MORNING - EJITERhlSIi!, SUNDAY, MAKCII 2C, .1911..; IBOYS IBANID) AT CIHIVK.CIHI -V (METHODIST) ' TO-NIGHT 7:30 TO-NIGHT 7:30 Hear Them Play Bring The, Boys 7t30P.M; goy Problem SOLO MOTHER'S WAY -Jo,f s am. .... .v j Shelter of Goodness MAY SAVE TREES II For the Children AT BABCOCil HO f tOCALBRICrS mm : ,- . pore, of Canby. in In Or CM on Friday. MUUIW nr. Sal, at tba Or.gon Todd. ' Woodburn, wm In Sciy ... Saturday. Vorlffltb. of Clarkee, wbb In Or ' Ct. on Saturday. tun ro slyllsh and chlo. Mlaa n Allen. l Tucson, Arlaona, Is In tkla city, mo res"""" "" trkv . ....!- i.4 . aememhrr in nn r- ai n ir.r : ....... retururd I" hi" non" ,,rr " We bve reproduction 01 iin tortus Model" u- wm"B' u Luvlnc of Seattle, Waah.. was mm lb Oregon City vUltor on rridty and Saturday. Tailored ami l"na w""1 ' ,n IttMt dKl(Ci M" uoiuimim. Waldo CNOfU ld haa taken th agency forth Portlnnd New, and will bandla ttlaOW" (-ity. r E flpenre, mater of tba State Orante. a In Oregon City tranaact HI builneiw on Saturday. Herman and Eric Doldrlch. of Cama. Mr monK tha Oregon City bunlneas niltor on Saturday. Hnry &rhmhorn, who naa been tM4lng th paet "i who u.. Irotker am. aisier nnvru, kiu tt Orwtn ('ly on Bturday. . Tlsi tell" tha atory. Seventeen nan ll'trrls' Orocery began to Ornlia lhn.lxvt la our line and wa tftltlU at 11. r T cataio of J. W. Millar waa ad Itlrd to pnibaia Saturday and Har rWMIIIfr r appointed admlnlmra fix Tbe miaia la valuad at 1000. ,C Bitnrtfll who llvaa naar lllghlnnd. ru'li Oropm City on Saturday. -- Mr. Bnnnll l one of lha prominent farm ofHIhl"iid. firmeri wit vary buy yaalerday ud fw ramo to tba city to trade or Nrlilt; tho weather waa too fine to Imt home and work unleaa thera waa nreMlm n-d falllnc one. w u.ithi.'H ked permlaalon of rnwwil RiiurUa to build tala walka on Slith ttreet of wood. Ilia lota are wtthla tba rement walk aone. but aa tfct tvmt bait Juat been filled In It la not u to build cement ana so pr mtakM m given for wood. ItAt Warohe. tba Auatrlan aervlng u itn for cuttlna- an acoualnunca. ud to did Rood work on the atreeta fMiknu- weeki. waa Klven bla liberty gitvdiy by Recorder 811pp. Working wtll m he did on lha aireeie wunom bdD WRtrbed It waa deemed beat to iwomi- hla fidelity by reducing bla Ntrace. r r Thnroni. who waa formerly Mulcted with the Bier piano bouae. mh beadquartera In thla city, la now iik the Knhlnr-Chaae Company, and tetjimt roiurned from a trip to South ri Orenon. Mr. Tberou after attend- lif to hiiMlneaa, mattera in mia cur Ml on Friday evening for Butherlln, wber, he will remain for aoma time. PEOPLE POINTED OUT -Mr. -J. C. P. Weatengfrd baa r turned from a Ihree weeka' trip to California. He vlalted In Ia Angelea and other polnta before returning home. Mr. and Mra. Dan Fraxler. of Port land, war In Oregon City on Friday vlaltlng with frlenda. ' They left on Friday evening for Eldorado, where they will vlalt tba latter'a mother, Mra. Jonea. Mra. IT. 0. Inrteep and grandchild have mm to Oregon City to make their home, and are occupying one of tba Cheney - cottagea on Madtaon atrret. Mra. Inakeep baa realded at Carua for many yeara. She recently dktpoaed of her -property Intereaia there. Mra. C a Allen aad little daughter, of Portland, were the gneata Thureday at the home of Mr. and Mra. C. II Dye. on Ninth at reel. Mra. Allen la one of the dlrectora of the Portland Monday Mualcal Club, and la a leader In the affair of the mualral and lite rary aet In the Rom City.. Rev. Charles W. Roblnaon. rector of Bt. Paiife Eplacopal church, will leave on May S for New York City, and upon hla return will bring with htm four people, one a man of. conalderable mean, who will prouau.y Become permanent realdent. Mr. Roblnaon e pert a to return to Oregon City on May It. Mra. JoeDh Msrere. of till city, who haa been at the home of Mr., and Mra. rtllaa. of Molalla. for the paat week, baa returned to Oregon City. Thera ar ali caaea of typhoid fever In tha miM famtir. and Mra. Mvera naa wen caring for Mra. Hla. At preaent ther are two trained nuraea in aiienaance at tha Illlaa home caring for tha pa tient. Mra. Myere baa brought tbe Bllaa baby to thla city, where It will remain until the mother recover. Kit Mary Ellen Orace baa gone to Portland to vlalt with frlenda. Mt. nrnr Unit. prominent aaw alii man of Colton, haa been In tbla (ity on bnitlnea. Mr. E. V. Bcott la Buffering from a ever ait nrk of aclattca at bla home oa nil View. Wr. w. J. Mrljiren. owner and pro- Pritor of the Wllholt Bprlnga, waa In Oregon City on bualneaa Saturday. - Mli CUra Flold. who baa been vtaltlng with the Mlaaea Armatrong, of Canby, him returned to Oregon City Hn. fl W nnn left RaturdaV for Nw Kr. where aha will be the gueefj lor a few dnya of Mra. LUIIe Wink, Mr. Fred Tuho. of Seattle, waa rutt the pnnt week at tba home of on mother, Mra. M. E. Caae Mix Ruth Utourette. who la at 'wdlna the MeMlnnvllle College, haa in Oregon City to apend her nciuon. Mr. pearl selble, a atudent of tha McMlnnvlIln Pollere. hn returned to 0"non City to apend his vacation at bom at Mountain View.- ' Attorney ll.iwnril rtrownall. nf Aa- J1, calling on hla parentsAt wtiay and Mr. 0. C. Brownell, on ""luraay. Jf. and Mr, c. I Zlegler left Sat y nlKht for Foret Orove, where will vlnlt until thla evening with tatter' parent, Mr. and Mra. I Rider. tall-Jnnp". wno baa been very W at th hnm. nf .( mnlKa. In Ttaf-t. ", wa n t ti la cltv on Saturday on " WIT Un. r, ... . . I Where they will be Interred. The de cerned waa 84 year of age and ha been a realdent of Molalla for some time. TENNIS i'LA'.lRS GOING ABROAD Several American Cracks to 1 .. r't j COUNCIL HAD PROMISED TREES SHOULD NOT . tE CUT BUT CONTRACT DIONT SHOW IT. COUNCIL FEARED AS TO PRECEDENT Mr. Babcock to Oat Signature Permit ting Treae to Stand From Oth- , er Raaldenta en the Street. There waa a fpeclal meeting of Council Saturday, afternoon and the purpose of tbe meeting was to con alder tbe queatloo of earing tbe band aome trees on the O. E. Ilabcock prop erty on Washington atreet. Council man Burke was tbe first to take the floor when order waa called by Mayor Drownell and he was in favor of sav ing the tree. He said they were SO yeara old, handsome, and ao far as he could see would In no manner Inter fere with tbe good appearance of the atreet A Baby Llsma and His Knae 0raa, . . v.v.v) 75.-1 iv.'V I F. ter, ectlon I, township I south, range 1 cast, 40 acre; SUM. - ... M. C. and Nancy K. Donahue to 8. E. Toepelman and Geo. D. Pettlgrew, west half of aouthwest quarter, sec tion 3, township t south, range 4 east, 10 crea; fBOOO. ' ' Richard H. Mason to Stella Mason,4 trsrt 4a Concord; $3000. Thomas C. A. and Myrtle I. Llveaay to 0. Mathlaon, 9 acres, township 2 south, range 2 east; 3iOQ. E. M. and Anna Howell to D. IL Leonard, part of block, 173, Oregon city: $200. Joshua and Onnthla Oorbett to Hen. deraon and Minnie A. Newman, lot IS and 16. block 6. South Oregon City No. 1; $:0. Martin and Elizabeth Peavoy to George E. Kline, 112 acree. township 3 aotith, range l east; $70o0. Superior Lumber Co. to John Brown, west half of southwest quarter, sec tion 18. township 4 south, range 3 east, and north wet quarter of south east quarter, section 13, townsaip south, range 2 east, 134.74 acre; 10, 050. ' B. T. Mail, aheiiff to Minnie Leete, north weat quarter of northweat quar ter, aection 6. townahlp 2 south, range S east; sheriffs deed. . elizabeth tirsnt Bruin to Eawara T. 20. townahlp ir.n acrea: $10. Willamette Falls Co. to Hannah H. Bnldow, lots 8 and a block 13, Wil lamette Falla; $350. Selena Scharff to Adellah Mowery. Cfiunwiu aut aj i v w " " Price, east half of eaat half, aection LtQwnshlp 6 south, range 8 east, Compete In English Evants. In an attempt to cure a bad case of knorkknees a unique mechanical eg- 1. .. . li. ma . f-lnlnnntl Hn VI Sim I . aooi "X : H. persist in r townahlp 4 uth, rang. 2 east Mayor Brownell agreed with Mrl blng bla fore knees together Various J ?v", ia irriTfii-eimrV Burke, and thought It would be aacrl-j waye to correct tbe fault were tried. I d Earl Mowery, part of Harrison WILL MEET AUSTRALIAN STARS Leading Racket Wielders From Antlp de Will Be en Hsnd ' to Give Yankee and Britieher Chsnee te Win Davis Cup. lege to destroy the trees. Dnt Boi nn,n the steel Torms with their Wrint donation land claim, section Councilman Andreaen was the I ..,,, wore mdji and annlied was snv I .n a in nH ? tnnnhln 4 south. .klM tUmt ArtmAt.A th lira " I . .. "." ... . " I io' "' . ' Zl . - . "," " " 1 mnam nnlMl Ttie llflle ICI OW.DOW I rin.o 9 AYfrnt 70 SZ SCTeS ZIlEitt. on without having his knees bother blm. The mechanical device win be continued until be bas outgrown tbe fault It would be a shame to destroy them, and waa loth to vote to that end. But he bad been In Council for aeveral yeara and recognized that a man a chick would often come home to roost and be did not want to batch out a I freah batch of chick a to come home some night and Utter up hla front The Admiral and the Sentry, When Admiral de Horsey, who soma porch before he had time to get up years sgo bad command of the British and ahoo thera away. In other words, I th. Vaetfte waa admiral of tbe American lawn tennis player are it waa poaalble to ahlft about until you rth Ati.ntic souadron be waa on to make a conquest of English court eatabllahed a precedent, or to shirt tvenln uning on ahore at Port Royal, tbla mason, according to Information about until you e"troyed a .good 1 pre- j ,c, 0 returning to bla boat hi revived from London recently. Not cedent ; Armly eatabllshed. He did not f- A want to mill irouon in i iu i i - . . .- , . some future day on aome other Inv Martentrj of one of be Wt iDdta provement matter. County Yraasursr Gats Big Sum. Sheriff Mase Saturday morning turned over to County Treasurer Tufta $193,219. Tbla la the last Installment of tbe money that wa paid during tbe rebate period. node th firs nam of Story A Thaa- aa, having been dissolved by lautaa eonaenC all liabilities of th Srm ar aasamed by 0tn O. Thonaa and all account due th Arm are payable to the aforesaid Owen O. Tbomae. -, Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, thla 24th day of February, 1911. , ' E. F. 8TORTr. OWEN U THOMAS. ' Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices nndor theaa elaaairia4 headhis will Vm IniciM al on uant a word, flrat -Inaartki'i. half a cent additional lner llona. One Inrh card, tt par month; naif Inch card, llna II per month. Cah must aceompany rdr anl-aa on rTkd kn open account with the paper. Ma financial r aoonalblllty for error:' where errors occur frae aorrectrd nolle wlU wa printed for patron. Minimum charge '- WANTED. WANTED Small advertisements for this colvmn. Prices very reason able. 'See ratea at head of column. VACUUM CLEANINO done for 50 cent an hour. Call Pacific State 2491. FOR 8AL.C FOR 8 ALE By owner 2.71 acrea, four room bouae, barn, cow, horse, chickens, well, fruit trees, small fruits. Concord Stat to. telephone. Oak; Orove, red 214. ' lHcTe-ttinvuton St., 6 room bouse, bath room and basement, barn, chicken house, orchard and small fruit, city water. Price $1,300. - Term. Clyde A McRae, 1008 Mala atreet. . , . , DRILL IN OILY SAfID a 4 t AT THE STONE VELL rivr.lN CLEANED OUT adu WATER AGAIN SHUT OFF WITH CASINO. STONE. Or..March 25. (Spl.) Th oil well here la down close to tbe 1100 feet mark and atlll "going down." Pro- gresa haa not been ao rapid tbla week aa laat, not from lack of capacity on the part of th drillers but from tbe fact that there have been cave-Ins apd water to bother and things unforeseen. Wednesday morning there waa a cave-In tha filled tbe hoi np for 150 feet, and water came In with a man. A new cable waa mad necessary, ana Installed, and since that the time haa been ned to clean out and pusn aown th casing. Tb wll. haa been cleaned out and th caalng wit down to th bottom of th well and littles water ahowe. There la a tittles that force It way through tbe aand that th drill is in. nut not enough to glv trouble. Tbe drill la In a black oll-bearlng aand not an oil aand but an oll-bearlng aand and haa penetrated thl aand flv or-ar feet. It I full of oil but ther la water In It alao. Th driller hav not paaaed through tb vln so that It depth I not known, but It haa oil In It and th wafer haa been able to force It way through It a It I light. Drill atlll going down; prospect fair. ' - ' only American, but alao Australians and South AfrU-aua, the challenging tuitions for tb Dwlgbt F. Davla In ternational cup, are scheduled for tbe All England championship at Wimble don. London, next June. William A. Lamed, Maurice E. Mo Loufc-hllu. Thomae C. Baud and Mel ville Hammond L0114 are to le (be Aruerkan force. In mentioning the Invasion of foreign players tbe official publication -of the Kngllib National Lawn Tennis association eaya It. W. Heath, the brilliant Australian player, whose prowesa haa recently been the talk of tbe anttpodea, an lied rn,.n,.iiman Mrers thouaht that Mr. "Wbe come darr Great waa th aa Babcock had been fooled in the out-1 ulral' annoyance to fiud that be baa come of hi atreet Improvement; not I neglected to get the password before that the Clty"Dada had so intended 1 leaving tbe ehlp. That a all rigntr but that aa to Mr. Babcock the our- be Mja carelessly, boning to overcome CORRESPONDENCE ' ' ; awaawaaawawawa ' ' " " V LOGAN. These fine spring day make tbe farmer amile. We havent seen ' any snakes oat regf&ents halted blm at tbe gat with yet, but a tramp, one feminine ped come was the same. Mr. Babcock bad been led to refrain from protest under the belief that bis trees would ne saved, now he waa at-Oh mercy of rvtiinr.ll and he Mers oeuevea in. tiim receiving; mercy. Every other Counciimsn preaeni .aa ariuut that Mr? Baljcock. had been led to Bleep on hi rlghta In the belief dler and two medicine vendera have toured thla country. . . ' Dusty road In March and real dnat at that ; put It down In your diary. Henry Huber aerved rerreanmenia acr, nice l,v Indlfferenc. th r- Now that Henry -TP l ...tJT baa broken th "apell- It'e'up to some mor of Logan's "eliglblee" to follow suit. "It Is not good that man should live alone" ao look around boy, there are lota of 'em aome where. O. D. Robbins has been having a vacation, nursing a very sore hand; FOR SALE 10 Acre orchard land, 7 acres planted to apple trees, 7 . room house, small barn, 1 mile -from Oregon City on good road, $3,500, terms for quick sale. Tele- LOST. LOST Brown wool coat' for boy 10 years old, at Canemah Park, Satur day afternoon. Finder please call Main 2223 or A-222, and oblige. ' STOLEN OR STRAYED from 101 12th Street Sunday, two whit rab blta. Finder return to- above aoV dreaa. Reward. - " ' : tbe man's "Ton know wbo I am." "DtinnO no body, sab." replied the soldier sternly. ion csn't psis here." "Why. I'm Ad mlral de norscy:" The rutin evidently tboaebt be was br-l -g wide fun of. and he replied qulcljly -Welh-jwn -c-nn't nam I don't cru I ru're Aduiirsl de something like a felon on one finger, Donkey r And the v.iiiriup whs that W are sorry to bear of tbe lllnesa . . ... . Kilt u. ina irm wvib uj w ... . v. , - , ...... . , ... from Melbourne for Etiro in the P. r.i tsklnc th sam view of Mr. AO-I the admiral had to R.-t Uie order of the of Amos Leek, of Reoiano.. and O. ateumnlilo Malwa on Feb, IL I .r adverse to establishing afflrer of the cuartl lo nitas blm. lowed by compneauous. 1A a. a .ihI . alK. sa utawt.- 1 m a, a W . w-s.lss'Vtl' srlvA fffHlnhlA I . " . pet In . tb French covered court, i.ter and even encroach on the law In , A pr Diver,, Poriu - quite i with , appendlcltU. Dr. Mount cbamidoniblpa and after that at thcaa. .. ' , .fc W all love penrls. yet few of u I ftn Mnn,.. March So. tha Clear Queona. remaining In England nntll E"KinfJ 7 tr and tolt thaiy I w-H tlw-iwrlta f dlwlBkif for pMrta. c,, creamery Co. held. Ita tenth after tbe championships.- to tnj n th Tbe au.-ceful diver mtiHt be coor- annual stockholders meeting. Tbe of- BesMea Heath. Australasia will b errata oa ' I .u, .etlve and have rreat Dres- fleera elected for ensuing year are: It Wimbledon. It la said. "T1' ... .- f mind A diver onre eucaeed In W. P. Kirchem. H. S. Anderson, F. W. .1 svini n mw narginK. tnt.. - 1 - - - . . by Norman Brookes, Dunlop, Marsh ' . .;, " ' stnrr thouaht Mr. I nearl flsherles In tbe gulf of California Rtckhoff. Seth Young ana L. u. Mum- snd. of course, by tne rnsmpion, a. r. 1. .. tn nnaitinn to receive I t.iia thi atnr of one of bis manv ax- i power, ooara wi - Wilding, while Amerka win sena aama)!, if the city went ahead ana parlance Lamed. McLnngblln. Long ana nun- cut treea. Waa or opinion mat Vf. P. Kirrhem. nresldent: H. S. Anderson . a.i.j ..u .. vice nresldent A. O. Holltngswortn, ay. Tne Ausirsia-taus. -or wnm v the aignea iim. - .a waa about to ascend wnen, iooe- " '. 11 fln(i .k. toii amount From tbe secretary's an- them at lest, will probably leave cured from ail tof up. I aw . big man eating abark u te7made during tbe year to be Enaland with tbe Amerlcsns for the I to permit tree to Btand If that waa "j" r.m r 8tatea In time to comiHjfe In tbe Unit- tb way "t- " Andresen moved the surf see would b fatal, ao I moved ceVed. 471.357 pounds; butter fat, ed Statew cbamplonahlpa. A team of Aa a J T; ,"fPn...d ret quickly to tbe opposite rocks, atlrred 151.861 pounds; toUl receipt. $63,153.- i'f - KoM.ra nn a eTeat cloud of mud. rone In the averaee nrlce paid for cream, 81c; the aignatur 01 lu w r -: - - - ... . ,k. II.' for bntter. 340 on th street isrceiun in iu n-i ui iu mum i..-f.- ----- - - - - ahould aUnd. Thla waa carried and boat Just In time to eacap the Jawa of Perj"'d- . ' . the b g flah. Had I hesitated an In- - ,t.CIi 1. thl .Unt In doing what I did I would of the work acwmPUahed In tb . ton phone Farmer 212. S. R. Cogan. R. F. D. No. 2, box 139, Oregon Clt, Oregon." ..J:' , FOUND. FOUND Bunch of keya; call and prove property and pay rpr notice and receive them. v BUILDER AND COWTHACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General t Contractor. - Estimate cneotmuy , t1en on all r lines of building work, concrete walk and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Mala .11L f ATTORNEYS, O. D. EBT. Attorney-at-Lw, Honey loaned, abstracts furnished, land title examined, estates settled, gen eral law bualnee. Over Bank of Oregon City. ' . : Australian rolfcr will also tour America Blmultaneonaly, nud Normnn Brookes will play for It The Brltona are lioomlng along the Mf pjhcocjt so Instructed. game at a great rate, iue.r unTi club team haa jnat returned from stir ring play In South Africa at tbe Wan derera club. Johannesburg, and at Pretoria. General Lord Methuen la the leading spirit of th sport there, will Attend Church In a Body. Tha Woodmen will attend service In the Episcopal church Sunday even-in- at K o'clock, with preaching by the rariw Bev - Chas. Roblnaon. The hav paid tb penalty with my Ufa." .. . . . . .t..l. h.ll . 1 lui. uennuuniiM ana. accoraing to report, it wsa uue wooamen wm I cold -eatber and then a little warm . a mm .a, ca .... a i- a .. i a'hiamii aninff rrtiin intrti in 1.1113 v w ? . iJwiv vThai Woodmen weather, and then cold again in York. &"b.J.Vtar An icicle formed on tbe water- Cecil Tr.pp rd. TucKer ana v - -" .nd . 0f . certain hou The weather ityn are nameu s me .u ... - turnout u Drobabl. - . turned warm again. Tb Iclcl fell in of that nation. I . I tha nit Th newa from England baa receiv ed an enthusiastic welcome by ' tbe fore m oat placers In thla country. U. 8. WILL PUNISH Sympathlzara Who Fumlah Arms or Supplies to Rebela. MEXICAU. Mexico, March 25. Th new brought by courier that th Mex ican federal troope from Enaenada were marching towarda Mexican, by way of the wagon road to th south ward, brought Oeneral Iyva with hla 75 man back hr laat night. The re bel garrlaon her now numbers about 125 men. General Berthold. with hi detachment la atlll In th hill. ' Th Information which cauaed th rebel cbleftan to hurry back to Mexl call waa brought by Joae Oaecla, a Mexican rancher, who aald that b aaw the federal army 30 miles south of here, near Valeano Lake, lying be tween Black Butte ana ocapsna. Immediately after Leyva'e return th merchant and saloon-keapera were called upon by him for anomer conin h.,ttn. tn tha rebel war cheat. Captain Beck, of the United State Cavalry, left with a detachment today for Coyot Wells, 30 miles weat of Calexlco, to capture Insurgent sympa thizers reported stationed there, and amuggllng arm and supplies acroa th Hn to the rebel force. - Remain Taken to Vancouver. ' Th remalna of H. M. Mtcalf, who died at Molalla on March 23, were tak en Saturday to Vancouver, Waah th night and mad a loud noise that B 1 r.A . u c. r.hureh. awakened one or tn aieepera. me Th imva- riand. of Willamette, will awakened person found that the bouse nt.. ..r.i nnmhera at tb evening waa full of coal gaa that wbb escaping service In th M. K. church Sunday. I through a bol la th atoveplp and The aubject of the ewiiiij nermon that might hav killed the wool fam- III b appropriate, to tn occasion, . u if on0 0 them baa not been aron- ed t. Camsat. Ao.lnst "Boy Wanted." All fawns by th. faU of u,, te,cl. ' " I a. MtttktWltlai INTERNATIONAL ATHLETICS. not otherwlae engaged ar urged to be preaent and enjoy tn music. Ysl and Harva Oxford and Cambridge In England. While the arrangement bare been carefully safeguarded, tt bas Ju it de veloped that a picked team of Tale and narvard athletes-track and field Triin )( th auth Drops From Bridge men win visit Kngiana next summer nt0 River. In quest of new honors In a Joint SEVEN ARE KILLED. a-H-a aaalnat Oxford and Cambridge. ,na ware ktl ed and more than a When a name la menuonea in owner Tb contests are carded for July, doien Injured when th Dlxl Flyer geta n give the ound of tb animal shortly- after th British track cham- on tb Atlantic Coart and lta down but If the word m- plonahlpa. and will fit In very nicely, wrecaeo. on a ln,.i.a nagene or .u.u.- " --- 1 . ..a. A-,.r, River near here at 7:20 oclock thia mil. ... nD .na My. the Bound of EEi sr v. ...p.- ... . I..., into ins ruw 1 . t. v.nnr..iit mnn Ttrv.11. .riiia. imumunt arlats I " . . ... , IO U teuuer. uv u -- 11 uiw iiw 1 A an ra.r or tn ixem.w. ...... ... . . . to guarantee the meeting, ther I an "klvK to T report of aom of the then feeie aoout nnu. n. ucU . a, . a Aft. - .-a. . at I . A ekAl1l VkaBI I MMl nnderstanaing Dy wuicn m onu i I passengers who caraw vo th. .na nf mi and John ' Harvard l-...v am without "warning. It waa ..!.,. th rivnniana I ....a h th r,r e.k tn of an axle on and Cantab In a eerie Blmllar to that th engln avhen midway of the long of several rear ago. 1 Itreatl. Botji Oxford and Cambrldg have veara of tta exlatence. Tn plant la up to date In equipment, with a filtered water avstem. The management has Little Thinas. n,tavord to make a good article. Little things are sometimes lmpor- r,t einu hutter. and In thla have Unt Her 1 an Instance: There wsr pen successful aa Is attested by the ii.m.nil -vervwhere TOT Clear vreea ht.-r Soma of the Portland firms Who bv handled their hutter all thee years are Town send ureamery v,.. Bullivant's Grocery Co.. Urfer Co. and many other. It I said to be the best brand of butter on the Portland mar k.t tnriav. One ensentlal In regard to making good butter. Is, we need com petent Inspectors. wregon cre.""7 men are to be commended for this in,t taken. We were only visited once by the Inspector, yet the effect was soon seen ana -laBiea iw. Is strange as much a th legislature blowed In ' this most important n waa left out Tb dairymen 01 ur gon pay for their own inspection oj n,hi rnntrihutlona. In order to have men Inspect the country dairies. What la needed is a competent u.u for the work. . . H S. Anderson Is clearing land by blowing out atumps with powder. Mrs. Otto Bmlin naa guuw Th Game f Manager!. All tb players take tb name of animals. If played Indoors tbey sit In chairs. If outside on benches. A leader then tell a story about animals. OCILLA. Oa. March 25. Seven per bringing In some or tbe names chosen. I a.ab a I www- . . ... .. I mAtktlnmaarl V rA A ktt7 D af one. ELECTRIC THEATRE Complete Change of Progf am ' All New Popl . r NewPIy -' ' ' v ' New Pictoret Special Matte Matinee 2:30 To-Day .Continaotis Performance' I track teams of exceptional excellence thla year, as evidenced by the capital work done recently in the Intercolle giate sports, and they made a favors ble renlv when "Bounded" a' short while ago as to what their attitude wonld ' be toward a narvard-Yai challenge for aa International varsity event. THI POULTRY YARD T 8upend Needle In tha Air. ' Place a magnet on a stand to raise a little above tb table, then bring a mall sewing needle, containing . a thread, within a little of the magnet, keeping hold of tb thread to prevent 8om folk are forever planning tnB De,ji from attaching itaelf to the ahat and flfftir ng now to niBae t q-h r,sdia in endeavorlna; to chickens pay. and while they art pot- o (he mtgatt .na hng prevented terina along with belr plana ana ' .hr..a vin remain curloualy .v. v . their bronda are I "V . iiKiirea wjw , . . . v, I suspended In tb air. enwl la ao nam TO uocior aa ...... - A rvt AT BUCCeBB Willi turkey. t- icon at tha Oneana elnh sronnds. I line In avoiding Inbreeding. West Kensington, lxndon. Oxford A mtle tnrk debilitated at th start and Cambridge won by flv events by Inbreeding haa a poor chanc for to four. At Berkeley oval. New York In J001, Tale and narvard turned tbe tables, winning by a acor of six to three and duplicating the perform ance three yeara Inter at tne yueetm club ground by a similar acore. -Tn London In 1804 Oxford defeat mA Yale hv BVt to 8'. while th next II. Aa the nights are still cold .lt Is advlaable to give tn nens .... t th. tima of setting them. This affords the hen a better chance to cover and warm th eggs properly, bringing forth better results. Th hah chick trade has grown years " The Hilltop Road. ( Th road that enda eialnrt, th,ky I love th very beat. It etarte near by the open equara. Exactly Ilk th rest. But then It winds and wind uphill . Al (ar al It can so And Hope Juat where the iky bealna And where th poplar stow. t I wlah that I might Hv up ther. go clone aaalnet th eky I To touch th little atari at night " And watch th moon so by. Youth' Companion. REAL ESTATE. John W. and Kat C. Thornton to Tohn Tfl. nutson. lot 2. block A. Wil nnrfarfiiii Twenty year at Manhnttan field. New York, pouitrymen never dreamed of ' starling i,-. p.mi,ri b elchtla hiiainaaa In that line, wbll now SsToThree. bundreo. of thousand, of these Inno- .. .11 to hav tbe brood son vHI; 1220. . - VVArt Tn rwv'n ... I ,v h..t not alr.tlaht. It I n ..4 rrattl tl Tjnv to C I COOPS Winu-unui "v .. - - r.- . gaum. v. ... - of th does not tak much of a carpenter to 8- Xrnoia 30 acrea. aection 5. town w, . - i . , i. . kmaH mnn. I . . . .... , . ijeui nut a nan-er sia m "t- "lantn s souiu, ri a r ..- . . . . ...... i th.v ean i . ,. E. M. Howell and Anna nowen i Is th Substsne emperor et wapan. - . . . . . . n r ffk.MM . ik. r.ninaa aa nciiri ii j ...... WAStHINUlwrx, maun m,-bu ,uu . ,.y ---- - . ,.t h ahut Uchlda, th Japanea. Ambassador, bav i i P 'T.".- called at th Wnit House toaay ana up ourmg presonteato rr.- r .... . t - . . fnrmul. for treating Theresa Mlnjoulat. lot 1. 2, 8, 9 and 10, block 11, Nob Hin; si. i m Welch to J. W. Roots and Wll ii a uvanrf Mortnwaat nnsrtar of aaaaor rrom Lun nujifviur vi w.L-"". I iid'. .--w i. . .ihi.i ri- i ... .. -. The Emperor declared that h waa seed po'to'" 10 prevent bos o. "" northwest quarter, section 5, township already convinced that b Pre.iden, the whi "eor ,w- ; . th 4 re Strife, block S, Marshfield; $1200. .v-.l. Cna.l tn laall fiDaKl. Th irmnaror . wariui j i ov:i in mn . w . " . . j lu.i .k. - President Taft'a asanranceB of friend- plant In ground that has not recently j .west quarter of northwest quar abln between tha two countries grown potato.' s .,,-.-.. ..... U'REN tt 8CHUEBEL, Attorney--Law. Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlement. Office In Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olf ice Land title Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public,-- "! CRITICS COTiPLEIEKT GMPCTITORS COPY Room 7, Barclay Bldg, Oregon City. K. H. COOPER, For Fir inauraner and Real Estate. Let na handl your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FRETTAG Y MONET, fteal Esiat Dealers, hav choice bargain in farm landa, city and suburban homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranches. 8ee ua for good buys. Near 8. P. depot SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW 8T0RE. NEW GOODS. When I moved Into my new store I Dut In a nice line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am a Ming at th pri ce usually quoted for second hand or hop-worn goods. Come In and leek land for an Indefinite stay to takaround J.. . .n h. rheumatism. UTIll.". ----- - ,V.I. Farmers are about aone w.iu il seeding. ' ' Notice to Credltore. Henrietta A.' Capen Estate: xrti. u hernhv aiven that the un dersigned has been appointed Admin istrator of the Estate of Henrietta A. Capen, deceased, by tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for th County of Clackamas, and haa qualified. Ail persons having claims 8'u -estate ar hereby notified to Present the aame to me at iJiaa ti"w n.1r rd and WashinKton StB., Port- land. Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified, .within six months from the date hereof. ' Dated this 18tn oay or aiarcn, - i lmwiM W. CAPEN. Admlnl8tr4tor of tb Eatat of Henri etta A. Capen, ueeeasea. MCALLISTER & UPTON, Attorneys. Wanted At Once! i.y: AT Oak Grove CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE , MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal terma t huatlar. Mr. Mtllr Circulation Department, En- terprlee, Oregon City Oregon NOTICE. GEORGE YOUNG. r - i- PLEASE NOTICE. : To Introduc The- Morning Enterprise Into a larg major ity of the homes In Oregon City and Clackamas county tha management haa decided to . make a special price' ror tn daily Issue, for a short tim only, where tb subcriDer pay . a year In advance.- By carrier, paid a yr nt advance, 3.00. ' - ' By mall, paid a year in aa- vance, $2.00. ... . - 4 - People who gav our canvaa- aer a trial aubscnpUon lor on or mor months, at ten cant a week, can hav th dally dlly 4 ered for a yar for I3.0Q by paying a year In advance, People who our canvas- aer a trial subscription, by w e mall, for tour months at a dot- lar, may hav th paper for a yr for 12.00, if paid a yr In advance- r . 8ubcriber to tha Weakly Enterprls may chg their - bBcriptlons to th dally, re- calving ciedit for half tlm oa th daily that th I; .a i- adranc. When tbey' X choose to add cash to th aJ- vaace payment equal to a full 4 year's advance payment they . may tak advantag of th $2 4 rat. 'v - 1 e ' w mak this apeclal price 4 o that paopbs wbo bar paid la advance oa aom other dally and wlah to tak th Morning KntarprlB, may do ao without ' too (rat wpens. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing . - V . - - Bubscrlbe for tb Dally Enterprise.