Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 21, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Or tfca Staqr ! th Sa rah far a
Susaosadly Kara OrchU at
Copyright hf Amrina Press A mo
elation. 11U.
Jack Hedge wm not a soologlat,
-. yt h had SVaveled thousands of kiIIm
la search of tbe onus beetle. Tbe
find lag- of It meant fortun for him
as well aa tbe winning of th girl he
loved. Not that Dorothy s answer
would be Influenced by the turn of
fortunes wheel, only It happened that
Dorothy was tha daughter, of a rich
man, and Jack was a poor young land
scape gardener who had not jet re-
celred his first big. commission.
It was Chalmers who had sent kiai
oa thla Strang quest for tbe orange
beetle. "Jack, old man." Chalmers
had Mid. "'t got a commbnion for
70a that will knock tha spots out of
tbe . landscape business. My uncle.
- Casslus Chalmers, tha banker, you
know, la batty about orchids has tha
, finest collection In tbe country, so be
says. Now, there's another old chap,
a crony of hla. who also haa tha fluent
collection. Understand? As I nailer-
stand It, tha collectloaa are about neck
and neck aa to value. Tbey both lack
one very rare specimen, ' which tbey
bare been unab'e to obtain, although
they both bare trained orchid hunters
down along tha Amaaoa now. ' My
node haa declared be will giro IlO.ObO
and pay an expenses to tbe man who
, brings him back tha orchid he a after.
Now, therea a cbanca for you. You're
heard of amateurs' luck, haven't yonf
Totfrs Joking," said Jack 'calmly.
"Never. Come with me and fill In
trod oca you to Uacle Casalua. tbe bat
tiest old gentleman la New York
where orchids are concerned," aald
Chalmers,.. rising, and became ha had
nothing In particular to do that after
noon Jack went with him and soon
was deeply Interested in tha long talk
with Mr. Chalmers, tha banker, which
"My man Is not only looking for the
" orange beetle, bat he's looking for a
doaen other aorta at tha same time.
-VA- ST'"
foreet as if seeking a purer air than
that afforded below.
' Suddenly ha leaped backward, and
ha nearly fell. Quickly recovering
hlmselft be leaned aver and scanned
tha uncanny form of the orange bee
tle. At last ba was within reach of
the fortune for which ha had risked
so much.
About three Inches long, with close
ly folded glossy wings, all of a deep
orange tint, the Insect Jerked a small
Jetty black head and with a slow,
awkward gait crawled atk'klly over
tha damp ground, a folding tbe wet
spota and chooaing a dry leaf or bit
of fallen twig for Ha path. -
Jack followed patiently until hla way
was stopped by aha maul re trunk of
a huge sycamore up which the beetle
waa making Ita labortoua way. Jack
threw back bis bead and looked up
ward among the twisted Uwba at tbe
top of the tree and then brought his
gate alowly downward until hla eyea
rested on tha glowing niasa of aoma
parasitic blossom. Thla was tbe or
ange orchid.
Two days afterward he waa speeding
down the river again, tha orange or
chids conflned.jn a wicker cage stuff
ed with rottlnf vegetation; the orange
beetle, quietly chloroformed, sleeping
lta last sleep In an air tight tin box.
Six weeks later ha waa leaving South
America behind, and there waa no. re
gret In hla heart aa ha net his face
toward the north. ' "
- On tbe steamer ha made several ac
quaintances, among them a renowned
orchid hunter. In the course of con
versation ba mentioned tha object of
hit search, and after an Incredulous
stare tha orchid hunter, Jackson by
name, spoke bluntly:
Who sent yon on such a fool's er
rand f
Fool's errand!" stuttered Jack.
"Surely I waa successful In my quest
found what I went for. What do
yon mean, atrf
Tardon my abruptness. Mr. Hedges,
I waa surprised." said tha other cour
teously. "The orchid you have de
scribed to ma Is a very common va
riety and la hardly worth a place In
For the Children
A Baby Giraffe Whisn
Waa Bern In Aimrlw.
1 v.,. . V i w 5
An Army
Court Martial
There Was Nat Much la It at tint.
bttt a Goad Deal la tha Cad
Copyright by America JYeae Asso
ciation. MM.
"jut Doaorar conn wrra star"
and I want yon to go and concentrate
your search on that one object see?
m raise that prtxe money to twenty
thousand If you find It- I can tell
yon Just where to go and aire you all
directions concerning preparations for
tha Journey, and so forth. It'a an easy
way to earn tha money, and It will
give yon a start la your buslneaa
What do you say 7"
"Til think It over." said Jack cau
tiously. He did think It over with tha result
that ba closed bis office for a year and
made preparation to depart upon this
special mission for Casalua Chalmers.
Aa for Dorothy Payton. be did not
exact her premise to wait for him. but
ha did aay he would come back to axk
her for aa answer when tbe year was
up. Ha could not tell ber the secret of
his mission, but be hinted at tbe lit
tle fortune that might be hla If be waa
successful and that would enable' him
to approach ber father.
Ba knew that tha orange beetle was
not tha name of tbe orchid ba was to
seek. That too, waa orange tinted and
of most peculiar form. Tha orange
beetle would prove his clew to the
presence of tbe coveted orchid. Chal
mere had aald tha beetle waa three
Inches In length and of horrible ap
pearance, though quite harmless.
Wherever tbe precious orchid grew. In
ita close vicinity might ba found tbe
orange beetle.
Months after hla departure from
New York Jack Hedges was stlU bent
on hla quest In the upper reaches of
the Amazon.
Hla gnldea were Carajonas Indians
from one) of the hill tribes, and he
conversed' with them, la a-broken mix
ture of bad Spanish and elaborate
. srestlcnlatlona. Natw Am n.....
but that he came upon strange speci
mens of parasitic plants awaylng
aloft on soma towering tree trunk far
abov hla reach, and hla strong glasses
t enabled him to study them at close
range, and, so far aa bis book taught
kqowledge went there was nothing
new that he might take to Cassias
Chalmers. ,
At last one dar thev made a noon.
day landing In a quiet lagoon where
long creepers reached down to brush
their facea as the canoe grounded
against the muddy shore.
While tha guides prepared a simple
meal of coffee and cassava cakes Jack
took hla glasses and splashed through
the spongy morass Into an cpeo spare
where tall trues towered above tha
any collection."
How about tha orange beetle?" de
manded Jack, chagrined.. "I could not
have mistaken tha variety of orchid,
for tha beetle was in one of tbe flower
cups when I picked It from tha tree.
By Jove! If I've made a mesa of this
expedition after air na paused trag
Jackson expressed a desire to see
tha orchid, and tha wicker csge waa
brought and tha exotic displayed, to
tha expert's suppressed amusement
Deoeed queer tha old boy's sending
yon off after that" be muttered after
reading the copious notes with which
Casalua Chalmers bad filled Jack's
notebook. "Any reason for hla want
ing to get you out of the way n
Jack shook., hla head bopeleaaly.
Search me!" ba exploded. "A year
out of my Ufa all for nothing, and
not a word from" He bit off Dor
othy's nam and walked away to con
ceal hla anger and mortification.
At laat when they were In the port
of New Tork Jack felt his confidence
returning. While he was now con
vinced that Casslus Chalmers bad
How many people have aver seen a
baby giraffe? Very few at the beat
la all there have been only four baby
giraffes bora 4n tba western hemi
sphere: three of these ware born at tba
Cincinnati aoologlcal garden. Tba first
two lived but a short time, but tha
third one, which waa born 8ept. t
lfllO. la tbe Cincinnati garden. Is still
alive and la ona of tba prettloat little
animals that you might wish to see. ,
Giraffes ran utteroo sound tbey are
mutee but tba two old giraffes looked
on tha young one with eyea aa full of
expression and appreciation aa If tbey
had human Intelligence, and ona
scarcely seemed to notice that they
made no sound whatever.
The picture shows tba little giraffe
when It was two days old. It was then
five feet ona Inch In height and
weighed about ninety pounds. It be
gan to grow right away, so that at tha
age of about four months It measured
six feet six Inches. That certainly la a
marvelous growth and a boy or girl
who would grow over a foot In four or
five montba would ba considered a
moat unusual phenomenon. When wa
atop to think, however, that tha old gl
raffe la almost fourteen feet high and
can reach a foot or two farther by
straightening out Its head and neck. It
la easy to see that tha baby giraffe baa
to do some growing to catch up with
Ita father and motber.-8t. Nlcbolaa.
Colonel AuvhlncloM of tha fulled
States army waa a alk-kler for army
etiquette, discipline and other such
matter aa pertalu to military l.fe.
lie was In tba artillery, ami a cyloutl
of artillery lu tbe regular army la a
very big man. Then, too. Colonel Atl
chlnclosa commanded a big fort ou tbe
Atlantic coast, and that made bltn a
bigger man still. Outside tbe fort waa
a collection of hotola uiwhI by permnm
from all over tbe I'nlted State aa
recreation resort, all of wboui looked
up to tha colonel commanding tba fort
aa a aoverelgn.
th.aa of his subordinate. Aa soon
It became erldout to both offlcer that
ti... were rivals the tire burued net'
ler lu the breast of lite younger, and
the elder drew a tlghtrr relu In hla
otBcUl lutervourae with his Inferior.
Th.Hi came Lieutenant Phillip' ex
stulimtlon for prouioilou. and, owing
partly to bis belug absorbed by love
rather 'than bis studio ai'u purwy
from the breach of discipline fr which
hla colonel bad reduced him from the
position of adjuuul. be was denied a
captalu'a comiulaalon. '
The young man, conceiving that tbU
deprivation was the result of the colo
nel's auluioslty toward him. preferred
rbargea aguliul bltn for .tyrauuicai
The commander of tbe dwrtuiut
In which all this hapiieued waa an
uncle of Mla Marjory lrciler. Ilia
official position prevented bl eipreaa
Ing any opinion In tbe matter, hut bis
W ife, uot being similarly baudlrapped,
took a secret part lu I ha proceedings
Mlaa Irler wa ber sltfter'a Child,
aud the young lady. Inasmuch as she
wss lu doubt whether she would mar
ry tbe colouel or the lieutenant, would
ona day Influence ber aunt toward tba
defendant the next toward the plain
tig. The former Itelirg a prominent
artillery officer, that arm of tba serv
ice took great Interval In tba trial.
Ona day when dra parade waa tak
lug place Inside the fort witnessed by J some aUtiug with aud some against
uwm vi ivrvoua. Iroiu lue utiiris vui- I mmr cviursue vi iuv uis suit.
side principally young ladlea the colo
nel left hla office to go to bis domestic
quarters. As he ws pawing the Hue
tha band "beat off." marching before
tha man, turning aud marching back
again, what for no one knowa ex-
Teld by a Bird.
To aay "A little bird told ma" la a
common way of getting out of telling
tba real way Information la obtained.
Little blrde-bave. however, told Im
portant storlea sometimes by means
of notes fsstened about their legs or
oecka. The birds moat often employ
ad for thla purpose are pigeons, but a
well known tiding waa once carried by
seagull -
Over twenty yean ago a large ocean
steamer, Atlantis, which ran between
message waa aver received from ber
but one, and thla waa found aoma five
montba after aba had started on her
last voysge. tied about tba neck of a
naagnll In tha Indian sea. Tba note
read: "Atlantis struck on tha nsrad
rock. Wa are all lost, rather Coatha."
No trace of tba wreck or Ita crew aver
came to light, nor waa It known who
Tather Coatbe" waa
An Intelligent Poesy.
A young lady bookkeeper lo Boston
has been in tba habit for some tlma of
giving tha office cat a piece of meat
for her lunch every day, precaution be
ing taken to lay down a piece of paper
to prevent tba meat, creating tha floor.
Tha other day at lunch hour, when tha
young lady happened to have no meat
in her basket, pussy begged for soma
m her most Intelligent fashion. Find
ing no meat coming, tba cat ran to tha
wastebasket dragged out a newspaper
and laid It on tba floor at tba young
lady's feet .This appeal was so touch
ing that the young lady went out and
bought meat for tba Intelligent animal
"tsrat-hlln-tnv- r-wH-jfoena-tbaae .(aa Liverpool and Calcutta, was teat
well as a beetle hunt), ha waa deter-'
mined to press that eccentric million
aire for aoma explanation of the whole
matter. Therefore hla first errand on
landing was to go straight to tbe of
fice of Cassias Chalmers.
There bitter disappointment awaited
him. Casalua Chalmers bad been dead
for two montba. and hla estate had
not only been settled, but hla heir, the
nephew whom Jack knew, had sailed
for a voyage around tha world. The
lawyers knew nothing whatever about
the matter, save that tha collection of
orchids bad been sold at auction and.
it waa believed, had been scattered
among various collectors.
When ba presented himself before
Dorothy Payton Jack threw out his
bands with a hopeleaa gesture. "Fail
ed!" he aald bitterly. And then Into
her sympathetic ear ha poured tba
story of tha past year. "I've got to
begin at tha bottom and start over
gain," be said in conclusion, "and.
hang it alL Dorothy, I can't ask yon
what I wanted to!"
"I shall ask you, then," said Doro
thy bravely, and when aba bad con
vinced him of her willingness to share
bis struggles sba confessed that old
Casslus Chalmers had evidently sent
Jack away to get rid of a dangerous
rival for both uncle and nephew had
courted Dorothy without tha slightest
encouragement until death had re
moved one and her stern repulse bad
sent tba other to tha uttermost ends
of tbe earth.
Show dsd tha orange beetle. He's
quite a 'bngologlst'" urged Dorothy
after awhile. And when Jack bad ap
proached Mr. Payton and retold hla
story that genial financier examined
tha orange beetle with great Interest
I know a man who has a standing
offer out of $15,000 for that speci
men," he said calmly. "Will you sell?"
"Sell!" yelled Jack. "I'd sell It for
30 cent a I've wasted a year of my
Ufa over that thing!"
"Never!" returned Mr. Payton em
phatically. You didn't find out how
much pluck and perseverance you had
till you set out to search for that
orchid. Whenever you feel down In
tbe mouth and distrust your own cour
age Just come np here and look In my
collection and survey that orange bee
"May Dorothy coma with mar ask
ed Jack daringly.
Mr. Payton smiled Indulgently at hla
daughter and clapped a hand on
Jack's shoulder. "Sba said some tlma
ago sba was going to marry you, so 1
suppose you'll have to bring ber
along." .
"Oh. dad!" cried Dorothy, rosily tear
ful. But her father bad escaped from tha
A Storehouse.
In tha old birds' nests that are
placed near tba ground in shrubs and
small trees close to haselnut bushes
and bittersweet vtnea In tha country
yon will often find a handful of hazel
nut or bittersweet berries. TBey
were put therl by tbe white footed
mica and tha meadow mica that visit
these storehouses regularly. A white
footed mouse will often cover a bird's
neat with fine dried grass and Inner
bark and make a neat for Itself.
Ate You a Subscriber to the
1 i ;
If Tha Morning Enterprise- la to b aa successful aa tha Interests of Oregon
City demand It must needs have tha support of all Tha new dally haa
a big work before It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamaa County. Your
support means more strength for tha work.
Vill You Help Boost your own Interests?
. For a limited tlma tha Morning Katerprlae will ba sold to paid In advance
subscribers as follows:
By Carrier, j year. ; , 13.00
By Mailt year j.00
and In your name and remittance. .
Harry and the Searchlight
narry, a six-year-old. was greatly
excited over hla first trip on a steam
boat, and bis father allowed hint to
stay on deck with him for awhile In
tha evening, nia attention waa at
ones directed to the llghj of tbe eearch-
ngnt moving to and fro. Excitedly ha
grasped bis father's hand and as Id:
"Daddy, look! There must ba a happy
comet near here. Sea. how he wags
hla tall."
Strange Sights.
Tell me, did yon ever see
Monkeys climb a banian tree?
Banian traes. perhaps you know,
On tbe nnrsery Door can grow.
Troops of monkays half the day
la tbe areat wide branches play.
Frollo and make frlende with yo-
If your aunty tella tham to!
I've had measles, so. you see.
Aunty comes and playa with me.
- Aunty makee a lion roar
Rlaht behind the nursery door.
Makae aa elephant poke his head
Through the window near my bed.
Makes the nursery sotnahow look
tka a lovaly picture book,
-rranets Banlne In Youth's Companion.
Read tha Morning Enterprise.
Bast of work and astlsfactlon guar
anteed. Have your horses shod by an
expert; It pay a.
All kinds of repair work snd smithy
work. Prompt service; greater por
tion of your work can be dona while
you do your trading. Give ma a trial
Job and sea If I cant ptassa you.
Car. Msln and Fourth Sts., Oregon City
a oaoar yLi lit om rai oaoan.
cept that it has been a part of tbe
ceremony of dress parade for an in
definitely long period. .
Lieutenant Bob Pbllllpa waa adju
tant of tha post. Now, tha adjutant la
an Important man at all military cere
monies, especially dreaa parade. Aa
Colonel Auchlncloiw paased Lieutenant
Phlllipa was standing. Ilka aU tha rest
stiff aa a ramrod, while tba. band was
marching back and forth. Lieutenant
Phillips was suffering at tba tlma from
a sore spot oa tba tip of hla nose. It
so happened that a hungry fly lit on
tba organ and, finding such auateuance
In the sore spot aa especially suited
Ita taste, began to pull lustily.
There are nerve In none, especial
ly on tba ubder aide. The agony en
dured by tbe adjutant waa excruciat
ing. Nevertheleaa, owing to tbe Im
portant part ha took In tba military
ceremony be waa tba laat man on tbe
ground who should infringe upon mili
tary discipline by raising hla hand to
shoo awsy tbe fly. 8ucb a breach of
uniformity would ba especially notice
able in every ona and If made by the
adjutant would constitute a frightful
example to tba rest of tbe corps on
parade. 4
Furthermore, It waa expected tbsl
every man would ba at "eyes front."
Phillips held hla eyea In that position
rigidly. Consequently ba did not see
tba approach of hla commander on bis
right Just before the colonel came
within his range of vision Phillips' ag
ony bad passed tba limit of human
endurance, and bis hand went up to
brush off the fly.
Colonel Aucblncloaa stopped, cast a
terrible glance at tba transgressor and
paaaed on. rhllllpa aaw him and knew
that ha waa doomed. He was then
preparing for examination for his pro
motion to be captain and felt sure tbst
such a flagrant breach of discipline a
raising a hand to brush a fly from a
sore spot on bis nosa would be a great
detriment to hla attaining tba rank to
which ba aspired,
Tbe next day Phillips was obliged
to read on parade an order relieving
himself of tbe duties of adjutant of
tba post and appointing another In bis
place. After tba ceremony be went to
his quarters wishing that be might be
permitted to challenge tba colonel and
run him through to tba hilt. Persona
suffer by their mistakes, their misfor
tunes, and Injustice. It la only In tbe
last of these cases tbst rebellion csn
possibly be ftdvlaabla. and even then
to grin and besr it Is usually the best
policy. Lieutenant Pbllllpa was In a
sense obliged to do this, but a spirit
of animosity toward tbe colonel waa
engendered In him which promised to
burst Into a llama and bring on sn
army scandal.
Now. It hsppenad that Colonel Au
chlnclons. who, notwithstanding his
age, was a bachelor, and lieutenant
Phillip unknown to each other had In
tentlons with regard to a young lady
who was stopping at one of the hotels
outnlJe the military reservstlon. What
a fly had started a woman developed
Miss Marjory Dressier waa much flat
tered at tbe attention of the mlghtr
commander and much pleased with
t Put Yourself in the J
t Ad-Readers Place...
.;. '
When you writs your classified
ad or any kind of an ad itf to a
Include In it Juat tha Information
you'd ilka to find If you were an
ad-reader and were looking foi an
ad of that kino.
U yon do this to even a small
extent your ad will brlns Ra a
Of course tha otllcvr' f initio took
great luteitwt In tbe trial, aud. as there
Is Intercourse between the different
rorp. tba trouble spread to tha In
fantry, cavalry and tba staff corpa.
Thus by tbe time tba court was ready
to try tba raaa tba whole army was
- Tba members asaeinbied In full uni
form. The first proceeding was tbe
reading of the charge, which was tyr
anny, and tba peel oca tloua, which
were very uumerou. Tha first speci
fication begau thus:
"lo this, that 00 or about tba th
day of , ID-, tha said plaintiff
being on dreaa parade, a fly lighted
on hla noe, the organ being very sure
snd painfully tender"
At this polut the preaideut of tba
court Interposed. .
"Whoever drew that specification
ahould ba cashiered. Lieutenant Phil
lip la not being tried because a fly
lighted ou hla no. Colonel Auchln-
cloas Is being tried 00 a rbarg of
It was explsued to the president,
who waa ao much of a soldier Ibst ba
could not be anything of a lawyer,
that thla Incident of a fly lighting on
tha adjutsnt's noae wu lb? U'lctuulug
of tha trouble, wbvreupou be waa aal
tolled, and the reading i'r',cJi'L: : .
There was one tuulier that tould nor
bo Introduced Into tbe Irk I. ' Tbst was
the rivalry In-iaefu pltilntllT and de
fendant for tbe bund if Mix ireler.
But everybody knew tlwt lliU bad
gdded fuel lo the flume till the fly
that bed llthii l 011 lln lutaiit's uoae
bad beeu ul euil:Hr In the baik
ground.- Wbon tbe trlul Imh:uu aud all
through the army the question was
asked. "Wbal's thU rumpus between
Colonel Au4'b!n-I and I'hllllpsr" the
reply wss Invarlubly. "Why. yon see,
a fly lit oa Phillips' noee when he ws
on dreaa parade." etc. Hut after
awhile when tba question waa asked
tba reply would be, "No ona knows.
but If you want to get a 1 tba bottom
of tbe matter you'll bsve 10 look for
a woman In tba case."
It wss found necessary to bring wit
neaaea (at government ex pen) from
tba utter moat point of tba world, and
when a witness wss summoned It was
necessary to wait for hi or ber ar
rival. So tha esse dragged and waa
very expensive till at last It waa
found necessary to ask congress for a
special appropriation to carry It on.
Tba matter waa then Isken up by the
secretary of war. who sent for th
Judge advocate of tba court and asked
htm to give tba facta Tba Judge ad
vocate began:
"Why. you see, Mr. Secretary, whan
Lieutenant Phlllipa was on dress pa
rade a By lit on a eore spot on tba and
of his nose."
"I bsven't tlma for that! snapped
tha secretary. "Give ma tba gist af
There's no gist to It"
"Isn't tbera soma wsy of getting rid
of Itr
Tbst depends."
"On wbatr
"A woman." . - ' j
Tba secretary was Informed thai
tba rancor was kept np by a niece of
tba commander of tha department who
couldn't make op her mind whether
sba wlabed to marry tba colonel or tba
"Go tell her to come to me that I
have something nice for her."
Miss Dressier answered tha sum
mons In person apd expectantly.
"What la your ambition T naked tha
To ba tba wife of a military at
tache at a foreign court"
"Name the man you wish for a bus
band and ba shall be appointed."
"Lieutenant Bob Phillips."
' Tbst will do. Good morning."
Tha next day Lieutenant rhllllpa
withdrew his charges agalnat Colonel
Aucblncloss, and an order was pub
lished promoting him and relieving tbe
military attache on duty at Psrls snd
appointing Captain Phillips In hi
There are those who give Mr. Phil
lips' psrt In this celobrated army case
a deeper Import than appears on tbe
surface. These persons maintain tbst
she bad some sort of an ax to grind,
snd If not from the first at lesst from
the moment It appeared that the trial
wss a burden to tha government she rmt
the ax on tha erlndatone. lie this as It
may. It la always dangerous for a wo
man to discover that ah hold tha bnl
nca of power.
When accused of this tbe sdy smlln
and says, "Let those laugh who laugh
Sum of 182.60 Was Ralssd for a School
Library Baskets Sell High. -The
basket social ml a it,... ..v.
out th. Highlander;,; was a gVaat
success Saturday light. Thsra waa
large attendance and much enthue
asm. In addition a .1. ..1.
baskets, and tha picnic supper to fol
low, there waa an excellent literary
nd musical program given; proceed
uiiiug fOI.SU.
Tha social wa under tha
of Mlas Gregory, tha teacher at the
school, and tha purpoas was to raise
money lor a acnooi library perhaps
a general publlo library.
Axe Yu
II Jm ll fcv I VP
ii op Ziffle,: Aev'
The ESogniair
1 r 1
Is to be as successful as the inter
ests of Oregon City demands it
must needs have the the support
of all. r The new daily his a-'
big work before it in boosting
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