Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 22, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Dtff log House Geaning Time We
Will Sell Carpet As Follows:
CfojJtagta Carpet, p y- - 26c
Aagof Wool Carpet, per yard..... 39,,
jkll Woo! Carpet, per yard 43c
jUJ Wool (Jotton Chain Carpet, ptr yard 49c
XflWool Carpet, per yard............ CC
This Price Docs Not Include Sewing or Laying
Furniture o n
local PRicrs
. t.,km of iieaver Creek, waa In
Lgca City on Tueaday.
'. . niiri of Salem, waa In Ore-
U city on business yea tarda y.
Xlnert Woehoks. of Beaver Creek,
la this city on loesasy.
president II M. Crooka. of Albany
Lium la M-haduled to apeak In tba
v school forum today.
j Barer, formerly of Willamette,
H bow of Portland, waa In tble dry
uaictlng bualneaa on Tueaday.
Herbert Robblna. wbo reaidea near
ter Creek, waa among the Oregon
t; kosloeea vlaltort on Tueaday.
V J. Lee. one of tba well known
tifeata of Canby, waa tranaaetlng
atxes In thla city yeaterday.
Mr. and Mra. Herman Moehnke. of
mbal. ware In Oregon City on bual
at Toaaday.
J. I. Wet iter, one of tba prominent
leeata of Mllwaukle, waa In Ors
a City oa bualneaa yeaterday.
Special aeaiiion of Council tonight to
atfder the acceptance of Canter
reel at the banda of tba contractor,
irrj Jones. .
Tkt Ladles' True Blue Loyal Orange
tin wilt meet thla evening at Shan-
i hn on Ninth and John Qulnry
Joe Btndemen. one of tba well
va farmer of 8hubl, waa among
Oregoa City bualneaa vlsliora on
frank Aaaenon left on Sunday av-
H0 for JUwpell. nontana, nanna
mm ummi Ik... K tha death of
k trotter, Marahall Anderson.
Urt, Arthur Deutte. a former real
nt at Oregoa City, waa bar on busi
m looking after property Intereata
i Tteeday.
Joaa R Uft our ette, of Portland,
it la thla city on Tueaday on bla
i; tome from Bugena. wbarw ha bad
letitd the dancing party given by
i bppa Blgma dance.
Tte local fishermen ara obeying tba
leal aeaann law, unpalatable aa It
Bat every time one baa an oppor
Uty be gives voioe to bla opinion
tba .njuatlc of tba stsluta.
TU caaa of 0. W. Boyer va. W. II.
iwrj, ia which plaintiff aonght to
llwt for the keep of a horse la Jus-
Bamaon'a court, was feliled oat
mart and the, matter has been
off tbe calendar In that
will ha a baaket aoeUl at Twl-
an aaiiipftav vanlnev Anril 1.
hick time tbe people of Twilight
Met tn have a moat antovable O0
uoo. There will be a abort playlet
MtnUd, entitled MTbe Matchbox."
Joha Kvana, of Beaver Crack, waa
1 Day
1 5 Bay Baggafar Eveiit
All the previous specials are on sale and
one mote added each day to day
Wednesday all notions ae :put in the
Specials. Prices slashed to raise money.
Take advantage of this money saving event
and btsy now ' :
r .
' t
Men's Black Sox 3 pair for 23C A lot of overalls while ther "
u. ' . ' last from 0cto75C
Mw Chambra shirts while they .- , ' ... . .
)'- lat at........... ' 24C Ladies shirt waists 79C While they last
PkMen'i Odda and Eadf to fhi hoes of first quality to close at Big Re-
$5.00 Patent Button $3.03.
Wiade Easy
d Hardware
la Oregon City on bualneaa Tueaday.
Tb local Journeyman Barbara
Union la making an effort to bring
about tbe closing at 7 o'clock of all
Oregon City abopa.
Tba Friendly Bible claaa of tba
Preebyterlaa church will give aa en
tertainment next Wednesday evening.
In tba parlora of the church. There
will be a literary and musical program
and aa effort la being put forth to
make It aa acceptable aa possible.
Mra. Johns, who baa been visiting
In Portland, baa raturnad to her home.
Mr. Benjamin Dlmlck, of Salem, waa
la Oregon City on bualneaa Tueaday.
Mrs. Young, of Carua, Buffered a
stroke of paralysis one day laat week
and la atlll very U.-
Mra. M E. Looggood. of "Portland,
apant Sunday In this city visiting
frlenda. : . -
Mr. and; Mra. Ernest Maaa went to
Canby on Monday, the former going on
a bualneaa trip.
Mlaa Vada Elliott la visiting with
her cousin, Mlaa Georgia Prtcq, of
Mr. Charlee Parker, the contractor,
haa returned from a bualneaa trip to
' Mra. C. D. Lntourett and Mra. M.
P. Latourette bava returned from
their vlalt to Eugene.
Xlaa Henrietta Kills, who haa been
confined to ber soma for the paat few
weeka, la Improving.
Mra. Carl Green returned home
from Kelso, Wash., on Sunday even
lag, where aha baa been vlatttng with
bar mother.
Mlaa Clara Fields went to Canby
yeaterday morning, where aba will re
main until thla . evening aa the gueat
of tba Mlaaea Armstrong.
Mra. Cbaa. Bpangler, of Eldors, ts
very III a aufferer from pneumonia.
Mlaa Mabel MlUa apant Sunday with
friends In tba country.
Mr. snd Mrs. R. H. Tabor are domi
ciled at their summer home, Sylvan
Park Inn at Cannon Beach, where they
will remain during tba summer. A
large addition la being built on to tba
Mr. I If. Andrewa, of Sellwood, waa
a bualneaa visitor, In .the city Tueaday.
Mr. Andrewa oontemplatea platting a
tract that ha owna oat on the hill,
which be thinks will make a delightful
realdence section.
Mr. C. E. 8 pence, Master of tha
8tate Orange, waa In tba city all day
yeaterday arranging for tha meeting
In thla city on Saturday, March IS. at
which time It Is tbe purpoae of tha
Grangers to have a splendid meeting
D inia city.
Mrs. F. A. Miles, who la just reebv.
erlpg from a aarara lllneae, will leava
aooo for Medford, wber aha will vlalt
with bar aon, Trad Mllaa. Mra. D. P.
Tbompaon and dasgbter, Mra. J. N.
Taal, of Portland, wbo have bean
uaata Of Mra. Henry Meldrum, bar
raturnad to their boma.
Madero and Orotc to Attack If Peace
Plant Fall;
EL. PABO, Tax.. March 21. That
Pranclaco I. Madero, with 1000 Inaur.
ractoa operating aouth of Caaaa
Grandea, Mexico, and Oeneral Orozco,
with 100 man, ara arranging their
rorcaa with tba Intention of making a
declalre attack In caaa peace negotla
tlona fall, waa announced la Inaurrec
to clrclea today.
"Tba fact that Mlnlater Llmantour
la In Mesjco City with peace propoaala
baa not Induced ua to call a bait In
our actlona," aald Benor Oonzalee Oar
ia, Inatirrecto Hecretary of State, and
who receive all confldantlal meaaagea
from Madero while In the field.
"Madero Is now aligning bla men
with a view of waging tba bltteraat
kind of warfare If nothing cornea of
the promlfcia left by Llmantour before
he departed from New York. Diai at
Mexico City will have to act quickly
or Madero will not consider there a
any proapect of peace."
Several couiiera bearing word to
Madero of Llmantour's arrival at Mex
ico City, and a full report of the pro
cvedtnga In New York between the in
surgent representative and Llmantour
are know to have croaaed tba Rio
Urande before daylight today, on their
ay to the revolutionary, leader.
ateti Food and The Diehee.
Some party or partlea unknown
broke Into the hall at Marquam tha
other nlgbt, after tbe ladlea bad
served a good aupper and bad a bunch
of good lea left over, and helped them
selves to good things to eat and when
their appetite waa aatlafled ended in
carrying away some of tbe dishes and
cooking ntenella. No clue to the per
pre tra tore of tba deed.
Wants Hla Hat Back Cant Waar
tha One He Oet.
At the meeting of tba Knlgbta and
Ladlea of Security, held at the Wood
men ball on Monday evening, noma of
tba men'a bats became mixed up, and
one boy waa left a bat large enough
for his grandfather. Tbla la at Green'a
barber abop, and tba owner ia anxlona
to find bla own. aa be doea not care
to wait until be baa tha "awell head
bad enough ao ha can waar tba bat
left In tbe place of bla own.
Will Celebrate Anniversary.
Tbe Daughters of Pocahontaa ara
arranging to celebrate the anniversary
of the organisation of the order in thla
city, tha affair to be given on May S.
Tbe aulta to be worn at the meetlnga,
which are very attractive, are being
made In the East, and will arrive here
next month. .
thor of the Declaration of Inde-
of the Vir
ginia Statute
For Religious
Freedom and
Father of the
University of
Virginia." At
bla awn re
quest these
worda were
carved npon bla tombetone, Jef
ferson apparently regarding these
achievements aa more Impor
tant tbsa tba fact that be served
two terms aa president of the
United Statea. Be waa born at
Shad well. Va April IS, 1743. and
died at MootlceUo, Va, July, 4.
1824. Secretary of etate 17W-S.
Vies president 1787-OL Presi
dent 1901-0; elected aa candidate
of Democratlc-RepubUcaa party,
which be founded. It waa
X through Jefferson that the vast
domain of tba Louisiana terrt-
f tory waa added to tha United
X Statea aad also that of tba Ore
gon country.
i3e Of
:-.-r. v
Farmer Hilars' Champlen Will Begin
Practise Far Prepesed Big Match. -
George Sutton, tbe former 1A.2 bulk
line billiard ctiampUm, la ao inucb Im
proved In health that be contemplates
resuming practice wlibln the neit
brw weka with a view to challenging
Willie llnpi for the title nest fall
aionoa strrroM. fosmbm hi billuso
Illneaii fon-ed Mutton to retire from
cbampioiisltlp competition last season.
He aald recently that be ia in better
shape and more carwble of playing
now than be baa been In many years.
Button baa a better atruke and more
stamina and la murh more confident of
himself than for two or three years.
4 4tw4"4-a
-w am
Oiva Baser a Btene and Ha Will
Learn Hew te Uee Left Hand,
aye Jack Jehnsen.
"Jack, bow la It that the pres
ent day boxers cannot bit with
tbelr left bandar a man asked
Jack Johnson recently, adding:
"Present day boxers are a very
poor lot with tbe loft band. How t
...... . k. ft. n. .. . L w
"WelL 1 bava an original meth-
T ixl," returned Joliunon, "ami I'll
explain It to you. to teach a man
to use bis left, that's what you
wlnh to know about? Easy one,
that eay one. '
"Juxt give a boxer a diamond
rlug: that's all. He'll keep bis
left band out In front of him ao
much thut It will become natural
for bim to uite it
"Tbat'a bow 1 learned to box
with my left. (Jet a diamond
ling. I .et tbe youiig Utxer get
siK h a ring and put It on bis left
band. ' He'll have that band out
In front of bim like a signboard
all the time. He'll keep admir
ing It. You know, be'll keep bla
left out, turuliig the rlug around
Ilka a young; lady Placing with a
rose. ' ' 'I
"He'll even get up In the
ukldle of the ulcbt to put bla
left band out In front of bim ao
that be ran look at tbe glaaa
ware. And. uuturally, be be
comes left banded. Nothing
easier. Of ruurxe sometime It'a
hard to dig up the rock, but once
tbe boxer rets tbe rock tbe rest
la son."
Mr. Nlcholaa lost his horses.
Mr. Nicholas and family spsat Sun
day with her parental Mr. and Mrs,
Uarklna. . r
W. O. Klienemlth finished sawing
wood for Mr. Mueller.
Vernon Larklna sawed wood for
Nlcholaa laat week.
Mr.'Haag planted hla potatoes laat
Mr. Grace la planting potato a.
Mr. Wettlaufar baa a hired man at
present .
Mr. Marquardt sowed oats laat week.
Joe Parish, from Highland, moved
laat Bunday.
Curtla Martin, from ' Oregon City,
vialted Mr. Maxeon on Sunday.
Mr. Marquardt was in town on Men-
day, i - .
An early morning flra awakened
tha people of Mllwaukla. At 1:30
m. tha roof of Snyder's bakery waa
ablate -a one story frame building
with concrete front, occupied by J.
Snyder aa a bakery and delicatessen ;
Fred Lehman, butcher, and Jim
Mathewa. barber shop. The front of
tha building Is standing; all tha reat
waa a total loss. Mr. 'Mathewa loea
will be about $200. covered by Inaur
an re. Fred Lehman saved some of
his stock, tbs amount of his toas not
being eatimated yet. Mr, Snyder bad
a total lose: tha firms carried Inaur
ance. J. Snyder owned tha building
and bla loae is near 1 1750. with $1800
Insurance. , ' -
rr irila Manle la Improving.
Judge Kelso wan called to Portland
on hnalneae Tueaday.
Mra. Delia - Bwlnner dld Monday
renins after a long lllneaa at tna bc
vinnent noeDltal. Funeral notice later,
Dewey Brlatow baa accepted me
agency for the Morning Enterprlae,
Everyone known the good service
Dewey gives on tbs paoer routs- and
will ba glad to giva mm a ooosi.
Mlas Esther 8tout. from Portland,
Is hom; for a few days. ,
V. . E. Larklna is sawing wood in
Highland these days.
Several of the young people attend
ed the entertainment and basket so
cial at tba Alberta school house Sat
urday nlgbt It was a complete sue
ceaa both financially and socially, the
baskets netting over $1. Tba pro
ceeds will ba used to purcbaaa a li
There waa a ball gam on tha Shu
ble grounda Sunday; tha yannlgana
va tha regulars. The score was 8 to
8 In favor of tha regulars. Tba Shubel
e-aretatton will ba a etrong contend
er this seaaon, they being fortunate
enough to get Will Bolbow, the no-
torioua anlt ban art tat. to ao tneir
heaving for them and alao Geo. Ssgar,
another fast guy, to go tneir oacs
stopping atunt
There was preaching In tba English
M. B. church Sunday, tha Am , time
X p -' ., 1
w- x. v.
for over a year.
Klelaamlth Bros, bare ranted part
of tba Marquardt place.
Otto Moehnke and wife passed
through town in there fcerosena wag
on Sunday , , .
Robert Glntber, our school teacher.
Is contemplating giving an entertain
ment some time tbe first of April.
Wa understand that Geo. Hanson,
tbs flvs foot snd eighteen inch Swede,
Is contemplating a sojourn through
tbs northern regions of British Col urn
bis. Wo ara sorry to hear of his d
Andrew Bentley, of Oak Grove, was
out last week to vlalt his psrents, Mr.
snd Mrs. O.-W. Bentley.
Mlas Belle Gray Is out boma at her
mother's, Mrs.'R. A. Grsy, for awhile.
Tha young people met at the tele
phone office tbe other night snd hsd
s taffy null, with Mlaa Nory and Albert
Barth. An enjoyable time waa report
We may read about Hikes Rodiigu-
es being a hiker but we have a differ
ent kind of a hiker. Tba other night
after the Ladles' Aid hsd tbelr sup
per In tbe ball some hiker or hikers
broks Into the ball snd helped them
selves to tba establea and carried off
aa well, some of ths cooking ntenella.
No cine yet to tbs perpretrators.
Mr. Shoemaker and V. M. Hentiey
started for Texas this week.
We hsve no report from Rev. Msyes
since he went to Portland with hla
wife on account of her health, at this
Scott's Mills boys came oft victori
ous over tha Glad Tidings boys isst
Mra. Frank Power entertained Mlaa
Martha Keomer, formerly of Oregon
City, but 'now of St Johna and Mlaa
Macklntoah of Portland this week.
W. M. Gardner wbo la 111 la very
much better.
Mra. White, wbo was hurt. Is get
ting along nicely. ,
Mrs. George Tale and mother, Mrs.
8. B. Miller were callers st Meldrum
Mrs. Morris entertained tha pas
time Club and tha ladles spent a
very pleassnt afternoon.
Mr. Barne la having a large supply
of violets snd sweet peaa. -
George Bets has aold his green
house to bla aon. Joe.
Mr. Clarence Fielda new house Is
progressing very fast
Alex Gilla- brick yara ia aimoei
ready to use.
Mrs. Gus Wsmblad Is having ber
acre fenced.
Mrs. Earl Seeley and children went
to Portland Saturday.
Mr. Bures, who baa been very ill.
la Improving. '
Mr. Verne Helgbmen went to Eu
gene for a few weeks Tuesday.
Mra. O. Averson was a pleasant
caller at Meldrum laat week.
Mr. and Mra. Alex GUI were pleas
snt evening callera at Mr. and Mra.
W. M. Cardner'a Tueaday evening.
swaswaassswa. 4.
Tbla haa been one of the Marcba
tha Ploneera uae to tell about
"dusty roads In March" One of our
farmers says tbla good weather la
to counterbalance "high taxee."
Peter Faurle's family ara down witn
typhoid fever, caused by bad water
on tbe Bandera farm. -
Dr. Todd baa bought a Ford run
about It'a a dandy on wbeeia, ana
the Dr.. can reach hla patients now
before ther cet wall or worse.
Robblns Bros, brought out their
new E. M. F. Sunday, which moving
about like an automobile.
C. W. Herman bought an auto laat
week, now the blacka can reat Sun-
H. N. Everhart will build a new
dwelling thla aummer lu Robblna
Mrat Addition to Molalla.
C. 8. Herman, tbe clover king of
wnialia. has built a new aiaewaia
from tbe hotel to the "Allama Station."
T. A. McFaddln has Just completed
an out-door brooder for D. C. Boylea,
who I haa launched into the poultry
Road District No. 2 will hsve a
mil and a quarter new road to make
along tha Northeaat aloe of the Sir
egle D. L C
Change of weather tbla week owing
to tha spring equlnoctlonal storm be
ing due.
Randv is still on the boom. Tbe
nrr the Mt Hood Electric road
advances to Sandy tha bigger tha
tnwn and aurroundlnaj county grows,
and the old moss back is look with
smsaement on tha great amount of
building going on all around them,
nniinr them to scratch tbe moss off
their becks ao that today the sun of
pro tress ahlnes where it never snone
P. T. Shelly hss a large force of
carpentera at work building tbe latest
ftmslnese building in town, wnicn
when completed will be occupiea oy
a barber abop.
Mr. Shelly baa a handsome bunga
low -hiilldlnc. which is not complete.
J. R. Msronay haa a force of car
pentera at work building a realdence
on Melnlg. He wiiu. propaoiy ereci
two more houeea this summer.
Mrs. Dora Dahrena, Sandy'a fashion
M dreaamaker. will erect a band
some residence coating aeveral thous
and dollarn.
Sandy grange will build a big new
ball thla aummer.
p. hl MelnJr has atarted work on
the foundation for hie big new store
and will move the old building and
remodel for a first claaa ball.
Thn new hank building is completed
snd ready for bualneaa, a handsome
building and a great Improvement to
the town. 1
Real estate is moving st a Hveir
rate. Many home eeeaere owm
find Sandy and aa a rule make their
home with ua. From the way the
town bullda up. Sandy will base 800
people before 1912.. Hurah 'or Bandy.
A new addition on tha 8andy bluff
haa been added to 8andy In town
lota and acreage on the old Phalen
which la now open. Thla some
dsy will bo the swell realdence eeo-
tin- Hinar. it nil a, biu
V II v. w ' ' . . - - nverlooKins tne eanay riTt
and valley and tha Cascade Moun
tains Also east of Sandy la Cedar
Creek park, a new addition ana an
admlreable place for aummer bomea.
The roaring of the bleating and the
enortlng of the big ateam ahovela and
..nin nt tha nlle driver keepa up
day and night on tha Mt Hood road
and a atream or laoorera anion wvi -Ins
and going also day and night and
with tha many saw mllla running full
blast makea things exceedingly lively
about Sandy.
Mi Mt Hood Eiectrio Kaiiway vo,
haa hesun work on a tunnel unaer
fhackbone Mountain. Ita a mils long.
and will convey tha water or me oia
Sandy River . into tha little wanay
River and thence in a monater flume
to Bullrun Lake or dam. - .
St Patrick day waa gaiiy amrproni-
The Tale of
Two Cities
(By Charles Dickens)
Three Big Reels
One Long Story
Corns In ths afternoon. Don't
wart till nlflht, wtierntha house -will
ba lmm4
Thla picture la another ad for
our houee. .
ably observed by an tha farmers
gathering town to listen to a moat
instructive lecture given by different
profeaaora of Oregon'a greatest school,
The Oregon Agricultural College, on
horticulture, floroculture and agricul
ture, which was most attentively
liatened to by a Urge crowd of far
mers. It would have been muck big
ger bad i been advertised more, a
good many dldnt know about it un
til it waa over with. These lectures
should ba oftener, aa a great amount
of good la dona by such meetlnga.
Sandy Grange held a roualng meet
ing, the afternoon session being an
address by county superintendent
Sandy Odd Fellows will have a big
initiation Saturday. March 26th. All
Odd Fellows ara requested to bo pres
ent banay commercial Club la doing
something every meeting that re
flects honor to Its members. One of
tbe beat ever dona la that of having
BOO pampnieia pnntea wun numerous
illustrations and descriptive write-upa
of Sandy.
Something 4olng svt Sandy wary
minute. Next will ba a "market day."
which will take place in the near
future. F. Lorhman, W. Talmage and
P. T. Shelly compose a committee
appointed by tba Commercial Club to
push the undertaking.- Here It win
be possible to buy anything from a
bale of bay to a piano or aell aa you
like It
C Junker and P. Dolier will estab
lish tbe third aaloon In Sandy.
O. Dahlgren ia busy building a
fence around hla lota.
Rev. Read, of Sandy M. E. church,
ts holding singing school every Tuea
day evening at tba church. Every
body Is Invited to attend and take
advantage of first class Instruction
in vocal music.
Martin Mtckelaon Is busy clearing
hla acre tract and will soon build a
house. Looks liks Martin will need
a cook when his new house Is done.
Chaa. Probe, road boas, la buay
with a force of men fixing up our
roade. Something that makea every
body amlft.
Work will be resumed on tba Mt
Hood auto driveway from Sandy to
uf unnd riood tnanv hundreds of
dollars were spent last year and the
same will be aone mis yer uu
every year hereafter until thla road
will be one of the best and greatest
scenic auto driveways in ths west.
P. T. Shelly haa gone toHood River
on bualneaa.
Pete Dolier has gone to Oregon
City on business.
Frank Langerscand has been on the
sick list
. The atore formerly conducted by
Geo. itch In tha Odd Fellows build
ing hss Its doors closed. An attach-
t tn-. aralnat him. Tha BtorS
la now for aale. an ideal place tor a
atore and the right person can't help
but make money.
Wanted At Once!
.' 'AT
Oak Gfove
Liberal terma to hustlers, r Baa Mr.
Millar Circulation Department, En
terprlae, Oregon City Oraoo'V ; .
iTr,ai hBi4iiarhltt hsrtofor ATtntlns
-HaM tka dis-m nam aa n fltflfrv jV XhiTUsV
as, having been dissolved by mutual
consent, au uaoiiuina oi in nrm are
assumed by Owen O. Thomaa and ail
accounts duo tba Ursa ara payable 4o
tha aforesaid Owen O. Taomaa.
Dated at Oregoa city, Oregon, this
84th day of February, 111. -E.
Wants, for S2?2, Etc.
Ketloee nndar thaee elaaatfled heaahMra
will be inearied at ma Ma I wars, ftrat
InaarUon. tutU Mat feddltioMj StVMr
thma. One Inch card. It per moaUj keif
tach card. (4 Hna (1 par month.
Cuh moat aeeompaar ordar enlaae ana
haa an open aoeount with tha paper. He
financial raponatblMtp for errors, whare
errors occur fro eorrooted olios will he
prtnud for patron. Minimum charse ISa.
FOUND Bunch of keya; call and
prove property and pay for notice
and receive them.
WANTED Small advertisements for ,
this column.. Prices very reaeon
able. Seo ratea at head of column. . '.
VACUUM CLEANING, dona for 80
centa an hour. Call Pacific States
FOR SALE By owner 171 acrea,
. four room house, barn, cow, horse, .
chickens, well,, fruit tues, small
fruits. Concord Static. : ' telephone.
Oak Grove, red 814.
75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 8
miles from Oregon City, IV miles
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit
land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts,
1100 to $228 per acre. Enquire of
D. K. Bill at Co., Room t. Beaver
Bldg., Oregon City.
FOR SALE 10 Acrea orchard land,
.7 acrea planted to apple trees, 7
room house, small barn, 1 miles
from Oregon City on good road,
83,800, terms for quick sale. Tele
phone Farmers 213. 8. R. Cogan,
R. r. D. No. 2, box 139, Oregon.
City, Oregon.
HARRY JONES Builder aad General
Contractor. Estlmatee chaai fully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walks and iwinforead
concrete. Res. Phone Mala 11L
O. D. EBT, A ttorney-at-La w. Money
loaned, abatracta furnlaaod,
oral law bualneaa. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
Law, Dsutschar Advokat, win prsw
tlcw la an courts, make collection
aad settlemeata. Office la BSater
prisa Bldg-, Oregoa City, Otwgon-
V. R. HYDE, Abstract CMfk
Land title Investigated, eoovsysav
clng, notary pwbrlc. 1
C' ttnKT ; -CTIO
Room 7. Barclay Bldg, Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER. For Flra Insurance
-and Rs4 Estate. Let us handle
. your properties wa buy. sell aad
exchange. Office ba aterarlsa '
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon,
Dealers, have choice bargains In
farm landa, city and suburban
homes, good fruit hinds and poultry
ranches. Sea as for good bays.
Near 8. P. depot
When moved Into say now atore
I put In a nice I In of NEW FURNI
TURE., which I am eellirtfl at th pri
ces usually quoted for aecewal hand or
ahop-wm goods. Cons la and loek
Fin Una of curie and re lice.
Notice of Application for a Liquor
Notice la hereby gjvea that I
will, at the next regular meeting
of tha City Council, apply for a
license to aell liquor at my place
of bualneaa. The Palace Saloon,
Fifth and Main etreete, for a period
of three months. ;
Notice of Application for a Liquor
Notice la hereby given that I will
at the next regular meeting of
the City Council, apply for a license
to sell liquor at my place of busi
ness, Tbe Beer Hail, 217 8th street,
for a period of 8 months.
To Introduce Tha Morning
Enterprise into a largo major
ity of tha bomea la Oregoa
City and Clackamas county tha
management haa decided to
make a apodal prtc for tha -dally
Issue, for a short time
only, where th anbacrlbar pay a
a year In advance.
By carrier, paid a year tn
advance), 13.00. -.
By mall, paid a year 1b ad
vance, 82.00. .
People who gave our canvas
ser a trial aubacriptloa for one
or mora months, at ten cants a
weak, can have tha daily datlv
arad for a year for 83.00 by
paying a year la advance.
People who gav our eaavaa
aer a trial subscription, by
mail, for four months at a dol
lar, mar have th paper for a'
year for 82.00, If paid a year la w
advane. :4
Subscribers to th Weekly
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to th dally, re-
oslving credit for half Urn on .
th dally thai taw weekly Is
paid tn advance. Whan they a)
ehoos to sdd eaah to ths ad- 0)
, vanea payment equaj im m rau
year's advance payment they
may take advantage of U 88..
Wa make thla apodal price
ao that paat la who havs paid
la advaae aa some other dally
aad wlak to tak th Morning
Bntarprtsa, may do ao without
to groat
flubacrib for tha DaMy En tennis.
. j