Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 26, 1911, Image 1

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    I T.Trlntlons (or the Morning
will be received for
!!;r'e S .n your ordor tod.y
r !i ..I bontflt of low prlee.
Tho only dally newspaper be
twesn Portland and Salem; slrett-
latoa In ovory Mellon of decker
maa County, with a population of
30,000. Ara you an advarilaof T
VOL 1-No. G7
Per Week, 10 Cents
Proved Fire Trap Only
' Thoi Who Fled Early or E-
cpd to Roof Ar.
vnrtK Marrh 2S. fflnl.)
nra In llin-Jactory of the Triangle
tt-jlrt rompnny. at -13 Washington
Plirr down ,own ,n tbl cl,y' 'eeulted
M the death ' employes, mostly
fomcn. Tha three top atorloa of a
tea mry building waa devoted to tho
work of thtu company and BOO people
w.r employed there.
go one aecm to know ho the fire
urtcd. It had scarcely got nndor
.av until tht three floora were Jn
turn and " ,0 t ont- Th,,r
wtrt do fire escspee above lha eighth
lonr and Hi stslrwsy. were in a well
Mil that a m of flames.
Xha omen were eauitht aa In a
trap Thnw mho escaped woro those
bo M within the flrat few minutes,
md without trying to secure any of
tolr effect, or wera those who later
wctprd to ihe roof and then to an
uDnlnlna building.
Th bullllnit waa nutted In the four
ipprr floor, to whl;h the fire waa al
out exclusively confined. Hundred
hmprd from the wlndowa, driven to
iMth on the pavement or from flra
within. Those who Jumped were
uncled beyond recognition. In snv-
"V . . ' .L - I .. I. . it., fall
aril inmnrr-, uie "
iroit through the pavement. It waa
u awful aluht and tha ralla for help
r from those frenxled with fear.
It In the greatest dlaaater alnce the
burning of the ateamer Riorum' aome
nwrt ago. Ilundreda wera aoon on the
wTfrt seeking for tidings of loved
ohm mlimlnn Hundreds who wera not
killed will die ao aevera W their In-
- TASIHNTITON, Marrh W. (Spt.)
AobMudor do la Ilarra waa today re
qurtd br tlaa that he take tha Uln
Uut of ForrlKn Affaire portfolio la the
Min el)lneL. and haa aecepted.
PrMcnt Tft cniraiuiaiaa mra
li. ha wa not Informed
m oih.r nr not other membera
of tha cabinet bad been choaen.
er ri.'TB'nanrTnn Marrh 28.
iSpl l-ltiiaala haa aet tha day March
-m tho time when aha epect
wr from China regarding her da-
niMli. The tone of tha demand in-
tlntpa that unleaa aha reoelvea what
ik wanta aha will daciara war.
Tha r.rnnanra nl Ditpkamaa rountT
held two hphhIoih of a moat ehjoyable
nwtln In WllUmetta hall on Satur
ly, at which time Mortimer Whlte
pnnt It-rturer of tha National
'-rang-, guv two addreaaea. Tha lao-
mrn were at 2 p. m. and 8 p. tn., tha
afternoon mooting bring open to the
There wan a fair attendance in the
Ttertinnn anil ( v. . . waa a mmt ef.
relfeat addreia for tha enjoyment of
1 Sriu nr.unl Tt.. .null., la wall
Xftown the riintry over, and In tha
rM or hi efforta for tna organna-
Ion ha I... M . n w iklnva
una nTi;.fiii 7liaitT.u iiiai.j
'or the Granger In particular and tha
firming community In general
in evening waa a oloaea meeunr
''Qnngert. The attendance waa food
M tha wnrk r.f tha av.nln. VerV n-
)rbl, rtrothor Whitehead made
Joy Mend on thla vlalt to Oregon
r7 nd Clnckamna county.
BALKM, Or., Marrh 25. (Hpl.)
Charge la made that Mayor Lacbmiind,
of thla city, wua lu a auloon Krlday
night after tha hour for cloalng, with
a party of friend and that tha chief
of police ootid It nnreaaary to take
them rom tha bar and later to Induce
them to go homo. No charge ha bemi
tiled agnlnat tha men, but It may be
POUTLANn, Or.. March' 25. (Bpl.)
Tl pniaiH'ta for a bigger roae fel
val thla year than aver before la the
way tha promolera are the outlook at
thla time. The datee are from Juno
510. and the manager ara buy and
predict great thing.
IXN'ItON, March 25. (Bpl.) Word
cornea that workmen pulling down tha
remains of a manor houaa built In the
thirteenth century uncovered over a
million dollar In gold and treasure.
Ancient urna of the time of King
Oeorge III are among tha treasure
found. '
Demanded By Ruiala of China If She
Would Avoid War.
rHKIN. China. March 25. M. Ko
rostoveta, tha Kuealau Minister to
China, presented today to tha Chinese
Foreign Hoard a note from his govern
ment, demanding full and unequivo
cal compliance with tha Ruaalan aeml
ultimatum of February 18.
The situation la very grave. It I
believed here that unleaa China ac
cept the Kusalan vlewa conditionally
within a slated period forcible meas
ure will follow.
Ak Llmantour Ral Meaning of Minis
ters' Withdrawal.
NEW YORK, March 25 The Na
tlonal Railways of Mexico and other
financial Intereata here with "Targe
holding tn Mexico were without other
new today from the capital than that
carried In the press dispatches."
A friend of Benor Umantour tele
graphed him today that It waa highly
advisable that a prompt explanation
of tbo cauHca leading to tha relgnt
tlnn yesterday of Dlat' Cabinet be for
warded at the earliest poailble tno
V.' yU " b'H 'eow orone of tha
, yM follow othera or have others
w ...
V! notlc th rad men
n r"ra men on tha atreata who
" critical of their attire rw
I - our olothsa.
hivsa standard I
littl. bsttar.
Th'i whsra wa ad.
Th mittnn nf thaw rnmnttlrin of
a .... ' - . - a..- - -
the atreet Imnrovement on Sixth atreet
was up tor aiscuion again naiurany.
Council considered what to do In the
matter or Improving tha atreet an out
the aqnare between . .Tefferaon and
Madison, where the contention Is rife.
tt la an Id the htiirk In nueatlon ran he
rfmnneil and tha rest rf Ihe street im
proved, but Council doesn't want to do
this lest I hat one aauare may not be
Imnroved for many years.
Connrllmsn Burke, to start some
thing looking to action ofsome hind.
moved that Ihe b OCK in dispute e
loft nut ' . .
Councilman Andrcsen wanted to go
slow and not get Into trouble, espe
cially trouble that could he avoided
ii wsnted to ha certain that the con
enta for euch a change by tha proper
ty holders were unanimous and not
rive anv one aji opportunity to reruae
payment later. -
At this point aome one suggested
that all the property holders on the
street were present and tha street
committee Invited them Into a caucus
In the adjoining room. This waa neia
u..t nn rumtnt mo Id he arrived at
and Council Instructed Recorder 8tlop
to see to It that tna pennon permu
ting the change In the contemplated
--t imnmu.manl waa slcned by all
nn lha atraet and TeDOrt to Council.
klh he aTrd 10 ao ana
r 1 ii n.misi tn oil a snectal
meeting when this was accomplished
to conalder what to do in tne miner
further. ,
-ka aiabaa nn th at reel show that
the sidewalk level at a certain point
Im .ha atrrnt will Stana S lew
li.l.. than tha fence riosts on the lot
inKiini - - . . i -
of Ed Story. Tnere is no a'';
around the fact that to make the atre.'
as contemplated win injure -
tht there ahould be
some amicable settlement. "4
t.mnt In hull he mauer inrw..f.u w
.everal of
fers. of one form or the
r Ar.B T:a.., r.1 thev -s,w
WliniB llalUBT." ft. ...-.
that any way "".r'T? ."C-l ... t.
aome one will be mjurea t. j--
provement ahould go tJ
b-st of all concerned and the a"
aettled as beat tney can . u .
It ha. been Impo.lble to ?et
tlement with atory-at "-"V"
ho report maae in
Htory won't aetne. ana awi-u
Kned to aettle. Porhapa the aaalest
way out would be for Council to buy
",V 'I r both of those who are
and then sen me i innuina
Lf Council, to b called R"
Hats wanted h b" ecured y R
corder Btlpp.,
wot LIU. Othara
- V and Main St..
Subscriptions Coming In Dally and
Project Assuming Wider Scope
In Answer to Wish of
. Tradea Stor. for Saw MIH.
John Brown has traded I h .for.
and home at Rockwood for the aaw
mill and Umber .He near Crkes. for
merlv the property of the Superior
KSU. Co.P Th.a ml.. 1
down for ft year or so but Mr. JBrown
contemplates starting It up and iw
Ing the timber off the K "e. of
heavy timber that goea with ihe mill.
The '.Wngl. mill will be .t.rted and
tha shingle timber worked cp first.
Read tha Mornlnf Enterprise.
Tha hnarii rif tllranfnra nf tha r1anU.
amaa Southern Railway Co. met 8at-
nrnnv iirernnnn ann pinviuwi
conditions existing at thla time In the
matter, or -ihetuiidug-r - this- new
road. The board la compoaed of
Messrs. George A. Harding. Frank
llusch. O." D. Eby. W. A. Huntley.
Grant B. Dlmlrk. Dr. Frank W. Wood
and F. M. Swift. The two latter are
elllvanl nf PnrtlanH anil thav Ira. In.
letent'd financially In the building and
operating of thla new Una of road.
Principal among the matters of busl-
naaa mtna hafnre-the hnard wss the
status of the subscriptions so far made
to the capital stock of the company.
The report from the aecrotary was
very flattering and the personnel of
the board was' greatly cheered bv
what this report ahowed. Already the
subscriptions warrant the statement
that money aufficlent haa been sub
scribed to grade the road to Beaver
Creek, the Initial undertaking of the
Ttut tha work nt nlannlna- fnr thl.l
new rond haa opened up much that Is
new to those Interested In the project,
and those who are assisting are de
nirous or tne projectors taking on cer
tain work that waa nofva part of the
early plan. Those Interested feel that
If Oregon City and Clacakams county
ran ralso the money to put on the
steel and equip and operate the road It
will prove a much better business
proposition for tha cltv and county
than If the road la graded and then
old out or farmed out to a company
from the outalde. If the Oregon City
and Clackamas county peonle own and
control the venture It can he operated
with a view to giving the people of the
r'ty and the county the first call on
lha prlvllegea and the benefits which
the road haa to offer.
To do thla tha $2o,on0 that was made
necessary by the first plans will need
to be Increased to IS0.O00. This last
sum "-ill grade, lay tha steel, build the
depot and freight houses and equip
with cars for a auccesaful and profit
able business, and the board of dlrec
tore Is working to that end for Its
own gratification first and to please
thf friends and Investors In the aec
fnd place.
The directors were greatly pleased
with conditions and prospects as
ahnatn at tha tnaatln Saturday. . Ac
tion wss taken on the propoKlon to
begin work at once ana it waa aecmea
to begin oncrntlona Tuesday. Tuea
Aaw man anfl teams will he turned
loose, the first ground being broken at
a point near Newell Creek wnero it
crosses the Highland road, three miles
from the city. Here a corps of men
will begin to cut out tha timber and
make a roadbed for the reception of
Haa mnA ralla.
' The aradlng of the first alx mlia.
of the road Is to he tha battle roysi.
After that I accomrrilahed it win ne
tin easy matter to finish tha first all
miles and to build on to Molalla.
When once the car. begin to run peo
ple along the line win appreciate m
. .ina anrf win want the road
to continue to the end of the tillable
lands In the county. ,i
,ha niil la nnened to Beaver
Creek the freight will more than care
for the fixed chargea. to mis win
added a considerable revenue irom w
nassnnger service and the further the
road build Into the'farmtng commu
ty out Molalla way the greater the
....nn. (mm nasaenger
service. There are thounds of ton"
of timber that will come over ma rma
for dumping into the Willamette at the
foot of the Oregon City end of the
una Added to thla there will be many
cords of wood to go to Portland via
,k. itv with many less miles of
. ...v. .k.ini attached than thous
and. of cord, now sent to that city.
It Is to be the nuuaing mm -i-"i--plng
of the first six miles where the
baitle will come, end more than
enough haa been subscribed to cover
Z , cost of grading of the first leg of
thThTdlrecti)r. are In communication
with a railway builder of known abili
ty who la likely to undertake the work
of constructing this new line. He is
known to member, or the board and
citizen, generally, and If he I. at lei
sure his name In connection with the
enterprise will be worth many -dollar
to the project.
ThereIs much enthusiasm among
tha business men of the city generally,
and so far the subscriptions have been
liberal and to the satisfaction of the
board. The hope la expressed that
this condition may continue, and that
tha rtllTanahln remain loval to the nro-
Ject and not be Influenced by any who
may wisn to aiven a portion oi ine
support which should by all manner of
means an to this one comnanv. and
not be divided with any other. Now
I. the time that an ounce or present
loyalty Is worth more than n pound of
promise for the future.
That Mad Many a Man's Mouth Wa-
- - ter to Look at it.
Farr Brother, during the past few
iti have been dispensing beef at
their market on Seventh street from
two of the finest beeves that were
ever received in thla city. They were
two young beeves, each of which waa
two - years -old,- .and - weighing -1 400
pounds each.
They wera raised by J. k. jones, oi
Beaver Creek, and tha meat wa. ex
cellent After the beeves were nresseo
and ready for aale they attracted much
Burns Society Meeting Monday.
Tha rmhhla Rurna society will meet
In regular aesslon In the rooms In the
basement of the Congregational
church on Monday evening. Business
nr Imnortanre will come no for dis
cussion, so let every one be present.
'Come laaa ana onng your iasir.
Prof. 8. J. F. Tooz Has a Splendid
Address for All Other n
. struetors Give 8hort
On Friday afternoon an' Instructive
meeting of parents and teacher, was
held at the West Side school house.
Although the storm prevented a full
attendance, the Interest wa great.
Principal Carl F. Anderson opened
tha conference with a brief explana
tion of the Course of Study.
course of study la Issued by tha 8tate It la ma.Ha.
Jtory, systematic, .Indispensable. The
teacner . cnier oougation is to ruinn
the requirement Imposed by the
course. It leads to a well-rounded
grammar school education, and pre
scribes work for the High school. All
classes in the West Side school are
well up with the outline.
Um SchmldH-read a paper upon
"Encouragement." Uttle . children
should be constantly encouraged; so
tioiiirt .flvinnui minus ana utirnffn.
Lack of encouragement may-retard a
child', mental growth, or a man', best
anrioavnr Children who are lovlnelr
encoursged will remember with grati
tude tne mena wno saw me gum
thlnaa In tha rhllrt'a afrnrt
Pearl Bailey presented many fine
thoughts upon tne topic, "Always ue
Toung." The teacher or ihe parent
...v. A mA..1,l mtaln an Inflnance
upon the boy or the girl Should keep
a young heart. -Study with the child
ren m-nrk with them. nlav with them.
be Interested in their interest, and
yon will be able to hold their love and
to direct their development in aesir
able llnea."
- Hattle Grace Brown, handled the
subject of "The Teacher'a Relation to
i. rnmmiinli " In the city- the
teacher', sphere I. limited and very
nannita in me, rounirY ur iiiihrq.
aha la miirh mora than teacner: sne
t. a naiahhnr a sorisi leaaer. inn
latter position may give her many op
portunities to coma very near 10 nw
pupils and tneir-parents, "
friends of them, and so to enlarge her
ai,t . aa-,va Influence, she should
be an example of courtesy and good-'
ness, making the community Better oy
urr jji v ..v ... - .
The meeting reacnea na crowun
feature In the masterful counsel and
i.nirainn which marked the exhaust
ive address of Superintendent F. J. S.
Tooxe. cf the Oregon city scnoois.
He spoke upon "How Parenta and
Teachers May Best Work Together."
rarenta need to be careful noi to be
Influenced too much by sentiment In
a..un- ita their children: let us
have less sentiment and more science.
Puplla are losing the power or con
centration. Teacher, ihould Insist uP-
roncentrated work. The lacn oi
Mrs Sarah. Owens, of Mountain
View, died at the family home Friday
afternoon, at the age of 67 years.
Although Mr. Owena had been In
poor health for the past year she was
feeling well aa usual on Friday morn-
tnr and trad finished her household
duties, and had commenced to write a
letter when she was taken III. Her
hiiahanft anm mnned a tihvslrlan. but
she rapidly grew worse, and passed
away Jit 8 O CIOCK. Her newin waa uue
to annonleiv.
xtra n.n. was married three
times, her first husband being John
Lucas to whom she was marnea in
the year of 18tS5. After bla death ahe
married Mr. Stewart, wno aieo sevwsi
year. ago. and she was married to
xtr- rtwana annul one year ago. She
waa hnni In the State of Onto, and
came to Oregon In the year 1865. 8he
leavea a nusband. nui no cnnurvn.
tha vavina- riled many year. ago.
Tha funeral services will be held
r-m tha church at Mountsin view
thla irmrnlni at 11 ociock. tna inter
nant tn ha in the Mountain View
cemetery. :-
On. large block of eleven lota; good
8-room houso, 16x24 barn, good chick
en house "eight lot. under flood picket
fence and sat to bsarlng fruit tree',
barnyard under fence; aldswalk In
front of promises; elty wster. Tha
property I. worth S4000; will .all for
3500; 1-3 down, balance In easy psy
m.nts; percent Interest
f aa
T. L. Charman
i. V 7 ,
i '.
TlOW it the ti'ma far
general brightening1 up.
After cleaning Loom and
looking things over, you will
find you seed some
to tale tne pUceof your old
Hrer wnich. ebowe wear. .
Plated keawier than triple.
Community Silwer laata a life
time. 'We shall p glad to
aLow It to you.
Burmcistcr & Andrcscn
Oregon City Jewelers
A Square Deal Conteot
A regular aa the seasons are the
newspaper contests. It is only- occa
sionally that a new and novel contest
Is offered the public but once in a
while we see one that I. original ,
Hnm.f Imp. tha fnntp.f n t In a aar.
riers' contest feel that they have not
naa a square aeai. Tney teei mat
thev have nut a lot of enerrr Into their
effort, that Is unappreciated. This la
because tne awaras are maae tor tne
largest number of subscriptions turned
in and the city carrier has a decided
advantage, over the carrier in ihe
smaller communities where there la
less chance to get large number, or
Should tha award, be offered for the
larraat rarmntln nf - Ta-MtfllhlA anh-
scrlber. turned in, the carrier In ter
ritory where home. ' are scattered
would have as good a chance as the
carrier in the more congested districts.
Such a contest the Morning Enter
prise will open for the benefit Of It.
carriers, 'mere ara six boy. in Ore
gon City to take part and one each In
Gladstone, Mllwaukla and Jennings
Lodge. Carrier, will also be engaged
in Oak. Grove and Willamette when
the right boy 1. found.
Mr. Citizen you will be boosting
your own Interest, when you boost
the boy in your particular community
and you will show your loyalty to your
own community. Help, your carrier
to put one ajver on the other carrier,
and give hlin your subscription for a.
long as you wish.
Tli. rinllv nanar ta nna nf the Ihlnsa
Clackamas county ba. long looked for
ward to and now it I. nere it asx.
your support. The railroads Into tha
back of the county are coming too ana
it would seem that Clackamas county
1. at last to come Into its own. '
" Do It today Mr. Citizen and receive
tha next week'. Issue of the Homing
Enterprise, Tuesday I will explain
how points are to be given to the car
riers and will give an . Illustration of
how they might run In two communi
ties. Your carrier is sworth boosting
so do not forget to help him put it
over on hla competitor, by winning
one hundred percent of the homes In
I your community.
concentration makee a poor scholar
and a poor man- EOison eays mm .
Is not hi. genlu. that I. aucceedlng.
but his persistent attention to his
task. Children need to acquire repose
and self control. They have too many
outside Interests. They need media
tion quite a. much aa they need play.
They should also have duties to per
form, and be habitually ' required to
perform them. This performance de
velop. Initiative and self control. Let
ua vttallxe the work we give In our
i .i. Tha axhnnl room ahould be
a veritable work-shop, where the boy
j .v. -i.i laam tn do the things
that relate to actual life. Their edu
...i .t...M ha a "leading; out" of
their native abllltlee. They should
learn to employ their leisure In profit
able and pleasant way.. The aimless
leisure of our children is a dangerous
thing. Manual training la becoming a
great element In true education. Pu
pil, must learn to use their muscles
,t the aame time that they are In
creasing In intelligence and moral
strength. The highest aim of educa
tion Is the making of worthy charac
ter From our school, should come
good citizenship. cenn and noble man
hood and womanhood.
The gntest. were given -an oppor
tunity to Inspect the hundreds of
Dages of wrltteV work, map-drawing.
S5cU sketching and watero tor on
exhibition, a .-collection o 'nB,r
work from the pupils. Al were de
lighted with the clean, excellent work.
The entire meeting was an unqnal fled
..recess. Every, on, ""SZwl tZ
and benefitted. Much ,8t r
suit from such an event a. tnia.
Ei.ier T.k.s . Tumbl, But la
etariniialtf Hurt.
Chaa. Elsler. living In he room cm;
tha eecond, floor next to W. w. it.
Samaon a office, on Main atreet took
a tumble Saturday "'ternoon about 6
o'clock. He stepped xut the door at
tho bead of the stair, and In some
manner stepped off the top talr and
didn't find another .talr until he .truck
the bottom one. ...
Elsler knew It when he did strike
though, and so did eryona else , In
the building; he iCame down fun
weight and .Ixteea ounces to ihe
pound. He was not seriously Injured
it that, hut he waa skinned up ome
what and he wa. badly briil I and
shaken up. Frlenda assisted him tip
stair, again and he was given time to
collect himself before he tried coming
down again. '
Licensee to marry were Issued Sat
urday to Wllla P. Foott and Clyde a
Brlukley. and Delia Mtillan and Lu
ther Lelghton Norton. The last named
young man wa. nndor 21 year, of age
and the consent of hla father was
obtained to his marriage.
a a a W
33 i'Z Actz rartn
30 acres In cultivation, all level, soma timber and creek. Fair house,
good barn, close to school, 2'j miles from Oregon City, Main Maca
dam Road. Price only $125 per acre. Part terms.
Fine Bungalow with wood shed, good well and pump; 2 lota good
fences; corner property; t blocks from Car Station. Price 1300 cash,
balance $10 per month. Must sell at once. " -
Prions: Pacific Mm Home A-156. 612 Main St., Oregon City. 2
Are You PvzzUd ?
Don't Know Where to Go ?
" Sailor Jack's Reformation "
at ' v:.
May Do Yoa Some Good
$ 400 PIAN O F O R 0 240
And I have two
other Pianos that
I ( can givc'cood
prices on; also
..m vi uij a caaiv vae
J wants them:
Etitgood, new Instruments ndf all in tost class con
dition and No. i Instrtnnents in all respects, first class
in tone. A shipment of new pianos will soon be here
and I most have room for them.
Seventh and Center Sts. Oregon City, Oregon