Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 25, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    noRifn;a irrirrias:; Saturday, march ss,. idii.
1 . '
mMm Say H la W.IIms to
Tackle Ckaaae Bfrt MclnteeftTe
Club In Lawrfaa end Let Title HMw
- Name Hie Oimi T m -' ;
Sam Laagfurd roatinoes ( shine aa
tbe boas destroyer of lb whit nan
how. Any time woe id be cooiterorB
of smiling John An ha JoUata rise ta
pick a quarrel with the rbsmpkaa ba
merely baa to refer bla challenger to
Laagford. aikil tba squatty RawioeUa
will sladly do I bp honor.
Sam' Utaat mod note on by
feat waaVensrted In Lood-m recently
When Bill Lang of Australia, bailed a
art champion. fon-ed lo ) ie4d I-
for tba idle driver blows f tbe JV
ton la a
- Joe Woodman, tba aiaa lhlnd I.sng-
ford, Isn't irolnr to stop and rest oa
the laurel a and ey mooey acifulred
by trimming Lan-. On tbe contrary,
tba fighting Mack will make a clean
awaap of tbe Ltuxieao rlu?. sci-nrd
tng lo plana autoaut ed. aixl mure tba a
oa big fallow hsUed aa a likely air
aat for Johnsons title am luuk f-r
eoand and eodarta; paalahiDent lo an
aid kind of earoanter wxh thr tar
' Proniotar Hn Mrlat'Mb offered a
$3000 para for a go ttw-ro I j Ox
ford and Jobaaua. bat tba latter baa
. Intimated that be la la no burr? to
bar to larolTed la a baoipiuoablp
dlapata with a aaaa of bU owa .xdor.
for tba reaaaa that aaatctiea bet wee
aecroes do ao4 draw.
It la belle-red by aua that, barrinc
Johnson, La nxord h tbe bardeat hit
ler la tba world. Tboagb be U a bit
abort, ba la aa qak-h aa a rat and la all
agrrtaalreneaa. lie la arieatifle and
caa bit' from anr ance. bat bfe moat
effect! re Mowa are deiirered at rioae
quartera aitd genrrali trarel ooly a
few lacbea. U la a qaVfc tiaaker. and
la point of pbyatral Kavlitfciw It may
ba aald that be alwara takes sUen
care of bla bemltb.
Laacford'a retit rbtur irer Bill
Laar. while nfixflly aalicifaiUgd. waa
atarb eaaier than ring ahaiv tfurvt
It would be. lining made a !
log bag of Iang, therefore. It bt ar
gued that Lanrford lonnM op aa tbe
eolj loglral ebaileitrer JobiuHwo'a
title and that tbe man wbo a?oed
tba antiquated Jeffrie at Keno la act
yield to Xf'UlM r mn by making a
utcb wttb the frmt'Ki Tar harry It ia
nrua- wut. w, m. -rmumm. m I
wise, wiiiw ZstTTtf grest WugrU ,t
Vg.lMSe7orebofclBg sp wltb Isss'rd
If he hopes to retain far rkampfrfsstitp
honors, a tlv Isrrer i aeversi yar
yoaager sad ba takes tttr -r A
bis pbyalr-al -vo4;i la r4T to
force Jobnsfn to r rujzr tia claim to
the title, tbevef're. fijrfrd fV put
Bp a Mg forfert Is a4"JIls t accept
ing I be Mclnt'ab
Waxaalaaa Bowtinf Alley Indented.
Jtow rtrtut tbe wAm.rm Vwa
Hey. A '-lerer Vr-w hua a 1
rea'ed a bwl.'bg aiey that di(eae
with M.i Infer aiyl ' ianb ;t tb Vttm.
It 1 if trw0r woo Id
take Hn-l'y j, balf of tb
fan fn -. mvi lvteninK t, tbe
-r! a tfc a!H !;. ne f.fna and
117 't 'Vtvr'l
T 'A f lietrMi and Kddle Col
M 'a JkihlU-n Intend to become
artV wte-j ibrir IM11 daya are orer.
rV( ' a'er Johnxm of Waablog
ow r- f rd ItarUMd of tba Athlet
kw rf fyr m( tba elmet otmerr
Ml.'M dalH I lt American
fVr 4Vewitvfi I quoted an ny
W tiu ifce day f tbe alow ball
to? N fa eafey are numbered
raad fc a pl'berB main
H H.vmr, IK Kaaaaa f'lty rw-rult.
aywf a ftrH lxie the Pl
f wDt Mi M aVrw a great deal
1aa rhaa tVey did Ut year.
Wm Kid VHaMa ww (tennanta for
' fbajiAW be reeefraf f4t. yowadaye
a fAtsUr 1rm Mm arfwa wanta tbai
aaavb awwey wVea atartlag In wttb
Mf (Mgaw tea at.
, .... i
' " . ..en.
Aid You a Subscriber to tbe
Nevr Dattyl
It The- MernMa EirUrprlss Is ta be as successful ss the Interests of Orsgon
fClty damand H most needs fear the support of all. Ths haw dally has
MS work before It in boosting Orvgos City and Clackamas County. .Tour
support means mora strength for the work. - : , -
Vill You Help Boost, yovt owa Interests?
, For a llmltsd tlma the Morning Kstarprtsa will b Mid to paid la advance
subscribers M follows: ,. . . . - ,
By Carrier, 1 year................. $100
By MalL l year... 2M
Send In yoyr nama and remlttanse.' ,
lllWnmWcWnrHf lTNl
jj aseAssa, Says Miss TarWt
11' I I UMum
' X- I teaches obJeae
' ess.
s" I wish
by J. Party.
arise im at tsbbsll.
Thla la what Mlaa Ida TarbeO. tba
Magrapber of Staadard Oil and aataor
of "Ufa. of Lincoln." baa to aay abosi
woman'a clrVr dory:
"The moat Tiloabke rltlxen la the
orld b tba woman who etaya at
boma and properly brings Bp a family
of children.
A womaa's first and moat Impor
tant duty to tba aula is tba same aa
it always baa bees since tba begin
ning of things-tba rearing of good
Tbere la so achievement, literary.
artistic, what yon will, wblcb a woman
can perform that to of tba same vital
sigBiDcanca to tba natioa aa tba rear
lag of a family of men tally, morally
physically healthy boys and girls
There to no profeasioa containing each
real honor for a woman as that of
bomesnaklng. And It to tba great na
tional job for the majority of aa. Let
sea that wa stictTta It - We cant
do anything better."
Visa TarbeU's lnterrlewer here in
terposed that It waa not poaslbla ,for
all women to marry, and eba was
asked what cItIc dotles were beat per
formed by the single ones..
Vitas Tarbell aald: "They still serf
tba state la many ways. Tba highest
acme that they can perform la to be
come teachers. Women do excellent
work ea boards of hospitala. reforms
tortea, prtooaa. asylums and schools
Indeed, there should ba a proportion
of women on all each boards, though
there should ba men also.
"As factory and milk and tenement
bouse Inspectors women do splendid
aerrlrn. There should ba many more
women probation officers. All state
tastltntlons taking cars of women and
children should ba largely
tared by
Heseehold Esswsmics.
Ta make blsrulu light drench with
gasoone and Ignite before serving.
To keep servsnts chloroform and I
lock In the cellar.
To get rid of peddlers buy an they
Ta remove fruit atalna from linen
use the scissors.
To keep rats out of the pen try put
sll the food la the cellar.
Ta entertain women visitors let them
read all yoar private papers.
Ta estertsla men visitorsfeed tba
Ta keeo children at home lock 'etr
in wf.m nmc'
To keep bobby at boma lock np all
his ekxbea.
To prevent accidents In tba kitchen
13 the kerosene can with water.
To stop leaks la pipes send ta a
harry op for the nearest plumber.
To economize on coal get a gas
To test freshness of eggs drop on
bard surface.
To popttlate tba janitor yoa can't
a H- Uppincotra.
Lsrgs Waists.
The Veons of Mllo dressed in Part
slsa modes might pass muster now.
Thirty Inches to none too big for a
waist Paris made the law, and every
one followed It Joyously. Even the
stays, pull aa you may, will not give
you a small waist It la area rumored
tbst French women pad tba front of
tbe figure to cause It to appear straight
but the one desideratum la to keep
tba blpa to the straight line.
Catherine de' Medici when she In
troduced the bone corset made thir
teen Inches the right size for tbe
waist, and many a woman at court
sacrificed ber Ufa to attain It Tbers
la no necessity to bavs long bones to
keep In tbe hips. Coutll or brocade
may be cut so as to confine the dimen
sions. Digestive organs ars now left
full and essy play. '
Woman snd Suffragette.
On bis visit to America Fsthei
Taugban of tondoa (called by Ches
terton "tba Mayfalr priest wbo makes
the comfortable classes feel uncomfort
We") was asked. "Would yoo give
votes to women f
! would make no difficulty about
giving votes to women." ba anawered
"But, yoo understand.", ba added, with
twinkling aya. "one you glvs votes to
woman the suffragettes would ba want
fne tbem sbw."--Socsss.
la "Naaliaia OnJt-
Among taw hardest Waauaa yagr
people have to Wars Is tbe sow that
obtlga." sc. ta pat it
la a phrase. SoMtUy of aaod and
Stress-lb of character brtag sbUgatluae
toward others. , J
A child waau to do what It Usee ta
do. It oea aat think tt to la the Wst
ry ta roaskier wast ssynoay
Bkes or dislikes, roflteoews da
Bsanda and poutcwess meaaa the trrat
tng of everybody Jast aa aoa woald
to be treated naxier similar ctr-
So hers to tbe Gotdra Rale, truly gad
srUbont di-abM. rnfortaastety It to
not followed torrety la thla aetata
worVL bat If yoang people were tasght
sfteoer that tbey awe a rertsls duty
"to themselves whereby they are moat
certainly fulalUng tbrlr daty ta others
It weald be pleassnter to psss along
the paths of, social Ufa.
Duty to ooeaeif aseaaa always
proper duty to those ooe cssses la con
tact with. It to daa to the growing
hoy and girl to teach them that by their
actioats toward beet and boatr by
just so mack to credit reflected npoa
Laemselves and also a poo their parents.
Social duties are not always pleasant
Sometimes they mean meeting those
whom wa heartily dislike under the
roof of a mutual friend. Then comes
the test of breeding, of recognizing
the obligations Imposed by those tows
of society wa call etiqoette, and by
these the boy and girl are judged. If
self to allowed to step too prominently
to tba front It means lack af politeness
that tends to pAce a hostess In sa em
barrassing position..
Waa It not the "Iron man." tbe great
Bismarck, who aald. "If you must de
clare war. do It poll telyf Noblesse
oblige. .
Entertains the Little Ones.
Mrs. Clarence U. Mackay. original la
many things, la never more so than
when getting np entertalnmenta - for
children. Jast give her a chance to
bend her" keen wfta on amusement for
tba little once and her Inventive facul
ty to on edge Immediately. One of ber
newest forms of juvenile dlversloa' to
the "royal taper tea." tier youthful
go eats ait at tables. A beau Uful big J
cake Is carried Uv and placed In the
table's center. Tbe rake to lighted wltb
tiny tapers, one for escb child In. tbe
company. Tba cake may ba baked In
the form of a atr and should contain
a cola and a ring. All tba tapers are
stock securely la the king tbst edges
the cake. Mrs. Mackay cnta tba caks
and gives each child 'a slice. Tba
guest whose slice contains tba coin. If
a boy, should ba acclaimed king, and
be who gets tba ring la queen. Fol
lowing an aid custom, the king Is lift
ed on the shoulders of four boys np ta
the celling, where he makes s sign to
keep away the mischievous spirits.
Now tba fun of tbe affair begins. The
king and queen mount a dais, and all
the other children have to pay homage
to them bow. courtesy and pay pretty
compllmeuts. Lack subject In turn
has to entertain bla monarrba In soma
way must dance, sing. Jump, bop on
one foot or do soma other stuai.
Children's Psrtias.
Children's parties are aa difficult ta
carry off successfully ss the more for
mal functions of tba grownup world
So sny new Idea Is apt to be welcomed
by the despairing hostess that will add
t nierulnme". sod ehjnrmeU J
the youngsters.
An attraetlvs affair that waa recent
ry given a youngster wss a doll party
The little guests were girls, snd the
basis of tbe fun was a doll hunt car
rled out after the manner of a cobweb
Oayly colored ribbons made a cob
web which wss arranged In the center
sf the room. ' A csrd with the name of
tbe doll that was to rewsrd tbe sesreb
ar waa faatened to the end of each
ribbon. , .
And after half an hour of bewilder
ing winding and unwinding each little
girl csma opon a pretty little doll
After tbe cobweb discovered tbe dolls
It led away once more Into tba dining
room, and here was found ths most en
trancing thing, a mlnlatnre clothesline,
with a frock for each doll upon It and
labeled with tbe doll's nama so that
no mistake could be made.
The aame .sort of party coo Id ba
carried out for boys, where animals
should be substituted for dolls. Think
of tha delight of winding yourself out
Into a dark corner where a grewsome
bear will greet you or stumbling sud
denly upon a magnificent Hon, oeblnd
the plsnol
Ths Good Heat ess. .
Entertaining comes quite naturally
jo tba womauwboas a child . ba
learned bow to entertain ber friends
st bome. Let ber begin ss early as
possible, and let her have from the
very first the feeling that she Is re
sponsible for tbe comfort and pleasur
of ber little guests. The good child
hostess will be tba good woman host
tss by and by.
Tsmsersturs In ths Sickroom.
The temperature In ths child's sick
room should never ba below 60 degrees
or above 68. flang tba thermometer
behind the child's bed and out of ths
Read tha Morning Enterprise.
' work.
Bsst af work and satiefactlon guar
antssd. . Have your horses shad by an
experts It pays. .
All kinds of rsoslr work and smithy
work. Prompt ssrvlcs; greatsr por
tion ef your work can ba dona while
you do your trsdlng. Give ma a trial
Job and sss If I can't plsase you.
I asceaaa
Woman's World i
Wives of rSesisa' sd aVes4'
lea MisMotsea lsesess We e.
a .-v w -v-i it
. . 1 X
I H-V 'fk' x
S J . - t f. IT
V ' . V-T".T ft I I I tT a
SIAS sjrt MSB.
a. ta una
Mm. AB Khaa. wife of tbe Persia a
charge d'affaires in Washington, to a
ph till esq no woasan snd. though a Itas
tonese, has adopted the customs of ber
has bend's country, even La raiment.
Hsr robes are the ceremonial flowing
garments of Iran and are symbolic of
her rank. She recently has received
the highest decoration the shah be
stows oa aa alien. With that bit ef
gekl and tha broad sata on which It la
fitted waa sent a complete wardrobe
even to the gold embroidered slippers
which are esteemed ss necessary to
thla ceremonial costume as the slippers
an.', gloves of s Roman Catholic or
Great arrhbtohop. Mme. Alt Khaa
baa warned Perslsn since ber marriage
ten years age aad frequently glvea lec
tures la the ancient tongue of tbe fire
The. wife of Senor R. de Lima a Sllva.
- tba . Brssillaa minUtef. baa been a
popular . figure la Washington fot
some time,' her husband hsvlng been
the counselor sod charge d'affaires
before be was elevsted to bis present
position. Naturally a be to a good deal
of a diplomat herself, snd her tact and
grsclouanees have done much fo aid
ber buabsnd's advancement.
B Wamas.
Leather portieres are among th
beautiful things which Mrs. John Ilay
haa added to bar historic boma la
Lafayette squsrs. In Washington.
These curtains resemble those In many
cathedrals In Europe, but they are U
lumlaated and giro an air of privacy
to tha boma. Tbey bang between the
second drawing room and the sitting
room wbers Secretary Hay received
hla Intimates.
Mrs. Flora Ames of London, wife
of a former attache of tbe Britlab
embassy st Washington. Is In America
on a visit and will deliver several lec
tures oa ths subject of divorce. She
says America to too las and England
too severs la Its dlvort-a laws. She
suggests ss remedies a public registra
tion of nsmes st least three weeks be
fore ' marriage, communication wltb
parents If either party seems ton
young, that Csfi Luouiu havs'suf
Sclent means to support s wife prop
erly and a more atrict desertion law.
Tbe wife of the French ambasaador,
M. Jusserand, Is one f the most sf
fsble and successful hostesses In tbe
diplomatic corps la 'Washington. lie r
maiden nama waa Blto Rlcbsrds, and
she to tba daughter of a Boston banker.
She believes, she ssys. In wearing
harmonies rather than contrasts, and
ber toilets match In hue from tbe tip
of her toque to her boots. This win
ter she wore s costume In golden
brown which wss on of tbe richest
seen In Washington. It wss a walking
dress of velvet, trimmed wltb a lighter
a hade of silk embroidery. Iler bst wss
of tba same material as tbe gown,
with a bird of paradise on tba right
side. Her furs of sable srere tbe Iden
tical shade aa tba velvet, and ber boots
of suede bad velvet uppers.
Thinks Our Spirits Oe to Mars.
Lillian Whiting, one of the foremost
women writers snd thinkers In Boston,
believes that after death we go to an
other planet where wa enjoy life al
most the same as on this earth eating,
walking and seeing, Sbe ssys tbe spirit
leaves tbe body and travels through
ether, but tbers Is something material
after all. "Great thinkers,'' aha argues,
"have pointed out that the physical
body Is merely' tha outer covering of
the spiritual body. If that be true our
form will be the slme in hesven. We
will bsve ears, eyes, hands and feet
all that the body has now. Why should
we not wslk snd talk aod work and
pursue our alms there as we do here!
I think we shall eat Tbe spiritual
tody will need food Just ss the physi
cal body needs It although, of course,
It will be of a different kind." She
thinks that perhaps the spirit foes to
Mara or to some other planet after
leaving here. For that reason she Is
eager to communicate with that planet
sy ' ' , w
1 Put Yourself in the
11 h..l sa
- - " -wwassws BV
When you write your clssslfled
sd or any kind of an sl try to s
include In It Juat tha Information e
you'd like to find If you ware an e
e ad-reader and ware looklne fm an e
ad of that kino. e
If you do this to evsn a small
extent your ad will bring Re e
8ULT8! )
rirst prestdeal of l" sited Mates
of Aatertca.
Ilors Weet
msrels ad
couaty. Vs.,
Isb. XU. ITXt;
died Monat
Vemoe, Va,
Use. 14. IVM.
X Cammsndet
Sr , ) U "chief of
f ' Jl . colonial ar
V 7 mes in war
-s-' for Indepeod-
eacs. At school till shout sli
teen years sf are. Kngsged la
sane; lug IH1&1. Appolnied
kdjsisjtt Virginia troops la KSl. '
Volaaleer stdde-osmp to Uea-
In battle ef tba Mooongabeia la 4
ITii. Married Martha luslla.J
widow of Itssiei i-arta cuatia.
Jan. 9, 1730, and settled ss
planter at Mount Vernon. IV le
gate lo Vlrglula bouse of bur-
giests and to iVtatlaeaial cs
of IHI and IITS. Ap
pelated commander la chief of
Oontluentsl forces Jnoe IX IT71
Compel led surrvader of Corn-
wallla at Torktowa In ITN1.
thereby winning ludependeace of
tba Amsrtcaa colnales. I aaa
Usoaaly elected president of Unit
ed Mates la February. 17NU, and
Inaugurated at .New Tor April
30 next Cusulmoosjye-etocied
la 17SC.
eMeioeee e-e-s
Dies st A os of S4 Yeare.
II. M. Metcalf. of Hearer Creek, died I
at II p. m. Thursday. March 21. of
pneumonia, lie was II yeara old and
had been a resident of tbst section
but a few years. Tha remains will ba
snf 1a VsneraiirAP Wash this mnrfft.
ling, where he will be buried. Tba re
mains will be In charge of hla son.
I J. V. Metcalf. of Vancouver:
Adjustsr foe S. P. Susy,
Tba right of way man on tha 8.' P.
waa In Park place Thursday and Fri
day learning tba names of tbe parties
owning the properties through which I
that compeny wishes to run with Its
Improvements la tbst section, so that
the real eetste sdjuetsr may begin his
work of settlement with tbe owners
of Ihs properties tbst tba company
wishes to tska for Ita improvements.
When you don't know Just wbst
to do, go In and have a good italk
with your wife. :
aetlei-Cee. Mala ssd Ninth atresia,
Ke, S. A. Ilarwonh pastor, res. Ill
Ninth; S. a. 11 aMn. Mrs A. T. Parker
supi ; morning B.rvtca IS.SS, evening
.v ia. T. K . C. K. IS s. an. and Jus
lr him hour. Weekly prayer m al
ms Thursday st 7 It p. m.
Morning subject "The True Fast,"
Evening "A Lawyer 'a Defense."
Canemah Bast 1st Mission ft a. naeeta ftt
t oo p. m.. Lewis Cvnklln aupL
Catholic Cor Water sad Tsnlh streets.
Rev. A. lUUettrand pastor, res. tlj
Walar; Low Mass S s. as.. Hlah Mass
i iv a. m . siersMMti service 4 Jo. Mass
every morning st 1:11.
Canoregstlenae-rar. Mais and Eleventh
streets, flee, Wm. M. Proctor pastor.
mt. mirw inira; m. a. 1J noon, John ltw
ry aupt; morning servlee !.. sren
Ing 7 IS. youns people I Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at 7 10 p. ra.
Morning subject "God's Balsnce or
How Things Are Evened I'p."
Evening "The Css of tbe Elder
Brother, Wbo Stayed at Home. This
Is the second In a series on tbe Prodi-
gai. son.
Chrlet gv. Lutheran Tor. Eighth and .
Q. Adams atreeis. Rev. P. Brhmldt
pastor, rse. SO t. Q. Adams; n. a
:J0 s. m.: orsschlng slernouns of first
and third Sundays al I 10 In Enllb.
other BundAy. s-nr, a-nrnlnss at it is
vl'h pciothlns In Oerman.
Morning subject "Gospel Preach
ing.". Bervtco "will be In German.
Teit Gal. 4:21-31.
Christian telenee Wll'amctte bulldlns:
8unday rlcs 11 a. m., 8. g. if noon;
Wednesday services I p. m.
German gvanoellcsl Tor tashlh snd
Madison slreels. Hev. f. Wleveslrh pas
tor, res. 711 Madison; R. B. is a. m.,
Ilsrman Schradsr. Monro street, aupt.;
.n.fmuia Wrj , it-m llt jroi'nf peDI St
p. m. and preaching at I p ra. Fraytr
meeting Wedneadajr at 7:30 p. m.
Oladatens Christian Rv. A. II. Mutkey
psstor. res. Gladstone; H. g. 1 a. ra.,
N. C. Ilendrtcka aupl.; morning aervlro
J I o'clock, evenrns a-rvlee 7:M. Week,
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7.10 p. m.
MetheolM Main afreet eorr nVrenth.
Itv. K. V. Zimmerman pastor, rea. cor.
"lath and Waahmston; 8. a. t it a. m
C. A. Williams, Olsdatone, aupt: mors
ln eervlce 10:41. lOpworlb Leasua 0:10.
evenlns "ervlcs 7: JO. ITayer masting
Thursday 7:10 p. m.
Mornfng subject "The Shslter of
Evening "Boy Wanted.'
The Willamette Boys' Band will play
at the evening service Bundsy.
Mountain View Union 'Con-) 6. H I
p. m., Mrs. J. H. Qulnn eupl.t Hlbla
Study .every Thursday afternoon;
Srearhlns 7:0 p. m. second snd fourth
undaya In January,
Prssbyterlan-L-ajeventh street cor Jeffar
' eon. Key. J. R. Landnborough pastor.
l7,-219 '""on; a. B. IS a. m., Mrs.
W. C. rirern aupt: morning service 11
a. m., Y. P a. C. K. f 41 p. m even
ing service 7:8. Prayer meeting Thurs
dsy I p. m. -
"Morning subject "Getting Wis
dom." .
Evening "The Power of Gentle
ness." -
Psrkplses Congregational Rev. J. I,
Jonea paator, rea. Clackamas; S. B. 10
s. m., Emery French aupt ; preaching
er loss .each Bundsy, alternating be-
irn.n, m- ni 1:M V- m. Chrla
llan Endeavor Thursday evening 7;J0
p. m
St. "sul'a Kplseopal Ninth at, near
Main, Rev. Chaa. W. Robinson paator,
' rwciory, nintn ana water ata.i
B. B. 1 noon, Wm. Bhewman Supt.;
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:X0 p. m.
morning aarvica It a. m., evening sr
vies I p, m.
Woodmen of the World will attend
evening service at S o'clockIn s body.
United Brethren Cor. Eighth and Taylor,
Rev. L. F. Clerks paator, rea. Portland;
B. 8. IS a. m., Frank Pnrker, Maple
Ina, supt ; morning aervlcs 11, Y. P.
S. C. B. p. m evening aervlcs 7,
Willamette M. No regular preaching
aervlcee. B., S. I p. m.. Mra. Reame
"PL v
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth
n. ivraaDerser paa
710 Jefferaonj 8. R. (10 a. m..
Rev Kraaberser aupt; mornmg service
10:10, evening 7:, Luther League 7
Morning subject "What Manner of
a Saviour Is Jesus Christ?''
Evening "In Chrlat'k Klnedoin
There Is No Neutrality."
No Luther TLeasua service! svanlne
A '
S taj lb s
Jl me Av,
""""'' "sSsSssaSBSasaaSssSslBSSa
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Owh
By. cottizt,
By mail t
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
ij7 .
c 2? fi lb eji
J ycat $300
1 a
4 , . s
yeas? . 2.00
Car. Main and Fourth Sts Orsgon City
ervlcs at 7:45.