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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1911)
4- -r -t t ! !ubJrlptlor.. for the Morning The only daily newapapor tween Portland and Salami aire lates In every eeetlen Claoha maa County, with a population af 30.000. Ara you an advortlaorff OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1911. Per Week, 10 Ce.vts Vs zO rnMx d n t n vrr - ' VV, 't t HCHTMUST DID SAYS WRHJAfT (i-C TROOPS CALLID OUT AND PLANS MAOC TO PROVISION QUICK MOVK. a winninc rmsT advmce LlM'y Receive rr wi in !- ,. Belief Otnaral Poor Peo pl Havo Suffered Enough. BAN ANTONIO. Tesaa. March X3. (3PU-There waa an oroer waay ior !y for the provlaloulng of a troop ST a ens f a audden move, and a re- tort that ne o11" w"M" Infers If there waa not a ahow of "f by May 1. Putting, thoao to Ether It jna Iblngo look Ilka war. . Mad-rd haa been adlvaed by bis Mends to mako fo a big victory for hit forces at all coat a, hla friends bo ilvlni If ha can now advancement ,nd trouble for Was that Taft will In- trfer and mat u win im blf of tb.lnurractoa. i, a.m that Taft tblnka H aoout f.i- anme advancement to bo air 'i ------ lnarda noace. by one or to Ml,, winning algnal advantage. If ' . t'.u anil a rhinra for nist can piiww n ' - - - --- Bclnctl.n well and good; If not and thi rebels can then they arc the onoa in fTor Put the common people ara the sufferers na isu i "" ,k.i ihv hare -been punished about ill that nature can etand. Bark of the tronniee in mi-v arlier the hand Of the mimii: also he aeaa that they ara dMdrd. on standing with Dial ana a rlnl lorT-l with the inaurreotoa. tWtATMtrt forecast. - Oregon City and Portland fair; aouthwealerly wlnda. Oregon Fair: aouthwealerly wlnda. . . OVKR 8000 PC0PLK Gather In the Open-Air Oreak Theatre HsreToday. HKRKRLKY. Cal., March 23 (flpl.) Eight tbouaand people gathered In -the open air Greek theatre here today to hear Colonel Roosevelt. He asked the faculty and atudnnta of the Uni versity to rlae above the general level of material achievement and produre great men worthy the achievements for which they were being fitted. An Informal reception waa held at the conclusion of hla addreaa at which lime Rooaevelt waa honored by the. many evldencea of good will and de sire to do him bonor. BULLETS PALL AMONG SOLDIERS. Charge Made That Carelese Plrlng Haa Been Done. FREIftlDO. Texae, March 83. (Spl.) The charge la made that a company of Mexican mralea Invaded United Btatea aoll today. The Mexican offl- rlala have tieen notlflod that armed partlea croaslng the border will be considered Invasion, and atlll care- less movements have continued. Ilutlets sild to hava been fired by Mexican soldiers fell among American soldiers on the American aide of the river, and no explanation haa been made. LEO BROKEN AT BORING. - , THE WRONG COrtfJEF.. TM CORNER CROSMY E U t WMBin or me hum, trnxtay asukmpo ) , Jl 4t yt-so putter, tf t fM v h COUNCILS COURSE WILL PROVE GOOD CITY DADS SHOutf'HAVE THE FINAL SAY IN ALL IMPROVE MENT MATTERS. PROPERTY , HOLDERS MAY DISCUSS But Pinal Decision Should Be Left to Few Legislators Have No -Axo to Grind In the Matter. RAILWAY GRADING WILL START SOON SUBSCRIPTIONS COMING IN VERY PAST AND SECOND LEG OP ROAD NOW POSSIBLE. Nik TWO BOYS POISONED. Are Investigating tne peain, Being Suspicious. VANTOl'VEIt. Waehr-March 23. (Sol ) Two children. William K. Ooodwln. 13. and Clyde It. tloodwln. 10, rt poisoned by some one or some aerldmt today and died at an early sour this morning. The police are In vmilKitlng Aa the boya bad both tNi tnurrd leads to a suspicion that ill may not bo vlght. The moiher'a nr i disDiited by the Chinaman troia akose restaurant aho elalma aho -i--a i A HfWl Ina ITT' ' m NTHVM M Chaa. Llnqulst Brought to City In Spa. elat O. W. P. Car. Chaa. IJnqiilst. living at llolton but who haa been working on the Ml Hood Railway on the Dull Run. near Doting, bad hla leg broken Thursday evening, lie waa teaming and waa driving between certain piles of poles when a le fell on him and broke bli -l-I., mm Ik nl 1m J?saMi,?S!?,S3 KfJTIHC H BCAVERCREEK IWiOT arriving here the fracture waa reduced by Dr. Melasner, after which ho waa taken to hla home In Bolton. Addreaa Greeting Sung Walts Recitation .... Bong Music ........ Recitation Bong Music Recitation- Swinging Clubs Song Closing Piece Mr. 8nldow Girls' Cborua Band Ada Masa Violet Oliver Band Will Snldow Girls' Chorua . ? Band Mabel .Bartholomew . . . Georgia Edmonda Alice and Violet Oliver Band NEW CABLE IN USE. Water and Debrla Being Cleared Out Drill Will Go on Down. STONE. Or.. March 23. (8pl.) There Is little to report from the Stone nil wall today. Moeh has been accom- Subscriptions Now Wanted to Grade pllshed at the well but there la little or if idii inowi uv wu Austrian Cleaning Up Streeta. John Narobe. the Austrian who waa aentenced to B0 days In Jail for at tempting to carve an acquaintance, la being worked on the atreeta by Officer Shaw. He Is a faithful worker and baa cleaned Sixth atreet very nicely and Thursday be waa working on Fifth tree!. In rase he does good work. wii i.. mi in effort to escape, he la Beyond Beaver Creek Out Mo .lalla Way Send In Today. VIA HII0T M HUOI UUI HIL DIAZ- CAM Will NO CALL TO TREAT WITH men BEARING ARMS AGAINST COUNTRY. Subacrlptlona to the proposed Clacjt amaa Southern Railway Co. are com ing In, some without aollcltatton. U'hll theae subscriptions are In a io have hla aentence materially P volume sufficient to warrant a atari rHnr1 on the aradlng. and give an assurance that the lino win uo uuh i Marry In Oregon City. " Creek without delay, atlll there la no tfrnaiina Banner and Dr. John rfalre In si on there but the wlsn la BtelneV. of Kstaeeda. camo to thla city t0 continue on out Into the Molalla yesterday afternoon In company wiib country, JudK.l. K. Keiso. an oiu menu i u latter, and secured a marriage license. The marriage waa performed by Judge Himuiii. nr. and Mrs. sterner are well known residents of Rstacada. and have taken their friends by aurpnse by slipping Into thla city to be mar ried nr. fitelner waa formerly of Mllwnuklo, where he la well known. Makes Talk In the School. Thar wis a aood attendance oi minll and friends at the Mount Plena nt school Thursday afternoon to lie in in inn address of Rev. Chaa. Roh- MF.XVO PITY. March 83. Admit- In ibnt Mexico la fnclng a erlala even renter than he had beiievea. enur Uirantour said yeaterday that tuo au nlnlstratWa no dellnlto plana for ths anluilnn of the nrotileme confront- lot It. It had no alternative out io rontlaue the military programme upon klch It has entered. Notmithmandlng the government a icreslve attitude, reforms which are tnteoded to allay the alleged grlev noes under conalderatlon. The mot Imimrtant la the revision or tno 'lectorsl laws."'' The exsrt character of thla meaaure (wild not he outlined by the mlnlater. who said It would involve a change in the ronntltutlon of the republic and would necessitate the elaboration oi Innumerable details. One of the first acta of the Congress which convenes In April, will be the loonilderatlon of a new appropriation l.. .u. Whithee ir csrrvinK on inw wi. ..... . thin means an Increase In the military 'wee, gennr Llmantour did not aay, tut it will he recalled that It already u been officially announced that Mexico's war resources acarcMy have ii touched and that an army of 0.000 men could be put Inlhe field It leceniary. '' wiih this In mind there will be a meeting held at Beaver Creek tonight sviHav nlsht at which time an ef fort will be made to get aubacrlpyons sufficient to so on to Molalla. People out Molalla way. Highland way and Reaver Creek way should turn oui mm greet the railway people with warm k.nria for lha SUCCORS Of III IS UrOJIMl will mean much to me peopie u.. live In that part of the county, or to nwonle, who have realty noiainga imm. Th villi, of lands will be enhanced .n nor Mnt. ana every one m in.. . - . ""t ..... rn,..r ahnnid take enoiiKn nv Inaon. rector of St. Paul a P'":oi ;.r... in project to at least attend the meetlna- this evening. Thla la the one railway that should Interest Oregon City and Clackamaa county cltUene. If thla road la not Kniit then some other city will build i. that territorv and If thla ever a k.nnen much of the trade that now cornea here win do oien ttr t..r. Oreaon City business men annot afford to aee mia une, daily If the Investment oi a i uu..- Hnl ara will eave me irrrnwij them. tv,. rlarkamas Southern Railway hemn cable haa been removed from the windlass and a steel wire cable uhatituted. This took time but It was a work that bad to be done. After the cable had been awltched then came the cleaning out of the well. Thla haa been practically ac complished and 1t la believed drilling can now be continued without Inter ruption.' t.. ,-r.ara' institute at Oswego. Te teachers' Institute aeelgned to Oswego will be held on Saturday. Ap ril state Runerimenaeni u. n. Al derman will be the principal speaker, .nt. twn or three othere to aia mm. The Oawego woman a ciuo win lunusu the dinner. church, who gave a talk to the school. The little folks became genuinely In terested In the reroarka of the Rector. EMPLOYES 0F01P. MUST OBEY THE LAW ! JOY RIDERS CAUGHT MAKING 35-MILE CUP TWO MEN FROM PORTLANO -w IT WILD" ON MAIN STREET ' . ABOUT NOON. CITV OFFICIALS oAY HIV.WI EMPLOYES MUST NOT EX CEEO SPEED LIMIT, I This Is the month the turkeys be- no, lay nt- TKurartav at 11:30 B. m an SUtO came down Main atreet at a gait of from 30 to 35 mllea a hour, cniei Shaw saw It and mado a bee line tor Main street to Intercept tne Joy iua ra - ne rouna inrni v Miller garage and put them unaer arrest. At Recorder Stlpp'a office, where k. vera, conducted oy mo viuc. Co ha. Proceeded far enough so that they gave the name, of V. K. Strode, Co. nae proceeueu r. -.ii. .nrf ip v nwen. who was act many are of opinion m.i " " , - D(,rty nallea SJSrtwd rhe7. e invest, a named 1. QiirfaI Indications point to a the son of Judge Strode. , Th- Mavor and Council Wedneaday '"a. mount of freight and paesenger -v.,. were two ladles io the party, . .. ...... ..... .H ht the I I. . i. jivMmiIi from the .v.. . not molested. Record niani i) ptri ..... tranic. innui mn . i uui mj - - ---- ... w .- employ., of the O. W. P. are con- flr,t th.t the road la JP'"?- r Stlpp lined tno ZJl"- Tlr, . i .n.. k.a.L in nver ina oruinniiv-v i m...,. t... iat manv wno a l mi n. " i nn, nivina ins numoj w j j . " - i-w " ' .AA in "17-1 .i.w n n villler aa ae- egulatlons or tne cuy. ;""".' scribed to see me ru. w . tne macmuo w 1nr bet-n a score of aiue-atepping k u' I their auhscrlption in me wnn i..v " curity, wno amain. . , Is to be a paying pronosuiu". the'nnes. ... . -v wno nave i nmeer Htiaw says uirn Cltiens oi "iF." -w w ... r--- . . th eiSp" raUcX -a ! keep not been solicited nav fuel Invited IO BUUB;i nre III" vui "" iihcraVsuhscrlptlon by mall If too mlle8.s Th, home.drlvera. ho says, are In a liberal sunscrit-i ' . hr4klns the ordinance nana u . ,hl. ,.. ,v. -M. ...a-ts. where the police enr one come io me ii - . - .i,. ter and the sooner tne suuecnpuu . -- are not ime.y received the quicker tne commit rer.v- ..... -, thev can count on. 1 you a bell cow or "one of the follow ethtrt or hv othtri "w your ,f" " nOtlCJl 4rW kdka.4 M-mA IMAt yUnn fM a aa A 1 .laaaa. -- ' sritloal of their attlr, W' atanoardr ' "''llttl. batter. Th'i w Uad. ice Bothcb XCLUSIVl CLOTHIIM Not Uk Otkora ' ' h and Main Sta. In the course of tbo discussion of the a-radea of streets, st the meeting of Council Tuesday night. Councilman Burke let It out that It was not the purpose of that body to permit tho people living on the street to "run Council." This utterance has led to some misunderstanding and to cer tain criticism of tho statement Evidently many havo misunderstood what Councilman Burke meant by the statement. What waa meant waa that It did not matter what was said, or bow mapy came to Council to aay it. It waa the purpoao of tho city legis lature to do what was for the best, havlnr In certain matters tried to nna out what people who must pay for the Improvement really wantea. ssr. Burke says ho Is willing to give prop erty holders Just what they want and aa thev want It In ao far aa It will not epoll a atreet or a section oi m city. And aa he takee it uouncu for the purpose ot nearing wph m people want and then giving It to them aa far aa It can bo done without In- Jury to others mtereatea ana wun m tni-v to themselves. Councilman Burke Bays he has no personal objection to tbo people on a .r.l aaklna- for aomethlnR that will prove detrimental, and la Council gly Ing them what they want. If they will make their desires plain and then take tho klcka when they see mai aj f. . I . . mlatakA. Council gave tbe people what they wanted on Eleventh street at least It n.i.rKut tn the kicks made and then tried to please the majority. The outcome Is that tbe street is raw. wrong, that Council protestea .riain chances that were finally ai- i .nt tndav th neODie nave u inclination to criticise mo cuy lators for the miataao mai Mr. Burke, doesn t want to am A..rti,.atiin nt thla error. Mr Burke aayB he has no objection to changea where they can be made without Injury to tho whole atreet. I'Tt,. nmimaed chansea on Monroe street will Injure the street, and ey. , nmnortv holder would aay so 11 he could see the street aa it will be when completed if changed ordered are made. If people want a good street they should leave matters as they are and not try to each get Just what he wanta Individually. Council ought not io i pwi. 11 . atreet and if It listens tO ihe demanda of the T populace and the street Is spoiled It should Hot bo blamed by those who build the street. Council ought to be fair with the peo ple for Its members are wu--.1... h neoole. but at the aame time we have a legislative body com posed of a few ao tnat u unwleldly then why a """l permit the people ao jusi have delegated w .-, aet away from me pomuiiiw . . . i . Rl ul n lrr " little consideration oy "'" - , "There la no aouot mi mn rr--ant to 6e fair, and want to do what . all Hut Wlin What Dpea ClaoCiamao County Heod? Mr. Citizen of Clackamas county, do you know tho many needs of our county and bow she supplies tho needs of many? ' If you do not know how, Mr. Citizen, can you fulfill! your civic duties Intelli gently? Now, Mr. Citizen, Clackamas county Is your county and my county and what is more you and I would not bo hero If Clackamas were not tbo best county la Oregon.' Wo are proud of old Clackamaa and Justly so. What Is more, wo all want to see Clackamaa get tho best of what la doing In tho Improvo nient and development that Is going on all over thla great Northwest. , But to get the best! - You havo one theory about tho solution of tho prob lem, your nearest neighbor haa another, there Is a man across tho county who haa another and I havo anotner. Now who la right? Wo aro all partly right and our need la a means of discussion more frequent and general than: tbo occasional discussions wo get Into on tho streets when wo are In town. Now if wo may all bear what the other haa to aay and tell all about oar own pet theories, do wo not aUnd a great deal better chance of baring our public works carried on In an Intelligent manner? Tho demand laat year for a means of mora frequent public dlscuaaion be came ao general and insistent thai tho publisher of tbo Oregon City Enter prise decided to begin the Issue of a dally edition of tho paper. Tbe dally todltlon la now a fact and has come to stay, tho namo of tbo new dilly Is the Morning Enterprise and there baa been an Issue six daya of every Veek since January eighth, when tho Initial Issue camo off tho press. . , Now. Mr. Citizen, It la np to yoa. Tho columns of tho Morning Enterprise aro open' for legitimate news Items and for public discussion of tho varioua problems that aro agitating tho various communities In this county, com mercial and community competition create a demand for corporation and publicity. . Hero yon are, tho dally paper girea yon tho opportunity you havo been hoping tor. Use It and boost Clackamas In ao doing. Tho nubllahor is going moro than half way to meet yon and is putting lortn every effort to givo you tho boot service possible. Aa for the policy of tbo paper, I havo told yoa all about It but In addition 1 append this statement. Tho Morning Enterprise standa for orarythlng that tends toward tho improve ment and development of Clackamas county. Prirato enterprise or puoiic, that will better the commercial civic conditions will receive a boost at every opportunity. Thafa rizht. shone na your subscription now and receive tomorrow a paper. By tho way, tomorrow edition will bo full of interesting Items that may mean money to yoa. - Tomorrow All about Cooperative competition, Commercial and communai. DISPUTE OH SIXTH SEEMS ABOUT AIDED ED. STORY AGREES TO END PRO TEST, IF SHOWN HE IS IN . THE WRONG. . ITALIAN PAYS FINE. Bend In your subscription today. O. W. P. employes within the past few nmnlha none of them proving very aartmia so far. but the doing of things that aro forbidden by ordinance and in several instsnces minus mat u mr. nr less of a risk In connection with them and being thlnga which the City Kathara do not wisn " . n.nd ,t i m person i..Amiai nf me tact mai iun u -- - ,h. front in in that connection. 'Wednesday night a conunciui lata run camo Into tho city at a 40 mire an houi clip, which Is .clearly against the ordinance and agalnat all Idea of aafety to people on the atreets. -i..n naked him BB tO tD u? VP rr"v; .-i.T.rt throuuh the matter wnu n " ' ... ..... a. a ha nmmiaed to do ao no more. Th .Tsa bn almost a nightly oo- currence for months These runs sto a . .hM tne nonce ar u; - other things, and when the police are . .1-v.i mnlnrmnn come down IO B '". ..tmatina- that written In BpefU aifiu . ..ii.nA. . 1 mo . ,ui...j,. rer ann i nunrii vv e9uisrr.w nikht expreasea us uiani-wi-- n..i .Ci. .nd voted that they ahall inesa mu.R", - -r- - . . intn i he A commnieo i" "" nfauer. and aee what the official. In- . . . K I S. teKxReoor erlumlrk Vs. .-ed riH. Neck-TI. bWiuj-. . .R--tronhlea when In office and .... Thuraday evening proved a very cerninn u. - - . rvnarl si v. I : . lu r Th a m. r. om-. t II'' A ... T mm iA a a I. A wkrlth thaw A BARGAIN BAND AND YAUAHETTE SCHOOL GIVE SOCIAL BAND FURNISHES THE MUSIC AND M. e. SUNDAY SCHOOL Tnt LITERARY PROGRAM. One large blockof sloven lota; too 8-room houae, 16x24 barn, good chick on house aloht lots undse b0 picket fence and aet to bearina fruit trees; barnyard under fence; si daws Ik In ho said thi tho newly-orga- I SB ssowiu . . . rf-k T D at III I l nnlfail Wll fl .ra Inatructea iu i hand rumisnea ids mui... , ,K .... -s irraihlA. mil turn ii" -. . on ' - uuv v . amm an mat me i ,.,a iiiviaea oq"' n m w " , I T- . ,1 . .V,. .arllef than they o,?1" bf ore m. ,.. of ; as ClSfaKuSsltt they imend toXk0?; tVo Prlctjc. of overr cl ng fancy club .wng P isnces, ana tn - - . - , ,'w wM liberally app.-uu.-. tho ordinance-. --",.-. ,n,i - ' -limw was lioerauy mVV Cm'omclatnero'wm ft. Th.W S Lbla for the htgher-upa." - March . " Dand front of promlaea; elty water. The tronariv la worth S4000: will aell for . S3500; 1-3 down, balance In eaey pay menta; peccant Intoreat. T. Lb Charman best trouble for the higher CITY DRUO j1 . STORE. 11 ... . . ir. Im. idesa to barmonize u i ""'"" r. bo done " wisdom Is to hear what the i ltlwtav Aft I n B Rll t-T-. awT peop.e .nd th- then go aneau I . v... City Engineer HRure out to be best . j .w. uin a nn eh t to bo Batisnea with Yhk'Tlw.y. suppo-lng that the cliy legislators are honest in their In- ''"since the discussion of street mat BID . : .t int,t. nf thla week i arm the nrst mrw uin' Xains to look aa if people are try g to harmonUe their differences .nd tof Council and the City Engineer hve a say in the matter; and thte seems wise to me. and It is to be hTned that attitude will continue. Rovs Join St. Andrew Guard. . The boys in the Mount Pleasant MKl have been lnve I and accepted tne Invitation to Join the St. Andrew nnard the boy scout organisation ro X'or 10 the Episcopal Sun- who drill at tho armory. FUNERAL THURSDAY OF .HRS..LOUVHIA HEATER THE DECEASED WAS SIXTYFIVt wana.rM n AND CAME HERE FROM IOWA. The remains. of. Mrs. Lou vlna C. Heater, who died at tho family home " mTpIo Lane Wednesday after a year'a illness. her old home at Ru-sell, Jo- y,nf oral aervlce. wero heW Thuraday af ternoon at I: SO oclck from Ho man underUklng parlora. the servU being conducted by Kev. J. R. L nua trough! Many friends of tho do- a .it 1 mt ceasea mw- a, , , resinea The prospect of an amicable settle ment of tbo grade controversy on Sixth street seems nearer than ever before. Thursday Ed Story, who waa tho on man atlll protesting aa aglnst what others were willing to concede In an effort to get matters settled, came to the conclusion that he did not want to stand In a minority long er and offered to aee If he could not asTee with hla neighbors. That Mr Story might understand things Just aa they are, and that he miBht act with full knowledge of what be Is doing. It was arranged that the ntw Knidneer shall ao over tho atreet thla morning ana set staices accoruiu trt what the cltv wtshea In the matter that Mr. Story may see Just wnere ne I. at an1 then decide what be win do. -Mr. Story seems lo oo willing -to meet hla neighbors hslf way now that he finds so many wish to havo the street made right, and without the de lay of a lawsuit: and it is believed k'.i whan vtr ntorr knows from tbe aettlna- nf the atakea lust what is wanted that he will bo satisfied to do what the majority want none. It Is perhaps Just to Mf. Story to aav that It waa adverse cnucim which led him to put hla bucking har ness on In the first place. Digs Up the f ISO Before Officer Brown Released' Him.' te - r Officer Brown,- who went to Port land with Luvelll Luyl. tho Italian charged with selling liquor without a license at River Mills and who went to tbo Rose City with him to give him an opportunity to borrow tbe money of a friend, returned to Oregon City Wedneaday night with tho 1150 neces sary to pay out. Luvelll waa not ao rockv" when hunting for tne li&o a ho had been at River Milla. where ho run his bluff on tho people lor a urae. nor aa he waa when first taken into Justice Samson's court. INTER-CLASS MEET. Try-Out will Bo Had of High 'School Pupils Tnie Afternoon. Th hlzh school boys will have an lnter-class meet at Gladstone this af ternoon at the ball Held In tho Chau tauqua Park. . Thla Is to bo a try-oui for the candldatea for High achool athletic honors, and on the result of this try-out hangs the choice or mo boys who are to bo selected to repre sent tho school at tno uoiumou verslty meet April 8. All Hlgn ocnooi pupila are eligible to enter me ora teat, and tho exerciaeo will begin at 30 p. m. aharp. Wiir Havo Athletic Stunt Weekly. The Oregon City Hustlers tho boya organization of the M. E. cnurcn bad a banquet on Wednesday evening. with story telling and a anon onaineas seaalon at tho clone. A committee was appointed to arrange for an ath letic stunt ot some kind for each Sat urday, the committee being composed of Wilbur Roberts. Claire Miller and Guy Waldron. Announcement will bo mado later of tho program mapped out by thla committee. act0v00v0,0v0v0v0e00v000v000f1t0v0v00400v0 oo Acre rarm I M acrea In cultivation, all level eomo timber aiyl eraek. Fair houae. . good barn, close to school. 2', miles from Oregon City, Main Msca dam Road. Price only $125 per aero. Part terms. GLADSTONE , f 1 Fine Bungalow with wood ahod, good vlll and pump; 2 lots good fences; corner property; 2 blocks from Car Station. Price $300 caah, balance $10 par month. Muat aell I at bnce. ' . W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. Phone; Pacific M-80. Homo A-156. 812 Main St., Oregon City. o o u.a Heater waa ... i Hava and hue montn - .i. aha : . , .... a. anmm time, sne c' mM.Vo thircurrom low. -irr:: zrsrK Pace; ih. latter of whom la a nana ter of tho dooeaaea, ana a ... Ifeutor. $ 400 PI A N O FIO R 0 240 And I; have two other Pianos thai: I can give geed prices oo; also wants theia, THESE ARE NOT OLD SHOP WORN INSTRUMENTS Bi gooJ. new totroaintB kad U to fit clan coo dWon ina No. i imtrnents to allfespectffirtl cjta in tone. A shipment of new pianos wfll soon b tw nd I most hare room for them. - A. H. STURGES Seventh and Center Sts. Oregon City, Ortca