Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 21, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor proposition of doubtful marlt or honty for ad-roader.
Wwdye. DISCRIMINATING. Thoy know valueathy know
OINUINK thlnfli, genulna opportunltlae, ' 4
Any artlelo which can bo told by advertlalna la, by that eat, a
OOOO article. YOU are aaf In buying a thing which hit "etood
M,, fir. of publicity. '
mkr of a wldoly advartleed article, or commodity, .
ways r'"' ,or hl BU,,MM Ht "ot shirk, nor chaapan hla
grdut and thla la tha boat possible protection for' tho eonaumar.
you aro SAFE In buying advortleed thlnga Ifa tho loglo of.
aowtday buatneaa eendltlona.
p . Sheer, of Aurora, waa In the
clir'oa buslncsa Monday. '
abort Gurnthrr, of Sohubel. waa
toil visitor In the city Saturday.
t mm of State of Oregon vs,
(Vial nullard la set for Tneaday
BoraloC II justice Bamauna court.
mnrfinn City Hustlers the boy a
orgaatutlon of the M. B. church will
Bet ID n pariora wi lu. cuuria on
diy evening. In addition to a
drill (bare will be bualneaa of Import-
ne Wc,'rn,n m wura 01 me jiuav
K Bauer Kraut at only to a quart
it h. i n'"1" 8o"', .. 81
t B. Andrew baa the lumber on
tlx ground for a bungalow to be built
it once In tbe llolmea' addition to
Oregon City.
i w. Hlatt baa Jut completed an
ladltk of HaM ft to bla bom at
Harbor thla Including a dining
room, kWchrrf. bath and ator room.
Mr. W. J Itauch, of Gladatone, baa
i ubl beet on exhibition at the
rooms of the Oregon City Fruit and
Produre 1'nli'ii, near the 8. P. depot,
that weight 14 pounde. It la a mam
Ota beet la any event, but eapertally
a bea grown aa a table variety of
ibat vegetable.
DUdntone Council will have an un-
LgtrlaJ meeting thla evening to con-
tii certain mattora that need aom
Ujplmiiliin hrfora they are publicly
la-aiaed. Several membera of the
Icooarll want certain thlnga fully ex-
jpttiaad before they commit them
Mrea la the mutter, and thla Inetruc-
Moa kj to be glen.
Tba ease of Rmll Rrler va. Wm.
hjn. both of Oswego, waa in Juattoe
Staaoo court Saturday. Tne charge
Si that de'i-ndnnt aia aianaor piainim
i drcalatlng the atory that bo aold
iieued and rotten meat and damagea
jfa tba iuui of tSOO are aaked. The
Um wia pawied up to . thai Oroult
JCoart by JumIo Sanuon. . . ' " ,. -I
Mrroa WmMou. wbo recently came
ho tbl country from Mlaneaota, baa
Uorad into Ui bom at 1110 Van
.Burn atreet. He likea Oregon hat
h tut awi of It tad aay that when
ffc weal u tbe depot to eottM te Ore
'roo. a far daya ago. be fma bla
flnjreri oa bin way to the train. And
tlittl ear he came to thla country,
ring eiit hla good money for car
BuilnfHH men eapnclally Intereated
Ftb projiTt to build an electric rail
r to Molnlla, through Beaver Creek,
at Mnndny and canvaaaed the altua
(loa. A a roHult It la announced that
Im propect arc roay If thoee bual
f't men and capltallata not aeen do
( wu aa thnae who have been aeen
H4 Mhacrlhed.
Th clan la to arade and aec ready
ft the ratln the roadway out to Bea
Creek and aa far an from there
ovard Molnlla aa the money ralaed
Mil do o. Then aome reliable road
Mil be glvtn an opportunity to take
fw tne projoct, on proper ahowlng,
H If ttirh allowing la not made the
mapany will go ahead and finlab and
perate) on It own book.
Montr hnn heen anhacrlhed for the
(rt "leg" of the road, and tha can
' I not yet completed. Every one
P u be anked to lift and It la tha
P thing thnt will aava tha city and
HI batlneaa Intereata - from other
nwa that rn what can ba accom-
Pbed In mnklng a bid for tha bual
M In the county. Tbta aeema to be
PTon Clty'H Inat call for aucceaa,
f ao one aiiould allow tha appeal of
men In the project, who ara de
ping their time without pay, to aak
vlc for the auhacrlptlon needed to
F tha project a aucceaa
Wtddlng at Baptlat Paraondge.
VmiT' " A' Hyworth, paator of tha
WUet church, had two weddings
Wr. FrTTy Bnyder and Ethel Al
LT; Wanhlngton county, were
P , t the paraonage. A eeoond
ntiJ! .TM J- B- Caldwell and Ollva
CS- h Dvln- Portland. Doth
ii H were th afternoon and
tf'"!w Menda were preaent to
warn innilUB W4
"4aa ceremony.
Thin Prlca Dots V ot Include Sewing or Laying
furniture and Hardware
Dr. J. R. Garrett, of Canbv. waa
bualneaa vlaltor In the city Monday
Mr. Jamea Haiton. of Ogle Mlnea
waa in Oregon City on FVlday.
Mra. p. A. Mllea. who haa been very
nr inn paai inre weeKa, la im
Mlaa Ruby McCord a pent Sunday
wun me Miaaea Mabel and Stella Huff
man, or New Era.
Mr. and Mra. B. Dradtl, of Canby
were Sunday gueata of Mr. and Mra
A, J. liaaa.
The Miaaea Prance, of Portland
were gueata on Sunday at the home of
aire. u. w. urace.
Mr. and Mra. A. Guenlher. of Glad
atone, apent Sunday In Oregon City
aa gueata at the homo of hla brother,
D. Uuenther, t
Mlaa Martha Parker left on Sunday
evening for Portland, where ahe will
make ber home with frlenda for ihe
Meaara. p. T. and Clark Deveraux
father and eon, of Eugene. Or., wero
gueata over Sunday of the young
man a aunt, Mra. C. A. Naah
Mr. Prang Bonner left Monday for
noiae, idann, where aba goea to loin
ber buaband, wb baa been there for
aeveral montha.
Mra. Jullua Qoldamlth. of Eugene
wbo baa been apendlng the paat week
In thla city aa the gueata of Mra. A
Ooldamlth, left for ber borne on Sun
day evening.
Rev. A. If. Mulkey, of lb Gladatone
Chrlatlan church, apllled a cup of hot
coffee on hla foot Monday and aevere-
ly ecalded It. Aa a reault he cannot
wear hla ahoe and la hobbling about
in allppera
Mlaa Carrie Everaon, of Rlaley, Mlaa
Myrtle Noe. sari Rider, or Portland
and W. B. Klmaey, of thla city, were
gueata of Mr. and Mra. C. U Zlegler,
of eleventh and Washington atreet
.Mra, X G. Donuet, of Mllwaukle. af
ter a long and aevara lllneaa, ta alowly
Improving. Mra. Bonnet la tha moth
r f Mra. T. U Cbarman, of thla city,
and waa formerly .a realdent of this
city. ,
Mi. Reynold Poraberg. of Wlllaav
tie. wbo underwent a aurglcal oiera
lion at tba St. Vincent Hoapltal about
three weeka ago, baa ao Improved that
he waa able to be brought to bla home
Sunday morning. Mra. Porabera ac
companied ber buaband to thla city.
Mra. Thomaa P. Ryan and two
daughter, Ellxabeth and Virginia, of
Balem, arrived In thla city on Satur
day evening, and ara vlaltlng at the
borne of Mra. Ryan'a slater, Mra. Em
ary Noble, of Gladatone. Judge Ryan
waa alao In thla city on Sunday, but
returned Sunday evening. He baa
Juat purchased a new home, which la
one block from the Capitol, and In
tenda moving his family there within
a few daya. t
Pulpit orator and editor. Born
Conn., June
24, 1813; died
March 8, 1887.
Graduated at
Amberat and
etudled ander
hla father at
Lane Theo
logical eml
nary. - Con
gregational paator at Lawrenca
burg and IndlanapolU, Ind.. and
T ta fly mouth church, Brooklyn.
ujuuw wua aa uiiwf.i
paper In Cincinnati, editor for
two yea re of tba Independent,
New York, and for nlue years
of tba Chrlatlan Union, New
York. Mode political apeechea
In ninny campalgna, lectured ex-
T tenalvely and wrote many booka. $
fPerhapa the moat popular lec-f
turer of bla any. During tne x
civil war apokiln England In
. . A .h. fTnlnn anil nuwllflail T
A . -
public aentlmcnt
Ha Inalata That to Stop the War Dlaa
Muat Step Down at Once.
EL PASO; Texaa, March 20. (Sul.)
Madero la trying to affect an armed
truce with tha Mexican government.
Car oct Bavin
s I v ,
Made Easy
During Houao Cleaning Tims wo
will aoll carpet as follower
Qranlt'o Ingrain Carpet, 80c yerd. -Angora
Wool Carpet, 8o yard.
' Half Wool Carpet, 43o yard.
All Wool Cotton Chain Carpet, 40c.
All Wool Chain, 71o. j
To thla and ha la trin m ..t.Mi.t.
himself ao firmly that he may fool bla
ana ao mat Dlaa may alao
awa aa,,
a a
naro 1a now eetabllabad with
1000 man under arma and ho feele
that DIm muat grant blm concessions.
If not tho war la to continue and with
mora vtgar.
Madero Inalata that Dlaa muit atep
aaldo for another, and that full pardon
muat coma to all who have taken up
arma. To that and an ttinn ,.
bo called at once and every man given
Her. A. J. Ware, of Philomath. Ora.
Bon, la a meat of bla brother, Officer
o. iu ureeo.
Will Be Vary Popular an
Aoceunt af Coronation.
Jowelec ornameota of all deacrtp
tlona. It Is declared by London authori
ties, will oe worn In lavlab profualon
the comlug aeaaon, due cbiedy to the
coronatlooif King George and Queen
Mary 'of England. The Jeweler are
vying with each other to produce the
moot elaborate effect. The picture
bow aome of the deelgna. Tbe band
aome dog collar occupying tbe center
of tbe cut la compoaed of ten row of
famoua pearla. carefully matched, and
a wonderful reproduction of nature
work, both an" regarda .coloring and
texture. Thla dog collar la made dou
bly attractive by a large central plaque
compoaed of ao elaborate acroll work,
carried out In Paiia lan diamond, with
a very big alngie atone In tbe middle
of tbe dealgn. ,
At tbe top may be aeen a bow of real
lace, which aervea aa a aultable back
ground for a charming brooch of Loula
XVI. dealgn. while tbe ribbon waist
belt, wblcb cornea below tbe dog collar.
la drawn through a moat plctureaque
and effective claap. recalling tbe beat
period af antique- Preach bijouterie
A king snnff chain, suitable for evening
wear, complete tbe picture, carried
out la ptarJuum and set alternately
with Parisian tflamoode and pearla. v,
; , . ' Heme Mueie.
"To nae tbe player plana and tba re
productive Inatrument not only for
pleaaure. but to Increaae your knowl
edge of music, la a duty you owa
yourself.' aaya C U. Claudy In tba Wo
man a Home Companion. "The mail-
Mil; Ignorant may prefer light opera
and march and waits tnoalc to that
which they do not understand, yet aa
evening of light mualc alone la much
like a dinner of deeaert alone.- If too
give a concert at borne on player
piano or phonograph, atrive to arrange
your programme with aome regard to
the Otneaa of thing. Aa tbe cbef In
creases the enjoyment of a meat Witt
k eauce, of an eutree with a aweet aide
dlah. for co n trail t ao can yon increase
enjoyment of a musical program of
menu by contrast, by aklUful a.lwallac. President of thatanaenra-
rangement of your numbers and by in-
termlaatona. If you have several abort
numbers of the earn general charac
ter, play them - one after tba other
without InteruBslon." ,
Cord Areund the Walet. -
The very latest walat band Is tbe
cord. ' Thla takea the place -of the rib
bon or tbe aaab or the old faabloned
,'. gawuT Tana w oiHOLaa.
girdle. It may be adapted to any
gown and be of any color or In gilt or
ailver. Tbe cord may be looped artis
tic ally, wltb long banging enda orna
mented with pretty tassels. '
Fee the Engaged Girt.
Monogram med Turkish towela ara
now Included aMbing presents to tba
engaged girl. An oval of linen about
four Incbea across baa tbe tnltlala em
broidered upon It by band. . 1
Thla medallion la atltched Into the
toweling with two row of One ma
chine atltchlng. Daually tha marking
la In pink or old blue, and if a mono
gram Inatead of oeparate tnltlala la
need round medallion looks better
than tho oval one. -
f x . 1
' m
Firat Development Congr In North-
wt May be Made to Exert Great
Influence for Good, r
To AH.
Elaborate pi -ration ara making
for the flrat Nw.tbweat Develonment
Congreaa, which will be held In Seat
tle tn September, and which will be
made up of delegatea from tbe com
mercial bodies of Waablnaton. Oregon.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Alaa
ka. Tbeae preparatlona are In the
handa of an arrangernenta comlttee,
which haa already organized with tbe
prealdent of the Seattle Commercial
Club aa chairman and the chairman
of Ha publlcltv as aecretary.
A like Invitation will be extended
to the principal commercial body tn
each of forty of tbe chief cltlee and
towna within tha territory which the
Congreaa will claim aa ita field of
operation. - Prom . thla committee
when completed the chairman will
appoint an executive committee of
five, upon which will devolve tbe de-
talla of organization and preparation.
To make the membership of the
Congreaa aa representative and com
plete aa poaalblf each commercial
and development body with ita Juris
diction .will be aaked to name dele
gatea, the proposed ratio being one
delegate for every twenty-five mem
bera or fraction thereof. Tba Granges
and Farmera' TJnlona will be Invited
to participate on tha aama baaia.
The plana' of representation also
Include the naming of -twenty dele-gatee-at-large
by tba Governor of each
State and of each city of tba first
elan. Mayors of cltlea of the eeoond
claaa will be aaked to name ten. those
of the third clasa five and thoae of
the fourth claaa. each two. delegates.
It la confidently believed that In thla
way there will be brought together
an aaaembly of not leaa than two
thousand men, each a leader. In bla
particular community and able to
peak for its especial Interest with
accuracy and authority. .. r ...
The - Congreaa will convene on
September 5th and will remain In
aeitalon five daya. . The flrat day
will b devoted to conservation, Ir
rigation, the Improvement of our
rlvera and harbor, .and such other
matter aa are aubject In greater or
leaner measure to federal control.. It
la expected that through the Congress
President Taft will then addresa tne
people of the Northwest on the aub
ject of Canadian reciprocity. It la
probable that Secretary of the Inter
ior Plaher will also be one of the apeak-
era on the first day ot'be Congreea.
The second dawJTU act apart forjw l?J?!nH,?"B' .T TTltb ,onHl
conatdaraUon - or thus? phaaes of de-J ;. . " ' A . ,
veiopme-. in wnice me sua vac
municipality . have a dominant part.
and It ta hoped that tba apeakera on
that day will include Governor Wilson
of New Jersey. Mayor Simon or rort-
land, and Dr. Albert Shaw or Frederic
C. Howe, each of whom baa made
profound and aoarching atudy of mun
Icipal betterment both in thla country
and abroad. Railroad extension
transportation and cognate subjects
will be discussed on tba intra aay,
when the speakers will be such men
as Jamea J. HU1 of tho Great Norm
em. Robert S. Lovett, bead of the
Harriman avatera. and Franklin K.
Lane of tha Interstate - Commerce
Commission. . '
. The Industrial and agricultural up-
bnlldlna- of the Nortnweet will claim
attention on the fourth day, when it
la planned to have addresses by Henry
lion UOngreaa. snu of rnmntk .
Taylor of Philadelphia, the greatest
living authority on factory manage
ment and development
Tha fifth and laat day win oa aevoi
ed to reporta of committee a. tha elec
tion of officer and to cieariy na
definitely formulating tha particular
and continuing work of tha Congreaa
ItaelT. Promotion ana pumicuy ex
perta of the highest standing will
addreas tha Congress, on that day.
Their addresses will be or an emi
nently practical nature, and It la tha
hone of Ita projectora that from the
dllberatlone of the congress as -ki.
th.r will develon a central
.. rmanant bodv. able through ex
parte to speak for all the aectiona
repreaented in It with a force anJ
effectlvenese commanded by no exist
ing organization a burean of advice
and Information wnicn. oy in "J
tha accuracy and tha disinterested
spirit of its operations will, In a
compelling way. bring be resources
and opportunltlea of the Northweat
to the attention of thoae in the Eaat
best fitted to make tna most oi mem
. NEW TORK. March 20. There are
630.000 members of Christian Churcn
ea on Manhattan Island who did not
attend worshlD - yesterday morning,
Ot these, 135.000 were men. Of the
absentees. 450.000 wera Roman Catho
lics and 77,000 Protestants. The Catno-
lie churches claim 650,000 members
and the Protestant churches 151,000.
W. M. Robinson, Miss Badte Robin
son and little Ruth have returned from
their visit with Mrs. Robinson s mom
ar, Mrs. A. O. Hall, of tha Cascade
J. W. Gray, of the West Side, has
sold hla potato crop and (a now busily
engaged in getting mem to ma rail
road. '-- 1
Tha little daughter of Mr And Mra.
Armstrong la very 111
This One weather baa made tha
farmera "get buay." 8praytng aeema
to be the general work. Everybody
ahould be ao happy they live in dear
Old Oregon when they think of the
cold weather the people of tha Eaat
are experiencing. . . '
W. M. Robinson spent Wednesday
lit Portland, and upon bla return he
waa apprised, that it waa hla birthday.
He found aa Immenaa birthday eaka
awaiting him beside an excellent din
ner. , .... . ...
Mlaa Elale Schoenborn, of Came,
who waa called to thla city by the
Illness 'of her mother, returned to
Carua Friday..
alt Fish For Lent. '
Tbe aeaaon of Lent In now with na.
and there are still a certain number of
people wbo faat during this time and
Invariably make a point of having salt
Sab on Ash Wednesday. Many people
ebudder af the idea of aalt Bab at all;
but, properly treated, It Is by no
meana to be dmpWd. Too often, bow
over, tbe neceaalty for euffk-lent Book
ing Is not realized, with tbe conee
quence that when eerved. If It be eaten
at all, whoever ventures on 11 literally
feels be or aba hi performing a pen
ance. Flrat of all, having procured
tbe aalt fish, let It soak for eeveraJ
hours, placing it under tba tap if poa
albla and letting tbe water alowly run
on to It Should this, however, not De
feasible, soak It In plenty of cold
water, changing this fairly often and
having the la at water tepid. ' Then
next It ahould be aoaked In aklmmilk
or milk and water for aeveral hours
longer, soaking It In all for twenty-
four hour. Having gone through thla
process. It should be simmered In half
milk, half water, with a very Jtttlesalt,
and then It may be eerved wltb a
variety of aaocea. Often the fish
monger will claim tbat tbe fish baa
already been steeped. Should this be
so tbe soaking in cold water may be
omitted, but on no account should the
steeping in milk and water be for
gotten. Treated thus, the flesh will
be white and Orm and moat palatable.
Te Ua Ham.
Sliced bam Is more tender if It ta
baked than if fried.. Cut a allce Jhree
p, carters of an Inch thick, pot It Into a
mall enamel pan. turn three-quarters
of a cupful of milk over it cover and
bake for an hour and a quarter bast
ing every fifteen minutes with milk.
For luncheon grind the ends of a
boiled bam and mis it with a button
onion that baa been cbopied fine and.
a little minced parsley. Put tbe mix
ture into a pan wltb a little butter
and moisten wltb bot water or cream.
Simmer four or live mlnutee and then
heap on allt-ea of toast
For curly bacon cut it verylhin and
balf cook It in boiling water, tben curl
It, fasten in .abape with a toothpick
and broil it over tbe Are
A little grated American cheese mix
ed with minced bam used in sand
wiches is dellcloua If tbe eandwicb la
fried brown and served very bot.
Cold bam la tasty if It la ahredded
and cooked In currant Jelly aauc Put
a cuprul or the ahredded nam into a
aancepan wltb a level, tableapoonful
of butter and balf a cupful of currant
Jelly. Aa soon aa tbe Jelly and butter
begin to bubble add four tableKpoonr
ful of sherry end a seasoning of pa
prika. Simmer tbe mixture about fire
Flewera Fee Dinner Table.
Prom new and tbe - close of tbe
aprlng aeaaon there are no more at
tractive decora tlona of a almple order
for the dinner or luncheon table than
thoae of spring flowers arranged In at
tractive bankets Charming baskets
which ara suitable for this purpoae are
to be bad at many of the department
store and at the Japanese abops. Tbe
baaket may be in any abape tbat is
quaint or beautiful, and daffodils, cow
slips, lilies of tbe valley and lilac
branches look lovely when arranged In
them. The bottom of the baaket Is
filled wltb fresh damp moaa and the
stems of tbe flowers are thrust Into
thla If tha flower ara to appear for a
long time tn public and there la dan
ger of their wilting, tba bottom of tbe
baaket may be fitted with a ahallow
pan filled with water and tha flowers
placed tn this. Tbe moaa may tben be
tucked In around tbe sterna of tbe flow
Genuine Southern Corn Bread.
To make the genuine southern corn
bread it is essential to have the genu.
ine southern cornmeaL If yoo can
get tha genuine meal, therefore (water
ground), make your cake In this way:
Beat two eggs very light Add to tbem
one pint sour milk or buttermilk and
a pint of tbe meat. Melt a Urge
tableapoonful of butter and add to
the mixture, together with a tableapoon
ful of soda dissolved In a small por
tion of tha measured out milk. Beat
very hard and bake In well buttered
pan in a quick oven.
Goad Biaouit Raolpe.
A never falling rule for biscuit calls
for four cupfuls of flour, a tableapoon
ful of augar, a teaspoonful of aalt two
rounded teaspoonfula of baking pow
der, a piece of butter the alio of an
egg and two cupfula of milk. After
aiftlng the flour, aalt -augar and bak
ing .powder together rub the butter
through tbe mixture and stir in the
milk. Stir tbe better as Uttle aa poa-
slble. only Just enough to mix It Bake
in a quick oven and aervo piping bot ' .
Ralaln PutTa.
Cream one rounding tablespoonful of
butter with one-quarter of a cupful of
sugar, add one beaten egg In one-balf
a cupful of milk and three-quarters of
a cupful of aeeded and chopped raisins
Add lastly. one cupful of flour alfted.
with a level teaspoonful of baking
powder. Fill amall buttered molda
three-quarters full of tt batter and
steam for forty minutes. Serve with
liquid sauce.
Secure License to Wed.
; Ollva A. IX Joye and C. B. Malarkey
of Portland, wera granted a marriage
license in tbia city Monday afternoon.
Me. Malarkey la a well known realdent
of Portland.
Notice of Application foe a Liquor
Notice la hereby given that I
will, -at tha next regular meeting
of the , CHy Council, apply for a
license to sell liquor at my place
of bualneaa, - The Cobweb - Wine
House, 417 Main atreet, for a period
of three months.
;: E. A. BRADT.
What Sliall . Wc B
, -a--aMs
A Story Founded Upon an Actual Occurence In New York City
This blograph aubject Illustrates the old carpenter afartlng oa for work In
tha morning leaving at borne a wife old and 111. At tba ahop a new fore
man is put in charge, and a weedlnc of the nld handa akM ni h.
employer inalata noon an Infusion of
! hence the old man with otbera auffera
ma aCe ne nnae it impoeaiDie to
active and Independent all hla Ufa la
aavlnga having been exhausted and hla wife now eerioualy ill, atarvatlon
promleea to be their lot Ha goes out to make a last effort for work, and
on hla way passe a residence before which stops aa automobile. The lad
lea alight, one carrying a dog for which the couple ahow great aollcltatlon
and care. ' Aa he vlewa thla acene. the old man cannot httn fMiin ihar
dog lot Is preferable to hla. Weary and hungry ha la driven to make a
desperate attempt to obtain food by breaking into a butcher ahop and ateai-.
Ing a baaket of provlalona. He la caught, however, by a policeman before
be haa gotten a block away and taken to the Night Court Here, of courae, -hla
atory Is the oft repeated one, and little credence placed In It, ao he Is '
put back In the pen. Tbe Judge, a kindly dlanoaed man. feartn h mivht
have made a mlatake, aenda tba officer
with the report tbat the old man baa
then releaaea the old fellow and aenda
financial, medical and material. But
life aa gone out during ber buaband's
'" . AT
T -
Entertalna In Honor of Friend.
Mary Ellen Grace entertained about
12 of her frlenda on Saturday evening
In bocor of Mlaa Caroline Clark, wbo
Is visiting here. Tha evening waa
devoted to game and music, and fol
lowed by a luncheon. .
" Wedded Mondsy Afternoon.
Olive Elizabeth Da via, a dramatic
reader of Chicago, and Jonathan Ed
ward Caldwell, aa aviator of Seattle,
Wash., came to this city Monday af
ternoon, and secured a marriage li
cense. They wera later married by
Rev.' S. A. Hayworth, paator of tha
Baptlat cbuch.
Wanted At Once!
Oak Grove
- . . FOR THE .
Libarat terma t hvatlera. See Mr,
M tile r Circulation - Dtparfneflt, - -ft
terpriae, Oregon City Oregon. T"
Notice la hereby given to all persona
riding bicycles. In Oregon City, tbat
It Is unlawful for them to ride pon
the sidewalk at any time, and that
the speed Um1t'during the day, be
tween the hours of 6 A. M. and 6 P.
M. muat not exceed 8 mllea per hour,
and between the hours of ( P. M. and
6 A. M. not to exceed 6 mllea per hour,
and all bicyclists must during the
night time carry a light, and they must
at all timea have a bell and ring the
same at every crossing.
Parenta ahould warn their children
not to do any coasting upon the aide-
walka or to ride bicycle wagona there
on aa tne same la contrary to tha or
dlnajcea, and any one doing the same
will be subject to arrest and fine.
Persons running automobtlea ara
also warned to keep within the speed
limit and to carry lights when out af
ter night upon the streets of the city,
St B. L. SHAW, Chief of Police.
The partnership heretofore existing
under tha Arm name or Story xnom
aa, having been dissolved by mutual
consent, all liabilities of the Arm are
annum 1 h ni fl. Thomaa and all
accounta due tbe firm are payable to
the aforesaid Owen G. Thomas.
Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, thla
24th day of February. 1911.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under theaa ctaaatflad heading
win o inn-im si una wu , .
Inaertlon. half a cent additional inaer
tlona. One Inch card. $1 par month; half
Inch card. (4 llnea) fl par month.
rnh must accom nan r ordar unleaa one
haa an open account with the papar. No
riaanolal reaponalbillty for errors; where
arrora occur frea corrected notice will be
printed tor patron. Minimum charge Ho.
FOUND Bunch of keye; call and
prove property and pay for notice
and receive them. , ,
WANTED Small advertisements for
thla column. Prices very reaaon
abla. Bee ratea at head of column.
cento an hour. -Call Pacific States
FOR SALE One 1200 lb work horse
at $75 and one number 83 refrig
erator. P. D. Newell, Jennings
. Lodge, Oregon.
FOR SALEr By owner 171 acres.
. four room house, barn,' cow, horae,
chickens, well, fruit trees, small
fruits. Concord statlo. telephone,
Oak Grove, red 814.
75 acre tract good land, no rocks, t
miles from Oregon City, miles
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit
land. Cut Into T and 14 acre tracta,
- 1100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
D. K. BUI a Co., Room I, Beaver
. dm. nrHMi fltr
FOR SALE 10 Acres orchard land,
7 acres pisntea to appie treea, t
room house, amall barn, 1H miles
from Oregon City on good ' road,
vouna blood imon. hi. .mnin.u.
tbe penalty of being old discharged.
obtain employment, and having been
too proud to aeek charitr. Iir hla
to Inveatlgate. Tha officer retuma
not exaggerated the case. The Judge
tha officer home with -blm with aid
It la too late, for the poor woman's
forced abaence.
13,500, terma for quick aale. Tele-
phone Farmera 213.. 8. R. Cogan,
R. F. D. Na 2, box 13, Oregon
City, Oregon. .
FOR BALE House, two lota, tent on
frame, and other . improvements,
tent in good condition 12x18. House
almost new, not far to achool, atore
church. Large U. 8. mall box.
Price, $230.00. Rev. Harney Buck.
Nob Hill. Oregon City. -
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully
given on all . classes of building'
work,, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main lit -
O. IX EBT, Attorney-at-Law,' Money
loaned, abstracts ' furnished, . land
. titles examined, estate settled, gea
. eral law bualneaa Over Bank of
Oregon City. . .
U'REN-A-SCHfJEBL, Attorneya-at-Law.
Deutacber Advokat will prac
tice In all courta, make cotlectlona
J prtsa BIdg., Oregon City, Oteaont '..
abstracts' of tue.YV.
. ,. '.;.. . r
Ye R. HYDE, Abstract Oificc. " ,Y:
Land title tossWgat'ertaVesttri.-'f 'iV
etas, notary pnblla v. ; ; ' , 7 J4 :
Room T. BarcUy Bldg, Oregon City. ;
K. H. COOPEat, For Flrsi lnsuranor '
and Real EaUte, j Let na handle
your properties ws buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprtae
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
FRETT AO - MONET, Real Eatata
Dealera, have choice bargains in
farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. See us for good buys.
Near 8. P. depot
When I moved Into my new store
I puff in a nice line of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am aelllng at the pri
ces usually quoted for eecond hand or
shop-worn goods. Come In and look
Fine line of curloe and relics.
THERE will be a regular
meeting of Clackamaa
Chapter No. 2, R. A. M..
in the Maaonic Hall on
Monday evening, March
20tb, 1911, at 7:30 P. M.
Work in M. E.
E. A. CHAPMAN, Secretary.
To introduce The Morning
Enterprise into a large major- -
ity of the homea in Oregon
City and Clackamaa county tha
management ' haa decided to
make a apeclal price for tha a.
daily iasue, for a abort time
only, where tha aubacribar paya
a year In advance. - .
By carrier, paid a year In a
advance, $3.00.
By mall, paid a year in ad-' w
vance. $2.00.
People who gave our canvas-
ear a trial subscription for one
or mora montha, at tan cents a
week, can have tha dally dallv-
erad for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance.
. People who gave our canvas-
ser a trial subscription, by
mall, for tour months at a dol-
lar, may have tba paper for a
. year for $2.00, if paid a yesr In
Subscribers to the Weekly
Enterprise may ebaaga their .
aubaeriptions to the daily, re-
celvlng credit for half time on
tha dally that tha weekly la
paid la advance. When they
a choose to add cash to tha ad- ,
ranee payment equal to a full
yearn advance payment they
may take advantage of the $2
a . Wa make thla apeclal price e
a ao that people who have paid
tn advanea noma other dally
and wiah to take tha Morning
Enterprise, may do ao without
too great expanse. '
Sttbscrlba for tha Daily Enterprte.
i e ;'i
v , f , ,J
I .