Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 23, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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E- C'vee a4 PvaMafcee.
aa anail rla arrr Jm.
WafT . 111. at IS mmmt lln at Va
-T. " aatew IM Art a
a. ira "
Oh Year.
No that Council cb set th Golden
Rale aa U aet and the bowada'
what I(Nm 4oM by Council, but
It cm give, those with strong protests
under their umi to uaderstaad that
the aaaa wbo la willing to accept the
Coldea Rale aa bis guide to the net-
treaoeat of tbe controversy will be glv
ea tbe greater cooalderaliou at the
band of Council. aa4 that the maa
wbo eoaaea to Cvocil wltb tba deter-
mlaatloa to get an b can, and con-
loot cede aa nttl aa he la forced to, will
Persian -Diplomat Has American
Wife and f an ihtereitlntf' Family
unmtK um
Pint Paa par inra drat taawttaai
nnt r-aira. par m aeoe mrt
riwuiw aaaMltse aay paa-a.
first rnarrttoa lte
Frafamd puaHaaa aay pa, . Mr M
atMe ravrrthwa lac
Run papar mtHrr tfcaa rtret pae. Bar
flrat BjiarrtUifi. ., M ........,. -Ic
Run piptrHMrr than flrat pare. par toe
ret ocast .consideration' from Council '
H caa bo given to understand thai I
Council baa a bard enough row to boa
par w i and the ma who la willing to help I
to regular aver-
settle thing without undue annoyance,
and with a deal re to give and take, la
the oa that Council will aid all It can.
That attltuda oa tba part of Council
will make thoaa who aro always open
for trouble to fear feat they make
more trouble for themselves than they
i do for Council, or for their neighbor; j
addVd Insert tona.
Locals lee par Una;
tlerra ec I In.
Wanta. For Bale. To Rant. ate. aaa
eant a word Orst hiaartWHi; one-half eaat
, aach additional.
Kates tar aaTaroemg an (aa waaarr' .i..n in L..J
Enterwrlea will bo th aatoa aa ta tha ' that determination will lead noma man
dally, for lvMtwmnti art aapaelaUy J to , good for poHcy sake who would
la tranafVrTad from th daily to tha weak- i never take a second thought for th1
ty. without rhaair. tna rata will oa ae I if, nf othara.
aa taco for tua af tha papor. aad taa aa f r"r ot olnerl
Inct) for apaciaj poaltlon.
Caah should acromDaB ordrr waara
party ta unknown in bufttnesa offtca of'
tba Bnterrtrlaa. -
rate. r" ' I
Ctreua drtlln and apaciai trajialmt J
advarthtrna at !So to V an Inch, accord
tna to apodal conditions coarnlnf tha
"Fir Bate" and Bankrupt RaJr" adrar- j
tlarmanta 16c Inch flrat Inwrtion: addt- '
. llonai tnaortlona Mint matter 2tc lach. I
' Nawa ttama and woll wi1tn artlejoa ;
' af MrlL with Intaraat to local raatlara. i
win ba aladly accapt4. Reioctad maau- I
aartpra nrvar ratumad unlaaa accomnan
. a4 by atamoa ta prapay poataaia.
r mm m
. nil
Copyright by AmarKma Praao Aaaodatloa.
March 23 In American History.
1837 Richard A. Proctor, noted British-American
- asovnoaier. born:
died 1888. .
188S Morrison Remick Walte. dtetln. j nasaed away at that placa eleren yeara
(niahed lawyer and chief JnatW aita Many of the old time inenas or
Lydia Miner Tracy, wife of the late
Taylor B. Tracy, died at the home of
her son. J. M. Tracy, of Gladstone,
Wednesday at 11:15 a. m.. after a
year's Ulnesa. The remains will be
uken to her old home at Logan, and
laid beside those -of her hnabaad. who
of the Cnlted Statra npreme coart
died: born 1S1&
1801 Anna Charlotte Lrwb Botta. au
thor, died; born 1812.
1901 Agnlnaldo, the Filipino leauW.
; captured by Genera) Frederick
- Fnnstoo. -
ERE U aa excellent picture of General Ulna AH KuU Khan, charge
d'affaires of the Persian legation at Washington, and his Interwetluf
family. This eastern diplomat baa an A mark-an woman aa bla wife.
8 be waa formerly bllsa Florence Breed of Boston, and It wan throogb
bar Interest In the religion of Behaiam that abe met the young- Persian noble
man who afterward became Iter husband. She bad made many converts
Behaiam, and when abe accompanied her husband to Teheran, the capital of
FeraU. 'she wss surprised to find that she was received wltb all the honors
of a Ferula o prfneeea. Sbe later race trad the greatest honor tbst the Ferstsa
ruler could bestow on a woman, the designation of Moraveh-e-8uttaneh."
which meana "life giver of the empire." This honor waa accorded to her be
cause of her work la teaching Bebalsm and waa aot becanae of her marriage.
Mme. KhJnoun. which Is the I'erslsn for Mr. Flore ace Khan, speaks Persian
ftoently. she often wears the Ferula n coatame In Washington, and she hi ve
of the popular ladies In official Washington life, (the ban been married fan
yeara and Is the mother of three children, the three roundest shown In tha
picture. The young woman standing Is Mlaa Ruby Breed. alKter of M n
Kbanonn. and the three youths standing are relative of the diplomat
the deceased attended the service.
Mrs, Tracy a maiden name was Ly
dia )Uner. and she was born Id Jeffer-I
son county. New York. August 6. mi. I
In the year f 1855 she was united in
marrtase to Taylor B. Trary. In the
vear of 18S2 Mr. and Mrs. Tracy and Hawley Paper Co., at Council Wed nee-; Firemen to Get $100 a Year.
famllv atarted West and came across day evening, charging that the com-1 The volunteer fire department
the plains by ox team, making their jpany had again fenced In a portion of week ago aaked Council to Increase
home for many years In what is now
(Trom noon today to noon tomorrow. I ian. whore Mr. 'Tracy took- up a
Run aeta 6:1L rises 3:52: moon rises donation land claim, in 18.0 Mr. ana
328 a. ax; moon farthest sooth or low
Mrs. Tracy left for the benefit or
their daughter' beaftn. bu returned
a year later to Logan, where tbey re-
.' mm iii r- m BDATriTiuTi ' maiBed until the death of Mr. Trary,
r or tne past ir"jrw r. nj
Council t aaving Its troubles la ef- j beep making her home with her son,
footing compromises and agreemenia Jafees M. Tracy, of Gladstone, and
between people on the street where ; MrmL.CroUn T". f
,1 . . . Deceased la survived by two child
there are differeat view aa to what ; . wbo ,re JlmPt M TracTi ot GIad.
'MMaM taa aVbfflJI ITt rtUi aMtFab ft 1 1 n TTI aaaTl f t .au.. VaTaaaa DaeAL aVaT ittnUsTnlal fT
aaiiujtr, jaiia. oeai an aw . naK'B -
. of grade: It Is bard proposition ! Toocalla. Douglas county. One daugh
ter a man to rise above his own per- . Lydia Orella Tracy, died many
son benefits, and especially when he I yer K' -
ba the beat of the argument from ; BROTHERHOOD MEETS TUESDAY,
the standpoint of utility.
, But the Golden Rule i. a afe a JJ?ta"r "j""? V
- y r i o pnnucrswu in iur m. iuviv,
another" Is often a smooth way of get- will give a banquet to members and
tin- what too want vonrself. And a friends in the parlor of the church In
-soft answer- ba been known to die- 5U. T06?' T"iB!J5 l.
in, a M .iimmv Hh VI Hmtlltm lo4fiM .. ... .
' -o" o - alaoorate program, consisting or mo-j
all buttoned np for the fray. steal and literary numbers, with short
The building of street In a city , "Tfv by lT lZ("n, !
... , M . . abroad the speaker being Invited ,
wltb BO large a nercentaaa of broken . .v. a . .v. v w 1
surface as one will find In this city , and congregation in Portland.
la no easy map. With homes built ac , Tbia promisee to be a very. In teres t-
aoniina to a ri. .t.hit.K arari- 1 in occasion, and preparations making
... ' . , ... . . ,. , are of a hlgb order of entertainment U
vs iva uw s'aov vtuiiBor4 L an,
trouble la certaia to creep In witn the
first attempt to do things as they
should be done. Oregon City has dia-
eorered tbta. and wltb not half its! Wood wkg 0 T f 8treet
treet Improved. What of the ret? : Walks built In this city must be of
- wwi u,.k.i,.v, i. i concrete unless tiermissiun is granted
vwm. d.l. r-.-.n lo u some less durable substance.
Golden Rule. Council cannot control , wjth lh ,n mnd h c,tIzeng of Tgy
all fbe mterest tbst are certain to or treet asked Council, by petition
eater Into the eonteat yet to arise, presented at the meeting of Council
but it can lay down the rule of the j Wednesday evening, to permit the
Golden Rule a. It. guide to the set-, J WOOd Perm,"lon
Uement of all difficulties that will,
Fourth at reft. The discussion brought I the annual appropriation for the aev
out the Information that the company eral fire compaaJea from 125 a year to
did tbia once before, and Council re-' $100. Council at a recent meeting
quired the company to remove the t authorised the City Attorney to draw
fence. This time, however, the street an ordinance to that effect, making
waa fenced In with a wire fence. ! the payment 25 a quarter. This or
Council ordered the Street Commie- dlnanc waa read first time Wednes
sloner to take a pair) of wire nippers day evening and ordered published,
and go and eut tbe fence away. i
The special committee appointed" to Will Light Seventh Street Parka
look after the encroaebmenta by em-i Council voted Wednesday evening"
ployea of tbe O. W. P. waa -also to ' to erect a fountain In SeverrUT street
notify Mr. Hawley aa to encroachment
of bla mill.
park, wltb tights on tbe fountain, at
an expense of 150. Cltltens In that
section of the city are not pleaaed at
j certain things which bsppen In the
park on dark night at least they
j think they happen and thla move to
A marriage license waa granted to erect fountain, with electric light
Mary Rider and Arthur L. Lambert on on It. I a move to -turn on the light"
Wednesday. ana thul tui ,n T, eompiajned of.
We are still bmt
sod th fBmers are Ulllug tha wll
fast aa they can o a to get their
'"lirCblndgren, while returning from
Oregon Cliy ! 8aturday bad ona of
bla boreee beoom frightened at some
. w.i .- ik. rmA anri itimn aldawaya
over a heavy grade and upset the rig.
No one was seriouaiy uijmi-u
received bruises and sc rate has.
There ar more esse oi
.... w . . .M,a muthar re-
mra.' i ry r7 -- .
...Mf kAm. tiimjiiv rrtfm ma rw
ed Visit With O T. Ry n lan.n..
a.OA la rvma1 IRII Wtll H V
aoon beln on the Canby Caual and
Irrigation ancn. .
Miss Edna Rtaudlnger bad an auacs
of the meaalea.
vi. nii Ura Pnlvln made a bust
...l , n in rnrtlanl flumlav
mtt.l Un Itnlman , ware visitors
or Mr. ana Mr, wmon imnugren p
i i t m was In town Sunday ae-
ronioanled by Grant White; riding
around In hla new Mitchell machine,
m wilann haa tuat comnleted
new house on Water etrej-t near Maple
Geo. Shear, of Canby. waa autolng
on the streets of Meadoworoog Mon
day. Messrs. Nodell and Evans msde a
trip to town Monday to get some
cable to rig a stump puller.
March Term.
In the matter of the petition of W.
F. Brlstow, et al, for a county road,
tbe County Board of Road Viewers
having reported unfavorably on said
road. Ordered that said petition be
and the same Is hereby dismissed
In the matter of the appointment
o( J. r. Adams a Deputy Sheriff or
Clackamaa County. Ordered that said
appointment be and the same Is here
by confirmed.
In the matter of the application of
the Puullclly Committee of Ibe Ore
gon City Commercial Club for do
nation from Clackamaa County to
promote Interests In Clackamaa Coun
ty In Ihe way of advertising. Ordered
that said application be. dented.
In the matter of the petition of W
11. Schleffer. et al, of a county road,
the district attorney having reported
favorably en said road. Ordered that
the same be declared a public high
way and ordered opened.
In the matter of the repair of tbe
Suspension Bridge at Oregon City.
Ordered that Clarence Simmons be
employed at 15 00 per day to take
charge of said work, to employ all
necessary .help and make arrange
ments for material, etc
In tbe matter of the claim of A. R.
Stephens for damages to his land for
the tearing down of fence. Ordered
that said claim be allowed la the sum
of $50.00.
In the jnatter of the petition and
subscription list of Oeo. Raadall, et
al. In tbe- sum of tSOO.OO for grading
Are Yoc A Money Save.)
Most vry en anpect ta be a money sever som
Some espset te av whaaj thlr Income I largari at,
save when their pnses ar las. 1 ",n,ri pit te
psopl wTh wit .Mil they San sav without effort rar.i i
asvo; they wake up aoma day II Had with rgr.t bsesus a.1LU"l
lunula thsy have missed. " pm
The moral 1st rettilar saving at thl bank Now. .
" th tnoome. make th outgo a II til Isa and ssv th dTfi.Lww,"if
It a almpl matter H atari a eaving aoeeunt hsro. "
The Bank of Oregon City
o c LATounnri prwaidoa r. j. Mira.
. ' - '
TrneetaOeralaMni walnoeo, Opoa fro, I K f $
Satisfaction guaranteed. LtavO rdr at
-l E. Schoenhelni
R. W. & R. SWud
W do gnorl repairing, eaboh machinery mad to d m
' work aa new. Capert with gssollne anglnoa,
Phontst Main fH Horn 1S. '
so that those who are so fortunate as
to be present are promised great
things for their entertainment and Instruction.
arise, sad assure all those who come
to K with their troubles that such haa
been eetabUahed, and then go ahead j Hawley Paper Co Fences in a Portion
.... I of Fourth Street,
oa that basia. i Complaint was made against the
n fy- n
No. ftef We"
Man . . Must
Can All
Stand ( y Work
Alonel J- Together.
0.y B LOUIS D. BRANDEIS. Boston Lawyer.
, 7" HE doctrine of "eyery man for himself ami, the devU U.e
H Oilitahind)raoir ha become OBSOLETE in the businesa
; . w s well aa the social world.
sfst iuruiLn"invlNci nuts . tub ..,...
v,, ' - . - ,,,. vnvnirivtl
VJCB VJnilirrr Uinu, Dmutiuvwu sun leuowsnip UJ il tbe lmpor
taut mmtUntinihUyi i rSv. , .
5 In onr present iocietj men CANNOT 8TAND ALONE and
Yhsi' iW ovrl rivftnpiV aVttrm. 'anil whilaf tfier" ar rAamonaiMai 4nr hal
iiJD troth
m a no iime in socieij a it exuu uxiaj can
ilitj of being onr BROTITEII'S . KEENER.
The Kind That
Our New Steel Die Embossing
Oregon City
:I : '
' it- ' .
if c.
-a '!(!
In die front rank of the
and maoadaralslug a certain road in
the vicinity of Brown' School House,
In Road District No. 1 ana U rwooa-
mendatlon of Frank Jaggar. Ordered
that tbe County donate th amount
subscribed by the petitioners.
In the matter of th purcbaM of a
ten ton steel roller and rock crusher
for Clackamaa County, th bids for
tha same having been received from
Dealt A Co. Buffalo-Pitt Co. and
Hrarb ITo., and It appearing lo th
Court that th bid from Buffalo Pitt
Co, waa th most satisfactory bid re
ceived.' Ordered that said Company
be awarded tbe contract and that both
crusher and roller be set np and put
In operation at Oak Drov, and work,
hr a satisfactory manner r tbe County
Court agree to pay said Company
for aald roller and crusher the aura
of $1900.00
In the matter of the application of
J. la Davis nd C, E. Edward Jor a
license) authorlilng tbsm to' sell liquor
In Cascade precinct, and It appearing
to the Court that all matters pertain
ing to aald application are regular,
the necesAary bond bating been ap
proved and filed, and tbe receipt from
the county Treasurer for $400.00 hav
ing been filed. Ordered that tbe Coun
ty Clerk Issue a license to aald par
rbte to sell liquor In Csacad Precinct
for a period of on year, .
In the matter of tba Improvement
of tbe Jacob son Road No. $41, and It
appearing to the Court that aald road
can be put In condition for travel for
about $1(00.00, and that tbe residents
In tbe vicinity for aald road are .wil
ling to donate $500.00 of aald amount.
upon recommendation of Frank Jag
gar, it la ordered that tbe Road Super
visor of Road District No. 1 open aald
omi for travel, - :
latest timers
Oregon City Market. -
Tbe general tendency of the mar
ket I upwards, nd this la especially
so In tbe produce line. In seasonable
goods, such aa bay, with a new crop
coming on and tbe use almost finished
for tbe present winter sea. son, the de
mand la downward. But tbe market
a a whole la a trifle more stiff but
with bat fw. commodities showing
actual advancea. .
APPLES Good appve are ' la de
mand yet and the price I toward
better prices for good stock; there la
enough good stock, bo waver, so that
there la little or no denaad tor sav' '
atock any prlce Prtoat rul,
about 7c to $1 th bog. ium
choice commanding ta Hj. M J'
Stock In bands of grower miQ
baa been sold; It Is the tkssj'sMi
left" and they eommaad stoat .
tM. ,,pl,, " ,nh "
POTATO EH That a b Btc,
tronger feeling lu the atrtst. vtn
more Inquiry; especially for seat ;
!. Fancy stock of Barbuki tr,
bringing $1 25. seed poutot ILTVsi"
In eonslderablo local stork bsl k k
moving aoma ao that lbs nst 401 m '
gala much beadaay. . , V
VKOETAHLKS-Utila cksaai i aa
last report; onions are a tttu !
In price but other vasaUatas raa
about tbe aam. ttnkiss twwa ,
and carrots Tie to i tack, pmin R
to tl.IS Back, eahuag t poaai
FIjOUR ANI) FKKD-rtotr It at ;
lower and demand weak. Uttsi
down to $S with bast brlntfm
fj 50; soma ae'llng aa low at KM. '
Feed prices are statkutary wltk ba
aelllng :i to $31 toa. taorU 13
ItS, shelled cots ltt ksasM
cracked $L7ft. rolled barley la.
HAT Lot of hay la eawtry-sai 1
being : offered freely aov; aarag -weak.
Wltb winter past fawar via
to sell and tbe market bat erotas is
consequence. All rwia tr saas
from $1 to $1.80 clovat ft ta II, sat
$11 to It, Umotby $11 ta 111. altalt
111 to $10. '
OATS Dealers buyltn for tblsswt
to meet th demand In totalis, rw-.
Inggry $25. white $!5.M U Hi At
that Ibe market la weak o4 taatk
factory. .
WHEAT Paying 15. , t
EQ09 Are very pleatlfal ial o
price range about lie.
BUTTER Very wee and eontrr ;
only eominandlng from lOe to Kt -,
creamery blwaya stiff and tomm
Ing 30c to t5 now. Th Ponla4
market I only psf" t0 1!Ll
ISc Choice dairy win ortsg -tOo
to 1U i-
POULTRY-Prlce a ar -' ,
higher and the demand pa. m ,
bring lets, rooater Ho, yoanj torn
and mlted chicken 13c to lie.
Ing doing In larger fowl. .
MEATS Veal, dressed. U Vrtjflat
10c to lie, hog c ad 18c, itt
big demand for mutton 'M'"!"?
fluctuate according lo what U oiw
HIDES Green So pound. tV
dry bide It to 14c, fhp pelt at
to Toe eack. . -'.J
WOOIWTBaT 16 to IM "
mohair tSe to SOc, , J
DRtETJ rTJTTir-Evapitij ,
0 and 7c, on dried c. prunt w 1 a .
8ALT-iIHng 60c to , $ 1
SO lb. ack. half rond 40o 7k V ,
100 lb. eacka. ,'
w.r - aar a a a. . ' . a m i. '
it wouldn't Fay : to ' Advertise
; ; A Poor Article
' .' - - - -' ,
n 1 "',.,.', .ii''
i Nor a preposition 'of deabtful merit er Mnwrtyfor ad-radrA.
nowaday, ar DISCRIMINATINO. Thy know valu-hy
GENUINE thing, genuine opportunities
J- - 1 ' ' ';', , . ; ' - .
r .Any artlel whloh cn b aold by advrtllng I. by thst tssv, a
0000 article. YOU are safe In buying a thin, wbloh hst
th fire ef publlolty." . . .
f ; The maker f a widely advrlled artlola, or eommodlty, U
va on trial for hi buslnsa nfa; H eannet ahlrk, nor ehp" W fL
Broduetanat thla I k. L.J .1 'n., . tk, aonsUrnif. ,.
' a was peaaiDio prwiwowen iv w
trt , " " " ra in ouying advrtisd thing it ne
i nowaday buslnts' conditions. ' . -. '
at t , - I . r . . .
Uum !"' I
-7--tn ,r -. t i i ... i
AIWTHING-: . - 6
Try ths'-CIitfia aiomoi of the
3000 iWtra Dslly
j, ;,-- - . ...
:r. r ,iir,'v.