Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 23, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Copyright br Anwrtesa Prsaa'
station. IMI.
Of all tb strange coincidence I
bv. vr beard hod la stranger Ilia a
on happening la lujr 01 I If. aoU It
lad to Important results.
, On day. happening la at my law
era office, be aa Id to ma:
"By lb bye. we bare a big lot of
papers lu Tour case against Huosby
- - It baa all beeo settled up, and I wwuUI
Ilka to turn l be id over to 70a. We are
overburdened beta with dead docu
meuts." ' ,
Ue called ao, office boy aod sent for
the paper. Tbey came to me In oue
large bundle, whieb I tucked under my
arm, walked bora, with It, and I brew
It. ' without opening It. Into an Iron
. boi kept for family record
Tan years paaaed, during which pe
riod I 'went on an average to tbe boi
. one or twice a year 10 toaa tutu It
aome document that would probably
never be needed again.- I bad 00 oc
casion to look Into tbe boi during all
this period, but tbe time came wben
I found It necessary to overhaul It In
" a search for" a. missing papr By tbe
time I found my paper every so pa rale
bunch bad been unrolled and tbelr coo
' teats were all In confusion. Picking
op a paper marked "Last will and testa
ment of James Cblentnraby," I waa
somewhat surprised to Ond such
I opened and ran my eye over lu
contents. There waa nothing to Indt
cat toe value of tbe estate, nor were
tbe names of any of tbe legatees fa
sol liar to me. There were a few small
bequests to different persona, and tbe
. residue waa to be given to a minor
Bow tbe paper got Into my boa was
- mystery. I was not Interested In the
will, but I waa deeply Interested In
bow It cam to be where I found It
It must nave been there a long while.
but not more than twenty years, for
tbe date It waa executed was no fur
tber back than tost. But It might
bar been put la my boi mocb more
lately than that , -I
should have attached mora Impor
tance to It It persona could oot make
more than one legal wllL It struck
Bat uat tola might be aa old one
which bad been voided by a later one
nd bad got mixed with old out of
data papers. But that did not explain
bow It came to be In my pomnaiion.
, for tt was not a paper In wnk n I or
any of my family, oaf far aa I knew,
bad any Interests t looked It over
carefully to see If there was any clew
by which I could discover who were
tbe legatees, but there waa nothing to
give me toe slightest Information con
cerning It I took It to my desk In a
room I occupied for smoking and
- placed It la a pigeon bole. Intending to
advertise It But time passed, and 1 I
took no action. .
80 me time after this 1 married my
stenographs- and typewriter. She waa
very poor, and 1 was not Men. 1 was
maun a Dare uving and until our
first child was born she retained her
position In my service. Indeed. It was
essential that sbe abould. and wben
children came and I waa deprived of
her assistance In spit of all my ef
forts 1 was loalDg my grip and could
. not afford to hire another atenogra
pber. .
One morning while looking over my
newspaper my eye drifted to real es
tate Items. One of them mentioned
. the sals of a piece of property belong
log to the Cblenlngsby estate. The
name waa aa odd one, but It seemed
to me tbat I bad aeen it somewhere
"My dear." I aald to my wife, "did
you ever bear of tbe name Cblenlnga
"I bad so uncle - by tbat - name.
though I never saw blm. He disap
peared wben be was a boy and was
never beard from. A.1I 1 know of blm
la that I beard my mother speak of
him before she died."
. I kept thinking of tbe name till and
denly It flashed upon me tbat 1 bad
seen It In the will found In my Iron
boi. I went to my desk, took oot tbe
document aod read tbe name of the
testator James Cblenlngsby. I call
ed my wife and read tbe will to her
Wben f came to the nam of tbe heir
to the residue of tbe estate I stopped,
wonder stricken. It waa her maiden
She was as much mystified aa 1. All
sbe knew of tbe name of Cblenlngsby
waa what ah had told me. But we
were both lo a Sutter of excitement
What did It mean? Tben I remember
ed tbat a man may make a will every
day If be tike and only the last oue
is of any value. Nevertheless I was
aroused. I rushed out to my attor
ney, or the on who bad once had my
business, showed him tbe docu
Seme ef the New Designs
From Aeress the Ohm,
Copyright by Asiertcaa Prees Asso
ciation, lull.
Light and lovely are tbe curly coif
fures shown to tbe Illustration, re
cently designed by European artists
In balr dressing.
To fully appreciate tbelr remarkable
charm and fascination tbey must be
aeen and bandied, since tbelr extraor
dinary llghtuea--of weight Is on of
tbelr chief attractions. Aa a matter
of fact tbey are literally as light aa
the proverbial feather, and even the
moat aenaltlv sufferer from neuralgic
headaches would never -ells tbat
ah waa wearing- anything In tbe way
of additional or applied balr.
Tbe entire transformation which la
shown In the center of tbe group of
curia will be found most useful since
lady" own balr can be drawn up
through the center and then parted
and brushed In with tbe other balr.
which la dressed so becomingly on the
other side of the face. A very light
fringe, scarcely perceptible, softens
the general effect delightfully and Is
allowed to mingle with tbe wearer's
own balr, where It ia turned off from
tb forehead In the center of the front
To complete the headdress at tbe back
any of these cards can be applied with
n equal certainty of success. ' i
'We bad uo luck with our school at
Turuervilie-tbat Is, with the test-tiers,
for what's a school but a teacher, auy
wayr At last, wbeu wed Just Bred
oue of 'em. a good look In" gul applied
for the position aud got It Just be
cause abe WMnn't like auy of I he rest
of 'em. 8b whs soft apokeu and aald
abe preferred mauagin' the children
by klnduea rather Ibnu auy other way.
Sow of the teacher we'd bad were
great truuueers, and tbe bovs didn't
like 'em.
Miss Hatha way-that was her name
waa engaged, and I must say the
school settled right down to' bualuess
I don't know bow much larnlu' the
children got, but tbey was quiet as
la tub. Some of us tried to find out
hOW sbe dou It bv aueHtlunlu' the
acbolsrs. but tbey didn't know. Some
of 'eni said that when ah told 'em to
keep quiet sbe looked at eu lu a way
that convinced Vin thyy better had.
Tbe cashier of Hoodie's bank fell. In
kv with II Us Hathaway and wanted
to marry her. ttw kep' blm "on tbe
rack, not glvln' him any decided an
ewer. W who bad children to eddl
cat boned abe wouldn't hav him.
for tha school waa Uoln' nilgbty welrf
and bad never succeeded before. Tbe
mothers weoe especially anxious, i.ot
that tbey waa particular about tbelr
Children glttln' larnlu'. but .because If
lb school wasn't runulu' and tbey bud
to take care of tbelr young ana tbey
hadn't no time to gossip over tbe feiicsM
that divided the back yard
But somehow if alias Hathaway
brought ua good luck with tbe school
a heap of trouble cam with ber Tber
waa raids mad on tbe town by boss
thieves one after t'other till nearly
very boss in town was stole. It look
ed aa though some un who bad lived
In tbe town was ieadln' 'em. for tbey
seemed to know just where every boss
waa located Wben, tber waan't but
a few bosses left tbelr owners tried
to bide 'em. But It didn't do no good
the thieves seemed to smell 'em aod
went right to where they waa bid.
All this time Sbtnklsy. tbe cashier of
Boodie'a bank tbat 1 tol you about
waa a-aetUq' up to Ills Ilatbaway.
H had a On Iron gray boaa be paid
$000 for tbat be used to diiv her out
Copyright by Americas IT Asso-
i clallnm Oil.
Will Entertain King George.
Louise, tbe duchess of Devonshire,
a woman much envied these dsys
by other English ladies of the nobil
ity. 8h la to take a leading part In
the social functions attending tbe cor
onatlou of King George V. next Jan.
ment and was about (0 ask blm to
make an Investigation for me wben be
"By t bonder r
"Explain r I cried Impatiently.
"Instead of anawerlng me be called
- out to bis parte era. "LI ere' s a will for
. the Cblenlngsby estate."
"For heaven's sake tell me!"
"Wber did you get thlar
"Found It In a boi of mine where
It baa probably been for years."
"It represents an estate tbat baa
"ever been -settled since no one baa
been found near enough of kin to claim
It If thlnets genuine all but theae
few bequests goes to Miss Katberlne
Miller, whoever she may b."
"Sbe'a my wlf.r .
W wer rich. Th will bad been
left by th testator with my attorneys,
bad got mixed with tbe band) of pa
per given to me and bad com to
light wben most needed.
DccatHS or dxtohshibb.
Prior to tbe coronation tbe king will
be ber guct at Klmbolton castle,
where she will bold a large bouse
party, with many notable persona pre
ent For a whole month in the latter
part of April and tb Brit half of May
th children of King George and
Queen Mary are to be entertained by
tbe duchess at ber castle. A series of
elaborate fetes will be given by tb
duchess in connection with th coro
nation ceremonies.
Lobbyists For Suffrage.
Mrs. W. R. Btnbbs. wife of tbe Gov
ernor of Kansas, and Mrs. W. A lobn
on, wife of the supreme Juxtlro of the
state supreme court have registered
tbelr names aa lobbyists for tbe wom
en's auffrage constitution amendment.
The law of Kansaa requires ail lobby
ists to reglater. and many of tb lead
ing momen already have Inscribed
tbelr name. t
Whan th Roses Waken.
Whan th roses waken
And tba wood doves w
And tha sunnr shadows
Trail th viltav ihmn.k
In my heart a lonslnj
Wskaa and oalla for you.
When tha green la Blowing
In th violet bad
And th robins chatter
In the leaves o'erhaad
Then my heart soea pleading
For a dream long dasd.
gtrang when time la running
Such a happy rso.
un anjl summer crowding
All about the place,
. How th soul goas sobbing "
for an abaant laoal
Ae Yot a Subscriber to tbe
: ;'.
- rt . y r .
If Th Morning Entsrprls Is to b a successful as the Interests of Oregon
City demand it must needs hav tba support of all. Th new dally has
a big work before it In boosting; Oragon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means mora strength for tha work.
VUl Yoti Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited Urn tb Morning Bntsrprta will b told to paid la advance
aDMlbra aa follow.: v
By Carrier, 1 year. .. , ........:.;., ; -
By MalL l year '
waa awful afraid bed Ium
th animal, and Miss tlsthaway sug
gested thst be keep him nlgbts in tb
choolhous. Nobody wouldn't think
of lookin' tber for a boss. He done
It, and. sure enough, in th mom I a
tber waa th -boas, safe and sound
But h only kep' tb critter tber a few
nights when somepin happened that he
didn't need to keep blm tber aoy 1
On night Bhlnkley visited the teach
er, and wben be went away tbey both
went to the scboolbouse. which wss
close by. and put In tb boss. Then
Sbinkley kissed ber good night, for
he'd promised to marry blm, Ue went
bom and to bed. U couldn't git wo
aleep because be waa so happy at ru
tin' tb only gal be d ever aeed tbat be
wanted to marry.
That waa In Jnne. wbeo the day
breaks early. Betweeo 3 and 4 o'clock
In tb morula' Sbinkley waa awoke by
a clatter of hoofs coniln' down the
treet Tblnkln' it was tbe boss
thievea and wishln' to git a eight of
'em, be Jumps out of bed and runa to
tbe winder Ue waa In plenty f time
to see all be wanted to rive men waa
rldin' down the street, headed by a wo
man ridln' etraddle, lust as they was.
-When-they-jror-opposlfe tbe,, wilder
wner Bbinklej wss looking oiit h see
that th woman waa tb schoolteacher,
and ah waa riding bis Iron gray boaa
8b looked up at blm and larfed.
"Much obleeged." sbe said, "for glv
ln' me tbe combination of tbe safe. My
friends have been after somepin better
than bossea this time. We got all tbe
currency in the bank." '
Then tb feller ridln' next to tbe
school msrm be sung out "Tak tbat
for klssln' my wlfr And be fired a
ebot tbat went through a panel of
glass jlst above tbe cashier's bead.
Well. bow. I reckon that cashier
waa mad. Nothin' makes anybody so
msd aa to git fooled. Rhlnkley bad
been fooled as to bis affections, bad
lost his On boss and given away an
ntranc Into th bank'a safe.
Mebb he didn't git a move on blm!
Without atoppln' to git Into bla clotbea
be run down and out. and. aeeln' a
friend of hls'n thai bad a bicycle, be
got him to follow tbe robbers wbll be
got up a posse. Inside of tea minute
men waa leavln tb town on wheels
tbey waan't no bosses to ride s II arm
ed with rlfiee. They didn't wait for
on another, but aa fast aa Rhlnkley
got a man out be sent bint on. When
Sbinkley bad started a dozen men he
lit out himself.
Th robbers, knowlo' there waa no
boese In ths town, forgot about bl
cyclea. and tbey didn't expect snrb a
quick chase. Tbey didn't hurry much
The bicycles closed up anjj made
chase together. A boss gits tired, and
a bicycle doesn't so every one of the
robbers wss tooken. 1 -r
Bblnkley couldn't revenge himself on
a woman by hurtln' ber. Tb way be
did It waa by bangln' every on of thr
men. locludln' ber bnaband. who had
hot at blm. fib waa forced to see
on after another ewung off, Includln'
bee basbsad. Whso tb ceremony
was over they left ber lyln' ji a heap
lo the middl of tb road Mb waa
all goo up.
' W are apt to prlae v. but w ar not
used to. I buku one reason th
daughter of our niultluilllloualre are
Inclined to marry forvlmiers with titles
Is that titles are ut au A inert, no In
stltutlon. What gives them their giant
our Is tbat ibey are ut American
When oa a visit lo Knulnud I rlxiietl
tbe Karl of Itannertoti We were sit
ting oo ereulng together drinking rt
wine aod aiuoklim. The walls wer
covered with Hrtral(s of bis ain-estors.
"We Americana." I aald. 'Vnvjr you
your family hlatorv. your blood, your
ancestral homes What a Due tblug
It la to feel that you hare pur blue
blood In yuur veins, e"ieclally-when
ther la no tslnt In It."
, Th earl suilled. "What would yoa
aay." b replied. "If I told you tbat my
grandfather waa a hlghwaymanr
"I should say you wer amusing
yourself." 1
-lie waa."
A highwayman?" -
' "Yea. Coma, I will show you bla
portrait aud that of bla wife, my
grand mot ber," .
II led m into a room used exclu
elvely for family likenesses and stop
ped before two portraits, a young
man and a young woman. Tbe man
must hav been extremely handsome.
w sat down, sod b told n tbelr
story wbll 1 whs looking at tbem aa
they wer wbeu tbe eveota narrated
"Tb young bloods of England In
olden time wer not aa vicloua In
om respects aa tbey ar today. Tbey
drank pretty bard, but tbey wer not
ffeminat. Wben tbey were not
fighting foreign enemies or ngsged la
cruel warfare so outlet wss required
for tbelr surplus vitality. One day Plr
Roger Smartlelgh waa driving 00 a
road with bla daughter Clarissa -tbe
Ctrl faced lady you see before you
wben bis coach wss stopped. A horse
man appeared at tbe window and de
manded what be railed 'alms.' U
waa masked, of course, but be bad tb
manner of a courtier. Captivated by
Clarissa's beauty, be swung bis bat
In deference to her Ilk lb hero of a
alxpeony oovl of (be preseot day.
Sir Roger emptied bla pocket, holding
out th contents, with bla watch, to
th highwayman.
Never mind those.' said tb rob
ber. 'If tb yonng lady will glv m
tbat bit of lac ah wear about ber
throat I will ask no mom.'
"Glad to rap with so llltl dam
age, .Sir Roger bade bla daughter glv
up ber lac, fib obeyed Ilk a duU
ful child, banding It to lb highway
-" 'I only ask It aa a loan.' b aald
and will bring It to yoa lo person.'
If yoa do, aald Fir Hoger. 70a
will be taken and banged to tb high
at gibbet In England'
"That prospect will only enhance
th test of th visit.' replied the man.
'Besides, to see this beautiful girl
one tnor t would b willing to dan
gle from a rope'e end.'
"Tbe roarb waa driven 00 aod tb
highwayman left behind.
"Several month after tbat Sir Roger
and Lady Smart ielgh gav a masked
balL Tbe dancing was at lis height
wben Clarissa observed a figure dress
ed aa a Spanish toreador wblcb seem
ed to ber tb acm of manly form.
Determined to dlacorer If posslMe who
be waa. aa aooo aa lb danr waa fin
ished ab resolved to Join blm. Wben
be parted from bla partner be made
ber a bow, sweeping th floor with hla
bat. and ah knew tber waa but on
man In Eugland who could mak so
.grand a salute. -' -
"8he stood undecided, ber heart beat
ing like a kettledrum, for abe knew
tb highwayman bad com 00 bis
promised visit, and ab remembered
ber father's threat At tBe moment
the highwayman turned and. seeing
ber. cam toward ber. thrusting Into
ber band a bit of lac. Ilia own band
touched hers, sod b felt ber trem
ble. "That touch, thst quiver, preclpltat
ed a love affair. Th man knew she
was trembling for blm, and ab waa
Infatuated by tb frightful risk b ran
to visit ber. Ue draw ber band through
hla arm and led ber out on to tbe dim
ly lighted terrace.
"There was th usual melting of tbe
woman under tb warm aun of lore
At first aba demanded In an assumed
tone of severity wbst right he bad
there, and when tb rascal told ber
tbat be bad come to see ber and die
he. threw ber arms about blm and
begged him to fie for bis Iff,- How
he could . dee wbeo sbe wouldn't let
him go I dou't know. Sir Roger had
got s glimpse of th fellow when be
waa making his courtly bow and. bav
Ing aeen It liefor. knew bla guest lie
made bis way through a crowd ol
dancers a a fast aa b could, but before
he reached hi man tb latter bad dls
appeared, for Clarissa, bearing br fs
tber roaring and awes ring and crying
'Where la the villain T opened ber
arms, and tbe robber waa In the gar
den and over th feoc Ilk tbe boy of
twenty-two he waa.
"Clandestine meetings between the
lovers followed tbs ball, and 4 secret
marriage followed the meetings. Tbe
highwayman tba handsome chap was
tbe second son of my great-graodfa
mer-o-ia not Mr with hla wlf for
two yeare after tbelr marriage, for If
be had showed himself be would bave
got th rope. Rut after bla elder broth
t died childless and be Inherited tbe
title be got a pardon and acknowledged
bis wife, and I am one of j'jelr de-scendxnts"
I 4 rrMHHi -M
'. mih there la soma
twill annum ou I lie fa. uJ
h.m v.iu.1- Is no excvptloil. lo
Northwestern league, wher th
timber Is typical of the l u
1 . iiltrher named Jlut
1 1 .. 1 1 is cmllted with having
......,1 ti. n.iw terror, which
for fcrot liy lurs the splller look
lior like a busted atitoiiioMW tire.
1111 bus named lila creation mo.
forked ball, and Iwinera at sev
eral of the training camps are
giving It rather serious consider
ation. The ball la held between the
Index and second lingers. Till
position shea to It lb '''"'
Z "forked ball." The ball la aaw
f to break something on the stylo
.4 tit Hie "sltter," but droa quick-
f w and shoots more to erne side.
! None of the pitchers has sue
T cvd.M In mastering U aa yrl to
t the tlegtve of perfect control.
Imt 1 tint credence Is given to. tli
i story l proved by the- itumlcr
T who are Irving to do so. lu or-
5 der to tliori'iiiihly control this
i new crfailou the t wirier must
J have large humW.
(vent Will Be Bigger. Mere Impertant
and Interesting Than Ivar,
IVuiisvlvsulM'a relay races promlaa
to 1st even more luiortaiit snd mora
Interesting thsu ever lefore. Itsc
tlcally all of th Mg cidlegea. such aa
Harvard, Mhhlgau, Chicago. ITIm-e-
ton, Columbia, etc., hav already sent
wrd that tliey will have tennis lu tb
meet. This guarauteea a reieiltlon of
tbe lnsKulfl'tut racing that lias mnrra
th relay a aynonym for all that la
highest class In track and field s.rt.
Chicago will send on such a wonder
ful runner aa IavetiMrt. who won
both lb quarter and half mil western
col lee rbauiploushlpa last June In
W 4-3 seconds and 1 intttule M 3 5 sec
onds respectively. Mlchlgau will send
on Craig, who won the 2k yartl lntr
collegiate chsmploimtilp. rtiallug tb I
world' record of 21 I ." second. Tom-
lsr thm llnn-artf .-aiiluhi tlm sitrtntlne jl
champion of I'.M, lll alo run In tb ;
print. Burdlck of IVunj Ivnula. tb
eastern lulentilU-glnle hnniplop, will 1 1
meet Kreni h of Kansas, the w'ewtern
cbaniploti. In Hie hl;li Jump ('lilalioiio I
of Yale, the ensteru I1UI1 Imrd e chsin-
plon. will nie.-t Kdnnidt. the western
champlixi. .tint It n I I le III the sh
ctal events-tm-utely, the ii yards, 1'JO
yard high linrdle. Im miner, dis
cus, bniitri Jump. Incli Jump aud pol
The rolletre relay liiiiiltiltlp will.
a usual, bring the faateat 1
teams of the yrir. TI10 success of
ITsrrsrd and t'wnrll this winter, with i
the fast runnliit; of the western team J
In recent western sport, gunrante j
that IVunsj Irani alll have to do al- 1
moat th lniHMslile in retain the three j
championship she won lust year. I
Cornell, llnrvaed, f'lilcago.. Michigan, I
Illinois and Princeton are all out for
on or other rhaniplousblp. In fact.
Vale scents about th only on of tb I
big college that has not at least on I
team up to the cliamtilonslilii cnlltx-r.
At present writing nearly '.tm school '
and college tenuis have entered, so It la .
a aurety that April 211 will a mora
than ST) college and school teama In i
competition. Many big things lack 1
quality. Imt the work thnt tine been !
don af ibe relaya In the last ten years 1
proves that these x.rts sre nt only :
iuw oiKk-rsi 01 in yesr. but mat tney
are also tb best.
Read th Morning Enterprise.
Best of work and satisfaction guar
anteed. Hav your horses shod by an
xpert; It pays. -
Allklnde of repair work and mlthy
workrfrompt servlcs) greater poA
tlon of your work can be dons whlls
you do your tradings Give m a trial
Job and ae If I can't pla you.
Hurlingham Club t Play Pse Inter
national Cup May 11, June 3 snd 7.
The HnrJInghnm clnb of England,
challenger for the International polo
cup, baa formally accepted the date
auggested by tbe American committee
for the International Dintch. Th flrat
game of the mn ten will tie plsysd
May 31. A second game Is scheduled
for June a. snd If a third gam la
nwessnry It Is to be played Jim 7.
All contest will b played on tha
Meadow-brook grounds. New York.
The American learn went to, Eng
land In llKKl and carried away lb
iropny mat hud been held on the oth
er aide for twenty-live yeara. It la
probable tbat Harry I'ayn Whitney,
Ievereanx Mllbtirn and U and J. M,
Waterbui again will represent Amer-
To the Nee?
Natiensl Championships t Ba Decided
In Pittsburg June 30 snd July 1.
Announcement was made recently
that tbe National Amateur Athletic
union outdoor track and field cham
pionship will Iw held In rittabtirg
June 30 and July 1. It waa generally
believed the plum of the outdoor aea
aon would go to Cleveland, and tba
announcement came aa a anrprls to
followers of tha sport in other cltlea.
Nstinsl Motorbsst Csrnivsl.
Announcement has been made that
th annum national motor! carni
val will be held at Ilnntlngton bay, be
ginning Sept. 4 and lasting throughout
th week, it also waa decided to bold
th carnival In 1013 at rnt-ln-Bay.
I-aka Erl.
A A A - - - .-tji;T
Put Yourself in the
Ad-Readers Place... j
When you writ your classified
harldan Likely t Quit.
Martin ferldan. the former ail
tjannd athletic champion, Is llkly to
bid by hla. recent decision to retlra
from th athletic gam.
1 7 , ",na 01 ad try to
Includ In it Juat th Information
you'd Ilk to find If you war an
ad-reader and wars lookin r, ...
Width of Washington Straat Rdued
h P4rePrty fcoWwg on Washing-
i?rt. LT. t"n,h ,nd Eleventh
atreeta, wlah to hav th width of tha
ftduc to toTt fee betwS
S!t ?-J2 rt,Uo" Council to
that end Wedneaday night. After du
conaideratlon Council granted th re
auat and trotod to permit tb narrow
Ing of th street. . .
' Center trt Accepted.
On of tha things for which Council
ad of that klna. I "7,:"D,"f on wonesflay evening was
If you do thlto even .,,, J?".?"!?
extent-your ad Will bring n 1 th 1'. "."".7 Jo"-.
The lWogiiW
Is to be'as successful as the inter
ests of Oregon City demands it
must needs Have the the support
of all. The new daily has i
big work before it in boosting
Oregon City and Clacbsa
County. Your support moss
more strength for the work.
1 1
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
I . r
' For a limited time the Morning
Enterprise will be ' sold to pakl
in advance subscribers as follows:
By earner, J yeat $3.00
By mail, r year ' ?M
Send in Your Nairie
and Remittance
' ',
IN your nam and remtttanos. "
HOLTS! . . r-. "" '.?TaT
Cor. Main and fourth St, Oragon City
s' H. a."p7nc' bTt: -1 vouI