MORNING ENTEUPKISE; VKDN ESDAVrMAIiCH 22, 19 1 1, The Emperor of tin; Air Story so Avior WW Wm To By ALLEN C LANOND It was my pan for mouths to use a perty telephone wire with all lu an do j hk-. I bae waited tor half aa boar at a Mm while two women dis cussed a domestic nib!rm or bit of araodal before bring sble to call op some on with whom I netxled to com municate Immediately. II j telephone Is to tbe upper ball, near my N-droom. One uitat I was awakened by a sharp riug. Jumping out of bed. I went to tb telepbooe mad took up tho receiver. -Welir I said. ' No reply. "Hello, central r No reply. "Hello! Hello! Did you call me upr Then there was a lot of clicking, at the end of which a woman's voice sal J: "For heaven's sake. John, com at ace! Bring help." My turn is nor John, and 1 knew the message was not for me, bat some om was la trouble, a! "I realized the Im portance of getting the address at "Where shall I comer 1 asked. "Why, Tm EtheL I'm at home." "Where la your homer "Ob, dear 85 Mertoo avenuer There was a click, but aa the coa secUotfVas not broken 1 Inferred that the receJrer had been dropped rather than skat off. The I beard a dialogue between a man and the Vetnan who had been talking to me. The man poke first: Tn the emperor of the air. la my aeroplane I ride abore the clouds. I am always at war with the worms crawling ea the face of the earth. When I like I swoop down and slay was en of the so fleet, moat me hnlkxm 1 ever heard." While r was listening to R. while dressing and aa I Milled forth I rota Id heft the poor girl for the voice seemed to tndlcste that ahe waa a girl-pleading with the ansa to go to bed aad get the needed rest to his journey to the planet Mara, tt was evident to me that abe waa shut P with a lunatic, and I dreaded lest She be murdered before I ceuld reach I bailed aa empty Tuck, told the driver to take roe to 85 alert ou are- sue and be enkk about It. lie asked Sae where It waa. and I told him It waa at Morton s reuse, lie most Bod tt, and dud It t oar - f would pay double fare. With this I got Into the hack. hanged the duv. and the reeva- man drove on. Where to go be didn't seem to know any suere than I did. After ruing back and forth, a few time aul riming several corners he hailed a ( I'eman, who aent him Ta a different -tioo from any he had yet MI..m u. My first thought waa to take ttiej-oih-rtoan with me. hot some how I uk!n't bring myself to share with say on the pleasure Of relieving a woman lu dtstrees-tbat la. If It would not l too lale for any one to re lieve her The driver finally stopped in the mid dle of the street. I opened -the door and asked; "Well, ha to yon found Merton ave nue?" w "This la Merton avenue, air." waa the reply, "but I can And the number." Ue droTe back, and forth, white It seemed to me that I should go wild with Impatience. Then, suddenly catch ing sight of s Dumber la a lighted transom 751 Jumped from the hack tad hurried along the street tin I found No. S3. The bouse stood by Itself, no other being within a hundred yards. I ran up the steeps and tried tbe door. It was locked. Desiring to enter without ringing. I went around to the rear and fort una telT found a window unlocked. Entering. I ran mto the lower hall sad stole softly up stairs. I beard voices. Tbe only weapon I had brought with me was s small rope. Armed, with this. I suddenly appeared at tbe duor of the room within which I heard the voice and exclaimed: A message for the emperor of the air!" ' ' Voman'sWorld Mrs. Heresy W. Wils. Bride ef tK rVee Feed Crwseeee. I I i A QPHER TELEGRAM . B F. A. MnafEL v ai r0000 , : T il - : - - ... " - II ... . a. -J r-i ill MADK OVtN FLAYKRt CUVtLAND'h OUTFICLD. 'oVA. "ass too tss Mruo'ior tws ajb V them with Ore and sword or from my eyrie la the sky drop' bombs upon them." I did not bear this plainly and dis tinctly as I bars written It I simply gathered enough to Sil It ool Then tbe woman said: "Go to bed. You have to fly up to Mara tomorrow. Don't you remem berthe Martians have sent for your" "Tea are right. I have nearly 30. 000.000 miles to make. When 1 morn 1 aball publish an account of my trip. I shall tell tbe world all about tbe Martian caunU. I shall solve the great planetary problem .f the age." "So you will. Now go to bed and get a good ret preparatory to yoor Journey." '"Etbel. you're trying to fool me. If you say anything more I'll kill you Do you suppose that 1. tbe emperoi of the air, need rest! I'm not mortal. I'm tbe embodiment of one who flew np over tbe Andes and never came down. He waa received up Into heav en and there given the secret that made blm emperor of the air. I am he. No human being shall trammel me In my flights. Kay another word and this shall be sbeatbd in your breaat." From tbe sounda I tben beard tbe man seemed to be driving tbe woman ut of tbe room. There was a mingling of voices aa they receded until tbey were lost ' A door that before had been closed had probably been left open as tbe two persons went out for I beard a clock ticking, and presently It struck 11. Tben I nesrd voices again other voices evidently In s different locality. "la that you, Tilly r "Tea. Tou're Msud?" " "Tea. I'm Maud. I've Just got a let ter from 8am. He says we must be aisrrted on tbe 13tb and ssll tbe same evjnlng. Isn't It terrlbler "Whafa terrlbler "Why. to be married and go on wedding trip on the unlucky 13tb." It was evident that the scans hsd4 changed and I was likely to get no further tnformstlon of the woman In distress. I dropped the receiver, ran , Into my room, dressed, and. having written down the address I bad re ceived that I might not forget It, sal lied forth to afford tenet to tbe trou bled one.' 1 kqew of no such street as Mertoa avenn. but reasoned that ft was sot far from me. since Its phone waa on tbe asm part wire. ' There Is oo- thing about tb mat ter that I haeas not menOoaed. The la tbe roosn, pacing back and forth and brandlahlag a knife, waa a yoang nan about twenty years oM A girl ef eighteen was following him about talking with him la a vote of great distress. Both turned at once os hear tag my voice. "Are you the emperor of " the air T I asked of the man. j . "1 IB." "I have been sent by the king of space, the realms of Infinite ether, to guide you to a new machine, a ma chine that will bear you not only to Mars, a aeighboriag planet, but to Neptune, tbe most distant, and thence to the fixed stars." Mfreferenc to his proposed trio to Mars swskened confidence at once. rWhere Is this machine r be ssked. . "1 us deptited by tbe king of space to conduct you to It Come. I have a carriage below. You must depart before the break of dawn." Tbe knife dropped from his hand. Instead of using It on the girl be kiss ed her and followed me down to the carriage Having whispered to the coachman to drive us to a police sta tion. I got la beside the emperor. On arrival at tbe station I be. kooed to a policeman, who came to tbe carriage. "This Is rfae emperor of the sir." 1 said, pressing tbe policeman's arm by way or warning. "Remain here while I go Inside. I'll be out directly." I told tbe sergeant at tbe desk my itory. We hunted up the address of sn Insane asylum, and In half an hour. without even using the rope weaoou I had provided, we had him under con From tbe asylum I drove back to the bouse from wblcb I bad removed tbe patient Though it waa late. I knew tbe young lady would be wait ing for a report of what bsd happen' ed. On arrival I ranr the hell and was admitted by her. 8be questioned me eagerly with her eyes. I told her that tbe young man was where be would be aafe from blnwelf and could not Injure others. Tben I asked ber to explain matters. II la my brother," she said. "Un fortunately be baa sufficient means to Indulge in aviation. His ambition bss been to ssll higher In tbe air than any one else. Last Saturday be broke the record, but In touching irround be struck a telegraph pole. wOlcb broke bis machine and Injured him severely ltnin tne past few days be bss acted so strsngely that the servants became sfrald of blm. snd all left us in a body yesterday. Tonight or. rather, last night he became violent. I at tempted to call up my brother-in-law. John Gooding, but somehow got you oy mistake st least you board me." After locking tb bouse I escorted Miss Etbel Ilougbton to tbe home of her brother-in-law. swskened the fam ily, snd she remained there for the night Tb next day 1 railed upon ber to assure myself tbst she bsd not suf fered from ber distressing experience. but found tbst th reaction had kept her in bed. The rest of this story Is not to be toia except so far as it concerns tbe young svlstor. He recovered within a brief period, but waa persuaded by his sister to let aviation alone. She bad bad enough of it. and ber brother understood tbst U would be Impossi ble lor nim to indulge In It without greet distress to her, to ssy nothing of ths probability of Its undermining her health. As to that part of ths story which I hsv said is not to bo told. 1 will simply ssy that I owe tb great hap piness and success of my, life to tbst rnicn i tonnsiiy decried a party tel ephone, wire. 4 '., ' : Ml. ST Ajnerloaa toss AaaoctaUo. Mas. aavsT w. At tb age of aUtyoevea Dr. Her esy W. Wiley, chief chemist lu-,Ibe depart meet f agriculture and chief crusader in tb United State for par rooa and drugs, at last has taken unt himself a wife. Jla marriage to SJlaa Anna Campbell Kelton of Washington wss aa event of national Important-. 8m of the Jokesmlths are expreaslns; tn hop tbst the new Mrs. Wiley. Is a good rook, for Dr. 'Wiley certainly de serves a wife who. if she does not ac tually do the family cooking, m capa ble of supervising the work scssoUn colly. . -- --r ; Mrs. Wiley Is tho youngest daughter of lb late Brigadier General John C Koltou. who wss goverhofof tho Sol diers borne st Washington at the time of his death. She la president of the Woman's Suffrage league of tho' Dis trict of Columbia. For several years sbo bss held sn Importsnt position la tb library of congress. It Is gratifying to hot tbst "a break fast followed the wedding ceremony." after which Dr. and Mrs. WUey start ed oa" a bridal tour to last several weeks. Mrs, Wiley's sg U less than half that of ber husband. DrrWOey m- tbe man who led the crusade against food snd drug adulteration which resulted la tbe enactment by congress of ths measure known ss ths pure food law. This law requires the labeling of all food psckages so that tho buyer may know I bo exact nature of the routeatSL fteceotlr Dr. Wliev m a speech declared that this m aa overdrngged nstloo and also that al cohol Is bsrmfuL and tb peoblbltloa of tb liquor frame would be a bless ing to tbe world. Hornby wss out tnty-two whea he wss mode secretary of the Amen can legatloa at Berlin Hornby was very Vpulef la. socie ty.' though, sot bavins s fortune, bo was rather sought byntarrted coveting attention than young girls angling for a husband Among these wives who tatereated themselves la the young diplomat Una thalow. the wife of a I'artataa finan cier. At thai time the world was stirred by tho Morocco affair, sad U waa feared there wouU be a war be- tweea Franc aad Uermaay. M. Ber tha low was la Brrils endeavoring to secure tho first news In esse tho em , peror decided to go (o wsr for specs letlr purposes. On even Ins at a court ball Mm. Berths low, seeing Hornby pssa ber, called him to ber on some pretext snd later, while banglns-on-hia srm,- sold to blm: "Mr. Hornby. d you thlok there will bo trsrr "1 doat think about such things, "I sm our If war is declared you will know It before It Is made pab fdc- "Wby do you thick thatr ) "Bees nee I have been told that be- ' for going to war. tbe emperor must know bow. tho other powers will set, and yoor govern men t Is now one of too powers. The Americas militate will bo able to Judge If there la to lie war and will laform hi government What bo knows you know." . Hornby smiled wltbeut making any reply. - Tho lady anoke ef other mat ters and finally aald: "I preen aa all Importsnt dlspatrbes are la cipher." "They are." ."What la tho word for wsr In your Cipher coder "Oh. It wouldn't do for me to tell you that" "Tlesae toll me tbst one word.- fll not divulge it" "Wall, oa your promise. I'll tell you. It m woman,'" " TJood gracious! Why was that word chosen r j . "I doat know. I didn't msks the code." Ate Yoa a Subscribe to the Wev7;Daiiy? If Tho Morning Enterprise Is to be a successful as the Interests of Oregon .City dsmand It must needs havo the support of alL Tho now dally has a big work before It lu boosting Oregon City and dacksrnan County. Tour support means mors strength for ths work, . - 7ill ; YotJ Help Boost Yput own Interests? For S limited time tho Morhbif Kntorpiiss will bo told to paid' ta advance subscribers as follows: - ' r ' - . isy uamer, i yssr. .,....., 7 sssui, x yew tend In your nam and remittance. MOO loft Extravagance The and New. It Is very much tbe fashion to berate modern womsn about ber extrsvs-gsnco. When you can't scold a woman about anything else, wbea yoa bare wasted ail your smmunldou stalest freak fashions and other pet feminine fol lies, tben It Is considered timely to scold women for tbe reckless way In which tbey spend money nowadars. And you slwsys add "nowadays," Just so If tbe .grandmothers were always frugal The nowadays Is rstber unfslr. It Is ssfe to ssaert that there have al. ways been feminine spendthrifts ss well ss those who were careful snd consrlentlocs In tbe expenditure of money. The wardrobe excesses of Josephine form appalling reading, with their hundreds of sets of tblng. nd evt dence more .then snytblng else the vul garity of the parvenu. Maria Theresa, the second wife of Nspvleon. on the other bsnd, conduct ed her expenditures on mode rats lines, although springing from one of tho most sndent courts of Europe. Extravagance Is not necessarily aa appanage of rank. It Is, as a rule, tho outward and visible sign of tb man who has msds riches quickly and who desires tbst his women folk should blason It forth to the world by run ning through tbe whole gamut of mod em pleasures In the most costly pos sible wsy. Rose Hsts Far Spring. 1 Some of the new spring bats are al ready on exhibition In the exclusive shops, and among them Is the flower hat Roses or all kinds and sixes seem to bo tho most popular flower used. Some of these roses sre made of groe grala ribbon with a plcot edge set off by leaves and stems of ribbon of ths same shade as tb flower. Largo and small roses sre often used on tbe same hat. Tb soft psstel tons of blue. Dink and green bid fair to be favorites. Oa someof the largo hats tb wreath of roses Is veiled by msllnes. snd oa some of tho models Valenciennes lacs la used to set off ths beauty of the rosso. Among the small flowers used are tho rorgetmendta. lilies of ths valley and heliotrope. On of tbe bsndsomsst of "Print models baa a long wreath of forgetmeaots which are mad of old gold velvet .Rosebuds of pink snd blue chiffon are also used on some of tbe advanced toodeia. Road ths Morning enterprise. OWEN G.THOMAS SLACKSMITHINQ AND REPAIR " WORK. ". , ,v feast of work snd satisfaction ousr sntesd. Have your horses shod by an expert; It pays. . ., - . AH kinds of rspslr work and smith v work. Prompt service: a res tee Me non or your wont csn be Sons while you do your trading. Ores me a trial job and ss If cant pleas you. OWEN G.THOMAS "Aad what to tbe word for pescer Ilia." "Upon. my word! 1 should have sup posed those two words would bars been tovorsed." Terhaps that's-ths reason of their use as they are. Tbey are not so ssslly deciphered" Mm. Bertha low looked np Into the young man'a face. It waa as gulls less ss a May morning. She continued her Investigations. "Our family have an old claim against tho United States, dating bock a hundred years or more, for a vessel owned by my greet grandfather, de stroyed by sn Amertrsn privateer I should like you to advise mo eoorera tag It" "I shall be bappy to do so. I sm at my office from 11 tod every dsy, where It will bo proper for yon to call." This waa sot satisfactory to Mm. Berthalow. She would have pre ferred to bare the young man call upon ber where she could tslk wit him In secret, but on second thought abe considered that there would he aa advastsc in going to his nfle. .' She might light oo some Information not Intended for ber. The next day at 12 o'clock abs appeared at tbe legation, "A b, ma-lame " Hornby ssld, "w are very busy today, and I fear I sbsll have to keep you waiting. If you will go Into my private office for awhile I sbsll be happy to advise you presently concerning your claim." He osbered bs Into a cosy room in tbe center of which stood s table with writing materials and papers scsttered about Mm. Berthalow. being alone la tbe room, madsvu hurried examine don of tbe papers One of them bore evidence of having Just been written. It was marked to be sent by cable to tbe secretary of state st Wssblngton. Tbs Isdy eagerly seised It sod ran ber eye over It There wss a Jumble of words tbs messing of which waa un intelligible to nor. but she noticed scat tsred throughout tho dispatch tho word -woman." It occurred fire times. Sbo bsd sM the time sbo needed for the ex sminauou tndeed, mors than she wished, for sbo waa anxious, to get away that shs might Impart ths In for ms Uon to ber bos band tbst there was to be wsr. - Presently Hornby came la and In formed ber that bo wss ready to listen to tbe matter ef bar dalm. Shs told him she bad, left home without hav ing locked up tbo Jowels shs bad worn the olgbt beforo and must return st once. Hornby gave ber one of bis en gaging smiles and saw her to ber car riage. Win Hornby returned to bis office bo threw tbo cipher telegram Into tbs wastebaaket and wrote ons to a broker In Paris announcing tbat a prominent financier would probably "sell tbs market." if so It would break, and tbo broker was to buy largely for Horn. bya account v . - Hornby by tho operation made a for tune. Some time after this Mms. Ber thalow said to blm; "Are you sure tbst la your cipher rode 'woman' stsnds for 'warT " "It does not new. Too convinced me that It tone thus wss ungsllsnt snd I arranged for Its being (banged to mean peace ' " "Did you ever atop to think, aald Jliu' MctSulmv ma natter of Cleveland An-rlais. mently. "that I bav a peculiar outnVklT Outhl of t'ntlaltau every one;' of the men who will tie In the out tWIil tills seaion started out lu some other position. Crauoy X Waa a pltCUIT UUUI ml frmi. f when we algneu mm up ir iu j ou Infill Jackwiu was a pitcher, x, i but shifted l the iuinvii ue- w ... I......... . rl nilM VI III" imwn. .-". "was a catcher nl Auui4 whllo IKmuo Is Jimt lakltitf Up J outfield work rvKtiiariy rr tno 'first tlniA Birmingham was n luficldcr In the New York Htate league, playing flmt. mit'tid and third. nr wherever they' nevdod him. And fr all 1 know falls ban may have started out In mime other Mitlin." "But that la nolhlug new," said a friend standing by. "loue f tbe UhMl faiuotis outfielder In the muutry sturtcd out In ottu-r x.ltliii. I'.luivr MUk was a f, Mlko Tlcrnsli, i.eorue JVanilaltreu.llke I"""". l rVymour. Jimmy llyau sua Jemi Iturkett were pitcher, snd 'Willie Kerlee was. a third 1b man For that matter, half of the meu who have acquired more or leas fame as tmll play ers worked In one or more por tions before settling dowu th the one In which I hey lvuie tbe uit at home. tJvs froaa was, considered s mighty good tab It er before he took to playing third. Ilugbey Jennings played nearly everywhere on the team before be sealed down to cover ing short " HlfrfrflvMrHHvfl DRISCOLL COMINQ OVER. .11 - I ! fete D AIL 4 Cnglish Fsetherwelglit Chassis) Duo ts Arrive First Week In April. j Jem nnscotl. 'the ' featherweight j chamnlon of Knctand. la romlns to ! A HimIii. Ik. Mm. k 1. .-tt . - I Is anxlona to retire now that lie has i won toe ixrd umMisie im-ii for keeps. but says that he'd like In win tho1 American title, tw, "snd nrnke biro- j self lb rfsl world's i IwiupiiNt befrs be puts tb old glovea. sbos and lights swsy with the moth hnlK Drtscoll tuts rerelriHt several kimh! of fers from the proniori-rs In ItiU roun- j iij n"Ti rtiH- .irrii nun i nree or 1 1 four other pugilists on this side of tbo - T '," i k ' Put Yourself in the Ad-Recders, Place... When you writ your classified sdor any kind of an adtry to I r stow 'w II Ts to be af successful as the inter-' ests pi Oregon City 'demands it -must needs haveJtRelh of all; The new daily has t big work before it in boosted ; Oregon City and " Clscbsa County. Your support rnoii . - '.'( , more strength for the work. ; Will You Helpls Boost Your Own Interests m rsisroLL, rvAmrswrton I cssMrion. Atlantic Jem Is ronslilered to bo about the shiftiest boxer Ibat ever ap. peereu in tne ring. He met, t tall to j Kew York about two yeara ago and onttMlnted tbe American champion easily. Iist summer ho wss tskeo ill and forced to go bark to England. Within tbe last few months the Eng lish champion has shown his Old Urns rorm. .' ' i NEW SONDER YACHT RULES. I Osrmsns snd Ameriesns ts Bsr Whits Cedar Weed. The German and American yachts m bsvo made an agreement barring white cedar In tbo construction of sun der yschts. Tho Kslserllcber Yacht club of Germany and the Kastern Yacht club of this country are the par ties to tbe agreement, which tn.. OXtend to yachts now under mniln. Hon or those already built. - ; in Kiel Imrbor the Germans foun4 that strong planking was necessary to tand.lhe rough. Waterloo most of Ibelr wHider yachts sre built of red cedar or mahogany: But tho Amort, cans, accustomed to smooth asaa off Martilehesd, sought the lightest of wood and by nil air wlilts redsr w able to bring the Welitht of k.t. yschts closs to 4,030 pounds. " ' new sgreement ssvs th.t ti.. sonder yachts shnll h mmJ.. u . . " " r neavier wood. For a limited; time the Morning r Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: cattkt, l yeat $3.03 By mail, yqa , 2.0" 8ULT8J Punlla Chsesa r.i... Tho minlls In th. n.i.r... . TnesdsiTwl V' e,fntn Tt1 W"' 2Lf? color. gold Vueh--t T7.CI10M fcn4 br all .rhH t WM mt.J oy an tb dud iniii..i Mma to run h sh .1 tit. "i argues well foy", in7....T'i .v" achoois. Ths .1,7. i,. mtm vuiuing on flno and tho parents fcavs every ran, Kits?. 1 0 ,nUrMt 10 " "ch vsl.. th.. ,torr' 'ntosn furalsh K HKarr.U 0rocerjr b" t0 Send in Your Nam and RemiUance o '1 '- 'rf.-.v.,f.;t,...(t.,.;.r..t Cor. Main and Fourth ft Oregon City