Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 30, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ik -
.HOKNiNa-jarrEUPKiaA . Thursday, march ;3a,:i9iL.
1 -
S. V
A Demons trabon
OssevtgBjt o
. - 'We HmvhU, s turt-n
. .. wtth rich nnd indulgent father, spent
much f kto Um abroad. Paris belaj
kto favorite ptace ef iMkfam He
ws m flejnet rWtor at the open sJ
f .' the theaters. Indeed, they war hi
. world. On akbt m the stage f tbe
.' Opera Coeaia.Be b saw his fa a. On
' tb singers. Mile. OvMti Verdler
wsa tbe lapmoatllMi modesty, c!
ass, of all that ta gentle end fera
Ala worth requested theatrh-ai
Mead to Uke him behind the icvor
lid Introduce ala to to la dr. Thl
daly granted, a ad Alasworts
Kile. Verdler tW same shv
aaassumtag creature she eras o the
stage. 8b waa ratber petit and
dressed off and usually on th atag;
. la very simple attire, bee Usir especial
r bring plainly done. When Alu
worth looked at ber admiringly bat
yea dropped to the floor and abe Mood
befere bUa a tiring Mats of Lon-
"'ft-' ' j
Mirr.r r f
' Jit tb end of few aaooths. dar
lag which Ateswertk rare Mile. Tar
dier ail of bto Odm Out ib an
ante to spare of bar own to b wiih
kirn, b found himself deapcrately la
lore with bar and mad ber a proposal
at marriage. It waa accepted, and
Ainsworth waa teqrdlnataly bappr. He
told his nance, that It would not
necessary for ber to remain oa 0
etago tbat bto fatber waa a very rtrb
' Alaawortb aonlor waa tmt tweory
rwoyaara eider than AJnawortb taoinr
wot bo bad alwaya bora very liberal
wttb Ua aoa and bad told tb boy tbat
vrbea bo wished to marry be woaM
provide t or bim. "I dost wtoh yon ra
M tn a bnrry to get bm oat of tbe wa
r tbo parent bad aaid. Tsa good
i tar twenty or thirty yean yet. bat !
ban not tronblo yon beraoeo I rm
Bra." When Clocbett asked Diet tf
bla fatber would object to bla man?
m on on tb stage Dfc-k told ber
bat bla fatber bad come very near 1)0
" teg tb anmo thing himself before b
marrtad bia motber.
'J Pick: vrot hi fatber a boat his en
Cmgeament. and bto fatber replied ayn
patbettcaJly tbat If tbe description be
bad received of tbe tody were correct
be would have wo objection whatever
to tbe match and would provide for
tbe cenpie liberally. Tbe elder Aim
' worth waa s widower, with no other
child except Dick, and be promised tr
settle half of kto estate on bto boy a
tbe day ef kto marriage. "Bat." Il
ea id In Closing bto letter. "! moat mak
the acquaintance of yonr naocee be
fore giving bjj approval, and 1 an i
erry to aay I shall not be able t-
era sa tbe ocean for several montbr
Tbto last part of bto father's letter
eras the only part of ft tbat Interfered
wu .uwi comxort. He waa vsr?
rack In love end desired to be msd
happy at once. It tronbtod him tbat
kto dear, modest little Clocbett shonld
enntteoe to be tbe target for tbe eyes
f the yewag bloods of Parts. He
Stedry bav had ber leave it at
erHned to do so nntfl
saarried. - So Dfc-k was
wait tffl bto fatber conk)
ewer and all should be settled.
t Inst b received tbe wek-om'
tbnt Mr. jUnewerrh would Mil
ma rertein date and go direct ti
ew kto arrrral at Havre. Dlri
mtud for the day of arrival feverlab
ty. Be bad no donbt of bto father's
Mpreval of bto tody love. 8ora nna.
fertcd eweetneaa vooid charm aaj
men. Bealdea. IXck knew tbat bis fa
ter bad keen Insight Into character,
especially-of women. He woold ct
once recognise Oocbetts's moral worth
would see how different abe wai
from many women on tbe stage.
On tbe day ef bto father's expected
arrival Dick received a telegram frou
him Inviting his son to sup with bin
st cafe on tbe Champs Etysees. Mr.
Ainswortb would not srrtve before 10
p. m and bto son waa to go to tbe
eafe at 1L At tbe appointed hour
Dick went to tbe cafe and asked for
bto fatber. Tbe proprietor nnnoaneed
that MV Ainswortb bad engaged pri
vate room, bat that be had evidently
been detained, since be bad not yet
Dick impatiently walked back and
forth for an boor, when a waiter atep
ped Bp to bim and bade him follow
bla. He led the young man to an up
per story and, stopping at a certain
door, threw It open. -
The sight young Ainswortb beheld
startled him.! Around a table on which
were tbe remains of a eupper eat a
company of men and women all the
worse for wine. But this was only
tbe beginning ef what tick saw. At
one end aat his fatber. evidently tbe
boat, while the crowning feature of
cn waa a woman dancing around
tee festive board.
Bbe was Mile. Clochette Verdler.
n who latend making ees
mnet'lret noderstand eertate
fndamental raise or aba will only
waste materials.
rata, Such as spermaceti, wax and
ethers naturally bard, are to be aof
ted before mixing with other tblnxn
They may even be melted a Utile, but
two facta are to be borne tn mind.
One to tbat direct beat must never be
ployed. A "bath" to tbe only way.
by which to meant putting tbo ma
terials Into n china or glass vessel and
placing this In bot 'water. Direct bent
will ruin fata.
Tbe other detail to tbat one fata be
come actus Jy bot they are ruined and
will not harden when cold. Tbe Ideal
method Is to break tbe solids Into amatt
and regular bits and soften them in
the bath. If they melt, then the liquid
will be only warm and not bot unless
the bath to made too hoc.
When liquids are te be combined
wttb grease, as rose water In ceid
erenm. tb mixing must be alow and
stirring bxeeeaat ' If kaetflj 'pot 'to
gether they will not bleod. Tbe stream
of liquid should be not more than
thread In atoe, and ff tbe mixture be
glM to harden too soon It may be re
turned for a moment to the bath. eoo
ttaulnf stirring. " -
BOH another point to tbat glass or
ebina should always be tbe receptacle,
lfetato will blacken creams and with
ess formulas will ruin the results
through chemical action. Stirring. If
metal to employed, must be done with
stiver. An Ivory paper cutter to good,
only on must be certain R te Ivory
nnd net celluloid. Boo to Ideal for
almost any chemical work, and glass
red to uaequaled.
when toilet waters are being com
pounded they must stand always for
ten days before opening, and three
the will bring better resulU
Homemade powders are rarely success
ful only because they are not mixed
tly. Ten times Is none to
ly to puss n formula through
coarse muslin.
Another esuse of failure to that in
experienced persons attempt to work
tb perfumed oils used Into tbe pow
der instead of tbe powder Into tb
"Did yen ever atop t think,"
Z aaid Jim McOulru. ma eager of
Cleveland American, recently,
Tbat I hav n peculiar outfield T
Outside of Calls ha a every on
ef tb men who win be In the
entneid tbto season started out
tn mm other position. Oraney
was pUcber until last year,
' wheel we signed bim up for tbe
'. outneid. Jackeon wen a pitcher,
but shifted to tb outfield bo
ra ne mi bto batting. Easterly ,
was catcher until last August,
while Dean to tuat taking up
eutfleid work regularly for the
tret time. Birmingham was an
InneMer tn tb New Tort State
tongue, playing first, second and
third, or wherever they needed
him. And for nl I know Calla
han may have started out te
some ether position." '
-But tbat to nothing new."
aaid friend etandlng by. -8ome
of tn most fsmoos out fielders te
tbe country started out tn other
positions. Elmer FUck was a
catcher; Mike Tlernan. George
Tan naltren. Mike Donlln. 81
Seymour. Jimmy Ryan and
Jeesw Burkett were'pttchera, and
WlIHe Keeier was n third base
man. For tbat matter, half ef
tbe men who hav acquired
more or toes fame a ball play,
ers worked In on or more pool
rJona before settling down In tbe
In which they became tbe
t at bom. Lav Cross was
considered n mighty good catch
er before be took to playing
third, nugbey Jennings played
nearly everywhere en tb team
before be settled down to cover
ing snort."
Tw Toned MateriaJa
foeelae Thle teeee.
KnfHsh Featherweight Champion Owe
t Arrfae First Week In April.
Jem Drtocoll. tbe featherweight
champion of England, to coming to
Aaaertm tb flrst week in April." Jen
to anxious t retire now that be baa
wo tb Lord Lonsdale belt for keep,
but nays tbat he'd Uke to. win tb
America a this, too, and make bti
self tb real world's rhamplon before
be puts tb old glove, shoes and tlgbta
away with tb moth bulla.
DrlacoD has received several good of
fers from the promoters In this conn
try to meet Abe AtteQ end three or
four other pugilists on this side of tb
terr wave
ramen - ciochetter eiiad nn
aghast ,.
' 2 The dancer stopped, looked from her
nance to hto fatber, got down from the
tabto and walked angrily out of the
. loom. -
I ; --My aoo," said the elder Ainswortb.
"demonstration to better than perron
ton, ' I have been a long while In
Paris Incognito studying your flaneee,"
and .that eras tbe end ef Dkk Ains
wortb 's dream of love at laent that
dream. He had another later, but this
time bis fatber approved of bis choice
a son ss he new ber
Smoothness to impeeslbl In either
but In tbe latter way if a fei
gralna are absorbed at a time nil the
oil to taken up, and many slftings will j
finally distribute it the lumps being
roreed through the doth each time.
Juice te Reeaove Stains.
There are various preparations sold
by manicures to remove states under
tb finger nails. With careful tows
most ef thee can' be relied upon, but
If there to any doubt about special
preparation subsutute lemon Juice.
As s stain remover .it Is excellent,
and tbe woman who keeps half n lem
on on the stationary wssbstand where
she washes ber bands rarely wfl) have
to binah for tb unsigbtlliiess of ber
Oxalic acid to a too good, bat to In
jurious to some skins. It should be
applied wttb n bit of cotton on the
end of an orange wood stick. In using
tb lemon tbe tips of tbe fingers ens
be rubbed Into n section of It Later
tins well with clear water.
Stains on tbe sides of tbe fingers
are quickly removed with a moist
pumice stone. This to tnvaluabl to
et eff tbe first blotches after preserv
ing, painting or doing any disfiguring
wont, in ruse where tbe skin under
tbe nails has roughened a little pow
dered pumice can be moistened with
lemon juice snd applied with an
orange wood stick.
Colored She No Longer In Fashion.
Tbe smart women In New Tork so
ciety no longer wear colored shoes.
That lively fancy at least to vanish
ing. Black to now far more popular.
It Is said tb fancy colors were given
up because they made the feet took
"so awfully big," as one young ma
tron poutlngly expresses it Patent
leather is seen, and black velvet to
tbe choice of the woman who can af
ford any number of pairs and who
motors everywhere In certain cases
the uppers of tbe new feminine' boots
and ahoeb are made of pal mushroom
tinted kid. and now and then one still
sees the shoe that matches tb gray or
brown skirt For dancing the favorite
Is a black velvet boot Isced up the
front and fastened at one aide with
black pearl button. .Black satin
dancing boots wrought with gold and
sliver were worn tbe other dsy at n
dance In a fashionable section of tb
' -:rr t
K "
At Sympathetic.
Ceerrtost kr AaMrtraa Press nsse-
rMjIloe, ML
Apparel fur rastmlblt now Is upper-
tn tb femrntne eye. Tbe accoen-
punylng picture anows on ef the new
fancies In Caster gowns.' 1
toned materials am popular for .tbto
season. This frock, consists ef a com
bination skirt tn upper part beta,
mad of paw biscuit color serge nnd
tb lower part ef dark brown. Tb
skirt to msdu empire, snd tn Jacket
to one of tb new Eton designs. The
entire suit te mad very attractive by
tbe use of silk braid. Tb big bat
worn with tb costume to of tan chip
with whit pompon. Tb combination
gown and bat makes n stunning
Banter outfit
mi pnmoou. kmuii rTuiwnsTf
Atlantic. - Jem is considered t bt
about tbe shiftiest boxer tbat ever ap
peared in tb ring. He met Attell in
New Tork about two years ago and
outpointed ' tbe American champion
easily. ust summer be waa taken 111
and forced to go back to England.
Within the last few months tbe Eng-
Ush champion has shown his old time
Te Ssve Cologne.
Tbe latest crystal sod silver colons !
notnes nsvs sn siongated stopper that
touches the bottom of tbe bottle, and
this facilitates the use and saving of
ths psrfums. The cologne, with tbe
aid of tbe etopper. can be quL'kly and
economically applied to either tb.
dress or handkerchief. ,
-' AeM FrwMs For Beauty.
I io create ana maintain a clear com
plexion," aays n French beauty special
let "It la necessary to partake of an
acid fruit at least once a day." Tbto
rule Is easy to follow.
A?e You k Svbsctlbkt to ttie
If The Morning Enterprise Is to be a SQCceesful as the Interests of Oregon
City demand It must needs bar tb support of all. The new dally has
a big work before It In boosting Or goo City and Clackamas County. Tour
support, meana more etrsogth for tb work.-.
$7U You Help Boost yotif own Interests?
For a limited lim tk Morning Enter prise will be sold to paid la advance
subscribers aa follows :v "
w r , . r .; J ' . :'!'.
Germsns and Amerieene te Bar White
Ceder Weed.
Tbe German and American yachts
men have made an agreement barring
white cedar la tbe construction of Bon
der yachts. Tb Kalserllcher TacM
ehib of Germany and tbe . Eastern
Yacht club of this country are tb pan
ties to tbe agreement, which does not
extend to yscbts now under construc
tion or those already built ' '
In JClel harbor tbe Germans found
that atrong planking was necessary to
stand the rough water, so most of
tbelr sonder yscbts are built of red
cedar or mahogany. But tb Amerl
cana, accustomed to smooth seas off
Marblehead,' sought . the lightest of
wood snd by using white cedar war
able to bring 'the weight of tbelr
racbta close to 4,030 pounds.
Tb new agreement aaya tbat the
onder yaebte shall be built ef red
eedar or heavier wood.
' Rend tb Morning Enterprise,
' i.' (WORK.' , :'.
'''' A " ,
Beat of work and sitlafaetlon guar
antesd. . Have your horse shod by sn
sxpsrtl Jt psys. ,
' Al kinds of repair work and emRhy
eerk. . Prompt service; greater per.
tlen ef your work can be dene while
you do your trsdlng. Qlv me a trial
Job and see If I east plena you. , .
Wal si .
nene in your name ans remlttenoe.
Hot Fee Neat Summer.
Tbe milliners are busy designing
bats for tbe summer season ef 191 L
Among the many, designs to tb tutv
ban of straw shown te tbe picture.
v. ..
.. i
- ' -ks 'a
stbaw to nam. ,..
Trailing roses snd vine give a truly
summery effect It will Nb observed
thst tbe shape to not materially dif
ferent from some of tb headgear
worn last season. r '"f-it -
.. i .
Heusswlfe Suefsetiens.-
If your irons become rough and
sticky, wash in warm soapy water, dry
ana rub with emery paper. ' '
A alio or two of lime or a stlc of
orange sdded to apple as bee, instead
of lemon, gives delicious flavor.' A
time may be used Instead of lemon te
glv test to wine Jetlyi ' u . 1- "
When laundry seas U boSght la
large qaantltles, ss 'to bsuslty done,
tb bars should be unwrapped ' and
placed oa tbe top shelf Of the) kitcnen
ckwet to become thoroughly dry and
ripened before tber are used, x -.
wmen sweeping a heavy rdf or-car
pet It Is a good plaa to spread a news
paper on tbe floor and tprlakl It very
lightly with water. Keep tb news
paper a trifle ahead 'of the broom s
that tb dust Is brushed on to It
Don't throw away lemon peel. What
you cannot use Immediately for flavor
ings you can turn into essence of leav
en quit good ss any you ran buy.
to mars it mi a bottle with rectified
P'rita end when using lemon cut off
tb yellow irt of tk rind and place
K in the spirits. Oraag essence may
be mad in tb same way..
-, what It Says.
When money talks tb only thing V
toys to most of Us to "goodby.
I am tb wife of a l ulled states sr
my officer and have lived a good deal
ef my time on tbe faclnc elope, where
the only servants to be ksd are Chi
Thar to no doubt but tb Chi-
make very good sertania If they
wish to be good, but tf they prefer to
be bad tbey ran exrrl at that loo.
I married In the Infantry and went
ut with my husband to a station
where the Chinese were aa thick as I
blarkberriee. I bad tbe pride natural
to a bride of ahowlng how well I
could keep house and appreciated tk
Importance of winning the confidence
of my servsnta, or, rather, at that j
time my servsnt for tb wife of
second lleutenaat-neither abe nor ber
husband having anything but bto pay-
la not supposed to keep more than on.
Uy flrst Chinese servant was TI
Wang. Tt waa tbe smoothest, softest
tougued raersl 1 ever met. He bad
enough duplicity In klm for sa eight
eenth century European diplomat. T
klm words were Indeed Intruded to
conceal Mess,
"Ton velly young wife," be as Id to
. Too wast velly good Chinaman
for rook. Muchy Chinamen velly bad.
Tt feel solly for Mel lean lady. Ti be
good cook."
All this was spoken with a look of
commiseration for a young thing like
xyself that to on familiar wttb the I
man from tb Flowery Kingdom would
have boded no good. I did not doubt
tbat my servant would be a great
comfort to me. It wis not long be
fore his true Inwardness showed it
self. He flrst made an excuse of hav
teg a sick brother who couldn't waahy-
washy to provide for to wheedle me I
ut of a month's wages in ad vane.
Then be surreptitiously removed un
der kto rapactoua coat and ample
sleeves all the staple kitchen provi
sions' I had bought to last several
months. Tea, coffee, sugar and spice
disappeared Ilk magic. Then, having
received aa offer of better wages thsa
I was giving htm. he took himself off
without so much as saying he was
My next servant waa Charlie IX
Why no many Chinese are called ( 'bar-
he I don't know, though IJ U so ap
propriate name for - t9m. j;brlie
was recommended by the major's
wife.' who bed bim lu ber klti ben for
awhile when ber rem: Is r servant was
01. She told me she would rattier
have Charlie thsa the other. I bad
no fault to flnd-with-Cbtrlle-etcept
tbat be stayed with me luf a day.
He didn't stay Ion, enough to ask for
any wages, snd alrw-e experience nnd
taught me opt to pay Chinamen In ad-
vnnc he didn t (ft anv .. .
After till servant were passing
through my kitchen, none stsylng with
m mot tbsn n week. In vain I re
fused to en gar one unless be would
agree to stay a month. Something
must be scaring them away. I didn't
see bow they could see anything la a
young woman of nineteen to frighten
them, and I was the only person with
whom tbey ram la contact ' On of
them, who was about to depart after
three days of sewtfU, I asked why be
ere. :
Ton get Mellcaa cook. Chinaman
not velly good In this house."
"Why notr
"Donno. Chinaman wont stay
"Why do, yon go so soon after com
ing T"
-I am velly well
H did not seem to ear whether
I believed him or net.' fMeed. be knew
be was lying, and I t" 'to. How
ever, I had bad'K., luck with
Chine servants and -v- were ho
others to be had that 1 mad up my j
mind to do my Own rooking for awhile.
Meanwhile my husband, who had
been marixV'dulrle for m 'as to
servanhr- rtoti -ether officers wives.
began to'br,wMerabty vexed thatl
could not keep any of them. Tber
was no audi loe of servant among
thee -who sent bm mln. and It ap
peared that I must either be too ex
acting or hav frightful temper or
some other blemish tbat prevented a
servant from working for a, where.
aa the truth waa that after the earlier I
ones left I simply guv up everything
to those who cam later, granting all
requests and opposing them la noth
ing. I didn't eve as re criticise the I
cooking of n slngt dish. The first tiff
I bad with my husband was when be
Ventured to remark tkat per ha pa I
didn't glv them ; quit . free rein
enough. I resented tbe Imputation
with a fervor that sent bim off to the
officers' club' and prevented his ever
making any such suggestion In futurs.
One day I put -the tin bread box out
In tbe sun, turning It up on Its side
and exposing tb bottom. I waa Sur
prised to see Chinese characters on It
1 wondered what they meant' When
a woman begins to wonder what Is tbe
meaning of anything It Is preparatory
to making plans to find out I called
tbe servant of my next door neirhbor.
who was beating a rag, to come over
and translate tb characters. He did
so aa follows,-. -'
"This Is a very bad woman. She
oesnt pay the servaata' wage and
given no extras."
xnat smooth ton nod villain Ti
Wang, wbo had pitied my youth and
Inexperience and had robbed me be
side, bsd chalked a notice on the
bread box warning all other servants
against me. 1 waited patiently till my
nuabaaa cam is from bis duties and.
ahowlng him tbo characters en the bot
tom of tb box, hsnded bim n transla
Put Yourself in the
Ad-Readcrs ;Piace...
To Celebrate Anniversary. -
Mr. And Mrs. AW. Cheney, former
ly realdents of this city, but now of I
Portland,' hav Isausd a few Invita
tions to friends In this city to attend
tb chlnA wedding anniversary at their
bom In Portland on Thursday even-
When ton write voue T Inr. March 30.
ad or anv kind n u h a I
m'd'nkn "h,nfn Lecture at Congestions! Church,
I to.0na IP wsr an ; An Illustrated lecture will he el van
ad-reader and war looking fot an at tbe C
. ad of that kino. . enlne hv
It vou do thls- . I Zn of
imtm; .-,m Lj T missionary tor many years. 'The
8UMs7 " brin t ,,,bJct of th, ,ctu' will b "South
eSUL,T8I - i... Afrlca., 4 thfr w b6 n()
An Illustrated lecture will be given
vonxregauonai cnurch thla ev
iy Rev; A. Waters, who haa been
missionary for many years. The
Ave ;Yt& a
S ijj 1b s s ii 5 lb e j?
1 1 1 "
i 0.
& AIL Y ?
Will You Help JJs
By cafrfcir, t ycki $300
By mall, . i yea 2.00
-' , " Z :-'t'n
f'; ., I. . ! ' ' '
J Cor. Main and Fourth Sta Oregon City j