MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1911. HORNING ENTERPRISE ORZGOV CUT, OREGON. E. E. BROOte, Edltoe and rSibllaher. Knter4 aa errand -rlaaa amattar Jaa ary . 111. el the aaat eAlre al Orraoa vicy. l-aae, nKr tba lot of Marc) a. IPl" . ntm sr sotscurm n. Om Year, by Mi Months, by mall Tour afoatha. a mall rar weak, by carrtw. . .MM . 1 . 10 Wat Pa, par mca flrat tnaartlna. . ,.10 First Paaa. per Incb a !! Inaartloaa. .lac Praferred peaHlen any para, par tnr flrat vtaertlca lie frrtrrr4 aoeltioa aay pifa, aar lac aa taa i llnna lee - man papT Mlm Uiaa flrat aaa-a. par - - flrat In an itoa).. ...lie Raa paper ether than flrat pac. par tatcn 4M tneerthme c Lecals lac par Una; to rasrular adver ttaara to Baa. . ' '.' Waata. For Sale. To Rant ate. ana eewt war flrat taeertlea; oa-half east earn additional. Rata for adrertlatna In I ha Weekrr Bntarpriaa will ba I ha aama aa la tba Sally, for adwrtteamants art eepadaUrJ for tba waektjr. Where tha adrertierraant I la tranafarrad from tba daily to tha work- i tr. without chan a, tha rata will ba te aa sncn ror raa af tba pa par, and let aa lack for special poettkm. Caen a hot Id accompaar order wbara arty la unknown In bus in raa office of tba Knterprtae. Legal adrartlaln at laeal advertising atea. Ctreue adrerttatng and aprclal tranatant aovantainc at neliHeu Inch, accord -tea; to apadal condltiona gwernlttg tba whole etreet. and taer m moving way fronythat naUft point of what la tor my araooaj good only. ... . ose) . TEMPERANCE AGITATION 0OIN0 GOOD. Council and (ha community la mak ing headway la tha dlecuaalof of tha open front to aaloona discussion, Tha dlecusaloa la brtnflng out saw Ideal that neither aide to tha controversy had ever taken time to think of before. and haa given a different color to many thine that "JSe dlacuaaion' haa brought to tba front Ultra temperance men who bad aav er (topped to think on tha subject be fore, but were against tha traffic la every manner because of preconceived Ideas, are seeing tha other alda to tha matter and soma are awaking to tha fact that area their skirts may not be clear -in tha matter of responsibility to the community and to the bettet Ufa. Saloon men. who bar In tha pa Panama Canal as a Busi ness Will Pay For Itself. By Colonel , CEORCE W. CO ET HALS, Chief f Engineer of tha CanaL "Fire Sale' and Bankrupt Sal," tlaanmita lac Inch flrat inaarttoa: addl tloaal Ineartkrea aama matter 3te Inch. ."s Items and wall wi-tn artlclaa " awn. wita miereet to local reader. - win be rladly accaptrd. Rajactad mano- aanp(a narar returned unleea. accompan ied by stamse to prepay aoetaae. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. March 22 In American History. 1604 Ceswion of New Netherlands (New Tork) to tba Dnka of Tort by Charles II. of England. 1820-DoeJ at Bladensbarg. 11 L. be tween Commodore Barron and Commodore Decatur of tha United Stataa nary: both wounded, the latter mortally. 1888 Stanley Ltattbewa, noted justice of tba United States so pre me court, died; bora 1824. 180ft-Dr. Robert Ogden Doremtta. well kaowa chemist, died: bora 1824. -ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Trow aooa today te noon tomorrowj tra aeta :W. risea mooa rises tH7 a.' sl; T:18 p. aa, east era time, sooa-at last qaarter la oaattlatka Scorpio; t a. aa, east em time, an Jupi ter bright aataUitea oa wast of ptaa-at. CCII baa been said and predicted ai to the oomtuercial ralua 'ot the canal to tha United States. In this connection it must be re nw"Wrrd that the commercial pooh pbonhed anything and everything (hipping of this countrj NEV that tha temperanca man wanted, are rr RFOUIRED TTTE OA. getting wise to tha fact that thra Ivat something la tha other fellow's con- - tention that be did not aea before. The trip of the Oregon in' 1S9S settled the question of the sdris All of which goes to show that all aa- sbilitj of constructing an isf.hmian canal, and had the canal been toon men are not bad. that once the buy, ,t thtt frj Mring ,round tIIorilf there prorlng condltiona tha public can rely U n0 quwtioi tare been agreed generallj that the canal, 6n him for aid In going aa far aa ha w t n expenditure of $375,000,000, wss. WORTH WHILE, eea. and if ha doea not ae aa far aa At the session of congress immediatel following that noted tot- the temperance man It in , p to him qution of an isthmian canal receded considers tion, and the to see that ba ia properly educated and ... ... .... not necessarily educated juat as tha Pderit waj empowered bj the act of Harch 31, 1999, to make temperance man could wish. fall and complete investigation of the isthmus with a view to the oon- From a careful analyaia of what waa gtruction of a canal by the United Sutes across the same to connect saia by men on Dom siaes or ins quea- Atl.nhV and P.-.5fi IN WHATEVER LIGHT THE PANAMA CANAL IS VIEWED IT WILL HAVE PAID FOR ITSELP IP IN TIME OP WAR OR THREAT ENED WAR A CONCENTRATION OP THE FLEET IS EFFECTED WITHOUT THAT LONG, TEDIOOS, UNCERTAIN ROUTE FOLLOWED BY THE OREGON. IT WILL PRACTICALLY DOUBLE THE EFFL CIENCY OP THE FLEET, AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT THAT WE ARE A PEACEFUL NATION OUR OUTLYING POSSESSIONS MAKE THE PANAMA CANAL A MILITARY NECESSITY, AND IT MUST SO BE RECOGNIZED. Portland Markets. Tha recelpta for tha week bavs been: Cattle 110!. calvea til. ho 1151, sheep 8ST. . horsea and mule If. - ' Tba cattle market wsa steady at laat week's uecllne. There waa not a great deal of tone to the market but a clearance wsa eirectea o an " stock offered for sale. aiitat nf tha hoas that came in were contract deliveries from the past. Tha market for local stock went off The sheop market waa fairly steaar. Supply and price tk an upwara turn. There waa a recovery or ioo " 15c from the former week'a Una of values. Tk.r waa an active demand for heavy draft horses. Tha arrival of car load or Idaho horsea on rriday and the coming ot a car load of eastern draft horsea tonight, will, In a meaa ure. make up tha lack of aupplyj Thra la also enrout a shipment of mule from Missouri. ' Arrlvala for tha flrat annual rarlMc northwest livestock show are coming Into tba yards and Indications point to a splendid eihlnttton. Tha following aalea are representa tive: tlon Monday night. In the Council chamber, we feel safe la aaylng that the temperance people and tha better clasa of saloon men ar not so far apart In what they wish, and what they believe, aa haa been the case la past yeara and where there baa been no temperance agitation. 104 sleera 101 ateera ...... t 111 ateera 5 ateera 4 calvea ....... 147 calvea ........ 645 lamba ....... 1140 wethers ..... 404 wethers $17 awea ........ it COW ,., i rows 14 cowa ........ 41 cowa S bulls 1 stag 41 bogs 75 boga 43 hog 1M hogs 1 team draft horsea 1 aaddle horae . ... . .110 ..1145 ..1130 . .1020 .. US .. Ill .. 11 .. 110 .. HI .. 9 ..1054 ..1050 .. 170 ,. 0 .1755 .1140 . 110 . 171 . 110 . 175 (140 .S0 6.00 5.75 I (XI 575 5 15 4KS 4 40 4.00 5.75 5.50 510 475 5.10 t.00 . 1.75 1.23 00 710 Arc Yoa A Money Sayc? Urn. Moat every ana aspects te be a money aaver u.. .. I... ..uat ta aawa ha thale I...'. tl aava wtitn thalr axpsnsss are I a. ,r thr people vhe wait "Ui ty ssn save without ,f,- aava: they wake up aama 4ay filled with ragrat, ami.,, tunltlea thy have mlaaed. " " M "VJI Tha meral 11 Begin regular aavlng at thla bam. a,. tha lnama, make tha autga a little lass and aa Ja i2. J?wl . It's a elmple matter te etart a aaylng account The Bank of Oregon Qty LATOURBTTI rraaldeet r. J. If rv. .'ftatki THE FIRST NATIONAL of OREGON OTV, OREGON CAPITAL, leAOOaoo. -V4 T ran seats a OWerel Banklitf Suolnee. Osae AB.,., LET US DRILL YOUR WELL Satisfaction guarantsad. Leave erdere at OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP E. Schoenhairfi McOREOORY A RIVERS Ca R. W. ARaWafd MACHINISTS ..ISoSOO ,. 115.00 NEW METHOD FOR COUNCIL - CooacJl ka takes on a aew way of settling disputes as to the Improve ment of 1U streets, and one that la calculated to atop a considerable por- Uoa of the criticism asaafly banded Booster Day Literature. The Commercial Club la sending out its Booster Day Literature In an effort to get that date fixed In the minds of tha people of Clackamas county, and iup Jurt,e Court Case and Bsglna ! Now the time for hou sec leaning. to then impress them with the Idea that they abould spend the day In en joyment In the Metropolis of this big county Oregon City. ELKS TEMPLE AT EUGENE. Circuit Court Case. I Dont forget Pee la lra for rlaanlna The case of Christ BuMard against "" ! rapeta. W. L. Uttleragent ma a ue, ior assault, to nave been ai no bl tried In Justice Samson's court Tues- " day morning, waa dismissed aa Bui- - , w.j v! ... . . . Yauna Am la TMaa ' - w tuvorce in r.,n .T." -r-a"" wr-w n7VltJ lO PWr lOO another court, and the multlnllcltv of ! .-...J,"."fp,',t,! to. i. i.. j . . - i iuuuui iuo orancnaa ahnniii ha ant EUGENR Or. March n.-(SpL)- '5 Tie" ny " ,B'V annually ,o mak. th.hrt and - "fra a aaaij tuaui VI I run wnoout oreaitrng down. After fruit The Elks here began the excavation yesterday for a $50,000 building which la to be pushed to an early completion. SLOANE TAKES UP AVIATION. rameus Kx-Jeckey New-Anx eoa la Bsssms Premiaient as Bird Man. naemg mea in new xort have re out to that bod. t. th- mh .-a . . " lorming ... ... ' "r tnem that the Utert enterprise of Tod the country over. TWa plan em- ffloane. the Jockey, ia aviatioa. 8Jane braeaa tb mviUUon of people living! la now at Nice aa aa aeroplane pupil on the street or street to be Improved l L Gagneaux.. to meet Council on a given aight and ' Inring the annual fete of Boners at when Council proposea certain Diana ! XJr Sloane mounted a biplane and fol- for tha improvement to give ex area-. kwd ,b Pn6- cirHIng over It aad To Address Students' at tha Pacific University. Prof. Tooxe, superintendent of the city schools, haa aa Invitation to make an address before the studenta of the Pacific University at Forest Grove, which he baa accepted. Ha will m to that place on Wednesday. April 19. but so fsr he has not rhoaen Ma a.,K. Ject for the occasion. Read the Morning Enterprise ing begins Bot much pruning la neces aary, except to thin out surplus growth and to keep the tree symmet rical. Always prune from the top down, and not from the bottom up. Cut Clover. 'All who do not give the poultry some clover hay two or three tlmea week should turn Over a new leaf. There la money In giving fowla what they need. Clover furnishes lima for shall of egg and protein In abundance for formation of tha albumen; la abort It ia quite well balanced aa a ration for stock. The way to feed clover to bona la to cut It vary One. If not cut up fine it may cause crop-bound. About half an Inch ia flna enough. Place tha clover la a pail after It la cut. and pour Just enough ..boiling water over It to moisten well. Then throw a cloth over the pail and let It remain until morning. In the morning, pour boil ing water over tha clover, so aa to warm It for the bene la troughs for tha morning meaL It la best and cheapest of all foods for laying hen la winter, and takes the place of green food. Successful Fanning. Commencement Friday June 2, Prlday, June t, haa been chosen aa Commencement day la the Oregon City High school. This Is to ba tba most successful commencement In the history of the school. MAIL BOXES ON 'cARS. WASHINGTON. March 10 Tha PoatolTlce Department la to experi ment with the Installation of mall boxes In streetcars. When Ibey are Installed there will be no excuse for streetcar travelers who bring homa al night the letters which they are corn missioned to mall In tha morning. Read the Morning Enterprise. aion as to what is wanted, or the criti cism that comes to mind. throwing flowers on the crowd. Ia another flight Sloane flew to Cannes and Circled the cltr and harhnr naaa lm tk "U rrT ene person- j tag so close to the yachts at anchor there that the people on board could talk to him. gloaae bad a very success ful season last summer at Brnaaeis and has got together a very good stable of horsea, but bis friends ssy that Indlca rJona now are that he will become so Infatuated with the aviatioa game to lose his taterest In borsea. ally mtereated u permitted to talk. aad where one la not ready with speech when on hia feet he may bring a friend ta) talk for him. Tweed y night the Toestton of the Improvement of Monroe street waa up I for coawtderaUon sod there were ai large number of the citizens affected j oa haavd to tefl what they thought of! the proposition as put up to Council j aad to tbem. The matter waa die-1 i aaai mmU rr. !. a- I ! waa there undue feeHng la the pre- HlrT,rd wDI ,b Intercollegiate -i Aad the mora the ta pro- j 1. ' C- STwrVTli TTi E" BaT wu. row William Ail aw wow aeemea to , CgiiMi 'roreMiional title. Barry wiefc to take advantage of the other. J tbe r-nt bimpton j in m certaiaiy a wise nova on the , The American Bowling association COMING SPOBT EVXNTS Wa da gane'al repairing. Brckn machinery mad t a, work aa new. Esperta with gaaallne englnaa. Phonoa: Main itH Heme 1S. 10S FOURTH STREET 0RE00N CITY. Wanta Divorce From Hubbv. Ida McKlttrlck baa Bled a ault for divorce against her husband, John McKlttrlck, to whom aha waa united la marriage at Rathdrum. Idaho, Aug ust , ilia. There ia one child, John MCKittrirfc, who la to yeara of age. Mrs. McKlttrlck clalma her husband. wnnout cause, asserted her In March 1114. 8he la represented by Bweek and routs. Old Pioneer -Vary III. William fliouut. one of the well know a pioneers of Oregon, la vary III at St. Vlacenf'a hospital, where he recently unaerwent a surrgicaj opera tion. Mr. luount a family were sum mooed to hla bedside on Sunday, aa hia condition waa serious Ills child' ran. residents of Oregon City, are Mrs. Charles Kelly. Mrs. r. T. Barlow. Mlaa Barsn Blount, Albert Blount. part of Council, and one likely to obviate future dissatisfaction and at the same time having a teadency to bring oat new Idea that may prove Instructive to Council and to the City Engineer aa well And above all they eeem to have a tendency towards mak ing for a brotherly feeling, which is certain to aid the Council In ellminat- tag the tendency to tight that people often manifested when they Imagine they are being crowded. The meeting Monday night accom plished wonders In tbe matter of get ting people together on the question of what to to be for the best of the will bold Its snnusl regstts. known e the American Henley, st rhilsdelhbis May 27. Tbe People's rexstts will also be beld there July 4. Tbe woman's eastern golf hamplor and Intercity niatcbe for the GriM-oro eup will be played this year at tbe Brae Burn Country club at Wet New ton. near Boston, during the week of Jane 5. rtt . i uioi are ninjt-r way to ronn a southern amateur rowlLg anoriailon of oarsmen from Chios located In Washington. Virginia and Maryland and tbe national association will be asked to sanction a regatta on the Patapsco river. Baltimore, Aug. 0. Educate Children Who Will Enter Industrial Work. 'AN M. LEAVtTT f Uahrsrsky a Cnleaae. I A.M.-C0NX1NCI0 THAT THE GREATEST NEED OP TODAV TO ENTER THTr,AT" "UCAT,0N OF THOSE WHO ARE .? "I" T"!W". INTERMEDIATE GRADES OP -rtT aiuw, v a ;;"r. APPROPRIATE EDUCATION WILL MOT BIMPLV FIT THEM FOR THIS WORK. BUT WILL SO EQUIP AT THEV MAY EVENTUALLY PASS THROUGH IT TO A BRAOE HIGHER ALWAYS WITH THE POSSIBILITY amo LW.. PROGRESS, 'Education should bo adapted to the INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF THE PUPIL (These, needs ruj greatlj with different children and with children b different classes of societj. While the word CLASSES" is hateful to an American it is more equitable to recbg sue this truth than to ignore it These differences in present oppor lunitT and probable future needs become peculiarly apparent to the xhDd and his parents st about his twelfth year, as roughly marking she beginning of adolescence up to til time the education of all Tllnchoo Bnd to iaUsn P"Pa In work which will IN DUCE THEM TO REMAIN IN SCHOOL FOR A GREATER trUMBER OF TEARS. - . ..... r , . .. . - - . . a ... t .. -J . .. . .I'.. """"' - ' s ' 1 The Kind That MANDS OUT is im - - II I ' II II r I nr- r II I II . II I I A MrvnM in II I naiNuouML- . I II QTATir.Mt?DV II a a r-v i iwi -u L.i v i an .11 II ll aX 4- aa.. Hi uur newistm iiiA KtwMc nt n I bbbT vaWva m assvvwiiia. I II MjrJiinc IS THE THING IE II ll ' HlA.ata Tf I In the front ruk of the II I I ART PRESERVATIVE " . ID I PRINTING- II BOOKBINDING SYSTEMS I : i II. REAL ESTATE The following are tha real estate transfers that hava been filed la the office of the county recorder: 11. B. and Agues II. Row and L O. and Minna M. Iloldea lo Rbouen dron Mineral Bprlnga Land Corapasr, 160 acres of section ll. townshlo I south, range 7 east, 110.00. Edwin and Rachel Young to Carrrle Keller, land In sections It sad If. township 4 south, rang east, a F. and E. R. Hart to Jamea Ed ward Wrlahl, land In aeelloa s. town ship 1 south, range I east,, f 10. J. M. Taylor to Harry and FrUda Carson, lots S and 4, block 22, Mil waukee park. 1100, T. W. and II. U U Clark to A. B. Blower, lota I and 4 of block I. and lota f, 10. 11. 12. block 2. Windsor, 11. William II. and Ada C. Moebaka to Ida May Shannon, land In Oregon Cltr. Illt. Martha F. Cramer to Arthur and Minnie Gray, lot 4 of .Clarkamsa John A. and Ljrdla A. Faulk, to U Dullard, 41 acres of M. M. Me- Carver D. L C. No. , township south, range 1 eaat. II 10. Mary r. Hougham to W. II. Lucka. Z acres in section 23. townshln .1 svuin, range j Mst, 1660, LATEST MARKETS Oregon City Markete. The general tendency of the mar- seta ia upwards, and thla la eepedally so In tbe produce line. In seasonable gooda, such aa hay, with a aew crop coming on and the uaa almost finished for the present winter sfaaon, the de mand Is downward. But the market aa a whole la a trifle more stiff but with but few commodltlea abowlng actual advances. APriJCU Good appies are In de mand yet and tha uric ta ia..,.. better pricea for good stock: thara ta enough good atock, however, ao that there la little or ao aeaaas a. stork al ... T? . price, rnsai wL- about 7e lo n ,., tT mock In bands of tnrnHtmatl haa hmm alil. i. i. ... "T"" , i tm ia Saau Urt and they wmauMaiZr "tJM? R'r "PP'" HIU,U POTATOES There I t an, stronger feeling 4a the avU m mora Inquiry; especially tdrMataa poeee, Faacy stock of narsuw. bringing ii.ii seed potataaj anl la eoaalderable local atock M Ik aaevlng noma ao that la rtt fa-si sain much haadwty. VEaETAUIXS Utile eaun Sw' laat report: onion ar Btt nar la price but other T(auiUa - about the aama. Oaloa 1. Urtta sad carrots Tie to aactsartaai to 11.21 sack, cabbage tSmL rLOl'R AND TEGlWrw a a. lower aad demand aait fjaaBj dowa to IS-wlth best anirfat at Is.M; some aelling u law at UE Fwed pricea ara statloaarr wm sw - selling 122 to 122 tea. aarti tfl a 12s, ' aballed cars ll.U hawst cracked I1.7&, rolled aarlsy t& HAY liOta of bay la sosstrf a being offered freely aew: atrkt weak. With winter put tvmtn ta lo aell aad tha market aai anateji , eon sequence. AO grssai art eVet from I to ll.SO-tarrw tl tell, a fit to 12. timothy 111 t tli, alfaa III to 20. OATS Dealer bavutf far lalaae lo meet the demand la ta (ioev rv lag gray IIS. white tUM at pt i that the market I wk sal iat factory. WHCAT-Paylng lie EOOS Are vary pieautal ai 0 , price ranges about lie. ' BUTTER Very wasl sal usstr) j only commanding front 1st Br, ,l creamery slways atlff aal aaataaaV, Ing 20e to 2Se ano. The Fsrtkai , market la only paying trtM la a J ISe. Choice dairy U brUl tm , 20o to 25c. . POULTRT-PrUsea ar ssawrtal ) higher and the demand feel Ban j bring lac, rooster lie, yoaai mm aad mlied chickens lie to IH j Ing doiag la larger fowls, MEATS Veal, drassed. Is Vtatkl lAa In lie. boa-a le aad 108. ki. A- . muitoa last aaka fluctuate according to what Is slsiw. , in r-Hpa nM IU iwrnsd. atltsn k. dry hides 12e to 14c, iha F" w to 76e each. WOO Lr bring Its lo lk mohair ISe to 20c ntrm mtTTTW rporie4 Pr" so and 7c, aun dried tc ptusat so. SwaVtv O.tllaa atAa lA TKsl lOTVM 10 In. sack, half froa w "! ' 100 lb. aaaka -.r- It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise A Poor Article -Nor a preposition af deuMful merit er henMtysr sasew nowadaya, ar DISCRIMINATlNO. They knew valuee-4"y kew GENUINE thlnga, genuine eapertunltlee. Any article which can be Sold by advartlalng la, by that tsat 000D article. YOU are aafe In buying a thing which has "st" ths flra sf publicity." : ' ' . V- . . ', . Ths msker of a widely advertieed artlole, er sommodlty, Is waye en trial for hla bualnsss life. He ssnnet shirk, nor ehespe product-and thla la tha beet possible protection for the soseumS You ara llri i - ... . k. laala ... w nig avanisaa tnings tie nowadaya bualneae eendttlene. . .' "- DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . . Q Try the Clostlfed Coloinns of tbe MORNINGENTERPRISB , 3000 RevStn Dally -' . sr ' , i