Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 23, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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of bla family
. . - - Panhv
-..mIiib liana .. a
i v" . ... n..rtiiid. waa frane-
f!K?i- .w was-
"ralr premium wl" ".Jf!
''S'o i " hnT
if Vsaina. coun'', 10
wn business Wedneaday.
"mcV Snvlll. th. first of the
h. r '"...! to Oregon City.
' i. th time fr housecleanlng.
iff.aU' ... W.
" 8ailTrf ' lh prominent
V . w...'khnr. waa In Oregon
fr.rdy attending ""
Wwr"iiu.. commute of the
V . .i Fair Aeaoclatluu.
ltn story. BOTuniwH
Grocery bi'in to
mir line and we
ton ID -
r ,,i .t il
f .. i.i..u..n riwinr of HL
U ' ' M II -.-, -
rlceH "Th ,n ,hl" clt,rr
,wh ! Ht. Mams rwiiimi
fr,T iki avenlna. on in-
fur th benefit of the school, la order
there may be a "hot time In tha old
town that night" Justice Samson Da
been Invited and accepted to auc
tion off tha baskets.
ii. .. .......... ,.r ut
- n-rtm Mil'
t Mb of
. riri)Mn ny iter.
U'anilFPU" .
I" . I. TtiM
. .. I
will taka up
mull ranch Juat above
f 1,001 on ii
rh 1ltl"mn. recti of Bt.
I'ltDlaropnl hurch. will maka an
IrL th- l-'M'lla f tha Mount
!. ho'l riwX tnU
od" ''" ' ,n
,Kra InvH-'.l i praaont.
ri.iH.rlM. -f Portland, waa In
,7 City .'""" Wadnaaday,
K. rurrhMwd MitatiMa for tha
WBianiarki'ia lie bad a frew of
mklnR at Mil. Or.n City Com-
, CompanVa building aortlng
fr ahlprarnt ,
warr many altrartlona fnr tho
LVralr i f wh,,h U
mmp"y "d balloon aa
N KvrrvttiiiiK polnta to a aue
lul'rtlr There will . Imi many
hllH I'""' J"'r' J1"1
frace w"1 '" among tha drawing
-Own ( liv lluatlcra. tha boya
Ide orgatilr.M'loii In" tha M. E. Bun
wbool. nirl I" a bunlneaa aeaalon
Kly eniilna "'' ,B tu"1'
olthe evi iilim had Wn tranaart
i,n liHiiqiiet for tba young
tod the KfTiilr proved, to ba very
Utile. '
JINNINQt L000K." j
A vary Intereatlng temperance pro
gram was given at the Grace Chapel
on Bunday evening, March 19. Tha
church waa decorated with feme and
Oregon grape and waa comfortably
flllod. among tha audience being a
nuenber of Oregon City folka. The
program: Song by the achool; tem
perance Introductory, Mra. II. Hoberta;
prayer by O. D. Hoard man; aong,
"Kaacue the Perlahlng." led bv II. C.
Toiler; reading. "Tell the Truth About
the Liquor Habit," Mra. Jonaa; recita
tion, "The Hafeat Drink," Negate Rob
erta; Bong by Cboater Tor.ler; recita
tion. "Tba Baloon Muat do," Newton
Btraln; aong, "Our Youth Are March
ing ou," oongregHtlon; reading, Mra.
Clough: reading, Ulah Bhenrdold; ad
draaa, "Four Shot a from One Shall,"
II. C. Toaler; aong, "Throw Out the
Ufa Line' prayer and cloalng aong
rlofted the evenlng'a program,
Mr. and Mra. Geo. Moraa returned
from Newport on Haturday after a very
pleaaant vlalt with frlenda at Bulem,
Corvallla and at the popular coaat re
aort. Jeaale Boeaba returned to Newport
on Haturday and hla father, J. A. Boea
be. wU .remain here part of the week.
Mr. and Mra, lllrani llutcblnaon, of
Iloa City park, vlalted with the II. C.
Palntow family on Bunday.
Mra. 8. K. Scripture and Mra. Iietxel.
of Oregon City, were calling on frtmide
at tha Lodge the latter part or the
Mra. Frank Davy and Rlale Gene
vieve ar vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. Oar
ber. of Ijoitan.
Dan Halt, of Brattle, whoae bualaaea
Intereata bave railed him to Portland,
aiMitit Hiiulay with Mr. and Mra. Geo.
Walter Deckner haa been a genial
caller at ttie ldge a number of tlmea
recently and wa hope be will yet de
ride to return and locate here.
W. L. rinley haa been named by
Gov. Weal aa one of the members ot
A gentleman who failed to give bla
nam; or leave h'a addreaa waa before.
Council Wedneaday to lay complaint
against the city for lack of railing
along the aldewalk -near the Hawley
paper milt, abutting the Baaln. Ilia
complaint waa that the other night be
waa following tha hand rail 'along the
aide of the Haaln, In the dark, and
came near falling In at a point where
there wa no railing for a few feet.
The dlacuaalon brought out the fact
that It waa not the clty'a fault that
there waa no railing at that point, but
becauae of the neglect of the O. W. P.
The lack of a rail waa at the point
where tba awltcb entera the baaln,
and when the attention of the railway
offlclala had been called to the matter
a year ago they bad agreed to have It
done. It waa aiiKKeated that aome
railway employe waa evidently at
fault, aa the company had made prom-
mm and waa evidently dealroua it
ahould be attended to.
Records ahow that the railway peo
ple were given permlatilnn to put In a
awltch on aireement to put no gate.
Council aunolnted a . committee of
three Meyer. Andresen gd Durk
to call the attention of the company
to thla promise, and the Information
to be given the company waa that thla
committee haa nower to act In the
matter and abrogate agreement If com
nanv doea not keen Ita nromlaea.
Ctmnrllmen made the atatement that
certain employee of tha O. W. P. corn
Dan v fall to carry out agreement a
made with the company, and which
the company seem willing to concede
the cltr. making it long aa ir certain
the Board of Flah Commlaslonara of employee were not fuinmng me
Oregon. Mr. Flnley, at present, la tbe ea of the offlclala In the matter.
... m n I. . .
ma Mr" I. O. iianaanvr, m
U Rlfor, are Kiieats at toe nome 01
vA Mra J. II- Mallley.
tad Mm lirure Zumwalt and
II? ho recently reiurneo irom
lonila, where they apent the win-
tr moving lo Portland.
L r m rrn waa a Bunday gucat
Vis brother. Mr. W. A. Crosa. of
Lrinn nr.. mnklug the journey SaU
ty and returning home the first of
ri. f. A. Mllea will leave thla er-
t t Vedford, where ahe will
t wUh t eon, rrHI Miiea. ana
k Bbt remain In Med ford for
hi co awtifh. going there for the
bet ot hr health.
n Cor Reddlck and two children.
ia Ryle. and , Mra. George
W of thla city, were gueata at the
Waf Mr. and Mra. William MrCord.
ltpl Uwn farm the oral or me
Letter List.
Lt of nnrlslmed lettere at the 0r-
Oty Pont office for the weeg ena-
irrh 24. 1911:
joateai list Fteher, Mra. Blsle;
Amy; Meeker, Mra. M. A.;
Mini, Helen.
kg i list-Hill. Rdw.; Dlrke, Rd:
6m Hsrrr-K Davie, Rer.- M.
Gross, Wm. II.; Owad. Henry;
kit. ChM. M. (J); Petreaien,
Parry. Clarence; Baltman, Mon
II); Bhsner. Chaa.; Thompaon,
u A.; Watla, Edwin H. (2).
Mktt Social Saturday Evening.
m Kffle Grace, teacher of the
prd arhool, la planning with the
pi tha patrona of tbe achool for a
let social on the evening of 8at-
V. April g The proceed a will be
president of the Audubon 8fclety, and
waa a business visitor at Balem on
Friday. '
The Jennings Uk1k atore haa
changed handa again: JMr. lleathman
purchasing the atoch of goofla rrom
Mlaa U O. Miller.' Mr. lleathman took
pos-wealon on March 20. with hla aona
In charae.
Mlsa 8arah Kalnlnaky apent Hunflay
at Btone Gables with II. H. Emmons
and wife. The Kmmona family will
ba at home to their frlenda after April
1. at their beautiful aummer home on
the Willamette.
Word haa been received by Mra.
Wm. Gardner of the death of Mra.
Rider, or Michigan, who apent aeveral
months at the Gardner home last sum
mer. Mra. Klder and her niece. Mlaa
Convera. were the motif of a number
of "delightful afternoona and picnic
parties during their etay here and
made many frlenda while In the West.
Mra. Merrltt and daughter, Mlaa
Francis, of Bellwood. were luncheon
guests of Mra. Redmond on Tneaday.
Lre f'aurleld. of Oregon City, waa
nurveylng on the Will a Jennlnga
property on Thursday. Mr. Jennlnsa
Intende to plat thla Into lota which
will be for aale.
Mr. Klrmae'a have moved their
household goods to Portland and of
fera hla two lot and cottage for aale
at a reasonable figure.
Mra. lletsel and Mra. Berlrture were
calling on Jennings Lodge frlenda on
Mr. Williams, of Gladstone, waa a
business caller on Wedneaday.
Mra. Ileverling and daughtera, Mlaa
Ruth and Rather, were vlaltore at the
home of Mr. and Mra. Hugh Roberta
on Thursday. -
Charlea Redmond departed for Mea
ford the flrat of the week and hla
bualneaa Intereata may call him to
Klamath county before hla return
Mra. H. J. Roblnaon waa a Portland
visitor on Wedneaday.
The raetlme Club of Meldnim met
at the home of Mj-e. Geo. Morse on
Monday, March 10.'. Tbe houae decora
tlona were Oregon grape and carna
Hone. Those preaent were Mra." Fray
tag. Mra. Moulton, Mra. . Rrickaon,
Mra. Powers. Mra. Gill and Mlaa Scrip
ture. Dellcloua refreshmenta were
aerved after the bualneaa meeting.
The next regular meeting will be held
at the home of Mra. Oacar Freytag In
FOR RENT Liner space In thla col
umn. A few llnee may rent that
houae. atore or farm; they will eoet
you but a few cents.
One or two Councllmen were In fa
vor of pulling up the tracka of the
company If Ita offklala do not aee ,a
it that tbe emnloaWa of the company
do carry out the agreements made
with the officials,
adjusting the late Are loea. Morte
Lehman and Bnyaer were inaurea in
thla company. - '
The city council baa taken in con
sideration of Installing a fire hall on
Main atreet, equipping the aame with
chemical engine. They bave been
trying to lease a piece of ground to
erect a building on. Tbe Woodmen
of . the World have offered their va
cant lot for a building alte. . Thla
matter baa been talked of for over a
month, but never made public.
At the recent fire which destroyed
the Dakery, It waa demonstrated be
yond a doubt that our fire fighting
apparatus In Inadequate for the pro
per protection of Ufa and property.
It waa also demonstrated that some
system of an organized force la a
great necessity. Tbe question haa
been agitated by the commercial club
for the past year. - Two committees
have been appointed to Investigate,
and look Into this matter, aud both
have been very conaplcuoua by tbeir
failure to aubmlt any report or make
any auggestlons. It la hoped the fire,
regretable aa It la, will bring the ques
tion right home ' to fell citizens of
Milwaukle, and Induce them to take
aome action on thla very Important
queatlon. A similar fire and a little
breeze ' would practically wipe the
town off the face of the earth.
In connection With tbe commercial
club meeting Friday evening the quea
tlon of better fire protection will come
up for consideration. All who have
nersonal nrooertv liable to losa bv
fire ought to be preaent and give the very 111. la alowly improving.
Claekamaa grange 291 held Ita re
gular meeting Haturday evening,
March II. The order of bualneaa
waa dispatched In a short time, When
the meeting waa opened to the con
sideration of the matter of forming
a commute of three Rev. J. L
Jonea. Prof. Heacroak and Mra. M. C.
Hayward were appointed to draft a
constitution and ay-lawe.
Mra. George Wallace and alster.
Mrs. Pill Hettmsn were called to
Hubbard on account of tbe aickoess
of one of their relatives, last Friday.
Mlaa Rurmel Clark, after a few
week'e visit with. her. parenta, Mr.
and Mra. M. Clark, at Bee Illlle, re
turned to Portland the latter part of
the week.
W. E. Donny ourchaaed a fine cow
and two calvea at Meadow-brook laat
week. i
Lew. Hubbard waa a business caller
In town laat iFrtday.
Archie Banney waa banllng shing
les Monday,
Mine Hazel and Charlie Freeman,
of Rlwood. were vtaitora at w. tu
Donney'a Bunday afternoon.
Mr and Mra. ErlCK I ngg sou
children were visiting with Mr. and
Mra. Johnson last Bunday.
r.randma Dlx and eon W. . canea
on Dig Broe., at Bchuble laat Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Carl Strangreen maae
a businese trip to Oregon City, Satur
day. .
Mra. E. Llndstrom. wno naa obbm
question serious consideration.
J. M. Btuckney haa been on the
alck Hat.
The Mothers' and Teachers' club
will meet Thursday afternoon at the
school at 3 o'clock. The 1. X. L. club
of Gladstone, baa been Invited to meet
with them. Tbe club looks forward
to a pleasant and profitable meeting.
TVi KlffK r.hwil TilllkllS will fflvA a
short debate on tbe question of the clearing land. He intende to go into
A. Barrer a logging lor nuiuer
aawmill at Eiwood.
The Colton boya were practicing
ball laat Sunday.
C. Btrangreea and J. run caneu
on J. jonea unaay.
Fred Carlson la seen quite frequent
ly at Tlmbergrove lately.
John jonea naa reiumeu irum -
irii. to Portland and la now ousj
A Very Dlatlnctlve Clart, With a Good
Time for na Memosrs.
The "Newly Weda" la the name of
a club recently organized In thla city,
and compoaed of newly weds, and
newly weda only are eligible for mem
bership. The first meeting of tbla
club waa held on Friday evening at
the home of Dr. and Mra. C. If. Melsa
ner. of Seventh and Jeffcraon atreeta.
Carda and music were the main fea
turee of the evening, the prlzea being
won by Mrs. A. A. Price and Walter
Wella. Mra. Price aang aeveral aeleo
tlona during the evening;. Refreah
menta were aerved. The next meeting
will be held on Friday evening. March
31. at the home of Mr. and Mra. M. D.
The member a preaent at the home
of Dr. and Mra. Melasner were Mr.
and Mra. Walter Wella. Dr. and Mra.
r H Melsaner. Mr. and Mra. A. L.
Price Mr and Mra. Oeorge Hanklna.
Mr. and Mra. William Logua. Mr. and
Mra. M. D. Latourette..
The recent fire In the Bakery dem
onatratea Ihe fact that every owner
of personal property needa protection
againat loea by Are. Such protection
can be had by taking out a policy in
the Hartford-American and Oregon
Pacific Statea Insurance Company.
Application can be made at the Flrat
State Bank of Milwaukee.
Mayor Streib la out on hla farm
Overseeing the grubbing and clearing
f ten acrea.
The children of Thomae Toata have
Ihe nieaslea.
. Ella Maple la Improving alowly.
Mlaa Sue Barnea la better and will
be brought home.
- Roas Swaggert la on the alck list.
Mra. W. A. Hanson waa In Portland
Wedneadsy on business.
Jamee Mathewa. our amiable barber,-
was a city vlaltor Wedneeday
Mr.- Mathewa haa hla barber abop In
the pool room temporarily.
Mr. Radecltff. of the Horticultural
Fire Relief of Salem. Oregon, la here
day: Foreign Immigration Further
Restricted to All. Refreshmenta will
be aerved by the teachera
The Orange, held a good meeting
laat Saturday. A large attendance
and a good dinner were both In evi
dence. The regular routine of bus!
nesa and a dlacuaalon of rose planting
and early garden making, made up
the program.
Women'a Wtork club met Wednes
day afternoon at Grange hall. Tbe
time waa devoted to aewlng and quilt
lying. A very good attendance waa
Mr. and Mra. Dirthriek, of Portland,
formerly of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
have moved In the Geo. Miller cottage
on Main atreet. Mr. Dirthriek la
commission merchant In Portland.
Mr. and Mra. P. II. Paulson, of
Canby, have moved In the F. H. Uch
ter cottage on Monroe atreet. Mr.
Paulson will work In one of the mills
here. Two-of - the daugbtra- have
atarted to achool, and Increaaed tbe
achool roll
Mra. M. L. Roberta and family, with
Mr. and Mra. Fred Roberts, and fam
lly, were entertained at luncheon on
board the Brltlah ahlp. Celtic Glenn,
lying In the harbor, by Captain Rob
erts, who n an acquaintance or reia-
tlvee of the Roberte family In Walea.
Since the aldewalk haa leen finish
ed around the EvajigeJical church,
Radebaugh haa aet out rosea, leveled
up the yard and la now planting
garden and Improving the property
Mra. Homer Mullln apent Wednea-
dav In Portland vlaltlng frlenda.
Remember the dance Saturday
evenlna. . alven by the Women of
Church Notes
the onion raisin businese
n. Haa. of Tlmbergrove, celebrated
his fifty-ninth birthday lat Sunday.
We wiah blm all good luev ana many
more to celebrate.
Mr. and Mrs- J. Putz caned on
grandma. Dlx Sunday afternoon.
Erlck Trigg la About to finish hla
contract of slashing for J. Jonea.
Tbe board of directora or acnooi
district No. 72 met Tueaday evening
to make a new contract wllb, Mlaa
Esther Dahlstrom. who la teaching
our achool. '
Mr. 8ulllvan. the road, aupervisor.
with a number of men la doing aome
much needed road work at Timber-
grove thia week.
Hunt Rottbure nd hla girl were
nut for a hnrrr ride laat Sunday.
Hnckman Itros. took a contract oi
falling treea for W. B. Gorbett.
W. S. Dlx haa nnlaned sowing ni
grain Tuesday.
Mr. Bniiivan naa neen ousy pisnv
Ing potatoes last week.
C A. Keilt la preparing to aet
out an acre of atrawberry planta.
Farmera are taklns; advantage of
thla beautiful aunshlny weather, put'
ting In grain and other produce.
Jack Hunter waa taken to the
"Good Samaritan Hospital" laat
Saturday morning and operated upon
for appendicitis. He la reported to
be doing well.
Quite a number of tbe folka here
about apent aeveral days laat week
Arlelgb Millard baa gone to Wood
land. Oregon, from there he will go
to Seattle to- report for duty.
Tbe Medal conteat given by tbe
ladlea W. C. T. V. on Friday laat,
waa well attended. Mra. E. W.
Clarke, of thla place carried off the
Tbe ahadow aoclal given by the
school waa well attended and every
one enjoyed the program. The pro
ceeds went towarda the piano.
Many new buildings are being put
up. : -
Mr. Boatman haa Bold hla place to
Mr.. Btevena for a consideration of
$7,500. , -
Mr. and Mra. Hawkins' oldest son
died yesterday, and the funeral ser
vices at tbe bouse at 1 o'clock next
Lydla Rrickaon went to town laat
Friday for a abort etay.
The farmers have been taking ad
vantage of tbls fine weather and
have been putting in their spring
H. O. Huntington waa an Oregon
City visitor last week. While there
he bought a fine team of mules. He
also purchased - a, gasoline - engine,
with which he is intending to pull
out aome of the atumpa from hla Dov
er farm. .
FreS Cooke, aaslsted by hla cousin,
Ed. Douglaas, waa working on tne
Douglass Mntnal Telephone Com
pany'a line last week, fixing It bo
the parties could hear better. They
imnroved it some, but as almost an
of the ringing colla were burnt out.
the rlnga do not come in very muca
olearer than ther did formerly.
H. S. Clbson sold two cowa recently,
receiving $55 for one and 50 tor me
other. n nold a horse, also, and
traded horsee on Monday. -
Ed. Douglass la hauling aome pota
toes to the station for Mr. Affholter.
fi. r. Gibson traded horaea with
Mr. Affholter a few daya ago.
Mra. Jonea and daughter, Lan,
called on Mra. Howlett Tueaday after
Rd. Rov and Carl Douglass attended
the ball game at Eatacada 8unday af
ternoon. Tbe game waa piayea oy
the Corrinsvtlle and Eatacada teams.
Currinavllle won the game, the acore
being 7 to 0. Ed and Roy played In
the Currinavllle team.
Notice of Application for a Liejuee Li
cence. Notice la hereby gives that I will,
at the neat regular meeting of tbe
City Council, apply for a license to
sell Dquor at my nla of bualneea,
The Idle Hour, corner fourth and
Main atreeta, for a period of three
The partnership heretofore existing
under the firm name of Story ft Thom
as, having been dissolved by mutual
consent, all liabilities of the firm are
aaaumed by Owen O- Thomae and all
accounta due the firm are payable to -the
a foresaid Owen O. Thomas.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla
24th day of February, 1911.
E. V. STORT. .
Wants. For Sale, Etc.
Notices under theaa claeatflad headlncs
will b Insvird at on cent a word, flrwt
Insertion, half a cent additional uwr- .
tlona. One Inch card. II par month; half
Inch card. 4 lines) II per month.
Cann muat accompany order unless on
has an open account with tha paper. No -financial
responnlbllltjf for arrora; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed (or patron. Minimum charge lao.
Otto Naef of Naef station la build-
inr a fine house acress from tne
twima nlace.
The whole nelghoornooo leei verj
sad over the death or Mrs. ieiia
Swlnnev. Bhe waa a happy wife and
mother. Besides her husband, Clyde
swlmev. she leaves a eon eleven
montha old. a mother and one aiaier
hestrles numerous relatlvee and
frlenda to mourn her lona. The fun
eral will be held Thuraday morning
at in-so at the Crematorium. s nat
la our loss Is her gain.
Center street Is beginning to look
like a ;lty atreet now and adda much
to the nronertr on the atreet. Road
Evangelical church. Rev. E. Radrt- aupervtaor red Hama is to oe com-
batigh. pant or Sunday achool iO:JOlpllmnted on the work.
Days Mofce
' ' 'v . 1-'-
IS Day -BRahMvt
Ail the previous specials aeN pn sale and
L'w -WViaf - -key. if ""Kg. A
.one mote aaaea each day to day
Thursday all wfappers, hottse dresses
and kimonas, ar e put in the Specials.
Prices slashed to false money ij
Take advantage of this money saving event
aad buy now
s Black Sox 3 pair (or .... :23c
n'" Chambra shirts while they
' H i.i.
A lot of overalls while ther ; . : ' '
last from..... 50C fo 73C
i j a
Iwtat " 24C1 Ladies shirt waists 79C while tneyiasi
Jte Men's OuZud End. hi fine shoe, of first quality to cfoie at BigRe
"tfton. $5.00 Patent Btitton 3.G5.
a. m. services at 11:30 a. m. Dy tne
pastor, preaching at 8 p. m. prayer
meetlna- Wednesday evenlnga. choir
practice Friday evenings. Seata free
all are welcome.
Laef Sundar. cluba from Willamette
and West Side played baae ball,
suiting In a acore of 14 to 0 In favor
of the Willamette boya.
Walters, of Portland, haa moved to
thla burg, going on the Johnson place
laat week.
Mlaa Llxxle Schoenhelna of thla
Dlace. returned Saturday froaa a f"w
dava vlaltlng at Canby. .
Willie Moldenhaur aaved hla young
er brother, two years old, from drown
ing In a tub of water Tuesday of thla
Six new acholara came Into our
school first of the week.
Mrs. Millard Hyatt, of Portland,
who recently lout her husband. - baa
returned to her old home in Willam
Willamette yonng people are boast
ing of a young lady prUe fighter and
knock-out man. name not given.
' Carrol Moldenhaur and family re
turned the flrat of the week, from
fort land, where ' they were In . at
tendance at the funeral of an aunt.
Mra. caivert. one oi me new-cum-
era here, la organizing a music claaa,
ahe being the Inatroetor.
At" the call of ita prealdent, the
School and Home Club held a special
meeting . Friday afternoon . of laat
week. ' Prealdent Sargent atated
that In view of the lack of Intereat
In the club on tbe part of the general
public, It aeemed aa If tbe time had
come for a change. For thla re-aaon
he nut before the meeting an Inrlta
lion frorn' the Grangers to the ef
fect that ' they would hold an open
meetlna the following - evening at
Vhlch the membera of thla crab conld
be preaent and Join In framing a new
nrcanlxation better adapted to the
needa of tha town. After a full ex
nrnaainn of oDlnlon on the part of
those present. Including a hearty ap
preciation of the work done by thla
club In the past, a motion waa car-
Vied. Mr. William Morfltt then mane
a motion to adjourn aine die which
waa also carried. . ' '
i :The granges more lately made a
treat Improvement In their hall. The
court haa been enlarged to make a
good atage with wings, curtain and
acenery. A large air tight atove In
the auditorium, and a good ateel
range In the kitchen adda much to the
fcomfort and convenience of s the
t Jamea Pitman haa hla five acres of
land finely cleared and under the
low." He eipectg to set one or two
acrea to strawberries thla aprlng.
laaao Johnson haa alao cleared and
ut under : the plow aeveraj acrea
adjoining hla home lot.
, Farmers are all buy putting In
oropa and gardens ,
, Tharnton Btrlte lately gold hla
Rlace, consisting of houae and lot In
)wtj. and a five acre atrawberry
tract to Fred Roadarrnet. Mr. fltrlte
haa atnee bought what ta Tammany
known aa the Chalk place, owned by
Mr. Cook.
On Friday afternoon of last week
ttie Claekamaa base hall team played
Harmony team at Claekamaa. Tne
acore waa 7 to 4 In favor of the home
team. "
Oak r.rove LJterary Society met
Tueadar evening In Voaberg a Hall
A splendid program waa rendered.
C. W. Wbe la Improving aiowiy
Mrs. J. II. Graham and Arthur
Graham apent Monday afternoon and
eveninr w th Mrs. Brown or Port
Mra. Wm. Moody of Milwaukee
Ileiahta waa an Oak Grove vUltor
Thomaa Graham. ; who haa oeen
vlaltin hla brother,.. J..H. Graham
and family, leavea the last of the week
for a trio to Southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mra.-Toney brougni tneir
dauehter Katherine home from the
hospital, where ahe haa been for aev
eral weeks with a sever case ot
I,. e. Bently returned home from
Markham. Orearon. where he haa
been visiting hla parenta.
Mr. and Mra. Loula Brant leave
Frldav for aeveral day'e ylsli with
their son and family In Tacoma,
Waah. ' . i .
Dr. M. C. Arthur and family have
entertained the doctor'a aiater, Mrs
J. W. Craig and two nieces aeveral
daya. who are on their way home to
Alberta. Canada, after a pleaaant
winter apent on the coaat. ,
Geo. Sherk and family spent Mon
day evening at the borne of B. W
Graham In Portland and met Mra.
Graham's parenta, Mr. and Mrs
Courtney of Bay City. Mich., who
have come to aet tie In Portland.
Mr. and Mra. Ross Melntyre, of
Portland, formerly of Michigan, apent
Sunday with Geo. Sherk and family.
Church Notes
- M. K. church. Rev. Henry Speia,
pastor Sunday achool 10 a, m., ser
vices 11 a. m.. by Rev. C. A. Lenres,
preaching 7:30 p. m, by the paator.
Special music; all Invited.
Ladles aid will meet in the churcb
basement and tie comforts Thursday
FOUNTJr Bunch of keys; call and
prove property and pay forf notice
and receive them.
WANTED Small advertisements for'
tbla col-imn. ' Prlcae very reaaon-;
able. See ratea at head of column.
centa an hour. Call Pacific Statea
FOR 8ALB- By owner 171 acree
. four room house, barn, cow, horse. '
chickens, well, fruit trees, email
fruita. Concord Statu lephooe,.
Oak Grove, red 414. .t "
75 acre tract good land, bo rocka, 'f
milea from Oregon City. 1V4 mllea
from Q. W. P. car line. Good fruit
land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, ,
1100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
D. K. Bill & Co., Room 9, Beaver
Bldg., Oregon City,
FOR SALE 10 Acrea orchard land,
7 acrea planted to apple trees, 7
room house, small barn, 14 mllea
- from Oregon City ' on good road,
13,500, terma for quick aale. Tele-'
phone Farmers 213. 8. R. Cogan, :
R. F. D. No. 2, boa . 139, Oregon
, City, Oregon.: ...i .' ..... '
W. J. Wlrta, of Sandy, gave an In
tereatlng lecture at Flrwood Sunday
afternoon. He will lecture again In
two weeks April 2.
August Stuckl visited over Sunday
with hla parents.
J. A. Shaw and Mr. stoner. or port-
land, apent Friday night with E. D.
Several of the Flrwood young people
attended the dance at Mr. Morrison a
Saturday evening.
The ML Hood FniH Growera Asso
ciation will meet at Flrwood Saturday,
March 25. at 1 o"clock p. m.
The F. P. A. meets Saturday, Marcn
25 at 8 p. m. ,
The Misses Ida and Bertha Stuckl
are at home again for a vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens vtsiteT
at their ranch over Sunday.
Harvey Kehraa, of Sandy, attended
the lecture at Flrwood Sunday.
Mr. Mack, who recently moved nere
from Minneapolis, has several men at
work Improving his place. .
Mra. E. R. Hart and daughter. Ruth,
attended c aurprise party at Cottrell
Saturday nlghL "
Otto Macklow, of Portland, vlalted
W. F. Fischer the first of the week.
Mrs. Earl Miller, of Portland, has
been spending the paat week with
Mr. and Mra. Thos Miller.
Mra. J. A. Shaw and little boy came
from Portland Tuesday to Join Mr.
Shaw, who recently bought a ranch
at Dover from A. C. MUHron n jc
pecta to fto Into tbe poultry business.
Mr. Shaw haa been in the employ of
the Graves Music Co.. of Portland,
for several years and la a first clasa
piano tuner. Many will be glad to
know we have a piano tuner in the
HARRY JONES Builder and General ;
Contractor. . Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Rea. Phone Main 111.
O. D. EBY, Attomey-at-Law. Money
. loaned, abstracts furnished, land
' titles examined, estates settled, gen
' eral law business. Over Bank of
. Oregon City. .. .
Wanted At Once!
Oak Grove
, , Milwaukee
U'REN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorneyet-
Law, Deutacber Advokat. will prac
tice in all courts, make collection
and aettlementa. , Office In Enter
prise Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R.HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary publlo. J' - ' - 01 '
Critics wmm
Room 7. Barclay Bldg.. Oregon City.
R. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurant
and Real Eatate. , Let na handle
your propertiea we buy, sell anaf
exchange. Office In . nterprtee
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
I Dealers, have choice bargains In
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
i ranches. 8ee us for good buys.
' Near S. P. depot ,
Every one In Dover Is busy thene
days making garden and sowing grain.
Huntington Broe. are making pre
parations to clear sixty acrea of land
this year.
The achool la progressing nicely.
Mlaa Marie LaRocbe from Portland la
tbe teacher. '
Mra. Bewn entertained nelghbora
and frlenda Thuraday In honor of Mr,
news' birthday. .
The frlenda of Mlas Leah Morrison
gave he a aurprise party Saturday
evening In honor of her eighteenth
H. H. Udell haa a new gasoline en
gine. Joseph DeShaser and family spent
Sunday with hla brother Jamea at
The men who have the contract to
clear ten acrea of land for Mr. waiton,
have their work nearly completed.
Auguetlne Milley wag ( home for a
day last week. . .
Grace and Rd. Wolf went out from
Sandy Saturday evening to attend a
party at Mr. Morrison s.
Mr.. Flak haa moved back on hla
ranch. .
Two new families arrived In Dover
thla laat week. Mr. Shaw and Mr.
Strong. They have bought land and
will have charge of Mr. Hart's young
orchard. , . '
Rer. Ingalls was out from Portland
laat week looking after hla ranch.
O. R. Wordle baa been quite alck
but Is now better.
Liberal terma to hustlers. See Mr.
Miller Circulation Department. En
terprise. Oregon City Oregon.
Notice of Application for a Liquor
Notice Is hereby given that I will,
at the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for a licenae to
sell liquor at my place of business,
712 Main atreet. for a period of 3
. 1 A. NOBLE.
Notice of Application- for a Liquor
Notice ts hereby alven that I will.
at the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for a license to
sell Honor at my Dlace of business,
The Heidelberg Saloon, 421 Main
street, far-a period of 3 montha.
- D. M. KLF.M8KN.
Notice of Application fee a Liquor Li
cense. '
Notice Is .hereby given that I will,
at tbn nest regular meetlnar of the
City Council, apply for a license to
eell llqnor at my place of bualneea
The Cole Bldg., Butler Saloon, 703
Main atreet, for a period ot three
Notice of Application for a Lqr Ll-
cense. .
Notice Is hereby given that I will,
at tbe next regwbtr xoeetlag of the
'' City Cornell, apply for a licenae to
aell liquor at my place Of Wastneek
The Garabrtnus, Corner 6th and
Main atreeta, for a period of three
When I moved Into my new atore
I put In a nice line of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am selling at th prt-
cea usually quoted for second hand er
ahop-worn goods. Come In end look
around. ''
Fine line of curie and relice.
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a large ma)ee
Ity of the homes ; ta ' Oregon
City and Claekamaa county the
management hag decided to
make a apeclsi prtee for th--dally
Issue, for rtort Urn.
only, where th subscriber pTX y"Z
a year Is advmnc.
By 'carrier, paid a year in
advance, IS.SS.
- By aeeJL yJ4 a year In 'ad
vance, 19,00. - - ... , ,
People who gave our eurmav
aer a trial subscription for one
or mora months, at tea cnts a
weak, can hay th dally, deliv
ered for a year for $!bo by
paying; a year lit atfvaae
People wb gave 6u eanvae
ear a trial subscription, by
aali, for fowr month at a dot-'
lar, nary may th paper for a
year for faSO, If paid a year la "
adwaaaa - - - - '
Snbacrlbers to the Weekly
Enterprise may chang their
subscriptions to th daily, re-
eelvtns; eredir for half tint on
'th dairy that the weekly 1a
paid la ad van oe. When they
j choaaa to aid oaah to th ad-,
; yaaa payment equaJ to a full
year adyaae payment they .
, near take adyaatsare of ta St
tkia spartaf prte .
rao hare paid
la adyaae oa aoaa other dally
aa4 .ia to tak Om MoraiBc '
ntscprle, aaay do as without 1
to great apene. a .
BabecHb for th DaNy Bnterprlaa.
', 4