford boya are quite Jubilant oversaving beaten the Willamette boya on , their own ground 10 to 8, which was rather remarkable, as It Is always conceded that roosters can light better In their own barn yard. Mr. and Mrs. Powell returned from their trip to Grants Pae on last Fri day, much benefitted tn health. He thlnka he wouldn't trade hla place for aavthina be saw below Cottage Grove. It la hoped for the good name oi Stafford and tbe future well being of certain boy who are trying to act the hoodlum, but do not know bow to carry the Idea out gracefully, that the achool board will do it duty and suppress all such demonstrations aa the law abiding element was suDjeci ed to on last Sunday evening during service at the achool house. There Is law which deala with the dis turbers of any nubile meetlnga, and in nrh a ease as this It should be Invoked. We are certain that none of onr boys are vicious, but If allowed to go on they may drift,.lnto some thinrthev do not ndw contemplate. and It Is time now for .them to be rnnnlT enoueh to call . a halt them- elves, before belnr brought up with a round turn, which they may not rellih any more than we relish being itiotiirhMl when tiring to listen, now, my boy, don't put on bravado and say, "We don't care, for really yon do care, and be manly enough to ac knowledge It by keeping quiet or stay ing at home out of the way of tempta tion. JENNINGS LODGE. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jennlng have re turned to their home In Seattle after a menth'a atay at the old homeatead. Wm. Rose sold some of his prop erty to Mr. Martin, of Sellwood. A number of our people attended the Gladstone minstrel on Friday evening and report a aplendld enter tainment by home talent, -of that place. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberta have decided to name their little daughter Janette. Mr. Lynch, of Minneapolis, has msde a number of trips to the Lodge recently In quest of a location, being very favorably Impressed with the land at this place. Herbert McGovern was a caller at the Lodge on Wednesdsy. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland and chil dren visited with friends at Vernon on Sunday. k W. TJmbdenstock, who recently pur. chased river front property of Mr. McClure, received a load of treea last week and ' hla household goods will arrive thla week. k Walter Beckner called at the Lodge on Saturday prevloua to hla departure for a visit with hla brother at Loa Angelea. Mr. Beckner will also visit at a number of Southern California eltlea and will vlalt at Coronado with the Fred Terry family. Mlsa Ellerton, of Portland, visited with Mlaa Mable Morse last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Newell were Portland visitors on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mra. Olin Ford. Rev. Heverllng will begin a aerie of revival meetlnga at the Grace Chapel on Sunday, April , at 7:30 and continue for two week. All are cordially Invited. H. R. Smith and McQregory, of Oregon City, and I. Rivers, of Wil lamette, were at the Lodge .on Wed nesday of laat weeki Mesdame Vollner, Cassou, Hare, and Garretson, were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Jack Hampton on - Wednesday, returning on the 6 o'clock car to their homes In Portland. , . Hugh McGovern and family', and Ml L. 0. Jier..end Curtla Miller, removed to Gladatone last week. Mr. McGovern la president of the Jennings Lodge Community Club, and will be greatly missed aa will also Mlsa Mil ler, who waa our post-mlstresa since we were granted a post-office at thla place. Mlsa Ethel Hart haa resumed her tudlea at the Jennings Lodge achool, having been out aeveral weeka din ac count of lll2B. Mis Marl Toiler. became enrolled In school during last week. Mr. and Mrs. StouL of Denver, Colo rado, and Mr. and Mrs. Manson and children, of Portland, were delight fully entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Robinson during last week. Mr. and Mr. O. D. Boardman, who are enjoying a visit with their on In Sherman County, will return thla week. .. Mr. and Mr. Varney have moved Into their little cottage which they recently purchased on Addle street. Daniel Boone Morris, of Yacolt, Wash., will spend a few days at this place. , H. C. palnton haa just completed a drilled well for Mr. McFarland at a depth of seventy-eight feet.' At pres ent be Is drilling on tbe Rlsley trsct for Mrs. Backus. " Mrs. Bohlln was a Portland visitor on Friday of last week, and was ac companied home by her little nephew. MILWAUKIE. The roof -of the Floor Til Factory of F. D. Lehman, which la run by the water. power en the old Henneman place, caught fire Wedneaday noon, and were it not for the prompt as sistance of passer by. and Mr. Leh mann, Mr. Hllmer and Mra. Rose, It would ' have soon burned to tbe ground. It Is another -forcible re minder that we are In need of Are protection In Milwaukle. Mr. Dyer, our affable mail carrier on Rout , aaya If Riley quits he will too. It Is to be hoped they will decide. to -tay with It, aa such men are not to be picked up every day. . J. E. Wetzler la getting out tbe con crete block to replace the burned structure of J. M. Snyder, which 1 to be of cement. J. E. M it hews, our tonsorial artist, will occupy his old premises, with some additional room added thereto. Mrs. R. A. Davidson, wife of W. A. Davidson, formerly of White Salmon, wbo died suddenly Sunday morning, was buried Tuesday afternoon from the family residence In Qulncy Addi tion, Interment In Milwaukle ceme tery. The moving picture show Is draw ing fairly good alxed audiences night ly. They have changed tbe music and now have real live piano player. Samuel Riley, our efficient carrier on Rout 1, la thinking of realgnlng if he can dispose, of bis place. . He la offering hla home place for sale at a low figure. Thla will necessitate an-1 other examination being held In Ore gon City. Whoever stands the highest- will cet the lob. L. J. Bennett has bought a lot, and Is playing -thf role of a bachelor In earnest jip Qt on the high ground overlooking Qulncy Addition. Some are unkind enough to imagine tnat be has other things in view, and doe not Intend to live all alone. Subse quent development will tell the tale. Mra. Davidson, an elderly lady of Qulncy Addition, suffered a paralytic stroke Monday morning, and was hur ried Tuesday from her noma, inter ment being In the MUwaukle ceme tery. Mra. Davidson leave a large family of grown up children, beside many, friends to mourn her loss. Mothers ana Teacnerr ciud new a splendid meeting Thursday. About forty ladles were presenL The high school pupils gave a aenat on ie question of the day, and the lower grade pupils gave an exercise in calis thenics. The teachers servea tea ana cake after the regular routine of busi ness. The afternoon will long be re membered br all present The bova' club will entertain tneir narenta Wednesday evening at the clasa hour. In the City HalL All the parenta should attend ana encourage the boys In their work- Mrs. Ella Maple la anie to sit bp and her frlenda are glad and hope ahe will fully recover. Mr. E. Lelghton and Mlsa Delia Mullln were quietly married Saturday evening. Mlsa Mullen la the dansjter of F. F Mullln, and quit well known. Mra. Ola Bell, of Hood River, sis ter of Mrs. Geo. Wesslnger, was down Tuesday to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Mary A. Russ, of Monta vllla. City Council will meet Thursday evening and act on the petition for the Improvement of Washington Stl Advertising for blda for the improve ment of Main atreet will be ordered, and any - other bustne that may come up will be acted on. The dance gWen by the Women of Woodcraft, waa a grand auccesa, both anciallv and financially. Everyone had a fine time and look forward to another dance. Mr. Homer Mullln and Mlaa Nellie Buckner apent Wedneaday in Oak Grove on business. Milwaukle Band will give a concert and all night dance at Eatacada Sat urday evening, April 1. A car na been chartered to carry the band and othera out there. A good time la ex pected. ' The guarda of Linden Circle, Wom en of Woodcraft, are drilling for the encampment In May at the Armory In Portland. ' A. L. Bolstad. the cashier of MU waukle State Bank, waa In Oak Grove Monday. . al Judf Kelso haa been attending tne Hasslng case in Portland all this week. W. A. Hanson, our druggist, waa in Oak Grove Tuesday, looking after hla drug store there. ' Geo. Wlsslnger, who haa been quite sick. Is improving. The children of Geo. Atwood have the measles. ' Church Note. Evangelical Church. Rev. E. Rade baugh. Pastor. Sunday school 10:30 A. M., services 11:30 by the Pastor. Y." P. A. at 7 P. M., preaching at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Teacher Training Thursday evening. Choir practice Friday even ing. Wanted At Once! AT Oak Grove ' CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE MORNING ENTERPRISE Llbersl . term to huatlar. See Mr. Mtllr Circulation Department,-En-terprlee, Oregon City Oregon. NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Th partnership heretofore existing nnder the Arm nam of Story A Tfctrk aa, having been dissolved by aatanuJ consent, all liabilities of the ana are assumed by Owa a Thoana and all accounts due the firm an payable to the afore aald Owea O. Tbomaa. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this I4th day of February. 1911. E. T. STORY, OWEN a THOMAS. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under ths claaslflad hadms will b Inavied at on Mitt word, firs InMrtkm. half cent additional maar tlona. One Inch card. It yr aonth; ball Inch eard. (4 llnaa) tl par month. Caah muat accompany ordar nnlaae on haa an opan account with tha paper. No financial responsibility for errors; whare errors occur fraa eorractrd notice WIU ba printed (or patron. Minimum chars Ho. WANTED. WANTED Girl for general houee work. Flrat class wagea. Mrs. Don Meldrum, 1114 Washington Street. WANTED Small advertisements for . this column. Price very reason able. Be rates at head of column. VACUUM CLEANING done for 60 centa an hour. Call Pacific State 249L MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES Were year. If you want come plant Oswego, Or. Price $4.00 per 1000. POR BALE. FOR SALE Consult B. C. Dye about timber lands. He has several 6.000, . 000 feet propositions for sale If tak-. en quick. Address him at Oregon City , - FOR . SALE By owner 2.71 acres, .- four room house,- barn,- cow,- horse, chickens,' well, fruit trees, small frulta. Concord Static. - telephone. Oak Orove, red 814. (;' -t 1-H't acres on Division St, S houae, bath room and basement, barn, chicken house, orchard and small fruit, city water. Price $1,300. Terms. Clyde a McRae, 1003 Main street r UILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of "building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Main 111. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-et-Lw, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, - land titles examined, eatatea settled,' gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. V , UTtEN ft SCHUEBEL, Attorneyeet- Law, Deutacher Advokat, will prac tice In all court, make collection and settlement. Office In Enter prise Bldg Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OP" TITLE. V. R.HYDE, Abstract Oiftce Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. PRTT1CS CCMEKT bokPETITOXS COPY ' Room 7, Barclay Bldg, Oregon City. B. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle ""your properties we bny, sell . and exchange. Office In . Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. rrr FRETTAO ft MONET, Real Eatate 'Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. See ns for good buys. Near 8. P. depot ' SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. When I moved Into my new store I put In a nice line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at the pri ces usually quoted for second hand or shop-worn goods. Come in end look around. Fine line of curios snd relic. GEORGE YOUNG. PLEASE NOTICE. To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major- Ity of the home In Oregon City and Clackamas count v the management - has decided to e make a apeclal price for the dally Issue, for a abort time only, where the ubacrtber paya a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In ' advance, 13.00. e By mall, paid a year la d- e vance, $2.00. 4 . People who gave our canvas- ser a trial aubscrlptlon for one or more months, at ten centa a week, can have the dally dellv- ered for a year for $3.00 by ' paying a year In advance. t 4 People who gave our canvas- aer a trial subscription, by mall, for four month at a dot- Jar, may have the paper for a year for $2.00. if paid a year In 4 advance- e Subscriber to. the Weekly e Enterprise may change their subscriptions to the dally, re- celving credit for half time on ' th dally that the weekly la e paid In advance. Whan they choose to add caah to the ad- vance payment equal to a full year's advance payment they may take advantage of tbe $3 rate. : ' - 4, We make thla apeclal ptic. to that people who have paid la advance oa some other daily e .and wlah to take the Morning e Enterprise may do ao without e too great expense. . "" Potato aoupi Boll a quart of pota- .... a. Alnw Mtll . lliMnMrth, cooked. Pour off the water. Add a piece of butter th at a of an egg, and beat the whole well with a fork or wooden apoon. Heat a mart of milk and pour over this mixture. Bait and pepper. to taate. Keep It hot on back of atove until aerved. but do hot allow It to boil after the milk haa bee ad