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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1911. LOCAL PRICrS .. . uclal at Clalrmont th out lr lo "ilf'woodini.B w.r. to Initial thrM Y,. rrld.y mht. but papere wndW hd niuatlan postponed. .ra dmrvu "... .nnllnallons. w.r. "!"!!anT applications, iri "Hikers." who mad tht ,Tb?a Wand In record tlm U.t T'm i larrl.' Grocer began to Cltob '' our ,,n 4 V ,r!. '!"' wrr. several application for ?SSiSSr" Thorwlar night. Th . or. J,ffoo has.H affaire In appl-pl "rilH Hoys' Seoul of th. Presbyter- U'i!.. tiis-Saturdayovenlng, for f.'.i.nd instruction. The young lad f1. In I the work and th. officer aVm'" enthused the boys. PEOPLE POINTED OUT 'jjllarjurle Money, who hue been UI H Improvln. .. ..r Pnrtland. was In Ore- Mr WWi'; ' , pa City " business yesterday. ur Chrl" K'y 111 at h" whn attack of lonallllls. ur Hurry Moody has arrived In this .Mf from" The D". end will l. family tr few days. u. i I. Waldron la III at hie home m cihtb aud Monroe streets, suffr ! from a sever attack of grip. '-Mr R" Knight, of Canby, waa In nrcroo City thla morning on hi way to Hpp-r. wb.e be will remain dur. lag the summer. Ur J Y. Hiimphrya. who left here kit gniidny for Astoria, where he waa mJIJ hy the., death of hla brother, re urnrd to Oregon City Friday after- 000. Mr and Mra. Tester, of Clalrmont, train ihU city Friday on their way la Portland, where they will vlalt for Tfew dv w,lh tn"lr children, who al(t at that place. Ilr and Mra. Hard MaeDowell, of Portland, and tV Mac Powell, who re Mtly returned from hi fourth trip to Japan, motored to this city Thura toy and were guests of Mra. W. L. John and other frlenda, Mn. B. Kuppenbender and alBter-ln-law. Illss Antoinette Kuppenbender, of Clalrmont, were In Portland on Twaday. imving vlalted Mra. Edward BYler. of South Ilcnd. Waah., who rwtntly underwent surgical opera tloa at the Bt Vincent Hoapltal. -j Mr Charlea ("otlee. Mra. Ellaa Dirk anoa and the latter'e eon, William Dickeraon. of Boring, who have been wading the pt three montha In California, were In thla city Thuraday fUitlng at the boma of Mr. and Mra. CWlea Parker. Mr. Cottee. who la I well-to-do farmer of Boring, and hla liter, Mra. !)lckeronL have been ln Callfornla fr the benefit of their tMlth.-and. the latter ? much tm-J rored They left for their borne Thumday evening. FEAR ITALY' JUBIUK. May i i Turned to Orlef By the Prev- lance of Plague. - nui u...k i la becln- UB lti to trtr that I'nlted Italy'e Jubilee . ty turned Into a oerlod of dlaaa trr lamngh plague and panic. Baployea of the Rome atreet rail t will atrlke on Sunday for higher pr. Thta will canae rioting, on the t of the opening of the Rome ex Mltlnn. Workmen on the Turin ex Mali Ion are on atrlke and employee at the elate rallweye alao threaten to Tv pup baa declared jubilee year 4 aartod of mourning and thla will pre trnt tbouaanda of Catbolica from irle. Itlaa th rouatry. i ; , Cholr la alowly apreadlng In Ua amtb and nnleaa the et of Hvtag U lowered, atarratlon and bankruptcy will acourg Italy. Maglatrate Friend of FloMIng- . DENVER, March H Maglatrate Oarln atanda ace high with boxing en tkuslaata today by hla action In die toning the charge agalnat Blmby Gardner and Johnny O'Keefe, arreated for participating In a boxing conteat "Boxing lan't half aa bad aa the bull tiht that are commonly referred to aa football." aaaerted MagUtrat Oa- i a) TIB. I ' - I l 15 Day Bar gain Event All the previous specials are on sale Saturday ladies neckwear, Recking, etc. ate pat in the Specials. r Prices slashed to raise money Take advantage of this money saving event and btiy. now " RomomhorF Saturday Loot Day Men's Black Sox 3 pair for LLZC A lot of overalls while they w , r last from SOCIO 75c Men's Chambra shirts while they ' .. . -r u i 4 last at ..v' 24C Ladies shirt waists 79C - while they last Men's OJds and Ends In fine shoes of first quality to close at Big Re duction $5.00 ' Patent Button $3.05, SHALL TREES STATiD in sidei'amip? COUNCIL TO HOLD SPECIAL Irg ION THIB AFTERNOON TO , DCCIOI MATTER. Couiifll will maat In apeclal aeaalon thla BaturdaT afternoon, at 4 o'clock,, to eonalder the propoaltlnn of cutting the treea on the C. E. Bab cock lot. on Wah I nit ton atreet. Waahlngton atreet la being Improved at thla time and along with other property (he atreet and aldewalk In front of the old flabcock home I com ing In for It ahare of the change going on In th atreet. And In front of thla old home. In the aldewalk atrip, are alx or eight handaome old tree, being tree that were planted by C. E. Hancock aome fifty year ago. In the flrat place theae tree are handaome aa handaome goea. In the aecond place they are an ornament to the property and to the atreet and It aurroundlng. The fact that they are on the aldewalk line doe not de tract from their beauty and doea not In any degree detract from the beauty that they reflect on the home lot or the atreet. The queatlon for aettlement la: Rha.ll theae treea be let stand, and th aldewalk be built around them, or ahall they be cut down and the root a pulled up, making a bald place In that part of the atreet and cltyT IleHiie of the beauty of theae treea, and the. reflex of beauty to the neigh borhood, meeting of Council haa been called to dlacuaa and eonalder the feaalblllty of permitting theae tree to tand and th building of the aldewalk around them. Council will meet at 4 o'clock thla afternoon and the frlenda of the tree promlae to be preaent and plead for the life and grandeur of theae noble peclmen of the foreat. 0000 MINBTREL SHOW. Oladiton Talent Makt a Hit With It Local Fuunygraph. Th Gladatone mlnatrela, an organi sation perfected for the purpoae of giving local preaentatlon of a program In which there ahould be Interaperaed local funnygrapha and local hlta, gave an entertainment In Gault'a ball Fri day night. Th troupe preaentlng the program of the evening waa all Glad atone talent, with A. F. Parker aa di rector. There waa a good attendance and a well pleaaed audience. Th program publlahed In Enter prlae colu mna - twice wa well re ceived and contained many numbera of eapcclal merit. Several of the num ber called forth encorea. The pro ceed of the entertainment were for the' purchase of a piano for the hall. Several numbera that , deaerve ea peclal mention are: Song by Garland Hollowell. -Under the Yum Yum Tree" by Jonn Mulkey, aong and dance by Carl Hoffman, number by the Ladle' quartet. "Slop, Stop, Stop Victor Oault. -Uttl Black M" Helen Seeley, number by the Paatlme Four. Mia Marian Money waa accompanlat. DIVISION POSTS. Brigade Training Needed In th Uni te Btaiaa Army. ham ANTONIO. Texaa. March H The recommendation for the eatabllah ment of an army dlvlalon poat at aoma dealrabl point in the United Statea la being made today to the war depart ment br Major General W. H. Carter, commanding. The general argea a permanent dlvlalon poat, ao aa to give it., iHinni itia renulred tralnlna In the operation of a dlvlalon aa a tactical alt - Oeneral Carter haa auggeatea uu Fort Harrlaon. at Indiana polla, be leotad. A dlvlalon ahould be kept there constantly. be aaya, with fre quent change of regiment ao aa to giver every arm ot th afervloe tflvl atonal drill Th Idea la that th dt kept working under actual Beld condition and that vry regi ment undergo the discipline. rmrtmr farther auaceata that later other dlvlalon poata be eatabllahed In logical points throughout the country. INCREASE IN PEOPLE But Not of Provlalon Cauae London to Worry. LONDON, March 24. That the In creaae In India's population la atart llng the Brltlah government was Inti mated today by Premier Aaaulth after a conference with vwmmt Mnri aeeretary of etate for India. . iue preliminary cenaua recently taken ahowed an Increaae In popula tion of approximately 10,600,000 over the laat .oenaua. it la feared that fa- uime ana seditious outbreaks may fol low In the wake Of thla ennilnnal In. creaae In DODulatlon. thr u unim to support the Increaalng millions. MOLALLA This haa been on of the Marcba th Pioneers use to tell about "dusty roads In March" One of our farmera aaya thla good weather la to counterbalance "high taxes." Peter Faurle'a family are down with typhoid fever, caused by bad water on the Sanders farm. Dr. Todd haa bought a Ford mn about. It'a a Handy on wheels, and the Dr. can reach his patients now before they get well or worse. Robhlns Bros, brought out their new B. M. F. Sunday, which moving about like an automobile. - C. W. Herman bought an auto last week, now the blacks can reat Sun daya. H. N. Everhart will build a new dwelling this summer In Robblns' Flrat Addition to Molaila. C. 8. Herman, the clover king of Molaila, baa built a new aldewalk from the hotel to the "Allams Station." T. A. McFaddln haa Juat completed an out-door brooder for D. C. Boyles, who has launched Into the poultry buslneaa. Road District No. 28 will have a mil and a quarter new road to make along the Northeast side of the Slv egle D. L C. Chang of -weather thla week owing to the aprlng equlnoctlonal storm be ing due. CLARKE8. Mlas Esther Stout, from Portland, la homi for a few daya. V. E. Larklna la aawlng wood In Highland these daya. Several of the young people attend ed the entertainment and basket so cial at the Alberta school house Sat urday nlgbt. It waa a complete auc ceaa both financially and socially, the baaketa netting over $62. The pro ceed a will be used to purchaae a li brary. There waa a ball game on the Shu ble grounda Sunday; the yannlgana va. th regulara. The score waa 8 to 6 In favor of the regulara. The Bhubel aggregation will be a strong contend er this seaaon, they being fortunate enough to get Will Bo 1 bow, the no torious aplt ball artist, to do their heaving for them and also Geo. 8gar, another faat guy, to do their bacK atonDlna: atunt. - There waa preaching In the English M. E. church Sunday, the first time for over a rear. Otto - Moehnk and wife paased through town in there keroaene wag on 8unday. Robert Olnther, oua school teacher. Is contemplating giving an entertain ment aome time the flrat of April. We understand that Geo. Hanson, the five foot and eighteen Inch 8wede, Is contemplating a sojourn tbrougn the northern region of British Colunj bla. W are sorry to hear of hla 4ft parture. Mr. Nicholas lost his horses. ' Mr. Nicholaa and family spent Sun day with her parenta. Mr. and.-Mra. Larklna. DIRTY WORK IS DONE By DYNAMITE DEVILS TWO EXPLOSIONS SIMULTANE OUSLY INDICATE THAT PLOT WAS FIGURED TO MINUTE. . OMAHA. Neb.. March . 14. Two chargea of dynamite, placed la differ ent parts of th new f 1,000,000 court bouse, xnioded - here wis morning Th damage to th ou.Uiluar was alight. though nearby structures veer shaken by the explosion. Bloodhounds arc being uaed In an effort to trace the dynamltera, who are known to have sought the Injury of Caldwell A Drake of Columbus, Ind., who are the con tractors on th building;. COLUMBUS, Ind., March .24. The offices of Caldwell A Drake, contract ors, were wrecked by dynamite here today simultaneously with th dyna miting of the Omaha court houae. No arrests have yet been made. C0MT8 TO M Oil STATE ROADS STATE NEEDS THE ROADS AND CONVICTS NEED THE EXER CISE OUT OF DOORS. . . SALEM, Or., March 24. At a con ference held In the governor's office laat night which was attended by members of the county court of Marlon county, and th executive committee of the board of trade, plans were dis cussed for a complete and extensive system of macadamized roada connect ing the city with the state Institutions and the Institutions with each other. Convict labor Is to be utilized. Governor West . called the confer ence with the Idea that united effort can perhapa accomplish much towards bringing about the desired end. The roads leading to many of the Institu tions are In a bad shape. The stste county and city 'are all mutually In terested and the governor bellevea the city and county should be willing to cooperate-with the state In the mat ter. . No extensive plan of boulevards Is planned but merely good, substantial serviceable roada that will be of uae to everybody In the vicinity. They will also aerve aa a model and a nu cleus around which the movement for good roada can gain strength for ef fort In other pans of the state. The number of convicta at the peni tentiary I growing Tapldly. A tlhe legislature did not make adequate pro vlalon for such an unexpected Increase the problem of their retention la get ting to be a large one.. If the county and city will provide the funds ihe governor thinks the state can legally provide the labor from the peniten tiary. It will be a benefit both to the state and a God send to th convicts to be allowed to labor In the open during the summer months. Oregon Physician Going to Rome. SALEM, Or., March 24. Dr. August M. Kinney, of Astoria, who baa been annointed by Governor West as one of the delegatea to the International Conference on Tuberculoma, to be held In Rome, Italy, during September, has written the Governor accepting the appointment and aaylng that he will attend, leaving for Rome September After the conference he win go to Berlin to take up further work along this line. Hunoarv Has 20,850,700 People-' BITDAPEST. Hungary. March 24. The official census shows Hungary to hire a nonulatton of z0.8aO.7M. l m is an Increase In 10 years of 1,596.000. Card of Thanks - To those who so kindly nsstsied US in our late Dereavemem, ui sickness, death and burial of our be loved molher, we wish to extend our . I k. A sincere thanka and especially to ihnu for the floral offerings. May the blessing of Our Heavenly Father be with them la tne prayer or JAMES M. TRACEY AND FAMILY GUMPTION ON THE FARM. A man with a large family can live better on the farm where money grows, than. In the city, where money roes. "- - - . Take time to look Into every project that la suddenly sprung on you. Ufe'j rreatest successes come out of the most careful consideration. Can't yon fix It ao that you will not have to buy any garden stuff this year? Of course you can. What any farmer can do, you can. Get right at It now and make the beat garden in town. Supply yourself and the neigh bors. Hera is th formula for treating seed potatoes to preveat acab: 8oak the whole e4 for two hour la mixture of one-half pint ot formalin (formaldehyde) and fifteen gallon of cold water: dry the seed, cut pUui fn-rrymd that hat rraxir grown potaioee. H OF TOPIC AIKDMS SERVICES, AS THEY WILL BE HELD WITHIN THE NEXT QUARTER First ChuFch of Christ. Scientist- Service are held In the church edl flee, Ninth and Center streets Sun day mornings at 11 and Wednesday evenings at 8. Sunday school at 1J m. Subject for Sunday, March 26, "Reality." The reading room, located In the rear of the church, la open every afternoon of the week, except Sunday, from S to 4 o clock. April 2. ' 'Unreality:-- April 9. "Are Sin, Dlaeaae and Death Real: April 16. "Doctrine of Atonement; April 23. "Probation after Death; April 30. "Everlaatlng Punishment;" May 7. "Adam and Fallen Man; May 14. "Mortals and Immortals; May 21 "Soul and Body:" May 28, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Men merlsm and Hypnotism, Denounced;" Jun 4. "God the Preserver of Man; June 18. "I the Unlverae. Including Man. Evolved by Atomic Forcer June 28, "Christian Science.'' , - THE POULTRY YARD Some folks are forever planning ahead and figuring how to make chickens Day. and while they art pot terlng along with Rhelr plana and figures the hens and their broods are neglected. No fowl la so hard to doctor aa a turkey. A secret of success with turkevs lies In avoiding Inbreeding, A little turk debilitated at the start by Inbreeding haa a poor chance for Ita life. Aa the nlghta are still cold It is advisable to give the hen eleven eggs at the time of setting them Thla afforda the hen a better chance to cover and warm the egga properly, bringing forth better results. The baby chick trade haa grown wonderfully. Twenty yeara ago poultrymen never dreamed of starting a bualneas In that line, while now hundreds of thousands of these Inno cents are annually snt out. It'a alt right to have the brood coopa wind-tight but not alr-tlgbt It doea not take much of a carpenter to nut a pane of glass fh a brood coop, and tbe chlcka do better If they can have light when they must , be shut up during cold, stormy weather. Bia LAND BALK. Much f the Large Tract I Virgin . Forat Nvr Cruised. The old-Sloan place of I2t acre Just at th aouthweet edge of the town of Beaverton waa Bold yesterday for $50,000 spot cash. The buyer la a Brltlah Columbia capitalist whose name will soon be announced, and the aale was made by the new realty firm of I XL, Nlner and C. E. Wlckland. The property was owned by the Sloan estate. The farm bad been on the market les than two weeks. It Is the largeat caah Bale made recently, and the trans fer proves thst desirable acreage tributary to Portland Is not going beg ging when offered at fair prices. With the exception of 40 acre that haa been cleaned little by little In the laat 3S year, th whole tract la virgin timber of good size and thick growth. SO far aa known, the timber has never been cruised. OUT OF THE GINGER JAR. Juat how far does the kitchen range? Tbe housewife is - known by the bread she bakea. He that ear to ear ahould now be gin to think of planting corn. I'm so run down that I can give no mora tick," sighed tbe alarm clock. "I've aeen brighter- daya." alghed the saucepan In the slovenly kitchen. "Well. Ml be switched." angrily ex claimed tbe email boy; and he was. The hotbed Is well enough in Its place, but few people would care to sleep In It. Fifty little chickens in the incuoator, Ten scrawny broilers a few weeks (later. Many a man In bla raflactiv moods wonders why hia wife loves him, and ao do his neighbors. The average boy thlnka better of tbe cuff on hla sleeve than of the one his teacher gives him. There is more sound In a nonow gourd than In a full one, and the aame Is true of an empty head. What two letters aptly describe tbe condition of tbe man who la taken In hv aharners? E. Z. The ben may not be well educated, but It doesn't take her long to scratch off a few Hoes In the garden. We can walk Into trouble with our eyea abut, but It. la o ten Impossible to back out with both eyes open. "I love but her." sang tbe love-sick swain. "If H'a butter you want you can get that at the corner grocery," called out her irate father. Mama: "Willie, what do you mean by breaking all those eggs?" Willie: "I heard papa aay that there's money In eggs, and I'm trying to find It." Jones: "Hello, Smith, what has happened to you that you look ao peaked?' Smith: "I ve been prac tising the rules on 'How to Keep Well,' published In tbe health column of tbe Dally Screamer." . 1 CORRESPONDENCE C LARKS Mr. Debreve'a horse kicked the front pan of tbe wagon In and hurt hla ifoot Tuesday. OacarHoel, from Portland. Is out In Clarks to look after hla farm. ' Ales Scherruble waa out In Clarka on Thursday. He Is going to leave soon. He Intends to make his home In Central Oregon. ' Mr. Tallman sold eight hogs tbe other day. The Buol Bros, are clearing piece of land to bow to oata. - Mr. Marshall has finished hauling manure oa the pot a toe patch. Sam Elmer hauled manure on the land he InUnds to plant potatoes on, the other day. Mr. Bottemlller sowed 10 acre of oats. Mr. 8ulllvan. road supervisor, la I blasting out stumps. Mr. Wettlauper'a hired band left, the other day. Dora Marquardt stayed out of school to help her father sow oats and velth. Mra. Rungo and son Clyde, are planting potatoes. ' Netle of Application for a Liorr Notice ia hereby gives tha I will at the next regular meeting oil the City Council, apply for a license to Bell liquor at my plaee of business, Seventh and Main 8treets, for a period of three months. ED. RECKNER. Ordinance No, An ordinance providing and compell ing owners of lots whose surface Is above the atreet, upon an Improved atreet within the corporate limits of Oregon City, Oregon, to build a re taining wall to prevent tbe soil and earth from auch lot or lota from falling or sliding upon the sidewalk or into the street; also giving the City of Oregon City, tbe power to v build soch wall In case of the re fusal and heglect of the owner of any auch property to do ao after being notified to do the aame, and making tbe cost of auch wall a lien upon auch property, and providing the manner ot enforcing auch lien; also defining what notice la neces sary to property owners baring property requiring auch wall, and by whom given; providing that proper ty owners shall remove any and all dirt from any auch lot or lota falling or sliding upon the walka or Into the street, and making it a mlsde- ' meanor for the owner or hla agent to refuse or neglect to remove any such dirt or for either or both to fall to build auch retaining wall when so ordered. Oregon City does ordain aa fol lower Section 1. Every owner of a lot or lota within the corporate limits . of Oregon City, Oregon, abutting upon an Improved atreet, where the surface of such lot or lota or tract of land Is above the surface of such Improved atreet and where the soil or earth from such lot, lota or tract of land la liable to, or does slide or fall into the street or upon the slde- ' walk, or both, shall build a retaining wall, the outer side of which shall be on the line- separating auch lot. lots or tract of land from such im proved street, and auch wall ahall be ao constructed aa to prevent the soil or earth from auch lot, lota or tract of land from falling or alldlng Into auch street or upon the side walk, or both, and the owner of any such property shall keep sucn wan In rood renalr. Section I. It shall be the duty of the owner of any such property as mentioned In Section 1. herein, and In case such owner In a non-resident, . then the agent or other person In charge of the aame. to remove from the atreet or aldewalk or both aa the case may be, any and all earth or dirt falling on or sliding Into or upon tbe same from the said prop erty aa aforesaid, and to build and maintain In order at all times, the retaining wall a aforesaid; and up- on th failure, neglect or refusal of auch land owner, th agent or per- , son In charge of the asm to clean away auch earth or dirt falling or eliding from auch property Into the atreet or upon the aldewalk or both, or to build auch retaining wall, ahall be deemed guilty of a mldemenor( auJ upon conviction thereof, be fined In any aum, not exceeding $50 or be Imprisoned In the city Jail not exceeding 25 daya or by both auch fin and Imprisonment. Section 2. If th owner of a lot or part of a lot or tract of land abut ting upon an Improved atreet, where the aame requires a retaining wall to keep the earth from tbe same from falling or eliding upon th aide walk or Into th street, faila or re fuses to build such wall upon bis own motion, or In case of a non resident, then the agent or person In charge of such property, fall or refuses to build such wall, th street superintendent shall post upon such lot or part of lot or tract of land as aforesaid, a notice to auch owner or agent as the caae mar be to build tbe aame, and be ahall file with the City Recorder bis affidavit that auch notice waa posted on such property, giving the time and place. If the owner live upon tbe premise, then such notice as posted shsll be sif ficlent, but lh case he doe not live ' upon' the premise affected, or If he be a non-resident, then the Recorder upon receiving the affidavit of the atreet superintendent, shall mall a copy of auch notice to the owner of auch property, If known, or to the agent of the owner. If known, and directed to the postofflce address of such owner or agent, when such ad dress Is known to the Recorder, and If jch postofflce addreaa be un known to the Recorder, auch notice ahall be directed to auch owner or ' agent at -Oregon City, Oregon. No notice for the owner or agent to re move dirt from th aldewalk or out of tbe street as required In Section 2 hereof, and any owner or agent ot any auch property falling to keep auch dirt off the aldewalk or out of the atreet shall be deemed guilty as set forth In said Section 2. Section 4. If after the expiration of ten daya from the giving of auch notice aa aforesaid If tbe owner or agent be a resident, and twenty days if he be a non-resident, such owner or agent fall, refuse or neg lect to build such wall aa required herein, tbe aame may be built or re paired under the direction of the atreet superintendent, and the cost of the labor and materials required to build the aame or to repair It, shall be reported by him to the Council together with a description of lb a lot or part of lot or tract of land which said wall la built or re paired to retain the .dirt -or earth from falling on the sidewalk or into the street, and auch cost shall con stitute a Hen upon auch lot, part of lot or tract of land affected, and ahall be collected In like manner aa aaaessments for street Improve ments. Read first time at a special meet ing of the Council held In tho City Hall, Oregon City, Oregon, on the 15th day of March, 1911, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. Ordinance Mo... , i ' An ordinance declaring the assess ment for the Improvement ot Waah ington Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the south side of Second Street to the south side of Seventh Street. ' Oregon City does ordala as fol lows: ' Section 1. The assessment for the improvement of Washington 8 tree t from the south side of Sec ond Street to the south aide of Sev enth Street, is hereby declared and levied according to aasessment roll No. 2, new series, and the whole cost of the said aasessment Is $8949.65. Section 2. Whereas the condition of aald part ot aald Washington Street la and waa daageroua to the health and safety of the people of Oregon City and it la necessary for the Immediate preserve. tloa of their health and safety that thla aasess ment ahould oe 'mwde t once, an l-nmergeocy la hereby aeciarea un - exist and this ordinance anau taae effect and be In force from and after it approval by the Mayor - Read first time and ordrd pub lished at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 15th day of ' March, 1911. at 8 o'clock p. m. Xt L. ST!PP, Recorder. Notice of Application for a Vacation of a part of the Alley In Block 113, of Oreaon City, oreoorv Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned have filed a petition with the Recorder of Oregon City, Ore gon, asking for a vacation of a por tion of the Alley running tnrougn Block 113, and extending from the property line on the easterly side of Jefferson Street to the property line on tbe westerly side of Madison Street of said City. The part of aald Alley asked to be vacated being a strip of land alx feet wide off and from both aides of aald alley Ind extending the length of the same through aald block. Said applica tion Is now pending before said Council of Oregon City, and will come up for hearing before aald Council, at a meeting of the aame to be held in the Council Chamber at Oregon City, Oregon on the 19th day of April, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of aald day. C. 8CHUBEL. W. A. WHITE WILFRED A. WHITE, A. W. CHENEY, Petitioners. i 6t Notice of Application for a Liquor License. Notice la hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place ot business. The Arcade 422 Math street, for a period of3 months. - ' A.. KLEBE. . Wanted At Once! AT Oak GroTe' CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE " MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal terms to hustler, tee Mr. a Miller circulation Department, En- terprl, Oregon City Oregon. DAYTON, Tc.. Mare 14 Th shooting of tw ia4 dogs la Dayv street yesterday kaa caused the wid est alarm here. Several children nar rowly escaped being bitten and It la not known whether other domeatie animal bar bees, bitten. NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF "PARTNERSHIP. Tbe partnership heretofore existing under tbe Arm name of Story Thom as, having been dissolved by mutual consent, all liabilities of th Arm are assumed by Owen CL Thomas and all accounts due th firm are payable to tbe aforesaid Owen O. Thomas, - Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 24th day of February, 1911. E. V. 8TORT, OWEN a THOMAS. Wants, For Sale, Etc. Notice under these' claain4 hmdtna will b trlMr ird at on cant word, firs Insertion, half -nt additional bimt lions. One Inch card, ft per month J half Inch card. (4 lines) II pr month. Caxh must aocompaay ordar unless on has an opra account with the papar. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free eorrct4 notice will be printed for patron. Minimum ehsrse ltc WANTED. FOUND Bunch of key; call and . prove property and pay for notice and receive them. WANTED-Small advertisements for - thla eoWmn. Prices very reason- able. See rate at head of column. VACUUM CLEANING done for 60 ' centa an hour. . Call Pacific State - 2491. FOR SALE. FOR SALE By owner 2.71 acres, . four room bouse, barn, cow, horse, chickens, well, fruit trees, small frulta. Concord Statlo. telephone, Oak Grove, red 214. 75 -acre tract good land, no rocka, S mile from Oregon City,. 1 mllea from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit land. Cut into 7 anLJ4 acre tracts, flOO to 1225 per c. Enquire of, D. K. Bill A Co., Room 9. Beaver Bldg., Oregon City. FOR SALE 10 Acre orchard land, 7 acres planted to apple trees, 7 room house,, small barn, 1 miles from Oregon City on . good road, $3,600, terms for quick aale. Tele phone Farmers 213. S. R. Co gin, -R. r. D. No. 2, bog 139, Oregon; City. Oregon. . . . ; .. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. : Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walka and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Mala 111. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land, titles examined, estate settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon. City. UREN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorney Law, Deutacher Advokat. will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. Office la Enter prlae Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. v V. R. HYDE, Abstract Off tee Land title) Uveatlgatsd. conveyan cing, notary pnbllo. CRITICS CCnftC'iDfT , GOTITC2S COPY Room T. Barclay Bids Oregon City. K, JU COOPER, For Fire laauraae A and Real t-h us aaaai your properties) w hny,""! exchange. Office. la - aterprts Bldg., Oregoa City, Otcoo. - . ;..-v 1 T ' FRETTAO A MONEY. Real Estate Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. See ua for good buy. Near 8. P. depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. -Whan I moved Into my new store . I nut In a nice line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am aelllng at th -prt- ca uaually quoted for aecond hand or hop-worn pood. Come In and look around. Fin line of curie and relic. GEORGE YOUNG. . ' PLEASE NOTICE. - To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major- Ity of the Cornea In Oregon City and Clackamas county the management haa decided to 4 'make a special price, for th ' dally Issue, for a abort time only, where the subscriber paya - a year In advance. - By carrier, paid a year la advance. 13.00. . By mall, paid a year la ad- vance, $2.00. . . People who gave our canvaa- ser a trial subscription for one or more months, at ten cent a 4 week, can have th dally dellv ered for a year for $2.00 by paying a year la advance, People who gave our canvaa- ar a trial subscription, by . mall, for four montha at a dol- lar, may have the paper for a year for $2.00, If paid a year la advanc. Subscriber to the Weekly Enterprise may change their. - Bubecrtptiona to th daily, tf eelvlng credit for half time on tho daily that the weekly la ' paid in advance. When they 0 choose to add cash to tho ad- O ranee payment equal to a full year's advance payment they ) 0 may take advantage of tho '$2 rata, . We make this special arte ' so that peoplo who hare paid o In advance oa aome other dally 4 and wish to, take the Morning . Baterpriee, may i do ao without too great expense. 4 Subscribe, to the. rtell T I -.